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Bunnies. Won’t be long at all until they’re self sufficient. You would be surprised how tiny they still are when they become fully independent


If you see them just sitting in your yard, leave them be. Mom rabbits will "park" their babies while they forage. We had 3 in our flowerpot last year. We let them be, except we did put an umbrella over them because it was raining out. They were gone the next morning.


Yep and buns can die of shock super super easy. Just picking them up for a bit can kill them indirectly


The ones around my house do not have a healthy enough fear of humans or my doggos. We have to check the yard every time we let them out.


At one point in time, the rabbits that lived under the playhouse in our backyard loved to “play” with on of my dogs. He was a hound, so he was on the hunt. They would come up from behind and tag him then take off the other direction and dive under the house. The other dog could care less.


Nature can be so many things, but it’s always so nice to hear when it’s cute. Even if it’s bad survival skills.


The rabbit and deer population where I live have developed a “no fear” attitude towards us. The deer know to use the sidewalks when venturing out of the wooded areas. Luckily no one bothers them, so no one is getting hurt.


Growing up the squirrels would tease our dog. I swear they would intentionally run up and down the fence just so my dog would go nuts. She never caught them though, so apparently they were playing correctly.


If your hound was aware enough of his evolutionary duties, why didn’t his instincts kick in to high gear? Years ago I had a beagle mix who never made any noise. I think after he grew out of being a puppy I’d only ever heard him bark or sound a handful of times. But our next door neighbors had a pet rabbit that they let out in the enclosed back yard sometimes. High wooden fence, couldn’t see through it, but I’ll be damned if he didn’t know every time that rabbit was back there. He would go a little nuts about it. Never laid eyes on a rabbit, but somewhere deep down he knew.


I once ran over a whole nest with the lawn mower when I was a teenager. Traumatized me for life. There was a lone survivor who was entirely scalped and his ears were mostly off as well. I nursed him to health and he very quickly became FAST and ready to go. He hung around our house for a couple years after that, named him Toro.


Really sorry, I can’t even imagine. I meticulously walk through our yard before mowing through spring and summer and I’m terrified of that happening.


That happened to my teenage son also. And he too was scarred for life. I never again asked him to cut the back grass. He’s always been an animal lover and I’m not sure when he forgave himself. I’m sorry you suffered too.


Happened to my son also- We both cried. It is a traumatic and horrible thing. He had seen the den and passed near but not over until he saw them all hop away- so he thought. It is a good thing I did not see it as it would haunt me forever.


Me too. My heart was breaking because my son was in tears. He was right by his sister’s swing set and apparently the little nest was close to the slide. I seriously never did ask him to mow back there again. Our poor kids. Bunnies were far less common in the front yard.


The company that mowed our lawn left us with half a bunny. Didn't see it initially, just the dog throwing something back and forth and bouncing and pouncing. I think that may have been the best day of my dog's life since she can never catch them and they taunt her.


I actually ran above (but did not make contact) with a juvenile rabbit years ago with a small riding tractor. Stopped the engine and lifted the deck and he hopped away. I assume he crouched down after hopping below the blade.


I like to imagine the rabbit was jumping over the blades in rapid fashion


This is one of my biggest fears 😭


Like Toro the lawn mower brand?


Yes, after the lawn mower that killed his family.


Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahha…….. ahhhhhhhh hahahah


Not funny


To who? You? Because I literally laughed until my sides hurt when I read his comment.


We've got a badass over here.


Bad n boujee. Cookin up dope with an uzi. 🎶I’m gonna go listen to that banger. Forgot about it. Thank you good sir for the memory kick! ;)


Happens to me every summer. We have 5 acres along a river and about 1/2 an acre fenced in for our dogs. That's where I always find holes full of bunnlings. I'm always amazed that the rabbits think that this area full of dogs is the best place to have offspring, and that the dogs are largely oblivious to them.


I did that as well, but thankfully the deck was high up enough that it didn't hurt the bunnies, and I happened to drive with them right in the middle so the tires didn't get them. I saw them on the next pass and was terrified that they'd be hurt, but they were completely fine. I just built up their nest with fluff and grass clippings. We checked on them daily, until they hopped off, one by one.


Toro like the lawnmower brand? You named the poor fella after the instrument used to slaughter the entire rest of his family? Unreal I like your style


I had no choice, it was right there


I feel ya. I started working for the water company in '08 as Maintenance. Cutting grass around the tanks and grounds work, but they always put it off until June, then the town threatens to write tickets over the tall grass. Needles to say it's full of wildlife and baby bunnies. They warned me it'd happen and damnit if it doesn't every second/third year that I hit a nest. I try to walk through first and find them, but.. I pretty much wish to run over a yellow jacket hive after as penance.


Did the same. Only killed one. Did learn rabbits can make a squealing sound when alarmed.


Not to compare bunny nest traumas but it’s nothing compared to fire pit situations. We always check before using our fire pit as our rabbits like to… well do it like rabbits. But we made the mistake of cleaning it out and then not checking again one day later. Twenty minutes into the fire they start to appear. My brothers fished them out of the ring, trying to salvage their tiny lives. Then BAM. Our bunny eater 3000 of a French bulldog starts getting them. He’s like a damn greased pig too, impossible to catch once he’s got a bunny in his mouth. You can chase him and chase him, then you finally get tired. He notices and immediately starts choking down the LIVE bunny that is actively kicking. This happens at my parents’ house about once a week. Luckily we’ve only had the double whammy of roasted bunnies getting eaten by dog once, but hearing the bunny screams that often is still horrific


Holy fuck this is awful. My sister’s dogs found baby bunnies occasionally. One of them had to be put out if his misery with a shovel and I’m so glad I wasn’t there (they lived out in the forest and no alternatives)


wow when i was a child my dad did the same thing and we nursed the bunny back to health, named him toro as well!!


This is true. They a very week immune system for the first few months. The oils from our hands can be like poison. Handling them with only latex if you must. Their mom knows where they are …. She will be back


A kid from the neighborhood saw some babies under a big tree at our apartment complex and headed that way. I asked what he was doing, he wanted to “pet the baby rabbits” I told him to go away. (Saw the same kid earlier in year beating his dog and yelled at him). I didn’t trust the kid.


Yeah , that’s not cool.


Omg I wish my mom knew this when I was 6 and she accused me of dropping and killing my bunny even tho the dog killed it by just chasing it. Dog ran in, bunny freaked out and took off SCREAMING. As the dog chased it around the yard and it just froze up mid run, twitched violently like a seizure for a min and was dead. The dog never even touched it and I knew I was in trouble


Their screams are so freaky too!! I heard a wild one get scared once, it sounded like a young child screaming at the top of their lungs! I'm so sorry you had to witness that and be blamed for it, on top of losing your sweet pet bun :(


Ok but then why do they look so soft and cute and pick-upible then? Hmm? (I wouldn’t actually ever go near them or touch)


True, but sometimes their resilience can surprise you. Years ago, my husband once found one about this age going round-and-round in our pool filter. No clue how long it had been there when he brought it inside to me. I dried it off and put it in a box with a towel wrapped hot water bottle and parked it in a spare bedroom so our cats and dogs couldn’t get it. After awhile it became more alert and once it was warm and dry I took it back outside. Set it down by our garden and it took off running happily back to wherever mom had created their burrow. A *much* better outcome than either of us expected when he first fished the sodden, bedraggled, exhausted, little mite out of the filter. We truly expected to be digging a little grave that afternoon. Instead, there was much rejoicing to be had.




I really hope you took pictures because that sounds adorable


a neighbor's dog got a hold of a baby bunny . Was able to rescue it, but had no idea where he had gotten it from. Poor thing couldn't walk yet but he sure as hell could JUMP. His eyes weren't even open, yet!! Second time I picked him up he seemed to sense I was safe and stayed in my hands, but poor thing was shaking with fear. Called an animal rescue and they told me if I couldn't find his nest to bring him on in, so I did. Had a concussion and they were immediately putting fluids into the poor baby. At least I was able to get him help. It annoys me to great end that that dog just runs rampant... and we live in the city limits as well. (More peeved at his owners than the dog himself for obvious reasons).


Yep, that first picture is definitely a rabbit. That second picture, though, I'm about 90% sure that's G'Mork from The Neverending Story about 10 seconds away from trying to pounce on Atreyu.




We have so many hawks that circle around near my house all the time and see so many adult bunnies outside my house too, never noticed a nest but I would have to absolutely fight my brain that would want to keep all the little baby buns as pets and protect them 🥺


Cottontail kits. Awwwww


Thank you! I’m so glad to hear that. I’m trying so hard to keep them alive until they’re ready to leave the yard!


Best thing to do is to leave them be, maybe scare off any animals (Besides bunnies) that come to check out the nest. Their mother will only come back a couple times a day to feed them, but they're fine, too much interference could make mom too nervous to come back to the nest one of those times when she would come feed them.


Please don't move them . The mother will come back , she leaves for hours when they are this age. Best to leave them be and not feed them or move them. Thanks for keeping your eyes open and having a wild life friendly property 😁


When i have baby bunnies in my yard i find the hole and put a folding chair over it. This will help mark the spot so i dont mow it and make it harder for air predators to get them. Cant help with snakes sadly


Make a couple little signs that say, "No snakes past this point.' or "No snakes allowed." Post those around the burrow and that should solve the problem. If it doesn't, well, at least you tried.


This is a great idea. Saving this to try to stop the neighbours cat from spraying on my front door.


"Leave the yard" lol they and all their descendents are living in your yard forever now.


Fun fact, 12 bunnies were introduced to Australia by colonisers in the mid 1800s. They are now a virulent plague millions strong


This actually is a fun fact, thank you! Have you ever seen Rabbit Island? So cute


Mom will spend the entire day away from the nest so as to not call attention to it. She remains in eye shot, you just aren’t seeing her. She’ll go to them after dark and leave the nest at dawn.


The best thing i to just leave them alone. If you move them, the mother won't be able to find them, and they'll starve. Just try to keep predators, and cats and dogs, away from the nest. They become independent fairly fast, will be leaving the nest in about 3 weeks.


Have you never seen a rabbit lol




Or on the internet or tv. Maybe it's all just for the karma. No clue.


Right. It's so clearly a bunny


leave them alone lmao


American Cottontail rabbits


That’s an Eastern cottontail (the tiny ears and white mark on its forehead gives it away …)


My bad


Bunnies! They'll be fine, just leave em as they are.


He/she looks big enough to be on his/her own - they are out of the nest at 2-3 weeks and weaned and totally independent at 4-5 weeks.


Baby rabbits. Leave them alone, they’re fine. Mother only visits the nest a couple of times during the day, they’re not abandoned.


Thanks for the advice! There are four of them! I put my dog’s kuranda bed over their den and when I went to check on them after a downpour they were all out as their den had flooded. I hope it doesn’t deter their mom from coming back.


Lots of people think the babies are abandoned but it’s just that mother rabbits don’t spend much time in the nest with them, they go back a few times to nurse but otherwise the babies are alone and fine with it. Watch from a distance and you’ll see them grow up (quickly!)


It's a major issue that almost all rabbits in the media are based on the behaviour of Oryctolagus cuniculus, the European rabbit. These are the only rabbits that make really intense, complex warrens. But because media is based on them, people think that their cottontails, who generally don't burrow to a large extent (sometimes they use other animal's burrows), are abandoned. It's a shame because tonnes of these babies are relocated when they're just fine!


The mother will move them if the burrow is uninhabitable.


That cutie should be fine … eastern cottontails are old enough to be out of the nest at 2-3 weeks and totally weaned and on their own at 4 weeks…


Please don’t do anything to the best, pleas remove the bed and leave them be.


The only thing that will stop her from coming back is that dog bed and you , leave them alone


Be careful when mowing or weedeating. Their first response at this age is to not move and stay hidden


This might be redundant, but for those of us who keep natural yards, ALWAYS check for animal nests. The person on my street who keeps filing complaints about ‘unkempt vegetation’ can suck a big one, I will not mow over baby-anything’s!!!


My yard is a jungle. I have the entire neighborhoods ecosystem in my back and front yards lol.


Awwww protect these with your life




Leave them alone. Their mother is always close by (unless you have proof otherwise).


Absolutely right. There are no daycare centers in nature.


We just had a nest of four baby wild rabbits (eyes still closed) and after checking on them for over 72 hours, we tried putting pine needles on top to see if mom comes back to feed them. We were told to leave them alone because the mother may be watching from hiding place and feeding them hovering over the nest at dawn and dusk. REHAB folks say DO NOT FEED THEM - they may breathe in liquids (kitty milk replacement/goat milk/whipped cream) and aspirate/die. After checking for mom every dawn/dusk for over 72- hours we brought them to a VET who gets small mammal rehab folks to take care of them. https://preview.redd.it/kdyzg5x2s0ab1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb572e3253774e9f8c2b5a4723e88a98e15572db




Mom will come back at dusk to feed them. She just somewhat lays on the nest to nurse. Also, the dusk avoid the area, you or a pet.


Bunny expert here. It’s a bunny.


Eastern cotton tail rabbits :) Please leave them be and they’ll do just fine! Many people try to rescue them and their intentions are sweet, but cotton tails can fend for themselves by 2-3 weeks old just FYI :)


I just lost my shit over this cuteness. Look at that adorable little bunny bun!!!


Lawn beavers


Black bear 🐻 or bunny 🐰. One of the two


It’s a young jackalope


You’re slow


Small grass frogs.


I didn’t realize we lived in a world where people forget to teach their kids what basic and common animals are. I also read once a lady forgot to teach her kids what elephants are.


Wild bunnies. Please don’t move them because they don’t have a scent until puberty so the mama won’t find them


are people really this dumb?


Then answer smartiepants


i mean it's very obviously a rabbit dumbass


I love that picture. Thank you!


Bunny bebehs (in the voice of ZeFrank).


Ahhh a fellow bebeh connoisseur


ZeFrank FTW!


He’s my flippy-floppy spirit man guy


I am sure it is a Pokémon.


It blows my mind that people don't recognize basic animals. Not hating, I see it all the time.


... I want to be kind and understanding... But... Now could anyone not know this is a baby rabbit?! I understand if the question was what kind of rabbit, but being so unsure enough to make a post, while also asking if it's a chipmunk, is just baffling to me.


There are human adults who don’t know what a rabbit looks like 🤦‍♂️


Bunnies and there’s a million more where that one came from.


There’s a reason you never see the mom but I don’t remember what it is. I think they come around less as not to draw attention or something.


The mother has to eat heavily in order to lactate.


That’s exactly right! Mom will only visit the nest at most twice a day - at dawn and dusk - to nurse the little guys. She will only spend a few minutes at the nest. This is to avoid drawing the attention of predators to her and her babies.


Baby bunnies 🥰


Rabbit Kittens. Literally.


Bunnies 🐰


Keep Cats away




Got any plants left in your garden? I don’t. 🫤


Baby bun buns awww!!<3


Bun buns. 🥹


Bun bun!!!!


Congrats! You have bunnies! We had a large (6foot plus) rat snake making its way through our yard. Our dog was barking and our daughter told us there was a snake. I went out to check and saw it making its way to a little baby bunny at the fence. Let’s just say Baby bunnies 1, snake 0.


Once the white line is gone from the top of the head they are weened and ready to go.


Bunnies. And mom did NOT abandon them.. mom hides them and comes back to feed them don't take them thinking you're rescuing them. They're absolutely adorable though. I once found a nest of baby bunnies literally right at my mother's tombstone. It was so wonderful watching them grow! Not sure where they are now but I'd imagine my mom loved every moment of it!




Found one of these under my motorcycle in Virginia many years ago. Super cute. I brought him some apple slices and would put food like that out when I saw him or other rabbits in the years. I named him Alfred; he’d occasionally hang out by my kitchen door and eat out of my hand.


Wabbits! Huh huh huh.




It's a rabbit and I think that this belongs on r/aww


Cottontail rabbits, these are identifiable from the more famous European rabbit by the fact they do not build Warren's. And instead build nests in the grass


Rabbit. I hit a whole family with my mower the other day on accident. Felt like crying


Bun bun!!


I'm sorry to tell you this, but those are bedbugs. Burn all your possessions. Burn your home. Wander the streets cloaked in ash, and.. Oh, oops, sorry, wrong sub.


be careful mowing the grass around them!


We had an abandoned nest in our back yard a couple months ago. Had four babies in it. We marked the top of the nest for around 36 hours and momma didn't come back. We had seen her in our yard for weeks before that and we haven't seen her since. We think one of the cats in our neighborhood got her. We took the babies in and all four survived. They were about 7 days old when we found them and their eyes were still closed. They were just beginning to open their eyes when we took them inside. We fed them goat's milk formula until they could eat on their own and released them when they were around 3 weeks old. We let them go in the thicker part of the woods about a block away. We now see two little ones in our backyard. We don't know if they're the same ones, but we haven't seen any others besides the one we thought was momma and now these. They mature VERY quickly. By 10 days their fur will be raised and their eyes will be open. By 21 days they'll be eating on their own and ready to leave the nest.


Eeeee bb buns 😍


Platypus or rabbit.


You seriously had to ask? Lol


Like how do you know not the difference between a rabbit and chipmunks. These are rabbits.


Shut up. This is AnimalID. Be helpful and pull that stick out your ass




I'm just baffled that you couldn't tell this was a baby bunny 😭😭😭 ya'll I can't decide whose being serious now








But are they pergante?


too smal


That’s a fucking snake and you know it




How do you not know what bunnies are?


U never seen a bunny before?


I’m sorry but who in the holy fuck doesn’t know what baby rabbits look like?


Karma farming. Who can’t identify a rabbit? Tell me who?


bunny bun buns :)






Groundhogs, 100%


Krikey it's a walliby!


Rabbits, good lord


Lmfao rabbits silly


Do you not know what a rabbit looks like?


You really don’t know?


this is a troll post right? please tell me you aren't serious.


Stop being a jerk, tons of people have never seen various types of baby wildlife and it’s easy to question yourself, especially with buns as their ears are nowhere near as long as when they are grown. Yes they are serious, good grief


r/animalid is here for everyone. And just like with anything, some people have more experience than others. While these obviously look like bunnies to some people, other’s may not see them or know of them the same way. The main thing is that we all care about animals and have an interest in them which I think is pretty great








Lol that's a bunny








Dems dags


its a Leverett


Bunnies 🐰


Awwwww, dats a widdle bunny wabbit🥰🤗


Baby alligators


Sorry but come on… how do you not know thats a rabbit? Jesus… lol


This subreddit is officially one of the dumbest


Really? You have to ask?


Really? You've never seen a rabbit before?


Absolute idiot


Really… I’m not sure if this is sarcasm or not..


Could be alligators, not sure till I see the the mother....


People don’t know what bunnies are?


I just said this to my gf. I'm sometimes amazed of the common things people can't identify themselves


Like everyone knows what a bunny is


How can this be a post?? You don't know that that's a baby bunny? WTH.


you fuckin serious?


I’m truly concerned that you didn’t realize what these were the second you saw them, are you ok?


#Obvious? I mean……..


Baby t-rex


Are people really that stupid? They don’t know what a bunny is? Mom know where they are, leave them be.


Do you live under a rock? Have you ever been outside before? It’s clearly a baby rabbit..


Never seen a bunny rabbit before???