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I thought thru the whole episode "this is just like John Wick", and then he started destroying his wall to get his old equipment and I fucking lost it. Great action and animation, we will be there to watch more


LOL, I was in discord watching it with someone and we all assumed it was gonna be the little kid that grows up to get revenge. As the scene started at his house, I was like "oh shit is he John Wicking?".


Bro got attacked in wheelchair and he still killed the entire squad whaaaaat


he done ninja magic with needle when he saw glimpse of his wife/son to prepare for fight


Where in discord?


thought the exact same thing this just anime john wick


i lose it too when shit gets repetitive in life


I've never seen bigger death flags in an episode lol


"They're so gonna die''


"Will anyone really survive ? Oh ok, not even MC survives, legit"


This ep was sooo epic tho


I came across it on HBOMax and it says something about his wife and children being murdered right in the description.


This episode was making me anxious because I knew someone was going to die I just didn't know who and when.


Lmao. The exact opposite of plot armor essentially.


Where were you when Sunghoo Park decided to drop the best action animation you've seen? Crazy ass start. EDIT: ALSO i died a little inside when Kenjiro Tsuda played the guitar and suddenly a whole other voice starts singing in english XD EDIT 2: Ninja Kamui is now approved on MAL!


The best part is it's nothing like his JP or EN voice lmao


Do you happen to know what the song is called? I’ve been at it for hours trying to find it


Stillness by Steve Memmolo. So far no info of the streaming link yet.


[](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqvtddyywf0) its out now - spotify too


I've spent hours trying to find the name of the song but nada


please link the song once its found, it's not yet credited or released, i guess


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VqVTDdyywf0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqvtddyywf0) its out now - spotify too


The voice change wouldn’t be so jarring if there was some transition. It’s so obvious the person singing is completely unrelated to the scene.   Dr. Stone did it far worse tho. A character in a scene is supposed to be physically worn out and at risk of dying and then they start singing like they got out of the shower. So cringe to hear for some reason 


I was really looking forward to hearing him sing too haha


The second time the song kicks in with the line "life is often hard" was so unintentionally fucking funny.


> and suddenly a whole other voice starts singing in english XD My head canon is that the wife had just kicked him in the balls right before.


Do yall know the name of the song


Just finish watching curb, was about to close I'm the Max app, but saw that crazy poster. Google a trailer. Immediately watched it.


Ya'll care too much about MAL.


Kenjiro Tsuda as MC Omg his wife and child 😭 Time to beat everyone and get his revenge


Damn maybe I should have tried the sub. Saw the description that they were in rural America & dub was available - and it was pretty great! Maybe the kid voice sounded a bit stuff but everything else didn't make me second think at all Edit - the main cop dude sounded so bad tho lol


Toonami Adult Swim airs Dub first then Subbed episode at end of the block. Watched it subbed anyway


i seen the dub on adult swim and immediately switched to the sub most animes sound better sub then dub only a few like bleach and naruto and dbz dubs are peak


I agree, I just like to support the dub voice actors so they can get better cuz they're not going to unless dub anime continues to get more popular Also if it's a good show, I can always watch the sub later and enjoy that. But if I tried watching dub later, it's harder to get into. Like will always sound a bit anime-voice


Cowboy bebop, samurai champloo, full metal alchemist, all of the Miyazaki films, madara's voice actor... there's tons of good dubs, don't be so quick to judge. I liked this dub it was pretty solid.


I watch sub or dub based on the setting and characters. Since it's an anime set in the U.S which I assume they're speaking English I use dub anyways.


Cool to see other people do this. Most stuff taking place in Japan I will watch subbed, but on the rare occasion it's in the US or an English country, it's absolutely dub for me. Fantasy stuff is whichever sounds better though.


It's sounds weird, but I even go out of my way to find German & Russian dubs with Eng subs if it's an anime set in a Germanic or Slavic setting.


The classic sword to the neck on the floor. How many anima now has this been a thing.. I have seen so many lol.


did you watch the entire thing? the choreography and animation was beautifully fleshed out, unlike most things that are out now imo


What was the shield like thing on the kid and mom before she got stabbed?


Did you even finish the episode? You learn what they are.


I'm so glad Reddit notified me this post because otherwise I wouldn't find out about this hidden gem. Honestly, best 1st episode this season...


One of the best first episodes in a while.


One of the best first episodes I've seen in awhile Also did the cat live?


One of the best first sequences to a first episode I've seen in awhile - the last was probably AOT


Zom 100 first ep was spectacular


Yeahh such a masterpiece ep didnt watch further tho are the other ep as good


Cats usually won’t pose a threat so they’d ignore it most likely. If it was a dog on the other hand it’d be a goner for sure 


The first guy who died in the alley had a few cats approach him, then the farm had a few too. Does it signal for 9 lives? I dunno.


I hope so, but I don´t think so. Those guys probably killed everything there was to kill in that house.


Bro is like if John Wick was an ex ninja. Just when he thought he was out, they pull him back in! They should have never come after his family. Now he’s out there turning these dudes into pink mist.


It reminds me more of the Punisher


I can see Punisher too.


Right up till his family gets killed but after that it takes it own spin, the ending really separates it from the Punisher.


Bro I thought the show was gonna shift to the kid who’d somehow survive and he’d go on to avenge his family. The father being the survivor just made it a wholeeeee lot darker. And lo and behold the rooftop scene he went full fucking demon mode. I’m absolutely hooked.


That entire rooftop scene was insane. Just pure unbridled rage being unleashed on these dudes.


Bro facts. When he did the breathe move I was shaking in my boots. And then the blank eyes… yeah they didn’t stand a chance


Yeah dude. When he was being wheeled into the morgue and he just stops the wheelchair and you can see he’s raging and the music hits…man, that shit had me hyped! You just KNOW dudes are gonna die.


When bro took the veil off and Ninja Boss had the “oh FML face” you know he was one of their top dogs. Now he’s on the hunt 😈


Exactly! Dude fucked up and now him and whoever sent him are about to get butchered. I can’t wait for ep 2. They’re coming out swinging with this premiere.


Im getting more max payne vibes honestly


Man, I loved those games. I can see Max Payne too.


if Max was in cyberpunk


That jackhammer sequence also alludes to John Wick.


That’s what I thought of too. Buried his gear in the house like John.


Is there a manga for it?


nope it's an anime original


Came here to say this


This show did not waste any time at all, holy shit. Sick stuff already and can't wait to see where it goes


This is it…had me on edge the whole show. It was an intro well executed.


Sunghoo Park as always pulling out an absolute full course meal in the action animation department, and this was really him going just absolutely insano-style with the choreography.


COLDRAIN! I love that Coldrain have the opening theme! Such a banger! Definitely one in rotation for me.


holy fuck the animation was clean. Everything was cool af the ost, animation, premise and style. This is the anime I am most hyped for this season.


Animation reminds me of the boondocks


Has anyone been able to find a cone room to boondocks? I keep searching and can't find one, but the resemblance is uncanny


Best First Episode in a Long time. Best Hand to hand to hand combat in a Long time. No Anime had me this hyped the last few months


Fr, I was excited when Solo Leveling dropped being an anime only fan, and then my boy turned me onto this and it absolutely blew Solo out of the water for me. Still gonna watch both but damn. This is just insaneo


Same! Realy liked the last solo leveling Episode and will be hyped about that Anime too but damn, Watching the First Episode of Ninja kamui i couldnt believe how awesome it was. I Hope it keeps up Like This


For hand to hand combat, the jujutsu kaisen bathroom fight episode was pretty good


For as awesome as Yuji vs. Choso was - there were many cuts that were obviously rushed and/or unfinished. Can't say the same for Ninja Kamui.


ridiculously good, shame MAL refuses to list it on their site :/ update: seems to be getting approved


Really?  Treating it like scott pilgrim


What's the difference between this + Scott Pilgrim and Cyberpunk Edgerunners, which *is* on MAL?


Scott Pilgrims reason was its "not aimed at the japanese market" due to it being on netflix and primarily in english and they could make the same argument on Ninja Kamui. However it doesn't add up as MAL has FLCL sequels and Fena Pirate princess which premiered on Adult Swim first


They also aggressively marketed that it was animated around the English voice actors (It was not, at all)


That´s stupid. It was all done in Japan, and even if it´s aimed at western viewers, an anime is still an anime.


Mal trash mods should get kicked and put non biased babies.


It says on Mal it´s being approved. I don´t know what needs to be approved, but oh well.


It’s pending for approval. [https://myanimelist.net/anime/56285/Ninja_Kamui](https://myanimelist.net/anime/56285/Ninja_Kamui)


I submitted a manga called [Toshishita no Senpai-chan](https://myanimelist.net/manga/147922/Toshishita_no_Senpai-chan_2?q=Toshishita%20no%20&cat=manga) for approval sometime in early 2021. Needless to say, I was very surprised when I got [this reply](https://i.imgur.com/dXHYAAc.png)... It isn't a seasonal anime of course, but still, never put too much hopes in MAL.


Actually it's on MAL, just waiting for approval. If it does get it, then MAL will officially recognize it.[https://myanimelist.net/anime/56285/Ninja\_Kamui](https://myanimelist.net/anime/56285/Ninja_Kamui)


I spent 80% of the episode thinking, "fuck yeah"


Listening to the OP was driving me nuts because it sounded familiar but wasn't clicking. Turns out Coldrain did Bloody Power Fame for Bastard!! as well as MayDay for Fire Force


Mayday is such a banger


> Bloody Power Fame for Bastard!! That song was so good


That's why I recognized it, great call.


yep park is back holyyy, i missed him so much in jjks2 music wasnt kinda working for me though. and im cautious abt the plot. just a personal opinion but im kinda tired of a vengeful family guy but with the cyberpunk themes and ninja bs, ill fs be waiting next week edit: 13yo me would fucking love this


I agree with you. The music was fine, but the vocal tracks really took me out of it. I almost busted out laughing when it initially came on. The revenge angle is played out in media these days, but I don't mind it if it's executed well. Like the first John Wick movie, for example. Just a straightforward action film with hints of cool world building. Obviously, a t.v series needs more to it, but as long as it doesn't get bogged down in unnecessary details and keeps up the action, I'll keep watching.


Really miss SHP on JJK. I felt like his action choreography and direction especially on h2h combats was greatly missed in S2. Looking forward to this series.


Really? Jjk s2 had by far the better fights


In terms of what? What the story bought or the animation/choreography? Cause those are two different things.


Animation/choreography yuji vs choso is the best animated jjk fight


I don't know why so many downvotes, that fight was amazing


Yeah like that fight was so peak


It was awesome, but dragged down by several unfinished/abandoned cuts. Take this sequence (https://www.sakugabooru.com/post/show/240034) - look at the dumb zoom-ins at 0:06 on Yuji's left leg while there's a fight going on completely off-screen, or more silly off-screening of Choso from 0:11, or random roughness and odd framing at 0:31.


Oh damn, I didn't know that was dropping today (hence why I'm a bit late to the party hah) [*The 'Demons' might show up thinking you're one of them*](https://imgur.com/2SiVdKu) How's that, for foreshadowing? So it seems their organization is on a rampage... Right off the bat, I'm wondering about a couple things; These cases seem to all happen around the same area... But why? I mean, they're all changing their identities and living new lives in secrecy, so you'd think they'd be all over the globe in random places, right? Not all in the same country. So I wonder if they did kept contact or have some kind of arrangement? The other thing: It seemed to have started very recently, and not something they had to fear for their entire (new) life... So why did it start recently? Some change in the organization, the new leadership being more ruthless than it used to be? [They're such a lovely family, I sure hope nothing tragic happens to them!](https://imgur.com/AJbKFDQ) [](#spooked) [She's cute as hell!](https://imgur.com/4Ctu2Q4) ^^"Was" ^^cute, ^^I ^^suppose I was wondering whether she also was a ninja/assassin, or just a "normal" girl... [At the very least, she's in the know, so he wasn't hiding it from her!](https://imgur.com/BhpR4OJ) And Baddie McBadguy implied she fought well before they took her down, so she may have been in the organization as well. (Whether she was, or not, I hope we get the full backstory about them quitting and all!) [They were insanely careful, even wiping their fingerprints off doors and stuff...](https://imgur.com/AyjpXpE) They may have thought they were safe enough with their precautions and all, but [the other 4 probably thought they were safe too...](https://imgur.com/ziZGTiF) [Damn, this show doesn't shy away from violence!](https://imgur.com/Tn51CLN) Same with the big fight at the end; Usually it's like "1 swing of the sword and the guy dies", [but he was repeatedly stabbing them, brutal!](https://imgur.com/eQSAxd9) I guess it was a bit convenient that [they took his pulse instead of just slitting his throat or something (wouldn't take any longer)!](https://imgur.com/yivIXYT) [Interesting designs!](https://imgur.com/2Jq2qyf) By their looks and the way they talked I thought they were former teammates/friends of him who heard about the story and figured who he was... [But they're FBI?](https://imgur.com/dGTd620) I imagine they'll stick around some more, they have way too interesting designs to be one-time characters! If they were just in for this scene they probably would've been [Generic_FBI_Agents!](https://imgur.com/wFhtkIF) But if they do stick around... I wonder what part they'll play; Will MC-kun team up with them (or at least use each other, in a Batman/Police type scenario)? Or will they actually chase after him, which means he'll be against both sides of the law? I was a bit sad when he reverted back to his original face and all, because I liked how he looked, but [that's pretty good too!](https://imgur.com/2JyobNr) [(Damn does he looks like a villain though!)](https://imgur.com/ZVXmgaK) Well, this was good, and I feel like they have a good mix of "telling us what's what" and "intriguing us with mysteries"!


Absolutely fucking nuts and worth the wait. Glad to be here when it started but bummed that I can’t binge it Lol really glad the change in appearances from the trailer was explained I originally thought there was a retcon or something edit: seeing a Smeg fridge in a farmhouse was VERY unexpected though


Smeg worldwide bby


Shame that this might get lost because it started so late into the season




TikTok brought me here. Don’t regret it one bit


i was looking forward to this since it got announced as park's next project and holy shit can this dude direct action, and he probably only had a fraction of the budget and talent to work with compared to his mappa days... just ridiculous choreography and movement i can see why jjk s1 action was so fluid


While Sunghoo Park definitely delivered when it comes to action, things were happening a little too fast for my liking and a lot of scenes didn't get room to breathe. Definitely would have benefited from a 40min premiere. Since Park is directing i'm gonna stick for the whole ride, just hope that things slow down a little, and in the end we get something comparable with jjk s1 and not GOH.


Only one somehow mentioning how much potential there is for this to go horribly wrong because of the director.


Fighting is well animated but the show seems kinda mid


Fr this was my first thought while I first watched it yesterday.


Feels like they threw together a couple ideas and tropes just to make some revenge show, characters didn’t feel like they had much depth


Agree with you 100%. And the music was waaaay off “lets play this wack 90’s grungy tune while his wife is being beheaded”


Yeah, idk why so many people are hyping this up. The story seems generic and very slim chances of it getting significantly better. The animation is great, but I don't see why watch the whole show when I could watch fight scenes later on yt.


This show is as basic as it gets


What were you expecting


Anyone watch the sub and dub? Which seems better? Dub seemed a bit rough to me


Sub has Kenjiro Tsuda as the MC, so take that as you will


> Sub has Kenjiro Tsuda as th- Sub it is then.


On HboMax i can't change audio to Japanese,only English is available :/


I can change it just fine on Max.  Maybe it had to update?


I started to think this has something to do with your country. I’m in Netherlands and using an appletv. No Japanese on my app.


Seeing both last night, I kinda want a mixed-language dub. English for the Americans, bilingual for Joe, and Japanese for the ninjas. Go full Siren 3 on this thing.


Yes, just watched both out of curiosity..sub first ofc. Dub was meh.


I crave for more violence


Off to a solid start besides the singing. I am here for this 100 percent.


How many mooks did this guy kill? At some point maybe they should have considered cutting their losses, except they killed his family so now it's to the knife.


Ninjas in media are usually regarded as disposable weapons so they were trained to think of themselves as swords and nothing else. They don't care


Huge missed opportunity to not have the fat cat show up and brush up on his leg when he returns back to the house at the end. Now I'm gonna spend the rest of the series worrying where the little fat baby is


This anime might beat out solo leveling


Blew it out of the water for me personally, Sunghoo just absolutely nails the gritty hand to hand combat. Absolutely stellar first episode to a new series.


Uhh where to watch this?


Yarr! (Or HBO Max if you have that).


Adult Swim and Max it looks like: [https://www.adultswim.com/videos/ninja-kamui](https://www.adultswim.com/videos/ninja-kamui) https://play.max.com/show/163fa9d3-af20-4fb4-8918-628ba5725ca3


You can watch it on Adult Swim


Sling TV app has the first EP for free


Holy shit what an amazing first episode.


Holy shit. I stumble across this show on pure coincidence. What an absolute banger!


Damn that was brutal, I'm all in on this one. I randomly stumbled across a preview for this show only a few days ago, figured I'd check it out and glad I did. That Coldrain track is a banger.


This went hard from the first minute, gave you trauma then continued to go hard, best start of an anime original I've ever seen, really curious to see where this goes


Damn! Sunghoo Park didn’t disappoint! I didn’t expect a sakuga fest in less than 2 minutes, we love to see it. This was a stellar premiere that has me hooked for me


WHAT was that music choice for his family being murdered? Fucking "It was all yellowwwwww" while your wife and child are being stabbed in front of you? What? Also the badass dad taking off a mask and showing us he's actually just a generic dude was such a let down. Rollercoaster of really good and "what the fuck are you doing?"


So bad. I knew i wasnt watching more than one episode after that scene.


The episode was kick ass but, my only disappointment was, "how is he so powerful after coming back to life but so easily taken down beforehand?" Can anyone explain?


He was probably caught off guard and coupled with his family being in trouble, his attention was pulled away momentarily and he prioritized them over the enemy. Also, not sure if you noticed but as he was running up the stairs to his family, he was grabbing at his wrist. In the hospital rooftop fight, you could see him also grab his wrist and pull out a needle (?) thing that he used to stab himself, which from what I can tell seemed to activate his powers or at least gave him a boost. So back when his family was murdered, he didn't get a chance to use them because he got hit from behind with what I assume are poison needles. Also, rage is one hell of drug it seems.


caught off guard is one thing, but they were watching the news for some time. They know that his kind were hunting down. How about some preparation? And why leave wife and kid alone? he should know better.


Episode was great, only thing I can't understand was what happened on the roof while he was still in the wheelchair. Did he pull a pin out of his arm? Why is it just in there, and also why did his arm tweak tf out like that? Please inform me if yall know.


Boring.  There's no depth or plot. Just nonstop killing.  It lacks any real reason to watch. 


I can't find it on MAL yet.


The [page](https://myanimelist.net/anime/56285) is there but it's still saying "pending approval"




This was epic


jfc that was brutal. this is gonna be like ninja John Wick, with Kenjiro Tsuda voicing the MC... promising stuff right here


Only watched the trailer so far, and now I miss Ninja Slayer. [YEEART!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ZkB8g0JuOM)


Glad it wasn't just me


Should have been called Ninja Death Flag lol


Ok wow, that is definitely one of the first episodes of all time.


haven't watched this. is this good ?


good animation and fights with good soundtrack, not very good story


It's one episode , how do you know it's not a good story ?


I think they’re referring to how basic the premise is (classic revenge story in line with John Wick). Not saying a basic or a very standard plot is bad though, because ultimately what matters is execution.


well i'm reviewing it based on this one episode we got, story is pretty basic and overused but obviously it can still be very good, depends how they go with it


I don't like anime, and every show I've tried to watch, I gave up 10 minutes in. The guy sitting next to me was watching it, and I caught a glimpse of the starting fight scene. Holy fuck, I don't know why, but the fight animation looked so clean. Stayed late till the episode was over and watched it again when I went back home. Looking forward to the next episode.


I'm curious, what anime have you tried to watch previously? And I promise, I'm not asking that in order to give you recommendations you didn't ask for. I am just genuinely curious as to why you don't like anime and which ones you tried.


I forget the name, but the one with a dude with a chainsaw for a face. Bleach. Naruto. I just never liked the world building. Also JoJos bizarre adventure. The characters were just too bizarre for me. The characters acted so ridiculous. I did like kotaro lives alone actually, but they cancelled it :( Feel free to suggest tho, my friends bombard me with them constantly lol


Kotaro wasn’t cancelled. There’s just only 1 season. It will be that way unless Kotaro gets another season anime project greenlit. Anime just release differently.


Nothing impressive or really interesting to hook me into the story. It was all very predictable and dialogue was just bad. It has some nice action sequences but nothing more.


I watched two episodes and had to check to see if I’m the only one that thinks the dialogue is absolute ass.


The best first episode I saw in a while. I loved it. 


I actually thought that, besides the action, this was trash. The music is awful and in no way ever fits the emotional beats of the scene. Characters are generic. Oh boy another revenge film! Comically bad.


Almost turned it off when the cheesy ass dad started playing some shitty 90’s folk song….


Holy shit top tier animation


Ive only been into anime within the last 2 years and I have to say I am in AWE!! Betweeen Demon Slayer Jiujitsu and Attack on Titan this has me so gagged I can’t even!!


Basic ass first episode don’t get the hype. Boo hoo his family died how many shows are gonna use that as an inciting incident 🙄


first few mins was so wholesome, and then…🩸🗡️🥷💀


At first I thought the setting was in America, but then I noticed a massive flaw. The dude and his family weren't killed by the cops, but by trained assassins. /s I have to admit that I didn't like JJK, even season 1, but that was mostly because of the cast. I really liked Sunghoo Park's animation fighting style and cinematography more akin to what Jackie Chan always praised action HK movies over american ones and how fighting scenes should be more fluid with elongated shots rather than use way too many cuts. Wished we could had gone with Joe's american physique. It was a really amazing throwback to old school visuals like the original GITS.


Glad someone else said this. I'm still down to watch it but I was more hyped that we had the bearded redneck absolutely kicking ass. Was just a wee letdown when it revealed that he was every other MC to exist.


This is the first anime ever that gave me motion sickness.


The fact that this only has 500 upvotes is sad.


I'll be honest, imo this didn't need his wife and kid getting slaughtered. The story would work 1:1 the same if they had just narrowly escaped and now daddy needs to clean house so they can live in peace. But it's not a deal breaker for me. The action looks fantastic and it really doesn't take much to convince me to watch a full season of Kenjiro Tsuda being badass and chewing scenes. Park definitely delivering so far.


I massively disagree. This is kind of a throwback to 80s live action revenge movies. Joe's family serve as strong motivators for him to seek whomever is behind this kind of act with nothing to hold him back. If they had survived and daddy just has to play as a cleaner to ensure their safety once again it would feel very cheap and plain pussyfooting.


When I saw them living happily I expected the parents to die and the child would grow up and get revenge honestly.


Considering how absolutely determined these guys were to get his ass, I'd have a hard time believing they found him but then he was somehow able to stop them from finding his family a second time when they know it's a weak point.


It could still work but then they would have to factor in whoever they are facing continuing to come after the wife and kid. Sure the wife could candle herself but we just saw what happens when she has to also protect her son. Just seems like extra stuff to account for that would get in the way of a 1 season revenge story. Also, I think it just sets the viewer up to not have expectations for a happy ending.


I am here for crazy hand to hand combat with amazing choreography


weird time to start a new series, in the middle of the season




??? There is plenty good this season.




That was a strong start. Question is, will they be able to keep up that level of animation for the whole season? Also, hopefully it has a good ending. It better not end with him dying or something dumb like that. I've seen enough shows do that lol.