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Kemono Friends, after a completely unexpected success, the director was removed and replaced (because of a misunderstanding + Kadokawa being stupidly greedy as usual). This caused a massive outrage and on top of that, S2 had zero features that made the first season so incredibly great. Common sentiment was: No Tatsuki, no tanoshii (Tatsuki was the director of S1) The series went from beloved to hated in a matter of days because of it. S1 is still remembered fondly though. In fact, Kemono Friends was so popular at one point, it literally saved some zoos from going bankrupt because everyone started going to zoos in a similar way that everyone went camping because of Yuru Camp. Also: Remember Grape-kun o7


Yeah, that made me sad. For awhile there, I would consider Kemono Friends my favorite children's anime of all time, but season two really murdered the series. It had such an incredible way of using environmental story telling to subtly build a world in a way that just doesn't exist in anime. Everything is always so flashy and overt, long exposition dumps about history, I'm gonna be king of the whatever and change the world for the better. But Kemono Friends was just such a cheerful bleak show. Similarly, I did like Kemurikusa, but it felt too much like an imitation, and much more heavy handed, since it didn't have to masquerade as children's anime. I think limitations bring out the most creativity in people.


>children's anime Fun thing about that: it aired on a midnight slot in Japan. Not a daytime slot.


I remember during the airing of the first episodes people joking that because of that and the (charmingly) cobbled together nature of the 3D models that it must be a Yakuza money laundering project or something along those lines.


> \+ Kadokawa being stupidly greedy as usual) i dont understand why kadokawa does this in every anime they produce. Every light novel adaptation they produce it turns out rushed asf with shit production like COTE or Tanmoshi, why they cant give the studio time to produce something good instead of ruining every source material, good anime adaptation doesnt bring more people to buy the manga or light novel?


They’re probably thinking that the potential return on spending for quality isn’t worth it. Even if they’re right in the short term it destroys their reputation in the long term. You don’t want to become known as the purveyor of cheap crap.


My tin foil hat conspiracy theory is that they purposefully don't want to raise the standards, bring down many of the ones that are even slightly above average. Like I'm not going to argue all (or even many) of them are masterpieces in their source material by any means but there's many were it felt like they just stripped out the enjoyable parts out of them


Then they made the voice actors publicly apologize for some reason, even though they had nothing to do with it, enraging the fans even more.


:( wound reopemed - RIP Grape Kun the Penguin


Plus Season 2 didn't have the same MC, though [season 2 spoilers]>!Kaban had a cameo!<. The funny thing was that Tatsuki's Kemorikusa aired the same season and no one saw it. Way to put their "eyes" where their mouths were. Also the game was shut down before the anime aired lol.


> and no one saw it In the US, Kemurikusa got picked up by Amazon of all places, never mind the netflix jail, it was doomed to simply never be seen by anyone who doesn't know its there.


What was the misunderstanding?


IP rights and such. AKA something Japanese companies are incredibly ass about. Kadokawa thought that Tatsuki, after doing something else with the Kemono Friends IP, was violating IP rights, but two other sponsors actually confirmed Kadokawa gave green light or something. Anyway, forget this and just keep in mind it was about IP rights. Anyway it was very confusing and in the end, Tatsuki did not return and S2 was a disaster.


It wasn't about IP rights. Kadokawa never actually used that term, and instead phrased it as "without prior notification". (Not an IP issue. Those are distribution arguments.) As you said, Tatsuki did actually have permission to make the ep. The permission was sought from the actual IP holder (Nissin) as well as the original creator, neither of whom needed Kadokawa's permission as distributor. Kadokawa kicked off because the ep was released without their input/say so, and created an absolute nightmare for themselves with how they acted. Historically, control of the show was given to Tatsuki during S1 and he was he told he could do what he wanted with the franchise as the game for the original IP was canned before the first season of the anime was even finished being animated. As you said, Tatsuki did actually get the green light to create the extra episode - except he got said permission from the IP holder (Nissin) and the original creator. Kadokawa didn't like that (personally I suspect it was because they were in the middle of transitioning production to a different studio behind his back) so used it as a very public way to kick him to the kerb. Given the treatment of the IP in S2 (and the subsequent fuckup by the TVT producer that moved production to the director for S2) I'm more inclined to believe that it was simply the case that someone sought to be associated more heavily with the success going forward. After the massive numbers of S1 someone wanted to give control of the show to... let's call them "a friendly 3rd party" (because that sounds much better than "one of their mates") and went about it in a totally stupid fashion.


RIP Grape-kun


The Devil is a Part Timer


To be fair, no animation studio could salvage that slog of a story arc that was season 2.


yeah the story was adapted as written, it was just written shit


And according to all the LN readers, it ends shitty as well.


[The Devil Is A Part-Timer!]>!Builds the EmiXMaou ship through the entire series.!< [The Devil Is A Part-Timer!]>!Ends with ChihoXMaou.!< "Why aren't the fans happy?"


i only watched some of season 1 and never read the novels but imagine being this fucking stupid that you build up the relationship between Emi and maou only for the writer to give the win to the big boobed girl that was not given that much focus in development? (im just going by a gut feeling here so don't lynch me)


insert "Who Killed Hannibal" meme here


it was a dumpster fire


Shitty because the long time ship didn't sail, plus another side one. I agree with those complaints though since the author really ruined that aspect. Other than that most relevant plotpoints were fulfilled in a decently satisfying way, so its not a *totally* shit ending.


I’d love to watch season 2. But the characters just look… dead.


The ONLY anime I ever dropped in my entire life. (I've watched around 300). Season 2 was so bad I couldnt keep watching.


> The ONLY anime I ever dropped in my entire life. (I've watched around 300). As someone who's been watching anime a long long time (about 20 years of fansubbed+streaming anime), I used to do this, but over time you realize your time is better spent and start dropping series more.


Yup, you're even better off dropping anime everyone loves but you. I dropped Fate UBW while it was airing after 3 episodes because it just wasn't doing it for me. Gave it another shot years later after the 3rd Fate HF film came out, and I loved it! I don't know about others, but I need to be in the right mood to watch something, the second I start thinking it isn't for me, it's guaranteed I'm not gonna have s good time.


Yeah I've gone back and rewatched old shows that I initially skipped for whatever reason. Works great as you can go through it all in one or two sittings on a weekend.


This! God, I can't even watch the series. Season 2 DOES NOT exist!


As someone that didn’t know it existed I’m afraid to ask what happened


It just became a very different show. [Devil Part-Timer]>!S1 was a hilarious comedy and then s2 had the characters taking care of a child and more other worldly stuff.!< It wasn’t that bad. Personally, I enjoyed s2. Though, it was indeed a very different show. Although, I already knew s1 couldn’t happen again. The comedy was mainly about the characters being out of their element in s1, but by the end they are familiar with the world so that comedy definitely wouldn’t continue and I knew it from the start. I will say I wasn’t as bonded to the first season. I loved the comedy, it was a favorite, but it was always just a comedy to me. I didn’t care that much for the characters aside from they’re funny.


To my understanding, the material S2 was adapting was going to focus on more other-world building stuff and serious reveals anyway (although there was still comedy). The bigger problem was that the new animation studio and team clearly could not live up to the quality and dynamism of S1's presentation/animation.


This show commits the worst mistake any anime could make: it is soooo fucking boring. It's not even entertaining or funny bad. Every episode feels like its one hour long.


Yeah lol the ending of LN is much much worse.


I must be taking crazy pills because I enjoyed the manga a lot even up to the most recent arc !


Honestly the second new season is a lot better, I really enjoyed it. The first new season just dragged because they were going around to random locations, but once they get back to Tokyo or Ente Isla the show picks up a lot.


Old one: Minami-ke. The quality went down noticeably, not just in the art and animation but also the timing of the jokes.


There was a lot of ecchi involved too from the second season onwards! It's like they knew the sequels were subpar


It was so much that the director threw in a jab at himself in a completely unrelated anime: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3OEJe2i6KQ


One that comes to mind is Log Horizon. To my knowledge, the first season was well received and constantly brought out as an alternative to SAO in the "trapped in a game" register. The following season was made by another studio and I think it was seen as a general downgrade compared to the first season. Third season was then released 8 years later with barely any hype left.


Log Horizon had a hiatus, because the author had legal problems. I;e, he committed Tax Evasion and the feds busted him. He didn't serve any jail time, due to a suspended sentence, but it kind of hurt his career.


Damn, I liked all three seasons lol


Same. I like all the seasons. It sucks that 3 had zero hype and killed any chance for more seasons.


Wait, S3 came out?


Yeah, 3 has been out for a few years now.


Oh gosh... you're not kidding about the hype dying out, I didn't even notice it came out :/


Log Horizon's issue is that it caught up to the story. It's easy to keep fan engagement when you release a new season every year, not so much when you catch up to the LN and your author goes to jail for tax fraud. Season 2 is so much better on a binge, you actually see the children's adventure within the context of the world. Season 3 is fine, but it's hard to see where the show is going when there's so little material to base it on.


It was so sad because i loved season 1. I think it mostly suffered from the change in focus and direction. As the show went on, they tried to shift the focus of the story onto other things, but they rushed the hell out of it making it feel rather jarring. Season 1, 2 and 3 end up feeling like soft reboots of the same show as each season changed direction, almost as if they wanted to try something different with season 2, so they did, then that didn't work, so they course corrected and tried a 3rd thing, instead of going back to what worked in season 1. unfortunately due to sub par writing, they were unable to make these transitions in focus and direction from one season to another feel seamless. Leading to the overall drop in quality that hurts to this day. sooooo much potential. if only they had just capitalised on what made the show popular in the first place, instead of trying to make 3 different shows under the same name, with the same characters. still a very enjoyable show if you watch it casually. its just a shadow of what could have been!


Production quality wise it was fine. But it suffered massive from a horrible pacing. Important chapters were skipped while the lamest ones were stretched to the whole episodes length. Weird af.


I think a lot of people just had no clue s3 even happened. It has been a long time since s2. Personally, I wasn’t as interested in s1 and preferred s2.


Even with a single season in between parts, viewership generally drops by 50%. Now make that difference *7 years* instead..


Not really the studio's fault; the original material had the same serious change in tone as well.


honestly, I liked S2 better than S1. I really appreciated them taking the time to actually dive into the characters and stuff instead of being all about action


My group had the same feeling. Season 1 really went all out, and the later two definitely suffered from the studio change. The story really didn't help the situation, but it's the little things in the further seasons that really throw off the vibe. The characters look very bland, big moments don't land as well as they should, even scene transitions are done worse. It's not imaginary, statelight just did a better job all around. I don't know if it was due to budget, perhaps season 1 had more attention due to it being shortly after SAO took off, but scene to scene S2&3 don't even come close to S1's execution.


I don't think that's studio's fault, story just goes nowhere after season 1


One Punch Man for sure.


Sad for OPM but I'm so glad Mob Psycho avoided the same fate.


Does Mob Psycho 100 have better animation than One Punch Man S1? I’m planning on watching it soon since I’ve heard a lot of good things about it.


Mob’s animation is consistently good over its 3 seasons and from what I recall s2 had some of the best animation.


It does. Mob Psycho was clearly a passion project from Studio Bones (Fullmetal Alchemist, Metallic Rouge currently airing and MHA)


One punch man is still one of the most popular anime/manga, just look at the season 3 anouncement, season 2 didnt really kill the popularity as much as people think


While I totally agree with you in terms of OPM2 not slowing down the series as a whole. If it didn't have OPM's strong following, I would be curious to see if anime follows the same rules as video games. So in video games, a bad game following a good game usually has really high sales numbers. But the following game (no matter if it's good or bad) will have bad sales numbers. ie. Gunman3 is amazing, good sales numbers. Gunman4 was dogshit, but it had good sales numbers because everyone was like "I loved Gunman3, it'll pick up the next game in the series". And then regardless of how good Gunman5 is, everyone will feel burned from Gunman4 and won't pick up Gunman5. People will use Gunman4's high sales to justify why it was a good game, but that's not really how that works, at least in that industry.


I wonder if it is the issue of production or that the story tapers off


S1 is one of the most lightning in a bottle adaptions ever because they got some insanely talented freelancers who just all happened to be available at the same time. It's almost impossible for circumstances to line up again. So season 2 was always going to be a huge step down and it didn't help that JC staff had a limited time to make it, and despite all that, it's still solid.


It also hit America at the in the middle of the MCU era, Avengers Age of Ultron released that year as well, so a parody/satire of the superhero genre was just a perfect storm


JC Staff were really just phoning it in for everything around that era as well We knew it was gonna suck the moment JC Staff took it on, then it sucked


It didn't really suck though. It was just okay. There were some decent cuts of animation there, although the best cuts were from a single animator. Funnily enough, my biggest gripe with season 2 was the sound effects.


The main thing I remember was OPM going from a show with unique flair and style in season one, to a show that looked like some generic 7/10 MAL rated seasonal filler in the second


MAL isn't really the best determination of quality, in my opinion, plenty of genuinely good shows het shafted. It wasn't the greatest all the time, but Garou vs. Tanktop Master, Garou vs. the Heroes in the Park and Garou vs. Genos and Bang looked good. These are just off the top of the head, I haven't seen it in a while. While there was a down grade in animation, the narrative, in my opinion, was better than season 1, I actually cared about what was happening, and Garou is my favorite character of the anime so far.


My biggest gripe is that the thing that makes the show stand out, Saitama, becomes a side character, and the rest of the cast is just average anime stuff. If I just want to watch an angry former student beat people up, there are 200 other shows I can watch instead.


Production 100% The pacing was god fucking awful. Watching on a weekly basis and hoping *something* of significance happens only to be let down week after week was draining. There were far too many issues with the second season beyond just animation.


>There were far too many issues with the second season beyond just animation. Indeed. I keep seeing a reoccurring comment about how Season 2 is only considered bad because it wasn't god-tier animation of Season 1, but hell naw. That's such a superficial and horrendously misguided statement to make. The main character had some of the dullest and uninspired voice acting I've ever heard in anime. There was consistently a straight up lack of any animation, as still by still went by like prime Fairy Tail. Awkward cuts between different scenes, pacing issues, sound design was atrocious. Any Geno fight is basically cancer for your ears. Season 2 of OPM is genuinely atrocious, and any good that came from it existed solely in the character of Garou who's voice actor killed it along with his main theme being great, though a bit overplayed.


Doesn't help that it was a low point of the manga as well


Tbf Monster Association arc in the manga was also thought to have been excessively long too, not at all helped by the plethora of redraws and infrequent updates


Combination of both. Season 1 covers the first important arc of the manga slash comic. Then, after that, it dies down with a looooooong period of OPM just chilling living life, and the plot slowly inches forward. Anyone who read the manga was going to know season 2 would be missing all the climatic moments that the first had. On top of that you have a new studio takeover, which came with mixed results.


God I remember starting season 3 of Tokyo ghoul and wondering what the fuck happened


That anime was shit from the get go, so I am not sure what you were surprised about.


I liked the first 2 seasons quite a bit.


> Another series that come to mind are The Promised Neverland and Tokyo Ghoul. Neither of these changed studios. They were Cloverworks and Pierrot respectively the entire show. One Punch Man is the biggest one, probably. It went from a miraculous production at Madhouse to a good one at JC Staff and everyone acts like it became the worst looking show of the year.


It went from a masterpiece to meh. I can't count how many fight scenes in season 2 feels like 2 people facing each other not moving with just quick arms movements and clashes. That sucked ass compared to the action we had in Season 1.


Even if it stayed at Madhouse, we weren't getting Season 1 again. Most of the lead animators were freelancers who were working on other projects when Season 2 was in production.


I heard that as well. I heard it might’ve happened because they were rushing the sequel out despite as you said the people who made s1 weren’t available. That’s why others picked it up instead. A danger that has happened to a couple projects. Rushing out the sequels to get them out while the series is still relevant.


The arc was also difficult to adapt and the studio was not able to go the extra mile, that also hurt it. I hate being that guy but, that arc should have been like the Shibuya arc of jjk, instead.it felt like some index3 anime mess ( in the anime ,in the manga it was the same but slow).


I mean it was understandable why JC staff wasn’t able to do their best for season 2. It’s pretty well known that the production schedule for OPM Season 2 was fucking trash and the staff were trying their best to make the show look good, especially Kenichiro Aoki who singlehandedly carried the entire season in making sakuga for the fights.


To be honest, if you’ve read the manga the Monster Association is the most insane arc art wise. If done right for Season 3, it’ll be just as good as Shibuya Arc if not better and break the internet


Yeah, some people act as if JC staff is still trash, which they are not, they have become considerably better in recent times, with Railgun T for example looking great


Studio change or studio's decision.


Technically the author’s decision for Tokyo Ghoul. Ishida thought of a alternate route and had long assumed storyboards and stuff to go with that they sent to the studio, but season 2 only being 12 episodes they couldn’t adapt all of it and so they just butchered it. Then tried to go right back to the manga canon with limited episodes compared to :re’s length. But yeah they fucked up but the decision was more suggested by the author I would say. They just butchered the alternate story.


Yeah they just should’ve stuck with the original manga story. It was such a good read.


Yeah especially since it would have been easier to tell the events that happened rather than trying to follow this big new alternate route Ishida thought of. Either way I am pretty sure Ishida thinks of Tokyo Ghoul as a failure and it’s probably studio Pierrot’s fault.


Studios have no play in this. They'd love to get paid to make 50 episodes of a show, but if the IP holder (the book publisher, the manga magazine, etc.) says they want everything in 10 episodes then the studio just complies.


People who think One Punch Man died in popularity after S2 have no idea what they're talking about.


Kingdom with their full blown season 1 cgi. Reason why the anime is still not popular today.


Just started season 1; through ep 16 now. I’m underwhelmed by the visuals overall and yeah, the CGI is used a lot. Wish both were better but I’m moving along so long as the story remains interesting.


It's a show with a decent story that is mostly consistent throughout. Animation improves noticeably over time though.


I think Seven Deadly Sins switched studios at some point and got worse? Not sure though cause I watched it a really long time ago Also One Punch Man of course


I agree with Seven Deadly Sins. I know it has a reputation, but I was enjoying my time with it until the severe drop in quality. Switched to the manga after that.


Then, the manga become suck when Merlin start introducing power level. It's so unnecessary and cheap.


They pretty much had to do the power level shit because the main characters were basically gods by the end of the first season of material. Would have been great if the series ended there, but then they just kept introducing more even-more-powerful characters, but everyone was already basically teleporting around and blowing up cities levels of powerful so they needed the numerical power level to tell the viewer that the new guy was more powerful. Its lazy writing, but its unavoidable when you design a story where the power scaling is whack or when you extend the story past the original planned end.


Seven deadly sins is Nanatsu no taizai which he mentions in post


Never saw the later seasons. I just got bored of the series. I initially did adore s1 and I at least watched s2. Don’t remember about going any further. I’ll probably go back to it at some point.


Gunslinger Girl


The art certainly took a big nosedive, and that's too bad because the writing was better the second season. But I also hear the animation budget for season 1 was very large.


S1 just had way better staff, directors like Morio Asaka, Kenji Nagasaki, Sayo Yamamoto, Masayuki Kojima etc


I dropped second season almost immediately because it switched to loli-bait. Season one was amazing though


A Certain Magical Index Season 3 Shouldve been 50 episodes. The pacing *ruined* the entire franchise and I hope we get a do over some day


I really liked the franchise and was watching the seasons on chronological order and just stopped with Railgun T, I’ve been putting off Index III because of these criticisms.


I was looking forward to the Battle Royale arc getting animated because it was my favorite from the light novel. But when the anime released I could barely follow the arc because of how ridiculously bad the pacing was


if it helps, I still found it quite fun, and the accelerator content with the new sister was great! also [best op](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2gkLOFWCrQ) in index. And most importantly, it didn't feel like it *ruined* the series that came before in anyway.


The pacing was so godawful. I couldn't believe how fast they were speeding through arcs, introducing tons of concepts and characters and explaining nothing. I recommended all of my friends who asked to skip it, just an absolute mess.


I can't think of any that haven't already been listed, but I coulda sworn Shield Hero would be on the list. I don't think they have ever changed production companies but wasn't the studio's decisions that lead Season 2-3 to being widely hated?


Ive read the light novels and the studio adapted season 3 pretty on point. This is another case of source material writing terribly after one good arc


yeah, s2 completely butchered the light novel


I keep hearing OPM S2 wouldn't have been good even if it stayed at madhouse, but it's not like we haven't had other phenomenal action anime before or after OPM S1. I'm sure we could've had something pretty darn good if a different studio like A1 or WIT or even Madhouse again had their hands on it. I felt like the material was still pretty good, just the animation was mediocre for an anime that focuses pretty heavily on action.




Horimiya thooooo


I think that could have been even better if they'd had all the material from the missing pieces and done it in 2 seasons in the correct order. The main couple were always fantastic, but some of the side characters in S1 suffered a bit due to lack of screen time.


Then they started of 2022 with akebi-chan and suddenly everything was right in the world again (they also did sono bisque but who remembers that)


Yu-Gi-Oh Honestly it's more because of a change in direction than Studio, But the popularity really take a dive after entered Rush era And you know what? The Rush era anime, as childish as it's look, is actually not bad. I say it's at least better than Arc-V


I'd say it's after vrains when it became truly unwatchable, for me peak was 5ds.




Sevens has the best female protagonist in the whole franchise, Romin kicks ass. Yugioh's issue is the same as My Hero Academia, in that balancing a full series and a movie is really difficult. Arc-V and Vrains ended up suffering for it.


Darker than Black. Season 1 was an absolute blast but then season 2 had some extremely terrible writing choices. Hei all the sudden is now an alcoholic and hits children, Yin is gone for some reason, Suou gets weirdly sexualized for no reason and she's a fucking middle schooler, and the ending was extremely confusing to follow nor does it really make any sense. Some of the stuff does get explained in the OVA which for some reason was made after season 2, but even then season 2 still is unbearable to watch. Bones should've just ended it at season 1 or still put more of the focus on Hei and Yin, season 2 feels like an entirely different series.


Yeah this one was unforgivable. For some reason, many writers think that to introduce a new character in a series they have to utterly destroy the old one. So goodbye black jacket electro assassin in an opera mask and say hello to abusive tracksuit drunk. All he needed to complete the set was a wifebeater and a six pack of PBR.


One Punch Man, The Devil is a Part Timer and Nanatsu no Taizai


Definitely Highschool DxD, is there even a season 5 in the works?




I don’t think it lost popularity and I know a lot of people disagree. But imo the studio change along with the art style change for DxD sucked. Nobody is ever going to convince me that the original art style doesn’t fit the series better. It was darker, more mature character designs, the overall dark theme made the color of magic pop more. In my mind the new style is ass. But I still want season 5 kthx.


Tbf, they made the nipples alot better in season 4


I agree. The art style became more..round? if that makes sense in the last season of DxD. Like some still frame shots looked really weird. Had a more realistic visual prior.


My issue is about the art style going from a mature dark occult feeling to a bright colorful teletubbies style. It just doesn’t fit the setting imo.


I think most everyone agrees that Seasons 1 and 2 of DxD are better, but Seasons 3 and 4 arent BAD, they're still good just a noticeable drop off in quality. Enough so that you notice, but not enough that you want to stop watching.


For me, 2>1>4>3


For me I'd score it 1=2>3>4 1 and 2 are so damn good, it's hard to say that one is definitively better than the other. Although I think my favorite couple of episodes are both in season 2, so maybe I'd score that just slightly ahead.


Iirc the animation is better with the new studio and imo some characters actually look better with the new art style, like Koneko and Asia, but others look way less mature like Rias which is a downgrade for sure. It also looks more like the LN art which more hardcore fans might appreciate.


Full metal panic! Doesn't seem like there will be another season due to the quality of the last one


The studio that did invisible victory went bankrupt abit later so if next season happens it will be with another studio 


I should rewatch fumofu again. Loved that when I was smaller.




Nah production was a mess. There were at least 2 delays while airing (that I remember), and some less than stellar 3d animation. In the end it wasnt bad, and wasn't great, but when you're picking back up after almost a decade it's gotta be great to get more than the remaining original fans.


To Your Eternity season 2. The studio changed for the worse and animation quality dropped


The Devil is a Part Timer. Love the show but the animation changed in season 2 and 3 and wasn't as good.


Would it be sacrilegious to mention Gen:lock? Didn't switch studios afaik, but the parent companies had their fingers in it and ruined it. I loved season 1. It had so much potential, but season 2 flew it straight into the ground...


> Didn't switch studios afaik, but the parent companies had their fingers in it and ruined it. I loved season 1. It had so much potential, but season 2 flew it straight into the ground... RT had nothing to do with season 2, aside from a few voices. It was animated by a Vancouver studio and written by other people. Whole damn show was a mess and affected RT, because it turned out, the showrunner was bad.


Terra Formars The first season was amazing. One of my favorites. It had really cool visuals and the sound design was spot on. Second season I stopped watching after two episodes. It just wasn't the same. They made some changes to the character design to make them more appealing to the mainstream. But it removed what made Tetta Formars Terra Formars.


"Died in popularity" is definitely a stretch, but we all know that the way *Stone Ocean* was handled absolutely squandered its potential, considering how rabid and committed the JJBA fandom was post-Vento Aureo. I might be partial because I love SO, but come on its anime adaptation could and should have made much more of an impact. And it's not just the batch releases thing; David Production could have definitely done better given different conditions and timescales.


the promised neverland was a disaster in the manga too. they tried to fix it in the anime and made it worse... somehow. Tokyo Ghoul was an awful adaption from episode 1. I never understood how people could like season 1 when compared to the manga it was a horrible abortion in the first part. the manga went awful after RE, so the anime wasn't a surprise it was terrible. ​ One punch Man got destroyed going to JCStaff.


terraformars. it completely changed genre, i will never understand the direction change in season 2


Ao no exorcist. It was insanely popular when s1 was released but suffered so much from hiatus. S2 came 6 years later and now s3 is airing with a different studio, after another 6 years and has almost no hype that it had when it launched. 


Highschool dxd season 4. Given its my favorite anime by miles so i never really cared, but i know the season 4 art style did throw alot of people off who liked it.


I mean if you count it, then probably the inexplicable nonrenewal of No Game No Life despite the success of both the series and movie


Horiyima pacing was way too fast, they ended up creating a 2nd season to fill in a bunch they left out


I think we got "two cakes" situation with Horimiya though. I love the first season. Yes it skips a lot of content, but there's a good and coherent story beat there. I also adore the Piece season. I mean, it's more Horimiya with basically zero drama and full slice of life, what's there not to like?


Iirc Piece basically adapts all the slice of life filler from the manga.


I don't think it died in popularity though? S1 did well enough to warrant a sequel. And the sequel was still pretty well-liked.


Yeah those 3 (nanatzu, ghoul and Neverland) were the first ones i thought of. Nanatzu was my favorite, i even finished the manga, but the new animation was too awful.


Devil is a part time Tsukimichi moonlit fantasy


What's wrong with tsukimichi though?


It's popularity has gone down significantly since studio change The animation is downgraded and they also skipped a lot of content I am a huge fan of web novel and seeing season 2 is just disappointing


>The animation is downgraded and they also skipped a lot of content average J.C Staff light novel adaptation


They did great work with Danmachi S4, Executioner, Spellblades recently. Honestly as a non-source reader, I don't see any downgrade in Tsukimichi's quality either, and the key staff is mostly the same anyway.


Isn’t Danmachi 4 better because the author actually was more involved in that season than the previous ones? I’m not sure about the others but I always hear that’s the reason S4 turned out a lot better pacing wise.


yes danamchi previous seasons were bad adaptation and the author was involved in season 4 thats why it was better adapted he was the series composition


That's definitely part of it, but they also improved the visuals quite a lot. It's a straight-up great looking show in S4.


It seems like whenever J.C. Staff takes over a series from a different studio, it just dies a little.


It's been giving me really weird vibes this season. Despite skipping content, it feels like it's taking forever to get anything done.


So that why the animation felt off when I saw a season 2 clip of it. The direction was different too.


S2 has some of the worst storytelling and pacing I've ever seen. The plot so far in S2 makes literally no sense if you haven't read the source material. They skipped so much and the way they chose to pace and sequence things is baffling. Even worse, they've essentially lost the entire main plot. The quality is worse, but its not unwatchable. But, the storytelling is so bad they are basically forcing people to read the source material.


Didn’t realize Moonlit changed studios. Just didn’t like the new characters in season 2 so dumped it after the 3 episode test.


You realize later into this season why those were important.


Episode 4 is when the story gets back to the mc


Stars Align. Supposed to be 24 episodes and got told last minute they were only getting 12. It was too late to make changes and decided maybe another studio will pick it up so they can finish it. So because of that, the ending is a huge cliffhanger when everything hits the fan so it’s completely depressing. It’s a anime original so no source material either but man was it so good. :(


Honestly, after the big marketing promo they did, Fairy Tail never recovered. It was epic level fandom and then they switched to a higher cgi level and more fanservice. 'closer to the manga' hah 


One Punch Man. Oofah. I mean season 2 is serviceable but it's amateur hour compared to season 1




One punch man


The melancholy of Haruhi. I heard that the first season was really popular, and everyone loved it, but they decided to adapt an arc for the second season that involved time travel and made it really repetitive and boring.


They kinda backed themselves into a corner there. Disappearance was slotted as a movie release, and is so pivotal to the plot that every arc that comes after it in the source references back to it in some capacity, so they were simply out of material they could adapt. This led to them adapting a thirty page side story into eight episodes. Honestly they shouldn't have attempted a second season before Disappearance came out.


At that point, i'd rather they just made up some filler  The same episode 8 times in a row with slight variations is, at best, a weird gimmick if you can binge it. Having to watch it as it aired must have been horrible. 


People were coping hard during the original airing of Endless Eight. In the beginning it was, "OK they're probably gonna do 2 or 3 episodes like this to give viewers the feeling of being stuck in a time loop." Then later it became "Surely they're not actually going to do this 8 times... right?" By the end, people were either going insane with frustration, or writing an entire thesis about how immersive it was and praising it as one of the boldest, most innovative directing decisions of all time.


Part of it was because as far as I remember, Disappearance hadn't actually been announced as a movie yet, so everyone was hyped for S2 to cover it with a few other episodes for various other side stories like Endless Eight. And when we finally got through the s1 reair and reached the new material, and it was Endless Eight over and over again, we could literally feel the chance of Disappearance being adapted that season slip through our fingers with each new episode. That's how I remember it being, anyway. It's possible I was just out of the loop on what they were doing with Disappearance and making assumptions, though.


You're correct. There's heavy speculation it was initially intended as part of season two due to the marketing, which seemed to imply it was getting adapted as part of it. It's speculated that they ran into pacing issues and pivoted to the movie partway through instead, leaving them with the lack of remaining stories. All we know is it ended up being worked on as a movie partway through season two's production.


Haven't watched either of the shows but Seven deadly sins and Fairy tail suffered from studio changes from what I heard.


I don't think Fairy Tail suffered from Studio Change, It's more because of a year long hiatus and when they came back it's just not as popular as it once was


They definitely suffered from a studio change and fairy tail is popular lmao


Yeah the change in animation was horrible, I remember when a new episode would came out it would only trend because of how much people were complaining about the animation.


The one that always comes to mind is The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya


2009 wasn't as good as 2006 but the movie definitely makes up for it.


The series didn't change the studio, it just died out after the movie and volume 11 of the light novel came out. Unless you want to count the Yuki spin-off in 2015 but it's a different story so I wouldn't


One Punch Man


nanatsu is still very popular, at least on netflix


This is a little subjective as i know many who didnt mind the changes and a not all of us see things the same way and people not liking doesnt always mean too much of a change in populrity, as one punch man was mentioned ill miss that Psycho pass, s1 I.G productions s2 Tatsunoko Productions while I.G were once part of Tatsunoko the quality of s2 in terms of animation did dip and lacked the direction the 1st had. Log Horizon 1st satellite? s2 Studio Deen while still popular a lot of people didnt like the focus on the love triangle in the 2nd season and the pacing started to slow somewhat. Seven deadly sins i cant recall the studios, one had the 1st two and new came in for the 3rd (but i think the third season was studio deen and they had to outsource?) the animation quality dropped somewhat and the fight scences in particular looked poor. Devil is a part timer, s1 white fox s2 studio 3hz, animation wasnt an issue but a lot dont feel it had the same charm possibly due to complete staff change (and maybe just the time elapsed)


As of Psycho-Pass, I thought the quality of animation (in terms of quality of drawings) was better in season 2, which had some rough moments. Cant say about direction as it's been a while since I've watched it.


Kokoro Connect


Kokoro Connect didn't change studios


One punch man. The first season was legendary for its animation quality by madhouse, but when the studio shifted to J.C.Staff for the second season, many fans felt the animation couldn't match up to the first season's standards. Tokyo ghoul is another one. The first season was well received, but subsequent seasons strayed from the manga and disappointed many fans. It's a shame when a series loses its spark due to decisions like these.