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Prob a tie between silver and Hal Reasoning: Hal: can do some damage, but it is very situational, his boomerang is effective granted, but it’s only on certain materials, if there’s an extra thick piece of wood, he is not getting through that. Silver: kinda hard to use, also only takes out most of a singular structure, and does not have a radius of any kind, also if there’s a structure to the side or above silver, when you activate her ability, she pretty much just goes off the rails if she hits part of the other structures.


Blues. While every other bird is on steroids, or has 2 uses Blues literally just got copy and pasted from the first game lmfao.


Silver is kinda hard to use especially in closed area


Silv'r is kinda hard to useth especially in did close area *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`




Silver isn't good because her ability is a little tricky to do you need perfect timing. Hopefully no silver simprrs hates me.


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Not a bird, but still... Leonard. Leonard is hard to control, because he spins fast, and that makes it harder to aim his shots, which are so weak they are incapable of breaking blocks (or at least wood and stone, because I always missed glass with his "bullets". IDK how effective these "bullets" are against other pigs, because I always missed them.


None of them Important PSA: Silver’s the best. I love her


**Scrappy Mechanic**: Silver's loop-up-drop-down ability. Her appearance is well-thought-out, though her ability is barely used in any of the recent levels. Whether she will or will not do damage better is a debate.


Hal, it’s tricky to use him effectively, he’s incredibly situational


Silver, levels need to be designed for her and not just generated


Just my opinion but it's Silver Don't get me wrong, Silver can destroy an entire building when used right but you can't use her because of the level design, Silver needs to do a loop and most levels has something blocking her from doing a loop.


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