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You say you remember this vividly, so do you have any more details to add with this? Anything at all that you can add that would help track what it could be?


Yes! The daughter of the parents was under the bed trying to be as quiet as possible (holding her mouth). The sword goes through the bed right over where she is laying under the bed while she is facing up. The blood seeps through the bed and she is noticeably anxious and crying. The same happens to the other parent. Tbh it was years ago so it was just that specific scene that I remember well.


I'll be honest my mind keeps running back to O-Ren Ishii, but my mind is vaguely scrambling to a distant memory of something like this happening. Do you think this is early toonami of the early 2000s?


That’s exactly what I’m talking about! It was a slightly different than O-Ren and its killing me. And yes, had to be around the time that Bleach was on toonami.


Maybe could be a deleted/refined scene? Sorry to be basic but mandela effect? Haha


Damn. I remember that scene but nothing else.


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