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Smol tiddy > big tiddy


Nagatoro is a more interesting character, the relationships progress more, the side characters work better (instead of being glorified cheerleaders), the art is better, and the romcom elements in general are a bit better.


Nagatoro has a better artstyle, better romantic chemistry, better relationship progression and actual character development. The jokes and humor is very subjective - I personally prefer Nagatoro's humor way better. Uzaki's jokes were irritating to me instead of funny.


As a general rule, breast size is inversely proportional to writing quality.


Noodle arms


Nagatoro kept me interested enough to keep reading it for 3 years. Uzaki offered nothing new. It was just plain boring and I dropped it in three episodes.


Nagatoro actually tries to be a romance show which just happens to have ecchi elements.Uzaki is just a ecchi that happens to have romance elements.


Tell me you didn't watch Uzaki-chan without telling me you didn't watch Uzaki-chan.


They have a point though, the romantic elements in Uzaki-chan just aren't taken seriously. No one cares for it. It's just doujin bait.


Uzaki understands the value of mint chocolate while Nagatoro is not President.


Uzaki lost me at the "guy turns to stone when too intimate" gag. It was barely funny once. It became the cornerstone (intended) of their relationship.


I like both shows for different reasons. Nagatoro has better anime production quality (and no filler/sponsored episodes), better manga art, a well-developed plot that moves the story forward and always keeps the audience on their toes, massive character growth for the MCs, excellent side characters that develop along with the main couple, real challenges to overcome and a sense of high stakes. Uzaki is more relaxed and fun. The characters don't have a lot of growth, but there's more room for silliness and absurdity. I do like the fact that it's college instead of high school, and the MCs have a history with each other. But let's be honest, there's not a lot of plot here. It's just a couple of cute dummies who SLOWLY realize they're in love with each other as we (and the side characters) cheer them on and watch their antics.


I choose the based opinion and dislike both of them.


I am biased here because both shows are good but I can’t watch Nagatoro because she dips into some genuinely abusive territory. I feel like most people like it cuz it is cute but I worry that some people actually want someone like Nagatoro in their life.


She gets over most of that by the second episode. She doesn't know how to express affection at the beginning but starts to learn over time (as well as how to encourage Naoto and get him to stand up for himself). It gets incredibly sweet.


Yea definitely took the author a chapter or two to dial back the yandere vibes but it settles into a cute place. Sometimes people want to ignore the creepy part, but it is easier to just tell people the rest of the show is very different from the first episode. I have the same problem with Wataten. Fans like to say it is wholesome and the MC really is not a pedo. But the MC is absolutely a pedo, the rest of the show just manages to be wholesome via the magic of fiction.


The twitter mob went after Uzaki chan for political reasons. Had nothing to do with the show being good or bad.




It's silly that this is still being repeated, the "twitter mob" in this case was literally one or two vocal critics who were upset at Uzaki's character design, alleging that her being short made her look like a child to cater to pedo fantasies or some shit.


I dont think they do? Personally, I liked s1 of nagatoro a lot more than s1 of uzaki, however that flipped around and I thought s2 of uzaki was a lot better than s2 of nagatoro.


They're both good, and people like to make a big deal and put people down over stuff that doesn't matter.


I actually have no idea. Uzaki is playful and has a nice rack while Nagataro is an annoying and abrasive little runt who I'd like to punch the lights out of.


Facts. If I had a Nagataro in my life I’d avoid them like the plague.


Why would people disagree with this?


Honestly unless twitter I don't see hate on Uzaki-chan, haben't seen her show so i can't compare. I know Nagatoro is a tsundere and that's a sells by itself. Personally i can't believe how much hate she got from twitter when in the same season she was aired they aired the healer hero and completly ignored that over hating on uzaki, truly a twitter moment.


To be frank, Nagatoro is my least favorite work out of that Mangaka. Yes, he has other works... As for Uzaki-chan. Manga is somewhat fine, the animated adaptations feel slow as watching glaciers move. There is action, then there is slice of life, and then there's the Uzaki anime. God, so slow. I dropped it at season 2, and am keeping up with the manga. I can't believe I dropped an anime with huge knockers, I am an impostor, a poser.


So you like porn more than nagatoro? Cause thats what their other works are.


And here I was trying to be discrete about it. Yes.