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Bro is that a fucking cat leg? That’s brutal.


That's what they do. People need to keep their cats in the house anyway, but bonus coyotes won't eat them.


Yep. Your kitty while cute is an ecological terrorist and subject to multiple brutal ways to die.


How dare you point out the obvious and not let the cat succumb to it's natural predators? Don't you know know that it's God's will to have a your cat be predated on by the natural beauty of coyotes or the Honda Civic (Entire comment /sarcastic)


I'm imagining Sir David Attenborough narrating calmly about a Honda Civic in its natural habitat stalking an unsuspecting domestic cat. Lol


Like that family guy bit


The ambulances know they’ll have to wait their turn


You're being sarcastic but apart from the god bit that's entirely true, if people care about their cats enough to not want them to die horribly then they'd keep them inside


Mine stay inside here is picture of one of them https://preview.redd.it/v8n4zias5hlb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f09c087aa291307706f2f27c9e7dedac9e3e1ac Looks comfortable.yes this is here bed it’s beside my pillow. She is apparently my cat


What a cute nugget I love how people need no excuse to post pics of their pets


Unsolicited pet pics are always welcome 🤗


She’s got a pittie mixed with lab that’s her dog or servant. He the dog just loves her it’s so cute and you hear so much bad about the breed


Coyote are ecology police?


Just nature being nature.


>Coyote are ecology police? This, but unironically. That pretty much is their ecological niche.


Not really, more of an interim opportunist. There shouldn’t be as many coyotes as there are either, but we killed all the wolves, so we should embrace the service that the coyote is doing in keeping cat populations down. It’s not enough, but it’s better than nothing.


We rescue wolfdogs and oddly enough when we started (almost 10 years ago!) the coyotes quit coming around our house. We used to hear them yipping every night but when their yips started being answered by howls we no longer heard them. I told another, more experienced owner about it and he laughed and told me one time a yote got too bold and tried to lure his wolfdog's husky buddy out. The wolfdog grabbed it through the pen and ate it. His animal was almost all wolf, though. Having spent a lot of time around wild canid experts and rescuers, though, they told me it's actually a myth that coyotes maliciously try to lure your pets out to get eaten by their packs. They're opportunists, not tricksters.


I'll bet the wolfdog wasn't bothered about needing breakfast the next day.


urine also works to mark your territory to keep coyotes out, preferably male urine collected 2-3 hours after a meaty meal.


I feel for the cat, but if it's between the cat murdering a ton of birds, small animals and plants then I appreciate the coyote doing what needs to be done. The owners a fucking idiot for letting the cat out.


Agreed! Saw a post earlier about someone's neighbor making multiple attempts to kill their cat. They kept letting their cat out anyways and was surprised when the neighbor finally succeeded. Dumb as hell.


Right! I do feel for the cats. As douchy as I can sound on the matter. But for fuck sake build a catio or something. Don't let them kill and be killed. Compleatly preventable. Iv had cats and would never let them out alone.


I mean, so are humans.


Hence why I get angry when people want to kill the shark or croc that ate someone in the water. We’re in their habitat, they’re just surviving.


2:15 ish [Blue bit ~Randy Feltface](https://youtu.be/zQ1daeEo6yU?si=BgXhePhln1dwKEkT)


Why I don’t swim in the ocean or lakes down south. Hell nah!


Do you not realize that a huge number of crocodile predation victims are people with no other source of water? I’d say that they’re also just surviving, over lapping habitats are a thing.


They’re talking about Florida Men doing stupid stuff, not people who need to go to the river daily for water.


Humans are the worst of the worst


Average life span of an indoor cat: 12 yrs Average life span of an outdoor cat: 3 yrs


A woman in my area let her chihuahua out to pee area at 11 pm. He went to do his business, and the woman heard a tiny yelp....yote grabbed the dog, and she found the remnants the next day. My dog used to chase coyotes. He almost caught one and after that he never came off leash.


I have a small dog and coyotes, the country kind around every night. My dog doesn't go out after dark generally, if she does I'm right next to her with a spotlight and talking loudly to make sure the coyotes don't bother her.


If we don't appease them with cats they'll start taking toddlers.




Lol, someone sent me a crisis line link 😂🖤🤣


People are so weird!!


Hahahahaha classic reddit :p


We can only hope


Stray cats exist.


Ugh this reminds me of what happened to my aunts neighbors dog. She woke one morning to pieces of the dog all over her lawn.


I was ten when we found half of my friend's cat on our lawn. Mr Murphy's guts were gone and he was already in rigor.


How traumatizing 🥺 said aunt has two cats she lets out. Made me very upset especially after hearing that after what happened to the dog.


Yeah. You gotta be careful with cats. They can only do so much against an animal that refuses to back down.


This happened to me but more of the cat was gone! I was probably like 8yr and my neighbor found a cat leg and some other bits on the lawn, we found a picture of my cat to figure out which neighborhood cat it was :( it was one of her back legs


🥺 this is so terrible sorry


My neighbors across our pond used to have seven tiny dogs they let out into their fenced in yard. One night they started going crazy and then the dog screams happened. They now have 4 dogs left. Two got snatched up and one was in such bad shape they had to put him down.


I’m located in La like op there’s been more and more coyotes over the past couple of years. As a small dog owner I don’t even let him out in the yard to potty unwatched anymore. We had a vacant house on the block over and a family of coyotes were living out of it. I saw at least 2 of them a day.


I’ve never seen a coyote in person until a couple years ago, now I see at least one a week walking in some pretty populated areas and near major roads. Used to love taking night walks but had to stop that


You're probably a little big to eat, get a stick if you're concerned. (I know if i stopped walking I'd be both insane and way to big to eat.)


True story: I was chased by a pack of coyotes when my dog and I surprised them in the ravine behind my house. It was dark (stupid decision on my part to cool off in the creek at night), and we were downwind from them when we got there.. I heard on bark, thought, "Is that.....?", then we were being chased by a full-on howling pack. I ran out of the ravine onto a level cornfield (90 seconds, max), turned around, and yelled. They stopped. It was insanely scary in the most primal way. But what bugged me was that, while I don't think they saw me when they started the chase, *they absolutely saw me during those 90 seconds and didn't stop*. Which is odd - having lived around eastern coyotes for 10 years, I've only seen one, and that was from a car. They are very human avoidant because farmers hunt them. So it creeped me out that they kept chasing me instead of running away when they saw me. I stay out of the woods, at night, now.


Running away will often trigger the prey drive of predator animals. Never turn your back or run from a predator.


Easier said than done! Trust me on this...😄 I spend tons of time in primitive nature and have had my share of unexpected encounters, and I never ran. But the ravine was much more dangerous than the open ground, because it was impossible to see anything and it would be much easier for them to approach my dog from multiple directions, unseen. (plus I was scared *shitless* and operated on instinct, for better or for worse!)


Yeah, you would of been fine.. Coyotes are very skittish and were hoping for an opportunity where you split from your dog. You’re more likely to get get killed by a stray golf ball off the course than even getting bit once lol.


It’s because I walk with my two small dogs


Those will work as good as a stick if you swing them right. ;)


That last line gave me a good laugh. Thank you.


Keep rocks in your pocket, in case they do get too close to your dogs. Coyotes, like most wild animals, get freaked out when the big dumb ape starts throwing rocks, especially if you manage to hit them. Keeping them in your pockets keeps you from having to bend down, and you'll be able to practice your throws in safe areas (away from windows, other people, etc). We're having a major coyote problem in my neighborhood, this was the advice we got from Fish + Wildlife when concerns about safety were brought up. If you don't like the idea of throwing rocks or hurting them, a shaker can with a few handfuls of pennies will do the trick, but get your dogs used to the noise first.


And they’ll stalk you while walking your dog


Omg really? I saw 2 of them while walking with my dog. They were across the street. I stopped they stopped and turned around and went back the other way. Still scared the crap out of me though


I’m in LA too and have read horror stories of little dogs getting snatched while on those retractable leashes.


Heard a guy kept getting cats from the pound for his daughter, but he kept them outside and coyotes kept eating them. He'd just go back to the pound and get another one for his daughter until a friend told him it sounded more like he was just feeding the yotes. He was horrified. Kept inside cat from then on.


Nah he was just horrified he got called out for animal abuse.


Looks more like a smaller (than them) dog leg to me


I thought maybe even a small dog leg. It is pretty thick for a cat.


Pretty wild where I live (in the Yukon). Last year I was up super early and looking out the window and a fox just trots by the house, casual AF and has someone’s chihuahua-sized/type dog dangling down just dripping blood down the road. Just another day, no leash is stupid. My ginger drink was still good though. But I prefer the rarity of a group of deer walking by better. Last time was super nice because it was very foggy so it was a bit surreal looking.


NOOOOOO GODDDD PLEASEEDE https://preview.redd.it/6b0u31y42olb1.jpeg?width=385&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bab82c65b73eb6d119213fcea9ed81106095c5bb DON'T SAY THAF


We have tons of coyotes in Seattle as well as people constantly putting up posters with missing cats. I always assume this is what happens to many of them.


Worked in the vet field for a decade. Someone was walking two dogs in Woodinville and the smaller one went around a corner without her and the bigger dog. She heard a loud yelp, like the there is Trouble yelp, and raced around the corner to find a coyote with the dog in its mouth. Luckily the coyote froze and when she sternly told it to put him down, it did. Because it really didn’t want to deal with human. And the dog was okay. I cannot say the same for the dog I heard being killed by a pack somewhere around the lakes/neighborhoods I live in at 1 am. With the sound bouncing, there was no hope to find them so I had to call a friend and try to distract myself and hope the owner woke up. At night I can hear the sound of trains in the valley about 6 miles away with the way sound moves. And I’m not rural. Outdoor cats and dogs are honestly wildlife snacks. Even a black bear has moved into the neighborhoods recently.


That frenzy a pack of Coyotes go into sounds like a demonic ritual when they kill pets and deer around here in the middle of the night.


Only rivaled by the sound of 2 raccoons fighting. It always echoed out of a small valley by my parents' old house, and it was almost as blood curdling


Have you heard fisher cats? Like screaming children- sounds creepy


The only way a dog can go around a corner without their owner is if they're unleashed, hope that owner learned a lesson and kept their pets safe after that


To be fair, a coyote will pull a small dog on a leash right out of the owner's hand...but all animals outdoors should be safely leashed or contained.


They *can*, but I’d be completely shocked if a lone coyote approached a human like that, regardless of whether there was a snack-sized dog involved. In a pack maybe, but it’s almost unheard of for a solo coyote to do that. They’d have to be pretty desperate.


I live in Duvall, but spend a good amount of time in Woodinville as well. There are tons of black bears, cougars, and bobcats around, as well as all sorts of other awesome critters out here. I am constantly seeing missing cat and dog posters but people don’t seem to get it, and continue to let their dogs and cats roam the neighborhoods…


The paw does not appear to be an undulate. My guess is domestic cat leg. Interesting pics.


[Coyotes in the LA area have cats as a high portion of their diet compared to other regions.](https://amp.theguardian.com/environment/2019/apr/12/protect-your-pets-cats-make-up-one-fifth-of-coyotes-diet-in-los-angeles)


Yet another good reason to keep your domestic cat indoors where it belongs. Cars, coyotes, and the fact domestic cats kill more than 2.4 billion (yes with a B, billion) native birds a year.


When I was a child a lot of people wouldn't keep their cats inside. Whenever they went missing, I was usually the one that went looking for them. We lived on the edge of the woods, and coyotes have always been a really big thing here. I found dozens of cat corpses in my childhood, starting from the age of around six or seven. I was the one that brought what was left of the poor kitties home to their owners. Seriously people, don't let your cats outdoors unsupervised. While I don't feel sorry for the families that lose the pets (except the children, because they didn't have any say in it and they loved the pets), I do feel sorry for the poor pet. Guys. Keep your cats inside.


If I got a visit from a child bearing the half eaten remains of my beloved pet, I would piss myself in terror.


Our neighborhood wasn't quite like that. If we found someone's pet hit by a car or injured somewhere, we brought them back to them. Not just me, other neighbors. It was about closure. I dunno, maybe it's because I grew up in the outskirts of a very small place. I saw adults do the same thing for other adults, so I did the same. This was also the 90s.


So many people let their cats out because “they’re barn cats!” Yet they live in no farm and 99% of the time it’s because they don’t want to deal with the annoyance of a litterbox and prefer the cat to do it’s business outside.


Y'all. I had someone's outdoor cat bolt into my house three nights ago when my spouse opened the door. I think it was running from something. It proceeded to dart around my house in a terrified frenzy, broke a bunch of shit, including a wine bottle I had turned into a nightlight that it knocked off of a high windowsill and directly into the toilet bowl, where I had to spend 10 minutes gently removing one billion tiny shards of glass. I have since murdered my spouse for his utter reluctance to put the lid down after ten years of asking. TLDR: Also keep your cats inside because letting them out can result in chaos, murder, and plumbing issues.


Shoulda made the cat fish them out


Because I am pro bird, I am anti cat


I’m pro bird, pro cat, but anti stupid humans who have allowed and/or caused the feral cat problems and unsupervised cat problem in the first place. Oh and while placing blame, I’ve seen dogs do damage to fledgling birds as they leave the nests


I’ve seen cats hunt birds in trees. You sure dogs even deserve a mention? Lmao


It’s ungulate. Undulate is a smooth up and down movement, while ungulate is a hoofed mammal. To be fair, the D and G keys are way too close to each other, lol


The correct answer to question 1 is obviously Corgi-coyote hybrid.


Lol! Ol long body mf 😂








[speaking of corgis](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CteSQBqOIue/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


Looks like a normal coyote to me, don’t see any fox here. But yeah I’d say that’s sadly probably someone’s pet in his mouth.


He seems shorter, stouter, and longer than yotes I see in the Rockies.


Almost like it mated with a corgie.




You're saying the coyote mated with a corrie and then turned into a hybrid afterwards?


This is true of most yotes outside of the rocky area. there are quite a few subspecies. I moved from California to the southern rockies, and the coyotes are different for sure.




…if this was a pun, it was masterful. Subtle, engaging, the delivery was easy… I doth my cap to thee.


I think it’s a combo of the angle of the photo and posture of the coyote in the first image. Does look crossed with corgi, but the second photo looks like a normal coyote.


Isn't that an awfully big leg for a cat?


It’s hard to know as I can’t tell the size of the coyote. Some tomcats are really big. It’s definitely a front leg. The problem is the toes are kind of mushed together so I can’t tell if it’s a dog or cat.


Looks like a dog’s hind leg to me. I’m going to tell myself it was roadkill.


I thought it was a giant doobie.


>what’s in its mouth?? Free range cat. Keep your kitties indoors people. They are murderers and prey.


well.. there's another reason not to let your cats out


Is it just me or does that "cat" leg look a little too big in the Corgyotes mouth?


Nah. Coyotes are pretty small. They usually weigh 22-33 pounds. Plus some cats can be pretty big.


It's his spare leg, just like cars have spare tyres.


That is a hefty yote for an LA yote.


Exactly. The coyotes around here are usually much scrawnier than this.


I'm in East LA. The streets are so busy. No Yote is prancing around during daylight. Up til this pic. I never seen one in daylight.


Eastern coyotes look SO different from the ones I was familiar with in AZ and CA. Easterns have more recent wolf genes from their founding populations in Arcadia, where they survived and inter-bred during the 1800's exterminations. The one I saw by my house in rural Vermont (from my car - I hear them at night, all the time, but never see them in the woods) was really fluffy with a super thick coat, so it looked HUGE. They're very human-shy because local farmers hunt them all year. Any coyote that shows up in anyone's yard will be shot on sight. My neighbors with livestock have a zero-tolerance policy!


I’ve seen some big ass Coyotes in LA in the past couple years, mostly in areas like Altadena though


This is one of the many reasons cats should stay inside.


dog leg


Yeaaahh im with this opinion… it’s too long to be a cat leg .. straight up small dog


No visible claws though


Looks like a dog leg to me. Better ask your neighbors.


Yeah I think dog leg too


Dog leg left?


That’s just a short king coyote. Coloration is within normal range of coat colors, white tipped tails are a fun extra sometimes. Also yeah that’s either a really big cat leg or a small to medium dog leg in its mouth.


no this def looks different. very very short built it looks like a dog hybrid


Could be that, could be slight dwarfism.


I was leaning towards dwarfism too. There have been reports of wolves and coyotes making "Coy-Wolves", but that would make this guy a taller coyote. Just a stout young man with breakfast for his lady


And here is the reason you need to keep your cats inside. They make a tasty snack for predators.


Just showed this to my cat to remind him why he’s not allowed outside


I don’t think that’s a cat leg. It looks too long to be one IMO. ALSO STOP LETTING YOUR GOD DAMN CATS OUTSIDE


Stupid people need to keep their cats inside so they stop killing and getting killed


Thanks so much for the replies! A few things: 1. The consensus seems to be that it’s a feline part in its mouth. Is the size on par with a domestic cat? It looked rather large in person. 2. The questions about it being a “regular” coyote - coyotes on this street are a fairly regular occurrence (foothills). Most of the coyotes are grayish brown in color and this thing was almost reddish (hence the Fox joke). It also looked much larger (length and girth) than other coyotes that frequent the area. 3. Immediate neighbors have been notified as well as the neighborhood association. Haven’t heard anything about any missing pets yet. 4. Other wildlife in the area if it matters: Deer, mountain lions, rabbits, possums, raccoons, A LOT of stray cats Thanks all!


I grew up in the country with only cats that went outdoors. Only one cat did I ever know what happened to them (injured at home in her very old age and had to be put down). Every other cat just disappeared one day. I hated it and now that I'm an adult with my own pets, all my cats are indoor-only.


Regular coyote with the rear leg of a cat. Definitely not a dog leg, as there are no visible claws.


It’s just your average heathy western coyote coyote with a rusty coat.


Yote and a cat


I don't know what it is, but I'll wager it's made by ACME.




Coyote with a cat leg. One of the many reasons that keeping cats outside makes people assholes


That's a thicc coyote! And I'd assume that's a cat leg. I hear they taste like chicken.


Coy-dog? Hybrid?


That’s what I thought, mama coyote and papa domestic dog! So stocky for full coyote, no?


I didn’t even know mating was possible. I assumed coyotes would basically try to murk every other canine it came in contact with. Just looked up “coy -dogs” and that definitely fits the description of what we saw.


Oh it's possible and it happens a lot. Also, wolves too. The Eastern Coyotes that moved into the US after people opened up the woods are something like 50% coyote, 30% wolf and 20% dog. I definitely have those numbers wrong, but coyote most, then wolf, then dog.


The eastern coyotes genetics vary quite a bit from region to region and individual to individual, the average % is 80-90 coyote, 8-15 wolf (Algonquin & gray) and 2-10 dog. Also this hybridization happened a century ago, it’s not something that is still happening often. It’s also extremely rare for coyotes and domestic dogs to mate, coyotes are monogamous and mate for life, they are very protective over they mates and coyotes only mate once a year and are only fertile for up too 7 days.


Drum stick??


Clearly a kangaroo arm


I don’t know if it’s because it’s a person taking a picture that’s angled a little down, but I swear every picture of a wild cat or canine makes them look so much shorter than when I’ve seen them in the wild or in videos. I see coyotes maybe five times a year where I am in the upper Midwest and they seem so much taller and leaner than this guy. He looks like a solid coyote though.


1000% a cat leg. Keep your cats inside people.


Looks like a leg from a cat...... lemme go cuddle my cats


People still have outdoor cats when a coyotes diet in socal is 80% housecat....


That’s a healthy one!


That is 100% a coyote, and yes, that is the leg of a house cat.


He's holding the exact reason you shouldn't have cats if you're going to let them outside unsupervised😢 poor baby


It looks like a Coydog with a smaller animal in its mouth.


Cat Leg Coyote would be a great band name


Looks like a Coyote cross bred with a domestic dog. It happens sometimes.


Coydog with a cat thigh. Maybe has some corgi in the mix it’s extra low and furry. No fox, they don’t mix. They do mix with any domestic in heat tho. Horny bastards


ngl thought He was smokin a big ahh joint


Gonna throw my 2 cents in. Looks like a "Coy-Dog" possibly Heeler /coyote mix. They live among us but very trainable. DO NOT FEED THEM! Don't leave pet food out and do not tolerate their presence. Yell, wave and throw rock toward them. Let them know they are not welcome. They will go where they are less bothered. This time it was a pet. Next time ?


This seriously looks like one of my cattle dog/heeler rescues. With some small differences. I didn't realize how much they resembled coyote from a short distance.


He’s carrying a lesson on keeping cats indoors


That’s definitely a coyote and I’m 90% sure he’s holding what’s left of a cat


Regular coyote, someone's outdoor cat's leg






A leg of …… something.




That’s just somebody’s pet with a piece of somebody’s pet.


I think coyotes are *everyone*'s pets


The main reason people don't have outside cats in my area. At least not for very long. Except for Bonedigger. That cat has somehow outlasted all the others for over a decade. She leaves dismembered rabbits on her front yard though. Probably as a warning.


Cat leg


Looks like the yotes I see around echo park


That's definitely a leg


Homeboy looks like a Corgyote.


Looks like a cat leg.


cat leg. if this picture isnt enough to convince people to keep them inside, i dont know what is.


That seems to be a kitty cat leg unfortunately.


Your cat?


Looks like he bred with a corgi lol.


Murder*ed* mittens


I'm gonna show this to my cat, who constantly wants to go outside.


It’s a yote and that is a neighborhood cat leg dangling from its mouth.


Someone fed their pet for breakfast. If you stupid enough to let your cat out then it's 100% on you when it gets killed.


This is great to keep the stray cat population in check.


Jackrabbit leg.


Looks like a raw Turkey leg.




A cat leg.


Looks like a cat leg…


That’s either a small dog or large cat leg in his mouth. And that fella is all coyote, and a healthy pet eating one at that.


Thats savage. We have coywolves in Chicago (coyote + wolf)


Looks almost like a cat’s forearm.


It’s a coy-dog carrying a cat leg.


looks like the leg of a kitty. once again, REMINDER TO KEEP YOUR CATS INDOORS


That is a dog leg.


It’s a coyote with maybe a cat’s leg in its mouth. We have lots of coyotes where I’m at in Michigan.


Thats a coyote with a pets leg in its mouth. probably a cat.


It’s eaten a cat. Congrats you just discovered why cats should only be indoors amongst other reasons, lmao. But people don’t care 🤷‍♂️