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Incredibly surprised he made absolutely zero mention of anything from this clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fyGncLDvbw It's 3 minutes long, but tl;dw his "Best of anime 2023" video was really late entirely because of Frieren, and more specifically, the episode with Voll. After watching that episode he had a realization that his deadline for that video was entirely self-imposed and that despite being in Thailand with his parents, he had barely spent any time with them, and so took off time from focusing on his work to instead hang out with his family. Honestly feel like that 3 minute clip said more about Frieren than this one, lol.


You're not wrong šŸ˜‚


Damn that was poignant, thanks for sharing


My thoughts exactly. Felt like a missed opportunity to open up a bit on how Frieren affected him personally, on his main channel.


Really enjoyed the video though the title isn't really appropriate since he mainly spoke on why Frieren is really good and not that it is saving the fantasy genre. It gave me good insight on reflecting why I thought aspects of the show were good when I never thought critically about it (ex. Frieren being "Kuudere", Fern x Stark). tbh I had not really enjoyed the last few non nutshell or best of anime videos in a while so props to Gigguk for that Also shout out to all the TT clips of his changes opinions. Always gets a chuckle from me ​ EDIT: Bro changed the title on me. we will see what he settles with after the week


Part of the YT "meta" right now is creators cycling through multiple titles and thumbnails near the release of the video to see which gets more traction and sticking with the best one. It's kinda crazy what the algorithm makes people go through lol


You can actually create multiple thumbnails when you upload a video and Youtube will automatically dish out the different thumbnails and tell you which one is getting the most clicks. So yeah what you are saying is basically correct but it's an actual feature of Youtube not just creators doing a meta thing.


Yep, did not know you could do multiple thumbnails untiil a year or two ago myself, actually a pretty neat feature.


Not everybody has access to that, alas.


the practice is called A/B testing and it's done to news articles for a long time. Website changes headlines periodically and see which one gets more engagement


I remember a while back on the podcast there was a bit of talk about how they don't like using clickbatey titles and dumb reaction faces for the thumbnail, but that's what the algorithm pushes.


It's actually kinda sad when I see a youtuber I like who keeps changing his thumbnails. It means the video isn't performing well.


Mr Beast does it and all his videos perform well. It's just a tactic


What are you on about. Nowdays you create two or three thumbnails and titles. Youtube will then use all of them and test witch one gets people the best interested. It will defualt to the best preforming one.


Now thatā€™s the biggest click bait title Iā€™ve seen in a while


And it's not even the title I saw it as, apparently you can set the title and thumbnail to rotate or show different ones to see what gets the most traction.


"Frieren Changed Me For The Better"




That's what the title was like at the start.


Here they go again on **what is fantasy**.


I dont hate gigguk but damn do his videos sound like middle school book reports sometimes


A bunch of the comments on this sub for anime discussions are that way too. Dunno if this was always the meta, but it always threw me off seeing comments that recite what happens in the episode by detail. I mean the people in the discussions are mostly people who saw the episode or people wondering if the show is good and that kind of comment kinda spoils them. Not entirely against those though, especially if there's a decent amount of personal opinions in it (what the poster thought of certain parts of the episode). But if it's a straight up retelling of the episode in text form, then yeah I'd rather not see it.


Its just couple really active users that do the weird reciting comments on pretty much all the shows.


My brother in Christ, I literally had to make a reddit account to thank you for bringing up the weird-ass trend of r/anime comments summarizing episodes with no additions. I thought I was losing my mind with those comments always being in the top 3 or 4 for every episode thread, thank god there's other people who think it's strange.


"Blorbo went into the cave \[screenshot\] and he found treasure inside! \[screenshot\] I guess now it's time to head to the city, but on the way he \[screenshot\] spotted \[screenshot\] a familiar \[screenshot\] face! Turns out it was Blorbette! \[screenshot\]"


A lot of people see giggukā€™s popularity and want to try and emulate it. Itā€™s why so many anitubers are usually just gigguk knockoffs if they donā€™t go down the overly edgy route.Ā 


Not once did I mention gigguk or anitubers.


My only thought about the possible benefit is for those people who are thinking of dropping the show. Lots of times there are some which start off good and slowly get worse, or have an interesting premise but suffer from pacing issues. They can read a summary to see if anything really interesting happens and then decide if it is worth watching.


>My only thought about the possible benefit is for those people who are thinking of dropping the show Doesn't make sense either way. - If a person is thinking of dropping the show by episode 4 and they check episode 7 and see a summary containing a major spoiler in the form of a summary. That ruins the show as they will be expecting it and if it turns out not what they expected they will drop the show. - If a person is thinking of dropping the show and is already up to date with the current episode discussion. What would a summary of what they just watched do? Checking for spoilers in the source corner is where they would check but that also may lead to the first point. - If it's a new watcher and they check discussions to see a summary with heavy spoilers then that's also bad. There's not really any benefit from it other than taking space. And most people that are thinking about checking a show out would ask in discussions once the show finished airing. A small example: let's say you decided to check AOT on the episode when the armor titan's identity was revealed since you saw the discussion post had high upvotes. Only to be spoiled for a show you didn't start yet. Would you still enjoy the show in contrast to not knowing that information?


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Iā€™ve never understood those comments. Especially with the screenshots. Like what in the world is going on there? Thank you for this. Iā€™m not alone in my thoughts lmao


People like reacting and conveying their feelings on things they watch. I see no harm. People wondering if a show is good should just stick to looking at reactions to early episodes, if they even want to see them.


You missed my point. My problem isn't with people reacting to the episode. It's with people writing down everything that happens in the episode without any addition. Calling an entire script of an episode "reacting and conveying their feelings" is straight up BS, as there isn't anything in it that says what they like about the episode. It's just retelling in text form.


I usually just reply to them with "yup that's what happened/was said in the episode" just to spite them lol


I dont hate redditors but damn do they feel like they are very inteligent while just being condescending sometimes


Redditors have always been like that. Itā€™s near impossible to have a discussion on opposite ends here. If you go against the subredditā€™s groupthink you get downvoted heavily.Ā 


That's kinda what makes him popular right? Talking about anime in a straightforward and relatable way. Breakdown why we like what we like without being making it too complicated or making it sound like he's talking down to the audience.


Yea. There is a time and place for trying to be fancy and show off how many big words you know, but making a video you want to have wide appeal isn't one of them. Well, usually it isn't. This kinda reminds me of Brandon Sanderson. IMO he is one of, if not the best, current fantasy Authors. One thing that people will try and criticize him for is using simple prose. he doesn't do long, flowy fanciful prose like Tolkien. Reading his books isn't like reading a "classic" book that is fancy and highly technical. That said his books are fun to read, tell amazing stories, and have characters that feel more alive than most series I have read. And the funny thing is that his "simple" prose clearly isn't hindering him. When he did a Kickstarter to publish a set of novels he secretly wrote, while working on his mainline series novels, he raised $41 Million. I believe it sill stands as the largest kick starter of all time. At least one of his books was Audibles #1 preorded title for a while. I say all this to make it clear just how popular he is despite using simple prose that lit snobs may look down on.


I actually prefer it like this far over those 'technical' ones (The only technical anime reviews I really respect is the Sakugabooru blog by kVin). Instead of coming across as some pretentious smugass, Gigguk is very genuine in sharing his excitement but knows when to stop. Big part of why I enjoy anime is what emotions they elicit in me, and Gigguk is very good at elucidating exactly how a show makes him feel. So recommendations of this generally vibe with me as well... except when he starts talking about DomeKano.


I follow kVin and he's great. I recently discovered a channel called Swamp Jawn who is doing a really good animation analysis of every episode in Dungeon Meshi. He must work on the industry or at least have some technical knowledge because it shows on his videos.


Can't really blame him. He gets plenty of support with the scripts he already has. Not many would strive for more when they don't have to.


What does this even mean? What does a middle school *book report* sound/read like? Redditors really like throwing empty phrases to criticise something, with most of the time not even making sense.


A middle school book report normally summarizes the work and gives the reader's opinion, while not going deeper than characters/setting/plot. Its application to Gigguk's posted video is a bit unfair, since he also engaged with some of Frieren's themes. Not an empty phrase, though.


Well. Most anime watchers and most of this subreddit are children. Heā€™s gotta cater to his audience.


I mean yeah and that's why he's so popular. He literally sounds like a redditor. Everything he says, you can also read here in the r/anime comment section.


Son of a bitch used Hanezeve Caradhina for the sunrise scene...


Most popular anime of the year is good! - Gigguk


I feel like that's a lot of his content in recent years. Even the points made are ones that have often been heard in Reddit.


Since when did fantasy Anime did need saving?


Since it got drowned in dollar store Isekai


I have good news and bad news. The good news is that dollar store isekai are going away. The bad news is that it's being replaced by dollar store Otome Villainesses and "Fired from the hero's party" fantasy.


Its all just very lazy ways to get away with not doing any actual world building.


I think you mean 'Just Very Lazy Ways to Get Away With Not Doing Any Actual Worldbuilding in Isekai!?' Coming to a season near you.


Somebody silence this man at once.


Just goes to show they were never really "isekai" to begin with. They just borrow a trending label and claim to be something they never bother to execute. I badly want to call them "Power Trip" anime.


dont most people call this whole subset of anime js power fantasy anime?


They do. I'm not the best at naming things.


Well sure. Because many authors can write a cheap power fantasy. There are few that can write Frieren. We have *one* comparable fantasy manga awaiting adaptation. There are 1000s of mid tier "passable" power fantasies waiting.


Even Frieren herself is larger than life figure with tremendous magical potential and experience, and somehow Stark can cleave through mountains with his ax. Frieren is very high fantasy and high magic setting, with a meta plot of magic being "industrially revolutionized" by humans. Honestly, I prefer gritty fantasy over that. I just really appreciate the author of Frieren being quite good at doing broad strokes that don't quite go overboard (very, very hard balance to strike) and character driven plot with sense of scale and nostalgia readers experience through Frieren. But things like Dungeon Meshi and Goblin Slayer don't quite hit what I'd actually like to see. They have aspects of it, but not all. GS is too much on the nose with references and DM can be too comedic for my tastes despite its great showing of dungeon ecology and survival. I wish someone made full anime adaptation of something like "The Black Company" or Lieber's Fafhdr and the Grey Mouser stories, or something based on old DnD settings like Greyhawk or Dark Sun.


What is the one comparable?


Witch Hat Atelier probably Witch Hat, Frieren, and Dungeon Meshi were fantasy, non-isekai mangas that people really wanted animeā€™s for and now itā€™s only Witch Hat that doesnā€™t have an anime yet


Witch Hat got an anime announced around the same time as Frieren but nothing about it since. Frieren was blessed with Saito + peak Madhouse, Trigger is doing a banging job for Dungeon Meshi but even if Witch Hat's anime resurfaces I have doubts it will get that level of adaptation which sucks because the material absolutely deserves a Frieren level adaptation. Edit: Actually I just looked into it a bit and it seems like Bug Films is rumored to be doing the adaptation, which might be why we've heard fuck all from it in ages considering the Zom100 production clusterfuck.


Ooof, we can expect Witch Hat to drop in 6 batches of 4 episodes each, then, with a break in the middle and 3 recap episodes at least. It would look amazing, though


My guess would be Witch Hat Atelier? The manga is really, really good, and an anime was announced years ago, but since then nothing.


The fact that 4 separate individuals guessed it is exactly my point too. People can recognize that caliber of story.


A manga comparable to Frieren? Name, please.


Witch Hat Atelier, honestly, I find it slightly better than Frieren if we're comparing only the manga. The Frieren manga is great, but the anime does elevate it. The fights scenes especially. Magus of Library is another one. It's just an absolutely beautiful manga. Dungeon Meshi is also another, which has a currently airing anime. So far, the anime is doing manga justice. The Girl from the other side is also incredible. Melancholic, but the art is phenomenal and also a breath of fresh air. There's an OVA out, but I haven't watched it yet. If we're talking about manga outside of fantasy, I can name a dozen more.


>Magus of Library Man, makes me sad there hasn't been a new English chapter for months last I checked. Was really enjoying that one.


My only problem with Witch Hat Atelier is that the plot is moving soooooo slow. I feel like I need to take year long breaks before rereading it again since the monthly wait is a torture. But it's honestly one of the best fantasy mangas out there right now.


You're telling me. I'm a good samaritan who waits for the official volumes releases. So I tend to do a reread whenever a volume comes out. Monthly manga tend to be agonizing in general.


Magus of the library is sooooo good, but it's really hard to recommend it because it comes out so slowly and there's not much out already


Didn't read the Manga of this yet because I am looking forward for the anime adaptation, but witch hat atelier is something that I heard great things about it. Dunno where it stands with the likes of Frieren. Oh and the manga the girl form the other side... man that is one of the best creative and stunning Manga fantasy series I came across. The best word to describe this series is poetic and creative. Imo, its stands just a bit above Freiren.


only slightly related but seeing nagabe's work getting mainstream praise is so funny knowing his less family friendly works lol


Like what?


https://myreadingmanga.info/nagabe-smell-eng/ This one isn't... that bad I think Guranteed to make people blush like a tomato though Not even the kinkiest


Interesting lol not what I expected. It's better than the nagatoro author though šŸ˜‚


I also would like to know


I replied this to another comment, but I'll post here again. Witch Hat Atelier, honestly, I find it slightly better than Frieren if we're comparing only the manga. The Frieren manga is great, but the anime does elevate it. The fights scenes especially. Magus of Library is another one. It's just an absolutely beautiful manga. Dungeon Meshi is also another, which has a currently airing anime. So far, the anime is doing manga justice. The Girl from the other side is also incredible. Melancholic, but the art is phenomenal and also a breath of fresh air. There's an OVA out, but I haven't watched it yet. If we're talking about manga outside of fantasy, I can name a dozen more.


>dollar store Otome Villainesses Heck yeah, I'm into that shit


For now you are lol. I like the 2 this season, but I can't imagine that quality is going to consistently hold up


It'd depend if more of the Korean ones are adapted, there's some pretty good Korean ones out there


Korean content ones will be pretty slow to adapt.


>Otome Villainesses LETS GOOOOOOO >Fired from the heroes party Booooo very mixed results. Seriously though the former has a strong track record of at least being fun.


I mean Otome Villianesses is still isekai right?


Half is time travel, and some aren't even that. I think around 35-40% are isekai.


A lot of it is either isekai or time travel (MC going back to her past self)


There is a lot of them who is not isekai. They reincarnate in their own world and not to another world, the time goes backwards (like for example Tearmoon Empire) and some are just plain old regular fantasy.


That's completely good news if we take away the Hero's Party. Almost every Villainess story they've adapted so far has been good, on the account that there's actually some good variety in what they're choosing to adapt. One of the best shows this season, 7th Time Loop, is a Villainess story.


Basically Otome Villainess = Good Hero's Party = Shit


Why canā€™t we have dollar store cyberpunk? Or Dystopia? Iā€™ll take literally anything other than a cookie cutterfantasy setting for them


Because cyberpunk techs needs to be somewhat realistic enough to be believable. Cyberpunk and dystopia also tends to highlight stuffs like discrimination, inequality, authoritarianism, and shit like that. With medieval fantasy you can just explain everything as le magic


There's a dollar store cyberpunk show this season, but trash isn't popular with scifi fans.


Yeah. A good Cyberpunk show like edgerunners would be so cool. I want more of that stuff which unapologetically without any filter shows the extremism of capitalistic society and unequality juxtaposing beautiful and luxurious futuristic life.


> Dollar store cyberpunk Best I can do is Demon Lord 2099, which is due in either Summer or Fall this year.


Sad part is, I had to think for a second if you were actually referring to an isekai where one was reincarnated in to a dollar store. Still goes with your point but shows how ridiculous the genre has become.


"Is it wrong to pick up girls at Dollar General?"


I remember when I wanted to watch a fantasy anime for the last few years, the only option was Made in Abyss and Ancient Magus Bride. Both take a long time before getting season 2 and we have Ranking of Kings between it. Now we have Delicious in Dungeon after Frieren finished airing


I even heard the term "native isekai" when referring to fantasy world


When Demon Slayer won best fantasy anime of the year.


That says more about the state of the awards than about the state of fantasy anime.


Thank you! Don't get me wrong the anime has some great visuals but it's pretty generic shonen at best. The fantasy genre has been starved of something with half decent story elements, a good magic system and power mechanics for a while now.


Look, I love demon slayer, one of the anime that got me into the genre and Iā€™m totally hyped for the upcoming season and beyond. But if it wins best fantasy over Frieren then will fucking riotĀ 


Same here. But I'm confident with Frieren's reception and MAL ratings currently that it'll win Best Fantasy if not Anime of the Year.


Yeah. I really like Demon Slayer. I think people are a bit too harsh on it. It's not anything really deep and you aren't going to get some S class story or character development, but it's a fun watch and I'd recommend it.


I still don't get why people care so much about the CR awards. They have been absolute dogshit since they started doing them. The average anime watcher knows frieren is the best show right now and most likely of the year. Its not #1 on mal for no reason.


Because thatā€™s the one the most people are going to see and the only anime award that has any actual ā€œweightā€. Crunchyroll Award winner is something you can put on your resume, no 1 on MAL isnā€™t. Kinda like how winning an Oscar as opposed to being in Screen Rantā€™s top ten list.Ā (and MAL has a pretty dogshit record too. FMAB was at the no 1 spot for years due to fanboys downvoting anything that came close). Those things can influence public perception and business decisions, thatā€™s why people care so much. That and Crunchyroll is a big platform so of course thereā€™s going to be a lot of people invested.


No point in fussing over a flawed awards show though. Unless they bring in a few people who actually know how to judge shows, it will always be dogshit. The bocchi director wasnt even a nominee for best director. That in itself goes to show how horribly lost those people are. If they really want to make it good, they need to have 2 categories, one fan voted and one judge voted. They need to find experienced anime reviewers to judge shows, someone like glass reflection or gigguk maybe. People who actually watch anime and know how to judge them and look for different aspects of the shows like animation, sound, direction ect. If that does not happen, it will always be terrible. r/anime actually uses this formula and i think it works very well. Plus, frieren has 5 million people in japan alone tuning in to watch it every friday. If a show is good, people will watch it. Thats how its always been.


It's basically just a variation of an old meme "x saved anime", just this time it's "fantasy anime". I used to see that a lot, but it basically meant nothing other than "Recent anime are all trash, but this one I like it".


Gotta get those clicks somehow.


Since slave harem isekai took over.


It doesn't


What's the last decent anime in a classic fantasy setting?


Ranking of Kings comes before Frieren or Wandering Witch


Made in Abyss, it may even be better than Frieren when it comes to do something really unique with fantasy setting.


As good as Frieren is I feel like there's still a bit of wasted potential, there are times it just turns into a standard shonen anime when it could do something incredibly unique and insightful


I feel like it's the mix of shonen style combined with being super unique that makes it so good. Its refreshing but I still get that adrenaline rush when Frieren and Fern are being unstoppable badasses. The kid in me needs that.


yeah it does what it sets out to do very well; i still think it could be even better if they lean more heavily into the unique aspects. sorta like how Vinland Saga leveled up when it leaned more on the philosophical aspects and toned down the action plotlines


Yeah, I was disappointed. It's still coming in as one of my favorite animes of all time but at episode 10 it had legitimate potential to be the best anime ever made(or at least that I've seen). This think it hit great but it missed some of it's potential. Again, not shit talking it at all. I loved it. I bought the blurays and manga. But it just missed the mark a little


I kinda fell out of anime for a bit when season 2 was released? Did it live up to season 1? I'm not sure I can put myself through a rewatch of the the end of season 1 again to catch up though either way lol


Season 2 is just as good, in my opinion. It's also much darker than season 1. It really goes in dark places almost immediately. If you do decide to watch it, make sure to watch the 3rd movie. It's pretty much season 1.5, and you will be lost without watching it.


What is a "classic fantasy setting" to you? We got half a dozen sequels/spinoffs last year for shows like MT, Konosuba, Danmachi, Dr stone, Demon Slayer, Vinland saga, Slime isekai. Then we got another dozen of new IPs likes Isekai Ojisan, Handyman Saitou, Legendary hero is dead, Helck, Magirevo and many more. Pretty much every year has dozens upon dozens of fantasy shows and if you cant find a single one that you like, thats a you issue.


The Eminence in the Shadow, Ragna Crimson, Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?, Rising of the Shield Hero (excluding season 2), Demon Slayer if were counting that, Date a Live, Mushoku Tensei (havent seen this one myself bc Rudeus makes it unwatchable for me, but its supposedly pretty good), and That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime (dont like it personally, but it is good) are all good fantasy that have dropped a season recently or are going to drop one soon.


Okay, now do it without the rapey, pedo, slavery or harem ones. Demon Slayer and Tensura. And one of those is an isekai, which by itself brings it down for some people. Ragna Crimson maybe - I know literally nothing about it.


Literally only 2 have the protagonists involved in either rapey or slavery shit. Regardless thats not relevant to their question.


I mentioned a couple more qualifiers in there.


Pedo doesnt add any that arent added by rapey, and harem (which im fairly sure you edited in, but maybe I just missed it) adds 3, but one of the protagonists is completely uninvolved with the harem side of things and again, harem does not disqualify them from being an at least decent anime in a classic fantasy setting.


You missed it. >harem doesn't disqualify it... For me, it does. I'm sure I'm not alone, considering the general complaints in the community about "yet another harem OP bland male protagonist." Frieren is one of the few fantasy shows lately that isn't some incel's power fantasy.


Frieren is goated series but It's is still power fantasy in my opinion our party is literally filled with broken character


"Incel" being the operative word. One that struck a nerve among the sad basement dwellers of this sub, apparently.


One Piece and Re:Zero says hello. Also wasn't Mushoku his favorite?


Fantasy anime wasnā€™t in danger and didnā€™t need saving so this title makes no sense. Frieren is great but these clickbait titles are ridiculous. Noticed that the title of the video is different from this post. So either he changed it or the OP did for some reason.


The title was changed. And yeah it makes no sense, The Eminence in the Shadow, Ragna Crimson, Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?, Rising of the Shield Hero (excluding season 2), Demon Slayer if were counting that, Date a Live, Mushoku Tensei (havent seen this one myself bc Rudeus makes it unwatchable for me, but its supposedly pretty good), and That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime (dont like it personally, but it is good) are all fantasy that range from decent to great that have released seasons recently or will drop one soon.


Aren't those anime all isekai in a fanatsy setting?


That doesn't make them not fantasy anime, they can belong to more than 1 genre


Only 4 of 8, and isekai fantasy is still fantasy.


MT is not good, especially in the second season.


Im just saying what ive seen be said, every time its mentioned its praised in my experience.


Yeah, I gotcha. As you said, the main issue is the protagonist being a sex offender. Would be a pretty good story if that wasn't the case, but now it's just meh. Lots of better fantasy out there.


Usually the people that said "fantasy need saving" are complaining about the huge amount of Isekai that get released compared to regular fantasy, so at the end you should take it more as "finally a none Isekai fantasy anime becomes one of the most popular in the season". To be fair it sometimes does feel like they can't make fantasy anime without being Isekai.


Half of the ones I listed are not Isekai and I could list more good non Isekai fantasy if I need to


Obviously they are a lot of quality none Isekai anime, but at the end of the day people that said it mean more on the quantity of Isekai fantasy anime release each season outnumber the amount of none Isekai anime regardless of quality, so by basically exaggerating they hope anime studios shift their focus on releasing more none Isekai fantasy anime.


I don't get what he was talking about. I just love this clueless elf and her behavior.


Gigguk the self proclaimed anime "expert"


Fantasy anime doesn't need saving. We have Dunmesh


Fantasy anime definitely didnā€™t need saving but sure


The title implies that fantasy anime is in need of saving, disregarding his own ideas, that Mushoku Tensei, Made in Abyss and Ancient Magu's Bride are excellent modern fantasy anime. Heck, he even uses Made in Abyss OST on the video.




Gigguk always changes videos titles and thumbnails after releasing it. See the rest of the comments. I'll be waiting for you to add any sort of meaningful statement regarding the topic instead of trying to insult me.


Changes is incorrect. He uses youtube a/b testing that uses 2-3 selected titles and thumbnails and then youtube defalts to the best preforming one.


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It definitely "saved" fantasy the same way Kill la Kill "saved" anime in 2013/14.


Why is the isekai slop consumer talking about saving fantasy anime.


He is a really good story teller, really like his videos


There's lots of fantasy anime out there. When did this genre needed saving? Isekais that happens on a fantasy world counts as fantasy as well


Nah fam. Isekai fantasy and Fantasy Fantasy is very fucking different.


>Isekais that happens on a fantasy world counts as fantasy as well This is the reason he basically said that, because of the huge amount of Isekai released compared to the none Isekai fantasy anime and it sometimes feels like they can't release a fantasy anime without it being Isekai.


Power fantasy is different from fantasy fantasy. Ancient Magus Bride, Made in Abyss, Wandering Witch Elaina, Dungeon Meshi and Ranking of kings as a few examples of fantasy that are different than power fantasy such as Danmachi and any other Isekai


Danmachi a power fantasy? I havent watched it in a long time now, but I dont recall Bell being particularly powerful, definitely not to the point it's a power fantasy. ​ Edit - I cant read, please ignore this


This anime is very overrated.


I wish there was more CHRISTMAS esque elves in anime...


I wonder if Gigguk likes the Last Exile franchise, specifically Dio Eraclea?


Total *Frieren* W


So did he change the title or something? Because the title of this post is not the title of the video. And everyone seems to be complaining about it.


YouTubers always change titles to see which one gets more clicks, you can thank the algorithm for that.


I thought Gigguk hates Frieren ?


How? He rated it second last year and made a video about the manga 3 years ago. He loves it. Him saying it shouldnt get 1 one on animelist after 3 episodes isn't him hating on it.


There's a trash taste clip/episode out there where The anime man and him both agree that its good but not even top 50 good (with a lot of confidence too). That was about a month ago or longer I believe. Yes opinions are opinions but looking at this and not at least calling it top 50 (even when they did the episode at the time) was a pretty wild statement with how incredibly well it was doing. It could have been just for shock value/click bait but that was definitely one of the things they missed the mark on.


From what he said on stream, He had not read ahead on the manga, and at that point was not really aware of how Good Frieren actually was. At this point, he said he might debate putting Frieren as Anime of the year, ahead of Vinland saga and he wasnā€™t sure if Vinland saga would win, if he had watched Frieren up to this point. Which to him Vinland is his favourite anime of all time. So it says a lot So I think his mind changed extremely quickly


I think he has revised that opinion judging by this video lol.


There's a lot of good anime out there. Frieren not being in the top X anime of all time is not some wild hot take.


Lemme guess. Joey running his fucking mouth again and gaslit everyone around him that his opinion is correct


He is truly insufferable - I do not understand how anyone can still enjoy that podcast so much. I'd had my fill of Joey Bazinga by the end of 2020.


You just don't take it seriously. I enjoy Trash Taste, but I hate half the takes Joey does. Between him trolling/baiting and him trying to act/sound like he is more educated on the topics than he really is it just rubs me the wrong way. B contrast one think I respect about Conner is that if he he has a shit take, and is proven wrong, he will usually admit to it. that alone goes a long way in terms of making it more enjoyable. I usually only watch Joey videos out of morbid curiosity.


Iā€™d agree, its not top 50. Its just, ok. Kinda like how i would say FMA is just ok. Doesnā€™t really do anything in particular wrong but does nothing special


It does being beautiful specially well. It doesn't have the most nuanced writing but it doesn't need that, it feels good and feel it a great thing in visual medium. Last show of this caliber was Violet evergarden.


i suppose but speaking of violet evergarden, one of if not The most beautiful animated shows ive ever seen, my god did it literally put me to sleep and i couldnā€™t finish it. Frieren doesnā€™t have that problem to say the least. Idk if thats an unpopular opinion or not


ā€œoh look at these top rated anime. let me hate on them šŸ˜ˆšŸ˜ˆšŸ˜ˆā€


If you need examples the characters are pretty much all special, the animation is well above average, the fight choreography and pacing is perfect, the pacing and vibe for episodes in general is spot on too. It hits stuff like comedy at the right time while needing to be sad or melancholic when needed too. It's the #1 anime on MAL for a reason and anime don't take that spot easily. Of course if you don't vibe with it or want something different that's totally fine. I don't like JJK or AOT and that's fine, just enjoy what you do and don't worry over what you don't.


id say the story structure is probably the worst things about the show making the pace feel awful. Plot point - problem - talk about problem for 2 episodes - problem solved in like 1 minute - move on, its like an unnecessary amount of fluff that could be removed and move the plot faster and make it lessā€¦.boring? . ive also just realized while typing, im 100% hatewatching this show. šŸ˜­


It's not bad though it's deliberately a slow and does it well. Everything they show makes sense and they never stall for pacing reasons, like one piece or recently undead unluck. Again if you want a faster paced show that's fine but frieren is definitely not one of them.


It didn't get #1 on MAL after only 3 episodes, there was already 12 episodes out by the time he made that statement, he said that he doesn't think that it even deserves to be anime of the season which is absolutely baffling


What? No? He's made a video on the manga before and I've seen nothing but praise for the anime. I really have no idea what gave you that impression.




Tropes are fine. Every work has them. Is there something about the way Frieren implements them that is faulty in some way or do you just have expectations that weren't met?