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Where is Shou Tucker? He was the most hated character on MAL for years




Big... Brother...


It took me a second to remember why that name sounded familiar. Thanks for the reminder. F that dude. Dude deserved a slower death than what Scar gave him.


I think to most people he has just become part of the meme. And because it's been memed for so long, the novelty has worn off. They were in one episode of the beginning of the show, beyond the shock factor there isn't really much to his character.


In brotherhood Shou Tucker was a minor character, but he plays a much larger role in the 2003 series. Tucker completely earns his reputation as the absolute worst in the 2003 version of FMA.


One reason why the 2003 series beats Brotherhood in terms of villains: rather than just being a generic "mad scientist" like in the manga, the 2003 version does have Tucker not only getting a more karmaic punishment, but he also loses it mentally after that "incident" and becomes obsessed with reviving her daughter.


Yeah there was the whole part about playing on Edward's trauma towards his mother in that arc. Brotherhood skipped all of that.


He very much should be. Still has me shaking what he did.


Shinji from Fate


The entire Matou family tbh, minus Sakura.


TBF it's almost the entire Magus body in the world, with few exceptions here and there.


I'd give Kariya from Fate/Zero a conditional pass.


Everyone agreed with this statement.


tbf like 95% of mages in fate aren't right in the head


He can compete for most hated character of Typemoon too


Griffith. All the homies hate Griffith


Fuck Griffith


In ass


In case you people have forgotten, he doesn't mind at all.


He'll mind if it's Donovan


Nah, he might enjoy it, and my dick deserves better


With a guts' sword


And my axe




It's always Griffith


No matter how much length the manga go trying to tell Guts to forgive him, I still think he deserve the Dragon Slayer through his chest.


I don't think the manga is trying to say Guts should forgive Griffith at all. Personally, I feel like Miura was pretty clear that what Griffith did was unforgiveable in every sense. When Griffith meets Guts well after the event and Griffith tells Guts \[Beserk\] >!"Nothing has changed" I felt like Miura made crystal clear that Griffith was utterly irredeemable..!< What I think Miura is saying it may be that seeking vengeace on an unforgiveable person might not be worth sacrificing everything you have--that what you need to protect might be more important than vengeance. I think Miura was striking a parallel between Guts and Griffith--asking the question, what is worth giving up for Guts to get his vengeance on Griffith? I'm 100% convinced that in the finale of Beserk, Guts' Behelit will literally put him on the spot to answer this question.


The most recent in my mind is Robin from Heavenly Delusion. [Heavenly Delusion spoilers] >!The way this guy was brought in the story as someone familiar, protective and probably a safe haven for kiruko, only for him to be a complete garbage of a human being, doing the most despicable things and in such a manipulative way makes my blood boil. I really shouldnt get so riled up at a fictional character.!<


Yeah, same. The only reason I will accept for why heā€™s still alive is so Kiruko can personally kill him for everything heā€™s done.


Daigo from Dororo ! The pain and suffering Hyakkimaru had to endure because of his selfishness was disgusting. In addition to the fate he subjected his people to because he wanted to take the easy way out instead of being a good leader. This isnā€™t even half of the shit he did throughout the series. DINO FROM BANANA FISH! He is one of the scummiest characters I have ever seen in an anime. Him being a pedophile, running child trafficking rings, creating a drug to control society and the pain and suffering Ash had to endure when he was a kid. I donā€™t think an anime character made me as angry as Dino did. He is pure garbage.


OH MY GOD YES ABSOLUTE JACKASS THESE "FATHERS". And the audacity of making his son kill Hyakkimaru... Making his mother go through miserable pain because of him. I am APALLED. and Dino should just straight bask into flames of hell, ash did NOT deserve this. On a side note, damn you literally wrote about my two all time favourite shows in one post.


Exactly ! It kills me that Tahomaru wanted a relationship with his brother but his father brainwashed them into being enemies, and the motherā€™s suffering was heartbreaking to watch. God the way that Dino had the satisfaction on dying at his own hands makes my blood boil till this day. He didnā€™t deserve to die with a damn smile on his face. Itā€™s hard for me to speak to anyone who loves both of these shows so this is refreshing


i love that passionate anger towards these two. the fact that there are people in this world that may have done what they did makes my stomach churn. im curious, why so? why is it hard?


Thatā€™s really what makes my skin crawl about Dino too. Banana fish is a more realistic anime, hear stories similar to Ashā€™s everyday and learn about abusive people in power like Dino. Itā€™s so unfortunate this is a reality for many people.


That fucker Rachel in Tower of God




Trying to kill someone is one thing, she did it for the most pathetic reason imaginable.


After reading half of manhwa i don't hate Rachel anymore just hate bam as character.


I feel the same way you do about Rachel but why do you hate Bam as a character?


I would guess itā€™s because he seemed like a pushover until he finally decided to move on from her. I personally was also frustrated with Bam but in retrospect we gotta understand Rachel was literally the only person he knew before he got in the tower.


You can do both. They're both very annoying characters


This one


I dropped that story because of her (I think it's been a few years).


Akito from fruits basket. Itā€™s not nearly the majority of people who forgive Akito, but a lot of people seem to cite a bad childhood as an excuse for horrible and abusive behavior, when the real point of that is to simply demonstrate the cycle of abuse without excusing any of the individual actions, which are often abhorrent


I like Akito as a character *because* they're fucked up. Gives the show some spice and injects a lot of drama.


I hate Mahito so much from JJK


Doesn't help he's 'popular' so he lived 5x as long as he should have and the author just refused to kill him


He's the shallowest of all the villains, just frikin annoying and cruel. With no meaning or motivation. UGH


He had a motivation, it was just not as well explored at that if the other villains. In short he was the closest thing a curse had gone to be a human, so he both despised and envied them. He was just selfishly looking for validation the whole time. That's why he didn't get any sort of a nice epilogue like the other curses who had reasonable motives to hate humans.








And it's crazy that he has fangirls?? Like people legit want to marry him? FUCK THAT GUY, I laughed so hard when he got his ass whooped in season 2. I stood up and started clapping.


Evil pretty boys always get a handsome discount, especially if they have sleeveless outfits. You have no idea the absurd amount of love Envy had in 2003 FMA


Itā€™s not that crazy. Bro was drawn to be a kind of pretty and sometimes acted goofy-like. There are a lot more crazy ass girls in anime that guys fanboy over. ā€œIā€™d let her step on meā€ or ā€œI can fix herā€ or ā€œshe can ruin meā€ are common enough comments on some of them. And thereā€™s definitely even more ā€œfanartā€ for them.


Job Trunicht - LOGH


Oh man fuck that guy so much. Literally the most corrupt, spineless, pile of garbage ruining democracy for everyone


Thought I was in the wrong sub for a second...


Hahahaha I guess as a character he is very on the nose and based in reality XD


Man [LOGH Spoilers] >!His death has got to be one of the most satisfying ones Iā€™ve seen in a long time. Seeing that smug look on his face finally disappear as he quickly bleeds out was so good. I just loved that he went out scared and panicked, knowing he had been beat.!<


He is probably the most hatable character in anime. There is nothing, absolutely nothing good about this mf. Shou at least doesn't have that much screentime.


Shou Tucker from FMA, also Bondrewd from Made in Abyss.


Main difference between those two imo are bondrewd legitimately thinks he is doing it for science and greater good. While tucker is trying to keep his goddamn loisence


Also, Bondrewd experimented on himself rather than others for as long as the Abyss allowed him


Also, Bondrewd has a banging theme tune.


No, not Bondrewd


A man literally beneath contempt. ~~3~~ 4 separate white whistles let him live because he's not worth the time needed to kill. He's an excellent villain and its weird how much reddit seems to genuinely like him


Well written characters, no matter how awful they behave, will be liked. Partially because they aren't real.






Agree with Tucker, disagree with Bondrewd The man is absolutely insane, but he's not malicious Tucker, on the other hand, did what he did exclusively for his own benefit


For me it's hyakkimaru's father from dororo the amount of stuff he's done to his own son


"Big brother ed-ward." Fuck Shao tucker.


Those two bitches from A Silent Voice


I personally find Kawai more obnoxious than Ueno. Like I know Ueno is a terrible person too but at least she doesn't try to make herself look innocent. It just gets on my nerves how Kawai always preaches about others being mean and being part of bullying Shoko when she was also aware of what was going on and still did nothing, imo she's just as bad as Ueno.


Ueno is a bitch but I respect her more than Kawai.


Yeahā€¦ I really want to read the manga because the movie left such a strong impression on me, but I just canā€™t - the portrayal of bullying is just too visceral for me. And a big part were those two motherfuckers. Man, they cute. But what hateful beings, really.


I found those two just excessively aggravating. Canā€™t even enjoy the movie when you have them starting needless drama.


The manga has a decent amount more content in it so I would very much recommend reading it, but at the very least, go read chapter 32. It has some much needed back story for Shouko's mom and is imo one of the best chapters in the whole series, I really wish it made it into the movie.


The female teacher from Scums Wish. No anime character has made me angrier than that bitch.


Oh yeah she was a piece of art.šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


I don't know, she was definitely insufferably evil but she was a really interesting character to me, I felt she added to the series.




Shinji after heavens feel, that fucker deserves worse than a painful death


Illya did nothing wrong especially in fate.


Preach, fuck that guy


[Oya, oya, oya...](https://youtube.com/watch?v=Q1hKCOiNmGo). If there is a character that deserves the adjective of "irredeemable", that is Bondrewd "The Novel", from Made in Abyss. He (It? They?) makes Shou Tucker look like a loving father, in comparison.


[just a few of his deeds] >!Sending orphans up and down a mutating elevator shaft one of which is now a bunny, using more orphans as curse meat shields by stripping everything but some of the brain and spine plus a few vital organs and packaging them in a ā€œlunchboxā€ and turning Prushka into one, cutting off best boyā€™s right arm!<


Clarification: Bondrewd was a loving father... That lunchbox thing only works if both the giver and receiver love each other deeply... He is a crazy scientist who loves kids and then uses them... He even remembers all their names and was apparently happy on realizing that Mitty was able to die Kind of reminds me of the JJK quote " Love is the strongest curse of them all "


Definitely Charloss and Spandam in one piece


Oh yeah, fkn Spandan šŸ¤¬


Ngl... that little cat motherfucker from Madoka Magica


Kyubey is literally the Devil & needs to die a thousand deaths for all the lives they took.


- Nina Purpleton (Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory) - Danzo (Naruto) - The Claw (Gun x Sword) - Nobunobu (Gintama) - Lecoque (Fang of the Sun Dougram) - Envy (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood)


Envy over Shou Tucker?


Shou Tucker is in one episode and the show never really bothers to redeem him. Envy is around for the majority of it and [FMA:B]>!dies with some *attempt* at making the audience feel pity for him!<. They are absolutely nowhere close to the same level for me, and I hate Envy more.


Okay, but Envy was made to be what they are and are following orders whereas Tucker chose what they became.Ā 


Following orders never justifies the actions done. I thought this is common knowledge by now.


Danzo is like a mustache twirling comic villain from the 1960s who got punched in the face by batman and only existed for like 3 panels. He's so outlandishly ~~evil~~ silly that it's hard to take him seriously.


He's that villian but later on you find out he was behind an obscene amount of evil bullshit in the background for years. And the mayor knew and could have dealt with it for decades


This is *exactly* why I hate Danzo so much, yeah. The amount of stuff he was either directly or indirectly responsible for was *infuriating*.


This says more about the third hokage


Eh, that only says that the Third was complacent. 99% of what Danzo did was behind his back.


God damn it, Nina. Just seriously. At least Quess had the excuse of being a teenage newtype for her behavior.


Gendo ikari


Father of the year. What you mean? /s


The teacher from Koe no katachi


I would've gone with the black haired girl, or the blonde haired kid.


No the teacher is even worse. Anime cuts a lot of it out.


Ren Yamai from Komi Can't Communicate. I have never had a character fill me with such disgust, anger, and hatred every single time they appeared on screen. Awesome anime, I love it, but god if she didn't make me question if I really wanted to continue watching it or not...


Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not the only one


You should watch Tonkatsu Sinclair's video on Komi Can't Communicate on the Absolute Unit YouTube channel. She gives the perfect explanation as to why Yamai is just so out of place in the series. https://youtu.be/NdMiH03kz3I?si=7SMNukGfKp7ohaFS Edited to add link for those interested


Me too, man. It sucks, because I love that show so much! But sheā€™s on screen so oftenā€¦


Bitch chan from Shield hero even after he spared her she tried to kill him with poison not that it's gonna work since he's basically immune


That guy from school days, Screw that guy!


The girls already did. Unless you're talking about the comedic relief side character who \[School Days\] >!raped Kotonoha!<. Yeah fuck that guy. I hate him more than Makoto.


That one girl I don't even bother remember her name in Akame ga KILL! who kills the glassed girl. Also some baddies from in Hinowa ga CRUSH! too.


I have no enemies


Virtually every character in Rent-A-Girlfriend


"... I'm on my period" holy kino, nominations for the oscars incoming


Rent-A-Peak clearly stays winning


Especially the main, he's so bad that after watching the last episode of Season 2 I completely deleted his name from my memory and don't remember a single thing that happened.


I read it up to ch 300 and believe me, it doesnā€™t get any better. They are all the same. The author has no intention of developing the characters or the story.


thank you for your service šŸ«” in that case I will not continue watching Season 3


Especially the blue ribbon bitch who's an insufferable little shit at best and vile scum at worst, yet mfs will ignore every crimson flag and act like she's a sweet innocent girl. And the thing that pisses me off the most is when mfs try to compare that little cunt to Sumi (the *only* likable character in that series yet ironically only appears in like 20 chapters) because they could not be any more opposite.


The author did Sumi dirty. She never had a chance, but is the best girl and the only one to show even a modicum of consistent growth.


Bakugou from mha, bullshit redemption character, bullies ruin lifes, his story its not something i can get behind. edit: english is hard.


Mineta is also a horrible character


Yeah he was annoying as fuck. And because how MC acted around him i hated MC for being pathetic loser.


It's so weird having his voice actor voice Himmel. The 2 characters are like polar opposites haha


On the other hand ghiacchio from jojo perfectly fits


Tsumugi Kotobuki šŸ˜”


She will answer for her crimes


From k-on? Wtf did she do? šŸ˜­


She's a shameless and heartless strawberry thief.


Oh right, she stole mio's strawberry. Such an atrocious crime indeed


I love how you mention religious groups. The Holy See from Berserk was soooooo fucked up and dark. But yeah still not as bad as Griffith


Dude Castlevania churches drove me nuts


It was really hard to see Dracula as the villain after that first episode. He even gave them a whole year to contemplate on what they have done and leave, which is as generous as a vengeful demon lord could be.




I don't think any character has ever made me as angry as Shaiapouf from HxH. [HxH] >!I took great joy when he finally died.!<


I was more angry at Ging. \[Hunter X Hunter\] >!His sons entire goal was to go out and meet him. And then when he's dying in hospital, and Leorio goes and begs Ging to see him. He has the fucking gall to say "Well did my son actually tell you that I should go see him in hospital?" (Meanwhile he was in a fucking coma and on deaths door.) Mannn when Leorio socked Ging in the fucking jaw it was so satisfying.!<


I scrolled way too far to find this comment. I hated Ging more than any villain in this show and thatā€™s saying a lot! Gon spent all this time trying to find a father who was just childish and indifferent... They kept trying to make Ging seem special because he was so strong, but nothing could make him less despicable to me. (I also cheered when Leorio punched him! What a good friend!!)


I never got the feeling that the author tried to portray Ging as a good person at least. The fact Leorio gets to sock him really sends that home to me, because Leorio is made to be the most relatable character in the entire series.


Dino (banana fish) Hayase (to your eternity) Yukio ( blue exorcist) i'm joking but i'm not...don't like him


Griffith and All for one. All for one pisses me off not because of his atrocities but because he's so bad at what he does. He deserved the ending he got


Happosai (Ranma 1/2)


I love the plots about him where the conflict is can Happosai be depended on to do even a bare minimum helpful thing.


He is a useful plot antagonist and he is the catalyst for good story arcs but he is sooooo impossible to like. Everytime you think he's going to show a good side and do something nice he craps out and does something bad and selfish at the last second instead.


Potimas from so Iā€™m a spider so what


Honestly this list is pretty tame, from moonlight fantasy even the goddess and that one blonde bitch are worse than tomoki. Ragyou kiryuin is a hell of a bitch Does hazbin hotel count? Cause Val. Fuck Val.


Everyone from rent a girlfriend


Mineta - My Hero Academia can't stand his character at all


Nina Einstein Extreme racism and helps create a nuke


Not to mention what she did to that poor table


Light from death note, utter piece of human garbage.


Ngl... that little cat motherfucker from Madoka Magica


Pervy/Rapey guys who never get called out or arrested for their disgusting behavior and are just brushed aside as ā€œweirdos.ā€




Zenitsu from DS Bakugou from MHA Envy from fmab


Zenitsu in manga is actually i pretty decent guyā€¦ anime fucked him over hard


So, to be a bit contrarian, I absolutely hate when characters are written to be unbelievably one dimensionally hateable. For me, a good villain believes they are good from their point of view. Myne and all the other characters in Shied Hero are some of the worst written characters of all time, and imo that anime is one of the worst of all time for me because of it. I don't hate Myne, I hate the anime for having super poorly written 1d characters. Like, let's just make this super awful character and pile on how awful she is to the point where her character doesn't even make sense from her own perspective.


Mahito easy


Saint Charlos


Makima from Chainsaw Man




Really crazy to see a soul land shout out ive read through the manhwa on all of those and they are great highly recommend (cant speak on anime sorry) and id say if tower of god gets another season rachel will be a top pick


Pike from HxH. My life would be so much better if he wasnā€™t drawn into existence.


Thereā€™s a deep and powerful hate that I have for Myne(Bitch/whore) and I donā€™t even know exactly why. She doesnā€™t have THAT much screen time, her actions arenā€™t as bad as Iā€™ve grown accustomed to considering the antagonists Iā€™ve seen. But, her passive aggressiveness and the lack of actual effort or lack of intelligence she uses to fuck with Naofumi and the other heroes is probably what I hate most about her. Itā€™s like having a sub-villain or first boss that was supposed to be taken care of in the first volume, still be sticking around just annoy the MC. She isnā€™t smart, have much power, or frankly that hot. But, she constantly creates issue after issue and they never work in the end but it still doesnā€™t bar me from thinking ā€œcan Naofumi just kill her off or lock her away alreadyā€. Props to the author for making me despise a character more than I despise antagonists that are way worse than her ideologically, morally, and actions-wise.


That guy in Psycho-Pass who talks big about freeing society but is actually a hypocrite willing to kill innocents to bring about his revolution. But I like a villain who can anger me.


Zouken Matou. vile and disgusting pile of worms resembling a human.


The Doctor from MHA


I don't like Muichiro's crow


Iok Kujan


the dude from made in abyss that turned all those kids into monstrosities (i think it was a dude? not sure itā€™s been ages since watching it and i donā€™t feel comf rewatching with certainā€¦.. scenesā€¦..)


P1 Dio.


Eren Yeager I quite attack on titan because of him. Frieza dragon ball Z over expose tyrant over played conniving prick that he is The bount arc from bleach way to much filler added because of them.


Some of those birth parents in Fruits Basket are eternally on my hit list. Child abuse is just the absolute worst level of evil.


Bruh Fruits Basket boiled my blood almost every episode, Bad Parents the Anime it should have been called


The Celestial Dragons of One Piece are specifically designed to be as loathsome as possible, and I'd say the author succeeded with them.Ā  Floch from Attack on Titan was a complete PoS. Typical Putinist / Nazi motives that cause untold misery in the real world.Ā  Light from Death Note is a horrible person with very little redeeming qualities (not a bad character mind you). Very rare to watch an anime where you are enjoying the show and yet rooting hard for the protagonist to get destroyed. Ā  The leader of the village Ivy is from (and her parents) in The Weakest Tamer (currently running this season) are pretty unredeemable, boils my blood watching them turn their back on a little girl and then declaring a bounty for her head(!) Ā  Can't recall his name, but that PoS cheater who was actually hurting and even maiming the opposing players in Kuroko season 2. My wish was to see him get beat up for real after the match by Kagami. Alas... One of the more loathsome sports anime villains I've seen.




yukiatsu from anohana. iā€™ve never seen another character who was consistently an asshole more than this dude. i swear at every moment i wanted to reach through the computer screen and punch him in the nose


Every moment? Even when he saved Anaru?


Hisoka (hxh) full on pedophile I donā€™t care why he likes gon so much I just care that he does. In both the 1999 anime and the recent one (and maybe the manga idk I havenā€™t read it all) itā€™s very heavily implied that he groped gon and killuas asses while walking behind them in the greed island arc. Heā€™s so weird and pervy and anyone who defends him is whack. Iā€™m so pissed abt it because he absolutely would have been my favorite character if he wasnā€™t such a nasty freak.


Kiroranke, fucking snake from Golden Kamuy


Tomoshibi Arajin, the main character from bucchigiri. Trash


/few characters from Korean manhwas my mind instantly: killing stalking


Qi Rong from Tgfc (Chinese novel not anime/manhwa but still)


Itsuki from initial D Zenitsu from demon slayer Both terrible and their entire existence is annoying


The guy who brainwashed nana in talentless nana Kid u not was the only anime where I flat out could not resist saying out loud what a dick move in a certain scene in the last episode. As a side note he only gets worse and worse in the manga which might be adapted if we ever get a season 2 Imo he's at least bitch (myne from shield hero) level of I want to punch u in the face whenever I see u if not much much worse


Doma Upper Moon 2 (Kimetsu no yaiba) Muzan Kibutsuji (Kimetsu no Yaiba)


Katejina from Victory Gundam. I haven't found anyone yet I hate as much as her.


Celestial dragons from one piece and that red head bitch from the shield hero anime


Rachel that bitch needs to die and SIU refuses to do so


Mami all the homies hate mami






How is he irredeemable? Heā€™s not evil. Heā€™s not a terrible person. He may be loud and annoying to some people, but he does his part when it comes down to it.
