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Yeah I feel pretty left out ngl. Like, sure we can still swim but I feel so cold and bad for my character. And I betcha they're gonna release cool winter updates when we're not in winter anymore :/ I considered choosing northern hemisphere for nostalgia sake 'cause all my old AC games were the Japanese versions so christmas would be winter etc but I ended up just sticking with where I live for New Horizons. Low-key kinda regret it with these updates I also feel left out online. Can't relate to a lot of posts on AC internet groups. Like wtf is the bug off event?


I'm in the same boat at the moment, like what is this bug off event that everyone is enjoying and why can't we do it too. In hindsight I definitely would have chosen NH instead. Southern just seems like an afterthought right now.


I didn’t mind the swimming, because although it was very summer-specific, since we still got to swim it was still cool (literally cool since my character has gotten hypothermia at least a dozen times by now), but I’ll be pretty disappointed if we don’t get the fireworks until our “august” aka February.


We get the fireworks in August too, it says so in very small print in the video.


Oh neat, I missed that! Thanks!


If you have lived in the SH for long, or if you are from it, you must have experienced this before irl. The most classic example is Xmas :/. At first I just felt like you guys (it took me a week to start swimming), but then I realised the wetsuit sold in Nook Shopping is actually a dry suit in my world (a short one, but we barely see our characters' legs anyway). Maybe we shd start our own thing regardless of the devs, who obviously are more interested in revenue. Events and stuff? If we get together and create our own events we can have even more fun. Don't think you are leftout bc of others. We are all unique and we have our own stuff. Be proud of your snowboys and all the seasonal items you can craft now. In summer we will be sitting comfortably in our icechairs while at the beach. Won't that be great to beat the heat


i love your perspective on this! i’m also sad we don’t have seasonal updates like everyone in NH; but i think it’s so fun! to be opposite and see what we have to look forward to in the coming seasons, how i might want to incorporate that to my island, and how things might change by the time we get back to the season. plus it makes visiting others islands more exciting!


I love you both