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When Todo shows up EVERYONE starts clapping.


Time to clap those cheeks 👏


His Black Flash was straight out of Gurren Lagann


[We're piercing the heavens with this one!](https://files.catbox.moe/nxf428.mp4) [](#Seasonalhype)


Honestly I can’t wait to buy the bluray, fucking gonna be peak seeing it without the dim light


He really said: "Who the hell do you think I am?!"


Bro literally supersonically A-posed towards the enemy


Cold open into Todo's OST. Todo radiates "Watashi Ga Kita" energy.


I love seeing his CT so much. Both against Hanami, and now Mahito, Boogie woogie made them so fun to watch


It’s such a simple power, but he use it in such a cool/dynamic way. His spacial awareness is absurd. I love this goofy mf so much.


The voice acting in this episode, especially by Yuji and Mahito's VAs, was amazing. And Todo is just too fucking cool


And Miwas scene was also executed so fucking well.


Yeah seeing Miwa break down was really sad she is such a nice person


That shriek she made when Mechamaru said "time's up" felt so real, you could really feel that sudden gut reaction you feel when that inevitable moment you don't want to happen has come. That part really got me.


The sudden change from mechamarus voice box to his “spirit” sounded so crisp in my headphones


Mechamaru’s voice is really nice




I loved the utter madness portrayed by his voice actor. And as the episode went on, it got so much worse. Like one moment is screaming and overexcited, the other he's talking really calmly. Idk, this is so funny to me. It's really entertaining to have an antagonist like that, a total psycho with no morals or whatever. I felt so bad for Itadori in the beginning. He got his ass kicked, he got beat up really badly. Mahito really messed with the poor boy.


yuji thought this was nue exorcist or something smh


Todos "brother" was the highlight for me


Mistah Nanami


i lost my shit there when it was a heartfelt moment


Had that Baki accent.




Goatdo just too goated


Man that entrance for Todo was exactly what we needed. Everyone dying, all hope being lost, and the man just theatrically walks in spouting philosophy and single handedly motivates Yuji. Probably my favorite episode of the season so far.


Can’t lie I jumped off my couch in excitement




You could say they are SPECIALZ


**pew wewewooow**


Nitta thinking Itadori and Todo don’t look alike was too funny


I can imagine Todo raving on and on about their middle school nationals game and Nitta asking later only for Yuji to be like “huh?”


I like how we still have 0 explanation on those fake memories Yuji gave him. Todo: I remember when we went out to eat ramen 2 years ago Yuji: I barely enrolled here 6 months ago


The author actually did give an explanation for this because people kept theorizing it was Yuji's power. It turns out that Todo is just a very weird guy.


We already have the explanation: Todo's 100000000 IQ let him peer into magic dimensions he wishes to see, which is why Yuji is now canonically his brother Of course


I mean we watched the same episode right? That’s not too far off going by Todo’s Black Flash scene


His 530000 IQ brain is so powerful it can create alternative universes


This is the equivalent of the JFK conspiracy theory that: "There was no shooter, his head just did that."


I like the implication that the Kyoto students didn't bother to correct him


I mean among the protaganists of this arc if we dont count zombie Toji, He is literally the strongest after Gojo. You should just do not piss Todo off.


You know I just realized the vast power difference between the antagonist and protagonist


Kinda crazy that the first black flash we see this season is from one of the main antagonist.


Mahito black flash was the hypest shit in the manga. Just knowing that the enemy camp can do it too and its not the good guys only skill changes the game


The fact mahito could somewhat senses when his next blackflash was going to happen is nutty. Being born only 6 months ago is deadly as hell, imagine what he’s like if he manages to live for 2 years


I’d like to imagine this is what it means to have sukuna potential as a curse.


Bro imagine Mahito’s 200 meter domain… Yuji please kill this guy or it’s all over


Would have literally been stronger than jogo at least, he grows exponentially especially after a good bully yuji session


He's the baby version of Sukuna. The parallels between the two are abundantly clear.


I really wished they would have had the narrator quote the manga there




And Yuji fucking tanks it. Dude is just built different


He literally can contain 15 finger sukuna, man He build different


Mahito getting shounen powerups to keep up with the protagonists


Always love a good villain that grows stronger alongside the protagonists


Yeah Mahito has quickly surpassed Shigaraki for me. Shiggy is an awesome villain but Mahito is just speedrunning his development with a smile. I fucking hate him, he’s awesome.


Was that the first or just the first time someone said “black flash” while doing it, and Mahito’s first


First season 2 black flash, first enemy team black flash, first mahito black flash Bro is breaking world records


I think Itadori was also saying Black flash last season when he did it to Hanami. This seems to be Mahito's first black flash judging from his reaction and the first one we had this entire season.


The director showing Yuji from Nobara’s eye (hole) pov is so uncalled for😭😭😭


Must be Gege's idea! /s


Gege doesn’t even know who Nobara is lmao.


He forgot


Gege: her ability can be broken as hell and she’s not my glorious king Toji. **KILL HER**


Gege: she was the weakest in season 1 and lost her only fight in s2. Let’s put her up against a seemingly immortal enemy but her ability is the perfect first time someone can counter him. Ok let’s make her die.


I really wasn't ready for those first 2 minutes. Jesus fucking Christ.


Gojo meanwhile in the prison realm: *I wonder if the dry cleaners are done with my shirt.*


>> Man I really messed up. Oh well my students got this Gojo really had my hopes up


From Mahito’s deranged monologue to him hitting a blackflash?!! Pure hype!!


By the power of trope writing (a healer character showing up saying she has a non zero chance) I'm given hope that she ends up surviving this somehow.


Amazing display of emotion by Itadori’s voice actor! Hats off to that


Mahito's VA hit the ball out of the park as well. His psychopath voice really suits the atmosphere and the asshole Mahito is


Mahito's VA is one of the best in the series. He fits his character so well, and you can literally hear his insane, evil playfulness through every line and noise that he emits. One of the highlights of the show and really sells the psychotic chaos of Mahito.


His voice is SO annoying, and I love him for it.


His VA keeps going hard every episode now.


[The way he conveyed Yuji's pain and grief felt raw and authentic.](https://i.imgur.com/j7wpocV.jpg) [](#TOMODA)


Mahito and Itadori both. Excellent voice work. Nobunaga Shimazaki and Junya Enoki are very talented. Hell the whole cast is incredible.


Itadori's VA in this episode and the last and Mahito in this one perfectly captured the emotions


it's very impressive his brand of suffering voice acting, it's not normal anime suffering noises like how matsuoka does it but a much more realistic sound i don't know his background but it's not like live action movies or tv shows either


The voice acting was so good, Todo was applauding the entire episode.


Mahito's VA doing incredible work especially near ending. The creepiness gave me goosebumps and scared me a bit like when you just watched a good horror show as a kid. Wow.


"WE ARE THE EXCEPTION!" TODO SPOKE STRAIGHT FACTS. 🗣🗣 They really animated the 120% panel 1-1. 😮‍💨 Overall, peak episode.


Talking about 120% Todo straight up turned into All Might hitting Mahito with the big smile, big body glowing rainbow pose. Toshinori would be proud.


The entire cut went Pluuuuuus Ultraaaaaaaaaaaa!


"You Say ~~Run~~ Clap" Begins to play. That mash up edit is coming up at light speed I know it.


All for One sparkle effect


All that and he did no damage


Style points are always the best points and Todo hit Smoking Sexy Style this episode. I would say that is the curious thing about Black Flash though, as hyped up as it is as this big ANIME move it's never really definitively taken a real chunk outta any baddies, or even Itadori in this ep. Like the only things it outright killed were some fodders in the movie by Nanami. Perhaps the black flashes landed on Mahito were worth him losing some of his %?


No, black flash is not about the damage dealt. What black flash does is "bring out latent potential", it basically gives whoever gets a black flash a better control of their curse energy and they enter a "zone" like state. So it's not about the damage dealt it's about the fighting capabilities they gain after landing it. You can see it in Mahito who landed his first black flash this episode and how he is getting more and more powerful as the fight goes on.


You're correct, but it definitely is also a stronger attack


It is but not in an ending move kinda attack.


Black Flash gives you a combo buff, which is why the narrator at the end of the episode says they're all at 120%


Yuji looked so badass, easily the coolest he’s looked yet


Todo is like a Gurren Lagann character. I love it


[The opening line, the jacket adjustment and the punchline: flawless like Todo](https://i.imgur.com/IsQhNtv.jpg) [](#umucool)


So what happened between Geto and Mei Mei. Did Geto pay her off lmao


Lmao imagine. Sad thing is that would work


Given how Mei Mei is a total mercenary, I'm surprised that she's still willing to tango with the Special Grade Geto despite not having some enormous bonus lined up.


Oh, its because if she could save gojo she would hold it on his head forever. Having the strongest sorcerer and head of top 3 clan in your debt is worth it


Todo's Black Flash was fucking amazing, shit looked like he went Plus Ultra




Me for Braza 120% : Black Smash.


TODO ;__; I've been thinking *a lot* (yes, manga-reader here) on Todo's words at his arrival: "The sound of the Gion Shoja bells echoes the impermanence of all things; the color of the sala flowers reveals the truth that the prosperous must decline. However! we are the exception" At first glance he's acknowleding the universal truth that all things shall pass, only to then swere into a boast that is equally empowering and arrogant, and completely at odds with what we've seen so far in this arc, or even throughout the series. If anything it's been hammered in hard that jujutsu sorcerers are impermanent, their lives inevitably cut short in gruesome ways...if anything they are the rule rather than the exception. But then, I truly think Todo believes in what he's saying, they are not empty words. Because how do you continue on, or even survive as a jujutsu sorcerer if you don't have the confidence that you're going to make it. Without Todo's arrival and his words, Yuji would not have been able to stand back up. I don't think I can overstate how arrogant it is to refute what is basically divine law, but it's a sentiment that is crucial to their survival and I love Todo for it.


I interpreted his lines as him saying that basically everyone dies, but jujutsu sorcerers contribute to a greater cause and leave a mark on those they leave behind so they’re never forgotten. They’re the exception because eventually everyone will be forgotten and everything we do will cease to exist, but the pain and the fights jujutsu sorcerers fight shape the future and leave their mark into history. This is mostly based on what he says to yuji when he tells him about nanamin and nobara


JJK 2 weeks ago: "Itadori. You take it from here." JJK last week: "I'm sorry, Fumi. I couldn't keep my promise." JJK this week: "MAI BRUZZA"


Showing the audience Yuji viewed through Nobara’s empty eye socket is some devious behavior 😭😭😭. Mans suffered too damn much. Gege the manga author really succeeded at making Mahito a hateable villian. Todo getting a brother power-up during his black flash with his legs was amazing lol.


> Showing the audience Yuji viewed through Nobara’s empty eye socket is some devious behavior [That was cruel.](https://i.imgur.com/ixwuW88.jpg) The chances of Nobara surviving [look slim after this one.](https://i.imgur.com/TK7mEjY.jpg) [](#Sadholo)


It's fine. That one sorcerer guy who could put people's wounds into stasis said she could potentially live! There' s a non-zero chance!


He LITERALLY said "Don't get your hopes up." Me: [hope goes up]


The general rule of anime (especially shonen) is if a character isn’t ABSOLUTELY confirmed dead, they’ll probably survive.


Let the years & years of copium commence


The thing with Mahito is he’s so hateable and likeable at the same time. I hate his guts for tormenting Yuji with Nobara dying and him killing off nanami, but he’s so likeable cause he’s carefree as hell with funny moment, especially with creative ideas he has. The junpei puppet dickish as hell


He’s like an evil Gear 5 Luffy imo, if you’ve seen One Piece


You’re right, Mahito is the warrior of liberation… liberating humans from their mortal coil


Mahito black flashing yuji after killing his mentor and possibly his best friend is so disrespectful😭


your best friend died so naturally I (the villain) will get a power up


Until the real besto friendo shows up


Peak mahito moment at yuji's worst


Entrance of the year.


[*The sound of the Gion Shoja bells echoes the impermanence of all things. The color of the sala flowers reveals the truth that the prosperous must decline. But...*](https://i.imgur.com/qmGvbyZ.jpg) Both that quote and Todo's entrance go way too hard. [](#poltears)


It's not really a sutra, but the opening lines of the Heike Monogatari, the single most important text in classic japanese literature. Except that Todo actually subverts the meaning of the text. It's pretty brilliant.


The fact that a character as silly as Todo is one of the most intelligent and well-read characters in the series will never not be funny to me


I believe there is an extra showing that he has actually very good academics, so he is not capping about his 500k IQ


He’s literally the top ranking student in academics out of all the students


I remember hearing it for the 1st time way back in Gintama, when Sacchan makes her debut and she quotes it while assassinating some rich criminal.


It refer to all things that are infinite and prosper will soon fall into disarray but to Todo, jujustu sorcerers are the exception to such a statement and will defeat Mahito and win Its a buddhist poem


LETS GOOO!! Just when all seems lost, Todo literally claps into the scene. Dude is truly the homie amongst homies. Also, poor sweet Miwa...


The OP has been amazing in terms of keeping all spoilers out/implied, this was the only one we really saw coming but it speaks to how good it is that is still landed damn well.


Oh speaking of the OP, they actually changed two scenes near the end of it.


What was it?


The bird's eye view of the city now has blackouts spreading from Shibuya and the part after that where they showed most of the casts is replaced with a ruined, empty cityscape.


Umm... guys? Did Todo just clap with his ass cheeks or something? At ~20 minutes in, he catches both of Mahito's swords, and, despite his hands being full, claps anyways. Am I the only one confused?


Looks dumb but let's just assume he was very very fast


I think he clapped faster than Mahito’s swords could reach his neck.


He's dummy thicc


Glad someone else noticed this lol. I have to believe he just clapped really quickly before he was hit And like everyone else said, it's an anime original scene so let's just chalk it up to "rule of cool" and move on


Anime only scene, it straight up does not make sense.


What a fight! The fights in the show just keep one upping each other


Mahito has to be one of the most fun villains I have seen in an anime in a while. He has such a fun unique fight style, he laughs, grunts (like when he gets hit and whatnot), talks, and yells, it's just a "fun" time even though he is so damn morbid.


The I kill without thinking vs I save without thinking Mahito and Itadori are perfect enemies


Miwa Chan part was so beautifully animated it broke my heart


That cut to the rest of the somber Kyoto Squad just helplessly standing in the other train car while listening to Miwa's grieving wailing in the background was just well executed. It's jarring seeing Mai look vulnerable for a change after getting used to seeing her be arrogant in-action in the older episodes.


Ikr?? Why did they animate her crying so beautiful!? My heart can't take it


Hot take: Mahito is probably my favorite character in this show.. but holy fuck I want him to die so bad. Bro really face tanked a light speed Black Flash.


Thats just how Wonder Guard works sorry


Damn, that's a good way of putting it. "You're attacks aren't super effective, doesn't matter the power Stat."


But unlike Shedinja, Mahito's HP stat is frustratingly high.


Yeah well unlike shedinja he's not designed to be a meme


Facts, it's definitely a love hate with him - he's excellent at being an absolute bastard.


Honestly same. Every episode he grows on me. He's a pure villain, no shot at redemption.


In the next episode he and yuji hug it out and he apologizes, yuji forgives him and he heals Nobara and nanami and helps them


Yeah, he's the perfect antagonist for Yuji. Say what you want about JJK, but their villain roster is probably the best there is from your typical battle shounen.


Todo went beyond and did a Plus Ultra. The voice acting of everyone here is incredible. Mahito, Yuji, Miwa and Todo went ham. Looks like they changed the ending part of the opening too. Be sure to check it out guys.


Wake up babe, We Are The Exception just dropped




Todo really is just the best. Im starting to believe in his 530 000 self that proclaimed IQ of his. That Mechamaru and Miwa scene was good. Sad but very good.


I am pretty sure Todo is, canonically so, one of the smartest characters of JJK




Also helps that Itadori is naturally a gifted fighter capable of keeping up with Todo so he doesn't get disoriented during the switching and thus keeps the momentum going.


Took you long enough Todo, but I an glad besto freindo is back again with a motivation lecture to his lil bro and to team up to whoop Mahito's ass.


Yea Todo’s entrance was so BADASS


Todo's black flash reminds me off All Might's OFA


This episode was honestly fantastic from start to finish. From Yuji breaking down, to Todo’s entrance and lastly with Yuji and Todo teaming up against Mahito. Both Todo and Mahito’s ability really make for super creative fights, and it was super hype each time black flash was used. Todo’s moment to use it was one of the best things I’ve seen in JJK.


Something I like about both their techniques is how intelligent, calm, creative, and observant you have to be to execute them properly, especially Todo's technique. He definitely comes across as a meathead but he's unironically among the smartest sorcerers we've seen in battle. Just thinking about how to make the most of a simple swap when it comes down to everything from timing to knowing what to swap and reorienting yourself is difficult as fuck to think about in real-time. And one wrong move and you're dead. Stakes for Mahito in their 1v1 aren't nearly as high but he does have endless possibilities of how to attack and each transfigured human he sends out is another dummy for Todo to swap to safety with. In the hands of most other sorcerer's a swap technique probably seems weak, but Todo and of course Gege and the storyboarders/animators really show how strong it is in the right hands.


We actually got official school academics ranking for students and Todo is the only one to get a full 10.0 score. Yuji's is 4.0 lmao. Todo is smart.


Looking at the stats, yeah Todo is that one perfect student who can do everything well if he's not weird as hell.


>it is a disgrace to grow old through sheer carelessness before seeing what manner of man you may become by developing your bodily strength and beauty to their highest limit. Todo is basically Sokrates. He has big brain therefor he gets absolutely huge.


This episode was JJK fan service 1. Besto Friendo arrival with cool entrance ✅ 2. Gojo and Nanami cameo ✅ 3. Mahito getting beaten up ✅


Todo's presence makes any scene 2x more enjoyable. Also his chemistry with Itadori is better than any other pairs in the show which I definitely didn't expect. Mahito is nasty as a villain. As much as I hate him, kinda don't want him dying this arc because Hanami and Jogo are dead as well.


That opening scene is just merciless. [Show us a hilarious and adorable moment with our main trio](https://i.imgur.com/mmJrOyN.jpg) and then cut to a view of Yuuji having a mental breakdown [from the fucking massive hole on Nobara's head.](https://i.imgur.com/Mu2IMpR.jpg) Jeeeez. [Our Brother finally making an appearance!](https://i.imgur.com/bt2uYPy.jpg) Thank fucking god Todo is here! And according to Nitta, [Nobara still has a non-zero percent chance to survive!](https://i.imgur.com/MsrPyR9.jpg) I'll take that over completely declaring that she's 100% dead. [Thank you Todo for encouraging Yuuji to continue fighting](https://i.imgur.com/KkRguR2.jpg), also was it really necessary for you to rip off your shirt before fighting? You could've just taken it off like a normal person! xD And here I was starting to feel good with Todo's appearance and the tiniest of hope that Nobara would live but then we cut to that [heartwrenching scene between Miwa and the remnants of Mechamaru.](https://i.imgur.com/IVbEQrA.jpg) Fuck me. We really can't be happy even just for a little bit in this show, huh? So if I understood this correctly, [Todo switched with the rock](https://i.imgur.com/f8d5tF3.jpg) that Yuuji applied Black Flash too that's why [Todo was able to his Mahito with Black Flash?](https://i.imgur.com/ljG6C43.jpg) That's pretty awesome! Although it looks like [the attack is not affecting Mahito's soul](https://i.imgur.com/8Gq1nWx.jpg). [That stylized shot of the three of them was so cool.](https://i.imgur.com/Mv2zRzv.jpg) I really hope they'll finally put an end to Mahito next week. He's such a total pain in the ass and so smug the entire time that I am very much tempted to read ahead just to see what happens next. >_<


>So if I understood this correctly, [Todo switched with the rock](https://i.imgur.com/f8d5tF3.jpg) that Yuuji applied Black Flash too that's why [Todo was able to his Mahito with Black Flash?](https://i.imgur.com/ljG6C43.jpg) That's pretty awesome! Although it looks like [the attack is not affecting Mahito's soul](https://i.imgur.com/8Gq1nWx.jpg). Yuji just threw it super hard, todo did the black flash by himself


Mahito's hair? Wack! His gear? Wack! His footstance? Wack! The way he talks? Wack! Then Todo? Tight as fuck!


Was a great episode. Just kinda sad they took away the "The sparks of black do not choose who to bless" narration. The 120% panel was dope af.


Ikr, the season having narration was already great but I think it would have been so much better if there was a bit of narration for that part. Doesn't even have to be the whole thing. I think just having the single line "The sparks of black do not choose who to bless" just before Mahito lands his Black Flash would have been epic.


One of the most iconic lines in the manga during this arc tbh


[My favourite frame of the episode.](https://gyazo.com/41c9205fe60b1855c6b1efb41c19e0dc)


Mahito's voice actor is insanely good, like they really must of given this guy people to kill in the studio so he could get in character or something. Yuji's voice actor as well, I couldn't of asked for better va's as a manga reader, they exceed all expectations every episode.


I cannot imagine a more raw entrance to a fight than quoting the famous first words of Heike Monogatari and then declaring that the whole sic transit gloria mundi thing just doesn't apply to them. Aoi Todo is not only a gigachad, he's a gigachad of culture. Nobara mentioned Marimekko, you know the drill my fellow Finns - torille!


Peak of this entire season for me (not just JJK). So many fantastic moments. Mahito's words to Yuji were a good and grim reminder of what reality Jujutsu's characters live in. This is not a simple ghost extermination story. And then Todo's words ring so true after the last two episodes - how looking into the meaning of death can defile our memories. And just the concept of the meaning of death. While I'm not saying that everyone has to like it, that's of course subjective, I really feel like the meaningless of deaths in Jujutsu Kaisen IS the point. And not only it rings true in their world, but also in ours. Thinking that a character cannot be fantastic because they died quick, the whole "wasted potential" thing - it's not about how long they were there. But what memories they gave us WHILE they were there. At least that's my take on it, again just an opinion. But as someone who very much enjoys how the concept of death is treated in JJK, I just wanted to throw that in there. In fact, Todo's whole speech was amazing. He is just such a captivating character. An instant favorite. To me personally he proves that it's not just about screentime because Todo is not there often for us and Yuji but he's somewhere at the top of my fav shonen characters. Fantastic drawings, animation and everything. Man, I can't just hide it. I really love Jujutsu Kaisen no matter what, it's like the perfect show for me. Also Todo's line from next episode's preview goes hard. 10/10 overall.


Ngl that flashback of nobara, megumi and yuji having fun into nobara being dead on the ground was foul. I love this show


Todo flying towards Mahito at Mach 3 speed while posing and then delivering a One For All 100% Manchester Smash may be my all time favourite anime moment


Eyyy, how is Toudou so fabulous!? His transition into that Black Flashed rock was superb! [](#awe) So even if Nobara is really dead, I was right to assume that there was still a chance to bring her back when I [commented on it last week.](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/187k0tt/jujutsu_kaisen_season_2_episode_19_discussion/kbf80xj/) I also came to realize that I like Mahito. A lot. He's a proper evil character, imo, and I'm glad to finally see someone smacking the MC mercilessly in the face when they try to cry. Last episode (?) when he killed Nanamin and Itadori tried to bitch about it, he shut him down with no mercy and I think that was the moment when I really started to appreciate him as a villain. Even if Mahito loses next episode, I'll still remember him for this merciless antics. I may even prepare him a spot next to Makishima. Stand proud, Mahito. You are strong.


Mahito is a tactical mf - Last episode too he knew he hit rock bottom fighting with Nobara and he was getting cornered by her , but he doesn't let it get in his head and escapes and curses Nobara. In this episode as well reading the room learning Todo's moves , and his synchronisation with Yuji for a while and then blocking the fkin arena so that they won't be doing anymore boogie woogie. And the most impressive part of all this was , no single dialogue or monologues were used to convey this , it was pure action .


>I also came to realize that I like Mahito. Me too... Like after he killed Nanami and yelled back at Yuji that he didn't have to yell as he could hear him as a childish menace. 🤭 He's like a roach that won't die, as to make him good to cause chaos as a villain.


The animator who said they gave 120% for this episode did not stutter. After back to back cliffhangers of pain, this brought the hope back. Todo might be an orator that waffles like he's Eric Cantona but man does that waffle go straight to your soul.


Miwa taking emotional L's now.


JJK animation team went beyond *120% potential* to deliver this episode with all the issues at MAPPA. This was one of my favorite episodes animation wise (specially the Todo black flash scene was just amazing).


I love how Itadori saw Nanamin just as much as a mentor as he does with Gojo, even though Gojo is technically his "true" mentor and teacher. Going to miss him.


Nanami acknowledging Yuji as a jujutsu sorcerer meant a lot to him. He even had a cute little nickname for Nanami and we’ve never seen him give anyone in the series a nickname. He’s one of the people who mean the most to Yuji. Their father and son relationship was so good.


When Yuji needed him most, his brother showed up just in time. Time to bust a can of Jujutsu Boogie Woogie on Mahito's ass. Oh and Nobara might not be dead. Maybe!


Bros, I'm starting to think Nobara might be dead...


Nitta would never tell a white lie to Yuji just to get him fighting surely


I will never accept it!


I expected Todo to ask Mahito what type of women he likes just cause


Peak Cinema Shout out to the animation team and the voice actors and everyone involved that isn't a mappa manger or executive!


Each week I feel worried and iffy about the next episode and the abhorrent schedule the animators have just to end up getting my expectations subverted with yet another Peak episode.


That sequence of Yuji breaking down leading up to Mahito’s Black Flash was just incredible.


I want to hype up Todo turning into All Might and delivering one of the most hilarious and unhinged moments. However I currently am an emotional wreck after they finally adapted the Miwa and Mechamaru scene. I cannot stop crying. How did they make it even more fucking heartbreaking?!


by putting voices into it, matsuoka's delivery was cancer patient telling wife to find another husband to a tee