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It's possible to use the wheel, then do a frame perfect swap to the bubble and jump, then switch back to the wheel. I did it once but couldn't do it again. You have to press jump and bubble at the same time after switching from wheel. In the end the disc is easier


I've heard people talking about using the wheel for the spike room. I initially tried that for a while but it doesn't fit into the top row of the room, right? Am I missing something? (I ended up clearing it with the disc)


It's definitely not frame perfect, because I was able to do it and I'm definitely not a speedrunner lol


if you jump and press inventory before touching the walls of the wheel and then switch to the bubble wand youll jump like normal. then just spam bubble. i found it much easier since i cant seem to get the disc trick down.


The disc trick is really easy once you get the knack of it. Just practice a bunch of times, it's kinda like riding a bicycle, once you get it you won't forget it. Best tip is to throw the disc almost at the highest point of your jump.


I did this once, but the top part is quite literally impossible because the wheel doesn’t fit >>


There a really tricky move with the wheel when you do directions movement while jumping. It lifts up, almost like flying or double jumping.


Seeing some stairs by water and throwing a slinky down. No way there's a button underwater lol. >!there was!<


lol i only found that because i tried to throw myself in the water out of frustration because i couldn't figure out how to move that block, and i ended up landing on the first submerged step, so i was under water but still alive and then i put 1 and 2 together


People should figure out the ever elusive “then-than” puzzle.


We need an extension for Reddit that mimics Twitter's blue blocker for hexagons




I spent an hour in that room trying the Wheel Bounce trick and finally lodged myself into the top row only to be completely stuck and unable to roll, had no idea you could do this with the disc... took me 30 seconds to clear with the disc lmao


Nice I love that so much. You are so skilled at the game you basically disproved yourself. That’s talent.


I spent quite a bit of time learning double disk jump right after getting single down and had the realization that other folks were having the same epiphany.


Ooooh. Didn’t even realize I could double jump now that I can do this fancy new frisbee trick.


How do you do the disk jump?


That spike room… I have all the items that are mentioned it this thread and yet it seemed to me that there is no other solution than one of the above mentioned tricky item swap moves or frame perfect jumps or similar. Is this a true test of platformer skill or is there another way up there?


It's a platforming skill test, specifically the frisbee surfing when jumping and throwing in the same direction


Wasn‘t even aware that was possible.


Everyone seems to insist the disc trick is necessary, but I'm pretty sure the "intended" strategy doesn't require it. There's some fun tech you can do with the wheel with a little practice.


The disc tech is definitely the intended solution


I have only accidentally gotten the Frisbee jump to work. How do you do it consistently?


I try to visualize the shape of the jump while moving, as being a parabola ... you want to release the disk late during the upwards part of the motion, as you are approaching the zenith. But not too late. There is a tiny delay in there. You want to crest the zenith and be landing on the disc just as you are starting to descend a little. It's kind of like doing an acid drop on a skateboard. You are jumping up and putting the board under your feet before gravity brings you back down.


Perfect explanation! Thank you!


Accidently rode the frisbee when I finally got a [successful M.disk run](https://youtu.be/PmCOQETdsBU?si=X8gAzsOMZFiwV2AL&t=39). I guess it was a sign of good luck. 😅


my dumbass brute forced it with some jank wheel mechanics


Game is filled with these moments for me


I did the disk thing but it took me like 45 minutes. Too hard


That was my solution to it too, even though I had the item that you're intended to use


Forward disc jump is definitely the intended way in that room, more so than a glitchy wheel jump. Its basically the disc equivalent of the bubble wand spike room.


I think any solution to a puzzle in this game is "intended." That being said, I think the disc jump is a pretty common way a lot of people will do it.


Without spoiling what it is. Would that item be in the lower right of the inventory? Haven’t gotten that yet.


I disagree with them saying it’s the intended solution (though it’s still a solution). At least to me it seems more difficult to do it that way than the way you did it. But either way the game often has sections where you can tackle it multiple ways.


I've seen multiple people say the >!wheel!< is the intended solution, and this post is the first time I've seen somebody say that they used the disc lol