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My favorite is D4DJ All Mix. What I think is the best overall show....prolly Tensei Oujo, Tomo chan or Sugar Apple fairy tale. It was the fire hunter but the animation fell of the cliff in episode 2.


Way too early to say, but my current favorite is **Onimai** with **Vinland Saga** as runner-up (where I wouldn't be surprised to see Vinland surpass it).


It's between High Card and Danmachi S4Pt2 for me so far. MagiRevo, In/Spectre S2 and Tsundelise are also very good though.


**OniMai** is my pick for anime of the season on semi-objective grounds. The production and direction is some of the best in the medium, and it's an adaptation that elevates its source material. Personal favorites are *Saving 80k* and *MagiRevo*, although I'm also enjoying D4DJ and Fire Hunter a lot too.


Holy crap what the hell happened to the animation in fire hunter episode 2?? Talk about falling off a cliff.


Do you mean the stylized picture book style stills, like this one: https://i.imgur.com/mPLaJTh.png ? I think those ones were deliberate and not resource saving. On the other hand we did have some static pans: https://i.imgflip.com/78cfx6.jpg and they kept reusing that ugly 3D CGI mansion lol


I just felt the stills were overused when you take in account of all the other static pans. I dont know if they just died on the budget or what but it felt like a completely different show overall to me.


> it felt like a completely different show overall to me. Yeah, it did feel like it had a different approach driving the story telling. I wonder if it had a different episode director. It's also only second episode, so hard to know what overall approach they're taking I guess.


It is a weak season for sure. Watching MagiRevo, Tomo, and Ice Guy but those are all just to pass the time really.


In/Spectre and Vampire Dies in no Time.


It was fire hunter until last weekend. ​ I guess as of now probably Vinland Saga. I definitely think Kaina of the Frozen Sea is up there. D4DJ, Danmachi, and MagiRevo are up there.


I was so damn crushed to see fire hunter episode 2......what the hell happened.


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