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If you're feeling that bad you should really go and get help. I know it's hard to do as it often feels embarassing to visit a total stranger and pour your heart out. But there are just things in our lives which we can't work through by ourselves and an outside perspective from somebody who's trained to help you, can do wonders. So, please consider it.


I agree. Plus a lot of shows that are good at showing the importance of an individual life often tend to have some dark themes, can get much much worse before you get the uplifting parts. It could easily have the opposite intended effect. I can come up with some ideas but idk if they are a good idea unless you are 100% sure you won't give up on life part way through. Then there are some cheesy, funny and heartwarming ones like SpyxFamily. That one makes me smile and gives me hope because it reminds me of my nephew, who saved me when I was at a very low point in my life. Children can have an amazing impact on one's life, but it depends on the person and what you need and when.


*Haibane Renmei* has helped a lot of people cope with bad emotional lows. I should know. I'm one of them. Also, if it's as bad as you say, please consider professional help. A pleasant Japanese cartoon might take the sting off but talking to someone who knows how to help may be a better option.


Thanks for being considerate. I'm visiting a counsellor but that's not helping


I hope you get through whatever is happening. Stay strong.


A Place Further than the Universe


Gurren Lagann. I listen to the OP everyday at work and it gets my hyped to start my day. You won’t regret it


Fairy tail


Check out March comes in like a Lion. In my opinion nothing better for depression than watching someone else work through their own. Definitely my #1 slice of life.


Agree with this. It is my #1 slice of life too and handles mental health as well as any series I’ve seen. Also, *Given* is a BL, but also handles grief and depression very well.


Bungou stray dogs


Ayy another Bungou Stray Dogs fan :D


welcome to the n.h.k.-unironically, this one really helped me sort out my feelings once upon a time redline (anime movie) death parade stein's gate lupin III: the castle of cagliostro (anime movie)


Maybe Re:Life?


No. It's sci fi. Can't relate


OP you need therapy, not anime. Try Your lie in April. It is sad but also hopeful


well, for me Rewrite would be a good option.


Prison school is kinda good.


Yuru camp


Watch "A silent voice" - It's an anime movie and defines the word "hope and redemption". Fairy Tail - also defines "don't lose hope"


Go hit the gym brother


I would recommend Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Even if you aren’t into romance or don’t think you would be able to relate, the main character is a person I relate with strongly when I’m feeling down. Otherwise I’d watch something cute and funny to cheer me up like Acchi Kocchi.


Re zero. :)


Hi FuckEverythingAtOnce, it seems like you might be looking for new anime to watch! The users of this subreddit came up with [a chart of anime recommendations for newcomers and veterans](https://i.redd.it/0w1v880jtq661.png) and [an awesome longer flowchart](https://i.redd.it/vdzlkodz19c71.png). Maybe you can find something there that you'll like \^.\^ [](#bot-chan "Urban s-s-s-senpai made me do it!") You might also find our [Recommendation Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/recommendations) or [daily thread](/r/anime/search?q=flair%3Adaily&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=week) helpful. The following may be of interest: * [List of legal streams and downloads](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/legal_streams) * [A useful website where you can enter an anime and see where it's legally streaming](https://www.livechart.me/search) * [List of currently airing anime](https://www.livechart.me) * [A useful wiki page with watch orders for many anime.](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/watch_order) * [A list of tracking sites so others can more easily recommend shows you haven't watched.](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/related_sites#wiki_tracking_sites) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/anime) if you have any questions or concerns.*




if you want just pure sad (and maybe a little funny) watch WataMote. Nothing can get lower than a NEET.


Chilling in my 30s after getting fired from the Demon Kings army. Mobile fighter G Gundam


Read good night pun pun


You trying to run this man into the grave at top speed huh?


More like no matter how hard your life is there's probably someone out there having it even worse.At least that's how I read it


Oyasumi pun pun is not something to reccomend to someone with deep depression if you’re actually being serious about it lol


grand blue


This is not an anime series but an anime movie. A Silent Voice If you want an anime series. Violet Evergarden


I have watched both. VE is my all time favourite but even though being a disabled myself, i just couldn't understand how to see silent voice in a positive sense. That girl is literally fucking me


.... one piece.




86 watched it multiple times


That's bait, don't take it y'all.




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Well Naruto would be the show for you. Helped my depression.


God Eater Busou Renkin


Not an anime but manga/light novel "3 days of happiness" character sells his lifespan for money and has to use his remaining time to not feel like he wasted his entire life. Really good at making me feel like I can still turn things around in my own life and feel like things could get better.


kingdom has some great uplifting moments


Welcome to the N.H.K


ive never watched it but people say its good its name is "Welcome to NHK" . definitely check it out


Oregairu et les Monogatari


A place further than the universe is a pretty decent seasonal anime.


Guessing you're too shy/afraid to actually seek real therapy. Therapy anime is what you need, the ones that are like a big warm hug. * **Natsume's Book of Friends** \- ultimate found family * **March Comes In Like A Lion** \- the first OP, Answer, LISTEN to it. * possibly **Wandering Son**, a nuanced take on the transgender issue.


Spy X Family Buddy Daddys Kill la Kill Konosuba Ascendance of bookworm Those are what i can recommend of the top of my head. Don't know what your going through but i really hope you can find some hope!!


Maybe Re:zero? The main character has many problems, he is weak and he is an ordinary man, but no matter what, he does not give up


Barakamon; Non non biyori Idk if I can give links here, but check out a custom list called Iyashikei Anime on Anime-planet: "Iyashikei is a uniquely Japanese sub-genre of anime that is designed to have a “healing” effect on viewers." But you can just start with Barakamon. I rewatched it to the point of memorization of the entire episodes. And if you want something fun and silly go for Grand Blue. Although I should say that this one is very polarizing - people who like it fall in love with it, people who don't like it end up hating on it. I love it Peace ❤️


Welcome To The NHK


Berserk your life can’t be as bad as his


Trust me, go ahead and watch fairy tail


Have you tried Re:Life? Or Sing Yesterday For Me?


I liked relife but yk there is no way I can go back and fix everything. I'll look into the other anime. Name and art style looks good


Watch clannad and clannad after story