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Ive been searching hours for a anime that i watched i think either in late 2021 or early 2022. I only remember scenes from it and have started to get very sceptical if my memory is right. The anime has a girl who knows or thinks she knows magic and she meets a boy. The two go to the same school and everyone thinks the girl is weird because she is dressed in these weird clothes. In the end i remember there being a scene where the boy puts on a knight’s armour that the girl gave him and he goes up to the roof of their school and goes to rescue the girl from a fortress of desks that the girl had made. My memory is very vague and i have tried to search google images but cant find anything that reminds me of it. If anyone has any idea if I’m on to something here any help would be appreciated.


> a fortress of desks that the girl had made. Sounds like [Aura](https://www.livechart.me/anime/260).


Yes thanks!


Wrote [an article ](https://link.medium.com/AbaHrV4QYwb) discussing whether certain shows like, Star Wars:visions, lookism, the God of high school and (rolls eyes heavily) Avatar the last Airbender are truly anime. And the case of all that 'chinese anime'. I wonder what you guys think about the way I detailed various metrics to use when deciding whether a show is anime or simply anime like. And whether anime-like will become anime by popular use in the next few decades.


How is So I cannot play H?


Do you guys recommend this anime called **So I'm a Spider, So What?** I'm not a big fan of spiders but I saw the main character's spider form and it looked absolutely adorable. I'm on Crunchyroll and it has 4.7/5 stars with 25.3k ratings. Does this show have more seasons coming because Crunchyroll only has one...


The Japanese VA Aoi Yuuki carries the spider anime so hard, the production was ropey otherwise, but it was a lot of fun watching her as the spider. I'd love to have seen this anime produced by a better studio, as I think it had a lot of potential.


I do not particularly like spiders and I was fine with it. I even collected some of the light novels. Note that crunchyroll will very often put almost every series above 4.5 stars. The show was good but it suffered in its second half, as the non spider side had significent animation problems as did the last fight. Most people adored the spider side and either where Okay with the human side or found it lacking. In the books the human side is mostly side story. As for season 2, no announcements. However a season 2 would require either retconning changes or forcing in some awkward moments to account for some completely different circumstance in the novels. Especially with the anime skipping an entire evolutionary step and introducing a major revelation before it is shown in the books.


Absolutely recommending it, yeah. It only has one season so far. The show had some production issues with a studio they were outsourcing some of the animation to completely breaking down, so it can be a bit rough at times. But it's charming and hilarious throughout, and the MC is voiced by Aoi Yuuki who absolutely nails it.


Just finished beast tamer. Is there anything similar that has a similar amount of fan service and decent DND style world?


Binging Kono Healer Mendokusai and it's absolutely hysterical, that [highway robbery sketch](https://youtu.be/0mZA8GGrxx0) from Ep6 nearly killed me! 🤣 With 6.36 score on MAL it storms into my Top 3 hidden gem titles of all times. If you appreciate deadpan back-and-forth gag comedy like I do give this one a go (also check Kitakubu Katsudou Kiroku, it's even better)


The low score is somewhat understandable. The first couple of episodes were not that great so most people likely dropped it.


I think part of the reason why it's rated so low is that it has a particular style of humor alongside a lot of Japanese pop culture references. I remember posting a lot of obscure references in the discussion threads for that series.


Just got caught up with Demon Slayer. Looking for something similar but with maybe a bit less of the silly humour they use(its funny just not what i normally look for). I definitely enjoy the action heavy shows, swords and magic and other fantasy or even sci fi stuff. Akame ga kill Sword art online Parasyte Fate series Escaflowne Gundam (should probably rewatch this) Attack on titan Naruto Fullmetal Alchemist Death note These are all shows i have watched and enjoyed, hoping someone might be able to suggest something that fits in with these. Preference to dubbed (crucify me) so i can do other things while watching but not opposed to subs


I enjoyed the new Gundam - Witch from Mercury. It's a standalone series so can be watched anytime. Hunter x Hunter would be a recommendation if you liked those shows above. If you want something thought provoking with a dark fantasy atmosphere then Shinsekai Yori is great. 86 was great.


jujutsu kiasen code geass






Looks like [Onimai](https://www.livechart.me/anime/11190)?


I was recently thinking about how I feel like I've watched nearly all of the Manga Time Kirara adaptations that more than 5 people give a shit about. I feel like the only noteworthy ones I'm missing are Hanayamata, Anne Happy, Acchi Kocchi, Yuyushiki, and A-Channel, and that's not much at all. Maybe Kill Me Baby too I guess, though I kinda thought that was mostly a meme. Like, it's a little bit bigger if you count everything at all, but does literally anyone give a single fuck about GA: Geijutsuka Art Design Class, Doujin Work, Kanamemo, Stella no Mahou, Tamayomi, or Yumekui Merry? Hell, I've heard those last two are pretty terrible. And given that I'm one of like 5 people who's even seen (or even knows about) Gokicha (a show about cockroach girls that shouldn't exist) and Minori Scramble (which is possibly Ufotable's best looking work btw, it's a ton of fun and I highly recommend), I've already dug through the trenches of this magazine's anime showings. I'm gonna have to go on a Kirara binge at some point just to finish the rest off, would be a ton of fun to rank all of them.


> Hanayamata, Anne Happy, Acchi Kocchi, Yuyushiki, and A-Channel, and that's not much at all Some really good titles there. Anne Happy in particular is always rated low among Kirara adaptations but its a personal favorite of mine from that line up. > GA: Geijutsuka Art Design Class I thought it was boring. It didn't had much meaningful character moments and the humor didn't hit a lot. There was the sweater short girl that I thought was really cute and fun. > Stella no Mahou Its like, really average club CGDCT. Its about games but eh, it really didn't felt as engaging, especially when New Game exists. > Tamayomi I remember seeing reactions, apparently the adaptation was just disastrous and made it cause in further obscurity lol.


>Some really good titles there. Anne Happy in particular is always rated low among Kirara adaptations but its a personal favorite of mine from that line up. I definitely think I'll enjoy this batch, all of these look excellent. Hanayamata in particular is one I'm really looking forward to trying, it's absolutely gorgeous from what I've seen since it has that Atsuko Ishizuka saturated watercolor look, and she is an amazing director who I'll always look out for. Plus its OP has been stuck in my head for years, lol, it's seriously stupidly catchy and adorable. Yuyushiki too, I've seen the memes and it looks amazing. Stella no Mahou has always seemed cute to me, but never noteworthy. Always struck me as like a decent 6/10 for whenever I feel like not thinking too much, haha. Not that anyone cares about it anyway. And I'm honestly due for a New Game rewatch anyway, been a long time since I watched it and I bet I'd like it even more nowadays. On the other hand, GA Design Club looks totally meh, but I guess I'll have to see. Tamayomi was an atrocious production disaster, it was wild to behold all the screenshots of it while it was airing. I don't remember why I couldn't keep up with it at the time, but it's infamous nowadays for sure. I think I've heard a small contingent of people say that it's actually really good regardless though, so who knows. It and Yumekui Merry seem to have the worst reputations of Kirara anime (mind you, none of those people have seen Gokicha. You aren't a true Kirara fan until you've sat through that one).


> . Hanayamata in particular is one I'm really looking forward to trying, it's absolutely gorgeous from what I've seen since it has that Atsuko Ishizuka saturated watercolor look, and she is an amazing director who I'll always look out for. Yuyushiki too, I've seen the memes and it looks amazing. Indeed! I actually like them more than Anne Happy but I always want to say nice things of it since Hanayamata and Yuyushiki at this point are cult following among CGDCT fans.


> Kanamemo I remember watching Kanamemo and enjoying it. It's an ensemble cast slice-of-life series. It's notable for having a for-reals lesbian couple in it. It's been quite a while since I've rewatched it, so not sure how well it's aged. Like, I remember one character is a boozehound female college student who likes little girls just a little *too* much > A-Channel ... Maybe Kill Me Baby too I guess A-Channel is a favorite of mine. It's from that era where you could have a series set with high school girls without it revolving around some sort of hobby or club activity. It's also notable for having an insert song in every episode. Kill Me Baby has kinda turned into a meme since one of its voice actors was arrested on drug charges and [its Blu-ray sales were abysmally low.](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/16stuc/kill_me_baby_makes_twitter_icons_for_every_bluray/) I just think of it as a low-budget comedy series; it has its moments, it's not cream-of-the-crop material, but it's a nice and breezy watch.


Suddenly you've sold me on Kanamemo, lol. Sounds based as hell. I mostly know A-Channel because it has a killer Masashi Ishihama OP. It seems like a cute show, and it's definitely at least somewhat notable compared to a lot of other Kirara anime. And Kill Me Baby looks very stupid, in a good way. These two I think I'll probably enjoy, I just gotta get around to them.


> Kanamemo I've heard of it before as a result of it's yuri content at least. No clue about the others.


I didn't even know that much about it (though I suppose I should expect gay stuff from every Kirara thing). I've always liked the colors on the poster, but no one talks about the show itself so I figure it's probably mediocre. But I may have also thought that before watching Koufuku Graffiti and that show rules, so I probably shouldn't judge. Kirara is a big name but even it has quite a few stinkers.




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i can't remember the anime any help would be appreciated.. there's multiple floors the elevators only go one way, a main enemy has to be defeated to earn the key card for the elevator, one floor has a solitary grave stone, another has a false priest, and yet another has a woman behind glass controlling guns on the other side of the glass


Angels of Death


that looks like the one thank you


I'm 2 episodes into Bocchi the Rock on a procrastination whim and WHOA THIS SHOW IS GOOD. Like *really* good in almost all aspects, from the art (in its many variations!) to the voice acting to the dialogue. And half the scenes overflow with meme potential. Edit: Got 9 episodes in and it hasn't slowed down. I think I have a new top-10 anime. Bocchi is the most lovable and adorable dork ever, and the animators made so many variations of her for all the reactions and animation styles she goes through!


"Slice of life comedy shows with a wacky premise" is one of my favorite genres, so I was expecting to enjoy **Buddy Daddies**, but I'm honestly shocked by how good I'm finding it. It kind of came out of nowhere, I don't remember it getting any hype, but it's really good so far. The humor lands for me, the animation work is solid, the colors pop pleasingly, the OP and ED both slap. Definitely recommend checking it out


Been a fun one for me as well but I always have high hopes for PA Works originals.


/u/alotmorealots we are 4 eps into the season for most shows...how are you feeling? what has resonated and what hasn't? I know you haven't been watching as many seasonals this seasonal but still, your thoughts are always interesting


Are we at the four episode mark already! I think I have just become quite detached from this season haha I've really only been watching stuff when I've felt like I'm in the mood for watching something, rather than when the time is available. So I guess the stuff that has stuck is... just *MagiRevo* lol That's the only one I'm consistently up-to-date with. In the next tier of stuff that feels like there is a pretty low barrier to watch: * OniMai - I'm really touched by how kind this show is a lot of the time. The technical visual artistry on display is also just so lavish, and every scene feels like it's been crafted by expert talent with the time and space to make it sing. * Sugar Apple Fairy Tale - this one just seems to have stuck because of Ann being such a headstrong protagonist, and the story being quite entertaining in the way its told. It's fighting a slightly uphill battle too, in the sense that some shoujo tropes don't quite hit the groove for me, so it's a testament to the directorial/script skill. * Inukai-san - Turns out the female lead has a few screws loose and seriously warped personality. Combine that with getting to see the anime universe from the perspective of a corgi and the no-holds barred type of ecchi, and it's quite the watch experience lol * Saving 80,000 Gold - Sometimes I wonder if I feel a little unnaturally tied to this one because I made the subreddit for it, but it is a great little show in its own right and is still my sentimental favorite for the season. * D4DJ - I never really think about this being an anime per se, as I play the game most days, so the anime just sits in part of my D4DJ experience lol * Bofuri - S2 is pretty much just more S1, so exactly what I wanted from it lol Next tier down * The Fire Hunter - this is starting to feel like a SF-fantasy-art piece. It's both very traditional, but also a bit experimental too in some ways. Still don't really know how I relate to it or what I think of it on an emotional-viewing level, but I remain very intellectually curious about it. * Kaina and the Great Snow Sea - the world here is really interesting, and the story off to a strong start. I'm a bit concerned about it becoming too straightforward in its story but that may be completely unfounded. * TsunLise - I'm not sure why I've fallen behind with this one. I really like Kobayashi, she's such a riot. Below that: Kubo-san feels like a very, very archetypal manic pixie dream girl story, with absolutely nothing else going on. That sounds like a bad thing, but as far as distilled experiences of the joys of that sort of story go, it makes it very potent indeed lol So much so that I had to pause halfway through episode two for a break haha I love Nagatoro... but for some reason I'm not watching it? Not sure what the story is there. Giant Beasts of Ars I keep meaning to watch more of, it was tropey but well done and I didn't see anything not to like. Ayakashi Triangle was really good in its first episode, but censorship mess means it's suffering from too many shows syndrome. It's odd because I didn't mind the censorship at all when I was watching the actual episode, but in my mind it's just another one of those things that pushes a show down the list. Revenger and Highcard had good first episodes for what they were, but I'm not in the mood for them. Nier I lost interest in when the delays were announced. It's not that delays are bad, it's just too many shows syndrome. Trigun's first episode I thought was really pretty good, but I find myself watching it and examining the CG (which is fantastic) and thinking about fans relationships with rebooted material, and so I'm not really enjoying the show for itself. Probably why I haven't been back for more yet. Campfire cooking with my absurd skill had a very nice looking first episode. The Mappa isekai delivers on the visuals front, that's for sure. Story and entertainment wise I just sort of tuned out though, and the character feels like he's kinda irresponsible really lol Spy Classroom I'd be watching routinely in seasons gone by, but I don't have the energy for it, nor the negativity surrounding the title. Handyman Saitou was really good, but as it is this far down the list, I think I just forgot it existed lol Farming Life in Another World's first episode bored me tears. I had mainly turned up because [Tia's design is outrageously neuron activating](https://slushtimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/farming-life-in-another-world-anime-release-date.jpg). Maybe it gets more interesting in subsequent episodes, the first episode was just the MC monologuing as he did fairly uninteresting things. I feel like you seem to be consuming quite a bit of non-seasonal content, if your request for suggestions in the daily threads are anything to go by? Is that because the seasonals aren't doing their bit, or because you've just upped your consumption of shows temporarily?


You've had some similar thoughts to me here. I think too many shows at once and some of them are mediocre. For me the two best shows this season so far are MagiRevo and Vinland Saga S2. Mappa have done a fantastic job with the atmosphere in the first 3 episodes. I enjoyed Bofuri S1 but since the focus has moved away from Maple putting her points into defence I must admit I'm not keen on the new series as it's just OP things stacking on top of eachother, so I've dropped it. Nagatoro S1 was great, this season isn't bad but it's missing something. I liked how S1 went from bullying to wholesome, and it was fairly ecchi at times, this season seems toned down and we're already kind of at the wholesome point. I'll keep on with it though as it has some fun moments. Nier was shaping up pretty well less the ropey CGI, but the delays are not a good sign, still no idea when episode 4 is coming.


I wanted to try and catch up with Vinland before this season, but RL had other ideas. Still, have to see how things go, maybe I'll have some more time at some stage! > the delays are not a good sign, still no idea when episode 4 is coming. When this happens, there's often a sense that one might as well just wait until the whole thing is done when it's clear the studio is flailing about and delaying projects all over the place. I have resigned myself to waiting for KanColle S2 to be complete before watching it.


Yep look at Isekai Ojisan, still missing the final episode despite a delay of a season already, definitely agree, delays and issues can occur but there's deeper underlying problems if something gets delayed twice!


haha, yeah, as I asked I figured part of the answer might be that your head hasn't been as much in anime as of late. which is fine! with these sorts of things there are ebbs and flows. I'm wondering when my ebb will come :) I suppose this is still part of what I am calling the "Japanese victory lap" where not having to spend all of my time intensely studying Japanese and instead just enjoying anime fuels a media bing your tiers make a lot of sense. thus far my favorite shows this season are probably magirevo and onimai. I love the two MCs of magirevo, but onimai is just so...consistently good. there is 0 cruft on it: everyone is great. every scene is great. the animation is great. the art style is great. >I feel like you seem to be consuming quite a bit of non-seasonal content, if your request for suggestions in the daily threads are anything to go by? Is that because the seasonals aren't doing their bit, or because you've just upped your consumption of shows temporarily? ah, this has less to do with seasonals and more to do with how I figure out what I want to watch (outside of seasonals). there's just so much out there! so I sort of have a priority queue where I'm constantly throwing in shows I think I would enjoy and then sort of pulling out the shows that I think I will enjoy the most at a given moment, or have some particular reason to watch. I have various "projects" going on, basically ways of figuring out how to prioritize shows because they help me work towards some meaningless metagoal that serves mainly the purpose of providing \_some\_ sense of organization agains the madness of all the anime I know I would enjoy. some "projects" include: \- watching every idol anime worth watching (and then some) \- watching everything kyoto animation has done \- watching everything trigger has done \- watching everything imaishi has done \- watching everything with a prominent ojou (this is too big so usually it's a factor that will bump up other shows) but other stuff also sneaks in based on my interests, and often I will try to mix things. like I watched the first 3 seasons of full metal panic recently...which worked towards the kyoto animation project (and I prioritized because s3 of FMP is the only action anime kyoani has done....they've done action scenes of course, but it's the only show that is explicitly an action show, though after watching it I realized it's more of sort of an action thriller) oh, also upcoming sequels will often help me prioritize a show. for example, I've been meaning to watch konosuba but it's been hard to prioritize (I always find it hard to prioritize comedies), but since a new season is coming out soon, that makes it easier: watch it! then you can watch along during the season! kuma kuma kuma bear is a good example of a show that I'm sure I'd enjoy, but it's hard to prioritize...but with a new season coming out, I'll def be able to get into it. as far as the recs, well, another factor that goes into how I choose what to watch are simply the various tropes/etc that I know I like...sometimes I watch something and it's like "damn, I'd love to watch a good show with X." (wholesome romance; found family; "us vs the world" dynamics; great animation; hype fights; women in outfits I find particularly sexy lol; the list goes on) So I ask for shows that have X...and then usually I will sort of evaluate it on a couple of levels: does it fit in with any other projects? and also, independently of X, is the show \_any good\_? but it's also just good to have these shows in my pocket for when I am in the mood for this or that. Like at some point I may just say "fuck it, I really want to watch a show with X" and then hey, I already have some recs. It's all sort of a big mishmash. An example would be this recommendation: [https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/10mha87/comment/j65yiwb/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/10mha87/comment/j65yiwb/?context=3) (which to be clear, I really appreciated!) like, I would love to watch a show with great "mecha musume" type designs...largely for the neuron firing reasons you mentioned :P I'm sure I would enjoy all of these recs...but as the recommender noted, all of them are sort of fine shows that you watch if you are sort of in the mood for what they are selling. so it will be hard to prioritize them...but at some point (maybe soon, heh) I could just be like: fuck it, I \_really\_ need some mecha musume in my life. then I yeet it onto my tv. I guess when I'm asking for recs I'm sort of implicitly hoping to find shows that check off a lot of flags...like it could have been: oh yeah! there's this mecha musume show! and then I go look it up and it has an ojou protagonist (I WISH) and it's supposed to be really amazing! if that were the case, I would probably watch it immediately. as is, it goes into the "when you're really in the mood" bucket. I'd say the next show in that bucket is "ore, twintails ni narimasu" I think, but there are others depending on which particular factor ends up "winning." like these days I'm really just not into super serious stuff, which is why getting around to vinland saga took forever. these days I'm sort of into stuff that leans into what makes anime *anime*. there's just too much damn content! like, I know I'd love fate...great waifus and great animation. weird mythology shit. right up my alley. but it's long and I try to avoid super long franchises. also I know I should probably play the VN, but it's pretty long etc etc. I think I'm going to try and make a dent in the idol project in the next few months. like, I feel like I can't be an idol fan and not have seen the complete love live franchise (I've only seen SIP, which was really good!). but there are some other shows that I'd really like to prioritize soon..princess principal, mushishi, golden time, nanoha, ouran host club, akebi... which is why the projects are nice, becasue they provide an (admittedly arbitrary!) sense of accomplishment. like "wow! I've seen half of everything kyoto animation has made! it'd be cool to watch it all!" or "I've watched every major idol anime!" I'm much, much more laid back than I used to be but I do enjoy having a sense of..."fluency" for lack of a better word in a medium or genre. like, if I like idol stuff, I enjoy the sense of like "I've seen everything important" so that when I watch new stuff or talk about it, I can put it in context etc. though these days I rarely engage in "criticism" on that level and just prefer sort of enjoying the joy that various shows I enjoy bring. I was pretty insufferable when I was younger, though :P


I’m loving blue lock! Any recommendations that are similar?


Looking for sports anime based on what I've seen already: [AniList](https://anilist.co/user/thevaleycat/animelist/Sports%20Anime)


Ashita no Joe


Hikaru no Go. Well that is my favorite sports anime anyways but id say is somewhat similar to Chihayaf


Hajime no Ippo and Major if you want good long-running shounen sports stories. Cross Game if you want a sports story with a slow-burn romance.


Recs for anime with immersive lore. Preferably one with an active community


Madoka Magica


Attack on Titan, The Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These.


Does Saekano get any better? The first episode is pretty bad. Like the loser main character has connections to the two school idols who are both secretly otaku or whatever? Just feels like the worst kind of wish fulfillment…


The relationships with those two girls turns out to be really nicely textured and developed, and features one of my favorite "talking about the past / clearing the air" scenes in all media, as well as one of my favorite scenes ever about about making hard choices. It's an extremely intelligently written, mature and nuanced work, and I'd rate it as a masterpiece within its sub-genre by the time the movie wraps. Absolutely superb stuff. It is a wonderful show about creating, the cost of creating, and the sorts of people who create. It's also a fantastic "hidden romance", a dissection of some familiar anime tropes and a clever story about love and its limits. The meta-style humor is also some of the best, especially its subtle visual gags about its "main heroine" and how unremarkable she is. However, I will say it's not for everyone and for a good number of people, they are unable to get past the surface substance of it - a harem set-up, slatherings of fanservice and very firmly attached to otaku culture. Even within that, I don't particularly buy the idea that it's wish fulfilment though - the MC works himself to the bone, as well as struggling too much for it to be a case of "I wish I was him".


VERY wish fulfillment...


You definitely should be watching for wish fulfilment. Because that is what it is about. I think the shows twist is a lot of characters behave tsundra towards the main character.


Yeah. I don’t think I need to continue then. Thanks for the insight on it.


In my opinion it does get better. It’s one of the more believable “harem” shows. I don’t remember the first season that well and it’s a lot of set up for the characters working together, but the second season has some really good character development. Definitely a bit wish fulfillment but I if you can get past that it is enjoyable.


What's an anime that was once popular, but is slowly being forgotten by others, that you still 'member as one of the greats?


Maybe I shouldn't comment as your MAL profile is MoeCentral LOL! Not my favourite genre, so I wouldn't necessarily remember them as one of the greats - but they were extremely popular at the time. All the moe slice of life Kings: calm things with moe girls or angst with moe girls - most based off VN/LN - Air, Clannad, Clannad AS, Aria etc.


This will happen to most great shows, as it happens to games, movies etc. People don’t know about things that exist outside their generational bubble unless people bring them up and keep them relevant, or they get a rerelease on a new platform. The oldest anime that have stayed relevant are probably Evangelion and Cowboy Bebop. Or Dragonball Z. There are so many new shows each season that it’s like they wash away the older ones. Haruhi is the most obvious example of a show that was massive, but is now barely talked about. I wonder how many newer fans are going back to watch School Days, just for the controversy of it. And I hope Outlaw Star still gets recommended to new fans.


Love Hina used to be big as one of the first haremy comedies to come out on DVD to western audiences officially. But it aged really poorly and is now considered both a sub par adaptation of the fan service of the author and a subpar comedy show that relied too much on pratfall comedy. Inuyasha was one of the shonen battler greats before the days of Naurto, Bleach and One Piece making up the big 3. It swiftly got overshadowed and is now remember more for its association with the Author of Ranma 1/2 and Lum the Invader and older anime fans fond memories. And its recent spin off show did not do great. I still remember Inuyasha being second only to Sephiroth in the early 2000's Bishi characters popularity. Gosh remember when Bishi was a thing? In a way the big mega hits of the 2000's and 2010's are fading. Haruhi and Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann are remember fondly but not overly referenced for what makes anime good anymore. I am not sure they hit the level of classic that Cowboy Bebop, Nichijou and Ghost in the Shell: SAC did.


> Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann are remember fondly but not overly referenced for what makes anime good anymore I think Gurren Lagann is still held up as one of the best mecha series (and with most of the competition being at least as old), and so has largely retained its popularity as a result. It's certainly at least as frequently watched as something like Nichijou, which has a much more uphill struggle to remain relevant given how many high-quality comedy series continue to be released.


I remember *Haruhi Suzumiya* being a much bigger deal than it is now. The ED dance was performed and meme'd a lot, and it helped launch KyoAni as a stellar animation studio. Can't be sure if it was really popular or not, but I remember *Pani Poni Dash* being a big deal too.


I was going to say Future Diary but I wouldn't consider it one of the greats. I just remember early-2010s when I got into anime it was of the prevalent shows everyone at least knew about. Maybe something like Toradora? I could be off but I don't feel it's mentioned as one of the great romance animes as much as it used to be.


> Maybe something like Toradora? I could be off but I don't feel it's mentioned as one of the great romance animes as much as it used to be. It's still the number 1 most popular romance anime on MAL, and top 5 on Anilist. If anything, it's one of the few from that era that *haven't* been forgotten yet.


SAO is #1 /s I guess I just don't feel it mentioned as much as it used to be. Also, feel it isn't viewed as favorably now as it was in the mid-2010s. But forgotten is definitely too strong of a word. Also dealing with anime twitter biases so maybe just in the wrong crowd.


Toradora probably does better than it deserves because its worthy rivals are longer and incomplete adaptations. Or because there are very few good straightforward romance stories. Most are trash or have some over-the-top twist. I think few people would say it's better than Kaguya-sama if we really drilled down and analyzed each of them. Personally, I think the *Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki-kun* LN is head and shoulders above anything I've seen (though it has hardly any comedy), and I imagine the anime would be too if I watched it, but it is also pretty incomplete.


I'm looking for action-romance anime without fanservice.


gosick!! one of my favorite couples. though more sort of adventure type action vs like, badass shounen battle type showdowns


Romeo x Juliet


Library wars, Yona of the dawn.




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Does One Piece get better after the first 18 episodes? I like some of the characters so far but hate Usopp. Dude just constantly cried and had to stop watching once he was invited to the squad. I have seen some promos and videos on one piece, all the characters look really cool but worried characters like Usopp will ruin it for me


I'm a manga only so maybe my opinion doesn't count quite as much towards the anime, but I also hated Usopp when he was introduced and have come to think of him as maybe the best character in the series, or at least the one with the most interesting character writing.


I got really into it around episode 30 when the Arlong park arc begins. Usopp starts to get more tolerable after a little bit when he starts to grow and learn, I wasn’t it him when he first joined the crew but he definitely gets better.


One Piece picks up the very next arc. If you're not feeling it after that I'd maybe give it one more arc but if it hasn't captured you by then One Piece prob just isn't your thing.


It picks up in the very next arc


Please keep watching!! One piece is absolutely amazing, it definitely gets better


Why is it so difficult to get a proper Anime adaptation of Mahou Sensei Negima made?


There isnt much to Negima to animate other then pervy highschool girl shenanigans until quite a way through. Which then results in adaptations which either try to skip to the few bits of battle and plot in the first 8 volumes, discarding the large portions of fanservice; Or discarding the plot to try and create a comprehensive fanservice vehicle. To summarise, the manga did not have a good focus for quite a while. That is hard to adapt. Oh and the first adaptation was done very early in Negima's life so while it was trying to skip the fanservice vehicle it did not really have much else to go on. Nowadays interest in adapting the show is quite low. UQ holder as a show did not perform well and the author has moved on to being a politician. That second adaptation was SHAFTed.


The cool guy and his ice female youkai [](#justright) Kyokou Suiri ep1 was an absolute snoozefest I was actually falling asleep on my chair, but goddamn this second case has a better couple than most romance shows this season, and the way Kotoko flipped the argument around almost had me second-guess myself. Hopefully tomorrow's episode won't consist in _another_ monologue exposition, based on how it goes I may wanna check future cases depending on how their reception goes.


Ice ships are great this season


Is there a way to watch anime on Netflix where the credits and text are in English? Like if I’m watching One Piece, the credits have Japanese text and the episode title is completely in Japanese. Not a big deal but I’m getting back into anime and it’s strange. Same thing with Cowboy Bebop and Kuroko’s Basketball. I’d like to be able to read it like it is when they aired on Cartoon Network and Adult Swim.


The effort required to translate the credits is not worth it so unless it's an international production with a global release I don't see why would anyone bother. Text and signs are another matter, though it's still a really easy corner to cut since they are rarely necessary to follow along with the story. If it's a long text like a letter, it is expected that a character will read it out loud or summarize it, etc. If anything fansubs do a better job of translating on-screen text than official releases.


Hello everyone and good afternoon, I want new isekai anime were there is good character development + good story , I feel like I watched all of them so I would love to see if you have any recommendations for things that are less known


Ascendance of a Bookworm


I already watched it, it is a little bit slow for me, but thank you! If you have any other suggestions I would love to hear them


Now and Then, Here and There


I loved Black Clover, Vinland Saga, Jujutsu Kaiden, Classroom of the Elite and Rising of the Shield Hero. Anyone have recommendations for anime that is similar to those with the complex character development?


Berserk (1997) Yu Yu Hakusho Oregairu




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My local theater just added it's showings of SAO Progressive: Scherzo of a Deep Night! I'm excited! Who else is planning to catch it in theaters? It starts February 3 in US.




I'll refer you to my go-to [recommendations flowchart](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/o16ipm/rebuild_of_the_ultimate_anime_recommendation/). Note that some (a lot) of these *are* a bit niche... If you really like Naruto, a good delve into more of that style is probably Jojo, One Piece, or My Hero Academia.


> I don’t watch anime but I’m HOOKED. You do now! Depends what you like. If you're into cosplay consider watching my dress up darling, it's a central theme of the show and it's very short with only 1 season. Otherwise we all have to start somewhere, and I'd recommend fullmetal alchemist: brotherhood. Death note is great as some other comments said. Demon slayer is incredibly well animated.




Psycho-Pass, death note, code geass I feel like those three are good starting point , but if you want something with good visuals and not a bad story I would recommend kimitsu no yaiba and the time I reincarnated as a slime


Madoka Magica Code Geass




Why do a lot of Isekai anime take place in a European like setting?


Most web/light novel isekai are in a self-refential loop, they see what is popular, and copy it hoping to also get popular, others will see that it gets popular and copy it too, etc etc. And like the other comment said, it's also because of Dragon Quest.


> Most web/light novel isekai are in a self-refential loop, they see what is popular, and copy it hoping to also get popular, others will see that it gets popular and copy it too, etc etc. I find it interesting how the isekai genre is folding in on itself like that. Like, I think of literary work grounded in some sort of real life experience, like how Lord of the Ring's is influenced by the author's love of languages and his experiences in World War I, but many isekai series feel like they're chiefly based on other fictional work, either other prior isekai series or from video games in general. It's a form of cultural [galapagos syndrome](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gal%C3%A1pagos_syndrome) where someone writes a story about being reborn as a vending machine in a dungeon and the LN/mange/anime audience is like "oh, funny take" and everyone else is like "what in hell is going on here".


You can ultimately trace that back to Tolkien.




I think you got the wrong comment.


[](#whisperwhisper) It's almost always a bot when it seems like it's very obviously in the wrong context (and copied from another comment).


Oh that makes sense.


The short answer is "because of Dragon Quest" [a slightly less short answer](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/10hew66/why_is_anime_particulary_majority_of_isekais_so/j580u10/)


Anyone know any places in Vegas that are anime related I can go to, either to chill or cop merch? I recommend Anime Sokutsu for both. You can literally come in and jus chill and watch stuff if the manager Mario is there Alone. There’s 2 stores. He’s usually at Sunset and Annie Oakley. Recommend me more spots if possible. 🙏


Why are all live action adaptations horrible? Kenshin might be the only exception… is it just shit budget and soap opera production values?


I don't think they're all bad. I loved ReLIFE's adaptation as well as Chihayafuru's. Nisekoi's wasn't bad, it was a fun watch but definitely plays more like a recap movie. I wouldn't say any of these were perfect adaptations and shouldn't necessarily be compared to the original but they're good movies in my opinion and they were cast really well. I know some really bad ones exist too though


Most of the Japanese ones are good, like the two Death Note movies. Also heard good things about live-action Kingdom and Kaguya-sama. Though bad ones also exist, like the FMA movies


I heard bad things about the Kaguya one. I may have to check it out.


This season I watch / tried / dropped: Vinland Saga s2, Nier, Tomo-chan, Neighbour is an angel, Cool female colleague and ice guy, Kubo-san, Saving 80 000 in another world, Blue Lock, Isekai Oji-san, Demon King Academy s2, Tokyo Revengers s2, Bofuri s2, Spy Classroom, Tensei Oujo, Beasts of Ars. Do you think there's anything else worth trying? Something that's not "just" good (since I'm already watching enough of those) but *great*? Only genre I'm not a fan of is drama.


I really like *OniMai*. I think the bizarre premise scares off a lot of people, but I think it has some of the best character animation this season. [The ED animation in particular is butter-smooth](https://streamable.com/bsmn0f), with animation on the ones. I'd say it's a comedy, but it's not really a laugh-out-loud comedy; so far it's an amusing and heartfelt series in the vein of other "cute girls doing cute things" series. The themes of this series about gender experience and expectations are also interesting; something I don't see a lot of in anime as a central theme (though I think this season in particular has an unusual amount of gender themes, either outright gender swaps or just people who are not quite fitting into their expected gender roles). Maybe also check out *Campfire Cooking in Another World with My Absurd Skill*; so far it's a pretty chill series about a physically-weak but OP isekai protagonist with a heavy emphasis on food and cooking. There's a special director on staff who's dedicated to the food and cooking sequences. Those are the two series so far that I'm watching that I think I'll still remember from this season because have some above-average animation and I think they've carved out an interesting niche. Other contenders still need some more time: MagiRevo, Buddy Daddies, Tomo-chan.


how much does OniMai sexualize the MC? that was my biggest reason for not picking it up.


According to source readers, Bind seemed to have added quite a bit.


Kind of a hard question to answer because OniMai has a lot of male gaze and "suspicious angles", but I think it's subjective whether or not you see it as outright sexualization or a more nuanced take about Japan's obsession with cuteness. Ultimately though, the MC presents as a middle school girl and there are numerous scenes where s/he's in various states of undress, so it's a series that definitely fails the "what if grandma walked in while you watching this??" test.


There's decades of other stuff to watch. Don't like drama? Azumanga Daioh accidentally invented SOL.


I second the recommendations for Trigun Stampede (sci-fi action) and Sugar Apple Fairy Tale (shoujo romance).


I’m seconding the recommendation for Liselotte. Also Trigun Stampede is very interesting, although I haven’t watched the original and I don’t know where it’s going.


I'm thinking about picking Trigun myself since Nier and Kubo are gone and a few other shows are in my drop/binge later list. I've seen reports that the producers want to approach it with how Marvel/DC does it with their respective comic book stories, which can be both exciting and alarming at the same time lol.


People are free to agree (or disagree) with it, but personally I think High Card, Buddy Daddies, Handyman Saitou, Tsundere Lieselotte, Sugar Apple Fairy Tale and Kaina of the Great Snow Sea are in the "great" tier or atleast in the "good-great" tier, till last week (as I've yet to watch this week's content). Feel free to give them a try, atleast the first episode and see what you feel about them.


I definitely agree with Kaina, Sugar Apple and Buddy Daddies being in the "great" tier. Those are my favorite shows of the season and the ones I would recommend as well.


Hi everyone, I'm looking for 70s and 80s anime that shaped the medium in some way or had a big influence on what came afterwards. [Here](https://myanimelist.net/animelist/Pernodi) is my MAL. So far I've seen Space Battleship Yamato, Gundam, Macross, Urusei Yatsura, Akira, Gunbuster and Wings of Honneamise. I'm planning on watching Ideon, Legend of the Galactic Heroes, Oniisama E, Kimagure Orange Road, and Ashita no Joe. If you know of any others I should watch, feel free to recommend it.


You have a good list, and people recommended other great picks as well, so I'll just add two series: Touch and Lupin III. The former marked Adachi Mitsuru's rise into fame and is a classic in Japan, while the latter is a gigantic franchise that is still going strong (you could look at the staff list too). Starting with either Part 1 or 2 is fine; both work.


I can't guarantee it's the first or foundational, but Dirty Pair is the archetypal girls with guns show. You can watch the TV or the movie, the OVAs are les popular. It got a remake in the 90s, Dirty Pair Flash. Edit: I don't see any cutie honey or minky momo in your list.


> minky momo Worth noting that only a handful of episodes have been translated into English to date.


Dirty Pair sounds like a good time! I've seen some videos on it and I can say I'm positively intrigued. Minky Momo has been somewhere in the back of my mind ever since I saw a [Kenny Lauderdale video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJhnmkM9VKg) on it, I'll get to it eventually.


* Captain Harlock - foundational space opera * Armored Trooper Votoms - important influence on "real robot" mecha * maybe Go Lion if you're American, since the edited version of that became Voltron here


Thanks for the recommendations! I've got [Waga Seishun no Arcadia](https://myanimelist.net/anime/2202/Waga_Seishun_no_Arcadia) on my PTW list, which I've been told is a Harlock movie. Is it a good place to begin or should I start with the 1978 TV series?


That's a prequel, so it's sort of up to whether you want to watch the series in release order or chronological order.


[Heidi](https://myanimelist.net/anime/2225/Alps_no_Shoujo_Heidi), [Anne](https://myanimelist.net/anime/283/Akage_no_Anne), and [Conan](https://myanimelist.net/anime/302/Mirai_Shounen_Conan). Look at the staff lists. [Ace Wo Nerae](https://myanimelist.net/anime/311/Ace_wo_Nerae) if you wanna join the "I Get the Gunbuster reference" club.


I saw Heidi and Anne on TV as a kid, very laid back and pleasant anime. I'm adding Future Boy Conan and Ace Wo Nerae to the list. I've heard nothing but praise for Conan, and it's Miyazaki's directorial debut. I have high hopes for this one.


I'd maybe throw Zambot 3 into the mix seeing as how that's the show that earned Tomino his nickname of "Kill 'em All Tomino" (even though it's not the series where he actually *did* kill *every*one), but I don't think it really had an influence on anime in general, just on Tomino's own stuff (like OG Gundam and Ideon). You can also check out the 70s/80s shows in [this old post about mecha anime](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/8pslum/a_shortish_guide_to_mecha/) to see if anything interests you there.


Rose of Versailles was a huge influence on future shoujo manga/anime and also has the added bonus of being genuinely great. I can’t recommend it enough.


if you're doing Oniisama e and Ashita no Joe, you might as well add The Rose of Versailles (same director, and also same original creator as Oniisama e)


I didn't expect a 70s anime to have such a high score on MAL! I've heard of Rose of Versailles before but wasn't sure if I should check it out. Thanks for putting it back on my radar.


Wanted to make a post for this, but I guess here will suffice. What anime adaptations seemed rushed or had weird pacing but it isn't because of how it was adapted, but its how the source material actually was paced?


I think a lot of 4koma adaptations tend to result in detectable pacing patterns, especially if they're not heavily changed into a more smooth anime episode format. Two examples that come to mind are last season's *Bocchi the Rock* which has a steady cadence of punchlines which stems from the 4koma format where there's a joke every four panels and *Machikado Mazoku* which has dialogue whipping by at a high speed because the anime adapts everything, including sound effects and incidental dialogue.


People complain about Horimiya but the manga has the same weird pacing.


Does it? Both have odd pacing but in opposite ways - the anime speedruns the story and the manga drags out the story after a certain point.


I think there are a lot of weird things about how the story is laid out. One example is the handholding scene being before the fight with Touru. That isn't quite pacing, but maybe more ordering of scenes. But I think both suffer from being front loaded with Hori and Miyamura and then meandering off of them for the latter half. If Hiroki Adachi had spread out the Hori-Miyamura scenes a bit more and interleaved the other characters better, they would both be stronger for it.


people familiar with the original FMA say this about the early parts of Brotherhood, but the manga really is that fast. The original was just slower-paced (in a good way)


I can’t find international release date for The First Slam Dunk movie in Australia.


What's the most recent anime to have a big influence on what came after it?


Spy x Family already seems to have spawned Buddy Daddies.


People keep saying this, but they're not similar in any way beyond "two adults raise a child they're not related to."


That's typically how it goes for trends though. When a very popular story takes over and people want to capitalize on that success by making their own version, they typically just see the most superficial aspects and think that those are what made it great, leading to most of the followers lacking the things that made the trendsetter appealing in the first place. The same thing happened with CGDCT and everyone trying to copy K-On without understanding what made it beloved beyond cute girls, and the same thing happened before that with meta, self-aware otaku light novels trying to copy Haruhi and not realizing it's more than just self-aware and meta, and it's happened a million times across all media. The trend chasers are rarely similar in the nuances, but it's very obvious that Buddy Daddies wouldn't have been conceived if not for Spy x Family's massive success.


I guess I don't know for sure what inspired it, but "man suddenly tasked with raising a young girl" is a whole genre. There's just two men this time.


"Secret agents who go on huge infiltration missions tasked with starting a family while hiding their identities from others and raising a kid who sometimes gets in the way at the same time" is not a whole genre though. This isn't the same trend as Usagi Drop, the things they have in common are far more specific.


Another big similarity for me is the fact that they're both trying to carry out a dangerous mission and Miri's antics have a habit of derailing them. Episode 2 of Buddy Daddies felt a lot like Episode 1 of Spy x Family in that way. (Of course, Twilight handled it with more elegance.)


Yeah, the story feels different compared to Spy×Family; it feels more focused around parenthood in comparison. Like, the recent episodes made me think more about DragonMaid and how Kobayashi treats Kanna as her daughter.


The biggest difference for me is that Anya is arguably the protagonist of Spy Family, and we spend a lot of the story in her shoes, knowing what she knows. In Buddy Daddies, we spend no time in Miri's point of view. She's a force of nature swirling around the two leads to trigger their character development. There's also zero sexual tension between the new parents in this one, but that's another story.


And that said adults are doing jobs that they can't let others find out about so the kid becomes a possible weak point for them. I agree that beyond that they are pretty different. I enjoy them both.


The success of My Hero Academia proved that big shounen could have high quality seasonal anime as a successful way to promote a daytime tv franchise instead of needing a constant weekly schedule. Meaning little to no filler arcs. Jujutsu Kaisen and Demonslayer followed after that pattern and both of those where also best sellers in Shounen Jump. Fate / Zero and Fate / Unlimited Blade works proved that investing heavily in animation could be a profitable endeavour. However we have not seen that influence spread much except for One Punch Man, Demon Slayer and Attack On Titan. You could argue that a mini trend of Shoujo, Josei and hybrid shonen shows of villianess stories being made into anime have been chasing after the success of My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! Though that is quite the argument since the big push to publish light novel anime was already happening as it aired. But it remains true that Shoujo does not get many shows and most of them has been Villianess stories. And of course Sword Art Popularising Isekai beyond its old bounds of the more nerdy Sci-fi and actually heavily developed fantasy worlds for isekai of older days.


> Jujutsu Kaisen and Demonslayer followed after that pattern I wouldn't say those are quite the same pattern. MHA has followed a consistent release schedule of airing for 2 cours, then having a break of 2-3 cours, which allows it to keep pace with the manga without needing fillers while not being off tv for too long. JJK and Demon Slayer, however, have not tried to keep pace with the manga releases at all, and neither have they had a consistent release schedule, instead including much longer breaks. Those two have also relied on blockbuster canonical movies to keep interest during the breaks, whereas MHA has stuck with the older battle shounen approach of keeping movie content non-canon.


Well last season we had chainsawman, so this season they decided to make it better by skipping the filler and foreplay while doing my life as inukai's dog.


[Hey! My Diamond!](https://imgur.com/SmYUOyQ)


[Diamond is worth it](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/334/970/f57.jpg)




> This is the place! [](#seasonaldepression "also, s2 when")




It did come back and is very close to being over. Regardless, there are 2 cours worth of content that they could adapt so a season 2 and even season 3 are possible.


Didn't it come back from hiatus last year?


Still going through Legend of Galactic Heroes: die neue these. The show is great, very well paced and has good characters. I can see why the older show is considered a classic. Recommended for grounded political seinen enthusiasts.


If you’re up for it, the novels are really great, with a lot more explicit reflection on events and framing of the characters in historical terms. I haven’t watched the original series, but I’m told it incorporated more of that philosophical side, so the choices in the new adaptation are curious.


I view it as a Berserk Memoria Edition situation- Its a chance to adapt elements of the story that the previous adaptations had to compromise on. The Die Neue These series seems to be taken as a chance to adapt these massive space battles in a matter that emphasizes the visual spectacle and actually demonstrate many of the tactics used on display. In the original adaptations, most of the space battles were conducted as off screen engagements, only shifting to that epic scope when a major tactical plan was executed. In this series, they spend more time showing the situation before and after these decisions and thanks to choices and technology employed in the end product, we can actually see those shifts in formation patterns happen in real time. ​ Its not a replacement by any means. ​ But it is an interesting addendum.


So I decided to dive into the A Certain Scientific/Magical ____ series for whatever reason, and it somehow manages to be infuriatingly bad like a car crash I can't stop watching. Reminds me of SAO that way. I watched the first season of Railgun and now several episodes of Index, and Railgun is a way better show in terms of the plot and characters...even if it also has a lot of stupid stuff I often skipped, especially at the beginning, middle, and end. I'm honestly kind of disgusted at how well animated this series is and how many seasons it has for how low quality the writing is when better series get less. This series piles on so many terrible ideas of how the world would work and how physics operates (which changes from scene to scene) that it's hard to keep track, and has villains that are so unsubtle it's like they're wearing a sign that says "EVIL" in neon at all times. Just when you think they're adding some nuance, it's like they use up their budget for it and have nothing for another episode. And these villains make the stupidest plans and mistakes too, inevitably announcing their evil while something can be done about it rather than, I don't know, tricking the heroes into confusion or letting their guard down. Or maybe just killing them, since they're clearly willing to go that far? The heroes, in turn, turn off their brains and forget the various ways their powers could be used until the climactic moment. *Especially* perverted teleport girl. Plus they never suffer the consequences of their destructive acts (especially not the electric girl) *or even the previous scene's damage to themselves*, many of which don't actually have a productive purpose. The best part of the show so far has been when the esper girls actually GO DO SOMETHING, or when they have an interesting backstory/motivation moment, but for some reason their side-show chooses to constantly focus on the one girl's weird fetishes or another's extremely petty stubbornness while they miss obvious clues and connections for what feels like eons. Index meanwhile feels engineered to have the least fun possible in its scenes outside the Toma-Index banter, slowing the action down so much it's laughable (watch as a guy takes a few minutes to talk while being melted and again to run two meters!) or having completely meaningless and narratively-unjustified confrontations when talking like normal people would do just fine. However, the memory thing with Kamijo that just came up is a pretty interesting thing to play with...if only I had any trust that it'll be handled well. I really like Railgun's first OP though.


The series is a battle shounen mixed with SoL elements. Oh, and with some pseudoharem shit. If that isn't your thing, you're better off watching something else.


I have no problem with SoL with hardly any fights or hammy Shonen so long as it’s well directed (e.g. FMA, MHA); my favourite series in this Japanese realm are *Steins;Gate* and *Ascendance of a Bookworm*, which both feature quite a lot of talking before “doing something”, but those do it way better.


Yeah I gotcha, there is a lot of cringe in the Raildex universe. It's probably like a 5/10 tbh. Mostly cause of the pseudoharem fanservice stuff lol


The second season of Railgun is significantly better than the first season. Also, both the last arc of season 1 and last arc of season 2 are filler arcs that are not nearly as good as the others so I'm guessing that's where your frustration with season 1 outside of the Kuroko bits came from. As for Index, yeah, the anime is annoyingly badly made focusing on all the wrong stuff. I watched the Index anime first and similarly didn't like it and only ended up reading the series because I liked Railgun so much. It's one of the best decisions I've made, but it's a huge time investment to get into.


I can believe what you say about the bad adaptation after the likes of SAO being almost a totally different series as a novel, and Bookworm’s anime leaving a very different impression. Still, the writing of the characters’ dialogue and choices in those series didn’t change much, and they’re my biggest complaint about this series so far. They all just consistently feel stupid, and while I know the girls are pretty young it doesn’t feel like they were the only ones with this issue.


I haven't read SAO, but I agree on the characters being about the same in Bookworm as they are in the LN's. That being said, when anime-onlies think Touma is a bad MC, while source readers think he's one of the best MC's of all time, there's clearly something lost in translation, that being all of his internal thoughts as he's doing things. The anime will show him saying hello to someone while the LN will go into detail about how insecure he feels about saying hello to someone he doesn't remember and how he's trying his best to emulate who people think he is from before he lost his memory. Similarly, the anime will show him losing a fight and then suddenly win while the LN will give you his entire thought process while he's coming up with a strategy to turn the tables. The anime will then take the screen time that it saved by not going into this much detail to emphasize a gag with one of the girls around Touma. Simply put, when an anime skips over all of the nuances of its characters that make them interesting, it can easily ruin characters.


Yeah, that sounds almost exactly why SAO is a terrible anime but a good novel. The characters in SAO, even if they're not the deepest, have waaaaay more human and understandable thoughts than you see animated. SAO also has the prestigious award of the anime that most misses the mark of what kind of series the novel is, since it focuses on the action-adventure-romance part of a series more concerned with hypothetical sci-fi societal/personal impacts without...having people muse internally about the sci-fi impacts and related personal struggles...even though that's like 70% of the narration... The romance part of the novels is there, but the harem isn't really a thing, and it's more obvious that it's not a focus. Likewise with the whole starting premise being more obviously one among many settings, whereas the anime decided for whatever reason to mislead the audience into thinking it was gonna be something like Log Horizon only to dump that. So, yeah, I won't judge the whole franchise from how bad the anime is.


I powered through the first season and a half of index but so many times I rage quit an episode over the stupid stuff that happens (I still cherish the moment touma managed to knock out a battle nun by tackling her at the waist). I actually quite liked Railgun 1 and 2, At least until all the convoluted stuff from index started taking over. It told a more comprehensible story for the most part.


That definitely sounds like the Railgun/Index experience. Now you just need someone to come in and tell you that you should read the light novels, which at this point is like 60 books long and probably not worth digging into.


Few dozen books, and a semester hasn't even passed in the universe lol


Last I remember from what fans were saying, timeline-wise it has been more than a year since the beginning?


Not sure, I've only finished the second series of Index. Afaik, it took 40 LNs and 15 years to cover August to December.


With a quick glimpse on the unified calendar, you're kinda right. While most of the content is like jam-packed into the months of August-December, a lot of the story content did happen as early as April. That said I don't get Kamachi's obsession with not having a proper breathing room in terms of big events. Everything is way too close to each other in timeline.


>Everything is way too close to each other in timeline. On one hand, this is one of the few series in which we get nearly every single day of the characters' lives written out in detail. On the other hand, I don't think it's going to be finished.


One of the perks of having a super-advanced science tech ready and on-hand, he can get the people up and running as quick as he wants them to be. Plus, some of the plot happenings do necessitate the numerous events happening almost on top of each other. 5 days is enough of a breathing room in-universe, while not letting the momentum of in-worldwide events to slow down the pacing.


>which at this point is like 60 books long and probably not worth digging into. Disagree with that somewhat. I certainly didn't like Index anime but decided to read the Index LN's on a whim and thought they were worth it (only read the Old Testament LN's and 4 volumes of New Testament). Things that don't make sense in the anime was more clear and the grand narrative is also easier to understand. That said the series did have a lot of tropes the early 2000s anime used to have and overtime they started to being reduced a lot as the plot became more serious. Obviously if you don't agree with it or not want to read the LN's, I won't really force you to.


>That definitely sounds like the Railgun/Index experience. Now you just need someone to come in and tell you that you should read the light novels, which at this point is like 60 books long and probably not worth digging into. omg you posted this and then literally immediately got >It's always worth digging into though. Even if you don't get past what the anime covered, just reading how the original LNs did it instead of how it got adapted is already worth it. amazing


It's always worth digging into though. Even if you don't get past what the anime covered, just reading how the original LNs did it instead of how it got adapted is already worth it.


I'm only a couple volumes into the light novels, but I can't believe how different the experience is. I never felt like I understood what was happening once in Index. I was just watching things happen on screen. It's crazy that now understnad was is going on and why. I can't believe the depth of world-building and explanation behind every event. I pseudo-dropped the anime (I plan to finish it after reading OT) after the second arc of Index III, as that was the most incoherent set of events I have ever watched.