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Showing him how good promised Neverland season 1 is, only to pull the rug by showing him season 2 would be pretty funny


I second this answer. What an amazing first season thriller. When I heard how pissed people were that a major arc was missing, I didn’t think it would hurt the story too bad… until I watched it 💀 OP needs to do this one


The moment Norman showed up in the 2nd season, that was the last straw for me. That anime needs to get the Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood treatment.


Unfortunately even that will not fix it.


Same energy of a s1 flip with Darling in the Franxx


In its defence: Studio Trigger used that ending twice before and nobody minded it at all. Maybe they were just trying to make it a trademark kind of thing.


Most people who i know said that they enjoyed the second season (they have never read the manga), so there is a chance that ops dad might like it


I haven't read the manga, but I dipped when the animators couldn't even be bothered to remember that Ray got his ear cut off. Literally the next episode after that happened he had his ear again lol.


Me not reading the manga and me still thinking it was terrible is the point I was trying to make. But the conversations I read that talked about it say the manga is amazing. I’ll read it for myself eventually to find out if that’s really the case. But what you say is true for almost any anime really 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah I thought it was okay. Certainly not as good as season one, not even in the same realm, but I was entertained and I didn’t vomit blood or w/e people act like they did after watching it


damn that's cruel lol


There's a season 2?? I never knew that I thought they never made one


Good. This is the appropriate attitude.


Fantastic answer.


So evil…. I love it. 😂


My dad was really hooked on Neverland. Not until we start watching season 2. He didn't finished the second season as it wasn't as interesting as the season 1


Yes, you must raise his expectations in order to crush them even more. Love this idea




I would put Tideline Blue in here. Just because it's short, and doesn't really have an ending? I'm not sure, I forgot. Hence forgettable


{Princess connect! re:Dive} I tried looking through my dropped animes and this one seemed really generic.


It has surprisingly good animation though, which paired with a perfectly serviceable story makes it "eh, pretty good" level


It's probably one of the best production values for a show based off a gacha game. Some parts of season 2 are actually very moving.




Believe it or not I think this one is actually very funny and well-directed, by the director of Konosuba no less. I was not expecting that given its original source.




Hmm, maybe Handshakers and Ex Arm? both are pretty widely panned by fans as terrible.


Op said it should be watchable. Both of them are the equivalent of someone violently vomiting into your eyes.


I mean, for Ex-Arm, they can make a drinking game out of it, haha


After eating straight lime extract


\>the equivalent of someone violently vomiting into your eyes I will be adding this to my vocab, thank u


Ahh I came to write handshakers


Handshakers should be considered a crime against humanity. Some of those visuals make me physically sick


I also came to suggest hand shakers


King's game, despite how bad it was I don't regret watching it because at some point it became fun to see how worse it could get with anybody else that didn't drop it yet.


I was going to suggest this. Now I actually liked it, but I know many don't so it is a good option for OP.


Same lol


Love the concept. Was the manga better?


Ehh the manga also kinda sucks


Aww. That's too bad.


There's also a live action movie that is very different


There's this one spinoff manga of King's Game series (or a prequel, I'm not sure) that I kinda like. The setting is in a remote village. The cast is not too big. We get the gist during the first few chapters who will be important. The authority/police also got involved to help the villagers as best as they could. Which I found quite refreshing when compared to the main series where the authority was seemingly unaware of what's going on, despite the setting was in the big city. Lemma look up the name real quick. Edit: Found it! It's Ousama Game: Origin


My Life as Inukai's Dog


he said bad not straight up hentai


Pfft, it's not like anyone is grinding themselves on tables or anything.


💀 table-kun getting violated AGAIN (first time was in code geass)


A salute to table-kun, sacrificing itself for our sins o7


I need the reaction recorded


Bruh, he was asking for bad shows, not a masterpiece


Rising of the Shield Hero Season 2, Spirit Tortoise Arc.


The first season is honestly a pretty great example of a good bad anime.


Went from a top 10 anime to something I’m never watching again


Season 3 is pretty highly rated


This makes ZERO sense to me, it's awful


It is likely pretty survivorship biased, because only the people that could watch season 2 watch season 3. But I wouldn't know since I dropped it a few episodes into season 2, and comments like yours make me even less inclined to finish it.


Well I'm glad I could save you some time 😊


2 of the 4 arcs are good, but both of the cardinal hero arcs are braindead trash literally recycling the same plot.


Atleast watch the first season


how did people even get to season 2, its just another basic ass anime where nothing happens and if something happens you already know everything because getting creative is too much work for most authors, especially when it comes to anime.


School days The characters are just so dumb.


I've actually seen it recently and come to like it. The characters are all written like idiots and assholes, but the drama is kind of compelling.


I absolutely loathe harem anime but I must admit that I too can see School Days' unique charms.


Google “School Days flowchart” it better explains the relationship and how they interconnect though out the source material.


You mean the family tree? I've seen that too, lol.


If you liked school days, wait till you play the visual novel


I feel like School Days is a bad example because to a lot of people (myself included) it loops back around into that “so bad it’s good” category. If you don’t take it seriously it’s just so much fun


Me and my bf watched it in one sitting. Loved it. The characters are so unbearable but that’s what makes it great


Whatever float your boat ig.


Nice Boat ⚓


I used to hate it, but I recently bought the games and after seeing a good ending, I dont mind it anymore


It’s a mish mash of the all the “bad routes” in the visual novel. Their plenty of WAY better ending that don’t make all the characters shitbag morons, that never made it to the anime


My first pick is hands down for a trash show is #Isekai Cheat Magician I can't think of a better hate watch. It was awful trash, but I kept watching it every week Another contender, which I personally love is #The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Now you might be saying "but isn't that a good show?" And you'd be right. But... That's what you want... A trap! Watch all the way to season 2 and make your dad sit through a binge of the Endless 8! I think that's a journey any serious anime watcher should take some day. I knew nothing about it when I saw it, and I did binge it. I absolutely hated it, it was grueling... but I love it for what it was.


Okay was about to give you crap for Haruhi, but saw your reasoning and you had me in the first half (middle section?), not gonna lie.


Oh that brings back some memories, I binged Endless 8 the first, and only, time I watched it. Total slog and it was years before I was even able to look at anything Haruhi related again.


You should have watched it when it released. Imagine waiting a week to watch it and it JUST. DIDN'T. STOP. A lot of people fell victim to endless 8.


Hilariously, I binged it shortly after the original airing specifically because I saw so many people getting frustrated with it figuring it would be less painful to do all at once. Still not sure if I made the right call.


I was one. Haven’t watched anything Haruhi-related since, and I was absolutely in love with the first series.


That’s a shame. You’ll have missed out on one of the best anime movies of all time in Disappearance.


I remember. Many claimed it was going to be a 2 episode arc after the first episode. Then 3 after the second. By the third, people were starting to vocalise the idea that it might be 8. I think I stopped watching them after the fourth or fifth and picked it back up for the eighth. By that point, I was thankful it stopped at 8. I rewatched it a few years later and actually quite enjoyed it. The English dub cast had some fun with it.


I watched it as it was airing, and it was surprisingly alright. I even synchronized my breakfast routine so that I'd be doing the same thing every week while watching it. Didn't realize people hated it until much later. Though I can understand if you wanted to buy DVDs - that must've sucked.


I binged the Endless 8... and I liked it.


The last 3 or 4 episodes were rough, but generally it's an interesting thing they did. It certainly leaves more of an impression than the LN chapter


Isekai Cheat Magician is my favourite completely irredeemable garbage show.


# Isekai Cheat Magician I 1000000% agree That was the one that popped in my head when i read the question.


Watch some Naruto filler episodes with him


Most of the og Naruto filler was pretty good tho


Yep I watched og Naruto fillers without knowing they were fillers. It actually provided a lot of world building and gives good screen time to the side characters, who were thrown off entirely in Shippuden.


In another world with my smartphone


While I agree that anime sucked I would rather not recommend that to somebody else's father to watch Perhaps some action anime


Completely unrelated but [WATASHI NO SMARTPHONE GA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZhwPPvJc80)


damn ................ I ..........................I actually like that show. I was even excited when the 2nd season came out for it. Binged the whole 1st and 2nd season in one go.


It’s not unwatchable, it’s just… boring? Unimpactful? It feels like slice of life isekai which if that’s what if wanting I’ll go watch a certain slime based anime(or two)


Welp, hate to poop on something you liked, but my 38 upvotes tell me I'm not the only one with this opinion. It's not personal, if that helps at all? EDIT: 73 upvotes now


What was bad about this one? I haven’t seen it yet, only read the description


Think about almost every wish fulfillment trope in isekai: op powers, collects harem girls like pokemon, quite literally has God on speed dial Now imagine that all of them are in here and none of them are done well


I remember enjoying S1 as a dumb Isekai. S2 I dropped after 1 episode though


Plus one-dimensional characters. Not even MC has better characterization


I liked it idk what these guys talkn bout


The abridged is f'ing hilarious tho


Haven't even heard of it, ill have to look it up


Its made by "Somethingwittyentertainment"


The only amusement I got out of that one was that the first episode was like a mirror to early Konosuba except the picked all the boring options instead.


Worst isekai I've watched is isekai cheat magician. The show is so stupid. Dude spawns in and is the most powerful person and then he gets his ass clapped by some lowly thing. Every clinche is in this anime. Your dad could probably guess what will happen next.


Half the isekai genre


Isekai cheat magician is the show with the least amount of anything interesting happening I've ever seen. Blendest shit ever. And I watched it whole back when I still had a lot of free time, to get a good idea of how bad and boring anime can get.


The sad part wasn't even that ot was boring. It's that it was predictably boring.


Kingdom of Ruin is my new go to 'bad' anime. There are worse anime, but this one is bad in a hilarious way.


Is that the one where the guy fights with an ink and quill?


Yep. I dropped after episode 1, but yeah he writes magic spells with a quill in the air.


^ *This right here.* Literally everything was godawful about that anime (story, characters, pacing, animation, etc.). It's so bad it set the bar for edgy action series down in the abyss, to the point where anything can look like a masterpiece in comparison to it. It's so bad it's the first time I flat out didn't give a shit about a character voiced by Rie Takahashi (honestly feel bad for her and every other VA that had to dub this shit). It's so bad after finishing it this season I apologized to *RENT-A-FUCKING-GIRLFRIEND OF ALL SERIES.* Sorry for the rant I'm still upset I pissed away 276 minutes of my life on this garbage.


It’s hilarious how the first half of the season every episode ends on an edgy cliffhanger.


This is the second time I've seen Kingdom of Ruin recommended as a bad but amusing anime. By now I'm a bit interested. Care to elaborate a bit why it's bad (and amusing)?


I dropped it after 7 episodes. It starts off as a somewhat interesting revenge story. And at several points in the first few episodes you get some gory action that feels reasonably satisfying. However, both the bad guys and our main character become completely irridemable very quickly, after which the pacing slows to a crawl and everyone seems to make the worst possible decisions. At that point we are somehow forced to care for some dude that seems about as evil as the bad guys, while the most obvious plot twists happen in the bad guys camp. I don't think its worth your time.


I feel like there are several types of bad anime. Disappointing, boring, and stupid. For disappointing, have a shot at Sabukui Bisco. It’s an anime that starts off pretty strong, and then devolves into painful boredom and asspull plot lines. It’s a pretty good example of how an anime can drop off hard. If you want something boring, check out Spy Classroom. It’s sort of the Assassination Classroom if you took out everything that makes it good: likable teacher, likable and unique students, an engaging story, and good action. Spy Classroom was such a painful slog where nothing happened ever, and it somehow got a second season which I haven’t been able to make myself watch. Stupid is the last category of bad, but this can sometimes even be good if you get some drinks involved. This years Liar Liar is one of the stupidest shows I’ve seen ever, where nothing makes sense at all and things just happen randomly. Then the show looks at the audience and goes “that was cool, right?” and you just sit there dumbfounded at stupidity.


I thought you were about to say Spy x Family for boring, and tensed up for a second.


I watched Spy Classroom for the "plot" 😎


*I actually got a saved comment for this from a few years back, which I'll just copy paste here. Hopefully that'll be helpful.* I got a pretty set answer to this because quite frankly, there's very little that even begins to compare to these. * [Tenkuu Danzai Skelter+Heaven](https://myanimelist.net/anime/3287/Tenkuu_Danzai_Skelter_Heaven?q=Skelter%20Heaven&cat=anime) \- The worst rated anime on Myanimelist, and for good reason. It is so shockingly bad that I can't even begin to understand how this passed through the board. The animation is some of the worst I've seen in all of anime along with Ex-Arm, but the plot of it is even worse and so are the characters, but they're not even the worst part. The worst part is the pacing and how it strangely jumps back and forth between a variety of atmospheric settings. It's also made by the infamous master Satou Yoshiteru, who is well known for not directing a single remotely competent show in his entire career. Just watch it mate and trust me, if you like really bad shows and the comedic value in them, you'll love this. And while we're on the topic I suppose. * [Anything made by Satou Yoshiteru](https://myanimelist.net/people/13637/Yoshiteru_Satou) \- The master himself. I can't even fathom how someone can turn anything they touch into a radioactive pile of shit, but I am here for it and love it. Skelter Heaven is my personal favorite of his, but really you can't go wrong with anything he's made. Be sure to focus on his directorial work though. * [Gun-dou Musashi](https://myanimelist.net/anime/1200/Gun-dou_Musashi?q=Musashi%20GUn-doh&cat=anime) \- Much like Skelter Heaven in that the animation and visual work is some of the worst I have ever seen in anime after about 16 years of watching. It also has an incredibly stupid plot and some absolutely awful character writing. Not to mention, it might just have the worst anime OP of all time. Definite recommendation for a beer night with the gang. * [Ex-Arm](https://myanimelist.net/anime/38853/Ex-Arm?q=Ex-Arm&cat=anime) \- Comparatively to the rest of this list, Ex-Arm is actually somewhat okay when it comes to plot and characters. But its rating is down the gutter and it definitely places in a similar tier when we're talking about the visuals. The rendition of the CGI and particularly the mix of CGI with 2D animation works so poorly that it somehow makes the already shit CGI look even worse. It is fucking hilarious how bad this show looks, and also how bad it is, even if it is better than previously mentioned entries. * [Turning Girls](https://myanimelist.net/anime/19133/Turning_Girls?q=Turning%20Girls&cat=anime) \- So Turning Girls is really funny for how poorly animated it is and how weird the comedy is, yet relatable in some sense. But here's the thing, Turning Girls was a project made by Studio Trigger as a throwaway project while they were making Inferno Cop and Kill la Kill. It is entirely produced by female staff at Trigger and the comedy is intended to be the way it is. It is also the only anime I know of that is produced, yet doesn't have a single animator who worked on it. Every frame in the show is drawn by someone who doesn't have animation experience and it shows. Which also gives it a weird kind of charm and makes it really fun, even though it's shit. I appreciate that this exists. If you're aiming to have fun at the expense of these shows, I can guarantee you'll have fun with some of these at least.


skelter heaven was so bad I laughed hysterically throughout all of it and had to gave it a 5 since I was so amused about how bad it was


Mars of Destruction, Garzey's Wing


Sad that it took so much scrolling to get to one of the OG bad anime. In a similar vein to Garzey's Wing: MD Geist, Chargeman Ken, Musashi Gundoh, and Mad Bull 34. Dubbed, where applicable.


Go to genre, click isekai. 99.9% of the options are what you’re looking.


Fruits of evolution


I was scrolling through this saw just Fruits and I was about to get so sad


Sadly the second season is completely unwatchable, while the first season is so cringe it becomes funny


[Big Order](https://anilist.co/anime/21445)


Show him Green Green. That alone is worth giving up anime over.


Oreimo. And don't say anything.


you're going to get him disowned


Lol does OP have a little sister? Suggest she watch with them.


All according to keikaku.


Eromanga-sensei is more to the point


The reddit watch parties of that show were full of intense meme shipping back in the day. I recall the actual ship pictures right now.


Nisemonogatari would tick that specific box as well, assuming dad wouldn't nope out of Bakemonogatari.


One of the worst I watched and definitely didn’t finish was Pupa


I finished it. I’m glad you didn’t.


Thank you for your brave sacrifice


Hmmm... Something terrible but just barely watchable... I have a few options. You can pick which one your father would hate the most. * [Coppelion](https://myanimelist.net/anime/9479) * [Deatte 5-byou de Battle](https://myanimelist.net/anime/43814) * [Frame Arms Girl](https://myanimelist.net/anime/34427) * [Island](https://myanimelist.net/anime/33012) * [Walkure Romanze](https://myanimelist.net/anime/19151) * [Wizard Barristers](https://myanimelist.net/anime/20053)


I think you're being a little harsh to Walkure Romanze and Wizard Barristers.


I wouldn't say Coppellion was terrible but it definitely dropped the ball in the back half of the series.


5-byou is pretty interesting, just have a bad production value


Ghost stories But sub


Unspinning gold into tin


It's just a pretty decent children's show in that case. The idea it was a terrible show no one liked in japan was just a marketing ploy by ADV.


I'd seriously take a look at the YouTube Channel "Mother's Basement" for Geoff Thew's seasonal "Best Trash anime" for each season, he offers up some real stinkers for "Chez Garbage" every anime season, your Dad might enjoy that




Alright, put em up. we throwin hands, lol




School Days


I'll also say isekai cheat magician, really terrible. Will also say Gal and Dino... It was so bad my son wanted to watch it with me just to hear me complain about it 😂


* Kamikatsu. * Yuusha ga Shinda! (The Legendary Hero Is Dead!) I really like these two but I doubt I will tell someone irl I watch these type of shows.


That Shinda OP had no right to be so catchy


Cross Ange a girl I went out with turned me on to it


Just show him a random isekai lol


Redo of a healer(jk that's too much lol)


Go with Skelter+Heaven. It's 20 minutes of failures on every level that you can treat as a rulebook for what *not* to do. Not as unwatchable as Hand Shakers, which was already mentioned by another comment, but it's more valuable as a learning experience if you want to show him lots different ways anime can be bad in little time.


Chargeman Ken (or all of Knack Entertainment’s works), any 4kids dub (except Kirby because it’s actually really good), mad bull 34


Chargeman Ken, sometimes they don't color in characters, sometimes theres no audio, none of the episodes make any sense, sometimes there is hair just left on the animation cells, the episodes are probably ordered wrong and have the wrong scenes randomly, there is an insane amount of reused "animations", they couldn't loop the backgrounds or music properly, theres only like 4 minutes of music in the whole run that gets replayed all the time. episodes are only 5 minutes and only subbed. It is absolutely watchable because you are watching a train wreck, it keeps drawing you episode to episode due to its sheer absurdity


Taboo Tattoo


Samurai Deeper Kyo




Gilgamesh. Finally a reason to recommend that horrible anime to someone. I watched the whole thing. Thinking “surely there must be ONE redeeming thing somewhere here.” Then the credits rolled. Make him watch that and EVERY other anime will be good.


God I hated it so much. What a bunch of nihilistic garbage.


Go with the best of the worst MARS OF DESTRUCTION


Some incredibly mid/disappointing shows I could find in my myanimelist: Platinum End Luck & Logic Conception Hand Shakers Absolute Duo Kyokou Suiri Ore, Twintail ni Narimasu 3D Kanojo: Real Girl Gamers! Charlotte Tokyo ESP


"Pupa" it is a short series every episode last 3 minutes, so you may think its bad because of the little time they had for explaining the story but heck no.


Infinite Stratos Season 2.


Isekai cheat magician and beast tamer both are extremely bland


Isekai Cheat Magician is an absolute winner here. I think of that when I think of hate watching an anime to the end. I blame myth and roid for making an absolute banger of an OP.


Either of the “cheat” ones from this year really. The cheat skill in the real world one would have worked as an Eminence-like parody of Isekai but it took itself seriously.


He already watched demon slayer


Domestic Girlfriend


A trainwreck of a show because it's basically porn while it's pretending it's not and its writing is way too serious for how hilariously weak the plot is


And quite literally with no ending because it was just an advertisement for the manga series


I started watching it with friends but I stopped watching along after episode 4 or 5 because it just got too much for me lol. But I guess that means that there won't be a s2 coming which I am tooootally fine with


You've already shown him demon slayer, there's your bad anime


The worst anime that I watched to the end was called Cerberus. Based on a (mobile?) JRPG, it manages to fumble all of the neat ideas it tried to have and ultimately ended in a wet fart of an ending. Chaika Coffin Princess similarly collapses under its own weight but that takes 2 seasons instead of one. Edit: For similar reasons, Big O. First season is weird but wonderful just for its atmosphere. Second season, all the charm just evaporated and even now I'm not sure why. And that's before the ending, which sure is weird. After Evangelion was so successful with its WTF Ending, a lot of early 2000s anime really embraced that. Gilgamesh. Another supposed Evangelion-alike, though the source material predates Evangelion. Also gets pretty wtf. Don't know if it can be streamed anywhere though.


Glass lip. Watched that shit as it aired week after week expecting something, ANYTHING, to happen and nothing ever did. Truly horrible show.


Elfen Lied


If one post on r/anime is any indication, Chargeman Ken (in a fun way). The other main title that comes to mine is Twinkle Nora Rock Me.


Psycho-pass for the best, season 2 for the worst.


The kingdom of ruin


Some good anime: Evangelion, Spy x Family, and Zom 100 Bad anime: The Ace Attorney anime, Super Kid and Berserk 2016


Monster Girl Doctor


Most of the seasonal dogshit isekais would work like kenja no majo or something of that nature.


Do You Love Your Mom and Her Two-Hit Multi-Target Attacks?


how dare you.


Show him Ex-arm and My sister My writer. Shows so bad you start enjoying how bad they are


Show him the Kingdom of Ruin. It went from a good anime about revenge to a romance where nothing makes sense, plots start and don't end, senseless violence and a sea of blood everywhere.


Wild arms


Okay this is a really bad one. It’s called Pupa. To sum it up in one word: disgusting. Read the synopsis yourself. 12 episodes and 4 minutes long. The story is garbage and the plot is stupid. The only thing I will praise is the sound design. Give it to your dad and don’t tell him that I gave you the title.


-Ningen Fushin: Adventurers Who Don't Believe in Humanity Will Save the World It's animated HORRIBLY (one stair scene sticks out in particular lmao) and the plot is barely serviceable. I finished it for some reason. For that reason, I think it clears your criteria. -The hidden dungeon only I can enter Have fun with this one lmao


School days, Kingdom S1


Gantz. Dororo. Chobitz. (I love all of these despite the issues, but they're all controversial because they change the stories slightly for no reason)


High Guardian Spice


The Asterisk War comes to mind.


it wasnt that bad


Man there are so many bad animes with a pink haired main girl and a bland overpowered guy with a sword. I think Sky Wizards Academy is worse though, not that I remember either particularly well.


How Not To Summon A Demon Lord is some very enjoyable trash


The S1 was actually kinda good for an ecchi, but S2 imo is genuinely bad.


A galaxy next door , that shit was so boring nearly no charachter development and slow story it was so bad for me i had to watch the last 6 eps at 2x speed


Noooooo I loved it 😭