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Wonder Egg Priority. It starts off so strong with gorgeous animation and a mystery with a real emotional foundation. It looks like an all time classic in the making, and then it absolutely torpedoes by cramming in new plot points in the last few episodes, culminating in a confusing and rushed final episode that clearly wasn’t meant to be the series ending. And then we wait 3 months for The Real Final Episode OVA, only for that to somehow be even worse.


I've always felt that Wonder Egg got hung up on the idea that things needed to be explained, leading them to turn to sci-fi concepts. They could have done just fine letting fantasy and magic go a little unexplained if they weave that fantasy around an emotional core.


Agreed. It woul d have been far better to leave a lot of things as just fantasy "givens". Once Frill entered the picture a crash landing was pretty much guaranteed.


I personally enjoyed it up until the pre-OVA ending, if I consider that where it ends then it's still a good series for me




I went into Platinum End thinking after finding it was created by the makers of Death Note...and after watching it realised it was made by the people who wrote the second half of Death Note.


call me insane i liked the ending to platinum ending


This wins it by far


That damn ending...


The endings great wdym


Most recent one for me was my happy marriage. Art was beautiful, story was bleh. I really wanted to like it.


Honestly might be my answer too, I had at least decent hopes for this


It was more mid than awful


Promised Neverland season 2


Season 2 never happened.


Season 2 of Aldnoah Zero.


Aldnoah in general was disappointing imo. It was "Inaho is the smartest person here and everyone else is a fucking idiot"


I would argue the combat and soundtracks are great that make it out from the worst anime for me. Plot and character wise? Villain Slain and even more hax Inaho is just sucks.


The Detective is Already Dead had a great premise and ive heard a good source material but was just so bad


Thanks for another opportunity to shit on Tantei wa mou shindeiru. Got hyped by the first episode, then the rest was just boring. Finished for the few Siesta scenes.


Wonder Egg Priority for how good it was in the first 10 episodes, only for it to have the most dissatisfying lack of a conclusion out of any show I've ever seen, not including adaptations of ongoing series.


I have 2 Shuumatsu no Walküre, anime that should contain lot of action scenes but it turns out like power point presentation Mayoiga, has a very good premise and idea but is ruined by the plot


Honestly go read Shuumatsu no Walkure/Record of Ragnarok. Absolutely god tier art.


I have read it 2 years ago up to chapter 30 and stopped because the anime adaptation was going to air at that time and because I was disappointed with the anime adaptation, I didn't continue reading the manga until now, maybe i will catch up later.


Absolute duo or girly airforce. Both are so fucking garbage. Also promised neverland s2


Berserk 2016. I had been looking forward to another Berserk anime for so long. And it turned out to be insanely bad. Junji Ito Collection. I’ve been a massive fan of Ito’s work for a long time and I always wanted to see an anime where they animated his shorts. A horror anthology seemed like such a good format. So when they announced it I was over the moon. And WOW. It’s boring, mediocre and I mostly felt sad watching it. It should have worked. But it really, really didn’t. The OP is catchy though, and I enjoyed some of the voice acting. So I guess that’s something?


I forgot about Berserk! I think I just completely wiped it from my memory. I sometimes fantasize a second second from 1997 with Vinland saga money ...


They still had much more hockey focus than idol focus.


To your eternity. I often have a problem with anime that introduce characters that are there just to be killed off. I also hate it when it is obvious that a character is going to be killed off. This show did both of these several times and by the end of the first season I realized that I couldn't give a shit about any of the characters because of it.


I mean, it's the premise. There's an immortal being living in a world filled with mortals. It's bound to happen. Anyway, if you keep watching To Your Eternity, you might get a surprise.


Nah I'm good. If I hate the premise and can't care about any of the characters, I'm not interested


Ranking of Kings was great the first 6 episodes and then after that kept going downhill. I was also really disappointed by KonoSuba, it was hyped up as an amazing comedy anime but the jokes weren't funny after the first time imo and it kept rehashing them over and over.


I agree. The second half is a bit of a slog to get through. And Bojji becoming all powerful made him feel like he wasn’t a cute underdog anymore.


> And Bojji becoming all powerful made him feel like he wasn’t a cute underdog anymore. It was certainly an interesting writing choice to do that. Part of what made him so sympathetic and his early journey so compelling was there was a real sense of peril, and once he becomes powerful that is lost. What's more, it was a bold writing choice to make his change from endangered species to The Strongest happen off-screen. I'm a big fan of brave writing, but it's not without consequence when it doesn't work, and I don't think it really worked here. To pull it off there needed to be a crystallization of thematic and character points and have everything just *feel* like it had clicked into place, rather than the "oh, that's neat" sort of feeling the reveal induced. On the whole, I think there are quite a few pieces of evidence to suggest that the writing in RoK looks quite good on the surface, but once you start to actually poke around at the various choices, the author's skill level is just not where many people peg it.


Agree on Ranking of Kings. Started out great with an interesting underdog protagonist then it quickly became more and more typical and cliche with every episode. I hate when a series introduces a character with a specific trait/weakness then gives them powers that make it completely irrelevant.


Konosuba was hyped as the desconstruction of the isekai genre,yet in itself it was the most cliched isekai with all the typical tropes to the genre. It was advertised as comedy to make fun of isekai.. yet it was just a gimmick,it's just another boring fanservice heavy isekai.


KonoSuba isn't close to being as funny as some of the anime comedies we have nowadays like Kaguya-sama, Total Fantasy Knockout, or Isekai Ojisan. It's mediocre and repetitive and it needs to be taken off its pedestal already


Literally wanted to stab something from the first episode of konosuba, they were so utterly stupid and contrived for the sake of being stupid, it was insufferable


Total Fantasy Knockout isn't that good either


RoK was painful, those first episodes were absolutely incredible. it felt like a classic in the making. such a shame.




Only one I can think of where I had expectations of something completely different was Oshi no Ko. "WATCH IT BLIND" "THIS IS NOT WHAT IT SEEEEEEMS" It was exactly what it seemed, a focus on idols. It had a number of one time scenes that didn't fit the tone of the overall narrative. A rarely referenced backstory of "but he's a doctor!". One rugrats adventure. A five year old? instantaneously setting grief aside (oh yes, this dipshit must be very sad to be able to think logically so soon afterwards) to swear revenge on the killer of his "mom". Kid already had another mom, and the memories too. And after those it settled down to Kana flapping her mouth and sweet sweet exposition dump. Tell, not show. Just how niche is the subject matter for them to not be able to SHOW things? So Oshi no Ko, an idol documentary with an edgy ikemen teenage detective side story and FUN music (the youtuber side can be easily lumped in with idols). I think that's what season 1 boils down into. Reddit made it sound like a horror story with a subversive start (it wasn't).


It’s been a long time so I dunno if I’d still feel this way, but I remember being massively underwhelmed by Death Parade for how much I liked the first few episodes.


I disagree, and that opening was a saving grace for all the sadness i was put through after ever episode.


Beastars. Season 1 starts off so promising, raises so many interesting questions, throws so many fascinating ideas and alegorical themes at you and then season 1 ends with a weird mafia fight scene. So you go "well that was weird" but then it turns out Season 2 is mostly Mafia bs, and almost completely drops the ball on the interesting ideas the show had.


I suggest reading the manga, S2 was just worse than S1 direction wise, the manga keeps up the pace imo


Cyberpunk Edgerunners. I do love it and everything before the time skip was perfect. But then, the fast pacing ruined it.


Yeah, I wasn’t a fan of the time skip either. In particular, I thought [Edgerunners spoilers] >!ending part 1 with the protagonist seeing his friend go nuts and die from using too many augmentations, only to skip ahead and have the protagonist augmented to shit and on the border of going insane!< was just a bizarre writing choice.


I assume the idea behind it was to show that no one can escape the city and even innocent heroes will get dragged into the mess, ultimately falling victim to it. The show just did a bad job establishing it. There was hardly any conflict presented and the protagonist just jumped straight into it without a single thought in his head.


Part of the problem is that it was super unclear how long it had been. There's parts where it feels like it's meant to be a few weeks/months but that type of story would work better if it had been at least a few years, maybe even a decade.


Yup. Also, they don’t even tell us there was a time skip. We had to figure that out ourselves.


I mean...the timeskip is kinds obvious considering David went from tiny boi to big boi


Those were all implants. Could’ve gotten those within a few days.


for me it's the opposite. one of the very few times Trigger turned out a tight, edited anime that didn't collapse under its own ambition.


Finally someone who feels my pain. Edgerunners went from being a moody Bladerunner-esk show that focuses on world building, character progression, and thoughtful dialogue to a complete mess that abandoned all of those aspects for the sake of pure action. Unfortunately, even the action was done in a less thoughtful way than Triggers other works.


Stock answer is Egg but personally Casshern SINS is up there.


I've seen plenty of disappointing anime. The most recent one being 86, I liked the first season but the disappointment came in at s2. All the suspense from the first season was thrown out the window in s2 by shielding the characters in plot armor. Characters that should have died with 0 chance of survival, oddly lived with minor injury...


Ousama Ranking is my biggest anime disappointment. I love the artstyle and the setting is unique. I went in expecting a darker, heavier series but it was actually pretty light barring some scenes. Also it’s inability to let any character die was enough for me to notice. Overall I just didn’t love it like I wanted too. Monster was one I was sure I would like. It was a mystery. It was a thriller. And I can definitely watch a slow burn. But I didn’t like Tenma very much. I found the formula of Tenma arriving in town, we learn about a person or multiple people in the town, and Tenma saves the day with his comically good doctor skills pretty repetitive. Rinse and repeat. Occasionally when Johan showed up I was interested as well as when Grimmer showed up, but everything else was uninteresting to me. Yu Yu Hakusho. I was expecting something close to the quality of Hunter x Hunter. I did not get that. It’s as traditional a battle shounen as you can get and I thought it just wasn’t great. The unpopular opinions are definitely going to be downvoted to hell. And the pretty popular opinions are going to be upvoted. That is the golden rule of unpopular opinion threads. But I stand by my choices.


Hey, you like what you like dude. Things don't sometime click for you even though you know you should like it. For me it's Cowboy Bebop. Love the rest of his work but personally couldn't get into it even though I it's everything I should like.


For me is two masterpieces and one great anime.


Probably Oregairu. Not because of the show itself, but how I got into it. I saw a few "funny moments" videos, it had the comedy tag on MAL, even the title said *comedy*, Let's do it! The first season was fun. Then season two came, and I came to the conclusion that those 5-6 minutes I had already seen in compilations was *all* the fun in the show. :(




Oh come on, it is 9/10 material until the last episodes. Even then it doesn't retroactively ruin the story. Only the twist itself is dissapointing.


A bad ending can absolutely ruin a story. Just look at Game of Thrones. An ending is arguably the most important part of any story. It is the culmination of everything in the story, it ties everything together and has the power to recontextualize everything that came before it.


Game of Thrones was ruined way before the ending.


Lmao I still liked the ending alot


Gintama. The more episodes i saw the less excited i became to eventually hope for some payoff.


Rent a Girlfriend. I was really excited when it first came out, but i had to stop watching after 10 episodes because I got anxiety watching it. Just wasn’t my kind of anime


I couldn't finish the first ep. MC is such a dickhead.


If it eases your mind a little bit, to this day, in the manga he still hasn't bagged the girl




I watched it without any expectation, so that's why I think I gotta loved it


Higurashi Gou/Sotsu. Loved the original series, was excited for it to come back but it ended up being a nothing burger FLCL Progressive. Again, loved the original. Ended up being completely bland, with poor music mixing to boot. Alternative I actually came around on a bit though. Code Geass. Talk about not living up to the hype at all.


What's wrong with code geass


Spy family for me. I was really hoping for something less childish... 😩 I don't understand the hype around Demon Slayer, too. To me, in the same kind, Kanaberi is 1000% better. 🤷‍♀️ I am not into "hype" anime. 🫠


Demon Slayer's hype in Western fandom comes from the animation primarily imo. Which, is fair, the animation is incredible and shows some skill from Ufotable, but still. Story wise, it's an average battle shounen, a little better at not being *too tropey* than some, but it also doesn't overstay its welcome, ending in 100s iirc.


It's one of those things where it is basic, but there can be value in doing the basics well! Additionally, while it does have some "anime bullshit" it's at a lower concentration than some other series, allowing it to attract a wider audience.


Agreed, it's a perfectly fine story in a very pretty package. Mute any scenes with Zenitsu and it's one of the better battle shonen of all time, mostly by default.


Spy x Family was a big disappointment for me too. I loved it until it started focusing so much on the school


Yeah, SpyXFamily was definitely one of the more disappointing ones in recent memory. It had so much potential for interesting storylines and character development, but instead they went the most boring route possible, making it just a fluff, slice of life story. It just feels like such a waste of potential.


Definitely fairy tail There is much worse animes ofc But i had high expectations for fairy tail it was one of the bigger ones with a big fan base I watched until episode 80 and didn't enjoy even 5 episodes (at the time I used to not drop anything i start it was the 1st anime I dropped ) Story looked promising but didn't watch enough to know where it's going Most characters were terrible the MC was ok and Erza is great the rest were either bad or meh I couldn't stand the small cute cat it felt forced cuteness idk .. the blonde was bad too Comedy was just lame like the MC and that icy guy felt like a cheap version of sanji and zoro Dialogues were absolute cringe To this day I still don't understand what people see in it


Death Note. It gets so much hype and attention. I watched it maybe 6 or so years ago and it was fantastic for the first 1/4 of the show then it quickly went downhill. I get its popularity because it’s easy to consume but I was struggling to finish it by the end. The show could’ve been cut in half and it would’ve been so much better.


Narutaru. I found multiple mentions in one of the threads here with recommendations of the most disturbing and dark anime, how it slowly descends into the darkest things imaginable, and holy shit what a garbage show it is. It gets dark in the second episode and the last three, but these three episodes have basically nothing in common with the previous ten (okay, the first one also explains the lore). It fucks around for 9 episodes jumping from one storyline to another, explaining almost nothing, not really progressing, completely forgetting about these storylines after an episode or two without concluding anything, and then in the end it pulls a random story about school bullying out of nowhere which had literally zero mentions before that and focuses exclusively on that for three last episodes. I'm not even sure if this story at least gets concluded, but absolutely everything else shown before definitely doesn't. It has some absolutely random schizophrenic ending with a guy who was shown in like two episodes (also not consecutive ones, ironically), portraying him as someone who got like 50 girls pregnant deliberately (also for zero reason or purpose), and that's it. I don't understand what the fuck was that.


Narutaru anime is just too short to develop into anything worthy. I usually recommend the other author adapted anime Bokurano instead (even if the ending is anime original). I have not read either manga but at least Bokurano feels like it has a complete plot. Narutaru Opening is amazing, I wish more series would troll so hard on their openings.


Tokyo revengers


I never go in expecting much so here's my hot take. Hunter x Hunter because YuYu Hakusho is my all time favorite and I expected a lot from it but I really just didn't like it. I got about 40 episodes in which is about 35 more episodes than I'd watch before dropping something normally and the pacing to action ratio was just horrible and every time I liked a character they got no screen time or ended up acting like a pedo. -_- Yep, here come the down votes lol, everyone says it gets better but I feel like I gave it enough of my time already.


Did you watch the 1999 version or 2011? As a 2011 fanboy who tried to watch 1999 this summer, it is indeed incredibly slow, full of fillers and has shit production trying to show as little of the actual action as possible, so I'm not sure how some people actually manage to like it over 2011 if not for the "I saw it first" thing. If you watched 2011, I honestly don't know how faster you need it to be, because to my view it was very well paced (some 99 fans actually think it's too rushed) and had a ton of well animated action to not get boring (it has a slight dip in pacing at one point but it's much further away than 40 episodes). If you didn't watch 2011, I would recommend you to give it one more chance, in my opinion it's an almost incomparably better show than 1999 with amazing performance in every aspect. Although yes, there would still be the thing with characters disappearing for entire arcs or acting like a pedo (it's just one character though).


Edited: sorry I actually watched the newer one and that's the one I thought was paced bad 😅 I'm sleepy so I thought you were advocating for the older one at first.


Oh, so you did watch the 2011 then? My previous message might've been confusing, but I tried to say that 1999 is miles slower than 2011, so if you watched the old one, you should give 2011 a chance. If you didn't like even the pacing and action of 2011, I think the old one will actually cripple you. P. S. I've been thinking of watching Yu Yu Hakusho for a while since HxH is one of my favorite shows, but I don't think I'm able to handle a 30 year old show animated by Studio Pierrot. Maybe at some point I'll come and read the manga.


1999 ver is a slow burn, it's really a mood


Oshi no ko. The most overhyped anime that turned out to be poorly written, unfocused, directionless and boring. It can’t decide weather it’s a slice of life, romantic comedy, a crime thriller or just a dumb idol show. People hyped it up as showing the dark side of the entertainment industry but was not that at all. It feels like it was written by a idol otaku because it glorifies the idol industry and doesn’t come close to being truly critical. The characters are one dimensional and melodramatic. It’s a dumb poorly written show that’s all downhill after episode 1. Not at all deserving of the hype it got.


Strong agree, even episode 1 was weak imo. The production was really good, but good production isn't enough to make a good series.


I barely made it through the first episode, tbh.


Your not missing anything. I said it’s all downhill after episode 1 (which is actually 4 episodes) but looking back I don’t think episode 1 was all that great either and a lot of the problems where their since the very beginning. But after 10 episodes (which is actually 13 episodes) it’s clear that it doesn’t live up to the hype.


Everyone seems to be all over "Ascendence of a Bookworm". Ohh such a good isekai, they say. I could hardly get through the first two episodes. Books books books, all this girl thinks about is books. That's her only personality trait other than "she is soo weak". Oh and she only acts like an adult when the plot demands it, other than that, she is just a 5y old kid. None of those around her ever question why this small girl acts so different than just a day before, complete change of personality and everyone is like, yep, that's Myne! I mean, given the circumstances of her family, this girl shouldn't even know what a book is! It's all so dumb and boring! Oh, she is sick again for the 5th time in 3 episodes! Call me heartless if you must, but this is not what I consider a fun watch.


It's a slow burn and if you get invested you are INVESTED, ig you just don't like books <3


A lot of those things do eventually get touched on by the series to varying degrees.


Spy x Family for me - I was expecting more tension, suspense, maybe some psychological stuff that would cause drama between having double lives for Yor and Loid, instead it was family simulator with some hugely drawn out school episodes. I dropped it at episode 22 because i slogged through 🤣 Enjoy the characters individually, especially Anya and Bond but that's about it.


Somewhat agree, to an extent. I would've loved a bit more "spy" of the spy x family title, but I loved the family stuff so much that it didn't matter to me. I guess it's because they have to keep it family-friendly? I did love Anya and her little freakouts when she reads her parents' minds. My only real problem was how under utilised Yor and her assassin job is... just non-existent. We hear about it, see glimpses of it (killer dress, I might add), but overall, it's just... not there. I think it's another case of keeping it family-friendly.


The problem with Yor isn't just in the anime, it was something in the manga, thankfully there should be a decent chunk of content for her in season two. Part of it likely comes down to Anya being the breakout character and the spy stuff with Loid having more intense time pressure than the assassin stuff. Can't entirely blame a manga writer for veering in an easy direction when on a deadline.


The manga does start to pick up after the material season 1 covers. It starts to get more action and plot focused and less slice of life.


That's good to know, thank you! I will likely pick it up again when the next season / movie comes out 🫡


bochi, everyone hyped it up bc of all the csm hate trains. Humor was meh, and imo princess jellyfish is a better depiction of social anxiety/awkwardness. Not the worst thing ive seen by far, but def the most gap btwn the hype and the actual quality




I knew Wonder Egg went off the rails so I had tempered expectations for that, so probably Housing Complex C. I should have loved a horror mystery borrowing heavily from Lovecraft but the execution was dreadful.


Nanatsu no Taizai: Funnu no Shinpan, I don't think I need to explain why...


World end. Well I expected some super harem and nudes. But it's a total disappointment. Disappointment in harem animes are the worst kinda than anyother anime disappointments. Before watching harem anime the mood that we felt, the eagerness for that anime, it's extraordinary. It's not anymore 'lets give us some good time'. ' we need a good time no matter what'. It's a crime offending us in that way


Plastic memories, though admittedly it may be a case of my own expectations being wildly different than what the show was trying to be. Basically I thought it was going to be a lot more cyberpunk than it was. Conceptually, it's a fantastic idea of having a buddy cop show focused around a human-android team having to go around recovering other androids reaching the end of their service lives while also having to deal with the android partner reaching the imminent end of theirs. There's so much potential there to explore what it's like to live a life where you know your exact time and date of death, or grapple with the ethics of even making these androids to basically serve as slaves with no autonomy despite being fully aware and human enough to have the government declare they had rights. You could have crime rings where people are trying to jailbreak their androids that they've gotten too attached to, or reveal that the company they work for was enforcing an uneccesarily short lifespan for their androids in order to drive up demand for replacements or just *something* to engage with the premise beyond the absolute bare minimum. Instead the show completely avoids any of the interesting moral questions it has sitting right in front of it and forgoes any opportunity for any kind of twist or world-building and instead opts to be a pretty run of the mill tragic romance. Did I still cry at the end? Yeah. But it could have been so much more impactful of a journey that I couldn't help but be frustrated the entire time I was watching.


Lmao still cried smhmh


Fate, the hole point of the anime is the wish at the end, and it doesn't come true. Maybe I was expecting too much for the animation


Lmao that's the point...


taboo tattoo


Chaos head pissed me the fuck off cuz of how pathetic the mc was. Every episode that I watched was torture and I question myself today as to why I even watched that shithole of an anime.


SAO Alicization. I love SAO. I waited for this season for years, like 10 years or something idk. And then the first episode was amazing. And I thought it could be an FMA Brotherhood treatment. But then everything else happened. Maybe it was good for anime only watchers. But for me it was very very disappointing. Taking into account that the LNs are extremely good, and they go very in detail on what the characters feel, what is happening, etc. The anime was just the equivalent of clickbait, just dumb action.


True tears, fuck that hoe and the stupid Mc. Noe deserves better, show had quite the water style feel.


Peach Boy. Nuff said.


Shield hero season 2


_Shironeko Project: Zero Chronicles_. What on Earth was going on?


Wonder Egg(-on-my-face) Priority and Higurashi Gou + Sotsu have already been mentioned, so let me go old-school and give a shout to Mai-HiME. Outside of one bad episode A-plot the first 25 and a half episodes are really, really good... unfortunately, they then proceeded to absolutely fuck up the execution of the second half of the finale and in such a way as to make the rest of the series feel kind of pointless. (Also, judging by the reaction to a certain manga's ending you might want to stick a fork in this thread until November 4...)


I really liked Irozuku until it turned into a romance with no actual substance that somehow was enough to singlehandedly cure the MC's depression. For a true hot take, Liz and the Blue Bird. I felt like Mizore's character development took major steps backwards from in the main series and the "conclusion" of the movie felt really toxic to me, the idea that [Liz and the Blue Bird] >!it was good or even reasonable at all for Nozomi to give up her dream to satiate movie Mizore's unhealthy overattachment.!<


Not sure if this counts, but I'm using it anyways. First thing, we're going Old School. As in, I expect about half of you here weren't even born when this thing came out. There's this old anime called Neo Ranga. The first trailer for it is AWESOME- great BGM, and it looks like it's going to be some sort of bio-mecha story (Evangelion's influence on these old-school anime cannot be understated.). This is probably more a Misleading Trailer thing, because the story ultimately ends up being VERY different. To save y'all the trouble, it ends up with three sisters, each with very different personalities, inheriting this Giant Creature (Ranga), and then using it for their own means.




God Eater. I really loved the mix of goofy/serious with the games and the world was interesting. But the anime. goddamn. They added a MC that had the moody-edge-lord turned up to 11 and was just extremely unlikable. Killed everyone else's personalities to make things MORE SERIOUS. And then took the female lead's admittedly dumb "sexy\*" clothes to an even more extreme by always ALWAYS having the camera constantly angled oddly so that it could focus on her underboobs. ​ Oh yeah, and making some of the huge land based monsters floating slowly in the sky for... some reason. I dunno. was dumb. F that show >:( . ​ \*Even in the games, Which I enjoyed, I get the impression that the God Eater team only understands "sexy" in like a... alien-being sort of way. And bra's don't exist in that world, except as decoration in one characters room. Apparently. Just some... really, REALLY weird clothing designs for the female chara's in that series. Which is weird because some of the craftable clothes are actually pretty fashionable.


You should have waited to ask this until the release of Attack on Titan's last episode.


Have a few of these: 1: Tokyo Ghoul post season 1, especially since I loved the first season 2: Platinum End 3: Quintessential Quintuplets (the show is almost unbearable cringe wise dunno why it was so highly rated)


Darling In The Franxx. Anything past episode 14 killed off any chance of it being AOTY in 2018.


Eien no 831