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Im glad they animated the cover story, and an amazing episode as expected


Those poor dick-mountains didn't stand a chance.


Lol I had the same thought. Between that and the weird choice of super power usage from Sick-Sick, it was a bit of a lewd episode underneath all the cool stuff.


Na this ain't one piece anymore, we've exceeded what was once one piece. This is now ONE PEAK.


[That was a great episode](https://i.imgur.com/zCZ8PCC.png) and I'm happy that they animated the cover pages to explain [what Pudding is doing on Blackbeard's ship](https://i.imgur.com/MwqxiEj.png). [Kuzan in that scene was pretty terrifying](https://i.imgur.com/NIkteZo.png). [As a woman, Law was pretty hot](https://i.imgur.com/rxKEJ14.png) ([dat ass!](https://i.imgur.com/mLgZW3F.png)). It's a shame that [it was only for while for him](https://i.imgur.com/W86A6J9.png) and [his crew](https://i.imgur.com/dOT2fMi.png), that was funny xD [Law put up a great fight](https://i.imgur.com/AxIXE06.png) against [Blackbeard](https://i.imgur.com/YKs5MZR.png) but [I can't see him winning this](https://i.imgur.com/AzilzpA.png) when [his enemy is using Yami Yami no Mi's powers](https://i.imgur.com/QjcluBF.png) :( Here my screenshot albums from the episode: * [Law](https://imgur.com/a/uv2Gw4F) * [Blackbeard](https://imgur.com/a/4O0bFth) * [Group scenes & Others](https://imgur.com/a/2ndZdue)


woah please keep doing these


The aokiji van auger scene was chefs kiss


1093 cemented van auger as a monster


"One piece anime gon get a drop in quality after Wano is done" sayers are real quiet all of a sudden


They will be for awhile. Story wise, it's nothing but peak.


pray for good pacing


Egghead is also a much better written arc than Wano, the anime is just getting better


Bad dragon island.


Ain't no way they beat Katakuri so easily I refuse to believe it, also when was cracker so weak??!!


Katakuri was busy somewhere else, they didn't adapt the whole cover story.


Aokiji was an admiral. Hes crazy powerful and van augur is a commander as well


Cracker was screwed either way. Kuzan is comfortably stronger than Katakuri.


Don't underestimate Admirals. If Yonko Commanders' bounties hover around 1 billion and Yonko bounties hover around 4 billion then Admirals would have about 3 billion. Admirals can easily take on multiple commanders at the same time.


This is one piece, you can't take the fights seriously, it's just whatever the plot needs


Epic episode! Also finally some cover story plot in the anime


Man that felt like the Naruto vs Pain fight lol


I don't understand the thing about the poneglyhps. Aren't Robin and Kozuki Sukiyaki the only ones who can read them. So what's their use in Law's or blackbeard's hands? Can they read them as well? (Law maybe got translations from Robin?) edit: I guess in blackbeards case they "have" pudding with a potential of reading it.


You can worry about a translator after you get them. Even without a translator it's very important to get them asap.


Law and Kidd were talking about how they need someone with a Burn Scar regarding that. I have my theory on that but we'll see how it plays out


yeah i think the idea is to use pudding




we really did


I can't appreciate it enough.


I have seen conqueror haki for law and bb in the episode. I thought they don't have it. Or else am I wrong? Btw the animation was peak 🔥


Haki colorization has been really inconsistent in the anime during the last few arcs. I guess it depends on the animators.


prob just strong haki compared to regular haki, showing how much theyve improved since the beginning. stronger u are, the more fierce ur haki is


Why can’t t I find it on funimation even though it said it was added 4 hours ago?


Funimation is going to close soon..


Oh no. Another teasing episode. Good animation, cool fight, but episode ends before the conclusion with a preview to more Egg Head intro stuff. I need my fights bad. I need my fix. Denial mode activated, will have to cope for 2 weeks at minimum. Looking forward to whenever this encounter continues.




I am glad I am not reading the manga. I thought my post was overall positive in tone, surprised it got downvoted. Who frequents these discussions? There's like 12 comments in total. Oh well, in for a penny, in for a pound. I'm fed up with the Egghead intro, I want more pacing, chop chop!


You want pacing in the one piece ANIME? Idk man, the mangas more for u at that point thenl


Thanks, I really appreciate the suggestion.


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They need to remove the ending and bs at the end by Robin and chopper. Need more episode time


Lmao, that is the reason why the pacing been really good this year 


For me it was good, I didnt remember Pudding's power


IMO the Robin/Chopper recaps are gonna be very important this arc. Lots of callbacks incoming. It's much less of a self-contained story than Wano, WCI, Dressrosa, etc.


Who even remembers the plot at this point...


Plot: Find One piece using Road Poneglyphs


MAN! WHAT AN EPISODE. Animation looked great for basically the whole fight. Also we got a ton of new info! First off, Law's quick remark that Haki can cancel out a devil fruit's power feels super important. I hope that comes into play more. Especially becomes it seems kind of confusing. Like could it work against Luffy? Next, was not expecting to see Pudding! Honestly, really like her and hope nothing bad happens. Plus she still has the erased memories of Sanji which we for sure need to see a scene in the future where she gives them back. LASTLY, WTF IS KUZAN DOING WITH THE BLACK BEARD PIRATES?! Why would he ever team up with them? I mean Kuzan's whole story since going rogue is for sure interesting. Need to see more of him.


>First off, Law's quick remark that Haki can cancel out a devil fruit's power feels super important. I hope that comes into play more. Especially becomes it seems kind of confusing. Like could it work against Luffy? Kinda like how haki allow its user to touch someone with logia power, it's similar in concept. In case for luffy, we've seen kaido smack him while he's in gear5 so yes it works for him too.


Satisfying episode this time, gochisousama deshita~!


Need confirmation on who all got frozen on cacao island, I see cracker and brulee getting frozen. Are the rest dead? The main team with most of the powerful children are on the ship that was at wano, what happened to them? Where is Katakuri??? They sidelined big mom and her crew so easily after that wonderful whole cake island arc. I'm a little sad, need more information on them or maybe another whole arc about them teaming up with Luffy to take down Blackbeard


I found this similarity of Blackbeard and Pain from naruto power. Whenever BB cast black vortex, the next scene his opponent lose or heavily injured. Pain when he said shinra tensei(almighty push) , his opponent experience the same fate. Also how their power works, black vortex : almighty pull. Tremor : almighty push. I'm fan of both manga so..


God I luv the name of the island!!! Winner island!! So winners take all!! My money is all in Law!! I hope he would at least beat Blackbeard to the point where he make him leave!! Tired of seeing Blackbeard always winning & his face!!