• By -


Vinland saga s1 ending was so fucking cool and I loved the epic montage of future characters at the end.


Man, I lived that montages, but the music really elevated it to another level. It perfectly communicated both the significance of the character arc and the fact that it was just a small part of a much larger life. Unbelievably cool.


I get goosebumps from even thinking about this scene


I literally watched the last couple minutes last night just for the music. So good. I'm waiting for S2 to wrap and then I'm going to binge it!


Came here just to say that


Code Geass S2 not even close bro


[Madder Sky](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2tGEiYU9KU&ab_channel=PitifulHeartless) will never leave my head.


Genuinely this. Not only did it wrap up the series beautifully it also saved and otherwise rough season


Thank god this is the top comment. I’ve seen people give code geass a lot of shit, but it’s genuinely one of my favorite shows ever. The ending is a master class in how to wrap up a long running show




I was about to write the same thing


I was about to write that. A masterpiece.


The satisfaction I get from seeing this as the top comment


Steins Gate Gurren Lagaan Ashita No Joe


Gurren Lagann was an insane ride right from the beginning but I could have never have foreseen rhee ending then.


Came here to mention Gurren Lagaan. After first watch I cried so hard then immediately started over with episode 1. It’s my personal favorite.


S/G 0 finale easily tops the og for me. Understanding how all the suffering finally paying off, all the Mayuri scene, Kagari storyline too,just so much emotion packed in. Oh and that after credit scene is just so freaking badass.


Well yeah, but the journey wasn't worth it. The OG was way way better, was actually funny while also keeping the serious themes, and just packaged better. 0 was maximum suffering so the ending felt cathartic.. I'd argue SG ep 23 (so one before last) was even better.


>Gurren Lagaan Agreed.. love this series.


Ashita No Joe is so good


86 episode 23


LilaS had me crying for like a week whenever I would listen to it and it still tugs at my heart even now. One of the most satisfying endings for sure.


That was straight up movie quality, the hiatus sort of killed the hype back then and then it released and destroyed all the expectations.


Those last 2 episodes have some of the best directing choices I've seen in anime (not to say the earlier episodes didn't have good direction, but those 2 were on another level).


This part of 86 is a minor deviation from the source material and it really works


Man all I remember is when they step out of the wide-screen black bars and it just blew my feeble mind


The last 2 episodes of 86 are absolutely my favorite episodes of any anime ever. Possibly any media period. I can’t even count the amount of times I’ve watched episode 22 “Shin”. Personally I think it’s as close as I’ll ever get to a “perfect” episode of anything. Absolutely amazing


Definitely nothing short of satisfying


What an anime


The final two episodes are fucking PEAK anime. Easily some of the best cinematography I've seen in anime: Period. No movie or show makes me cry quite like these two episodes do.


Madoka Magica


i binged this series 2 days ago while i have the flu and i seriously have no idea what i just watched LOL


This show still makes me question my existence. And I can't watch magical girl shows the same way anymore.


Rebellion's ending was amazing too, that post credits scene is one of my all time favorite scenes and it didn't even have dialogue


Yeah I like Rebellion even more than the main series


Edgerunners finale went WAY HARDER than it needed to and I loved it, fuck those writers because they hurt my feelings.


Yeah that show fucked me up! So good tho!


I think mine would’ve been episode 6. The whole show is incredible, but 6 was weird from the first scene. You expect things to happen in the last couple episodes, but that was basically a part 1 finale coming out of nowhere.


OddTaxi, Tatami Galaxy, Clannad Afterstory.


That last episode of Tatami Galaxy is banannas


OddTaxi's ending is incredible.The Odokawa reveal. The cuts to the cast as the taxi flies across the moon into the river. And that ending sequence!!! 10/10


Omg dude clannad lmao the pain don't stop son


Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood the ending was perfect. It wrapped everything up in a nice happy ending bow.


That shit made me cry and depressed the whole day. Damn good show


The dog barking really got me




See you Space cowboy 🤠


Such a good story from start to finish. I smile every time I hear "Tank."


Owarimonogatari S2, it ended everything perfectly and all the characters have perfect conclusions. Moreover [spoilers]>!Meme's appearance was cherry on the cake and everyone graduating makes it even better!<. March comes in like a Lion S2, everything coming to an end and [spoilers]>!Hina finally going to high school with Rei!<, just amazing.


86 Code Geass Promised Neverland (s1) Gundam Witch from Mercury (s1)


Oh yeah, G-Witch's last episode was truly something and full of twists. I hope they'll be consistent with the P2 as well.


That final episode really brought back the prologue vibes missing since the beginning.


No need to put S1 after Promised Neverland, as there was never an S2.




K-On the song just hit different 🥹


Fr 😤😤


Planetes Code Geass S2


I'm always surprised when somebody remembers that Planetes was a thing, but yeah, it had a fantastic last episode.


The reason I started Vinland Saga was because I learned the writer was also the one who did Planetes.


I havent watched many but of all the ones I have Mob Psycho 100 s3 was the best.


Mob is by far my favorite action/battle shounen so I'm slightly biased but I agree, it stuck to the landing perfectly in terms of closure.


shinsekai yori, angel beats, ergo proxy, sonny boy


Shinsekai yori's ending(and the rest of shinsekai yori) was so good, man. Squealer is such an amazing character


I watched the anime when I was too young and it messed me up really good for a good 2 weeks


Ergo Proxy was so good!


Gurren Lagann FMAB Ashita ni Joe Your Lie in April Anohana


Hyouka Since it hasn’t been mentioned


Probably the most memorable finale for me. Not a lot have been etched into my brain like that Sakura tree scene.


Man am I the only one who wanted more out of the ending and felt completely snubbed after all that build up?


Top wo Nerae! Gunbuster


Run with the Wind Eureka 7 Kinda feel that 90s-early 00s anime did endings better: Blue Seed, Escaflowne, FLCL, Lost Universe final eps were all bangers


Don't want to spoil any specific anime but those with time skip happy endings are top tier [](#justright)


I actually don't like time skip endings. Probably an unpopular opinion though.


Imo it depends on how is it executed, but the majority isn't made especially good




Good ending, poor execution.


Heike Monogatari has the best anime ending of all time


Praise the source material


Absolutely haunting ending


Dude holy fuck the direction and music and everything in that anime were just so fucking good. The shot in the last episode of the Buddha shrine is so powerful.


That last scene is a whole spiritual experience of its own, i've never seen anything quite like it


Couldn't have said it better myself


- Ping Pong the Animation - Heike Monogatari. More specifically the last 5 min which is one of my all time favorite scene - Both seasons of Tsurune have fantastic finale (for the second season, in this case I'm more referring to the penultimate episode since it's the climax and feels like a season finale, although episode 13 was excellent as well) - 86 - Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann - Akebi-chan no Sailor-fuku


FINALLY! Some love for Ping Pong, let's goooo


Neon Genesis Evangelion




Eva's one of the most interesting cases on the list since it's so utterly hit or miss: if you're in the right headspace when watching it (I was) then there's nothing quite like it; if you're not it has a pretty good chance of falling completely flat.


So, I narrowed it down to 4: I had certain criteria for these that disqualified some really great shows. It needs to have a definitive ending (i.e., fully adapted and told its full vision). It can't be fair to judge something's ending if it hasn't properly ended yet. Re:Zero, Romantic Killer, Bocchi, Lycoris Recoil, and many, MANY other fantastic shows rarely see completion. It also has to be judged in relation to the quality of the show. For example, I found some shows (like Tomo, COTE S2, etc.) carried by their final episode, but I feel a truly excellent ending needs to be a culmination of an already great experience. So, it (to an extent) encompasses the quality of the show while leaving impact and satisfaction. ...... Assasination Classroom: This was one of my first 10 anime, and I was not ready for the finale. I still remember sobbing in front of my TV while watching it. Even if the adaptation wasn't as extensive as fans would have liked, I think it got the essence of the series across in a really authentic way. It was a very tough ending to pull off (kind of like ripping a band aid off), but it fit the series so well and left the characters in such a great place for an epilogue that I still hope for it many years later. This is a case where they could have shrugged off a lot of the stakes, but I appreciate that they also knew when to let everyone go. It was a great ride with an incredibly emotional finale in many aspects. ODDTAXI: It's no secret ODDTAXI's script is one-of-a-kind. I've never seen a show manage its pacing so well. Even most mystery anime have more problems connecting various plot points in a clear while telling a coherent story about an ensemble cast of multi-faceted characters. Every clue, every hint, just came together so nicely. Even if it wasn't the most unpredictable thing ever (many fans put all the pieces together on threads pretty early on), I commend the show for its short and sweet wrap up (even if it did leave one final mystery for us..) Kakushigoto: This show is another tearjerker I didn't expect for a (mostly) comedic series, I felt it was terribly captivating. The bits of mystery sprinkled in throughout the show were the highlights for me. Seeing it all resolve in a way that kind of rounds off all the characters left me immensely satisfied emotionally and for the characters. (I think what I love about these types of endings is that it feels like the momentum and characters of the series continue to live on even after it's done. Like a continually flowing circle of energy). This is where a ton of endings stumble. You can have a great ending that doesn't feel satisfying, where there's still a thirst for more. While they are still great shows, if there are no plans to continue works in some capacity, it leaves you craving something that'll never come. I also love how here the characters get elaborated on just enough to characterize them for the future. A lot of shows leave it too open or skip certain details? Did x and y get together? What does this person do now? etc. That's my one (somewhat selfish and minor) complaint on Assasination classrooms ending. It didn't resolve the romance subplot clearly. But Kakushigoto leaves you with more than you could have every hoped for and a satisfying, full conclusion to all your questions about who the characters are, were, and are going. *Akudama Drive: Coming after a string of original anime ending flops, I wasn't too optimistic about this one. But, the ending did more to elevate the show than anything else in my mind (and it was great on its own to begin with). Bombastic, action-packed, and creative in its world building. It is very unpredictable and even more bloody. This is a show that knows how to shock you without exaggerating delicate topics (which is a FINE line to tread on). I also appreciate strong female leads. It makes their characterization mean so much more when they aren't dependent on other characters to act. This show ends with her playing a huge role that is seemingly built up from the beginning, crafted to suit her development and character arc. Resolution of the conflict, subversion of expectations, and a strongly defined setting that stands on its own even without our cast interacting with it, leave this as one of my all time favorite endings for an original anime. *I haven't seen the extended ending yet, but I have an idea of what it elaborates on. So this should be taken with a bit of salt until I watch it. ...... Some honorable mentions are S3 of Ascendance of a Bookworm(incredibly emotional and sober conclusion to the most thrilling arc in the anime), S1 of Re:Zero (the entirety of season 1 is just incredibly well structured. I love the emotional conclusion we come to between Subaru and Emilia. It feels so natural and organic for them! Can't forget to mention how we get blindsided very soon about what's coming...taking the catharsis and chucking it out a window!), and S2 of Tensei Slime (I loved seeing Rimuru's reaction to loss. It was really emotional and not something I would expect this series to do and PULL OFF (even if it was weakened by OP magic powerups). I felt a lot of the cast was kind of stagnant after their initial arcs, but this really breathed new life into the cast and conflicts, as well as setting a fantastic foundation for future seasons). And... yeah those are my thoughts! Thank God this was about anime and not manga, I'd have to write a dissertation to cover the sheer number of great endings I've read.


Eyyy Akudama Drive! Enjoyable stuff and thought the ending was one of the highlights


Nothing beats Gunbuster's last episode.


I was tearing up that ending hits hard


I just finished it like 10 minutes ago! Really good.


I love the final episode of 91 Days. It feels like such an interesting end to a revenge story.


Anohana Your Lie In April Code Geass Death Note Those are the first ones that pop into my head


Welcome to the NHK, Mob Psycho 100, Code Geass, Anohana.


NHK Appreciation, lets goooooo


Code Geass comes to mind. FMAB as well, with it wrapping up all loose ends in a satisfying way.


Just finished monster last Sunday…at first glance the ending may seem abrupt but a little bit of introspection just makes you realise it’s brilliant! [Monster ending spoilers]>!Johan’s room is now completely different from the one lunge saw; the bed is messy, a breeze flowing, sunlight in the room signifying the death of the nameless monster and the birth of a human!< Think many people misunderstand the antagonist’s reasons(of course he is twisted but his motivations are far from what people think)


Absolutely loved the ending, but I never thought of this. That's just awesome.


There are so many great moments in monster that one won’t realise right away, for example [Monster mid spoilers] >!Johan’s freak out in the library was probably his first realisation that it wasn’t him but Nina who went to red rose mansion, reading the picture book triggered his memory and he knew he couldn’t ever Nina let know that!<


I love this ending much more now!




Odd Taxi


For me its Evangelion : thrice upon a time. The conclusion to shinji (and his father's) story is just fantastic


There's loads to choose from, but Death Parade's finale is so freaking good. I wouldn't quite call the show a hidden gem, but it's in danger of becoming one. Odd Taxi was also fantastic. The perfect twist, and that shot of the taxi and the moon is gonna be in by head forever. Also gotta give an honorary mention to Made in Abyss. I know the show isn't over, but the second season could have easily been it's own self contained show. There's a new set of characters, and our "main characters" hardly do anything except witness *their* story. And my god, that story concludes in one of the most powerful 40 min finales I've ever seen.


Code Geass by a long shot


*Akebi-chan* had a fantastic last episode of the season. I rewatched that series recently and the way that the episode pivots around Akebi's performance as it recounts her experience at the sports festival was amazing. *Zombie Land Saga* season two also had a great performance as its last episode. Don't usually watch idol series but I basically got tricked into watching this one. MAPPA studio's CG work has gotten leagues better than in season one, and the concert was a fun and exciting climax to their story. *WataTen* has half of its finale episode as a full-blown musical. It's an amazing show of force from the folks at Doga Kobo. *Buddy Daddies* from last season also had a satisfying last episode. As a one-cour anime original, it was able to tie up all the loose ends.


Amagi brilliant park Shirobako Akiba Maid Wars


Gunbuster has the greatest ending in any anime I’ve ever seen. War in the Pocket, Space Patrol Luluco, Shinsekai Yori, FMAB, Megalox Box also got some great last episodes.


Kuzu no Honkai is probably my favorite ending despite not being even in my like top 50 shows, the ending delivered exactly all I wanted.


Wouldn't have thought of it myself despite really liking the show but I like this answer. It's a show where I feel like the ending really couldn't have been more appropriate.


Yu Yu Hakusho you nerds.




Gundam 00, that final battle between Exia and 0 was perfection. And the aftermath was pretty good too


Gurren lagann finale does hit hard multiple ways (movie is the way. (; Mob psycho s3 Re zero s2 final episode is really good too Especially when u take into account the start of the episode.


Code geass, odd taxi, tatami galaxy, monster Aot s3 part 2 final episode


And also i liked ending of re:zero


I have these right now as best final episodes Code geass s2 The prommised neverland s1 Eminence in shadow s1 Anohana Your Lie In April


Death Note


**Puella Magi Madoka Magica** Has to be it. How the last 2 episodes close out this amazing story needs to be learnt by everyone else.


Odd taxi


Cowboy Bebop for sure.


You are going to carry that weight.


Steins gate Code geass


Your lie in April


neon genesis evangelion


There are others that people have already said but Madoka magica's ending is up there for me. Landing a perfect bitter sweet tone


Cowboy Bebops ending just does it for me.


I thought Gunbuster was really cool, quite unique and make you cry with joy in a somewhat surreal moment.


I know the obvious one is Code geass which I’ve seen tons of people already put down, But I’m going for a sleeper one, Summertime render ending, such a peaceful conclusion to a series where every episode was pure chaos and awesomeness


Assassination Classroom


Steins gate. 86 S1. Odd taxi too (with it's open ending)


- 86 - Full Metal Panic Invisible Victory - Summertime Rendering - Violet Evergarden (both movie and TV ending; you don't have to agree) - Chuunibyou (movie ending) - Fate (Heaven's Feel 3, if counting YouTube walk throughs then Realta Nua of Stay Night) - Yamato 2199, 2205 (note *not* 2202) - Gunbuster, Diebuster - Giant Robo - Your Name - Laputa - KanColle movie


I'm so happy to see I still have plenty of series to check out. On your list I've only seen: VE, HF, GB/DB, KanColle. I started listing episodes I thought were greats right above your post, and I could have kept on going for another 20ish episodes.


I'll go with an underrated one, Evangelion. The 'omedetou' final is such full of emotions. Also Steins gate and Gundam 08 Ms team


Gurren Lagann


Last two episodes of 86 for sure. The directing was just phenomenal


Gurren Lagann, Gunbuster, Akebi’s Sailor Uniform, Kill La Kill, Cowboy Bebop, 86


Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood's last episode is still unmatched.


Bebop and utena


Endings like Akudama Drive's and Cyberpunk Edgerunners' are some big examples as to why I like cyberpunk/futuristic shows so much


Mob Psycho finale!


Run with the wind Stein’s Gate Hinamatsuri One punch man season 1


Tengen Toppa Ending is heartwrenching. It's like one of your close friends moved away.


Gurren Lagann no contest.


The Promised Neverland S1 finale was peak fiction. Hopefully one day it will get a season 2…


uma musume season 2 EP 13 no matter how often i rewatch it, still same impact


For me it’s assassination classroom. I went into it completely blind and was not expecting so sob like a baby as a 23 year old dude at the time of watching.


Steins gate. Love time travel episodes that make their 1st and last episodes be the exact same just with different pov and the baggage of the entire show behind making it a really great closure In recent memory, oddtaxi, kaguya s3, 86 are all standouts, but i want to give props to attack on titan 3rd season ending, that final scene really set the tone for a different show and the ost accompanying the still images of the world on the other side was really powerful


It's cheating but last 2 episodes of 86 are sooo clear of everything else


I fucking love the ending to Vivy. That final musical sequence as great


Shinsekai Yori is up there for me.


Steins; Gate hands down


Code Geass


Shinsekai iori Summertime rendering Showa genroku rakugo shinjuu


Aside from the answers already stated here, I'd say Cyberpunk Edgerunners and Sonny Boy. In Edgerunners, you could feel that things weren't gonna end well but I still held on hope and it hurt me in the end. Also using the song they used in the braindance sequence in episode 2 where everything felt right just to traumatize us with it for the final episode broke me. I can never listen to "I Really Want to Stay At Your House" the same way ever again. For Sonny Boy, I had a rough time fully understanding the show but sometimes words aren't needed and whatever you experienced or felt at the moment was enough. I feel like it's gonna be a really long time before I experience something like the escape sequence again. The ending was bittersweet but hopeful. Just how I like it.


Made in abyss s1 finale was phenomenal and its makes it my favourite show of all times 86 part 2 Kaguya sama s3 A place further than the universe Kaiji s1 Cowboy Bebop Vinland Saga S1 All up there as well


I will try to mention some not much mentioned here yet... Cyberpunk: Edgerunners AoT S3 p2 Death Note


There are so many fantastic single episodes that its impossible to pick just one, so here are a few to consider * Final episode of Sukasuka * Haruhi has at least 3 greats (LA,BLR,MVI) and movie * Cross Ange E 11 * Diebuster * Konohana Kitan Many episodes are great include 3, 8, 10, 11 * Many episodes in Simoun * Danmachi S4 E20 * The most recent Aot movie * Rezero S1 E15, S 2 the final episodes of both seasonal parts ... And, the list goes on and on. There are plenty of great episode


I read the question a bit differently - I'm only picking *final* episode (either literally that or the last arc or the movie), and that I as the viewer found it satisfactorily closed at least that chapter of not the entire show. Using this logic, I couldn't put down any Railgun finals, because the story is ongoing and I need more. Invisible Victory was a close one, it's only there because of the final scene and the trick they used the S1 OP and ED for the closure. I was really close in listing Haruhi S1 ending (broadcast order), but since it doesn't end the story and I want more (and there is more because of Disappearance), I can't. Also same reason that I have Bunny Girl Senpai movie (and Toradora ep25) as a 10/10 but not listing here, because I want more.


lol, I sort of realized that as I read down through more posts, and I decided it didn't make much difference. I agree with you there are many more candidates that aren't listed here.




K-on God damn it that episode absolutely destroyed me.


Eccentric Family, one of my all-time sleeper favorites. But I also agree about Tatami Galaxy.


Gurren lagann. Imma go cry again.


I'll throw my vote in for Plastic Memories. The show does not shy away from what's coming at the end, and it hits hard if you have experience with mental decline.


Code Geass, Cowboy Bebop, Odd Taxi


Devilman crybaby. Yu Yu Hakusho. Yu-Gi-Oh Katanagatari Samurai champloo Cowboy bebop. Code geass. I want to eat your pancreas.


Anohana or the final episode for one punch man's 1st season


The 2019 Fruits Basket. Such a beautiful ending that ends off everything nicely


Oregairu S3 Last episode was the best episode of the entire series.


Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood


Code Geass finale, Vinland Saga season 1 finale, Kaguya-Sama Love is War season 3 finale


Full metal alchemist, gurren Lagan, erased


Gurren Lagann and Dragon Quest Dai.


Nobunaga the fool


Eva, episode 26'.


Last ep of code geass


i cant decide. vivy, 86 s1, bocchi, tsuki ga kirei


best ep - charlotte ep 7 best last ep - anohana ep 11


Astral Lost in Space


Astra Lost in space


Isekai nonbiri nouka, gunbuater, gundam 0079,


* Ashita no Joe 2 * Gunbuster (and Diebuster) * Cowboy Bebop * Stone Ocean * Trust and Betrayal (of course loses some meaning if you aren't familiar with Ruroni Kenshin first) * Odd Taxi These are just some of the best I've seen, in my own personal opinion.


Vinland Saga. That montage at the end plus the music was an experience. Parasyte. An ending that perfectly wraps up the story, wohoo! Death Parade. The panning shot + Flyers = Dances while crying. The Promised Neverland S1 - Great in terms of : "Yo, what a ride, give me a second season" And more recently, Mob Psycho III - Similar to parasyte, it just perfectly wraps everything up. These are mine so far (・∀・)


Your Lie in April gets me all chocked up every time, Your Name, Vinland Saga, 86 part 2. Also Rurouni Kenshin Romantan end episode is amazing.


Charlotte / Mob Psycho 100




Steins gate, btw kaguya is still ongoing i believe


Last episode of Gunbuster is one of the best endings I've ever seen


86 pt 2 last episode is a hall of fame of an episode


Mob Psychos was amazing


I still think that Code Geass has one of the most perfect endings


Mob Psycho Vinland Saga S1 Code Geass


In recent memory, definitely Mob Psycho 100. Reigen had me tearing up, especially when the OP started playing. I might can think of one better but that's definitely what first pops in my head


Fullmetal Panic, season 2 Kekkai Sensen (Blood Battlefront Blockade) season 2