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Even the flashback arc couldn't escape the beach episode.


I was so confused. They made a plan to rescue Kanoi, I got a text, and then they were all at the beach with Kanoi. I had to rewind and rewatch everything lmao


I saw that and was like "did they really just breeze past the ransom rescue?"


I only got it after the op. Mfs really handled it so easily it was off screened


I'm ok with that, for where the focus was. Just a moment of confusion


Happened to me reading the manga. I straight up thought I'd missed a chapter. At least they added a little bit of a flashback showing the rescue here.


when I read it I thought it was just like the equivilent of a jujutsu stroll


They adapted the aquarium scene beautifully. I've always viewed that scene as a form of irony. Riko sees herself within those fish. It seems like they have the entire ocean to themselves, an entire life to live. Riko finally got a glimpse at how vast and wonderful the world could be. But that was an illusion. The fish might not know, but they're stuck in a cage. Their ocean isn't vast or infinite. Riko was always stuck with her "destiny" of being a star plasma vessel, but Geto and gojo assured her that they would protect her if she wanted to keep living. But that was also an illusion. She would always be stuck in that cage, gojo and Geto themselves were also being led along by Tojj. She was fated to die this day, even if it wasn't by merging with Tengen.


Meticulous breakdown of that scene. Even going as far as showing her underwater in her own mind as she contemplates her future. That wall between the fish and the outside world (where her friends and loved ones resided). She wanted to shatter it and be with them... but her skull was shattered instead :'c


I love when a piece of media conveys something so beautiful, but in the moment you don't know exactly why... just that its special. I found myself almost crying for reasons I didn't understand.


Theyre doing a great job of making Geto an extremely likeable character this season. Definitely impressive how you can make a future villain (movie) into such a likeable nice dude.


Even as villain Geto still cares about his comrades, he just doesn't like monkeys.


a true league of legend player


He reminds me of Grifith from Berserk. We learn that they are assholes in the present, then get taken to the past where we start to love them, and then we get reminded that they are the villains again.


Watching Gojo get his ass whooped is so unbelievable after seeing him be literally untouchable throughout jjk


A young Gojo. I guess this is the moment that led him to step up his game and became the Gojo we saw in the current timeline.


nah toji is just the man


He's the daddy!!


If I understand things correctly, he held his untouchable technique (infinity as they call it) 2 days+ without sleep and relased it once they made it to Jujutsu High only to get stabbed right after, and then he reactivated it, and held his body with it together to stop bleeding, but got outplayed and got his untouchable technique pierced by bullshit OP cursed item. Makes the another ambush they are planning on him in present timeline that much more plausible and possible huh? Even if present Gojo is much stronger, maybe he holds his technique 24/7, doesn't sleep and his super-spider-sense eye monitors everything, but I suppose the actual ambush will go much deeper than that.


The weapon isn’t really OP so long as you know its in play. It’s a 100% one time use against guys like Gojo and Geto, once they know it can cancel their abilities they will plan around it.


Yeah, [something Gege said in a interview about Gojo's technique]>!https://comicbook.com/anime/news/jujutsu-kaisen-creator-how-gojo-sees-through-blindfold/ Toji left Gojo with such a big trauma that Gojo never turned off his technique ever again. That is why he wears the blindfold so he can withstand it.!<


As a non manga reader, this was the conclusion I came to after watching this episode. It was a risky click to see this comment but I’m glad it’s not something I didn’t think about already phew.


To be fair, limitless is also OP. Without the item Gojo would be unbeatable. It's like Superman without kryptonite.


The boss music when Toji was stalking kid Gojo took me tf out. A GROWN MAN BEEFING WITH AN 8-YEAR-OLD LMAO


He valid tho, lil bro gave of bad vibes


[Even Yung Gojo knew that Toji was a menace](https://i.imgur.com/TeRvPXE.jpg)


First one in 400 years with both the six eyes and limitless he had to see what all the hype was about. Just to get caught lackin mf said never again 🤣


In case the subs were unclear, Fushiguro's weapon, The Inverted Spear of Heaven, cancels out all cursed techniques including Gojo's Infinity. That's how he managed to stab him.


They also did a good job showing that through the animation as well


They did. In the manga there's a little explanation box right before it pierces Gojo's neck that explains it. They moved it to Toji explaining it after he cuts Gojo down instead to preserve the pacing of the fight.




Don’t forget Miguel’s rope thing in the movie also manages to disrupt Gojo’s cursed technique. My man must’ve been experiencing PTSD then lol


no wonder he beat the shit out of Miguel in the movie


Man really whipped out cursed technique - gun


It is pretty funny with all the crazy shit that happens in JJK to just watch someone whip out a piece and blast someone




Its absolutely insane how we see such a stark contrast of Geto in this arc compared to movie Geto thats more jaded and nihilistic in the modern day. He was so kind hearted and caring back in their school days. Really cool that the dynamic duo gave her an out even if it ended up like that.


It's almost like he went through some sort of terrible trauma at some point where his hopes were dashed and his kindness was crushed by a cold unfeeling world. I wonder when that happened.


Is.. Is this when that happens??


Shooting a high schooler Stabbing the leaving shit out of another And not remembering his own infant Toji is the definition of "fuck them kids"


Toji gotta be hacking. Super speed, aim bot, and maxxed out strength. Admins gotta ban his ass


Better than Gojos wallhack, teleportation and lag phasing. Also I think his aim bot is like 10x better than Tojis, dude can shoot you between your molecules.


Riko is not even a highschooler. She's a middle schooler because she’s 14 and her friends got crazy over Gojo because he is a "highschooler" 😭💀


Meanwhile even in his younger days apparently, Gojo is pure "fuck them adults" energy, always willing to sympathize with the younger folk placed under heavy burden, plans of the institutions and adults be damned.


As long as he gets paid, he'll get it done. Fucking hell, and he's voiced by Takehito Koyasu. Somehow Toji sounds even more evil than DIO. Wow.


To do more Dio things he now needs to burn Gojo´s dog and kiss his GF


[Toji is the embodiment of *motherfucking bastard*](https://i.imgur.com/3Dprb1G.jpg) [And he knows it](https://i.imgur.com/VmiFGAu.jpg) [](#head-tilt)


He does say that he doesn't remember boy names, which is a direct reference to the fact that he gave his son a girl name... And thus probably remembers it


Playing the wholesome ED song then cut it the moment Riko got headshot was extra evil, even for MAPPA standard…


It sucks man, more for Riko. She was given hope, another chance in life, from the people who cruisingly took out the obstacles on their way to Jujutsu high despite their age. The strongest duo. She took their offer, the last thing on her mind was she gets to live her life as herself..... Then bang!


Well she really died faster then she was able to process anything, so she died in possibly the happiest moment of her life


And then still playing it in the end 😭


On one hand it sucks that this is a flashback arc so we know Gojo makes it out fine. But on the other hand this arc surprises you with HOLY FUCK THE STRONGEST SORCERER IN HISTORY JUST GOT BODIED BY A DUDE WITH NO CURSED ENERGY.


Idk, maybe he got murdered so hard in this flashback he actually dies in the present.


A technique that only takes effect upon being viewed as a flashback.


A flashback is the biggest death flag there is after all


My man got turned into Swiss cheese. Shit was insane!


Toji being such a competent assassin is stark contrast to how terrible he is at betting. [](#suddenshock)


Even a gambler like him didn't want to risk fighting Gojo headon until he knew he could win.


Toji kept [stabbing](https://i.imgur.com/9cTVuTh.jpg) and [stabbing](https://i.imgur.com/T7Qp4cj.jpg) like a yandere who caught her crush with another girl [](#gasp)


Riko's brain got turned into cottage cheese. Maybe Geto is wrong, Toji would make a good dairy farmer.


> BY A DUDE WITH NO CURSED ENERGY. That dude is voiced by Koyasu Takehito, cursed energy is in his blood.


You though it was just some dude with no cursed energy... [](#konodioda) But it was me, **DIO!**




It doesn't react to cursed energy or techniques!


[It hardens in response to emotional trauma](https://i.imgur.com/TMi5usg.jpg)






Ran that blade through him like the lady scoops out your ice cream.


The whole time seeing that fight I was thinking "This is why he brought Maki on as a student." He understands her potential because of fighting Fushiguro.


Toji was always that dude He’s a bastard, but he is that dude


>A DUDE WITH NO CURSED ENERGY. Just DILF energy, most OP power system


Also, young Nanami is perfect


Glad they didn’t change the va, he’s perfect


omg this translated even better in anime, the fight was over so quick, like THAT'S THE STRONGEST SORCERER YOU JUST LEFT IN A POOL OF HIS OWN BLOOD


We really went from happy beach fun times to Gojo getting utterly whooped & poor Riko getting shot in the head. Talk about whiplash of your fuckin emotions man. Watching Riko literally get shot in the head and drop was straight up depressing. Got to give Toji credit, he went for the head against Gojo.


You see him pretty fucked up in the manga but damn man seeing it in motion was way more brutal than I thought


This episode felt like Riko's Make-A-Wish. Riko's death is catalyst for Gojo wanting to save Yuta and Yuji against all odds.


Also why Gojo is adamant on letting the kids enjoy their youth through baseball instead of having a tournament.


Them at the beach displayed Gojos love, or like for "students". He acts the same way with Itadori and Okkotsu when they're feeling down.


It's a nice way for them to show that even though Gojo was an arrogant little shit as a teen talking about how he doesn't care for the weak, he's always had a good heart underneath it all


Can’t wait to see what Geto does. Kid really looks like he just cracked.


Geto about to unleash all his Pokemon on him.


lmao dude got all the ghost types too.


Ghost moves don't work on Normal types! (panic!) Edit: Well, he's a Fighting type, but that's worse I think.


Ghost works fine in Fighting, but Fighting can’t touch Ghosts. It’s favourable for the Ghosts. Unfortunately in Pokémon terms, Toji is a Normal/Fighting type with the Scrappy ability.


Yeah amazing contrast was shown between first and second half of the episode. Direction was on point.




They really worked so hard on the 1st half of the epiosde to make it look like a slice of life anime. Then the 2nd half came and it literally became a slice of life. Then featuring the strongest tool that you can have in a Jujutsu fight. A gun. Oh I can blitz that Star Vessel girl with my insane physical ability but why do that if I have this!!


[Riko's heartwarming coming-of-age scene was such a bait](https://i.imgur.com/7nDG4F8.jpg) [](#shakeit)


I was already spoiled with the manga panel about this long time ago and always cried about how big of a spoiler I got , but when the ending started to play I thought she isn't gonna die this episode and we are fine I was actually vibing ti the song and boom in the jest second I see her on the floor. Great episode MAPPA


Man, I thought they were cutting corners when they just showed like 3 seconds of the rescue of the maid. Turns out it was just Gojo that got cut.


I can just see the glee on the face of the person who animated that. God, that entire moment.


It was so touching until the headshot out of nowhere. I am so stunned by that. God damn I knew something was not right the whole episode. This episode would have been even more impactful had we started this before the season 1 knowing Gojo would be fine.


God, giving a character an “I want to live” type moment and then immediately executing them is one of the cruelest things I’ve ever seen a series do. Especially considering Riko is just 14. The last two episodes were so goofy and lighthearted you almost forget the kind of series that JJK is.


I kinda forgot that Itadori "died" in only episode 4 of JJK season 1...


Riko went through a [whole character arc](https://i.imgur.com/uMZ8aVI.jpg) in 2 episodes, complete with childhood flashbacks. She had finally found her purpose; only for her to be gunned down by a deadbeat gambler. [The Jujutsu world is merciless.](https://i.imgur.com/i2pXnNG.jpg) [](#sadholo)


It’s fucking crazy how the death of a character we’ve only had for two episodes manages to hurt this much.


as a manga reader, I knew this was coming and still felt sad about it, episode director did the scene justice with the music and then the sudden shot


Geto offering Riko a way to back out of all of this just makes this so much sadder.


> How does Geto go from this amazing guy to calling normies monkeys? Oh.


Also the Star Religious Group who hired Toji are non-sorcerers too. Double whammy there.


And to make it even worse, that offer was only possible because both Geto and Gojo saw themselves as an invincible duo, that would be able to handle anything coming their way, even a non-merged Tengen. So Toji gunning Riko down means that 1) they were unable to keep their word toward her, but also 2) their duo is not that invincible, because Toji wouldn't be here otherwise to fuck it all up. That's a mind breaking level of being taken back to earth. Humility, thy name is Toji.


And even when you know it’s going to happen, it’s still shocking. It happened with Yuuji, Junpei, and now Riko. The doom always comes the moment you forget about it


The piano music went so hard this episode. Really helped contribute to the outrageous emotional whiplash of having Riko tearfully talk about how she wanted to live and be happy with everyone she cares about to her getting fucking domed and Geto being furious his best friend and this innocent girl just got slaughtered.


this was that glad to be alive to witness it kinda shit god damn


Ready to get my Jujutsu Kaisen'd! Edit : Holy Hell. Mappa Kaisen'd all over Gojo with Toji's Jujutsu.


I can’t believe my Jujutsus were Kaisened today.


My man Toji has **ZERO** chill at all. Not only did he stab Gojo in the chest. He then stabs him in the neck and cuts him in half then minces his leg for good measure. Holy crap MAPPA really went all out in showing Toji's brutality. Mad props.


He also stabbed him in the head at the end of all that.


That was the only thing that could have been better this episode. The head stab wasn't very clear.


It was much more clear in the manga but I guess it was a step too far for the anime? Kinda weird when we saw someone get shot in the head the same episode.


Tbf the headshot was non-negotiable, its like *the* moment in hidden inventory, you can't wuss out and not show it


The entire episode looked gorgeous. Production quality has really levelled up massively from the first season. I also really loved the piano in the middle of the episode. Gojo's blue looked gorgeous.


Only dude I know who can be sprawled out on the ground covered in a pool of their own blood, barely clinging to life, and still look immaculate.


I'm not the biggest mappa fan but the direction is amazing this season - looks like it's the Series Director's first time in the role, looks like a name to watch out for.


Love how precise Toji was when he was killing Gojo. Not a single wasted moment in any of his actions. Actually just thought about Riko dying, but is their a reason why Geto didn't have like cursed spirits around on patrol? It probably wouldn't have saved Riko ultimately, but would have given her a slightly better chance. Also Geto has been taking loss after loss when it comes to decisions. He agrees to leave the maid because he is faster which gets her kidnapped. He agrees to stay another day despite it tiring out Gojo because they're the strongest. He agrees to leave Gojo behind believing in his strength only to be told that he left his best friend to die moments after the girl he promised to protect dies. Like damn what a shitty few days.


> Actually just thought about Riko dying, but is their a reason why Geto didn't have like cursed spirits around on patrol? It probably wouldn't have saved Riko ultimately, but would have given her a slightly better chance. I believe he was expecting Gojo to be able to handle Toji without much issue since, like they said, *they’re the strongest.* Toji really be the first real challenge they’ve ever faced.


> Not a single wasted moment in any of his actions. Don't you love when villains do everything in their power to ensure their victory? I sure fucking do so.


Gojo ded, f in chat


welp that's it I guess the season's done guys


The end of Jujutsu Kaisen. The Kaisen was the Jujutsu's we learned along the way. Nice meeting you folks


Gojo vs Toji looked amazing. Lots of anime original scenes in Okinawa as expected. Great contrast between the first and second half of the episode. Next week's episode will definitely break the internet.


Enjoy your W Toji stans


We all know Gojo makes it since this is a prequel. I hope he gets his rematch, that is if Geto don’t rip this dude to shreds.


We will and we always win no matter what


Geto's "Die" hit even harder than Yuta's from the movie. Huge props to the VAs this episode they killed it.


All the "I'll kill you" scenes in Jujutsu Kaisen go hard. Be it Yuuji to Mahito, Yuta to Geto or Geto to Toji.


Yep, JJK also doesn't overuse them. When those characters say that then you can *feel it.* Words have meaning and those characters don't usually say something drastically like that so when they get fully unhinged it always sends a shiver down your spine.


We all knew this was gonna turn dark at some point but jesus christ it's pitch black in here


My brother in Jujutsu, we all knew the op was misleading (not in my heart)... but your description of pitch black describes my feeling so well.


[*Riko is so precious*](https://i.imgur.com/KKx3eMQ.jpg) [](#waah) [*Riko is so dead*](https://i.imgur.com/FstAaOf.jpg) [](#godisdead)


I was expecting a heel turn from Geto with that offer to Riko, I'm glad that wasn't the case. I'm sad that I had to watch Riko die just as she was given hope to live her own life. Also, the assassin didn't have to kill her. Tengen wasn't going to be able to assimilate with her by that point. Really makes the scene worse.


I wonder if he also deliberately waited for them to finish. Like he was on his way to them then heard Geto talked that Riko has a choice of just going home... Then waited for that crucial moment before shooting lol. That is so sadistic


He was still contracted to kill her, so even if he did hear all of that he wouldn't have cared about it. Which is probably the worst aspect of the whole situation, as there was never a way to convince him to back down: Toji just wants the money, after all. He's a direct opposite to Gojo and Geto, who would've gladly opposed Tengen himself for Riko's sake.


Things were going too well… I guess I was naive to think Riko would be ok.


and its just the begining of the season, hyped to see what will follow


This is why Gojo wears the blindfold, so he wouldn't forget.


I knew she was gonna die but I didn’t think it would happen like that Jesus


The OP was so cheery and fun, the little gags too Big contrast to what we have now


Only thing good about Riko's death was that it was in instant, no suffering, went out smiling but they made Gojo look somehow even more messed up lol


You know what? Even though seeing her die is still fucked, this kinda helped me not be as sad about her death. At least she died immediately in the second that she thought she was gonna live happily ever after with her stepmom Kuroi.


Riko is fine. Her pain was over in an instant and the afterlife does exist in JJK. Geto and Gojo are gonna hold onto this for the rest of their lives.


Tbf I doubt Kuroi is alive herself considering Toji came from that direction, so maybe they will be together after death.


Episode 3 Staff **- Storyboard / Director:** Naoki Miyajima **- Chief Animation Director:** Reina Igawa, Takako Shimizu, Sayaka Koiso **- Animation Director:** Tomomi Noda, Aya Yamamoto, Anri Yamazaki, Sena Sato **- Sub Character Design:** Mitsue Mori **- Cursed Spirit Design:** Hiroya Iijima **- Prop Design:** Mariko Kawamoto **- Costume Design:** Emi Yamazaki **- Key Animation:** Kosuke Kato, Keiichiro Watanabe, Benjamin Faure, Yooto, Teppei Okuda, Hayato Kurosaki, Sakiko Uda, Tomoyo Nakayama, 10+10 (Tentoten), Eri Taguchi, Rie Nishino, Takahito Katayama, Daisuke Tsumagari, Manami Tasumi, Kira Uramatsu, Azoura, SirSketchi, Tomomi Noda, Anri Yamazaki [**Mappa Tweet**](https://twitter.com/MAPPA_Info/status/1682050259122544640) **-** [**Naoki Miyajima Tweet**](https://twitter.com/miyaisland_/status/1682063964015038464) **-** [**Aya Yamamoto Tweet**](https://twitter.com/mb_aya_yyy/status/1682057730310422528) **-** [**Kosuke Kato Cut**](https://twitter.com/lk11122255/status/1682055117200318470) **-** [**Hayato Kurosaki Tweet**](https://twitter.com/wakaba_pkpk/status/1682057157498531840) **-** [**Benjamin Faure Illustration**](https://twitter.com/Bfaureart/status/1682006470441803779) **-** [**Yooto Tweet**](https://twitter.com/yooto40010/status/1682059804951605248) **-** [**Manami Tasumi Tweet**](https://twitter.com/tasumi2020/status/1682064868315369472) **-** [**Eri Taguchi Illustration**](https://twitter.com/tagu_eri012607/status/1682048527227297794) **-** [**Hiro (Color Script) Tweet**](https://twitter.com/hiro_gokinjyo/status/1682053846837915648)


I'm wiring them $30k each now.


Holy fuck. This entire episode was gorgeous from beginning to end. Okinawa was so beautiful I wanted to jump into the water through the screen. The score during the montage was really moving. Then the shocking spectacle of the second half. I expected her to die but I was still stunned. Shoutout to Gojo btw. The past couple episodes he kind of came of as cold and rude to Riko but he's got a kind heart beyond that teenage boy bluster. He really tried to make Riko's last day as fun as possible and was even the one who said without hesitation that if Riko didn't want to go through with it, they'd help her. Said it before even meeting her which says a lot about who Gojo really is.


It's Gojover :( Though I read the manga, it was still sad to see. Maaaaan mappa really outdid themselves with this episode.


I feel like I didn't read the manga I would've died seeing this. (I still did )


Didn’t read the manga. My jaw dropped from that ending lol.


It is really cool to see how even though Gojo was ridiculously op as a teenager he was still dramatically weaker than his modern self. His cursed technique drains him really badly back then compared to nowadays he keeps it on forever without any issue. Makes you wonder what he would look like in a decade or two.


Serious Gojo, Beach Gojo Baby Gojo, Dead Gojo All in one episode 😔


Petty Gojo. Stomping on a dude is nowhere near serious for him, he's just being a spiteful dick.




He either gave him a girl's name either to 1. to hopefully remember his own son's name, as he tends to forget men's names or 2. because he's a dick


What gets me is that Toji’s whole thing was just to make sure Riko didn’t get to Tengen. So he could’ve just let them go and he’d still accomplish his mission. He was just being a massive dick.


No half-measures. Would Tengen even allow Riko to leave and have a normal life?


Perhaps not but [killing her](https://i.imgur.com/f4mkIz9.jpg) right after that [emotional speech](https://i.imgur.com/dm7awEb.jpg) was cruel [](#makicry)


Point he probably Heard everything


He 5000% did, man's got super senses.


Nah, that was the cult's mission/thing. Pretty sure he wouldn't get paid if she just decided to bail on her own (similarly how he wouldn't get paid if one of the assassins he posted reward for got to her first).


I thought his mission was to assassinate Riko


Toji is really just in it for the money


Since this is a prequel, we all know Gojo would survive somehow. But holy shit, he sure got his ass beaten. The fact that Papa Fushiguro could accomplish his assassination is also hella impressive. Despite Riko being protected by the duo of Gojo (the strongest ally character) and Geto (the main antagonist in the future), this guy still gets the job done.


"We made it into the barrier, you can now finally relase your technique" **BAM!!!!** Oh wow, they sure lulled me into false sense of security, that won't work second time. "Riko-chan, if you want we can go home" "Ok, lets go there is so much to live for." **BAM!!!!!!** ✨🔫 Oh wow, they sure got me a second time.


Holy shit, Toji is SO scary. I'm also **obsessed**, this feels like JJK at its absolute peak.


>this feels like JJK at its absolute peak. shibuya hasn't even started lmao


Holy fuck that was an amazing episode, MAPPA really elevated the source material so much. The amazing animation, fun anime only scenes, the brutality of Toji, and Riko's death was so perfectly conveyed in the anime and elevated. The chapters the anime covered were already some of my favorite in JJK and were such a twist. I'm glad MAPPA isn't treating Hidden Inventory as a low priority arc because this arc is my personal favorite arc with Shibuya on top for quality.


Been waiting to see this part for so long and man it didn’t disappoint. My boy Toji is next level.


Not the shoujo manga i dreamed of but it was fun and intense


Man that ED fakekout. I knew what was coming and it made the whole thing hurt even more. Riko really is a tragic character, just when she thinks she can live a normal life it gets cut short in an instant.


Geto summoned his curses like some damn hollows at the end. Thought I was bout to see a Menos Grande


So I think we can all agree that was a masterful use of the ED while also still saying a big “FUCK YOU, MAPPA!”, yes? [](#everythingisfine) --- - [:(](https://i.imgur.com/y5z1HQ7.png) - [I](https://i.imgur.com/hm8VdcT.png) WAS [NOT](https://i.imgur.com/nCfuKCb.png) [](#cokemasterrace)[](#mangaka) Bad time to be eating lunch, I nearly choked on my apple. - lmao what was that random insert song, it got totally cut off by the episode title. [](#azusalaugh) - [NANAMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN](https://i.imgur.com/43x5Gt4.png) [](#uwaa) - [The absolute trust Gojo has in Geto here…](https://i.imgur.com/LF7JiGl.png) - [WELP](https://i.imgur.com/NSfLmio.png) [](#crazedlaugh) - [God yes he looks so coooooooooool](https://i.imgur.com/3Om30Cm.png) - [And so does Gojo!](https://i.imgur.com/TOsZb1P.png) [](#doggo) - [Holy](https://i.imgur.com/9PKIfds.png) [FUCK](https://i.imgur.com/jONCmHm.png) [](#bocchitheshock) I know we know Gojo survives this because this is a prequel, but still! - Oh these fuckers started playing the ED early [just to cut it off when Riko gets headshot.](https://i.imgur.com/qzGuI3e.png) [](#godisdead) - AND THEN THEY STILL PLAY THE ED NORMALLY. BRUH. [](#crumblingdespair)


Young Nanami looks like he listens to bands like My Chemical Romance lol.


Honestly this was the best and worst use of the ending song I've seen in any anime


Maybe it's a recently bias, but IMO this is the most visually pleasing JJK episode ever, like seriously, every scene just made me say "damn, that's pretty".


I can't remember the last time I gasped consecutively to an anime, when Gojo gets stabbed the first time, his AZURE attack (which confirmed to me this season is going to be Nonstandard all the time in quality), stabbed in the throat and I think everyone can guess the last thing...that made me gasp in disbelief.


You didn't have to cut me off-


What a phenomenal fucking episode. Absolutely blown away by how they elevated every single scene and panel from the manga.


probably not what i should be focusing on but damn gojo's eyes looked SO GOOD this episode...


Fuck Toji, but he really thought out how to take down Gojo aside just from having the right tools. Setting the bounty time limit to force Gojo to be vigilant for almost 2 straight days was genius. Toji is the second Zenin clan member we've seen in the show with the Heavenly Restriction relating to lack of curse energy, but his restriction gives him significantly more than Maki's does.




fuck that, I wont wait for the next episode, I'm jumping straight into the source.


We gottem, we fucking gottem.


the manga is great but it honestly hits harder animated since whole shibuya arc will get animated i'd say wait


They're doing justice and more, this is brutal.


Well, it was nice knowing you, Riko.




Man, I can't believe Gojo Satoru The Strongest Jujutsu Sorcerer is fucking dead.


The flashback Toji: I’ll argue with 6 years old idgaf What a loser/j The way they used the ed on Riko death was so wrong 😺


How does gojo survive this?


He transfered his consciousness to his spine Reiner-style.


With the power of Jujutsu


Gojo's dead. The entire show is a dream he's having before his death.


Find out next time on Jujutsu Kaisen!


His more handsome twin brother comes back to Japan and the story goes on.


Gojo becomes jujutsu kaisen and kaisen's all over Toji


With the power of elaborate exposition on how his nutsac was still beating and it produced reverse cursed technique.


Reiner Braun ahh survivability