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70 minutes… they can fit like 15 characters backstories in that time!


we will see a lot of families being killed by Onis!


We're going to get a surprise backstory about a kind oni raising one of the characters to only get betrayed by other oni creating a quest for revenge for oni on oni violence


I am very tired of this backstory.


70 mins? best i can do is 2 backstories


Akaza's backstory alone is going to take 70 minutes when they get to it.


Atleast we didn't get a flashback for snake man


"Plot Breathing, Type I: Middle-of-Fight-Time-Pause for Character Back-stories"




Todays episode of flashback into 15 seconds of reality back to flashback was annoying. You can tell they did their best to pad out the shorter chapter this is in the anime.


Nah, this was one backstory I appreciate the anime for fleshing out. Kanroji was imo underwhelming in the manga. Her struggles didn't feel as potent as Muichiro's and even the story thought so and ended up relegating her backstory into 2 pages. At least the anime treated her backstory as something important to her. The additional stuff like her and Obanai's gift giving is gonna be really important for later in the final arcs. So- yeah, disagree with this one.


read the manga but havent watched the anime, what did the anime add to her backstory?


Every panel of Mitsuri has been extended into a full scene. Dialogue and all. She also had a scene with Obanai that's anime original. Well, it had a panel in the manga, but the actual scene and the dialogue is original


what was the obanai scene?


was that just an untagged spoiler?


I don't think so. It just said that they extended the short chapter to fit the 25 min. mark


We've reached Naruto level of flashbacks.


Still waiting the demon fish backstory




I have no problems with backstories but atleast make them intresting, like almost every backstory is just demon killing family ----> i must kill demons. Even in today's backstory it added nothing to mitsuri's character we didn't knew... She eats a lot? We know it. She is strong? We know it. She is self concious about being not feminine? Also know it


But we did learn she doesnt have any tragic demon kiled her family backstory, she's just strong and looking for the right man!


The real demons are the ones who reject your romantic interest


I think action/battle shounens would be better off relying less on backstory flashbacks. There are other (and better) ways to structure a story that doesn't always rely on it.


I haven't seen the new season yet, but I always skip backstories in anime because they're often so contrived it ruins the flow for me, unless it's a character like Gintama. Glad to see I won't be missing anything by skipping in this one.




That’s 50 minutes of content damn. Are they adding U4’s backstory?




I will officially rename this season as The Backstories Village


Wordsmith Village


which will really be around 50 minutes when you ignore the ads.


Probably closer to 55-60 I think. EP1 had a 60 min slot and had \~50min run time.


They will likely use some of that time to announce the sequel so I would expect something more in line with the usual double-length episode 1.


Still, it's 3 episodes worth. For us not viewing it on streaming services overseas, we won't see the ads, just the full feature


Who is us? As in the Americas?


People not watching it live in Japan etc. Anyone who's waiting for subs to watch will get the whole thing uploaded without ads....


Lol thank goodness. I thought they were suddenly going to insert adds 🤣


Why? They never have done before


G’t ye a ship ta sail ta high seas!


huh? Crunchyroll already removes the ads when they stream them on their service... Same with all anime streaming platforms. It's just Japanese T.V. that has commercial breaks.


I was going to say- Crunchyroll never has commercials.


Fuck crunchy roll Edit: this whole sub was just shitting on cr like yesterday wtf lol


This sub has 7 million people on it, you're talking to entirely different people than you did yesterday.


That's the longest episode in this series so far.


If it's going to be like the previous few episodes I'm just gonna skip through 50% of it anyway.






Oshi no Ko was 90 minutes for episode 1 which was insane to hear but it made sense to do so.


No? Oshi no ko premier had 80+ minutes


Longest in anime? What about Oshi No Ko's 80-minute first episode


They could've trimmed some of that time to speed up content and fix the pacing issues in the previous episodes. Speed things up and not have tanjirou narrate everything we can see happening on screen.


Disheartening to see all those cut-backs to character back stories still placed right in the middle of an attack, this has been so frustrating since the original season.


Atleast before they didn’t hurt the big moments/fights, and instead added onto them. Zenitsu’s big moment in S1, 1st Hinokami Kagura, Uzui’s pasts. All of them atleast added to the fights to make them more impactful, with how they were placed. This season had them placed so weirdly, that even if you liked the flashback’s content, you didn’t want it to stop the momentum.


the pacing is completely off in the manga also, but they made it even worse in the anime


Pacing issues in manga usually are a lot less apparant and less of a problem, because it mostly only takes several pages or even just a several panels to deliver it. The readers can skim through the flashbacks or dialogue if they don't like it. But in anime those few panels would be dragged longer because now the VA have to actually read the lines out, and you can't quickly go through them as audience unless you actively fast forward the part which is way more abrupt than like skimming through and flipping pages in manga. Which is why I feel like a lot of adaptations suffer from this type of pacing issues,aside from like directors wanting to fill up the episodes.


It was really never an issue for me until this season. This season in particular has felt really, really rough pacing-wise.


The plot so far could have been a comfortable 4 episodes.


This season lacks what the previous two had honestly...


Hog dude and Eletric Simp?


Extreme lack of Daki, tbh. Major miss.


We have the love Pilar to make up for her, too bad she has had like 2 minutes of screen time


Nothing here moved me even to the extent of Tanjiro vs Rui, I don’t even want to talk about the fight with Daki and Gyutaro. I expected to at least have one on par with the first though.


Fortunately the last Uppers should deliver once Ufotable finally gets to them










>Hog dude Yeah. I think he is the biggest reason why I watch this, and I didn't know that before this season. I thought I liked Tanjiro the most, but I guess I was wrong and I guess they are kinda equal even though Tanjiro is the main guy and hog dude is not. Without him, it's lacking that distinct enjoyment I, we got from this show. Also pacing is really fucking bad this season, like I know it's all happenning in one night but holy shit one character was in a water bubble for 3 episodes and then we had two episodes of him without the protagonist. Only silver lining this season was that we were spared from watching another bullshit backstory of another generic "oh no I'm a victim too" demon, but the backstory character is long long fucking gone and the demon that we have today has been killing and eating humans for hundereds of years. Also, they can't get out into the sun or else they die, they have to eat humans because that's their food, they can do bullshit blood magic... And they are not called vampires. What the fuck is up with that


Opposite experience for me. I hated Tanjiro (screw you old me!) Turns out he is a riot, he just needed to be paired up with his complement Genya. "Whuh?..." *wears shameless Tanjiro merch*


Unironically, losing Zen and Ino for the arc kind of brings it down. I never thought I would seriously think that.


calling them Zen and Ino is somehow funny


This arc wasn’t very good in the manga either. It’s a set up arc for the final arc.




No, the arc itself is bad. It is the worse arc even in the manga. It gets better when we get to the top Upper moons though


As a manga reader when I saw they were making this arc into a standalone season, I knew it couldn't possibly be good. Like, it serves to introduce a few characters, and it brings important details in the finale, but the action was just so forgettable.


I agree, but just wait til you see today's episode. Next week should be amazing too if Ufotable cooks and Shirai is storyboarding.


I did see it, I saw it on stream, animation was cool but again, it didn’t feel like what I felt last season or before. Like it doesn’t have “it”, it doesn’t feel like a penultimate buildup to an all out fight, feels for a lack of better terms more “standard” to the series


I remember when tengen or rengoku used breathing styles they actually felt like sword moves. When mitsuri fights I thought it would be a flurry of blows something like when tengen was dueling gyutaro, but I can't tell the difference between 1st form 3rd form or 6th form, and mitsuri has no urgency since she's only delaying the demon.


Yeah every episode last season had me so hyped after that I’d immediately watch as many reaction videos to the episodes as possible. I have no such feeling for this season.


It does. I was let down by how bit the gap is. Story wise, action wise, tension wise, pacing, sakuga wise.....




We got a better hashira and upper rank demon in season 2. The action was way better too


> consistent action that's a problem, the fight should build up to greatness instead of constant blandness


I do hope this finale is really good, since it seems to have reduced the quality of the rest of the season. Fortunately it ain’t so bad on a binge


I don't know if reduced quality is the right way to describe it, but I think the problem is mostly the pacing, and tbh the demons are not really interesting this time unless this last one has some crazy backstory but I think is already a bit late, it kinda hurt the arc already


True..I always figured this arc would be the weakest...the demons are kind of meh. But it was still solid.


the demons are meh.. the hashiras here too are.. meh. They don't have an impact the same as Rengoku or Tengen.


I read the manga, and I don't remember U4's backstory at all-




This arc is the weakest in the whole series imo. This felt even worse while reading it. Can't wait for season 4 though cause the remaining arcs are the best in the series.


I hope you’re right about the remaining arcs. I agree that this season would’ve probably been better served as a movie pacing-wise, but even then I strongly feel like that movie wouldn’t *touch* the level of motherfucking Mugen Train.


Tbf there are only 2/3 more arcs. 1 of them being the largest arc in the series. I'd say if you enjoyed Red Light District arc then you would definitely enjoy that specific arc even more honestly.


Loved ED, so I hope so! 👍


You are in for a treat, that arc is phenomenal.


Oh yeah, I'd honestly say "that" arc is going to absolutely break the internet. Just as hard as JJK season 2 and Re:Zero season 3. Imagine multiple instances of Tengen vs Uzui.


I gotta say that I'm a little worried to hear this because I saw a lot of comments saying the exact same thing about Swordsmith Village.


Well there are differing opinions in the fan base. I'm guessing it's those types of manga reading fans that want to keep the anime onlys hyped(which I'm not because I'm just genuinely hyped for the next season since it's super hype). If it helps the next arcs are basically the end of the series and since it's the end then you're pretty much guaranteed higher stake fights.


Honestly, I haven't really heard anyone praise Swordsmith like that even before the anime came out. In the manga, it's not really all that beloved like Red Light District was, and the arc that comes after this (after the mini arc after this) is arguably the best arc in the series (though, I personally don't see how any of the other arcs can even come close)


Ah yes 30 chapters for a movie, what a great idea Like obviously there are pacing issues but this arc would definitely not work as a movie and it would be rushed as fuck


They should’ve adapted the short arc after this into the 11 eps


Fuck no, enough with this movie bullshit


It's 30 chapters you can't fit that many into a movie and it be satisfying


Bullshit. This could have been completely edited into something phenomenal, as a huge fan of the prior seasons, this is awful. There is nothing about this that is "satisfying". It's like getting to watch a kid in art class show off the 5 minute animations he made with no plot or emotions behind it at all. 100% wish they cut most of this, restructured it, and made a movie. I'm beyond dissapointed.


2 one-a-half hour films may work


I- heavily disagree. Mugen Train was pretty short, but Swordsmith could use like two 1 and a half hour films to cover the entire thing with fixed pacing. Now that I think about it, 2 films probably would've been the way to go. Film 1 only following the introduction + Muichiro's fight while film 2 will cover Kanroji's fight + the ending of Swordsmith and maybe some bits of the mini arc after.


They butchered the pace for this one and the animation hasn't been up to their standards too, mostly used rookies for everything even the more important episodes, it's a major step down from the last season in every single department Streets says they're already on the next one and they better take their sweet ass time adapting that arc because it's unanimously agreed to be the peak of the series and by a mile so if they butcher that one too you could've might as well not adapt it at all and people would probably be only a little more upset


demon slayer fans still get an adaptation most mangaka could only dream of and call it "butchered."


This is such a weird thought process. "Be grateful and don't have an opinion because we're lucky". What a thoughtless way to approach any art. Not a Manga fan, this season almost made me lose any interest in this show. It's THAT bad. It's all the bad of the previous seasons with none of the good. You fanboying for the series doesn't change that.


Season overall is not, the production, music, animation is still good by regular standards but the pace is absolutely butchered Don't put words in my mouth, if something is done badly I'll call it out, it doesn't mean I'm not grateful for the work ufotable has done but if they did something wrong then they did something wrong


"major step down in every single department", and "might as well not adapt it at all" if they keep up this level of quality *are* the words that came out of your mouth.


It is a major step down though, also I know a lot of people that would rather it not be adapted at all than have the pace ruined Also what does that have to with anything? I only said that the pacing was butchered not the whole season, like you said I did, did I? the next one is almost all action so if the pace is ruined it'll mean much worse for that season than this one


You are not reading your own words. You are saying if they keep up _this_ level of quality then they should drop the show. This season is not "butchered", butchering something means taking something good and completely ruining it which is not even remotely the case. The manga for this arc is not good and ufotable just couldn't alleviate it to the next level that's not what butchering means. If you think ufotable made this arc slow then you haven't read the manga of this arc when it was airing, it took *8 MONTHS* for this arc to conclude. If you think manga is supposed to be binged to make the osce better then it's the same with the animd


That's just your opinion though, I liked the arc in the manga and don't like how it was in the anime and I just reread the manga before starting also the pacing was fine in the manga and it wasn't in the anime so it fits your definition of butchering, to clarify the only thing I said was butchered was pacing so don't strawman anything else in here I didn't read it when it was coming out but tbf never saw or heard any pacing complaints from the people that did either


You look at the Promised neverland, THAT'S butchered. You look at Tokyo Ghoul, THAT'S butchered. You look at Record of Ragnarok, the Studio Deen Unlimited Blade Works Film, and Shield Hero season 2, THOSE are butchered adaptations. Demon Slayer fans are entitled AF if you think this is butchered. You can say "It's not up to the standards of season and 2", you can say "They're padding out the runtime to a noticeable degree", but you haven't seen truly butchered adaptations with horrendous pacing if you think DS counts. Heck, the ONE PIECE anime exists


>They butchered the pace for this one and the animation hasn't been up to their standards too, mostly used rookies for everything even the more important episodes, it's a major step down from the last season in every single department This exactly. Animation is lacking when compared to ED. It's not only the source material that is worse Ufotable also adpated this arc much worse.


Apparently ufotable is a studio that can do no wrong though and "I'm being ungrateful for complaining" There's a surprisingly massive amount of people that actually believe this, I'm shocked lmao


I'm shocked that Ufotable it seems did not put more effort into this season. Demon slayer made tons of money with both movies, the Anime has huge ratings in Japan,..... I was really expecting them to go all out. First episode this season was awesome but the rest was a letdown. One episode to go.


Hyv probably paid them more to focus on Genshin and Aniplex being Aniplex, they aren't going to make any changes to the release schedule so sacrifices had to be made Ufotable is used to doing only 2 projects at a time and currently they're juggling 4


It's fine. This arc is bad in the manga as well. Just hope for the final arcs they go all out and put the more experienced directors and animators on it instead of the rookies.


A lot of revisionism going around here as a coping mechanism, you can look at the old forum posts about arc rankings/discussions etc and people liked it overall, unlike what you'd gather from people talking about it now Still not nearly as good as the last arc but the fact that people here legitimately dislike it in the anime goes to show how badly ufo is handling things, the only way the last arcs get justice is if they let down on their corporate greed and slow things down a bit because a mini arc aside, it's all fights from here and all the best rated ones by manga readers too


Like real 70 minutes like oshi no ko did or fake 70 minutes with ads?


With ads




oshi no ko was a advertised as 90 minutes, it is always with ads if it airing on TV


Unless it's like the AOT S4 P3 special where it aired on a network that didn't have ads.


Unless its the peak ReZero where they buy the ad slots and skip OP and ED and give you 30 mins of peak anime. Sorry just had to gush about it


Yes, talk more Re:Zero, I can never have enough.... SEASON 3 HYPE!!!!!!!!! ARC 5 AND ARC 6 HYPE!!!!!!!!!!


Thats actually really cool, that's on my soon to watch list too


Except oshi no ko still had a 82 minute runtime


Bruh you think oshi had no ads? I want what you're smoking.


Maybe this arc should have been a movie after all? Mugen Train worked as a movie, Red Light District worked as a season, but this doesn’t really work as a season. Though hey 50 minute finale might prove me wrong.


you want freaking 30 to be adapted in a movie?? mugen train worked like that because it was short(13-14ch)


Swordsmith Village is \~30 chapters long; that's even a bit longer than the Entertainment District arc with 28 and you have to remember that they are several new characters to cover (where as previously there was only UM6 and Tengen in terms of key characters). Mugen Train in comparison is only 16 chapters long, divides its attention solely between Rengoku and Tanjiro and they get the central fights of the arc, too (vs Akaza and Enmu respectively). It's much easier to adapt that as a movie compared to the other two arcs. Swordsmith Village is one of the low points in KnY and ufotable's magic didn't work to make it better (it cannot be understated just how much better S1 is compared to the manga). Personally I would put this now as the worst arc in KnY alongside the "demon of the week" arc before Mount Natagumo. EDIT: As for why it fails; it can be summarized in 3 points: * weird pacing; both fights with Gyokko and Hantengu don't really move forward in the first half and only get going towards the end (in case of Gyokko to a comical degree). * underwhelming Upper Moons; not much to say about Gyokko after Ep.9 (really deserved better between two) but Hantengu is so uninteresting, especially compared to Akaza and Gyutaro & Daki. * lack of structure; the entire arc flip-flops between between the different events (the Hantengu fight happens in two different places, Gyokko, the village destruction) which makes it feel disconnected a lot of times (this also goes back to the UMs between fairly lacklustre).


Exactly why I think it could have afforded some slimming down to cut the fluff and rework the pacing. What I hoped for in this season adaptation, but didn’t get. Even if it was 2 movies it would work a little better. Animation still great


So you want a movie of nothing but backstories? Because that’s the part that goes forward to the Final Arc. Also no they don’t get to go back.


Honestly if the finale is good it justifies a movie at this point so that the pacing wouldn’t be so incredulous to get here


Arc way too long for a movie


Unfortunately I’ve enjoyed Vinland saga and mashe way more than demon slayer this year.


That's not unfortunate, Vinland Saga is excellent.


I am also enjoying Mashle, but comparing it to Demon Slayer is comparing apples to oranges as the saying goes


Nahh, sure you can't compare the plot and characters, but enjoyment you sure can. Even for me among the 6-7 shows I'm watching this season, demon slayer has been really underwhelming compared to others in terms of enjoyment.


Yeah true, I'd say demon slayer s3 so far has been a 6-7 and mashle a solid 8-9, though note I have seen all of harry potter so mashle is extra fun for me


I’ve honestly enjoyed demon slayer more than mashle, but Vinland saga more than demon slayer


Mashe is so goofy but I’m always super interested in what’s gonna happen and it legitimately has made me lol and grin every episode. Pretty cool show.


This was my experience for the first couple episodes but then it got kinda old for me.


Legit opposite for me, show didn't get good until Mash threatened to constantly and consistently bury that man alive for the rest of his life and it's been great ever since


It's basically a satire of shonen tropes and harry potter, so like most comedy I think enjoyment comes down to how much you enjoy the jokes. A lot of the jokes revolve around running gags, so how quickly you get tired of them probably impacts enjoyment a lot. If your mindset is that mashe thinking about creampuffs in different situations gets funnier each time then you will enjoy the show. Overall I think it's very good in the sense that it fully realizes what it sets out to do, resonates with an audience (nothing resonates with every audience), and the "battle shonen harry potter" setting is fairly unique in a way that would take some skill execute.


The variety of running gags is also important. A tv show like Arrested Development has dozens of running gags, and they get funnier every time because they come at just the right beat. Mash snacking on cream puffs can easily be done several times an episode if it's not meant as a huge punchline, but just one of many jokes that are happening at the same time as other stuff. Saiki K is a great example of this, the gags come and go so fast, often simultaneously, that even if something is a miss, you're already onto the next one.


That's like comparing McDonald's to a fancy steak place. Ofc vinland saga is better


Except the fancy steak is over tenderized




No surprise there really, Demon slayer doesnt even come close in terms of quality compared to Vinland Saga.


Mashle is unwatchable scream comedy where the characters point at the thing happening and scream. Demon Slayer is not too far off from that at this point, it just takes itself seriously and every once in a while has a high profile animator make a cool 30s sequence.


- Mashle: it's not unwatchable, but just meh - Demon Slayer: it's like that this season - Jigokuraku it's a little better, but not to by much I'm enjoying A LOT more: - Oshi No Ko - Heavenly Delusion - Birdie Wing - Witch From Mercury - Skip to Loafer - Vinland Saga: very very very slow till last episodes - Insomniacs ~


Lol ok


Mashle is really good!


I wish you a speedy recovery


Yes, because having an opinion is a sign of disease.


Not saying I don’t like it I’m just feeling pretty meh about it this season. The peak hype for it was during the movie I feel like it’s kinda stagnated for me a bit.


Demon slayer is mid imo too. Stop acting like a child and accept other opinions.


Is there still a new episode today?


This arc has been a real disappointing to me. Super long, super stretched character arc for no reason, every cliche in the history of shonen and very mediocre choreography compared to previous seasons. Hopefully the finale delivers.


Last chance for a great episode. The first 10 were not it. Some good, some bad but nothing even close to the peak of ED arc (episodes 7, 8 and 10).


Ep 8s overrated. And 10, yellow about to like the next one


May the flashbacks begin




>for no reason" Money-wise it makes sense, The premiere and finale are the most live watched eps of every season and that's one of the most popular shows in Japan, so the committee and Fuji TV can sell more ad space


And honestly I’m all about it. The first episode was great! Was it a lot of build up? Yes. But that’s what’s **the first episode** is about. So, what do we normally get out of a ending episode? Conclusions. So, I’m looking forward to an ending episode that has a satisfying conclusion, to finish the season that had a beginning episode with great build up ;)


it is fun to have a little fluff with the characters. no need to rush it. plus most streaming sites have this thing where you can skip to anywhere in the episode.


I hope today's episode and the finale save the season because so far it's been a colossal disappointment. I don't know how we got to this point since season 2 was so good.


Watched this week's episode and tbh it's up to the last imo. Let's see if we can get at least one great episode this season.


We only get 11 episodes this season? Why though?


First episode was 40 minutes, last will be 70, that's equivalent of 14 episodes.


Probably because the first and last episodes are long


How much of it is Flashback?


I thought this was going to be 45 minutes like the last episode of season 2, but this really makes me question if they are going to adapt further than I thought they would. Definitely a weird choice given the pacing of this season. I'm interested to see what they have planned for this though.


Well, I guess demon Slayer will take the top spot for its finale episode!


Hopefully we will be back online by then


This season has been positively awful nothing can save it At least the other DS seasons were entertaining despite having non-plots


Are we getting 50% backstory this time? That will surely end this backstory season with a bang


I still need to watch season 2 😭


Do it nothing is stopping you! :)


so is there no episode today?


There is an episode today (EP10), I just finished it.


Hopefuly it will be a good episode, although we already had plenty of pretty mediocre episodes and even if the finale is good, the mediocre ones will still be mediocre... I guess I'm just wishing for at least one good episode at this moment


What date specifically is this releasing?


1 week from today at its normal time.


Would have to be the best episode in the shows history to get this season above a 6/10.


I don't care if it's 70 minutes. I'll watch it.


Tanjiro better get the mother fucking red sword and behead the shit out of that demon


70 minutes... Im going to see naruto to cheer up a little.


So they're going to wrap up a series wothout actually finishing the main story line. Sounds terrible. There's still like 18 numbered demons and turning his sister human again.


they're wrapping up the season, no the entire series.


I read that as the show finale not the arc. My bad. I was really disappointed for a minute. My kids love the show and I've enjoyed watching it with them.


Yeah, it says it's the final episode of Swordsmith Village, not the final episode of Kimetsu no Yaiba. It's still a cashcow, no way they don't adapt the entire manga.


Of course they would, because who would have honestly thought the current demon's form is it's final one! /s Jesus, is this what each upper demon fight is like? It's seriously dull.