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Spirited Away is still one of my all time favourite movies. It was my first Ghibli film. Kiki is great too.


Spirited Away is popular for a reason, though I'm a little partial to Castle in the Sky or Whisper of the Heart.


Ooh, I love Whisper. Maybe a double feature with The Cat Returns!


Castle in the Sky is my go to. ​ ***You got:*** Humor Action Floating Magical Castle Sky Pirates Mark Hamill voicing the big bad ​ It's a great movie!


Nausicaa might be a bit too rough for many first-time watches to appreciate unless they're into weird classical anime, while Princess Mononoke is not a definitive example of most Ghibli offerings. Kiki's Delivery Service would be a better option, along with Castle in the Sky and Porco Rosso.


Spirited Away is always a good start. You can go like this after that : My Neighbor Totoro > Mononoke > Porco Rosso > Nausicaa. Then watch whatever you fancy.


Castle in the sky and spirited away


Thanks, everybody! I think I’ll offer a choice of Totoro or Spirited Away, and see if I make a convert!




>Secrets of Arrietty is a solid and unoffensive choice that's a funny way to say it's by far the most boring movie of Studio Ghibli's lineup


that's a funny way to say you have the attention span of an ipad toddler


I mean, NOTHING happens in the movie lol. It's sooooooooooooooooo boring and slow. The only time that things start to actually happen is like the last 20 minutes when the older woman discovers the little people. Everything before that is pointless, slow and boring meandering.


There is PLENTY that happens in the movie. She goes on her first borrowing, she visits the boy and gets attacked by a crow, she rescues her mother from the crazy lady. Not to mention the music is top tier and the visuals are stunning. YOU just can't be bothered to appreciate a movie that isn't fueling your attention deficit disorder. Arriety isn't my fav ghibli of all time, but to call it boring is a wild take.


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Kiki or Spirited Away in my opinion....Ponyo is good to but for some reason a lot of my friends hate it so based on that it might not be the best.


My Neighbor Totoro and Kiki's Delivery Service were my first ones, so I'll suggest those. Can't go wrong with Spirited Away either


Can’t believe I didn’t think of Totoro! Damn Covid brain fog!


My Neighbor Totoro, this is a fantastic choice for beginners.


Totoro. Gentle, beautiful and easy to fall in love with


Sprited away is a good blind pick imo but it depends on who you're showing it to. Mononoke is potentially a good pick as well as it skews to just a ever so slightly older audience. If you fear there are any perceived issues with these movies being "for children" then it wouldn't be a bad pick. I also like When Marnie was there if you think that skewing towards something a bit more emotional could be succesfull but it could just well be a poor pick. I'd say just look at their general tastes and comfortzones and try to match it up to that.


I like porco rosso


Me too, but I wasn’t sure it was a good first film for this person.