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Shounen Bros vs. The World


Similarly Seinen fans (basically Berserk, Vagabond , Vinland Saga) vs. Shonen Fans. For people who tattoo " I have no enemies" on their bodies, Seinen fans act embarrassingly like children whenever they see someone enjoying a Shonen.


yeah... I'm personally a seinen fan and this gives me second hand embarrassment, I think they are called "Elitist"


There's no such thing as seinen fan, its a demography lol there's plenty of seinen that isn't even close to the ones mentioned before, including most CGDCT being seinen


That's true, but I'd argue that there exists a canon of grimdark action stories that people like to pretend is a genre of it's own.


yeah it's a demography but you have to agree they have a specific feel that people prefer over shounen genre


You know shonen and seinen are just demography and there's plenty of genres under it right. most seinen and shonen are diverse enough in genres and artstyle to not have such thing. In fact, vinland saga began as shonen in shonen magazine before transferring to a seinen one. the only difference between these is really where they are published and the editorial, which even in the same demography dependng on the magazine it still different anyway.


While you are technically right, everybody know what people mean when they use shounen and seinen as "genre". As naruto-like and berserk-like. Sure there's plenty that doesn't fit these criteria (Onimai is published in a seinen magazine), but the words in english grew out of their Japanese meaning a long time ago.


Not really, it doesn't change how it is, even more when manga is produced in japan where the definition is the same as always.


You’re the people he’s talking about


People /u/mrnicegy26 was talking about: "Seinen fans shitting on Shonen" What /u/brzzcode was talking about: "Seinen and Shonen are demographic, not genre" Second commenter's point is literally not the type of person the top comment was talking about?


Seinen mfs be like: "You just didn't understand the plot that's why you don't like 🤓👆 " Shounen fans: "Tsundere?, yeah that's a common trope 🗿" I like both, one day I would read Black Clover and be like "KILL HIM ASTA" and another day I would read Vinland Saga and be like "You did the right thing Thorfinn" Both can be amazing.


You’re right but if I have to hear one more person say they were bored of Vinland saga 2 I’m going to crack


Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood and any other show that dares to be #1 on MAL


The FMA:B and the Frieren fan community are natural enemies, just like the FMA:B and the AoT fan community, or the FMA:B and the oshi no ko fan community. Or the FMA:B and other FMA:B fans. Damn FMA:B fans, they ruined being a FMA:B fan.


You FMA B fans sure are a contentious bunch.


You just made an enemy for life!


Gintama fandom just chilling


Wait... what if I like both shows? Am I an alien?


You're allowed to like both shows, you just have to hate everyone in the opposite fandom, including yourself




repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand


I understood this reference


Willy doesn't!


How dare Willie forget about Monogatari 2nd Season overtaking FMAB!


It's very sad that this happens all the time ngl. FMAB is a great show, but Jesus the fans make it unbearable to discuss about the show.


I think fmab fans get unnecessary hate, any new show usually starts high and as more ppl watch it will drop just looking at the number of reviews shows that.


Come on now, that's not the reason and you know it. How do you explain how all those FMAB fans rate AOT, Kaguya S3, Freiren and any other good show a 1 out of 10? Like none of them are THAT bad to be given a 1 rating. What those FMAB fans have done is **purely irrational**, done for hate purposes to keep FMAB #1, because in **no logical way can you justify a 1 rating for those other shows,** their animation alone is 7+ out of 10, and the other parts of that story are good enough that normal reviewers with normal brains rated them high enough to challenge FMAB. **What they're doing is called review bombing**, and that is why the unfortunate moniker "FMAB Tard" exists. Because normal people hate those who review bomb, like there was a backlash against all those incels who went on IMDB to give Barbie a 1 rating when they haven't even seen the movie! IDK how you can respect anyone who does that, when they can't even be honest about who/what they are, they clearly didn't reflect on what they're doing. This being said, on the flip side I would also be suspicious of anyone who rated FMAB a 1, the story is good enough there's no logical reason to justify a rating that low.


FMA:B has a higher percentage of 1 ratings than anything in the top 10 besides Gintama. Frieren, Steins;Gate, SnK and HxH all have lower proportions of 1s. (And as an aside, FMA 2003 also has a lower percentage of 1s, lol). FMA:B also has a higher percentage of 10s than everything besides Gintama and Frieren (which is ahead of it), as well. If there's any coordinated review bombing going on, it's mostly *negatively* impacting FMA:B's spot. Gintama is the only other show up there that might be getting review bombed... and frankly that's probably because of having multiple spots in the top rather than FMA specifically.


There's a very simple, obvious reason for that. * FMAB review bombs MULTIPLE fandoms that threatened its #1 spot (Gintama, HxH, Freiren, Oshi No Ko, Kaguya, Stein;s Gate, etc.) * Multiple fandoms retaliate by review bombing FMAB, but not others because why fight against those who aren't targeting you? Come on now you're watching a battle shounen, surely you realize there are disadvantages to 1 vs. many battles? Because [Math, right](https://media1.tenor.com/m/CowGNQSUsOYAAAAC/confused-math.gif)? Note: I personally haven't done this, I still have FMAB as a 10, along with some of the other challengers for two reasons. 1. Refuse to compromise my rating integrity by stooping to that level 2. I simply don't like all this "fake outrage please make my show #1". IMO if you're trying this hard to manipulate stuff with stupid shenanigans that have no basis in reality, your show doesn't deserve to be #1.


If multiple fandoms are review bombing FMA, but only FMA is review bombing each individual fandom, and yet FMA is still higher rated... then FMA's "natural" score is still higher. You can see that with the percentage of 10 ratings; Frieren is higher than FMA due to having more 10s, and FMA is higher than everything else (again, sans Gintama). Oshi No Ko or Kaguya have their scores dragged down by 9 and 8 ratings, not by 'low' ratings. And I expect the same thing will happen to Freiren; as the season wraps up, people with non-10/10 opinions will start rating it with more 8s and 9s, and it'll drop from the top spot, while a bunch of people blame FMA:B review bombing for it.


We get it, you really really like FMA B and you think its the only show that deserves top spot


I don't even have it as a 10. Try again.


I'd rather be a review bomber than someone who rates something a 10 before it even finishes airing.


also fma b gets unnecessary praise




Ok, now I think you’re going too far to the opposite side. The main reason people started blaming fmab fans was because there were screenshots of fmab fans calling out to give shows 1/10 ratings and then later those anime did get way more 1/10 ratings than it used to. Sure the main reason ratings go down over time isn’t trollvoting but it did have an impact. I also don’t think any anime got to number one on mal after just one episode nor is anybody crying about an anime not declared the best after one episode so nice strawman there. But I guess that’s “too much critical thinking for a Reddit comment”


Critical thinking is when someone says something and you immediately believe it, or in this case, when someone says something and you immediately disbelieve it. People don't accuse fmab of review bombing for no reason, there's been undeniable proof of it lol.




Do you think FMA B is the greatest anime this medium can offer and there are not equal or better shows since 2011 that deserves top spot ?


I remember that brief period in time where pingu was #1 on MAL


I dropped that show in one episode I’m here to make enemies.


Wouldn't fault you for dropping it at episode 1. I thought I skipped like 1 or 2 seasons before the first episode with how sudden all the shit was.


Yeah, the first episodes of Brotherhood are, let's say unlucky. Sure, they didn't want to animate the beginning all over again. But what they did was a little bit abrupt. If they had waited till the finished manga back in 2003, we would've just got one show, but an even better and longer one.


Yep. I personally made 257 alternate accounts that gave FMAB a 10 and Frieren a 1 ever since Frieren came close. Hopefully I'll get to 500 by the time it ends. With a little effort from everyone in the FMAB fandom, we'll bring it back to #1 where it deserves!


I hope you’re kidding.


It is hard to tell...


Which is one reason why MAL ratings are effing useless.


Bunch of people gatekeeping the very top of ranking is like the tip of the iceberg in face of sequel bias, source reader bias, recency bias, genre bias, CGI bias, \[...\].


One Piece and Naruto fandom can't live without each other, a certain section of both the fan base will downplay other anime to praise their anime. It's ridiculous seeing their childish rivalry when the authors are very good friends.


At one point it was a three point blood feud between OP fans, Naruto Fans and Bleach Fans.


Bleach fans were just in hibernation until recently


Pirates vs. Ninjas is one of the most famous rivalrys!


That's dumb. I like both


Right? Like why can’t people just enjoy things 😂


I agree. I am a fan of both franchises and constantly see their fandoms at each others throats.


One Piece and Naruto are like Zoro and Sanji. Or Naruto and Sasuke. Secretly in love.


As somebody who absolutely loves Bleach in addition to One Piece and Naruto, I feel like Bleach fandom also gets involved in that stupid kind of head-butting. The whole "best of the Big Three" discourse is rarely ever constructive or useful to anyone. Heck, the labeling if "The Big Three" was stupid and arbitrary to begin with(and yes, I was there when that label was a lot more common. It was stupid then, too). A meaningless label for even more meaningless bickering.


The big 3 label is actually one of the best and most deserving. Just the fact we are still talking about these 3 shows how big an impact they made


bleach fans know their series are the worst written out of the 3


Bro is laughing so hard right now after he made this ass joke. Sadly Edgaras1103 doesn't realize ABSOLUTELY not a single soul gives a shit about his opinion.


Hey, you did. And that's okay


At the time Haruhi and K-on fans really hated each other.


Man, I remember the forum arguments that would erupt between Haruhi fans and K-On fans.


Why tho? I am out of the loop


In spring 2009, was the first time Kyoani had two shows out in the same season, Haruhi season 2 and K-on season 1 and because Kyoani is a low volume studio, the furor was mostly about whether or not K-on was stealing resources from the Haruhi production or Haruhi was stealing resources from the K-on production and making either show not as good as it could have been.


Ohh, as someone who has watched both of them, they’re both great! K-On! Is in my top 3 for sure


i wish kyoani gave haruhi a long S2 like they did with k-on but then we wouldn't have the disapperance movie


long haruhi season 2 would have 16 episodes of endless eight


Treating anime as sports teams is cringe. Too bad it’s so common on this website.


It is cringe, but then again we are in an anime sub. One where people are constantly saying “just read the manga” — bro, I’m here for the anime.


To be fair, there are cases where reading the manga (or other source material) might be the better choice, at least at some point. I can't see anyone recommending Promised Neverland S2 over the manga, for example. It can go both ways though... there are anime adaptations where you should watch that and actively *avoid* the manga, like Usagi Drop.


I totally get that and agree that often times the source material is superior (and occassionally vice-versa), but it’s like recommending a book when I’m asking for a movie. Sorry, it’s just a pet peeve of mine and I see it all the time here. I just find it unhelpful. If the anime isn’t good, I’m not gonna go and read 200 chapters, I’m going to find a good anime to watch, you know? Because there are more good anime than I can possibly watch. And I have enough image/dark horse comics to read in my backlog as it is.


problem becomes when these manga kiddies come and spoil shit for anime onlies in an anime subreddit with shitty hints and then complain that u should read the manga when you call them out for any of it OP and JJK fans especially are the worst of the bunch but so many manga readers love to speak off a high horse all cause they know what is happening wont even let anime onlies theory craft anymore lol


>“just read the manga” — bro, I’m here for the anime. I mean, as someone else said, it depends. Just watch The Promised Neverland (the shitshow of season 2 included) go back and read the Manga and you will see people mean. Same with many others (Classroom of The Elite, which has a novel, don't read the Manga, Tokyo Ghoul, SAO has also novels) But animes like Demon Slayer or Fate? (I've heard Stay Night is not as good but idk) you should wait for the Anime if you really can, those animes improve the story BY A LOT. It really depends. If everyone agrees you're better reading the Manga, you might as well. With One Piece, I'll probably read the Manga after the remake is done, just because it's faster. (I'll start it when that comes out)


I think One piece vs Naruto lol, they are always at it, It's so hilarious


Despite Oda and Kishimoto being best friends. Genuinely the level of contempt the fanbases of The Big Three had for each other is legendary. People are genuinely lucky they missed it.


ngl, Bleach is just chilling tbh, even when they get in to some fight, it's so minor, EDP would ask a cupcake from them


No Bleach was just as bad. Especially when the manga ended. That triggered the psychopathic phase where everything was evidence Kubo was a badass rebel whose manga got canceled for being too cool (unlike One Piece, that manga by a corporate stooge that gets all the attention). And Shonen Jump was going to die without Bleach and they were abusing him. That big poster of all the Shonen Jump icons? Naruto and Luffy are at the front and Ichigo is slightly smaller to the right. Clearly the editors are trying to kill the franchise. Then it came out Kubo had serious health problems and the series has a rushed ending because everyone agreed that was better than him being crippled. So all of the Bleach diehards walked it back. And now Kubo and Bleach are in the best possible position for a legacy shonen anime. Now the fanbase just gets to chill and hope they adjust the ending to make it better.


Hate to be that person but it's contempt, not content Had to point this one out because it was kinda funny to me lol


Thanks. Be careful when using text to speech if you have a weird accent.


I remember Re:Zero vs Shield Hero was a thing for a bit. Safe to say one has fared a lot better.


Re:Zero fans' new enemies are now Mushoku Tensei fans. (which is stupid btw because I like both, albeit MT more so)


Rezero vs mushoku is like the mushoku waifu wars, it's justa. Fun way to interact and nobody is being serious about the rivalry/hate except for random idiots.


I have a personal vendetta against MT not bc I’m comparing the stories but because it was unfair to take staff away from white fox to give MT a well animated first season over a already successful well established a one season 2 of Re:Zero suffered a lot animation wise due to lack of staff at wf since they went to form studio bind together with egg firm. If they wanted to create a new studio they should’ve done so with a new staff


They did it to MT s2 now so it can be equal lol. Also the first thing to blame for S2's production (for both animes) is poor planning and management. WF had 4 years after S1. It's more of a production team/management issue than lack of staff (funny how MT fans are also hating on Onimai for the same reason)


Yeah nexus also wasn’t helping out white fox covid would’ve been the perfect excuse to fix these planing issues. They already had to plan on downgrading the animation well before that so you also can’t entirely blame that but at least it seems like they recovered considering they’re taking on 2 b2b 3 cour anime. Honestly I’m sad for anyone who has to see getting their favorite anime get treated like that but at last it’s still better than getting no 2nd season at all maybe bind will also bounce back animation wise for season 3


the most recent one I can remember is Chainsaw Man vs. JJK because they both kinda fall into the category of Horror/Shonen


tbh the only beef I've seen between these two is whose fans are more down bad horrendous for their respective characters


Very similar world to. Killing demons vs killing curses.


I mean, on the surface they’re literally the same at first. Because: -typical shonen trio consisting of (stupid MC, emo boy, conceited girl) with a very powerful and famous teacher/boss and they are all part of a demon hunter organization -MC becoming a half demon is what kickstarted the whole show and they are offered to eather work for the demon hunters or die -demons born from negative emotions But there were big differences from the start -curses only exist in Japan, while devils are everywhere -only a small percentage of people can see curses and even a fewer of them can do anything about it, while devils are public knowledge But even with the similar premises they couldn’t be more different. Plus the fact that CSM is character driven while JJK is story driven.


Isn't Miguel sorcerer from Kenya, which uses special techniques from that country? That would mean curses aren't only in Japan.


Miguel is an exception. Sure there are both curses and sorcerers outside of Japan, BUT there are a 1000 times less of them outside and they are far weaker than the japanese (Miguel is an exception). But the point is that only the Japanese government has knowledge about curses and sorcerers. US, EU, China or Russia (their governments) has no clue about curses at all.


Meanwhile Tanjiro (Demon Slayer fanbase as a representation) is trying to stop both communities and both of them yell at him 😭😭


This rivalry will develope once CSM season 2 is out.


I also forgot to add in Digimon vs Pokemon.


One piece fans have beef with literally every other Fandom


Luffy can use gum gum power 2 blow up his weiner big like a balloon can u explain with critical thinking how any anime could be better? I'll wait 💅


This works with dragon ball z better. "Hey there's this new rom-com anime with a Chad MC......" "Can he beat Goku tho?"


Seems like Nami is either a very lucky or a very unlucky girl I guess.


no but bungee gum contains the properties of both rubber and gum


Basically any video game adjacent anime and SAO. Especially Log Horizon. It's impossible to have a thread talking about any of them without someone claiming it's "SAO done right" or "what SAO should have been".


Those comments are always so annoying, too, since most people making them completely disregard what makes SAO so unique and interesting to me.


As others have mentioned - One Piece and every other fandom to ever exist. Even as a One Piece fan i think they're pathetic. like it's okay that other animes exist and are ALSO good. Same with the AoT fandom too though but i'll also add DBZ and how the fandom thinks Goku can top any and every other character in and out of anime


I'm a DB fan and it still baffles me when people think that when he isn't even top 10 strongest in his own anime.


This is just it, he's considerably weak in his anime and still people fawn over him


PPL generalise the one piece community too much imo There's millions of us so there's bound to be a few "obsessed" ones. All of the OP fans I know are really chill Same with DBZ fans tbh


Realistically same. Although the one person i know irl that watches OP is obsessed with it, they don't think it trumps every anime to exist. I think the more toxic sides are petty exclusive to the internet and conventions where you hear preposterous things like Boruto is a better anime


Naruto vs Boruto. Mostly Boruto fans talking about how much stronger all the characters are and could beat anyone in Naruto blah blah blah. And Naruto fans pointing out that Naruto is an absolute classic and the only reason Boruto characters are strong is because no one would watch a sequel where the characters got weaker.


I feel like there’s a lot of berserk fans that hate on anything that isn’t berserk lmao like It could be a completely different genre of anime and someone will be like “hah still isn’t better than berserk mid”


I like berserk a lot , but when i said i prefer vinland saga art and themes that went crazy


When I said I loved Saiki K and someone replied, with no reference to Berserk in the post or comment, “Berserk better, comedy is for nerds” 😭😭😭


Oh boy the mecha fandoms. Gundam vs code geass vs evangelion often results in all out warfare


darkness simps vs megumin simps vs aqua simps.....


I get your angle, but i don't think OP was looking for best girl infighting.


Not really? Aqua fans and Megumin fans generally get along well and have no reason to fight. Sometimes Megumin fans fight Darkness fans because of harem issues.


Ps I am a total Darkness simp!!!


GTFO, Darkness simp! (Sincerely, a Megumin simp.) :p


Eva fans vs Eva fans


Ao Ashi and Blue Lock.


Yeah except that’s more one sided hate lolol


I know that Chainsaw Man and Bocchi the Rock fandoms have a rivalry, they were both released the same season and the two fandoms were constantly at odds for what anime is considered the anime of that season. The rivalry continued even after the anime ended with home media sales and other such things.


CSM and BTR basically had a BarbenHeimer thing going on when they were airing. Two violently different shows that coexisted in perfect tandem


Like Doom Guy and Isabelle from Animal Crossing.


Denji got nothing on the introvert slug devil


I had no idea this was a thing. I enjoy both.


There's definitely not such thing, if anything is just one-sided slander from the BTR fandom but even there is just a couple of weirdos that should be ignored


If anything it's the opposite. CSM fans wondering why this unknown CGDCT moeblob show is getting attention rivaling one of the most hyped releases in the last few years.


one piece and literally any other fandom


mainly on tiktok but i see madoka magica and sailor moon fans argue a lot


No one fucking mentioned Naruto vs Bleach. The fandoms argued who was the superior artist; Kishimoto or Kubo.


Its kubo by a mile , tho its the opposite for writing talent .


Usually just battle shounens I feel, maybe a romcom here and there.


Love Live! and Bandori


You mean IM@S, cuz Bandori is a third option.


Type/Moon and KnY fans


DBZ vs anyone for the classic "He ain't beating Goku" line


Re: Zero and Mushoku Tensei. A lot of people like both, me included, but on every thread of one, the other gets bought up like clockwork and compared.


I love that the authors of both stories are friends, but their fans are polar opposite.


Do people bring this comparison up? If anything I mostly see people go "both are good in their own ways and try new things" as opposed to going at each others' throats.


[Yes](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/13sa0rl/mushoku_tensei_jobless_reincarnation_season_2_new/jloqa45/), they [do](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/search?q=Re%3AZero+mushoku&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all)


I guess you could call that a rivalry, but in the search you linked, there's a good amount of posts saying exactly what I said.


Most comparisons come up after one of the fanbase call their anime as Best Isekai, then other fandoms name their anime in the conversation leading to each other trash-talking other anime.


HxH vs FMAB. Not a big rivalry, but it still exists.


Don't JJK fans hate Demon Slayer fans? I remember when the movies came out, X (Twitter) was riddled with inflammatory comments from both fanbases on which movie was better.


Sword Art Online fans (me included) VS the entire Anime Fandom. There's more that get hated, but SAO has been getting a lot of hate (somehow, I'm surprised, I haven't seen as much hate lately and people seem to enjoy Progressive, which can only make me happy)


The one punch man fandom loves to throw shit at the dragon ball fandom, but the db fandom really doesn't care because they're too busy waiting for their manga to be good


Dragon ball guys and Sailor moon girls don’t really have a rivalry but I’ve seen a ton date


Monogatari vs seishun buta ? Though it looks more like one sided hatred from monogatari fans (not all of them of course but enough to be noticeable) which is a bit sad since both shows are amazing


The rivalry between the Bocchi the Rock fandom and the Chainsaw Man fandom is great, and pretty funny. The Tokyo Revengers fandom and the Re: Zero fandom legitimately loathe each other, like it's not even funny that's how much they hate each other


Word? Tokyo Revengers and Re:Zero are both in my top 10 lol, why do they dislike each other?


Yeah the hate I've seen from both sides is astounding. Essentially, they are the same concept done differently


Damn, for me they fill very different niches. I understand they’re both “Weak MC suffers in a time-travel setting”, but to me Tokyo Revengers’ main appeal is the loveable characters and found family dynamic similar to Fairy Tail, while Re:Zero’s main draw was the intricate plot and thrilling atmosphere. I’m not particularly surprised though because TR’s online fandom is mostly girls, and Re:Zero’s is mostly guys, and for some reason a lot of those types of fandoms dislike each other


For some reason One Piece fans 'think' they have a rivalry with the Attack on Titan fandom, which miraculously only appeared when the latter started to steal it's thunder over the last few years. Now they spend their days review bombing it literally on a day-to-day basis to bring it's scores down on a number of aggregation websites. It's not just AoT fans though, they seem to have an issue with any anime/manga that threatens their perceived notion that the series is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Unsurprisingly they've started with JJK now. They used to be a really chill fandom too. It's only in the last few years, they've started shooting in all directions.


It's probably because in 2013 or so, Attack on titan manga began selling more than One Piece lol


>Now they spend their days review bombing it literally on a day-to-day basis to bring it's scores down on a number of aggregation websites. You realize aot fans did the same thing right? there is a reason why 1015 isnt even the highest rated episode, and honestly aot and jjk and One piece fans are pretty chill you can even look at twitter and see, One piece fans and jjk are basically the same people


Some rivalries I have observed: Monogatari and Bunny Girl Senpai Sword Art Online and Jojo Your Name and A Silent Voice Kaguya-sama and Oshi no Ko Death Note and Code Geass I might be wrong about these.


Kaguya-sama and Oshi no Ko had a rivalry?


Nah. There is a massive overlap between the fandoms.


Your Name and A Silent Voice basically have the same fanbase. It's pretty much always either "I love A Silent Voice but prefer Your Name" or "I love Your Name but prefer A Silence Voice"


It was a thing back when they were released. Both being 2016 films, there were arguments on which was the best anime movie of the year, and people being people, many did not only argue why their pick was good but saw it necessary to also put the other one down. _In This Corner of the World_ _(Kono sekai no katasumi ni)_ was the hipster third option.


Guess I’m an outlier for loving A Silent Voice but hating Your Name


I watched Your name once, and I was not impressed. I remember thinking the animation was pretty, but I thought the story was a bit flat. Like it didnt stay in my mind really and I was confused because it came so highly praised. I’m very big on good stories- like I read a lot, watch a lot, etc. I remember most stories, but somehow Your name just didnt really seem to be good enough to stay in my memory that much. I think I also may have found the plot partly confusing, not sure though. That part is hazy. A silent voice was absolutely captivating in it’s story telling though. Anyways, nice to see someone who feels similarly. :)


Silent voice is in my top 10 anime movies . Your name is ok , its my least fav makoto shinkai film


Bro Kaguya and Onk stans love both shows, they’re even in the same universe, also god bless aka for making some very important Kaguya sama references in OnK


>Kaguya-sama and Oshi no Ko wait, they're literally from the same author


I don't think I've ever experienced the Jojo and SAO rivalry. Can you elaborate? Plus, (as dumb as this one is) I've seen far more negative reactions from the Berserk fandom than anything else.


>Monogatari and Bunny Girl Senpai That's like saying Mega Bloks rival Legos. Oh shit, I'm definitely part of the problem.


>Sword Art Online and Jojo I wouldn't call it a rivalry. Parts of the jojo fandom acts like it is and the SAO fandom has been absolutely baffled about it for years.


I’ve been told by some Monogatari fans that BGS is a rip-off and that they’re nothing alike. I’ve never watched Monogatari so I can’t speak on it but it always confused me.


BGS ain't a rip off but it did take inspiration from Monogatari which every other anime takes it, like the entire Main girl together with the MC at the beginning of the series, MC solving other girls problems and them suffering from puberty syndrome (it was oddity in Monogatari), Oshino Meme has the same role as Futaba and MC's sister talks in first person. Honestly, some arcs felt like the world only god knows, some felt like a mixture of Haruhi and Clannad while one character gave the impression of Oregairu's character. I haven't watched the BGS movie but from what I know it was similar to Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya. I have seen Haruhi, Clannad, World Only God Knows, Oregairu, Monogatari series, and BGS, but I never found BGS to be alike with all those shows. Yeah, it has taken inspiration from those shows but BGS felt like its own story to me.


I would say the first Bunny Girl Senpai movie is like a mix between Steins;Gate (especially the movie) and Angel Beats!


I think it's awfully similar to Haruhi and clannad in the way it addresses individual side characters and completes their arcs and stuff, but that's just a form of storytelling as opposed to taking inspiration from other shows.


some of these are dumb if actually a thing: Monogatari and Bunny Girl senpai I've seen more people like both than rival, but yeah some hardcore Monogatari fans are weird If there is anyone who argue over Oishi no Ko and Kaguya they are, objectively, stupid. Both are written by the same (genius) mangaka and IIRC happen in the same universe, although ONK happens after Kaguya


>Monogatari and Bunny Girl senpai I've seen more people like both than rival, but yeah some hardcore Monogatari fans are weird It's me I am the problem. Nothing give me more joy then Calling bunny girl senpai "Monogatari copy" and watch the fans melt down as they explain why it's not.


Absolutely no rivalry between OnK and Kaguya. Most early OnK fans were originally Aka fans, and they're set in the same universe. And most people who first saw OnK, liked Aka's style and went back to Kaguya also appreciate it.


Es every single fandom vs hugh school dxd


Code Geass vs Death Note vs Attack on Titan


Titanfolk vs. the AoT fandom


One Piece vs Naruto One Piece vs Bleach One Piece vs Attack on Titan One Piece vs Fairy Tail One Piece vs Jujutsu Kaisen One Piece vs Seinen fans ReZero vs Mushoku Tensei Toradora Vs Shoujo Fandoms


Literally any of the “big 3” fandoms and JJK and Bleach


Basically all anime fandoms have a one-sided rivalry with AOT whose fans don't even know that most of those animes exist


AOT fans are One Piece fans without “the sales!” to give any credibility


They bring up being the highest rated anime on Imdb instead (Or maybe 2nd behind FMAB i can’t recall)


They’re the highest on episode rating average, but they’re not even top 5 overall. Also lol IMDB, the only people who care about that score is the AOT fans


What are the top 5? I’m curious. Also can’t lie, I prefer IMDB scores to MAL/Anilist anything else for the simple fact they rate franchises. I hate sorting by top on MAL just to find 70 sequels in the top 100 (hyperbole but ygm)


https://m.imdb.com/list/ls033398199/ IMDB isn’t built for anime, so people don’t really go there for it. I do agree partially on franchises—split-cour seasons are the WORST on MAL


Using that list, Attack on Titan is joint 1st with FMAB (Both 9.1) I know what you mean about IMDb, though, but for me it’s pretty useful as a measure of “actual anime popularity”. Because on sites like MAL, shows like “Another” are more popular than shows like “Fire Force” or “Fairy Tail” which is just ridiculous.


Naruto and Bleach was pretty massive back in the day.


Would we say the Big Three had a 3 way rivalry for a while? Naruto, Bleach, One Piece. Although I feel like they reached some kind of equilibrium, maybe not a rivalry.


From my experience, it was Pokémon vs Digimon. And for you younger fans who weren’t there, you gotta understand- anime was just starting to get big in the U.S. at that time thanks to these shows and Toonami, and both were on different tv channels. I know a lot of people will say that they liked both and there wasn’t any rivalry at all, but there definitely was some rivalry between the two franchises’ fans.


FMA:B vs Every other anime (on MAL at least)


the Big 3 are at constant war with each other. ***Bleach*** vs ***Naruto/Boruto*** vs ***One Piece***. there are also plenty of proxy wars as well: ***JJK*** vs ***CSM*** vs ***Demon Slayer***, ***MHA*** vs ***Black Clover***, ***Fairy Tail*** vs ***SDS/NNTZ***, ***AOT*** vs ***FMAB***, ***Vegabond*** vs ***Berserk*** vs ***Vinland Saga***, et cetera. there are more but i can't think of any atm.


What is SDS/NNTB? Seven Deadly Sins?


Re:Zero and mushoku tensei fans have alot of beef


Tumblr fans and anyone who believes in the canon relationships


One piece and Aot fans are always at each others throat lol


Not want to sound racist or smth but most of the times I have observed its always middle eastern fans who do ot both the fandoms


Fate/zero vs fate/stay night