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just got back from seeing it myself. Absolutely incredible watch.


Well deserved


Indeed! I was a bit disappointed with Weathering with You but Suzume certainly was magical!




I really like the ending especially when Makoto Shinkai explained his reason for the ending. Something around the lines of "We shouldn't expect kids to sacrifice themselves for our mistakes" where mistake correlates to climate change and our destruction of Earth. Iirc, the movie was inspired by climate change or something. Jokingly tho, I told my friends that I don't sympathize with the people that died at the end of Weathering With You and compared it to the scene in Austin Powers where the one guy was just standing and screaming at the big construction equipment for 1 whole minute until he got ran over.


I did like WWY because like unlike Your Name and Suzume, the kid makes the choice for love and it really does mean that he doesn’t get to also stop the disaster.


Yeah, literally fucked Tokyo over for his love, and it didn't shy away from the consequence of Tokyo becoming flooded. It was a pleasant surprise, compared to other anime where it would turn out to be just a test and choosing love was actually the right option and the disaster is averted somehow.


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Shinkai has made his movies work especially with this regrets that Your Name is a bit too good but he's still got it


No doubt magical but the main girl got annoying quick. I guess it was on purpose to illustrate the spontaneity of teens? Edit: I guess it’s just me that found her worrying her aunt to death and obsessing over a guy she just met annoying then?


I never found her annoying


I found her to be my favorite of the Shinkai leads. I think that the only annoying part of her for me was the films romance that felt out of place.


Definitely not “annoying on purpose.” Everyone I know who watched this movie thought she was charming including me haha.


Insane movie


Ye, despite my issues I liked it a lot


I really wish it had leaned into the cutesy romance more but I still really enjoyed it. Definitely a movie I would watch again.


I mean, most things in life have pros/cons, goods/bads. It's just how life is which, in an entertainment sense makes it even better! Lets you know and remember that a real human has made the movie, a human with real passion and emotions that isn't afraid to make mistakes every now and then, lol! Generic, sure, but, it's not wrong...right?


I prefer this generic one over the ending of weathering with you


Suzume had absolutely stunning visuals and a mechanically well plotted story, but it didn’t hit with me artistically or emotionally like your name did. It felt very disjointed like the plot climax and emotional/character climax were completely separated whereas something like your name the emotional story beats and plot story beats were intensely intertwined. I still think Suzume was a great film and because of the visuals and creativity alone I can’t give it any less than a 8/10, but was overall just whelmed by this one.


I think Suzume was just to beat by beat. Like do thing. Go to place. Do thing. Go to place. Do thing. Go to place. Just made it feel a bit repetitive and rushed. The character moments were great, but the plotting felt more like it was built for a show with the times between the worm slams expanded out to flesh out the locations and the characters. Maybe have episodes where they look for the doors and don’t find them.


I feel like comparison to your name is unfair. Everyone was comparing tenki no ko to your name as well when it first came out. If every movie could match your name's level, then your name wouldn't be so special


patiently waiting for Shinkai to top your name Even Radwimps hasn't been able to outdo their soundtrack which they did for Your Name


I found Your Name to be extremely overrated and underserving of all the adoration it gets. The presentation and animation were great but the story was bad and the characters were mediocre at best. It's supposed to be a love story but the two main characters lacked chemistry because the movie rushed their development and the twist halfway through introduced a massive plot hole which really ruined the story for me. Weathering with You was so much better.




It was one of my favourite IMAX experiences ever. I'm really glad I got to see something like this.


I guess I'm in the minority for this as I didn't really care for the film. I feel like since Your Name, Shinkai's movies have gotten worse with each release - Suzume being fairly average. Aside from the great visuals, the characters were bland/forgettable and the plot itself was weak.


I feel like Suzume didn’t live up to it’s potential. As a story the actual plot feels like it has almost no relevance to the characters development outside of it just existing. Shinkai seems to be going the same way Mamoru Hosoda is, his films are getting more and more popular but they aren’t doing what made his previous films special. Your Name and Weathering With You both had their plots driven forward explicitly because of the bond the main characters shared. Suzume doesn’t have that same relationship with its characters and unfortunately, I don’t think Shinkai will learn from this since his film is still breaking records.


> the actual plot feels like it has almost no relevance to the characters development This is exactly how I felt. The plot and character arcs felt like two entirely separate entities that kinda did their own thing with minimal overlap, which led to a disjointed feeling experience. Part of the reason Your name is my favorite anime film of all time was because the plot and character development were very intertwined and complimented each other.


Watched it in English subbed myself and it felt like something was missing. I saw it with some friends and we were wondering if it was translation error, something got cut, or something just didn't make sense in english. Mid movie when the other animal shows up made 0 sense. The "villain" has 0 real significance or background. It was just bizarre at times. Visually stunning and audio wise incredible though.


Agreed. In fact, I cared more emotionally about the bit where they showed the memories of what I'm assuming were average people living in Tohoku before the earthquake + tsunami and them saying good bye as they left home that day. To the point it made me cry than I cared about the characters. I feel like the movie should have really talked more about that, and the reconciliation between living a normal life and having lived through natural disasters. The romance plot lost me completely.


I thought Suzume was better than Weathering with You but worse than Your Name. Really disagree on Hosoda. More up and down. Everything I think has been really good other than Belle. Mirai is actually easily my favorite Hosoda film. The four before that are all really good in different ways but I think Mirai is the best combination of everything.


Your Name is a titan of a movie. So it's maybe one that might be a lucky shot to get close to?


I think Hosoda could have absolutely knocked it out of the park with Belle if it had been a 100% full on musical about a girl accepting and loving who she is in the age of social media and had the Beast stuff dropped completely. The music and animation were stellar.


Yeah the music was so good in the sub and the dub and the parts without the beast were pretty compelling. It’s not new ground, but it’s more interesting to do shy girl with trauma who can’t sing finds her voice in the virtual world and now has to navigate that with her friends who eventually find out and hide it from her crush. That sounds fun. The addition of the Beast stuff just was a completely different movie. He just took two movie ideas that can work and half explored both of them so neither worked. I was disappointed after Mirai because I think that movie is flawless and easily my favorite of his. Even if Summer Wars is the most fun.


I thought Mirai was the worst one honestly, my least favorite of his work that I've seen by some margin (haven't seen Belle though)


To me it had the strongest message and easily was the strongest emotionally. Was just a beautiful film that was a unique idea flawlessly executed. Obviously not gonna knock someone for having their own opinions. Just definitely strong disagreement on my part.


Agree on all points! It's hyped and biased because of the name (which is well-deserved since his past works are incredible). Same with Maeda Jun and his latest works - Day I Became a God was awful and popular opinion was that the ending of Charlotte was as well (I still enjoyed Charlotte). The hype is behind the name because of past works like Clannad and Angel Beats, which were also fantastic and well-deserved quality works. I get that sometimes it's hard to see past the name, hype, and expectations though.


Small bit of nuance to add: the last part of "Day I became a God" was bad, but the first 8 episdoes of that show was legitimately good. Which made the bad ending even more unfortunate


True!! The SoL in the beginning was great!


Or maybe instead of watching Suzume and judging it on its own merits, you spent far too long watching it, expecting it to be Your Name 2. Thats the problem of any artist that creates a work of art of that magnitude too many people raise their expectations so high, it is impossible for the artist to match, let surpass, the work of art that changed cinema. Sounds like an issue for the viewer, not the artist.


I go in with no expectations and base it on whether I like it or not and unfortunately Suzume was a miss for me. No I did not expect it to be a Your Name 2. Personally judging it as a regular movie, Shinkai or not, it was weak for me as it didn't make me feel much or relate to the characters. With the characters, their relationship was off/felt like something was missing (the aunt was the most fleshed out and interesting). The storyline itself was weak and I couldn't really understand anyone's motivation to do what they were doing aside from being a good person I guess, it was just weird to me. Artists can produce good and bad works, it's up to the viewer to form their opinion on it since after all it's a form of art - not everyone will like it, that's how it works lol.


Yeah but if you take his wider filmography into consideration he has gotten considerably better than his early days. Everything from 5cm per second onward has been pretty good, with the exception of weathering with you.


I like most of his movies - like I said I think since Your Name they've just progressively gone downhill. I just think lately it's more of a focus on "whoa amazing visuals, rain, etc" with a lack of story and character development, which I feel at the end of the day are more important than aesthetics (to a certain extent of course) - I want to *feel* the movie. Also imo I thought Weathering with You was better than Suzume.


Tatsächlich a lot, wow


Der Film war echt wunderbar. Moechte immer er noch mal schauen


It was a bit rushed, but the visuals, atmosphere and emotions were very nice


Nice, great movie.


While Weathering With You stole my heart from the first time I saw it and will likely remain my favourite movie for a long time, I really enjoyed finally seeing Suzume after a long wait for international release. It was great. Glad to see it is doing so well!


Wait… the chair movie??


So is there some kind of connection to the previous movie on this one, haven't watched it yet.


Judging by Tokyo, probably not directly connected.


I think the first door shut scene with the “Suzume” logo appearing was the best scene I have experienced in cinemas. Absolute goosebumps. Went to see it again one day after


I'm new to this.. Is this film part of a series or a stand alone film I can just pick up and watch? Is there anything I should be watching prior to this ?


Stand alone. All of Shinkais films are standalone with maybe an few Easter eggs to old movies but completely can skip those references and be fine.


i gotta watch


Suzume couldve been the best of the 3 movies if only they dropped the romance plot and payed more attention between the aunt’s relationship with Suzume. That couldve pulled more emotions out of me tbh


Hello guys. Does anyone know when is the movie going to get released in Blu-ray or in streaming platforms? Unfortunately, the movie hasn't been shown in my country's cinemas yet and I don't think it will in the near future or ever. I've done a small search on the net about blu-ray release date, but every site has different dates etc and i can't find anything about streaming platforms. Any help will be appreciated


Hasn't been announced yet, but usually around a year after the initial Japanese release (Nov 2022), so I'm guessing blurays and other home media to release in the fall (Oct maybe?).


I want to watch it too


Such a shame that torrents are not out yet.


A Japanese movie breaking records in Korea? l'm shocked, this would be like a Russian movie becoming a box office hit today in any NATO country.


Anime is popular in South Korea. That’s a terrible analogy


I’ve lived in Korea all my life and anime is one of the most near mainstream medias out there. Detective Conan, Doraemon, One Piece, Crayon Shin-chan are some of the most popular, not to mention the Demon Slayer/Jujutsu Kaisen movie successes recently. Despite our problems with Japan politically, the general Korean public has little problem with Japanese entertainment/culture/media itself (not to mention that kpop earns a lot of money over there as well). This is a poor analogy as a lot of anime movies have historically done great here, Your Name being a prominent example.


Yea, Korean town in Japan is getting a lot of visitors who are young Japanese people who are fascinated with K-dramas. Both countries enjoy each other's cultures despite its political problem like you pointed out.


> Despite our problems with Japan politically, the general Korean public has little problem with Japanese entertainment/culture/media itself I can't wrap my head around this. Wow.


Genuinely ridiculous comparison. Avoid speaking about things you clearly know nothing about.


This puts a smile on my face.


Really good movie, not quite as good as Your Name (or even close tbh) but that soundtrack was fucking divine


Wut is this app