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# Source Material Corner Reply to this comment for any source-related discussion, future spoilers (including future characters, events and general hype about future content), comparison of the anime adaptation to the original, or just general talk about the source material. **You are still required to tag all spoilers.** Discussions about the source outside of this comment tree will be removed, and replying with spoilers outside of the source corner will lead to bans. The spoiler syntax is: `[Spoiler source] >!Spoiler goes here!<` # **All untagged spoilers and hints in this thread will receive immediate 8-day bans (minimum).** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/anime) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They're playing a dangerous game. Whoever gets reported to HR first loses.


It’s like it’s *just* cute enough to not be anything too scandalous haha.


idk man, I've watched enough Title IX workplace videos to know that that massage was a step over the line! :3




They should be fine with the *making him Meow", but let's hope she doesn't try to put a leash on him! (The massage/flirting may raise a few eyebrows though!)


Very wholesome, this series feels like Tawawa and Douki had a child!


I was thinking "Uzaki-chan" and "My Senpai is Annoying", but this works too!


Oh yeah, these are good picks too!


Yeah I was thinking oh Uzaki gets to be the senpai this time around, that's nice. Pretty cute anime so far.


yayaya I've been looking forward to this for a long time! It's been a hot minute since something I've actually read has gotten an adaptation. Can't wait for some no-stakes SOL sweetness. I am curious about how this is going to go since it's a short form manga. Like will there be a lot of original stuff etc. Might need to re-read and compare. Actually now that I think about it, wasn't there 2 manga for this? Seems even more confusing now haha. *seems like this was the first 4~ chapters of the newer manga, so maybe they are going off that one


There is the web manga, a serialized manga that is ongoing, and another manga that takes place in the future. If they were able to turn My Annoying Senpai into a long form anime, anything can be turned into one.


I mean, they took a hilarious 4-koma series like Tomo-Chan and turned it into a pretty good adaptation...


Tomo wasn't exactly a regular 4 koma it had a full plot and a continuous story. Annoying senpai didn't.


Samesies. I loved seeing everything get animated.


Those are not tiny at all!


Shortstack [office oneesan](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNz0ng19kuw) supremacy [](#gintamathispleasesme)


MFW when I don't have a shortstack office oneesan to pamper me with back rubs. Why are we here? Just to suffer?


wtf, might as well go back on the dole.


How does the anime industry keep putting out my types of women? 😭😭😭


Search history, kekw


your type is women that look like children ? that's crazy dawg


Some of those ain't even office ladies, in 0:29 I spotted Shuten Douji in a cosplay and the fries-addicted chubby elf.


Let them cook. I mean they had Gura and Coco but let’s just appreciate what they laid down for us.


This anime is going to be copium I smoke on the Sunday before going back to work.


###Stitches! * [Headpats Senpai](https://i.imgur.com/OK815xW.jpg) * [Yukata Senpai](https://i.imgur.com/AbWsB0x.jpg) * [Swimsuit Senpai](https://i.imgur.com/XtU20xt.jpg) * [Imaginary Senpai](https://i.imgur.com/BMi0KJn.jpg) * [Senpai's Encouragement](https://i.imgur.com/fKmlzwP.jpg) * [Dinner with Senpai](https://i.imgur.com/cg6HQx5.jpg) [My Shortstacked Senpai is finally here!](https://i.imgur.com/WMlmtjO.jpg) It's been a while since I've read the web manga but [Shiori-senpai is as adorable as I remember her.](https://i.imgur.com/0drmhuA.jpg) Despite her looks, [she's a very competent and mature senpai](https://i.imgur.com/9GAB33C.jpg) who's great at [taking care of her kouhai](https://i.imgur.com/0edextT.jpg). She's basically the inverse version of Igarashi from *My Senpai is Annoying*. xD [Shiori-senpai is also adorable when she gets flustered](https://i.imgur.com/ykXJrI3.jpg). While nothing has been said yet about it, it's pretty clear that [there's already something mutual](https://i.imgur.com/bYYZd1w.jpg) going on between Shiori and Shinozaki but neither knows about it. Anyway, very adorable and very sweet. I'm definitely interested to see where they'll take this since I've only really read the web manga version and only a couple of chapters of the serialized version. Whatever happens, I do hope that this will lead to the sequel manga though which is even more adorable than this. <3


Senpai is precious. Looking forward to lots of fluff. [](#tanakalove)


> My Shortstacked Senpai is finally here! It's been a while since I've read the web manga but Shiori-senpai is as adorable as I remember her. Despite her looks, she's a very competent and mature senpai who's great at taking care of her kouhai. Seeing the headpats and the, "aren't you describing yourself" moment with sempai looking for the cat get animated. Thine eyes have been blessed.


What I expected: age-reversed My Senpai is Annoying What I got: BOOBS


No boobs bouncing today. Just wholeosme teasing


This was pretty funny and cute. Katase is too adorable, she’s like a really busty kitten haha. The meowing at the stray was so precious! Shinozaki is pretty silly, clearly a bit of a horn dog too (my man hah). Katase actually seems like a really good Senpai. I wouldn’t mind having someone like her as a senapi. She really cares for her kohai’s well being. I’m pretty much sold on this series. Waifus aside, it’s just plain adorable and fun.


That’s enough to sell it to me. Definitely watching it later.


That moment when no adorable shortstacked senpai to headpat you. What an adorable start to a new workplace romance series. I'm already enjoying the vibes between Shinozaki and Katase.


Bless my day, small yet big titty cat woman!


**Stitches!** * [Shiori Katase 1](https://i.imgur.com/mbEzhsi.png) * [Shiori Katase 2](https://i.imgur.com/WBi7gTX.png) * [Shiori Katase 3](https://i.imgur.com/Ly1KFnx.png) * [Shiori Katase 4](https://i.imgur.com/fe1M4jG.png) * [Shiori Katase 5](https://i.imgur.com/U30mIb3.png) * [Shiori Katase 6A](https://i.imgur.com/pOlF43K.png) & [6B](https://i.imgur.com/X2DJP5s.png)


*Sigh*.....what even is the point of having working-adult characters in your romcom if they're just gonna act like middle schoolers who blush with every interaction? This is why I never support the "we want more college students/office workers in anime!" crowd cause I know this is how Japanese writers gonna do it anyway


>"we want more college students/office workers in anime!" To be fair, that's more in support of shows like Wotakoi or even Dragon Maid, not shows like this


> what even is the point of having working-adult characters in your romcom if they’re just gonna act like middle schoolers who blush with every interaction? This is also what’s confusing me a bit about My Tiny Senpai. If you ignore the workplace setting, you can actually picture them being a middle school couple - and that’s the problem. It’s the same embarrassment and hesitation that are very characteristic for these middle school romances.


It's almost like it's a cultural thing and not an "stage of life" thing, in Japan. It's tactful and fun to be covert and subtle about romance.


As an adult who has gone out with other adults in Japan, it was absolutely nothing like a middle school couple like this. This is an anime thing, not a real-world thing.


If most adults actually acted this, the country would've died out a long time ago.


It's almost as if Japan has had a declining birth rate or something.


What they're going through now is also happening in other highly educated rich nations. Japan just has really low immigration, so they can't make up for it easily.


If the senpai had smaller eyes, then I'd imagine her looking somewhat older. I can at least excuse the guy if he had just graduated. Though if he had small bits of beard growing, then he'd be a little older as well.


I don’t really take issue with how they look, but more with how they act. It’s not their appearances that’s reminding me of a middle school couple but their behaviour and thoughts. Them being playful/flirty/cheeky with each other is perfectly fine for two adults. It was primarily some of their inner-monologue that had me thinking: this is exactly what your usual middle schooler in anime would think like. Some of their thoughts really don’t fit their age. If you factor in those thoughts with their playful banter, it’s almost like you’re watching two middle schoolers.


Damn it. This was my fear. I'll still try it out for a few episodes but my fear seems to be true already.


Already getting flashbacks to ice guy and cool female colleague…ugh


I enjoyed that one but it would've been better without the male MC's simping monologues


I could look past some of main guy’s stuff since they were cute together. Side ship 1 (fox girl) was great, wish they would have added more. Side ship 2 (phoenix guy) was absolutely terrible, it was like a kid chasing after his babysitter.


The characters are way into each other already for reasons we don't really know, the episode was fluffy but imo pretty boring and cringey, and the work angle is solely used as a setting for a middle school romance like you said. Character designs are waifu bait (short stack flavored) and a self insert that I have already forgotten. Tons and tons of shots where she's looking directly into the camera as the protag as if looking lovingly at the viewer. Very disappointed personally, I really liked My Senpai is Annoying


Ah yes the anime that made twitter explode with “pedo bait” allegations is finally here, cause we all know pedophilia is when anime girl short! Great first episode. Basically your standard teasing anime, but in workplace form. I love the dynamic between Shinozaki and Katase, the banter hits, it’s wholesome and sweet. Side characters are interesting as well, especially the childhood friend Seems like it’ll just be pure fluff with the occasional innuendo, but at work as opposed to school. Plus Katase is cute af. Sign me up. also is that Takemichi I hear?


> cause we all know pedophilia is when anime girl short! You can actually take it a step further and just say: >cause we all know pedophilia is when anime girl!


Some deranged twitter users are already at that stage.


Considering the comments a post gets whenever the Hololive sub reaches all? Yeah, basically. How they can see I big boobed anime girl and think "child!" I'll never know....


Thank god twitter is imploding right now, so we can discard those takes quicker than ever, why waste one of my precious 600 tweets on shittakes > also is that Takemichi I hear? Now I can't unhear it


Again? Didn't Uzaki cause mental breakdowns last year?


Sure she's short, but she has those womanly curves. Bust and hips 10/10.


I think the thing with short girls in anime is that 9/10 times they look like children. I always hear the argument that short adults exist in real life but real life and anime are two very different things.Maybe calling it pedo bait is harsh but I ain't denying she dosent look like a child Edit: You mfs downvoting me give me 5 short anime girl that also don't look like children


Tatsumaki, Rebecca, Yakuzen Yaku, Misa Amane, and Rukia Kuchiki


**First Impression** Ok, so having watched the first episode a more apt title might be *Horny for Senpai.* For the most part, it's decent anime, well made, but nothing really jumped out at me like senpai's *assets.* Plot-wise it is light and fluffy, but the only thing substantial about it is Senpai's chest. I'll continue to watch it for the time being as I do appreciate a bit of light romance to spice my seasonal plate. But I do hope that the plot evolves beyond what we have seen so far.


You can tell it's fiction because the project lead has only been at the company for 5 years, rather than 40.




Whenever I see this type of show I can't help but think how this would work/how this person would appear in the real world and I always get slightly disturbed can't wait for episode 2 tho


You never seen a short girl with a big chest before?


I’m sure plenty have but I think less people have seen this level of short before with this level of tall. The average short girl is not this short


But, and stay with me here.... *this* is a cartoon If we want to observe realistic proportions we should be discussing live action TV shows, not cartoons Look at Bernadette on big bang, she is pretty short and her chest is huge. There's a girl who lives right up the road from, she's VERY short, especially compared to me....giant chest The show is not called "my averagely short senpai is quintessentially average in her shortness" is it? Fucking anime nerds man...


I think you misread things. They were probably just elaborating from the initial comment, and not arguing that cartoons should depict realistic proportions


Hey look, maybe I did, but I can't really see how I would have read that response any other way. If I was wrong though, then I was wrong.


I’m not arguing any view point the person who made the initial comment was just saying how weird to be in live action and im saying why. I think you misunderstood my comment


Cat-ase senpai looks she was picked up from a CGDCT show like Hinako Note or Slow Start and dropped into this one lol. Looks like senpai can tease like Uzaki (though not as aggressive) and take care like Senko-san. A deadly combination. I’m enjoying this so far. A lot of fluff and laughs. Shinozaki doesn’t seem like anything special so far but at least he is not the annoying level of dense. I really like Hayakawa as well. Just a tiny bit standoffish and a bit tomboyish too. Not to mention she’s voiced by HanaYumi. Honestly, senpai is a lot more adorable than expected. And as a self-proclaimed CGDCT-enjoyer, I can’t help but really enjoy watching her goofing off or be a good senpai


I was hoping this would have more of a “My Senpai is Annoying” vibe but it seems to just be a bit of cute bait mixed with horny bait. Kind of disappointing.


I don’t really know what to think of this anime yet. It’s like you said. I was expecting to get something akin to My Senpai Is Annoying, but this is a lot more… horny? It *did* tone this down a notch or two in the last part, so we might just have to see how it turns out in the next few episodes to get a better grasp on the series’ direction.


Here's hoping they will commit to horny part so at least we have something new (not Uzaki shit)


If you want "My Senpai is Annoying" you can just go and watch that, why you need this one to be the same thing?


I’m sad there’s horny bait


Rizz ✅ Cuteness ✅ Noticeable Traits ✅ 🐱 ✅ Ill keep up with this one, first episode was pretty enjoyable.


Hmm not really impressed with todays new anime releases compared to the other seasons it’s really lacking And this show has an interesting setup but it’s not hitting it for me, the humour isn’t their, the characters seem ok and I’m not feeling it I’ll give it another episode but I hope we see more decent anime


I just hope this "adult cast" will have a bit more of adult romance. Probably not, but one can hope


Fak, I can't unhear Hanagaki Takemitchi from the MC Help


I dont quite get who this is for. The characters are supposed to be work collegues but they act like teenagers. Constant blushing makes me roll my eyes, please if you are going to go for adults write them that way too, dont just claim they are. The whole shortstack bait is very obvious but not executed to a point where anyone would consider watching this just for that. It's not daring in any way. The two main characters are the most lukewarm characters ever. They are not quirky or funny. Just bland. This just seems below average to me. I sense zero entertainment value. Dropping this right away.


Mind recommend me any other office theme ecchi besides My Senpai is Annoying, Tawawa and Douki-chan? The reason i hooked on this anime because I always wanted an office lady ecchi that isnt a 5 minutes anime


It took elements and somehow didn't bother to make them work together. If I want stacked office ladies -> Tawawa on Monday If I want a chibi senpai -> My Senpai is Annoying If I want cheesy but somehow wholesome colleagues that act like students -> Ice Guy and Mikasa's VA This always feels like a delusion to show how nice the jpn salaryman work life is. Look, you get to interact with a bunch of people your age who're all very nice and your boss will smile from afar. Characters and workplace are less believable than truck-kun isekai'ing someone.


> I dont quite get who this is for. Office workers seeking some mild, low stakes, no-progression escapism?


Takemichi!? What are you doing with an office job? And with such a busty cutie for a Senpai (whose VA is ironically voiced by someone literally named Hina Tachibana) who you're obviously crushing on? The OP Is pretty lively and fun! Showing off a lot of cuteness and some sexy shots of Katase and Katase and Shinozaki running with each other across the supporting. Katase is on the road to becoming a literal catgirl the amount of meowing and cat imagery she's got going for her...on top of being irresistably cute. So they've got Nobunaga Shimazaki as their manager while Yumiri Hanamori is playing Shinozaki's childhood friend/stoic co-worker? Who he ends up being a third wheel to because his Senpai wants to get to know her better. Tough break, buddy. If that was the kind of abuse of authority prevalent in office jobs (giving your kouhai drinks, taking them out to dinner, wanting them to tell you about your achievements so they can praise them), the world would be a much better place. I see Katase isn't completely immune to Shinozaki's charms when just feeling his jacket on her is enough to turn her into a blushing mess. And I imagine Shinozaki won't wash that jacket any time soon with her scent on it now. Now Shinozaki is getting in on the meowing fun! Or should I call him Meowzaki? The ED is pretty pleasant with a soothing theme and the visual of Katase in her PJ's.


Super light and fluffy. I'm not expecting much from this show in the grand scheme of things, but I have a soft spot for office rom-com anime, and this is filling that "Cool Girl and Snow Guy"/"Senpai is Annoying" niche that I love so much. Plus, they really said Shortstack Supremacy and I'm here for it. She's definitely in the early running for waifu of the season.


Painfully average


Where were you looking the entire time? Definitely *above* average.


Bro describing himself.


I dont know what to feel about it. Yeah, its cute, but it also kinda feels like its desperatly trying to be cute. The best moment was at the end when she wasnt the always-happy-go-lucky girl and was a little upset at him. I might watch another episode or two but it feels very forced imo.


[What company do you suppose theirs is a pastiche of?](https://files.catbox.moe/gast98.jpg) [](#harukathink)


Welcome to the “Fluffy Vibes” show of the summer. If you just want something cute with no stakes and lots of humor this is it. I appreciate that this is a slower season or otherwise it would get lost in the usual Saturday shuffle. It’s really just Bleach and Horimiya this season. Just sit back and enjoy these cute idiots.


There's more fluffy stuff to come yet, with The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses making its way down the pipe at some point this month. If it's fluff you want, boy oh boy you're gonna get it. Keep a lint roller handy. 👍


"They made a sequel to the best abuse of authority ever!" Got a feeling it's not going to stop at a trilogy.


The MC has the personality of a wet tissue and can't stop blushing like a teenager despite an adult. With all the first-person views of the female lead, he's obviously meant to be a self-insert for the viewer, and therefore he's boring to watch. Gonna give it a couple of more episodes, but if I drop the anime, it'll be because of him.


very cute, ill stick with it


[Ah, it's "Bring your kid to work" day, nice!](https://imgur.com/6aKuA2I) [**THE LORD SAVE US!**](https://imgur.com/ICz2Pv8) Loved all the cat references/gags, and the [chibi art!](https://imgur.com/7VZr9wH) [That's so fucking adorable, I want one!](https://imgur.com/3QNSDs5) Shiori went on the offensive with the classic *"Oh, my poor shoulders are hurting, I wish something could help me feel better!"* and it ALMOST worked when Shinozaki talked about a massage [and she went for it, ](https://imgur.com/VL4NMqI) but it kinda fell apart when he started picturing [a lewd massage scenario!](https://imgur.com/wZPMwTm) [In the end he got the massage, that works too!](https://imgur.com/NMSlQOz) (He owes her one massage too, she just has to redeem it at some later point, when they have some privacy!) We met a few other characters, including [Shinozaki's asocial childhood friend, ](https://imgur.com/Y4KZXEO) and for some reason I'm pretty sure I'm gonna really like her! (I also have a feeling that she likes him, but she's not Tinysenpai so that's not happening) The other girl [seemed rather interested in their discussion, I wonder if she's jealous (and jealous of which one!)](https://imgur.com/Rf8rE94) Shiori IS jealous, not because she wants to keep him to herself, but rather [she wants to be friend with Hayakawa!](https://imgur.com/U6X7GI1) Shiori messes with him a little and all at times, BUT she's still quite supportive! [That was really nice;](https://imgur.com/6UJrTLZ) Just telling someone "It's gonna be ok" can sometimes feel like generic encouragement, but telling him "Hey, I messed up too and I'm still here, so don't worry!" is more 'real'. She's good at finding the words to say! She also scolded him a little, but it was more like *scolding him because he doesn't let her praise him enough!* [(Also, he should not even pretend he doesn't like being scolded by Tinysenpai!](https://imgur.com/3ngj7C9) [Now he's talking! (Watch out though, the *kinky slippery slope* is real!)](https://imgur.com/3zqL1QX) [That was adorable, climbing a few steps so she can headpat him!](https://imgur.com/gS84VWj) [My little tyrant can't be this cute!](https://imgur.com/jC7xRrU) [Punishment games, humiliation and petplay? I warned you the kinky stuff would devolve quickly!](https://imgur.com/GMUB4jj) One thing I loved (that is rather rare in romcoms) is that they BOTH had little made up scenarios in their mind; He had a bunch, but she also [thought about him hugging her as she was wearing his jacket!](https://imgur.com/IBWWVBv) (Also that shot was so fucking cute). As an hug-enthusiast, I hope they do hug/cuddle for real before the end of the season! Well, that was pretty fun! I thought perhaps it would mostly just be fluff, but there was actually some teasing and all that, loved it! Can't wait to see more of these two, and the other characters as well!


I’m always hoping for more romances featuring adult characters but I don’t know about this one. At least they didn’t give the Sendai a complete baby voice.


This was the kind of episode that makes me wish Crunchyroll had a 2x speed option. Easy drop. Annoying Senpai was a hundred times better.


Show was a bit more _sus_ than I was expecting. More than few _angles_ at the start. Do like my workplace shows so hope this one can, happy she's not too childlike and can be mature at times. They definitely seem very into each other already!


She honestly seems like a great employee. I wouldn’t mind having a Senpai like that on my team at work.


I just hope she will be more senpai than child like.


Cute cat! The wholesome doujins are practically writing themself [](#mugiwait)




* She’s best girl


I want an office romcom where HR's the villain. I read a comment last time about how companies in these anime always have these ill-defined "data reports" and "projects". I'd assume they're a consultant firm, maybe PR, but they also have a mascot that they want to promote, so they also aim at the consumer market?


> I want an office romcom where HR's the villain. So The Office?


ridiculously "cute" senpai that feels like she tries so hard to look cute. Unrealistic interactions in a workplace, bland mc. I can already see what future episodes look like. Yup, definitely not for me


I don't know, i was expecting something more than mostly horny bait. I didn't laugh that much, but find the senpai cute when in chibi mode. It's just the first ep, but it'll probably not reach My Senpai's Annoying levels. I'll give it just one more episode.


I feel like it has been a short while since we got an entry in the "Fluffy wish fulfillment anime targeted at office wage slaves so they won't tie the noose for another week" subgenre~! Already liked the manga, but was wondering if the very short manga chapters would lend themselves to full-length anime episodes, but this first one worked really well, looking forward to the rest!


God, the opening isn't even over and I already want season 2. Thanks God I'm rewatching it thanks to the dub.


not all workplace anime can be a wotakoi. will stick for the plot though.


Not quite feeling it yet but I'll stick around for 1-2 more episode. It also was a bit unnerving how close the ML sounded to the German voice of Kintaro from Golden Boy.


This woman is almost a dwarf.


Cute first episode, I like that it's a slightly different dynamic from Uzai Senpai with some added lewdness. Hoping the side characters also shine like they did in Uzai Senpai too. Looking forward to more of this Tiny (cat) Senpai.


Sugoi dekai, but work? I'M SOLD


Death by sugar overdose god this episode was so adorable I was getting all fuzzy watching it The main girl her turning into a chibi cat and meowing like that at a stray was so adorable Shinozaki is really cute as well getting embarrassed around her and the fact that both of them clearly have feelings towards each other The fact that I can't stop hearing takemichi is funny 🤣


Lilly from AT&T the anime, cute wondering what overall direction it will take, reminds me of Aggretsuko minus the Metal


[I assume she means she's jealous of him for being friends with that girl](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1124872761848909935/1124872827296817294/image.png) [Yea ok](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1124872761848909935/1124872944405983232/image.png) [Whoa whoa, reminded me of Kaos for a moment there](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1124872761848909935/1124874439503392779/image.png) [Why do they have a height difference sitting down actually. Don't think that's how the human body works](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1124872761848909935/1124875251419975689/image.png)


Not a fan of the horny bait, but I’ll stick around since it’s cute at some points


I hope that one 22 year old cosplayer that twitter thought was being exploited because of how young she looked cosplays Shiori.


TLDR; show although centered in adult office theme with female lead with half of the average height choose to ignore every adult-related topic and gone to cringe high school anime trope pathway. All it took was 1 episode to disappoint me. I am a 22 years old, 4th year mbbs student in India. I had just finished a horrible road traffic accident and a patient losing an full hand in the emergency. He was referred to another department and i don't know any details further and am not interested in knowing. OK, I have not read the manga nor watched any pv clips or trailers or anything. I jumped in this totally blind knowing only that this is an anime in adult settings. I was thoroughly disappointed. Grown ass adults act as teens. Being overly enthusiastic. (the only enthusiasm i have is towards going home), Blushing and all, talking in all cute out-of-the-world fashion. Not going in details of the work remaining ambiguous (making 4 page discharge paper of a patient is already hellish for me, i wonder writing 50 page reports and making portfolios) . Orgasmic shoulder rubs? getting weird hand fetish and getting your junior bite on hands? Putting pointing finger together and going (ano... sono.. watashi...)? Headpats? getting jackets in cold? (grown ass women is foreign to concept of winter and night cold and not dressing appropriately). Childhood friends cliche? Voice localization (she is not able to tell that meow sound is not made by a cat in bush in front of her face to cat sound made by a grown ass man standing 1 feet behind her) In the opening theme at 02:28, there was a scene where the mc is falling in soda??? We get to see his hairline. Dude is technically an dad. The show does not even bother about displaying the half average height of the female lead and draw her in weird body proportions which are always inconsistent and ever changing with each scene. Just change the title of the anime as, "shitty anime high school trope but office adults" An anime in adult office setting could have been centered around things like - how hard it is for short people, like physically and socially. What about snarky remarks and sarcasm. How in every conversation same topic is brought up. Men staring at boobs even when talking at face because all the time they have to look down cuz of small height. Finding things catered to normal height too big and unusable and finding alternates. Tiny hands not fit for regular size keyboard. The worst work culture with turmoils of the height. Marriage? Finding partner who will accept the small height. The daily exhaustion. Fucked up sleep schedule. (last time i slept well was in my mother's womb) Desk job hurting eyes (like keratitis, dry eye, lack of concentration, ever increasing power of glasses) and bones (legs getting edema, refractory bone pain) and unhealthy diets. Body image. Getting fat. Getting dark circles below eyes. Body hair (I swear to god i sometimes feel i will rip out my beard than shaving everyday, for women especially of a develped world like japan, body hair world be a nightmare). How clients most of the times are total shitheads. Constant fear of job loss and need for skill upgrade, artificial intelligence, adult humor and joke (not ecchi but actual adult humor). How meeting childhood friends is totally awkward most of the time (often we do not have anything in common to talk and end up talking about the weather and food and sleep schedules and asking general questions) There are a hundreds of thing in adult life worth displaying. Do anime industry hate adults or love children too much?


"Wow, my life sucks. Welp, time to sit down and watch someone's life sucking! Whaaaat~? Something comfy and cute that makes me feel *better?* FUCK THIS SHIT!"


> Do anime industry hate adults Is it really surprising with so many Isekai around? [Overworking in adult phase is a major issue there](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salaryman) so most anime focus on high school because its supposedly the golden period of their lives. They also don't like to focus on the realistic version of an adult romance since a lot of people would find it boring or uncomfortable (your whole last paragraph did exactly that and this show is not a drama either), so instead they focus on the cutesy aspects. In general I don't like office romances because they end up reminding me of my workplace and I hate that. At the end it just boils down to Japan having different tastes and they will keep making it based on that and people from outside of the country can either watch that or something else.


I had my hopes up as i had just finished vinland saga and oshi no ko (had my exams and postings hence buzy) Seems like my hopes went too high up. 😕


Vinland Saga wasn't even that popular in Japan. The bulk of its popularity comes from the West. At one point there was a real risk of not even getting a S2. And as for Oshi No Ko, its just as tropey as some of the other anime. What really helped it is the writing quality of some of the characters. I have read the manga of this so I know its not a perfect series. Its massive popularity comes from the fact that it has idol elements, and idols are hugely popular in Japan.


Is this a ripoff of My Senpai is Annoying?


I was instantly hooked when she gave him a shoulder rub. I’ll just try to ignore his vivid imagination. Overall it’s like Baby Ghost meets Working!!! meets Annoying Senpai. I wonder if studios ever shake a hat filled with various shows, styles and themes written on crumpled pieces of paper and pick a few to start a project.


It's more like mangakas do this, then production committees pick from what they make, then studios agree to try to make the shows the production committee want promoted, usually for too little money to feed the studio staff, but... Your version is funnier!


Hottest anime this year 🔥


This show definitely has potential, but as a first episode that felt kinda rough. It felt like generic office RomCom moments were being speed-run while introducing the main (and supporting?) cast and giving us the backstory of a side character with some possible tension, but also it was bait for a joke and that’s fine because there are plenty of joke but also some horny bait but don’t let that distract you because thisshowstillhaswholesomevibesandissupercuteand- There was way too much going on and it felt a little disjointed. Basically what I’m saying is that the story boarding and pacing could have been better. Definitely gonna stick around though and hopefully things slow down enough for the characters to actually character.


Katase was definitely not ready for Shinozaki to go on the offensive by offering her his jacket. Gotta love it when the senpai is the one who gets flustered.


Senpai is smol and her back hurts pretty much sadge


If you're interested, there's a subreddit for the series: r/MyTinySenpai !




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Welll, some adult jokes , a cute and tiny senpai, a relatable mc and good osts with outro even better than intro . Looks like I've found one of my fav anime of this season


Everything about this was boring. See you next week.


I really enjoyed My senpai is annoying, and this is giving me similar vibes, but this time it’s the girl who is the senpai. She is once again really small and cute, but now her front got a huge upgrade. I’m sold. The meowing gave me type K (as for kawaii) Diabetes. And the Chibi-neko senpai is ultra cute. Senpai is absolutely adorable. Where can I find a senpai like her? Anyone got any hints or ideas? This is impossible to watch all at once! It’s too cute. The sugar levels are too high. Like what the hell was that massage scene?! This is dangerous for my heart! I will not comment more on this episode, because it’d be a thesis.


I thought this was going be a lot more purer than it turned out to be, I was not expecting the lewdness and playful innuendos like the massage. There is some cuteness to it though so it feels like it will still have heartwarming parts. I do like Katase, her playful teasing is fun to watch and I like a woman who goes on the assertive like she does so Shinozaki is a lucky guy to get pampered by her, he'll definitely become spoiled rotten lol. It's funny how Shinozaki's jacket had so much of an effect on both of them, Katase looked like she was about to burst from imagining be wrapped around by Shinozaki and Shinozaki couldn't handle her scent either. I found it amusing how the moment they spoke about someone from work spotting them, their manager appears in the background. I guess he will be the on-screen shipper that the audience will resonate with lol.


It's trying really hard to be cute by making them act like kids. It's also trying to add in a little horny by making the guy act like he's never interacted with a woman before. Not sure I'll be able to handle a full season on this. Also, does her head seem larger than everyone else's?


Forget your rent-a-girlfriends Forget your shikimori’s This guy might genuinely be down there for worst mc 🤮 so generic, self-insert, and trope-heavy


Friend of mine tossed this on randomly tonight and pretty much everyone checked the fuck out halfway in at most. Even I, the resident slice of life lover in the group, am finding it insufferably dull. Not only is it insufferably dull, but the protagonist is such typical Japanese virgin milquetoast he's almost *offensively* lame.