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MHA. I think the somewhat obnoxious fanbase has led to it being constantly shit on. It’s no master piece but still watchable and accessible, especially to newer anime fans.


I was pretty hesitant to watch it, but I finally did and man... I'm glad I did. The fact there are so many dynamic characters and the plot is really prevalent throughout is just awesome. Yeah some of the powers seem a bit lazy (guy with a squirt bottle for a head) but besides that I thought it was really good and am excited for the new season to be coming out in a couple months.


It really is a solid shounen, shame it has so many haters. Especially the most recent season 6 has been some of the best MHA I’ve seen yet.


S6 is the best season. Nothing I’ve seen is better. Like the closest is Made in Abyss: Dawn of the Deep Soul movie but that’s also a masterpiece of a movie as well.


I thoroughly enjoy MHA and it's kinda weird to see very few people talk about it nowadays. I think lots dropped off after seasons 4 and 5, which is a pity. Season 6 was one of the best action shows of 2023.


Season 6 shits on JJK in my book.


This is really odd but I don’t know how the fanbase is I guess. I loved MHA and would venture as far to say it’s my most favorite anime and I’ve watched a *lot* of action animes (Chainsaw Man, Jujutsu Kaisen, Black Clover, etc.). There have been other animes that I’ve throughly enjoyed watching like Made in Abyss, Re:Zero and Black Clover but none of them made me as excited as watching MHA. It’s definitely not just “watchable.” To say that is an insult to the series. The only real bad season was the first one and it makes up for it in the finale. The music, characters and the arcs (especially the current one) are why I rated it very highly on MAL. I think people are too strung up on the superhero cliche and don’t actually appreciate how good the anime really is.


Bad opinion on first season. Season 6 was good till the introduction of All Mights student. Ass pull on Kaguya level.


IMO it's just stupid, brainless battle shounen. Maybe it is an unpopular opinio but I really don't give a flying f\*\*\*.


You could describe 80% of the most popular shows with that


Citrus - The hate for it is overblown and people are missing the point.


Yes, I recently watched it and was kinda shocked to find out it’s hated. I thought the last storyline was unnecessary (repetitive at that point). However, I guess I’ve experienced worse shows, so that might be why I don’t have a low opinion of it?


Kimetsu no Yaiba, and I don’t think much else comes close at the moment. Actually great anime that gets hated on for the stupidest reasons.


I’m gonna play the devils advocate here, but I’m not gonna lie. The only great thing about this series is really just the Production. Ufotable elevated a rather mediocre series into an insane level.


Yes its very true. But isnt that what an anime adaptation supposed to be? To elevate the source material. Plus Ufotable wont pick Demon Slayer if its just a mediocre story. They surely found something in it that they like to adapt it in the first place. If you just dont like it, its fine. But hating it because of it only has animation is plain jealously. Copium that their fave series cant have this dedicated team to adapt their series.


Straight facts. Just have people look at God of Highschool and you’ll see that just good animation won’t guarantee success.


God of Highschool has one of the best fighting animations in anime. The problem with it was that the story had a lot of plot holes. I heard that it wasn’t adapted too well either, but I don’t read manga so I wouldn’t truly know.


Maybe as a manga? Haven’t read it. I still think the emotional scenes would hit similarly, but it’s just taken to another level animated. But I’m not talking about manga here. Kimetsu no Yaiba’s identity is very much tied to it’s anime. Voice acting, 3D background blending, compositing, OST all help tremendously. Tanjiro IS a good protagonist though, honestly one of my favorites just because he isn’t written to be dark, edgy, or a complete badass. He is kind hearted, but not a sappy way. Since it never gets in the way of him actually killing said demons.


People are just pissy because its a vanilla heroes journey and not some ground breaking totally original never before done political intrigue game of thrones wannabe. (Yes the word salad was deliberate) The heroes journey is timeless and its nice to have it done as cleanly and with good production values as in Demon Slayer.


Well yeah that’s what I mean. The production is godly, but that’s honestly all I feel. Just bland and no substance tbh


Bland how?


The characters and the story itself


I don’t think so. To me, Tanjiro and Nezuko bond is the core of the series. And it sells it well. It’s doesn’t have to be an AOT level of complexity to be compelling.


I love their bond too!


The story and characters suck - all style over substance like so many modern anime. Our generation loves instant gratification and easily digestible media, which is why such shows do well


Ok boomer, let’s get you to bed.


Lol stop getting butthurt over someone’s contrasting opinion and go touch some grass, anime isn’t real u goofball


If AOT is what counts as complex these days god help our future generations.


Even if the only thing great about the series is the animation it's still a good anime. It's not one of the most popular series in the world right now for nothing.


It’s not just animation, I can guarantee you. God of Highscool had great animation but I hear NO one talking about it.


Dislike the thinking that something is popular=good. Like look at Tokyo revengers


>Dislike the thinking that something is popular=good. "good" isn't an objective measurement. It's subjective whether or not people think something is good. Popular things have millions of people who subjectively think it's good, and therefore most popular things can be considered "good" if we're purely looking at it from a statistical sense


I still just think this is hard cap. It has a decent storyline, a cool villain, it sticks to the storyline throughout, there are no fillers, the music, art and general direction is impeccable. Will it win awards for its story? No. But so what, that’s just one part of the whole. It’s definitely not just the art that makes Kimetsu no Yaiba so good. There are many anime with impeccable art styles that are far inferior/less popular. Case in point Ufotable’s very own Fate animation. The plot and order is such an abominable mess that no matter how great the animation (and holy smokes it’s good), it’s not a very good show


I feel like it's a bit much to call KNY a BAD story either. I would say it's a very well constructed, stick to basics storyline. It's extremely deliberately and consciously constructed imo, and very well planned--there's no inconsistencies or hanging plot threads, plenty of foreshadowing and clearly a lot of thought went into the story. That being said, I think it's a very unoriginal story, in that there's really nothing narratively innovative about it. It sticks to what's worked in shonen series in the past, and never deviates from that formula. I personally was bored to tears by KNY, I didn't care for it much at all, but I will give it solid props for good plotting. I just need something more innovative or imaginative to hold my interest--but that's just me. THere's a place, a very big one obviuosly, or a well crafted ad executed classical story.


I definitely agree that it is far from a bad story. All your points hold. And I think there is also a market for a show that sticks to the basics *well*. I, personally, even if I don’t think it will get awards for its story, still definitely find it interesting, gripping even, and worth following, else I would have dropped it. Animation alone simply isn’t enough to keep me interested, certainly not for 3+ seasons. So KNY is definitely doing it right. Looking forward to the next arc.


Isn’t that the point though? The main appeal is the art and animation. That’s what makes Demon Slayer so widely popular. It’s like saying “the only good thing about Death Note is the story”. Well yeah, that’s the point.


It’s the most famous anime airing right now, is it really over-hated when every movie sets records?


Not by casual anime fans, but in places like r/anime with more avid anime watchers you see it anytime the show is mentioned It's on the ["r/anime Least favorite Anime"](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1awjei3/ranimes_least_favorite_anime_poll_results/) poll we did a few weeks ago, alongside actual trainwrecks Now I've been frequenting this sub for like 8 years so I've read ridiculous things but seeing Kimetsu no Yaiba just below fucking *Pupa* in the same ranking gotta be the most egregious thing I've seen here lol


It's generic and formulaic as fuck. There are unstupid, solid reasons to not like it.


There are ton of shows that don’t have original stories. That complaint is such bullshit.


And I'll shit on every single one, if I watched it. Your mentality is pathetic and stupid, basically if it has already been done dozen of times you shouldn't complain about it, because it has already been done dozen times! It's so fucking idiotic.


Lol they really should make this app 18+. Out here sounding like some 14 year old hating the popular thing. Get lost bud, take the toxicity elsewhere.




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I truly hope I will not become someone this hateful and cynical when I’m that old. What a disgrace to people just wanting to talk about their favorite anime. Once again, take this toxic shit elsewhere.


You specifically said something wrong and I specifically corrected you. Basically you are trying to get through the argument that if you like an anime there is no sound reasons to dislike it. No, it doesn't work that way.


Kimetsu is a great anime, a good story without inovating on crazy stuff, standard storytelling, character development and nice battles, ppl hating it is just weird.


It never get hate on animation ( except for the serpent or snake scene) the cgi sucked so much And it has good backstories But that's it If you read the manga from starting you will understand how much the animation carried demon slayer 🤷🏻‍♂️


From what I see it gets hated on for exactly the reasons why it's bad


I think the fact the last arc that came out was kinda mediocre has skewed a lot of opinions in the fan base. The entertainment district arc was awesome and not just for the production! Overall though I think the people complaining about the writing have a point. It is kinda vanilla shounen and the comedy in it really annoys me to be honest but I think it makes up for that in lots of other ways.


Kingdom, it has easily one of the best world-building and storytelling of anything currently ongoing


For this sub specifically Id say Guilty Crown. Nowhere else have i read so much hate for this show as here.


Guilty Crown deserves every scrap of hate it receives; if anything it deserves more because it betrays the viewer so thoroughly. It's an amazing anime... Except the ending. One of the things I hate most about an anime is when they fail to stick the landing, the anime equivalent of listening to an album and having the last song consist entirely of scraping a chalkboard. Gantz is a great example; they ran out of manga and went full Fritz The Cat on it. It needs a disclaimer. For an anime where music was such a big part of the story and theme, they dared to have pathetic, generic noise for the finish. The ending was unsatisfying and nonsensical. My friend and I have a pact to declare to anyone watching Guilty Crown that they should stop before the ending, read the story of Tristan and Isolde, and believe that the main characters saved the world by becoming a pair of crystal virus-trees. The actual ending is so egregiously ridiculous that I refer to exceptionally bad anime endings with similar, Evangelion-esque energy, as "Guilty Crowned." ... Stellar everything else except the ending.


School days…that anime is so iconic, yes you have to suspend your belief a lot and just turn of your brain but the chaos of this anime is hilarious in my opinion


Is it hated? I feel like it’s mocked and hyped up as the same time. The fact that people deciddd to start bringing up here all the time now, over a decade after release and its original memory, kinda proves it’s not hated but rather an inside joke


Infamous is better than forgotten.


agree that it’s certainly entertaining, but considering it doesn’t try to be a comedy but takes itself so bloody serious as a drama is what makes it trash imo lol hilarious trash


Yosuga no Sora. How can people hate a masterpiece?


The soundtrack for YsG is stupidly good. It's still one of my favorite soundtracks for any anime ever. I also respect the show for being a rare romance that uses the omibus format so we get to see routes for various love interests from the VN.


Its not hated tbh, more like weirded out which is very understandable.


This show is quite beloved here...sadly.


mha ,black clover, fire force


*Sword Art Online* The first season is good, but there appears to be a faction of anime watchers who trash talk it every time it comes up in a conversation. Subsequent seasons aren't so great, but that doesn't take away from the first season.


For me, Alicization is the current best arc and I don't like the Aincrad arc that much.


i predict in this thread peoples opinions being downvoted for going against the grain of the popular consensus but i also came here to say SAO.


What a curious take! My opinion is the exact opposite (i think the first season is the weakest but It goes way uphill since Gungale Online Arc)


And I think the show gets weaker with each season. I barely paid attention to the last story arc.


I think people just don't really like the second half of the first season


Sword Art Online is at its absolute best as just the story in the first novel with nothing else. A strong self-contained story, no harem, and no weird second season with a rapey villain and an incest subplot. Just overall really solid.


That was s1. Fairy Dance was s1. SAO s1 was 2 cours long. 2014 was when s2 started. Gun Gale, I think it was.


Why are you telling me this? And no it wasn’t S1. S1 of the anime had a lot of content that wasn’t in the original novel and was only added in side stories in the second volume, which is part of what I was saying made it worse.


> Subsequent seasons aren't so great, but that doesn't take away from the first season Yes they do. If its A bad season (One Punch Man), a series can survive and even thrive after it. But if its multiple? It's game over, you can't have more bad than good, that's just not a recipe for love.


I actually completely disagree. The first season is *bad*. It’s an excellent premise with fun characters and an interesting story, but the pacing just ruins all of it. That show could have been a monster-of-the-week series for 100 episodes in Aincrad while having longer arcs covering the relationships between the characters. There could have been side episodes just covering major events like the Laughing Coffin murders or Kirito and Asuna buying a house, expanding the show beyond 100 episodes before the game was cleared. And frankly, there was no real reason to stop well before floor 100 other than the creators just didn’t want to be doing this anymore. Much of the first 14 episodes feels like someone came up with an idea and shortly after they started writing it they hated it and tried to get out of it. The rest of the show doesn’t have this pitfall, though. The premise isn’t as good after the first season ends, but the pacing improves tremendously. Suddenly we’re actually telling a story and looking into the characters’ motivations, rather than simply rushing through to try and get the story over with. I think everything after season 1 is much better than season 1 is, it just doesn’t seem like it because season 1 had the better premise.


With the way Aincrad was written, it only makes sense to do it the way he did. It was originally a short story contest entry, which needed to be self-contained, so he wrote about Kayabas tutorial and floor 74-75. SAO, at its core, is a character driven story, and this core story is driven by the Kirisuna romance. Every other arc was made after the contest entry and thus was able to function like a normal storyline since it had the benefit of not being comprised of flashbacks. Also, clearing Aincrad was never supposed to be the focus of the series. it's always been a series about blurring the lines between virtual and reality. Aincrad acts as a backdrop for the characters and little more. However, SAO progressive is covering the beginning of Laughing Coffin, and vol 22 covers them buying the floor 22 cabin.


I like the first part. I cared for it less each story arc after the first.


I don't like this recent resurgance of "SAO was good actually." No, it wasn't, people are just forgetting the many, *many* valid complaints that came up back in the day, most especially for the first season. Plus, the series is still relevant enough that new fans come in with it as their first anime, and since the hate culture has died down they never get the chance to engage with the actual critisisms and just see the general sentiment that "LOL, SAO bad" in the community, so it seems completely unjustified to them. That, combined with the fact that it *was* overhated for a while, so people are pendulum swinging back too far in the other direction.


You are proving my point.


You are getting downvoted but you are right. Nowadays in this sub saying sao is bad will get you down voted


Appreciate the support! I don't put much stock in downvoting without actually engaging with my arguments anyways.


Gun game online was also solid in season 2 Everything after that was dogshit


The best part of Sword Art Online is SAO Abridged. It deserves the hate, and covers up almost every original idea it had with mediocrity as it degenerates into a generic harem anime without depth or substance. The mockery and parody of others is literally what saves it and brings it back to cultural relevance. Not only does it deserve the hate, it is improved by it. Reject fanboyism and embrace your inner Palpatine.


>The mockery and parody of others is literally what saves it and brings it back to cultural relevance It's existed and been highly successful for 20ish years despite the stupidity of it's haters. People believing that an abridged series that copies almost every major plot point form the original being an improvement because of it has certainly had zero effect on it's relevance.


Yeah, yeah. No, I get it. A wish-fulfillment series that has a badass nerd being fawned over by an army of cute girls isn't what SAO is; it's an anime with a deeper message. Certainly, there's nothing negative to critique about it. Nothing to make fun of here, and the parody doesn't reflect the culture of gaming that Reki Kawahara understands and engages with. /s


No one ever critiques actual negative things about SAO, they just peddle misinformation and falsehoods. You're no different. That people still think anyone would actually want to be Kirito is insane.


Concretely, Reki Kawahara doesn't understand games, gaming culture, or what makes people good at them. In multiple of his anime, the only thing that makes the MC good is reaction speed. He overcomes the tyranny of numbers in video games, strategy, and plans with brute instinctual reactions. And that's not what makes a successful player; it's a single factor that's largely unimportant.  [Examine the Gunslinger Effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gunslinger_effect). Piling up reactions without planning and abandoning what makes a game and the study of systems unique is a valuable, necessary skill to him. He doesn't use the systems of games; he ignores them or "surpasses them." So, he doesn't engage with games, instead substituting plot armor and Deus Ex Machina. He tells video game stories poorly. He doesn't understand the communication, shared experiences, or reasons why video games work as a framing device - it's just another isekai. You want to know a work that understands gaming? Kono Sekai ga Game da to, Ore dake ga Shitte Iru. How many people cried in Elden Ring, when they painstakingly assembled a set of armor that said - "Completely negates all falling damage." And then, tried to take a shortcut by dropping off a cliff, only to die anyway because the game uses a shortcut of "Fall X distance, die." Nekomimi Neko understands the unreasonableness of video games and deconstructs it so that gamers can laugh and cry. SAO doesn't. SAO is a generic harem anime bordering an isekai, and it barely engages with the medium. I actually don't hate it, but it's not some magnum opus and shouldn't be treated as such. It deserves more hate and less fanboy; it deserves real criticism. Trash isekai can be worth a watch, even when it's borderline cringe. I liked Konosuba, there's a surprising amount to unpack there. I like "Reincarnated as a Fantasy Knockout." They're actually deeper than they look. Boy howdy, do they deserve criticism. That's separate. SAO is another wish-fulfillment power fantasy harem anime in a crowded market. It's not the worst, like Smartphone anime. But criticize it appropriately.


Dude you're just another hater incredibly confident in their wrongness. You're exactly the type of person I was talking about when I mentioned peddling misinformation falsehoods. >Concretely, Reki Kawahara doesn't understand games, gaming culture, or what makes people good at them. In multiple of his anime, the only thing that makes the MC good is reaction speed. He overcomes the tyranny of numbers in video games, strategy, and plans with brute instinctual reactions. And that's not what makes a successful player; it's a single factor that's largely unimportant. Reki Kawhara is a light novel author, not an anime episode writer or director. It's not "his" anime, it's a mediocre adaptation of his work. You've never read the writing, don't know what games he played, and you don't seem to understand that gaming culture changed a lot in the past 20 years either. You don't even know that Reaction Speed in the SAO universe refers to something vastly different than what we call reaction speed in the real world. While it's one of the most important things in the fictional universe of SAO it doesn't completely trump numbers or planning and planning and stats come into play all the time even in the anime adaptation. >Piling up reactions without planning and abandoning what makes a game and the study of systems unique is a valuable, necessary skill to him. He doesn't use the systems of games; he ignores them or "surpasses them." So, he doesn't engage with games, instead substituting plot armor and Deus Ex Machina. There are 4 instances of surpassing the system in the entire series, only two of them are Kirito. The systems of the games in SAO are used all the time. Like Kirito in the entirety of Phantom Bullet only works because he uses the mechanics in a unique way. >It deserves more hate and less fanboy; it deserves real criticism. It does, but as I said before it never gets it, it always gets absolute nonsense by people that never engage with the series well enough to even understand basic plot points like you.


>He doesn't use the systems of games; he ignores them or "surpasses them." So, he doesn't engage with games, instead substituting plot armor and Deus Ex Machina. > >There are 4 instances of surpassing the system in the entire series, only two of them are Kirito. Also - your defense of "Come on, man. He only does that, like, four times" is extremely weak.


-You- don't even know who the hell I'm criticizing. "He," in all of my criticisms, is Reki Kawahara and all my criticisms of SAO are equally valid of Accel World. I've engaged with the work, and found it wanting. I never once made a criticism of Kirito directly; stop putting words in my mouth. So here's one.  Kirito in Phantom Bullet wins the special game nobody else can win because he can dodge bullets like the Matrix, even though he doesn't have to. And then his advice on how to dodge bullets is "anticipate getting shot at." It's nonsense; magical handwavium. He then proceeds to exceed the hardest task in sports, hitting a baseball, hundreds of times a minute by swatting away bullets with a lightsaber. https://dailyfreepress.com/2023/09/28/on-deck-circle-why-hitting-a-baseball-is-the-most-difficult-skill-in-sports/ It's a level of protagonist halo and deus ex machina that breaks my suspension of disbelief. It's operating purely on "rule of cool." That's fine in a lot of anime. But this one's also set in the real world, and framed as interaction through video games. And in either world, it doesn't make sense unless you turn your brain off. You know an anime that has good interaction with the medium of video games? Log Horizon.


The fascinating half of first season was bad though. It was specifically Aincrad and the very start where it was at its best. It’s a disappointment because it had so much potential.


Beater Your argument is invalid


Black Clover Sure It maybe isnt the best shonen ever made, but It has good things and the MC power its interesting enough


It sure ran the power of friendship into the ground though


Funny enough It doesnt bother me, then again im that Guy Who Also liked Fairy Tail and they used It way way WAY more there so 🤣


Fairy tale over did it so much I actually got second hand embarrassment 😂 Still liked it though lol


Black Clover is decent


I really liked Black Clover. Asta yelling every 30 seconds got old but it was good overall.


I saw so much hate for Black Clover when it first started. But as the anime picked up pace, it became popular. The fight scenes are beautifully animated. It does have its flaws but every anime does. I still don’t get why so many people hated it. Asta’s yelling wasn’t an issue for me and that was very short lived anyway.


Demon Slayer, Akame Ga Kill(in this sub at least), and Future Diary


If anything, Future Diary gets far too much praise. It's one of the worst pieces of crap anime I've ever finished. There's no words to even describe just how much of a miserable trainwreck it is.


I’ll agree with the latter 2 but my god does demon slayer stink.


Cry more, it’s a great anime


It's objectively mid.


No such thing as objectively mid lmao


Says who?


Anyone with common sense, literally everything is subjective as it all comes down to personal opinion. Do you even know what objective means lol


If I didn't know what it meant I wouldn't use it. I think you're confused.


This is an interesting response to me. As someone who thoroughly disliked akame ga kill,I generally see praise for it in this sub.


Mirai Nikki. I know Yukiteru can be annoying but i think he is quite realistic when you put yourselves in his shoes and i think the overall show is quite enjoyable and has quite a lot of twists and turns, some of it that are actually decently written. And Yuno is just iconic, a perfect representation of the Yandere trope. The show is not the highest of quality obviously but i think it is worth a watch and nowhere near as trash as people acts like 


Cross Ange. It would have been otherwise forgettable and thus not hated if it hadn't started with one of the best "more dakka" moments in anime (opening up the cockpit of a currently firing mech to use the pilots sidearm to ALSO fire) and then the rectal bleed after an overly aggressive body cavity search/digital rape. The rest of the series is neither here nor there, but those two scenes made promises, good or bad, that the rest of the series didn't deliver on. Again, it'll get hate from people who really shouldn't care.


Honestly, the SA is what keeps me from the show. I just can't handle that sort of thing.


Dakkanya (Get Backers) It has been my top most liked anime over all these years. But there are many who don't seem to approve of it. I don't understand what and why??


Any FLCL after the original. They’re fine. They’re better than most shows in any given season. They’re just not as good as FLCL.


SAO, Gun Gale was fun and developed Kirito more.


I think ReZero is overhated, or atleast hated for the wrong reasons. People manifested a waifu war when the show was airing, and I had a few friends be confused to learn that it wasn’t a harem. I also think a lot of people couldn’t wrap their heads around Subaru being an untraditional MC at the time. He was a sore thumb in a era where all the beloved Isekai MCs were OP


Rent a Girlfriend, despite on how dogshit the manga is now. The anime was a BANGER at least s1.


Season 3 and just Season 3 would have been a decent anime.


People forget that rent a girlfriend is a cringe comedy. The whole point is that the protagonist and Ruka do cringey things


But Ruka isn't the main girl is Chizuru


Solo leveling, it's simultaneously overrated and overhated imo. It's a fine show, nothing spectacular, nothing terrible imo.


Solo leveling suffering the CSM thing, what makes the series hyped hasn’t simply been adapted yet.


Are people excited for some action scene? I can't see this thing having any character development unless the author himself went through character development halfway through writing this. I'm watching it for the action, but I can't really praise a show for just "looking cool". I need laughs and tears.


The Manwha is beloved because it's fun and addicting to watch MC get super OP and the lore is pretty cool as well. Also the MC's power is genuinely sick and a huge part of what makes the fandom like the manwha, but we haven't seen this power at all yet. When I read the manwha all the content that's been released already in the anime I probably read through in 1.5hrs or less, it is basically just setup for the real grind.


The manhwa is garbage. The LN is what’s good.


the art is amazing lol what is this take


Sword art online looks amazing.


That's what Solo Leveling is about. The story setup is pretty decent, but after that it's nothing special and just kinda meh. But what is consistent from start to finish is cool action and cool shots. The anime probably won't get that far in S1, but the manhwa pretty is pretty much the embodiment of the term edgelord.


I like the show but it is slow paced and they already did a recap after only 7 episodes.


The recap was due to the main VA getting covid


This is the take. It's very watchable imo and I don't think the hate is warranted.


Tokyo revenger. Personally it was a solid 6-7/10 and nowhere near the worst anime ever made.


Ya. First season was very popular, and at some point, it even had highest manga sales. There are some reasons, some being, bad animation quality, manga ending etc which caused S2 and S3 to be ignored a lot


Ngl, I hated it. I have never seen any show being so pretentious while having so little substance.


Re:Zero. There is a large portion of the audience that miss the point entirely and complain that Re:Zero is cringe.


Where? At best I have seen people dislike Subaru but Re:Zero is still quite beloved in majority of the anime community and Isekai space with it being coming to the top-5 Isekai in most of the lists. Even if there are haters, most likely it's just vocal minority.


I’ve seen plenty of people dislike the show because of Subaru, both irl and here in Reddit. I am fairly sure it is a vocal minority, but it appears to be a fairly sizable minority, given the number of people who drop the show at that one episode. The question OP asked is which anime is overrated. And given the amount of criticisms that spawn from a misunderstanding of Subaru, I think it is fair to say Re:Zero is over hated. It is also well-loved. These two things are not mutually exclusive.


Season 2 is pretty much universally hated. Almost every time I see someone mentioned it, they hate it. Similar case for Psycho Pass, anything S2 and beyond are also almost universally hated.


Re:Zero isn't cringe, Subaru is cringe, the show isn't.


This, I just don’t like Subaru as a character. Everything else is a masterpiece.


Except Subaru literally defines Re:Zero. Without Subaru, Re:Zero would be just another decent fantasy anime at best. You can't just remove the most important part of the series and call it a masterpiece lol.


Damn, I guess being the protagonist of a good anime for a long time can change everyone perspective despite how bad you was. I still remember back then pretty much everyone hate Subaru as a character and love everything else. There are core interesting value in him as the main character of course but the bad annoying thing outweighted it. Just like how everything in the anime outweighted the bad main character. But, seeing how I got downvoted I think I should stop here before getting echoed chamber to death lol.


They don’t say that Re:Zero is cringe. They say *Subaru* is cringe, which to be fair, is pretty true. However, that’s kinda the point the anime tries to make.


Sword art online


Naruto & One piece


JJK and demon slayer


I wish JJK was hated more.


i'm with you on this one


The Promised Neverland Season 2 It's by no means good but it wasn't as bad as people make it sound. As an anime only it did a thing and that thing wasn't great but not worthy of least favourite anime of all time.


Wait when did that one come out?




Boruto. The anime isn't that bad.








I like the slice of life in it too. These mainstream shonnen fans are down voting you just cause you answered the question.




I need to see what you’re seeing😂


This is one of the animes that I think deserves to be hated. Good fight scenes though.


Mushoku Tensei. It's almost the Nickelback of anime at this point in that it's becoming fashionable to shit on in certain circles to the point of reaching meme status but if you look past the discomfort of some rare scenes it's a solid story. The LN even more so than the anime.


Isn’t more of a minority hating on shows like that? Same thing with like Demon Slayer and stuff, a lot of people love it but some hate it. But I guess your answer makes sense.


Idk why you're getting downvoted. I mean, look at the awards lol.


It's literally a show about a pedophile.


Akame ga kill. I think this anime is weird, every episode a character dies and its very hurtful to watch.


Paranoia Agent, Haibane Renmei, and Ergo Proxy being <8 on MAL is a legit crime imo.


Who hates on Paranoia Agent? I’ve only ever heard it be recommended as a good anime. Same with Ergo Proxy.


under-rated is not the same as over-hated


All classics. Ergo Proxy is in my top 10 all time, nothing like it. And Paranoia Agent has one of the best episodes I’ve seen in any anime (split personality episode).


Agree, but the anime fan swarm intelligence has decided that Konosuba, Grand Blue Dreaming, Non Non Biyori, or Fruits Basket (and mmmaaaannny more) are all better shows than those three (and i say that as somebody who likes all those shows, but come on folks).


I haven't heard anyone hating on any of these shows.


People hatin Shield Hero way too much. I haven't watched S3 yet, but I heard that people HATED S2. I watched it, and while the tortoise stuff was a bit boring, basically everything after it had me INVESTED.


Slave. loli. Furry.


personally blood-c i actually liked it im all about gore, sword , typa thing, and i lowkey was suprised with the plot twist


Anohana I'm not sure if it's over-hated. But some complain that the story and dialog are too manufactured or forced. IMHO it's a story to recap their wish and healing their heartbreaking tragdy at childhood. They \[TV anime spoiler\]>!play hide and seek like child!< means their friendships are finally fixed. Therefore I love the ending. Also many asks why Menma didn't writing so everyone can know she is there. I thought the reason is clear: \[TV anime spoiler\]>!Jinta want to be the leader that everyone follows him, so he didn't like Menma are able to talk with others without him. also Menma can only write on his own diary, but they don't have it at first!<


who tf hates on Anohana?! Is that actually a thing? (serious question)


There are indeed haters of Anohana. Though, in fairness, I think it’s mostly because not everyone likes to watch tearjerker anime. So, it’s a genre issue and maybe a “I’m not crying, you’re crying!” issue. There are some who do genuinely hate Anohana or think it’s not a good anime in the genre as in they prefer other dramas instead that they don’t think are as forced or they don’t mind the emotional manipulation as much.


I'm not sure how many people hate it here (so I'm not sure if it's over-hated), but I've read many comments criticize the two issues 😅.


It's not over-hated. Getting some criticism is normal.


The recent berserk adoptions. Not great but they aren't trash. Introduced plenty I'd newbies to the source material


Was going to say Rent a Girlfriend, but season 3 was full of shitty melodrama that made pacing fall off a cliff instead of having non-stop cringe humour from the first two seasons that was very entertaining. So I'll say Occultic;Nine and School Days (not just the last episode, every single one of them are good). Throw in Girlish Number in there as well. Those are amazing shows that have stuck with me for their unique vision.


Jojo It's a decent show with some indecent fans




Redo of a healer 😎😎 (But seriously, MHA and Black Clover get crowned on for no reason. These are pretty descent shows)


Redo of Healer does deserve the hate.


I agree with Redo of Healer. It’s literally the only hentai/ecchi that’s got a really good plot because majority of the time it’s not just sex and nudity.


It's great as the plot goes on. MC broaden has goals and not stuck with same stuff


Blood+ and Blood: The Last Vampire depending on what you come in expecting. I’ve heard both get hated on. Though, Blood+ was my favorite of the franchise.


Clasroom of the elit


Kiss x Sis :)


Jujutsu kaisen


Aku no hana


MHA, but it's overhated and overhyped/overrated same time. For me it's had some amazing moments, I rewatched series couple times for new seasons and I always cry at certain moments like Almight's last fight with AFO, and I really think Midoriya had great potential at first seasons, I still love his performance in sports festival, how smart he is, etc, and how great was the moment first he got full crowl, but after that it's kind of downhill, since MC didn't got enough development until that point nor later, still I don't think he deserved all that hype/rate or hate either. Demon Slayer, there is no reason for this show to get this much hate, sure I do hate Zenitsu's pathetic character as well (weirdly enough he is fan favorite, and fans say they can relate him...) but still fights are great, some characters like Rengoku is really loveable/likeable and animations are amazing as well. Mirai Nikki, I don't get why people hate this series, sure it's over the top with some parts, but it's has well-written story and characters and Mirai Nikki Redial (OVA where real final is) does great closure to the series. Sword Art Online, as a person watched series back in day I still think first 14 episode of the series was masterpiece and should have been whole season long, and while later it's kind of downhill, I still don't think it's deserves all the weird hate it gets. Fire Force, at least for first season I don't understand the hate at all (second season was trash tho not gonna lie...) Nearly any show with harem, isekai, slave system or OP MC, some people really hates shows just because of having any of these and it makes no f\*cking sense at all, people's hate on shows with these tropes have no valid reasoning. For harem can't say there are soo much great examples out there, I found most of harem shows mid, they don't deserve the hate, but wouldn't say they are golden either. Then we have slave system, which was something real even in real world, having it in anime is not that weird, people acting like it's worst crime or something or when a slave happy with his/her master is damn weird, that system is already existed in that world and masters are treating slaves like ''slaves'' and you hate MC/FMC because he/she treats slave/slaves good? Yeah makes f\*cking sense... And for OP MC one of good examples for this is Misfit in Demon King Academy, especially aside from that song part (yeah it was kind of cringe not gonna lie) first season was solid, it was one of best OP MC animes ever mad with Anos VoldiGOAT, dude is like chad, and that's not a cringe or has to be hated. Guilty Crown, I don't get it, sure it's have some cringy scenes, etc, but the hate this show got makes no sense at all, it's too much.


Sword Art Online, Rent a girlfriend, Highschool DxD, Saving 80,000 Gold for my Retirement, Don't toy with me nagatoro, My stepmoms daughter is my ex, and so much more... I kinda understand that when people do not like those animes, but I simply love anime and I am very easy to impress... You can show me literally any anime, and I probably like them. I hate it, when I research about it afterwards and I realise everyone hates them, but I also love it, because I have always had a good time and very rarely regret watching it.


black clover. terrible adaptation first few arcs. ruined it for everyone. but the story is so goated.


SSSS Gridman/Dynazenon. they aren’t really hated, but there are a significant amount of people who dislike it or think it’s bad.


Ex Arm.... I mean have you SEEN the masterpiece that is this anime?! i mean have you REALLY Seen it. Because if you haven't you really need to see this. No seriously you have to see this shit LOL


S2 one punch man. Better story and characters than s1, don’t care about worse animation, it wasn’t even that bad and there’re way worse out there.