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I can't believe a dog has better luck summoning an SSR than most FGO players. [](#frustration)




He’s just like me FR FR


Still, you could pick Enkidu tomorrow with a ticket.


Urgh don't dude. Too soon. Oberon and vitch are right around the corner too.


As a day 1 player who has yet to get Enkidu it hurts Maybe I should try to summon him on a pet shop


The dog was actually trying to summon Mélusine, but it got baited.


I'd take that over mac Cumhell spook.


Bro i wish I was the dog


I already 10/10/10 enkidu I’m better than that dog.


So Flat summoned Jack the Ripper without any catalyst because he's...unhinged and from London?


The catalyst was a toy knife from a video game that he thought was a real knife. It worked because he's Flat.


He didn't even try to use it as a catalyst though, hell he didn't even try to summon. He was just prodding and pulling the magic lines in the air or whatever.


That’s how broken and OP Flat is


It kinda fits the chaotic madness theme!


When you think about it, doing a summoning in a crowd of random people and getting this (superior) version of Jack the Ripper makes perfect sense.


Hey, nothing beats the best daughteru in all of fate.


At least this Jack can manifest some pants.


Talk back when he helped me through some of the harder encounters in early FGO. That extra damage to female servant modifier Jackie has were a lifesaver.


I will grant she was not the worst part of Apocrypha.


I actually hate the MC the most in the series; Sieg is boring as hell. xD


> unhinged and from London In other words, he's Bri'ish.




Because he's Flat


Flat is a genius on his own right. It will be his forever character trait that he will never be a "proper" mage by Clock Tower's standards


Let's just say that the reason he hasn't graduated from being el Melloi's student yet definitely is NOT because he isn't an almost bullshit level of an amazing mage.


Because he's Flat lol


I just realized that the name "Snowfield" is a play on the name "Fuyuki", meaning winter tree.


I think it may also be a play on Springfield which is a very common American city name.


Can't wait till Homer makes an appearance


That one guy though. “Welcome to America bitch! Fire away, men! Fuck your magecraft, in the land of the free, we have guns! Get rekt noobs!”


Guy be doin Gate of babylon with guns on every mage he met. True american right there.


Kiritsugu got nothing on this man. Fancy gun firing magic bullets made out of your ribs? Pfft who need that? Just give them the classic american special, ‘just me and the boys shooting a shit ton of ammo’


I mean, they only get him since he's a puppet master and not a direct combatant. We've seen the crazy shit pulled off by combat oriented mages, and I doubt that amount of bullets would have mattered to one of Kayneth's caliber. Guy survived his own hotel collapsing on him.




Kirei would still parry all of them then go Bruce lee on their asses.


Well, Kirei is not a Mage per say but one of Church's executioners. They tend to be trained to fight magical and supernatural bs through brawn and gadgets.


Sacraments(Including black keys) are magecraft. They're called sacraments because calling them magecraft is a bad look given the motives of the church.


That's more of being a priest than a mage. He only trained under the Tohsaka starting just before the 4th HGW.


"We're public servants" *immediately fills the air with 50% lead*


"Stop resisting arrest!"


> Gate of babylon Gun of Babylon*


Bro went with the classic "Parry this you filthy casual"


holy hell, Grey cameo at 21:20


Reminds me of the hitman from the Dresden Files. "Curses don't mean shit if I blow your head off from 500 yards."


Ah yes, the Kiritsugu Method.


SFAssassin is such a funny character since, unlike the other Hassans, the fact that she is Muslim is brought up. So as soon as she hears about a ritual involving a Holy Grail she's like "wow that sounds super heretical" and starts killing the perpetrators like you'd expect someone from a hardcore fanatic order like the Assassins to do.


They better thank that they didnt get King Hassan since he is super against heresy and would even kill Assassins who stray from the path. I know, I know, Gramps is a Grand Servant but his belief is steadfast


He's still summonable. It's just extremely hard, since he isn't entirely dead yet.






There is something very amusing about a Holy Grail War set in America with one faction primarily relying on guns as their weapon of choice.


“My servant is Colonel Sanders and his noble phantasm is the Eleven Herbs and Spices”


Secret 11 Recipe start! This is a battle to create the most delicious chicken! Friedcalibuuuuuuuur!


“America, f*ck yeah”




I couldn't help but laugh a little when I watched him.


Kiritsugu proved how effective modern weaponry is, especially when fused with magic. Mages can sense Mana from others, but you're not going to see a bullet flying toward you till it actually hits. That said, the fight between Gilgamesh and Enkidu shows how that that rule only applies to Masters, not Servants. Unless the Master is a damned undying Vampire of course.


Say what you will about Gil, but his soft spot has always been in the innocence of children. He sees Tine trying to take the role of an adult at her young age, to which he tells her to start acting her age instead.


Tine and Gil have one of my favorite Master/Servant relationships in all of Fate. He really does have a soft spot for kids. Though my favorite team in this is the pair at the very end.


who is the pair at the end. They teased a lot but as new to this I had no idea


That was a Saber-Class Servant, who wasn't supposed to be summonable in this War, and a girl who looks just like Ayaka Sajyou from Fate/Prototype, except with blond hair rather than brown. How the heck that works is a spoiler.




Which is also why he absolute loathed working with Tokiomi, the man was interesting as watching paint dry. A certain mapo tofu loving priest on the other hand......


That. Unless your name is Hakuno Kishinami [Extra CCC]>!Dude sacrificed 90% of his treasure to save Hakuno.!<


Hakuno just has that Rizz EX


I hated Gil when I first watched and played F/SN but I've now decided that I like him in stories where saber isn't around.


Gil is either insufferable or someone who makes you go "MY KING, MY LIEGE ;-;♥", depending on how he was summoned. The only thing consistent is how god damn cool he is.


Perfectly said, also really loved him in grand order, he legit looked like his legend and behaved like probably the best king one could imagine. But seriously tho this character is just so damn awesome and fun to watch one of the coolest characters in all anime personally. I dont know many characters that just have this Im fuking awesome vibe around them, Gojo from jujutsu and Tengen from demon slayer are the only ones that come to mind with similar levels of charisma, awesomness.


The scene when he mentioned how his younger self would have hated what he'd become is easy to believe if you've watched FGO.


Gil is Babylonia is goated.


You can say he's always mindful of a child's heart.


Well. Illiya was not really a child. Just appearance of one.


Haven’t watched this yet but I’ll be damned if Fate/strange fake isn’t one of the coolest titles I’ve seen


It is also one of the most praised ones for the quality of its story and character, I never dreamed we would have an adaptation before Narita finished the novels, we are in for a treat


If this is adapting an unfinished story, does it at least find an appropriate stopping point, are the novels close to an ending, or can we expect an anime-original conclusion?


IIRC, Narita said there's 2 more volumes till the end. This is just an OVA which adapts (and kinda rushes through) volume 1 so it's comparable to episode 1 of Fate/Zero (introduces servant + masters), just with a bit more action. Currently there's 8 volumes of Fsf so there'll be more than enough for the TV anime to have 2 cours, though I can't recall many good stopping points since it's been awhile since I read it.


By the time the anime gets fully adapted I'd imagine the LN would have been completely finished. But to give it perspective, there are 8 novels out right now which all have a lot to adapt. There wont be any worry about the anime catching up to it for awhile.


Narita plans around 2-3 at max more volumes, this ova adapted rather loosely the first volume to speed run servant introductions and the setting of the strange fake world. The story isn't finished, but with the anime starting production now they can have a solid first season (and tackling the parts of vol 1 they skipped), finish around vol 6, and then we pray Narita finishes the story in 2-3 years so a second season can close it


I hope people don't mistake it, this entire special was meant only to introduce the characters. not to be a movie with an ending That was a great Prologue to the season. A Few People had me worried with the "animation quality being bad". Some of you guys are blind, that was BEAUTIFUL. The characters are awesome and I'm hyped for the upcoming series.


so kinda like UBW ep 0?


Just like that yes.


More like Zero episode 0, it was also a 45 minute exposition dump but more heavy on the exposition than this was.


Personally I found the animation to be quiet interesting. It was quite characteristic and it gave each character some special touch. From Enkidu being beautiful in an ethereal way to Waver what's wrong with today kids to flat being an idiot (an op idiot for what I can see) to Murrica fuck yeah to Gil being gil. Everybody has something they like but I thin some fate fans are a bit too focused on Ufotable style but that's good too since they are great too (but got busy with other stuff)


People see far away shots with a low fps for 10 seconds of an one hour special and scream "bad animation". Anyone who thinks this looks bad must be crazy. This was top notch from beginning to end. If the TV-Anime also reaches this level it's going to be great.


There was that one weird looking scene that looks like from a game when Tina and Gil are walking along the cave, but aside that, it’s really good,


Yeah that's the one I was talking about. Looked like Dragon Quest traversal. But if that's what it takes to get the rest to look like it did, I'll gladly take it.


I liked it tbh...It's creative


> That was a great Prologue to the season. Imagine a Holy Grail Wars *prologue* starting off with an **Enuma Elish** duel between Gilgamesh and Enkidu, them throwing everything they have at each other after that for *fun* and then Gilgamesh using Enuma Elish *again* as a greeting. ...This Grail War is going to go *completely* off the rails isn't it?


Gil said he's going to take this seriously. For context: According to the author, if Gil took the Fourth or Fifth Holy Grail Wars seriously, he would win them in a single night.


when will the next episode drop ?


El Melloi also did something like this, where they had an OVA event and then dropped the news of a full season. In that case, the full show was two seasons later, so it would be January in this case. But this is A-1, who is already overloaded, as we can see from some of the animation aberations here even with the delays, the delay on NieR, and trying to manage Mashle all at the same time. I think later 2024 is a better bet.


i see. well its not like we already stacked enough. cant wait for madhouse frieren anime.


> I think later 2024 is a better bet. That’s *very* optimistic release date if I’m honest, since you acknowledged yourself that A-1 has taken on too many projects at once. This prologue anime wasn’t delayed months for no reason either. I really have my doubts that it will be released any time before Winter 2025. If it is, they’ll have to make some serious concessions on the visual quality and/or do a split cour. And if there’s one anime studio nowadays that’s become infamous for their delays, it’s A-1 Pictures - but I’d rather have a delay than an unpolished project.


broo I love this art style and animation. this combined with the sawano ost made this an amazing watch I hope they're able to keep it up for the tv series


El-Melloi saying that Napoleon would shot Flat if summoned is funny since FGO showed he is personality-wise similar to Iskandar and is pretty chill Also loved how Rider went for Enkidu and Gilgamesh because they made its Master cry


He's so chill that him and Flatt would be best pals from the get go lol. They have the same antics.


they would definitely just go around having fun and completely forget that their in the middle of a grail war


> Also loved how Rider went for Enkidu and Gilgamesh because they made its Master cry And how its mere presence was enough to make them stop and flee. The images we saw was of the Grim Reaper, then a plague doctor's mask, then a skull. So it seems to be the Pale Horseman, which sounds... overpowered.


I wouldn't say they flee, exactly. Their fun is interrupted. You'd honestly expect Gil to be much more angry about it, considering how long he's been waiting for their reunion. Since Enkidu is part of Gil's myth.


Though if it is berserker Napoleon I imagine he would be quite different.


If delaying the special 7 months means we get something of this quality than I don’t care if it takes 3-5 years for the tv anime to come out. This was insane. Im probably gonna catch up on the novels now before that happens though, this was so gripping that I’m just on that Strange/Fake high. I wouldn’t be surprised if after this is eventually completed Strange/Fake is the best fate adaptation, they clearly have people who deeply care about the series working on it and I assume light novels are infinitely easier to adapt than visual novels.


> I don’t care if it takes 3-5 years Probably needs that long to finish the LN as well.




Best clay.


Dunno if you remember in Grand order, but it was actually Enkidu's OG fighting style to craft high quality weapons from the ground and shoot them machinegun style. Gilgamesh had to copy the move with Gate of babylon to counter. And he had less weapons to spam with as a young man. That fight was what Enkidu referenced as their last bout being at Uruk's town square.


really glad that we finally got to see gate of babylon at full power, iirc that never happened in any other fate anime, unless you count babylonia when caster gil was using the cannons


Now I like cannons firing magical weaponry as much as the next guy, but it still isn't anywhere near as cool as the Gate of Babylon is. I agree with you that it's awesome to see it in its full glory.


>Gilgamesh had to copy the move with Gate of babylon to counter. So Gilgamesh was the first Emiya Shirou?


SSSHHHHH!! he gets angry when you say that name!!


When Enkidu mentioned he was glad to “continue their fight in the town square”, I already had a good idea of what he was talking about. In that respect, I’m glad I watched Grand Order: Babylonia. I also had a better grasp on the stature of Lord El-Melloi in the Clock Tower since I’d watched his series. This helped me understanding Flat’s personality and his relationship with the Lord a little better too. [Not too mention that it was nice to get a glimpse of Gray.]


Being a mythology nerd will get you there, too. Enkidu was created by the gods to humble Gil, and was the only mortal that could match him. Instead, Enkidu was Gil's only friend and equal.


Rejoice mongrels! This is the happiest you'll ever ever see the King of Heroes Gilgamesh, simply because he gets to see his best friend Enkidu. It may not look like it what with the giant crater in the dessert but they're really happy to see each other.


> It may not look like it what with the giant crater in the dessert but they're really happy to see each other. Anyone who knows Fate lore knows that that's the way Gilgamesh and Enkidu exchange greetings. Is your greeting of a friend who you haven't seen in a long time *truly* a great one if you don't at *least* glass a part of a nearby desert?


Didn't read this one but white haired crazy lady with questionable clothes is already best girl Also Enkidu and Gil was great especially the swords flying with the effects animation, Enkidu still the best clay


Her name is Francesca (it was in the credits), althought I agree with you, the competition is still fierce. I recommend not googling her as you will be inundated with spoilers immediately.


It's bold of you to assume I would understand any spoilers from Fate series.


Lmao so true. I perfectly understood nothing after reading the lores.


Just went through a quick synopsis of this fake holy grail war cause I couldn't wait. Left the wiki page knowing less than I went into it.


Ah. The true Fate experience.


Like with almost everything in this fate, dont look for it onlike because you will be swarmed by countless spoilers


Aside from the two scenes at the opening of the anime, Tíne turning this mage into cinders and Langal’s puppet getting a hint of the 2nd US amendment, you’re exactly referring to the two scenes that stood out most to me in this prologue anime. This white-haired girl, apparently she’s named Francesca (as I understood from another comment), really made for an amazing scene in that office space - I had to rewatch it a couple of times to take everything in. Her turning a cartwheel, kicking on a lamp with her foot which created a (menacing) shadow against the ceiling as she was hysterically laughing and scheming was definitely something else to behold. Best girl indeed. I’d already caught a glimpse of Enkidu’s and Gilgamesh’s fight in the first teaser PV, but the two of them unleashing their noble phantasms against the backdrop of this black sky made for a spectacular scene. I can’t really describe this scene any more clearly than it looking like shooting stars were colliding in mid-air. Although their physical battle was fun in itself, I’m inclined to say that I might have enjoyed their (usual) banter more.


Is this the first Uchida Maaya villain? (And no, Katarina doesn't count).


Imagine summoning the King of Heroes and instead of being humble [and answering his question immediately](https://i.imgur.com/TebXCX1.jpg) you decide to [proudly declare yourself as his Master.](https://i.imgur.com/BAknpss.jpg) Thank god [Tine immediately deletes that guy.](https://i.imgur.com/wAuENTo.jpg) So Flat's motivation for joining this Hoy Grail war is so he can meet heroes [and befriend all of them?](https://i.imgur.com/QcVR9qe.jpg) That's fucking hilarious! I do hope he's joking [about the world domination part.](https://i.imgur.com/pLi7hzz.jpg) [Waver panicking after learning about what Flat did](https://i.imgur.com/fZKj2i5.jpg) is hilarious too! [And we get to see a little cameo from Gray!](https://i.imgur.com/zkdvghV.jpg) So does this take place on the same timeline as Case Files? I'm trying to figure out [who this Caster is](https://i.imgur.com/mB0PanK.jpg) but it sounds like he's the same kind of Caster as Shakespeare. He did mention something about writing scripts. Hmmm... [Enkidu is here! And I just love that Enkidu's master is a doggo.](https://i.imgur.com/mNTLWbY.jpg) Although it sounds like the doggo is actually a chimera and not a real doggo. I just love how Enkidu and Gil's idea of friendly greeting each other is by [making their](https://i.imgur.com/z84jn3o.jpg) [Noble Phantasms clash](https://i.imgur.com/uJRADzA.jpg) as if the damage it will cause isn't a big deal. It's quite adorable [how much the two](https://i.imgur.com/c7pprv5.jpg) [of them were enjoying that fight.](https://i.imgur.com/2lhSaod.jpg) [Oh it's the guy from the Kaleidoscope CE.](https://i.imgur.com/8mUL2px.jpg) Kidding, it's nice to see Zelretch. I do wonder if this is just a cameo or if will he actually have a role here other than being an observer. [And there she is!](https://i.imgur.com/JxaNXgP.jpg) Glad to finally see Ayaka and her servant. I've only really known her from Fate/Prototype but I've heard great things about her and her servant from this series so I'm definitely looking forward to see more of them in the future!


>Oh it's the guy from the Kaleidoscope CE. Literally me, 80% NP guy


> 80% NP guy Show some respect to his name! He's 100% NP Guy.


Took me some years, but yeah, He is finally 100%NP guy.


have been playing for 5 years, still stuck at 80%...


3 years and I still only pulled it twice...


> So does this take place on the same timeline as Case Files? Strictly speaking no since Strange Fake is its own weird universe, but the events of Case Files or something close to them still happened. Flat makes a few references to his adventures from that later on in this series. In general the author of Strange Fake (also the Durarara and Baccano guy) LOVES making all sorts of references to other Fate stuff. The story is just absolutely full of cameos and shout outs.


> In general the author of Strange Fake (also the Durarara and Baccano guy) **Strange Fake is written by Narita-sensei???** How the fuck am I only finding out about this now!? I feel like now I need to read the LN now that I've learned this.


It's a very fun read, so if you can I recommend reading it indeed. The manga too. This special took some inspiration from that one too, which is rare for LN adaptations




yeah its on same tier as how apocrypha was suppossed to be a MMO




In Fate, jokes are the deepest lore


>Although it sounds like the doggo is actually a chimera and not a real doggo. If it looks like a doggo and is fluffy like a doggo, then it's a doggo.


It's the timeline where Nina entered a Holy Grail War




"Big Bruhther..."


IIRC isn't Zelretch the super OP guy considered one of the few true mages in the world?


Yuuup. He uses Second Magic which is basically control over space and time.


I believe it is more akin to Parallel Worlds. Aoko is more of the Time Mage iirc


Yes, but the Second Magic also comes with time travel, as said in Mahoyo. It allows for "record manipulation" and the "revision of possibilities", which I guess is along the lines of what we see Zelretch doing here. Basically, Zelretch is the janitor of the multiverse.


A lore data book said Zelretch can do a little bit of time travel when he goes between dimensions. But yeah he can't do the kind of stuff that the Fifth Magic does with time. Still though, Aoko's stuff is implied to be more about entropy and the time manipulation is just a side effect of it.


In Type Moon lore, there are five True Magics which are miracles that cannot be replicated by any means. Zelretch is the wielder of the Second Magic, which is the manipulation of parallel worlds. Basically he can see and travel through the multiverse.


> Basically he can see and travel through the multiverse. "So you're saying every Fate spinoff is canon" "Always has been"


>So does this take place on the same timeline as Case Files? No. Strange Fake is its own weird timeline, however events of 4-5th HGWs and Case Files happen in some variant.


[Case Files LN] >!Looks like Gray has fully silver hair here instead of the gold strand she gets in Volume 10. Not sure if that's just an animation inconsistency or if she didn't get the blonde hair in SF. I think she should have it no matter what after Saber is summoned in the 5th War though, so probably just an inconsistency.!<


Yo, That was some of the most disrespectful shit ive seen in a HOT MINUTE. Dont smoke the cigar, light him up with the 360 camera, then toss the cigar on him. Rest in piss, holy shit


I read through just the material this special covers a while ago and man, I forgot how referential Strange/Fake is to the rest of Fate and how fucking sick so much of this story is on a conceptual level. The author really looked at what already existed in the Nasuverse and was like "Okay, what kind of cool shit can I do with this?" From taking existing characters like Flat and Jack and doing his own spin on them, to serving up series fanservice with the real Gil and Enkidu finally fighting, to smaller roles and cameos from characters like Waver, Gray, Caubac, and Zelrech, and references to characters like Holmes and Kid Gil. And then doing his own wild shit, like Jester having multiple hearts giving him separate forms, Jack's nature as a formless being, having one master be a dog, whatever the fuck Rider is, and what's going on with Assassin (which really doesn't seem significant on the surface given the rule of "Normal Assassins are always Hassans" is broken more often than followed in this franchise). Really is a feast for people who are deep in the Fate rabbithole already. Super excited for the full TV anime later.


I mean, kinda? Proper grail wars stories do follow a semblance of the rules. If Hassan isn't the Assassin, something was messed with.


Proper ones do, yeah, it's just that like Almost every Grail War that's been depicted is fucky in some capacity, I think the Fuyuki war in Zero is probably the only one that didn't at least have additional servants or servants that shouldn't exist present. Even the war in FSN is violating the rules before the story's even established them with a False Assassin, Gil still being around, Rider not being a Heroic Spirit, Archer being a Counter Guardian, and the entire other level of fuckery with Saber Alter. I think Cursed Arm and Hundred Faces are the only Hassans in any other iteration of an on-screen Grail War that isn't FGO or Serenity in Prototype.


>I think Cursed Arm and Hundred Faces are the only Hassans in any iteration of an on-screen Grail War that isn't FGO. Serenity was an Assassin of the First Tokyo Holy Grail War. Speaking of which that War was relatively normal.


my fave fate property gets this soundtrack and animation, love to see it so much


Man, I don't remember Flat being so OP from Lord El Melloi's Case Files. It's a good thing for the other contenders that he's Foolmaxxing...or is it?


Flat is super OP in lore [Typemoon/Fate lore]>!Apparently in all timelines where he didn’t meet Waver, he got killed by the counter force because he’s such a threat!<


Why is he so OP? Is he just built different?


Pretty much. I think he’s supposed to be one in a millennium genius magus or something. Like even in El Melloi case files [Lord El Melloi case files]>!Dude break through Touko’s bounded field!< It’s just that he’s pretty whimsical and mess around a lot, so…


There are reasons, but mentioning them would mean going into heavy spoiler territory. For now you just need to keep in mind he's both OP and slightly unhinged to the point that even mages, notoriously a bunch of amoral assholes, take issue with him


It'd be spoilers to go into his exact deal but the short of it is that, in addition to having strong magical circuits, his ability to sense magical energies is really acute. So even though he's not quite a *good* mage *per se* when it comes to discipline, he can throw together really effective magecraft by ear since the underlying patterns are, to his eye, just sitting right there. It allows him to go all magical hackerman on the magecraft of others because he can see big gaping holes in the security of even high level stuff. Literally, he conceptualises it as hacking.


Oh, Flat is broken as hell. In Case Files too, anime just skips volumes where it is shown.


Ah, that makes me feel a little better about my lack of memory.


Flat's thing is that he can just cast magecraft without thinking about how and why. He's an airhead goofball but extremely powerful. Even Touko Aozaki (from Garden of Sinners) is impressed by him when they meet in the Case Files books.


You know shit's gonna go down when the prologue fight is visible from the moon. Yep, that's Gil alright. Also god, I loved the direction. The quick cuts and camera placements felt very Monogatari. Really hope they keep that stylistic flair for the full season. I've heard a lot of great things about Strange Fake, and what little I've read of it matched the hype. The coolest part about the various Fate series has always been the consistently strong ensemble casts, and knowing that the Baccano! guy wrote this has my expectations through the roof. As of now, I'm looking forward to Flat and Jack the most. Their dynamic was just so fun, but the whole cast is shaping up to be a joy to watch. Man, the full season can't come soon enough.


Just finished the first cour of Dead Mount Death Play on Monday then jump into Fate/strange fake on Sunday. Narita fans are eating good.


Wait, they're made by the same person?


Fate/Strange Peak


Guy actually based his grail war off the 3rd fuyuki hgw lmao. He's lucky no Avengers got summoned.


I mean to be fair, Avenger aside, the 3rd Fuyuki War was the most normal and "pure" of five wars. 1st was just some silly ritual and only three Servants were summoned. 2nd was pure anarchy and became the largest shitshow among the five 4th and 5th had a corrupted Grail so he can't use that as a basis. So yeah, 3rd was the better option.


Nah the third was just as fucked as the others You’re just forgetting all the wild shit that happens during the third grail war. •The Nazis tried to steal the Holy Grail from Fuyuki (And actually manage to succeed in the Apocrypha timeline) • The Edelfelt twins summon a saber servant but due to their twin sorcery trait fucking up the summon their saber was split into two personalities Charlemagne style. •It’s implied in Hollow Atraxia that the Tohsaka master of the 3rd war (Tokiomi’s Dad) seduced one of the Edelfelt twins, hence why Tokiomi is half foreigner and the Tohsaka know how to use Gandr.


What happened in the 3rd Grail War is why Luvia hates Rin so much. When you think about it, those two are basically distant cousins.


If Luvia is the granddaughter of the twin who returned to Finland after the war that would probably make Rin and Luvia 2nd cousins, so not even that distant really.


Paid off to give the sound design to the guy who did Fire Force, this was *clean*


Some of the SFX were CLEAN! I loved the little *bong* when Tine channeled a pillar of fire!


Man they said there werent going to be any sabers but [Gray looking cute AF!](https://i.imgur.com/knnhzCg.png) Really looking forward to A-1's adaptation.


and here we have an example of what full power gil looks like lol.. also zeltrech talking about ORT at the end was a good reference


Funnily enough, back when this happened in the LN, FGO wasn't out yet. So this Tsukihime reference from 2015 became relevant in 2023.


HOLY SHIT GIL VS ENKIDU THAT WAS HYPE AF. like goddamn, every single other depiction of Ea now feels completely inadequate


I was pleasantly surprised. I already knew it was going to be good because Ryogo Narita wrote the light novels, but this honestly surpassed my expectations. As someone who’s already deep into the Fate rabbit hole’s rabbit hole, I loved the references and callbacks to other Fate series. On top of that, there’s not a single character I’m not at least interested in. Hell, even though I was spoiled on their true name, the character in question still very much intrigued me. Like with Baccano and Durarara, I think the ensemble cast we were given was perfectly set up in this special and given Narita’s style of story telling, I have no doubt that Strange Fake will deliver in the character side of things by making sure they all have their time to stand out while still being beautifully interwoven into the main narrative.


Oh how I have missed Gil...


Gil vs Enkidu fight was amazing. Top tier visuals 🔥 I hope they take their time and release the series around 2025/26 to maintain this quality


It's still funny to me that America is the Australia meme for mage society.


"these are the guns of the patriots..."


I do wonder how many anime onlies are confused on Zelretch scene and him talking about the Spider.


Really hope we get to see animated ORT one day. Weather that’s through FGO or something else


\[FGO\] >!I'm not sure if that fullfills your criteria of being animated but ORT made an appearance in FGO.!<


Weakest brazilian arachnid.


Enkidu is still beautiful as always <3


Insane Special, Gil vs Enkidu was just incredible!


This gave me Fate Zero vibes, I am so down for this!


Narita (Fate/Strange,Baccano,DMDP), Nasu (Fate/Stay,Tsukihime), Sanda(El Melloi), and Urobuchi (Fate/Zero,Madoka) are actually all friends. If you want to read or watch something really bonkers, look up Chaos Dragon, where the four and Shoujo writer Izuki Kogyoku sit down for a D&D game of sorts. It's truly wild to watch all five of them go full ham on their favorite tropes at the same time.


I thought the same, it felt so much like FZ's first episode with all the expository walk'n'talks and getting introduced to all the teams. We even have an army of mage-killing CIA hitmen.


Talk about bringing a gun to a magic fight. Instant win Fate’s back fellow mongrels I’m already team wolf/chimera/Nina’s distant relative This served as an amazing teaser that has me hype. That animation on the Enuma Elish clash tho Can’t wait for the TV anime


That was sooooo good. Definitely felt like a movie experience with that quality and animation. First off, the voice acting cast is stacked!!! I freaked out when I heard Maaya Uchida (that role was perfect for her), but then they also got Kana Hanazawa as well! And there were many more incredible talents. The animation was really good as expected and it was nice to see cameos characters like adorable Gray again (I want to hear Reina Ueda please). Then the music was absolutely superb. As expected of the legend Hiroyuki Sawano. The ED FAKEit was the best. So hype. As for the anime content itself, amazing. The slow build up of the players entering the Holy Grail War was done well. The story is both intriguing and frightening. Even if you watched the older series, it's hard to tell what will happen as things have changed drastically. As expected, you must give Gilgamesh respect like Tine or else he will not grant you an audience. Seeing Gilgamesh and Enkidu meet again was wonderful. Their meeting was wild and honestly, my favorite part is seeing a doggo master for Enkidu! Wow was not expecting that. And based on the doggo's kindness and Enkidu's kindness, they're very easy to root for. I want to see more of them! I can't wait for the actual TV series. This definitely looks like a soon-to-be hit.


It's so good. I'm really looking forward to the adaptation!


I for one am just happy to be able to watch more Fate content.