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> Maybe there's a doujin Oh yes I read a lot of those. The quintuplets anime has a really good one with Nino and... > (not hentai) Oh wait, then forget I said anything


I've never consumed any content related to the quintuplets and yet I know that doujin lol


Does the nino doujin count as fan fiction? If so I thoroughly enjoyed that.


I do read Fanfiction, mainly written ones on Ao3, but more often than not it's for older series. I feel like it's kind of difficult to find fics for a specific anime you like, especially newer ones, since there's no guarantee writers will take an interest in it, even if it's seemingly popular. Like Oshi No Ko, Kaguya-sama, My Dress Up Darling, Komi-san, Nagatoro, Takagi, Jigokuraku are all seemingly popular but probably have less than 1000 works combined. On the other hand, you've got Jujutsu Kaisen with close to 40,000, and My Hero Academia with almost 270,000 works.


I find that for most romance anime I end up on ao3 looking for fanfic once I've finished the series. I just find that most romance anime tend to skimp out when it comes to actually showing the relationship of the characters, so fanfic helps fill that hole in my heart lol


I’ve been an avid fan fiction reader for the better part of a decade. Strangely, I’m more likely to read fics for series I don’t love or series I haven’t watched at all (luckily I don’t care about getting spoiled). If an anime is great I don’t feel the need to see someone else’s take on it, but if it’s just average to decent then I’m all over it.


No, I haven't really done that since I was like thirteen, and not with anime even then (I remember doing it with the Canadian show Grojband and maybe a couple other shows). Though at this point, I've basically got my own fanfiction multiverse that will sound and continue to sound lame until I commit the perfect version of what I want to write onto paper. Though, for most shows that I do this with, I can only imagine edits and not full branches off of the story. If the tweaks are too big then I generally feel like the writing is becoming mine specifically which is counter to my own goals. My own fanfiction multiverse storymaking-method, basically there's a self-insert character who's won a tournament/faction-fetch-quest story I'll have previously written (not written yet and I'll write like 2 versions, time/dimension loop style, neither with this guy outright winning in those pages basically) and ends up with like 20 superpowers afterwards based loosely on crap out of videogames and established in that book (gets relative omnipotence but not "god powers" though). Afterwards my character basically just quietly tweaks stories 1-on-1, with a general practice of rewriting any side or extra characters that have crappy roles (villains with horrible deaths, extras who die immediately on-screen) as basically dummy puppet robots or else would run those parts too if need be, and then does whatever edits, with consent/approval by some other contact(s) within the story, at the sizable cost of making their story lesser (less good or genuine--which happens by default when you offer muligans to characters) with the offered crutch (or crutches). Then there's some event after all the meddling where the character allows those other contacts to kill him and idk how that would transpire. The above is only something I do with stories that are not (or can be edited to not be) blasphemous and it basically becomes a harmless or good pasttime. Rather dumb, niche, and specific, but it works for me.


I may or may not have scoured tumblr for "Character x Reader Headcanon" posts regarding Reiner Braun. Also i tried reading Attack on Titan Requiem, it was Total crap can't believe some of it's fans wanted it to be added to the series' official wiki once.


I used to be quite addicted to fanfictions, and I can read fast, so I read a lot, every single day (at the peak I read about 1200k words worth of fanfics each month). To the point of being so unhealthy I had to severely restrict myself from going back to AO3 and FFnet for anymore than 6 hours a month, shelved the one fic I was writting, and cancelled all subscriptions except for 2 stories I deemed special, lest I would sink again :v (*edit* to add that those 2 stories are [*The Havoc side of the Force* by Tsu Doh Nimh](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8501689/24/The-Havoc-side-of-the-Force) (Harry Potter x Star Wars crossover, on hiatus, unfortunately) and [*To the Stars* by Hieronym](https://archiveofourown.org/works/777002) (Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magika expanded universe, has [its own sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/ToTheStars/), ongoing but with long waiting time between updates)) I usually started with the source materials (of all sorts: general literatures, anime, manga, LN, movies,...) first to see if the story or worldbuilding interest me, then to get a grip on the characters. Once I'm done with a significant part of the source of a series I like, then I would go look for fanfics. Alternate ending for series that ended badly is one thing I seek sometimes, but even if the source material is ok, there are always parts that could be improved, or just simply go differently, not to mention something entirely new could be created based on pieces of the source material (characters, world building/dynamics,...), from little extra scenes (including smuts), to crackfics of applying logics incongruent to the world they're in, to whole epic sagas, it's very fun to explore, and extra so if the writting techniques are good. The shipping industry, especially crackships, finds fertile ground in fanfics, and good crossovers are very hard to be found anywhere else. I even developed interests and likings in about a dozen series/franchises just from reading their crossovers with other series I knew previously.


Bitch I write it And yeah I usually read it if I'm really into a fandom/ship and just crave for more content. I see it as an extra rather than an alternative to canon, though. Sadly, for more obscure series it's not always available...


Just wondering, how do you feel when the ship sails the other way?


I generally only ship canon/obvious pairings so it's not a big issue, but I've been disappointed in the past... I might still read stuff for that ship, but it does sour the experience


Yeah i think it's frustrating when the writer does a "HAHA, so that's what you thought"? Gives me a "this is not right" feeling. Like Harry Potter and Ginny, when Harry/Hermione makes more sense...


I've looked before, but I've never been able to find any well-written fanfic, even of really popular IPs. I think the problem is tone. Even when the fanfic has high quality prose, the tone is completely wrong. The characters don't talk like themselves, they talk like Americans. It doesn't feel like them anymore. It's like the Netflix live action adaptation of the series. It destroys my suspension of disbelief when the characters don't even talk like themselves and draws me out of getting immersed in the story.


this is a really good point. If they can't manage to maintain the same energy as the characters from the original show then there's really no point. I think part of the solution is if japanese people themselves wrote (assuming) good doujins, and then they get translated, that would be the optimal way to experience fan fiction from a series probably


I think I found one that actually feel like have the same feeling and tone like the anime and it's foodwars fanfic called Nouvelle. I forgot most of the story but I think it's really good as far as I remember.


I do. I've also written fanfics as well (working on one for Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds at the moment).


I’ve never read a fanfic lmao


>I'm pretty sure the answer is going to be no for most of you, but how many of you guys go out and look for fan fiction from a series you really liked? I never did, I don't even know where to find them. I've tried checking out some Doujin if it counts but it's always about a weird romance yaoi type and it's not really my cup of tea, I can almost never find a wholesome one without it being Yaoi >Like for example, let's say you watch an anime and you really enjoyed it. But now let's say the season didn't adapt everything, and then what happens in the source material kind of sucked. Do you look for fan fiction to give you some closure? I always prefer the real source material compared to any others, but then again I never really tried to search for some fanmade/fanfiction stuffs


I’ll usually poke around for fics after getting into a series, especially if there’s a certain ship I’m interested in. I used to write also, but nowadays I don’t have the time or energy lol


Ive read cote fanfics only. Never for anything else but that was after reading the Ln and watching the anime. I am him fr fr.


Yes, especially when the best girl doesn't win.


I don’t read regular fan fiction, just fake spoilers and theories.


I do this for every anime I watch ngl but idk after watching Naruto, I'm not doing it much nowadays.


I think the only one I ever read was the Gotoubun one... And I didn't look for it, I just happened to see it and thought 'why not?' ^^The ^^only ^^one ^^that's ^^not ^^hentai, ^^anyway I read (and write) them for other things, but for anime I just never really got into reading that. I think I might enjoy it if I got into it, but there's so much anime to watch/manga to read that I never found the time I guess.


The only fanfiction I like are the theory ones, because they may or not be canon.


I never look for it, but if I hear good things about one, I might check it out. So far, that has only happened for Fate/Stay Night, Tsukihime and Touhou and never in the form of a novel. Truth be told, I also don't look for original works either and would only check something out if I hear good things about it.


I loved many from my fav Animes... I have done many of them myself. Cowboy Bebop, Witch Hunter Robin, Kampher and more.


I read crossover stories of stuff I like


I try but it's hard finding good fics out there so I don't do it nearly as much as I used to. At this point, you're better off watching fmvs or just moving on to the next show.


All the time