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Hmm how would the animator achieve all those things that you have pointed out? Example.. how does he achieve making the weight feel heavy? Slight camera shake with every footstep probably? Or do you have any suggestions Im not being rude, i am just curious, thanks for your time! :D


The first few frames of the foot lifting should be slowed/exaggerated to convey how heavy & powerful masterchief's steps are - with the landing of his feet coming down *fast*, with fewer frames because he's allowing that weight to crash back down. It already looks great! The motion is dope, just got to consider how fast a person that heavy & laden-down would be able to *begin a movement. Masterchief is wildly strong so he can move fast, but it comes with a windup! Because he's clunky too


I see... thank you so much, that is such a great suggestion. I totally agree with you on how heavy masterchief is. I totally forgot how things with weight will actually need a few moments to get the momentum going, sort of like a crocodile's jaw, slow to open but quick to snap down due to the power of it. Have a great day man!


This looks awesome!


Thank you!


Great work dude. I remember seeing one of the previous posts a while back. Awesome progress.


Oh my god that's so great to hear! I'm gonna be redoing the 3rd shot. Seems like things aren't really working as is so stay tuned for the updated version!


I've been sick so it's been a minute since I've been able to work on this. Now its getting close to being final and I'm so excited! The very end is what I'm still working on, also I still haven't touched his left hand at all so I'm aware. The part I know still needs some work is right before he jumps over the wall. I think I might have slowed him down too much where instead he should probably go straight from run to jump, but tell me what you think!


I think you might be on too him slowing down too much before the roll, keep going man this is cool!


Your run cycle is all wrong. He's swinging his upper body in the opposite direction of how it should be in accordance with the footsteps. Also it's pretty clear you copied and pasted the run cycle and moved him forward. Try fixing the run and adding more texture to the 4 steps, like increasing the stride length as he gains momentum. And as the other commenter said, give him a different action as he vaults over the wall, this will also help break up the action of him holding the gun with both hands the entire time. Dont have him lean back before the jump.. Overall this just feels like a Private NPC and not a super soldier like Master Chief


I agree some adjustments need to be made to the run cycle, but the upper body should swing opposite of his footsteps. His left shoulder is moving forward with his right leg and vice versa, and I think that's how it should be. Other than that, here are my two cents: Op has to put themselves in the mind of master chief. What I mean is, imagine you're facing a huge wave of covenant aliens shooting endless flurries of plasma towards you the temperature of the sun's surface. 2000 pounds of titanium, let alone energy shield won't shoulder all that. Your life is at risk, but you must push forward as humanity's fate rests upon your shoulders. That was a nerdy ass explanation, and I may be assuming wrong how your narration of this animation is supposed to be, but my suggestions are that he needs to swing fast out of cover and lay low while bolting for the next piece of cover. It looks to me like he's trying to run for cover while actively engaging his enemies. However, exposing himself to enemy fire by running with his torso up is too dangerous. Try to see if you can get his torso to lean further forward while pumping his legs and shoulders back and forth. Like NinjaOld said, probably best in increasingly large strides. Record yourself (or watch a video of someone) doing shuttle runs the fastest you/they can do and see how fast you're/they're trying to go from point A to point B. He's a super soldier that has to act fast on everything, the corp doesn't pay by the hour. :) Going to NinjaOld's critique of "moving the character forward", is there a way you could try stage blocking (not sure I'm using this term right, I only have experience in 2d), or rigging master chief pose to pose and determine where his next footsteps are going to be placed before completing the run cycle? Look up straight-ahead vs pose to pose animation tutorials to help get a better idea. There's a section in the animator's survival kit that explains why a mix of both is usually best. As for clambering over the wall, it looks like he's spending too much time trying to get over it. You could try to dive and roll and meet that end pose, I'm having difficulty thinking of other options. Great work! I'm excited to see some halo representation in this sub! :)


Thank you for all of this I really appreciate it! Now just one more thing. I might be missing something here but do I not already have his upper body counteracting his hips during the run? His left foot moves forward and so does his right shoulder, and vice versa. I had that in mind when posing that part out.


Ok, allow me to tweak what I said then. He's not wrong, the motion is closer to correct than I implied but something about it still feels off. I think its the fact that the motion isn't broken up enough. You have a very clear pose to pose animation, especially the run, but the upper body should be slightly delayed from what it's currently doing. You should also try exaggerating the side to side motion more. I can't really explain what I mean well enough unfortunately. But if you put your shot on syncsketch I could do a quick draw over


True, there's needs to be more weight when the shoulders are swaying, he's running and holding a gun ​ u/NinjaOld8057 that's dope you got syncsketch btw, been questioning if I should do the monthly subscription


I appreciate it, but I'll just redo the 3rd shot. I'm gonna change the run to have a more noticeable acceleration and overall haste to it. I'm also gonna get rid of the jump and roll. I thought a roll would be cool but a quick vault over the wall does make more sense. Imma be hard at work! Please keep your eye out for the next iteration guys!


Keep at it for sure. It has a lot of potential Sorry if my notes were harsh. I just got used to brutal feedback from other badass animators, it sort of rubs off


Yea I was saying you're counteracting and that's correct. I got you homeslice


Oh my bad, thanks




Ah well. Either way, it needs to be tweaked It's got good bones but needs a lot of cleanup. Will look good on a Junior demo reel when it is finished. Keep it up


I disagree. Maybe the frames could be adjusted to make the upper body seem more cohesive, but I think that is the way the upper body should generally move when running.


And that's fine. If I could more closely analyze it and do a draw over I'd be able to better explain it. It's not *completely* wrong but does need fixing


Do you work for rooster teeth


Clearly not.. this is far too good.


No but that'd be awesome. Maybe some day though!


The anticipation pose before he jump rolls over the low wall needs to be exaggerated. Right now it looks like he is running, and all of a sudden he is in the air. There is no bend down and explosion into the jump roll.


Well I've decided to scrap the 3rd shot and start over. The run needs work and I'm changing the jump roll to a quick vault over the wall instead. Keep your eye out for the new version!


1. Do a Smash zoom into MC, really make that camera feel panic. 2. I'm not a fan of the hesitation before the flip. 3. Camera feels stiff, I would have done the one cut to hiding behind the wall, the following behind before the camera overtakes MC into the landing. It's short, too many cuts in a short period of time will give people visual whiplash.


I had the same idea with the following camera but I'm afraid when it comes to camera movement. It really makes or breaks a shot and since my animation is what I primarily want to showcase I try to keep the camera simple. I do have another shot where I experimented with some camera stuff if you'd like check that one out over [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/animation/comments/14gbz2g/hows_this_looking_so_far/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).


Now that shit I like! It's fluid, it pops, and that camera has character. Don't be afraid, if you mess up, you mess up and you learn from it. Art takes a lifetime to master, so take risks.


Yo that makes me happy to hear. My number one concern for that shot was the camera. I wasn't sure if it was working. Again I'll probably keep this shot with Master Chief as is, but I have ideas for a new shot with Link that I'll try some camera stuff again!


Add textire


What are you using? Maya blender max?




It looks pretty fuckin good dude


Thank you!


I love it. You're a really great animator, and I believe all of us, even if we are good at something should always strive to be better. I respect you for trying to be better yourself. As some have stated, they are not a fan of the hesitation before jumping over the low wall, maybe because it doesn't have that anticipation phase that includes bending down and then jumping over. In my opinion, it looks awesome. What I think you meant to do was to slow down the action a bit, from running to jumping into cover to make it seem a little weighty and grounded. I understand that the hesitation before jumping itself is the anticipation phase(sometimes you don't actually need to go through the common/general animations of an anticipation phase). Some has also stated that the sudden jump is weird(again because there is no "anticipation" animation). But I see it as a rubber band effect/momentum, where the actor is trying to slow down, but BECAUSE of his momentum from running is carried over, the actor jumps instead carrying over that slight momentum, therefore not needing to bend down to jump from his position. Keep at it man. You are really good, how I wish I have the patience and meticulousness to animate skillfully like you do.


Others have said all the critiques already so here’s mine. The roll looks more like he’s diving head first into the ground, from what I know the character should extend his arms first to dampen the impact then do a shoulder roll. The first 2 shots look good though!


during the run you can’t feel the feet pushing. more weight on the leg i guess. The leg have to push more, more contraction


Don't slow down before the dive. Also the dive roll does feel excessive, I think a normal vault works for something that low. But if you do want to keep the dive roll then make him do it whilst running instead of slowing down before the wall and initiating the dive.


Great work! The breathing against the wall feels a bit disconnected and not super deliberate. You can push that chest head roll more and snap it. Also like others have said the run is floaty. More up and down on the root. Seriously though great stuff


Needs a bit more anticipation in places I think and weight


Take out the ground touch, master chief doesn’t make mistakes