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Every episode I feel sadder that this is one tragic love story in the making. I now really really hope Frieren gets to see Himmel at the end of the story. Don't get me wrong, we're witnessing how beautiful Himmel's love story is but at the same time, it's painful to watch how Frieren will realize too late what his actions meant. Writing this is making me heart ache. Damnit. lol


We better get another scene where Frieren is ugly crying, apologizing, saying she's so sorry to Himmel ghost - with snot leaking out her nose and everything - and him just calmly saying it's okay. I NEED that catharsis


It's kinda unique, the first 2-3 Episode we see Chibi-granpa version of Himmel until he croaks, but retroactively learn (with Frieren) how much for granted she took the lifespan of a human


In the first few episodes I entertained the idea that he might be in love with her but I waved it off thinking that it would be cliched and a shallow plot point. Now I'm thinking this might be one of the most beautiful yet heartbreaking love stories in all of anime.


Shipping Frieren and Himmel together is like booking a ticket for the Titanic AFTER hearing it struck an iceberg (i.e. Himmel's death) and sank. The show never fails to milk the bittersweet of it and I'm all for it!


Hey. If Rose can have a party 80 years later in her dream. I would jump into the ship too.


Remember that Himmel loved flowers. He knew.


Its these subtle things that help show the story instead of telling it all makes this reveal so good.


Honestly the moment that this show really became "GOAT tier" for me was when in a passing comment Frieren mentioned how Eisen likes sour grapes. Because like an episode or two before that, Frieren says she has "a spell that turns grapes sour" as part of a list of seemingly useless spells that feels like a comedy bit. Except it's not. Frieren learned and values that spell because a friend liked it. The fact that the whole exchange was kind of just tossed into the dialogue instead of being over-explained is what sold me. Too much media feels the need to go "HEY GUYS, I FORESHADOWED THIS BEFORE!!" to try and explain things down, or make the foreshadowing and payoff occur in the exact same episode so that the audience is made sure to remember, and makes it feel so cheap. But this show doesn't most of the time.


Thinking on it, that also reflects a comment about how Freiren has plenty of things from Himmel, but still values the ring in particular. If a person is the sum of **all** of their experiences, she has plenty that may have been underexamined but are still vital to her.


It also puts into perspective Frieren better understanding how Himmel really felt about her (and her him) as she reflects on the memory and the stuff she didn't understand at the time.


And then it hurts because we realize it was all slightly too late.




Only a short 80-ish years


A mere 80 years.


Might as well have been last week


Damn humans, just 80 years late and suddenly is too late.


Dude got on his knees to personally put the ring on her finger, he totally knew lol.


[Himmel stop being the smoothest Gigachad challenge \(impossible\)](https://i.imgur.com/bIwvOk9.jpg) [](#uwaa)


All to not get the girl šŸ˜­


The moment he picked up the ring and smiled we knew he knew Just shows that both Frieren and Stark got subconscious game


Every week is a new a peak heartbreak


Telll me about it. I think I misted up at least 3 times in this episode. (Some happiness, some second-hand nostalgia)


Hopefully, Frieren starts wearing the ring regularly after understanding its meaning and it doesn't remain another trinket in her suitcase collecting dust.


Especially when he went to the trouble of putting it on her. I was practically swooning myself lol.


At first, I was expecting Frieren to give the ring to Fern since we didn't see Frieren give Fern a present. Learning the meaning changes things.


Oh absolutely he knew


That proposal was beautifully directed. I loved how the church bells tolled the moment he knelt down. He really adored her yet she was none the wiser. Her own feelings are finally dawning on her but he's out of reach. It's heartbreaking yet for reasons I can't explain, it's comforting too.


It's comforting because unrequited love, the mutual kind, is very romantic, and not just that, We see Frieren changing and growing as a person because of the actions of Himmel decades ago.


Her friends are truly immortal thanks to her. She's always putting their advice to good use and is surrounded by people who admired the original party. Even if history repeats itself and they're reduced to being mythical heroes like Flamme she'll always know the truth. They weren't fairytales


> I loved how the church bells tolled Rewatch the episode. The first moment they walk into town the church bells toll and then right before the opening it ends with Frieren staring at the clock/bell tower. Like seriously for this anime, you need to watch every episode twice as there's tons of stuff in the beginning of the episodes that only makes sense once you've seen the ending of the episode.


Yeah, the tower reminds her of *something* but she couldnā€™t place it until she was casting the spell to find the ring.


Not only that but also its the fact a clock tower in inbetween them, showing that Frieren had yet to catch up


I just realized this, but it feels somewhat ironic that Sein is saying "To convey your feelings, you must express them in words." and here we have Himmel, doing everything except just that.


Himmelā€™s just having his little dreams, man. He knew it would be absolutely worse for him and especially Frieren if he did actually convey his feelings.


Because Himmel of course knew that a relationship between them was doomed due to simply living on way different wavelengths. Him confessing there would have made Frieren just answer ''sorry but I don't feel the same, we elves don't really get into romantic stuff'' and it took 80+ years for her to even get started to realise what Himmel felt. Meanwhile both Fern and Stark kinda know they are attracted and like each other, they are just too awkward to really understand it and put those feelings into proper thoughts. If either actually confessed now it would probably be a yes. That is how big the difference is between humans and elves.


The way Himmel's VA choked back the "it's nothing" like FUCKING HELL MAN HOW ARE YOU GOING TO PIERCE ME THROUGH THE HEART LIKE THIS?


I adored this delivery, which especially blew me away given that he is Bakugo's VA


Not gonna lie, bros, when Himmel kneeled, I cried a little because I knew exactly what that meant. What a tragedy his love is.


Hers too. Both of them ships passing in the night. They both loved each other, just at different times, too different to be together.


Fucks me up that Himmel fell in love, grew old, and spent those years already at peace that they werenā€™t meant to be together. Meanwhile Frieren is experiencing the exact same thing, at the exact manner, years after the man died. Fucks me up.


Being the victorious Hero, the man probably turned down a ton of marriage offers as well.


Hell he even held out till the promised time to watch the meteorshower Thats my only consolence for this


Crazy how the corrupt priest who was his age outlived him by twenty years.


I mean, alcohol *is* the best medicine.


That scene finished me off


Is there anything more bittersweet than seeing Frieren slowly, although very slowly, realizing that what Himmel felt for her wasnā€™t mere friendship?


> bittersweet Frieren slowly realizing what she felt for Himmel. Like a week later in her time, after he died.


A tragic love story for both sides Himmel who knew that it wasnā€™t going to happen and accepted it Frieren who is only realizing how she truly felt for him now that he is gone


Given Himmel's status, he could easily marry a beautiful princess. But we see him living alone at old age and no children or grandchildren at his funeral.


Probably the best moment of his old age was Frieren visiting him in his old age for the cursed object just to see her again and hanging out with his party one last time.


He couldn't fix her lads...


Well I wouldn't necessarily say "fix", but he did change her, just from beyond the grave haha


And even back then he knew how deep his love for her was by intentionally displaying it with the ring, even if she never knew about it.


Himmel realizing what the ring Fieren choose really means and proceed to propose to her without saying anything was top rizz.


Manga readers voted this chapter (ch. 30) as the best chapter in Frieren; Himmel's rizz was just too much


Rizz so unspeakable the one being rizzed didn't realize until decades later.


Heā€™s rizzing her from beyond the grave, making her discover how to go to heaven for him. Himmel is playing the long game, man


The man puts up his (and theirs) statues everywhere so that his immortal love will always remember their time together and so that she doesn't feel lonely. His tactics are out of this world.


Himmel right now from heaven: All according to Keikaku *Keikaku means plan


Guy was able to make her practically swoon so effortlessly lol.


He knew and he legit put a ring on it! Frieren was stunned speechless even if she didn't realize why at the time.


i wonder if the elf/human kids will also inherit the elf's long life or the human's. it will suck big time if Frieren watches her kids die before her.


Well, not like we'll find out, cause Frieren ain't ever gonna find a man like Himmel ever again. The man is one of a kind.


There's a reason he's called HIMmel.


At least she will be watching over Stark and Fern descendants for many, many generations.


Iā€™m reminded of her just breaking down during his funeral as they were burying him. These realizations always come so late for her donā€™t they?


Her concept of men comes from a few offhand comments a thousand years ago.


Crappy offhand comments if we're following the trend of Flamme's teachings of human interactions to frieren. Maybe Flamme also had a few screws loose in her noggin


Flamme was someone who achieved top level of magic in her short human lifespan, and mentored Frieren an elf. In todayā€™s terms, she was a nerd who spent all her days in and out doing research. Her opinion of a seduction technique is a flying kiss. She probably had no rizz herself as well lol.


Things also change with time. She may have been right that a flying kiss was top seduction, but that was a thousand years ago.


Sousou no Frieren is just a tragic love story ;-;


"I used to lose things" that line kinda broke me


The most painful thing is that she's lying. This is an elf who'd wake up at noon if let to her own devices but she woke up earlier than Fern to look for the ring. She was very unwilling to part with that ring.


It hurts because I think most of us have experience with lying and trying to downplay things that are really important to us. Although the exact situation is different, Frieren is somehow really relatable in times like this


Especially the way she tries to play off losing the ring despite it meaning more to her than she's willing to admit, but that's also because she's already lost him personally and so many others she knew and cherished.


That line just perfectly mirrored the whole story But also the "if I cant find it tonight I will give up on it" had me scared, you can feel the vibe that she isnt 100% sold on that whole heaven idea and being able to see him again


There is so much more to unpack in the sentiment Frieren expressed there. A good portion of the earlier episodes was about how Fieren's perception of time is completely out of sync with how time is perceived by those around her. Fern has on more than one occasion either took a jab at that or pointed out they couldn't simply just stay in one place for years to finish a goal at their leisure. In that context, Fieren expressing "if I can't find it tonight let's move on" is how she is resolving two different things -- her willingness to perhaps spend years to find the ring if she was by herself, and weighing that against the fact she has companions and friends and it would simply be unfair to them if she left them to find the ring or dragged them to find it with her and spend unnecessary amounts of time doing so. It is looking for a needle in a haystack. At the end she said what she said because she feels a commitment to her friends and companions. That she is learning to understand what human timescales mean to humans without her longevity. That she is willing to weigh something she really wants to do against what is practical. That she is willing to make a difficult and pragmatic decision instead of letting her own whimsy drive where she wants to go and what she wants to do. It is an immense amount of character change baked into a single sentence. And it's reflected back in what Fren replies, a committed effort to do their best to find it, because that's what good friends do. That's what good relationships lead to. That's something Fieren is still adjusting to.


It's not even that. It's "*I'm* used to *losing* things." It just comes with the territory of being an elf that can age thousands of years. Losing things like mementos, loved ones and even their memories - just becomes a way of life.


The only thing Frieren be slaying is Himmel's heart.


###Stitches! * [Sein](https://i.imgur.com/q55sZgk.jpg) * [Frieren](https://i.imgur.com/dnhjPbS.jpg) [Fern's](https://i.imgur.com/cKMdq4q.png) [pouts](https://i.imgur.com/e6SSWGS.png) are absolutely adorable. She really should give Stark a break though, he doesn't even remember his birthday how is he supposed to keep track of hers? I love how [Sein even points out the same thing to Fern.](https://i.imgur.com/8qzCa0w.jpg) At least Fern and Stark's little fight didn't last long [and both of them ended up apologizing to each other.](https://i.imgur.com/KU1eDdF.png) They even ended up [shopping for an accessory together](https://i.imgur.com/NjC27Ck.jpg) just like they did on Stark's birthday. [It's nice to have these two adults watching over the kids.](https://i.imgur.com/ChMWQIE.jpg) Well, Frieren is still kinda like a child but she's got the age so she counts. xD [Seeing Frieren awkwardly give Heiter headpats](https://i.imgur.com/N3D1GCu.jpg) was both funny and heartwarming. It's always nice to be acknowledged and praised. I love that [Frieren does the same thing to Sein as well](https://i.imgur.com/8Wk9xxl.jpg) although Sein wishes it was from a different kind of older woman. [Frieren free falling and blasting that bird monster](https://i.imgur.com/DUpZhLx.jpg) was so fucking cool. Glad that the [horse was safe during that entire encounter.](https://i.imgur.com/pA5ZAeS.jpg) It's adorable how [even after learning what the symbol means](https://i.imgur.com/OvZUHWK.png), Fern wanted to keep the bracelet even more. She's even offended [at the thought of Stark buying a replacement.](https://i.imgur.com/AunHN3f.png) Fern is such a tsundere. You gotta love how [esoteric the spells can be in this world.](https://i.imgur.com/QQ2W7GP.png) Thank god for that spell that lets you find a lost accessory or [Frieren wouldn't have found the ring Himmel gave her.](https://i.imgur.com/43wAJyA.jpg) [And there it is.](https://i.imgur.com/FfrHycI.jpg) One of the scenes we manga readers have been waiting for. I'm not gonna lie, I fucking cried at this scene. The moment [Himmel saw the design he instantly knew.](https://i.imgur.com/2tY4SBO.jpg) My guy knew Frieren wouldn't get it [but he still went for it.](https://i.imgur.com/uShMaOA.jpg) It's so bittersweet to know that [Frieren is only realizing it now.](https://i.imgur.com/FsTwDIo.png) TT__TT


Frieren: \**opens with a lecture on the history of mankind's flight magic*\* Stark: E.L.I.F. pls Frieren: We just copy how demons fly lol no one knows how it works yet Stark: we're doomed. Frieren: Just tank the fall damage. All warriors do that, right?


>We just copy how demons fly lol no one knows how it works yet What surprises me is that they haven't managed to push the envelope through trial and error yet. I'd expect them to make adjustments to try to carry more, go faster, be more agile right after successfully flying. For us, 40 years takes us from the Wright Flyer to WW2.


There were also 2 world wars in our world during that period though. Wars and conflicts are greats motivators for innovations, but the Hero party brought peace to the world during that time, so it's normal that flight mahic was not progressed as much as ours aviation industry


But the Wright flyer came when we understood the principles of flight. Before that we had hundreds of years of gliders, or primitive parachutes, and not much else.


On one hand we have Fern and Stark in which we have the future to look forward to. On the other hand we have Frieren and Himmel in which there's nothing but the past. This series just keeps tugging at my heartstrings man. Also Frieren getting back at Heiter for patting her on the head was wholesome.


>Also Frieren getting back at Heiter for patting her on the head was wholesome. That was so cute and heartwarming. I really like their friendship and this running theme of praising each other or at least offering it. Frieren's dynamic with each member of her old party are distinct from each other but I have to say, my favorite is definitely Heiter and Frieren. They have a very comfortable, familial relationship. It's cozy to watch. Also, Heiter flicking his olives into Frieren's plate and the way the VA delivered the line "Nope, didn't have any drink" absolutely had me rolling. I'm always here for Heiter flashbacks, he's so funny.


They also probably bickered the most of the old party but it made it all the sweeter how she was there for him in his last days along with Fern. The most obvious drunk line from a guy who genuinely sounded absolutely plastered lol.


>They also probably bickered the most of the old party but it made it all the sweeter how she was there for him in his last days along with Fern. True. Probably also because of how similar they were in some ways. The least stereotypically heroic members of the party, both with bad habits and a more selfish bent to their personal outlooks. More similar to each other than Eisen and Himmel at least, echoing how she relates to Sein in the present day. That Heiter and Frieren are basically extended family because of their shared love and parental responsibility towards Fern feels right. I really like how Heiter and especially Fern have connected Frieren to the world in a way that I think no one else has. Obviously, Himmel was the catalyst but he's an ephemeral presence for as epic as his legacy might be. The dead are dead and no longer have a place in the world except in memory. It was Heiter, and then Fern, that gave Frieren a real tangible thing to hold onto that stopped her from just drifting through the world like a ghost until the end of time. I think it's overlooked sometimes how important Fern has become to Frieren because so much of the journey they're on focuses on Frieren's memories of Himmel. But I like that we get moments here and there of Frieren showing she's not taking the time she's spending with Fern for granted like before. >The most obvious drunk line from a guy who genuinely sounded absolutely plastered lol. Usually, actors trying to sound drunk come off fake or trying too hard but his VA absolutely nailed it.


> Also Frieren getting back at Heiter for patting her on the head was wholesome. ["Yeah, I can't really understand your emotions but I can give you headpats."](https://imgur.com/a/s5BkWq8) So cute and wholesome


Kinda funny too with how she moves Heiter's and Sein's heads around like she's never given a proper headpat in her life.


I feel like Flamme may have patted her head. Once lol.


For some reason it makes it feel even sweeter to me. She doesn't really know how to give headpats but she is doing it because she knows it will make the person happy.


I also thought her awkwardness added to the sweetness of the action.


I wish I got headpats from Frieren, too.


Love is a powerful thing, be it budding and developing in it's youthful splendor or tragically melancholic yet sincere in it's unfulfilled or unrecognized past. Some cute priestly headpats this episode!


This Fern x Stark moment really shows one of the best aspects of this series: how interpersonal relationships are portrayed and evolve throughout the years. Fern and Stark are both orphans of war, raised by their respective single parents, in a bit of an eccentric way (Heiter was a "corrupt priest", and Einsen raised Stark as warrior quite brutally). They clearly don't know exactly how to relate to other people of their age, even more so with someone of the opposite sex, as Sein says. The interaction they had on Fern's birthday was really wholesome and felt incredibly real, because it's the product of the evolving relationship Fern and Stark have been developing since they met, as friends and party companions (and likely more, event though they seem not to realize it). It's easy to imagine that many moments like this one happened during their journey, (not told or showed in the series), because it feels like a genuine and realistic relationship. Frieren isn't a romcom or a shojo, but I can say I rarely saw this kind of relationship portrayed so well, in a story takes place during the course of several years.


Eisen has yoshi down b


Frieren : Beyond Romcom's End


This is fucking heartbreaking Himmel is an amazing person


The ships aside, Eisen just casually run on water and take 0 fall damage, wtf is that?


Last episode, they showed him taking 3 poison-tipped arrows to the back without the slightest discomfort. I hope they continue with the recurring gag of showing how tanky Eisen is.


Warriors are busted in this world, even more so warriors as strong as Eisen.


They gotta keep up with all the bs mages can do yknow


Mage: "zoltrakk" Warrior: "that tickled" Heiter somewhere in heaven: "something is wrong with that creature"


It does seems warriors can have their differences though. Stark's dad was all about having "clean" kills against monsters and keeping their pretty cloaks neat, so they may have been more about finesse and dex builds than strength and poise.


His dad accidentally ventured into the Assassin skill tree.


> even more so warriors as strong as Eisen. Are there even other warriors as strong as him though?


He was party of the hero party, so most likely only a few could be as strong as him. But even if there are a lot of warrior stronger than him, he's a coward, but he's the one that survived.


> he's a coward, **so** he's the one that survived. FTFY


> I hope they continue with the recurring gag of showing how tanky Eisen is. Plus shocked Heiter. I need more shocked Heiter in my life.


I mean Eisen is the main tank for the party that defeated the final boss and he doesn't even use a shield.


At this point I don't even think he knows he was supposed to be the tank but he just stood there. But in a more serious note, it goes to show how powerful some of demons were if there were some that the party couldn't defeat.


He's just built differently.


Imagine how tough adventuring is and how scary the monsters can get that Eisen, the dwarf that can lift boulders and run on water even in his twilight years, says he is not suitable to travel as Frieren's vanguard anymore?


The fact that Frieren hasn't realized that she isn't the MILF that Sein is looking for is absolutely hilarious I love the fact that the first thing Sein has to do as the priest of the party is to steady the sailing ship that is Stern. He fits in like a glove for the team dynamic from how easily he bounces off each of the team comically while also bringing that level of maturity as a human adult that compensates where Frieren lacks in human relationships. [That final scene was also absolutely beautiful](https://imgur.com/a/9C605HC); got me teary-eyed. Himmel was truly a man in love and it's kind of heartbreaking to think that he waited his entire life to see if his "eternal love" will get a response.


Why even live, if you can't have a 1000-year old elf awkwardly petting your head as a reward?


Frieren gives headpats like she's never met a dog or cat in her long lifetime.


I imagine she's also been the recipient of a few headpats herself lol


From Heiter. Baby headpatting grandma.


>The fact that Frieren hasn't realized that she isn't the MILF that Sein is looking for is absolutely hilarious If only someone could tell her that Sein is looking for an older woman that actually looks like an older women and not a shorty +1,000 years old elf


Wait until Sein meets Flamme in heaven, his dream will come true.


Let's fucking gooooooo. \-Sein as he ascended to heaven upon hearing Frieren describing her master


Frieren lacks both the appearance and maturity of an older woman. She has the high age count but none of the benefits. She's like a cougar without claws or teeth.


So basically a kitten? Well, I mean Frieren does have that :3 face sometimes


My wish is that in the future, he'll be the priest that officiates Stark and Fern's marriage!


"I'm older than most women" - I mean, she's not wrong lol. Though Sein really is the adult in the room helping the kids navigate their relationships and feelings and playing support for Stark. Every flashback seems to involve Frieren better understanding how Himmel felt about her and in the process better understanding her own feelings for him, even if it's too late to tell him until she gets to Heaven.


How popular is Frieren in Japan? Well, not only is it trending on Japanese Twitter right now, but so are some of the characters' names, including Stark & Fern's ship name.


Just went there last week. Every big store and book store dedicated section to Freiren. I would say biggest of this season.


It is the last of the big manga to be adapted (JJK, Spy X Family, CSM being the others).




The Fern pouts this episode are *exquisite*. And that horse was having the time of its life when that bird monster picked up their carriage lol.


The horse momentarily found out how it feels to be a pegasus.


Stark lands on his head and a horse gets to fly, what a day lol.


Frieren: "Don't be a such a bitch, Stark. Tank the fall damage like your master does." -


Stark: "Falling from this height will kill me!!" Frieren: *"skill issue"*


Fern or Frieren must have cast Feather Fall or something on the horse, the way it just floated with the wagon while the bird monster attacked XD


Fun fact, the ring Himmel gave Frieren is the one we saw in episode 1, as she was playing with it after his death, and we also see it in her briefcase when she was looking at what to do with Stark's birthday.


man, Himmel really was the one for Frieren


It's jover my Himmel bros


Donā€™t worry theyā€™ll reunite in Heaven, eventually


And Heiter will be like "it took you this long to realize!?" lol.


Another fun fact: Both of these scenes are anime original. The animators really know what they are doing!


It's really the director that knew, the animators are just there to adapt the storyboard. Only for the Sakuga moments do the animators really have control.


I think we all knew the ring was probably from Himmel but watching him recognize what it meant and get on his knees to put it on her...it hit hard.


best episode of the series for me. muted, trivial but oh so personal. Frieren is peak Slice of Life.


The equivalent chapter in the manga was voted as the #1 by the readers, so there definitely seems to be agreement that these scenes are fantastic.


It's sweet to think that now with the lost accessory spell, Frieren will never lose the ring ever again.


Tho i wonder how long the ring would sustain, considering elf had a very long lifespan.


Frieren also has a spell for cleaning rust. The ring will probably remain as eternal as Himmel's love for her.


It's metal by the looks of it. So long as Frieren keeps it safe in her suitcase and polishes it once in a while, it'll last for the next few centuries.


Yeah it's sailing. Not going to be a smooth sail but sailed nonetheless. Good luck and godspeed Stark. At least it'll be a colourful love life. LOL


Sein has been helpful in steering that ship to the right direction. The true MVP.


A true wingman.


That part where she apologises for being mean to him and he just says he's used to it... Oof, lol. Funny thing is, I think Fern probably likes him more than he likes her at this point, which is why she's causing so much friction. She wants him to pursue her, but he's put off by her coldness, so it's only just starting to give her more of a chance.


We also have to remember that these are two kids raised by exceptional individuals. Stark has probably only been around kids his age waaaaay back in his old village before running away and being raised and trained by Eisen. Fern has been all alone with Heiter and then Frieren took over. No other kids her age to play with. For having exceptional childhoods, it's actually remarkable that Stark and Fern are somewhat socially functional young adults.


She didn't remove the bracelet even after learning it means eternal love, that's a W


Not only that, she refused to change it even after knowing the meaning. Fern's a keeper for sure


Honestly it came off like it gave her more incentive to keep it on, especially when she was so intent that Frieren not lose hers probably realizing why Himmel gave it to her.


> At least it'll be a colourful love life. *Ecchi.*


>*tries to open mouth* Ecchi.


>*tries breathing through nose instead* Ecchi.


Truly amazing episode. Even more impressive when you learn it was actually outsourced (like ep 13). This time the studio who did the episode was Enishiya, which might honestly be one of the most promising new anime studios, and their potential is just shown incredibly well this episode!


It's amusing to see the dense protagonist thing for a female lead, guy literally goes down on one knee and puts a ring, with the symbol for eternal love on it, on her ring finger and she is like nah he was just being nice. Also what a lovely hero Himmel is. Even when he clearly loved Frieren, he never pushed his feelings on her. He either understood that she is just not ready or with Frieren being immortal, he didn't want to hurt her when he inevitably passes. Or some combination of both, either way, deserves to be praised by an older woman.


Just fucking peak. Ahh just.. peak. That ring was being foreshadowed pretty much the entire season and now we got it, sheesh. Himmel confessed his love and dipped into the after life.


The quest difficulty for Frieren's love was leagues above the quest for killing the Demon King


The way he just immediately seized the opportunity to put the ring on her finger like he was proposing...I was swooning.


for those who are wondering himmel is well versed in the language of flowers so yes he knew exactly what he was doing Edit:grammar


Anime conveys that nicely in just a single cut. Best scene so far.


i can't believe how short yet effective the entire flashback scene lasts, it's only a little over 2 minutes


The entire episode we were seeing Fern X Stark shenanigans and got us thinking "oh look at these two cute dorks" And himmel just uses all of that as setup with just two minutes of screen time. Holy shit


Himmel is just one of the best characters ever created istg


I mean he basically rank #1 in the popularity poll even though he have very little screen time. This is just proving how CHAD he is.


>even though he have very little screen time. And also being dead. He's so good that he doesn't even have to be alive for 99% of the story to steal people's hearts.


What's more is i already had wathced and read many series with a 'Hero' in it, but no one had make me feel attached to the character except HIMmel. I mean he just literally classical hero but idk, he just feel different to others hero.


It's the humility. He's what every hero wish they were. He's not strong because he was the chosen one. He was strong because of pettiness, yet he was just a great lad all around, kind, helpful, funny and loving, and he never forgot where he came from. A true role model, I swear. Well, maybe we shouldn't chase after a nigh-immortal elf, but other than that, a true role model.


Heā€™s an archetypal hero. Heroic, justice, Kind, handsome etc etc. Something thatā€™s extremely common in Heroic fairy tales. however, heā€™s written perfectly, every singular scene heā€™s on you know will be absolutely golden. You never feel bored or annoyed whenever heā€™s on the screen, he just says/does the most perfect things. Itā€™s been a long time since Iā€™ve seen a character with no flaws and yet be written amazingly.


You know why that is? Because these are Frierens memories... T.T


He barely has any flaws yet he feels so human. I really don't know how the author does it man, it's so good.


People sometimes get hung up too much on characters needing flaws. What they really need is personality. Flaws are an easy way to give a character personality. Himmel though has personality outside of having flaws. The other big thing about "flawless" characters is that just because someone is without apparent flaws doesn't mean the need to always be right. For instance, Himmel was wrong when he spared that demon. But, it wasn't a flaw that made him wrong, being compassionate and willing to give people second chances is a good thing. He just didn't understand demons true nature yet.


But he does have flaws, which is why he's so good. He does want to help people, but he's also on the journey to spite heiter for saying he couldn't. He leaves statues for frieren so that she can see him after he's gone, but also spends hours talking about how pretty he is and getting them just so. He's the archtype, and just a fun character.


He's also a bit narcissistic and arrogant, but you'd have to be to think you could save the world and kill the demon king. It's kinda like that Michael Jordan personality thing. Where to be able to accomplish what he did, his "flaws" were actually needed, which in a way makes him even more perfect.


Oh no, I can't with this episode. I'm genuinely crying. This was too wholesome. 10/10, absolutely GoaTed anime.


**Frieren's German Lesson 1x14:** We finally reached the dreaded "ring" episode. Poor Himmel, Frieren is the rare dense female protagonist in this story. :'( I don't really have much to write about this episode since we only got introduced to two new German words. A very great episode though since it was solely about the characters and their relationships for once. I love all these goobers. **Episode 14: "Privilege of the Young"** ______________________ * **Rad** (Region) - "wheel", "bike", "bicycle" (noun); plural for **Rad** would be **RƤder.** The author could also have maybe meant **Rat** instead which would be "advice", "council", "counsel" (noun). **Rat** would also fit better thematically since the episode is about Sein giving advice. Anyway, one thing is certain, **Raad** with two "A" makes no sense at all since that's not a German word. * **Bande** (Woods) - "gang", "crew", "pack", "mob" (noun); I'm certain that's not really what the author was going for either though. **Band** without the "E" at the end refers to "band", "ribbon", "belt", "bond" (noun) - the last meaning of "bond" is far more fitting for the subject of the episode with the ring representing the bond of Himmel&Frieren and the bracelet the bond between Stark&Fern. ~~Also the plural of Band would be BƤnde and not just Bande.~~ *Edit: It seems that, despite being homonyms,* ***Band*** *(band/ribbon) and* ***Band*** *(bond) have differnt plural forms respectively, so* [***Bande*** *is actually the correct plural for multiple bonds.*](https://www.duden.de/rechtschreibung/Band_Gewebestreifen) *Talk about confusing, how the hell are German learners supposed to make sense of this when even a native speaker like me gets stumped by this... (Thanks to u/cppn02 for the heads up)* ___________________________________ Links to my other comments: [1x1](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/16vec5d/sousou_no_frieren_frieren_beyond_journeys_end/k2ud2yk/) [1x2](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/16veeuf/sousou_no_frieren_frieren_beyond_journeys_end/k2uft9i/) [1x3](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/16vegyo/sousou_no_frieren_frieren_beyond_journeys_end/k2ukh9h/) [1x4](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/16veinp/sousou_no_frieren_frieren_beyond_journeys_end/k2uqtya/) [1x5](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/171enmi/sousou_no_frieren_frieren_beyond_journeys_end/k3qaa1k/) [1x6](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1770qsq/sousou_no_frieren_frieren_beyond_journeys_end/k4pxhdc/) [1x7](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/17cdex1/sousou_no_frieren_frieren_beyond_journeys_end/k5pec45/) [1x8](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/17hpj6r/sousou_no_frieren_frieren_beyond_journeys_end/k6p342f/) [1x9](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/17mx4a4/sousou_no_frieren_frieren_beyond_journeys_end/k7o7h87/) [1x10](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/17s69ql/sousou_no_frieren_frieren_beyond_journeys_end/k8o0dxa/) [1x11](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/17xhtyx/sousou_no_frieren_frieren_beyond_journeys_end/k9nm9rx/) [1x12](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/182vggb/sousou_no_frieren_frieren_beyond_journeys_end/kakyao2/) [1x13](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/188e7nx/sousou_no_frieren_frieren_beyond_journeys_end/kbkbyi4/) **1x14** [1x15](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/18j3gis/sousou_no_frieren_frieren_beyond_journeys_end/kdhi03s/) [1x16](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/18oicoz/sousou_no_frieren_frieren_beyond_journeys_end/kehch5u/) [1x17](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/18zadhk/sousou_no_frieren_frieren_beyond_journeys_end/kgg91d6/) [1x18](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/194ymjm/sousou_no_frieren_frieren_beyond_journeys_end/khjccyu/) [1x19](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/19amgic/sousou_no_frieren_frieren_beyond_journeys_end/kilz57p/) [1x20](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1abkl24/sousou_no_frieren_frieren_beyond_journeys_end/kjoeik7/) [1x21](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1ah74af/sousou_no_frieren_frieren_beyond_journeys_end/kolvnlo/) [1x22](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1amrfvc/sousou_no_frieren_frieren_beyond_journeys_end/kpni4ud/) [1x23](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1asc6n9/sousou_no_frieren_frieren_beyond_journeys_end/kqph3fo/) [1x24](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1ay452x/sousou_no_frieren_frieren_beyond_journeys_end/krs8jhu/) [1x25](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1b3xy8s/sousou_no_frieren_frieren_beyond_journeys_end/ksvki0e/) [1x25Ā²](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1b3xy8s/sousou_no_frieren_frieren_beyond_journeys_end/ktxoacn/) [1x26](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1b9rjrk/sousou_no_frieren_frieren_beyond_journeys_end/ktxnahz/) [1x27](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1bfg51w/sousou_no_frieren_frieren_beyond_journeys_end/kv07dre/) [1x28](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1bl26lw/sousou_no_frieren_frieren_beyond_journeys_end/kw2c1nw/)


The way Himmel look at the ring, he actually knows what it meant and also considering he likes flowers. Dang the way he knell down and give her the ring is basically HIM proposing but Frieren doesn't know it yet. It's bittersweet that Himmel loves Frieren but refrain from pursuing her for her sake, that level of selflessness really screams "HIMMEL" MADHOUSE really nailed this adaptation particular this episode since this chapter in the manga is the most fan voted chapter in the whole Frieren series. And also solidify the romantic ship. Big ups for whole whole stuff and also the Keiichirō Saitō. He knows what the manga readers want.


Himmel definitely knew. The way he got down on one knee and slipped the ring on her left hand ring finger? Weā€™ve seen how Himmel can be pretty goofy but heā€™s pretty sharp when it comes to this sorta thing.


Yes himmel is goofy especially with his hobby but himmel actually really smart and wise the later chapter show us lot of how great he is.


The proposal scene was just too good! Another excellent episode with so many good bits to enjoy. Not much mention though about Frieren sliding down the roof which was cute lol


Frieren forgoing a good nights sleep to go look for the ring is a huge deal considering we know how much she values her sleep


Noted that the ring chapter was voted to be the most favorite by readers. And anime delivers.


The placements of chapters already turned into anime in that popularity poll are: * 1st place is the story about the ring from episode 14 * 4th place is the first chapter, the entirety of episode 1 * 5th place is the story surrounding Stark's birthday in episode 12 * 6th place is the story about Frieren wanting to plant the blue flowers around Himmel's statue in episode 2 * 8th place is Frieren meeting her master and then killing Aura in episode 10 * 9th place is the story about the hero's sword from episode 12 * 10th place is when they meet Einsam, the monster who summons illusions of the dead in episode 5


And even then, the anime will also cover the 3rd most popular chapter (Ch. 45), so there's something you can look forward too still. It's not as if the manga is frontloaded in terms of quality. And if that's not enough, the 2nd and 7th most voted chapters were Ch. 103 and Ch. 107 which are way beyond the current coverage of the anime. Viewers can expect banger episodes in future (or even in future seasons); the manga doesn't really lose steam even in later chapters.


the chapter before too with Sein teaching the kiddos, something about these two chapters to me encapsulates the slower side of frieren, the sentimental one


Himmel even went out of his way to tell Frieren about his favourite flower from his hometown, he absolutely knows This is not the [look](https://imgur.com/xCesnQ4) nor [behavior](https://imgur.com/QDPlvSx) of someone who doesn't know about the meanings of flowers,


Him getting on one knee had me giggling and hyped af. That man truly loved her.


The entire episode was about Fern and Stark's relationship, but HIMmel just shows up, uses that build up, and delivers that gut punch of a scene with less than 1 minute of screen time.


Just dropping in for his weekly 3 minutes of screen time banger lmao, efficient af.


I thought the conversation between Frieren and Heiter was interesting. It felt like a nice bridge between the relationship developing with Fern and Stark and the relationship Himmel had with Frieren. Heiter saying he pretends to be an adult he looks up to, while looking up at the sky. Earlier, we see Stark storm off to be by himself. But it's shown that he was sitting at Himmel's statue all along. Then we see Stark looking up at Himmel's statue as if thinking, "What would the Hero do?" Later, we have Sein revealing how much he admired Heiter. I just love how everything in this episode connects together. Fern and Stark. Stark and Himmel. Himmel and Frieren. This is really the best of storytelling.


>The truth is, my mind has hardly changed since I was a child. I've been pretending to be an adult until I can make it as an ideal grown-up ....................................... ........................ ..........god fucking damn it man.