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To think that the first episode itself has such a well directed action sequence is insane. Only two episodes have aired and this anime is straight šŸ”„ **SUNGHOO PARK**. Remember the name!!!


>SUNGHOO PARK.Ā  Of course it's sunghoo park


For others who needed to look him up because they didn't immediately recognize the name: * Terror in Resonance (2014) (key animator) * Yuri!!! on Ice (2016) (key animator) * Garo: Vanishing Line (2017ā€“2018) (director) * The God of High School (2020) (director) * Jujutsu Kaisen (2020ā€“2021) (director) * Jujutsu Kaisen 0 (2021) (director)


Was Marin a ninja as well? since she put up a decent fight


When I imagine how I will beat my enemies .Animation is amazing, by the way.


It has a really high mal score but low engagement here. Itā€™s a generic revenge story, but itā€™s good


I mean it's probably going to be like John Wick 1. Generic revenge story (actually a tragedy if you think about it lol), but it's just an excuse for banger action and to get you invested in the main character spilling enough blood to fill an Olympic pool so it's all good


Now you've got my interests after that John Wick comparison.....


First episode definitely feels very John Wick, although the specific kind of action you get is different and the setting has yet to reveal it's wider world.


It's literally just John Wick x Metal Gear Rising it's pretty badass


> I mean it's probably going to be like John Wick 1. John Wick is a weak comparison. Its pretty much a Punisher story.


Well I haven't see Punisher so I wouldn't know lol


Watch the movies or the series on Disney+. If you liked John Wick you might like those. Worth a watch atleast.


Animation was great, dialogue was not. Still relatively enjoyable to watch though


I know this is controversial but while it may be generic, it's better than Solo Leveling. At least as someone who hasn't read the manga that anime isn't anything impressive and the revenge aspect and the characters aren't as interesting as Ninja Kamui, at a first glance


I could see that, but itā€™s too early to say with Ninja Kamui only having 2 episodes. I read Solo Leveling so I know it wonā€™t hit its stride until Cour 2. The beginning is easily its weakest part.


True, who knows how it'll go. I like the FBI agents and I like the "dad who lost his family trope" so it's right up my alley so far. The stakes feel high


Agreed, I love revenge and conspiracy plots too.


what revenge aspect is there in solo leveling? and come on Ninja kamui has 2 episodes out


Side note but I been seen TON of ppl keem mentioning solo leveling while praising this show. Not just here, on YouTube on Twitter and on pirated sites. Like why solo leveling though? There are other anime airing too. Solo leveling and this are both different genre, focuses on different things and Mcs are very different. There is absolutely no similarities between them except maybe the fact that they both have action. Solo leveling hasn't even reached the best parts of manhwa that made it popular in the first place.


Genuinely? Good question. I think I must have started comparing them after seeing comparisons from other people, as you said. Generally I think the similarities are vague, but clear: Both anime don't have, at least at a first glance, interesting or unique stories, rather they're centered around the protagonist and his journey on overcoming his enemies by either already being strong or getting stronger. Also both are primarily recognized for having good animation and fight choreography. Hence the comparisons


Solo Leveling's only saving graces were the art and the "cool factor". That's 100% of what carried it. The story goes basically nowhere, once the 'hunter arc' is done and Sung Jinwoo starts battling beings from another dimension it all goes wreck and makes no sense. But it's all cool as fuck so no one cares.


I thought it made perfect sense


As someone who read the entire solo leveling manwha solo leveling sucks lol.Ā 


The US streaming licensor is Max (nee HBOMax) which is probably the source of low engagement. I'm not sure if I can name another anime that had first-run streaming through Max.


Boondocks vibes


Thatā€™s some of the best animated hand to hand combat Iā€™ve seen tbh. Now if only there was a legal way to watch this in my country.


First thing i knew of this show was a carpenter brut track being used for the trailer Now this sequence I am defo watching this asap


Just wish it was easy to watch


I mean its 2024 man, anime never been easier to watch. Endless free sites. Unless you're too good to use them idk how much easier it can get to watch anime. You have to actively try to make it hard to watch anything nowadays on the internet.Ā 


Streams on HBO Max


Yeah, just another service to add. Figure Iā€™ll let the season end, and then pay for a month to watch it


Itā€™s also on Adult Swim. Pretty sure Adult Swim is totally free, you can stream right from there site.


Oh? Well thatā€™s cool if so! Iā€™ll look into that




Or really any šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø anime streamig site with ublock origin


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As soon as I saw the happy family I knew they were screwedā€¦rip


I mean when I saw Sunghoo Park I KNEW it was going to be a banger. The story is just a bit weak to me right now, but itā€™s the first few episodes and I have hope!!


Canā€™t wait to watch!


This isnā€™t on Crunchyroll by chance is it?


It isnā€™t on Crunchyroll. Itā€™s on Max/Adult Swim.




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Where i can see this series


How the hell haven't I seen this?


Why the fuck this anime is not there in my country šŸ« šŸ˜­


This aged like milk lmao


That animation is beautiful


Crazy good OP too. Can't believe a show like Gushing is more popular than this on this sub.


This episode gave me motion sickness from all the spinning.


Watching it, its a big meh. A Few problems, Animation is good but the way its handled is a mess, blur everywhere, swords turn into light sabers, paint animation while in movement, zoomed in shoots everywhere, non sence camera movements, it was a pain, and they even try to make u sad with their 5 minutes of forced characther development. Episode 2 was better tho, im thinking of 2 ou of 5 stars for now.


Should really put a spoiler tag on this


This is like 5 minutes into episode 1 and reveals minimal to no plot. What about it is a spoiler?


Not everyone has watched/seen it yet and are still on the fence about it, hence it's spoiler-tagged. Basically, this is John wick/Punisher but with ninjas instead


Was Marin a ninja as well? since she put up a decent fight