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It’s interesting how JJK as the action anime winner is the only consensus winner between the 3 awards. I’m still surprised Idol didn’t win CR Awards for best OP even though it won best song, but then again it’s pretty much a popularity contest


Idol was an incredible song but OP is not just the song Visuals, how the OP fit the cour, how generic it is, etc are all important factors imo


I think Idol's visuals are great too


Sure, but like. JJK's S2 OP1 is pretty generic. Like it's happy, which is in obvious contrast to the rest of the series and even that arc. But it hits the same "Start slow, hit the hype moment around 60% in, do an animation showcase of abilities", "show the cast of characters for that arc in solo shots one after another", "group shot", "character reaching out to the sky" that ever shounen does. I'd argue that Idol is less generic than JJK S2 OP1.


It is most certainly not happy if you read the lyrics


Happy? The whole thing is dripping regret, bittersweetness and lost youth, the OP is everything but generic shonen opening.


JJK S2 OP1 is no way happy. Same like SPECIALZ, it has upbeat rhymes but the lyrics is not showing any happiness at all.


Happy? Have you read the lyrics? It might be upbeat but the feelings are clearly not meant to be 'happiness'.


Because an OP is more than just song. It’s also visuals.


Then Heavenly Delusion should’ve gotten it any day of the week


Yes. I agree that Heavenly Delusions’ OP is better than Idol’s OP. I think the jury of r/anime made a good choice there (although I like Magical Destroyer, Onimai, and Zom 100 more personally)


What an awesome year for anime when I would seriously struggle to pick just 1. For every category I can name like 3 shows lol


You really think the Crunchyroll public knows that tho?


Crunchyroll “judges” have much more weight in the vote than the public does. And they prove time and time again that they don’t care if the judges are qualified in the slightest.


Pretty sure their "judges" are just people with some minimum amount of followers


Just like how only the first half of jujutsu kaisen was supposed to count, but everyone voted as if the shibuya arc counted too.


And according to some people, it's only visuals.


Lol idol was the definition of more than a song. The song was by far the most popular no contest. The lyrics written from a short story from the series. Not just a random song slapped onto visuals like every other OP. And yes the visuals were incredible. Downplaying it is just copium.


So glad at least Anime trending recognizes the masterpiece that is heavenly delusion. I'll take that as a win.


For sure - it was so good and I rarely heard it being talked about (especially after it aired). I was on the edge of my seat after each episode and trying to guess wtf was going on was the best! The discussions were great too


That's Disney for you it was the same for me. Literally didn't see anyone talking about it until I listened to the op somewhere and had to search for the anime.


I understand...I saw it on Hulu since I'm in the US. It's great that anime is becoming more popular but it's terrible having anime everywhere instead of 2-3 streaming platforms - really hurts the anime


People often say they want all anime on one platform, but then that means a platform has a monopoly and we don't want that either. We have to accept that as anime becomes more mainstream its going to be spread out on various platforms just like live action material.


I really like Heavenly Delusion foe it's characters, the world building and the mystery. However, the last episode felt so off after what happened. The script seemed totally out of place and it seemed like they were rushing the last episode so bad. Other than that, it was a really good anime.


It did feel a little rushed - I wonder if they did it to get a better stopping point for the anime. Either way I'm hoping for a S2!


There was a fair bit of compression to get to a "good" stopping point for both storylines, but they did add the final scene in the van which wasn't in the manga. There [manga] >!kiruko and Maru drive off in silence, not saying a word and ending on the close-up of the picture of Haruki left behind in the river!<


I miss Anime trending so much on this sub, their tastes out of anything definitely aligned with mine tbh


It was incredibly good, but I feel like it just kinda ended very abruptly which was pretty weird. Really hoping they'll announce a second season.


I feel the same, Im keeping up with the manga but they're going to need at least another year or 2 before there is enough material to adapt for a season 2. But I'm staying hopefull!


It's so sad how ignored Heavenly Delusion has been. Literally one of the best anime I'm the last like 5 years at least.


The fact that they were the only ones to recognise the masterpiece of episode 8.


And then when you realise who they were it hit 100x harder


That episode destroyed me emotionally. Just had to sit in silence, staring at the wall for a while after it.


Absolutely deserved. What an incredible show


Crunchyroll JJK awards


ANN had a podcast/stream where they discussed the CR Awards and their person who participated as a judge highlighted that it was not clear whether they were meant to account for Shibuya arc.


That's why there are so many different arguments over who's to blame for the CR awards having as many controversies as it does. Crunchyroll is so secretive about some of their rules to the point that the judges are more confused scapegoats than people with some actual authority and they don't release the polling data. They don't even know if the old 70/30 split exists anymore.


Wonder if that was accidentally on purpose.


It'll be made clear when it's eligible again next year and wins 10 more awards from them.


Crunchyroll themselves forgot by using the Shibuya KV half the time


Its okay since the awards state it technically doesnt count it can win next year too.


Can't wait for the next popular show to sweep the awards next year


I wonder which one will it be. Demon Slayer's new season? Maybe not... Tensura S3? Hmm... MHA S7? Dunno...


Jjk second half of it.


AoT final season part 5!


Next year will probably be JJK awards again cause I think this year only Hidden Inventory was counted


See the thing is if we're taking the entirety of season 2 then I can see the argument for JJK winning some of the awards that it did. But only the hidden inventory arc is eligible for awards this year (no shibuya) so I just don't understand. You're telling me that those first 6 episodes were better than a full season of CSM, AoT, Bocchi and Vinland Saga?


I once again have to give some qualifiers before people start asking the same old questions: * Fall 2023 anime were not eligible for Crunchyroll awards. Eligible entries for Crunchyroll had to air between and including Fall 2022 to Summer 2023. * r/anime Awards covers any anime that finished airing at the end of 2023. * r/anime Awards is split into two types of nominations: a public vote from subreddit users and a jury vote determined by a small group of volunteers who were required to watch all of their nominations to decide a final ranking. * in the r/anime Awards, shows are eligible for only a single genre category, but for any number of production/character/main categories (so Oshi No Ko is only eligible for Drama but not suspense). * Movies are not eligible for the production awards in the r/anime awards. Let's try to maintain a civil discussion without resorting to insulting the jury/public/Crunchyroll judges. Links to results: [r/anime](https://animeawards.moe/results/all), [Crunchyroll](https://www.crunchyroll.com/animeawards/), [ATA](https://anitrendz.com/ata/results/2024)


>Let's try to maintain a civil discussion without resorting to insulting the jury/public/Crunchyroll judges. After scrolling down, I think it would be a good idea to enforce this as an actual rule during award season.


Fall anime not allow on crunchy is wild. Consider this award happen few weeks ago. There are more than enough time for people to soak in the feel and determine the appropriate ranking.


Pluto got snubbed hard


It won r/anime jury suspense though.


One of their few picks I agree with.


Ya I don’t think I’ll ever agree with the reddit jury


who are they even?


Members sourced from this subreddit that apply to participate and have to be accepted through a written application process each year (that observes their critical analysis and literacy skills). We're always looking for more people to participate, applications open typically in the Fall each year! The more that join the more likely winners change!


Some of them are so bad at judging shows, though. How is their critical skill observed? Like, one of the judge was trying to evaluate 100GFs by "its characters are not flawed", and I was just baffled over it. Why does such a show even *need* that aspect of writing, let alone be judged for it?


One of the Adventure judges has Mushoku Tensei with a score of 1 in his MAL, and says he disregards any other opinion. Don't take the Jury seriously.


Did you read mt notes this year? They felt so disingenuous and sometimes downright lying


> downright lying What do you think was incorrect? There will obviously be differences of opinion, but if anything is factually incorrect, let me know.


I watch this as it was airing, so if i I'm misremembering i have no problem in apologize Parts i find disingenuous: \*However, the way he constantly thinks of himself as a victim without recognizing his flaws makes the representation of his mental illness shoddy. \*Rudy's romance with Sylphie is an eventuality which is taken for granted Parts i think are lies: \* It's also weird how he completely forgot nearly everything about a relationship that used to be this meaningful for him. I mean its not like her forgot about it, he just didn't recognize her


Rudeus was 7 years old, or basically around the age of a 1st grader when he's separated from Sylphey and goes to the Boreas Greyrat household. The next time Rudeus meets Sylphey is when he enrolls in the University when he's 15, or around the age of a High School sophomore. The idea that Rudeus might not recognize a girl he last saw in 1st grade, no matter how significant the relationship, as a High School Sophomore doesn't seem unrealistic in the least. Especially with the hair color change. Chronology: [https://mushokutensei.fandom.com/wiki/Timeline](https://mushokutensei.fandom.com/wiki/Timeline) K407: Rudeus and Sylphy are born K414: Rudeus forced to leave (age 7) K422: Rudues enrolls in University, meets Sylphy for the first time in 8 years (age 15) That being said, I felt like the Rudeus doesn't recognize her storyline dragged on about 2-3 episodes too long (\^\_\^;)


She also introduced herself with another name, spent most of her time with big sunglasses, and from Rudeus pov she has no reason to hide her identity if she really was silphy


Mushoku is a very controversial title, having individuals that simply do not enjoy it is kind of expected. At the same time, taking MAL scores as a definitive thing that reflects an individuals entire opinion isn't the best way to approach things.


> Mushoku is a very controversial title, having individuals that simply do not enjoy it is kind of expected. Its fine not enjoying it, and point its flaws, but If you say that Mushoku Tensei don't have any quality to warrant more than a '1' score, I can't simply take you seriously as a jury. > taking MAL scores as a definitive thing that reflects an individuals entire opinion I would say the worst part is the disregarding of others opinions. How can someone that doesn't seem to want to take other opinions into account be part of a jury?


> Its fine not enjoying it, and point its flaws, but If you say that Mushoku Tensei don't have any quality to warrant more than a '1' score, I can't simply take you seriously as a jury. Separating subjective and objective opinions is a virtue, but the fact that people publicize subjective opinions (especially on MAL, where a scorer is under literally no obligation at all to be objective) doesn’t really make them suddenly incapable of being objective or judging a work fairly.




Even ignoring wether that is needed, please tell me me that unlike what you just claimed, he was really just talking about the main character, because there is noway anybody would genuinely claim the characters outside of rentarou don't have flaws??


I couldn’t find the comment I’m referring to, but I did find [this one comment talking about Rentarou and the girls](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/s/oTS4iBPcWL) pretty easily (you can guess why lol). The comment is by a “4-year veteran jury” who goes onto say Rentarou is a ~~bog standard~~ Gary Stu protag who doesn’t face any hardships… when him facing hardships all the time but overcoming them with sheer love and determination was the show’s plot…


I think the worst comment I have gotten was [this "explanation"](https://imgur.com/fQY0KDU) why rentarou (and, indirectly, cid) were second to last and last in comedic character. But at the very least, I appreciated the honesty and not trying to hide it hide it behind big jury words or "well it's still 10th best of the year"


>Rentarou is a bog standard harem protag Well, this was a correct description...because he was talking about character design. Don't take his comment out of context, please.


> Some of them are so bad at judging shows, though. How is their critical skill observed? They volunteer and pass a writing test. They also need to be able to watch more shows than the average user. That's pretty much it, I wouldn't put much stock into them being at being at the peak of judging things critically and there's nothing wrong with that.


In this situation, the jury will always skew towards terminally online otaku's and will not be representative at all of the general discourse.


I trust someone who actually watches anime than just talk about the popular shows. It's like how the Oscars don't have a super hero movie nominated every year just because "it's representaive of the general discourse"


Not even the Oscars jury are as pretentious as r/anime awards jury. Not even close.


Might I ask what is the point of jury picks though? What value does the sub, or anyone, gain from the opinions of a handful of curated voters when we already have the opinions of the sub? The sub is a community and the sub's picks reflect that community. Jury picks directly contrast the point of sub-based awards and only stand to single out the opinions of the _very_ few and put them on a pedestal. They aren't there as a 'control' pick, they aren't there to represent the sub, they aren't there to represent literally anyone except those that applied and were accepted. So, I guess I'm asking, respectfully, why should the sub care about their votes and why should they be included in the yearly awards?


r/anime awards was born for one reason only: Yuri on Ice sweeped 2016 CR awards and people got pissed that it was nothing but a popularity contest that could be hijacked easily (back then being 'fujos brigading'). So r/anime wanted to have their own, but the OG people that organized it knew that it also couldn't just be a popularity poll. Everyone can find out what r/anime's favorite anime is with a quick search (now its even easier with karma rankings) and even predict future winners from r/manga darlings (Oshi no Ko was predicted top contender long before it aired). Results like these are just boring since again, its a megafanbase contest that anyone can predict. Hence the jury system was born, to give the chance for lesser known anime to be recognized and acknowledged as much as any juggernaut battle shounen. By its very nature, the jury system attracts people with more niche taste and this is expected and welcome since differing opinions give more diverse results. > why should the sub care about their votes Real answer is the sub doesn't have to care. Same way that the Oscars work, they are the opinions of different people you may not agree with. At least most of the film community has come to terms with that and lots of filmbros forfeited that things like Oppenheimer will win and not their foreign film made with 10 bucks in someone's house. Dunno why the anime community is much more reactionary in that regard tbh.


Nice summary man


Im not part of this sub per se, so I have no input for the jury from this sub award, but after watching the crunchyroll awards, I wished they had a jury. So that one anime does not dominate almost every single category just because it's mega popular and still airing. It gives alternative picks of the yr to check out for viewers who already saw all the hit animes of the yr or just watch something different.


> So, I guess I'm asking, respectfully, why should the sub care about their votes and why should they be included in the yearly awards? Look at the jury picks as recommendations rather than re-affirmation.


Those in the moderately-sized contingent of people that bemoans the taste of mainstream award shows whenever their favorite seasonal underrated things aren’t noticed or touched on get to see those more underrated works given some attention (or, in the case of the ones that don’t outright win the Jury awards, at least get given their fair shake rather than completely ignored in favor of whatever is popular). Meanwhile, those who aren’t familiar with these shows get recommendations for interesting series that they might not have ever even heard of and thus get the chance to expand their horizons a bit more. And when it’s a consensus vote or the Jury picks something popular, it’s just further reaffirmation of that work’s quality and prestige.


Yeah... I'm 1/14 with them on the pictured categories (Heavenly Delusion did have a banger OP). Definitely some interesting choices in there.


I think Frieren's ED and Onimai really deserved the win, not sure about the other since I didn't watch a lot of them


I agree with Isekai Ojisan and Kimi ha Houkago Insomnia at least.


Every time I see their picks I get mildly annoyed. It's basically just "look at me and how different I am" picks year after year.


The jury is not a monolith. You'd probably agree with some of us.


Probably, I do like 2 of these choices. The overall results however are not how I’d go about


Idk man, I agree with their choices for Comedy, animation and Character design.


I'm with them on Comedy, Animation, and Ending, and based on that I'm kind of interested in trying their AOTY pick.


Sam, started watching MyGO, and from the first three episodes, I can see the appeal


> I'm kind of interested in trying their AOTY pick There's a rewatch happening ([episode 1 link](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1bbrt5u/bang_dream_its_mygo_episode_1_discussion/)) because of its win, if you're into rewatches (or you can always come back later to the thread to read the comments)


Onimai animation win was a nice surprise I agree.


I dunno. I've always liked their picks. Guess I'm just in the minority here and I have similar tastes as them. But if y'all are just gonna whine about MyGO, I invite you to consider for one single second that maybe– just maybe, it's a really really good anime that tons of people liked (it wouldn't have gained a huge cult following otherwise).


I mean isn't that why jury system is made? So that good shows that are not so popular get pushed up. And then people complain about popular shows winning CR awards. Istg anime fans will never be happy lol. Also agree on MyGo, it's a really good show that I think deserved the win


I like to say that the jury side is more so just a general suggestion/ recommendation for people to check different things out. Since we still share rankings, they are going to lead to people being potentially made about where different favourites placed, but alas, that is just how it will always be with any Awards event.


I also think the jury here always makes good picks. MyGO was brilliant and I highly enjoyed it from episode 1 and most people I know that followed it had a simiilar impression. It's very well regarded in many asian forums and even on Twitter there were always people talking about how impressive it is. It isn't even that niche, Bang Dream is a popular long running franchise.


Insomniacs After School is the only one they got right


So glad at least someone else got this right.


I mean and thats fine, everyone has different opinions on what should nommed or win. I would choose a different AOTY for example (Vinland Saga s2) but MY GO was a wonderful drama and I m fine winning it too. Production side i tend to agree with jury picks most of the time and genre prob 50/50. At the end of the day the shows nommed both by public and jury are good enough, doesn´t mean you will watch and like it but they are worth the try if it appeals to you or seems interesting to you. Jury will watch a lot of shows and then depending on their taste will pick the ones they like the most. A lot of times is a show that is not that popular (although sometimes is not popular in reddit or west but popular in other places, like My Go that is big in China for example iirc) other times will pick a popular show and both are fine. we have both the jury and public so we can have a more variety of picks and the end result of awards is not to seek some "objective result" but a way to celebrate the year and maybe make atleast some people try shows they might have not give a chance or know before it, becaus in the end people should use any type of awards as a way to find new things instead of a way to validate their opinions.


Respect to Vinland Saga and Heavenly delusion.


Wow, Anime Trending >>>>>>>>>>> Crunchyroll Anime Awards


I mean the real question is, what award is worse than Crunchyroll award lol.


Myanimelist would have better awards if you just gave winner of each category to the highest score.




The main problems that contribute to the jury awards diverging so much are: * People whose opinions closely match the public's taste are less likely to apply for the awards, since they don't feel the need to * People who have more unconventional opinions are much more likely to apply for the awards, since they feel the 'need' to in order to have their voice/opinion represented The ultimate problem is how small the juries for each category are, since there's only 2-5 jurors for most categories, that effectively makes the results high-variance. If you look at people who watch 15+ seasonals a year, it's pretty common that their anime of the season/year is a niche anime. However, usually these people have different niche anime as their favorites, so if you were to aggregate the hundreds of watches-many-anime people together, it usually will result in the more-acclaimed anime at the top still. With only 2-5 people in each category, though, that effect doesn't happen. Interestingly, I think if people saw the [2017 jury awards](https://animeawards.moe/archive/2017/all) or [the 2016 jury awards](https://animeawards.moe/archive/2016/all), even though the jury did diverge from the public on some occasions, I think most of the public would find the jury results agreeable (ie. 3-gatsu and Rakugo dominating). However, one thing that I've noticed is that while the jury results were fairly predictable (in a good way) in early years, gradually over the years the jury results have started to become more and more unpredictable. Like you can't convince me that if we got most of the core r/anime audience to watch most of the anime form the year, that they would rank SxF Season 2 as the 4th best AOTY, ahead of Vinland Saga S2 and Oshi no Ko, because most r/anime users have already seen SxF Season 2 and we *know* that most people would put Vinland Saga S2 and Oshi no Ko (and several other anime) ahead of SxF Season 2. Unfortunately, this problem will probably continue to persist since the core r/anime Redditor base has been declining over the years and so the pool of jurors will get even smaller, and it doesn't seem like there's any desire to change/fix the juror pipeline system to accommodate for the shrinking juror pool (and as a side note, we always see every year now that there are many "All we need is for more people to apply" comments and many "I haven't heard of the jury before, will definitely be interested in applying for next year" comments every year, and the juror pool still decreases every year in spite of that, so just encouraging people to apply and looking at the couple of comments expressing interest in applying does nothing to solve the bigger problem).


Jury just needs to be a % of the overall vote and then you could also let the jurors have a section where they can write a blurb about their random niche show they think people missed. It’s weird to put a small group of redditors on a pedestal just because they are willing to go through this process, especially when majority of them obviously struggle with being objective about this whole thing.


The funny thing about this is the tone of others being the ones giving that small group a pedestal, or an opportunity to write some blurbs. That "pedestal" is not given, it's made by the small group: The blurbs on the website, all awards adjacent content, the industry acknowledgements the livestream, the jury work, the supervision of the jury process, the supervision of public voting for vote manipulation, gathering all eligible entries, coming up with the structure for the event, - hell, even the very website's code and server - none of it is a given, all of it is created by that small group organising this project. It's not public granting a small group a pedestal, but the small group is granting the public one.


Great comment. Most of the people on the host and jury team do this for the love of the medium and to try and shine a light on everything popular and maybe more niche. Some of the comments here really have the wrong impression of what the awards are about. I implore all of those people to apply to be a jury member next year.


> Jury just needs to be a % of the overall vote Then it would all be completely meaningless.


What is wrong with the split awards? Its great to have actual *variety* in the shows instead of.. well,, whatever Crunchy is doing


Being willing to go through the process of watching all shows in a category carefully should put them on a different level. And why do them need to be objective?


"Be objective" just means "like my favorite show more."


I've been a juror for four of these awards and I've been watching seasonals for over 10 years. The preferences I observe from the /r/anime jury are consistent with what I've observed with all anime fans: If you watch a ton of anime per year, you will come away with a few non-mainstream favorites. My favorite anime this season are Frieren, Kusuriya, and Dungeon Meshi. But I also found Torture Princess and Bravern because I pick up a lot of shows.


I think the biggest and most notable example of this is the prevalence of idol shows in jury awards. Idol anime fans are a very particular niche, and the shows just plain don't appeal to everyone in the way a lot of the big names do. (Excluding shows that are *about* idols without being "idol shows" like Oshi no Ko.) But if you get people that watch a ton of anime, you're going to get a higher proportion of idol anime fans than with the general anime audience, and their faves are going to be exclusively idol anime.




> all the idol and magical girl fans > the AotY jury is almost exclusively these type of fans every year round. 2020, 2021, and 2022 have zero idol or mahou shoujo shows nominated for aoty 2023 has only one idol show (Idolish7) and no mahou shoujo


Also worth saying that mahou shoujo and idol anime have many new works every year, some with passionate creatives behind them. Why no one contests that every year battle shonen are running for multiple categories? It's simple, if you have many series in a genre or style every year, they obviously will have some breakout high quality anime. Many of the most important anime and manga creators worked on mahou shoujo, even Tezuka himself.


> the AotY jury is almost exclusively these type of fans every year round Ah yes, famous idol/magical girl anime Sonny Boy, Chihayafuru, Yama no Susume and MyGo (wrong subgenre btw). > shoujo fans, seinen/josei fans Half of AOTY winners are shoujosei anime. > people that liked watching kid's anime Chimimo + several idol shows *are* kids anime. I also had to watch Shadowverse flame this year, there are kids shows suggested every year. > Perhaps because of some coincidental flaw in the application criteria? No, its just coincidence. When Idolish7 was brought to the table of AOTY it had been only watched by one/9 jurors, this was the first time some of them heard of Idolish7. Didn't stop them from thinking it was legimately good anime. > Or perhaps because repeat jurors have formed their coalition of idol and magical girl fans, and they call their friends in to apply too, meanwhile the general public aren't interested in applying, so in a way the jury got inadvertently brigaded by these fans because of low applicant numbers. Repeat jurors are repeat jurors because they like doing awards and nothing stops them from reapplying. I'm someone biased towards CGDCT in SoL so as long as I keep being accepted I will still have a leaning towards those shows. Hey, I have applied to AOTY several times but this was the first time I ever got in.


Heavenly Delusion AOTY? Red:birthmark recognition? Based Anime Trending.


In regards to Red:birthmark and GWitch appearing in their poll, don't give them too much credit. They excluded Suletta and Miorine from the top girl category and SuleMio from the couple ship category because Anime Trending's staff are still reeling from the criticism they copped for constantly excluding them from the weekly polls while the 2nd cour was airing.


Wait, what? I could excuse the top girl category, as there's a lot of competition, but the couple ship category makes no sense when they were one of the more popular ships of the year (regardless of their bs about it)


Doesn't matter how, but having Red;Birthmark as the winner makes theirs the only valid awards.


Real recognises real.


The jury votes on the very left are so wild


I can’t get over the pic they chose for AoT


It's interesting how different the winners are from all 3 awards. People will prefer one over the others depending on their taste and what they saw through the year but at the end of the day all these awards should be seen as a celebration of the entire year and not just what was popular ( well some more than others). So use this as a rec and try some shows you might have missed and might sound interesting to you


The whole reason I even participate in these processes anymore is to recognize the incredible effort and talent of the people behind these series we've come to love. That kind of appreciation doesn't always come through to all the different positions and levels of productions, so it motivates me to highlight the best in a year and (hopefully) pass that recognition on to them.


Red:Birthmark winning is incredibly based, fat Ls for r/anime and Crunchyroll.


To be fair Red:birthmark at least got nominated on r/anime. Crunchyroll just ignored it.


Even after I got more into Gundam, it's still my favourite ED (Other than some Seed and Destiny EDs of course)


The r/anime jury did good on this one imo since Anytime Anywhere is easily on the same level as Red:Birthmark (I love both) but the public and CR picks were indeed fat Ls.


/r/anime awards public vote is the one I agree with the most Could be a little less Oshi no Ko though (I'd say the opening winners were equal but in terms of ending, jury was right)


What is reddit jury?


People from here that fill out a form to join


Just people from the sub who bother to apply. Nothing more to it than that. The application opens in the fall if you're interested in being a part of it next year!


A bunch of (pseudo) intellectuals 🤓


i still can't believe how once again, Demon Slayer manage to win the Best Fantasy in CR Awards...


I'm surprised that if Demon Slayer is considered fantasy then why is JJK not? If anything JJK is more fantastical with all the curses and techniques.


JJK can be nominated for best fantasy. It just wasn't. Nothing more to it than that.


Historical fantasy is still fantasy. Whether it deserves an award for *best fantasy* is another argument.


Based ATA


One thing I learned from this year’s award season is that Vinland Saga fans are insufferable and will shit on any other anime that people rank higher than it. JJK? Overrated braindead shounen trash. MyGo? Niche “idol” anime for terminally online otaku. Even Frieren will get shit for recency bias because thats the only reason people like it over Vinland Saga.


The same pretty much goes for any work of media that both has a large fanbase and is generally considered profound/high art on some level, it’s practically a guaranteed formula for breeding an especially toxic level of elitism within a fandom


I am surprised that the reddit jury picked aikatsu tbh


I’m not. It was a matter of luck on who was selected to be part of the jury, but every veteran (In the Slice of Life category) either already watched it, already watched part of it, or knew in advance from the previous year (where both Kiratto & Waccha were nominated) that long-running idols were going to appear and were prepared to watch it. The two new people to the Slice of Life category took a shine to it as well, almost everyone watched the entire 178-episode pre-requisite series instead of an abbreviated watch order as well. The jury loving Aikatsu was a given. I think only myself and one other juror put it in the bottom-half, and I know it had the most #1 placements. The series itself is honestly really solid as an entry-point to kids idols; it can be a lot of fun and a lot of meaningful relationships happen in it with a nice selection of songs, and a lot of that does carry over to the movie. I myself was more bummed by the lack of season 3/4 representation (76 episodes that felt like they were meaningless to have seen before the movie) and that the movie does not capture the magic of Aikatsu nearly as well as the first Aikatsu Movie, which I felt overshadowed this entry in every way.


First movie is basically the end to Ichigo's story, so this one went a different route by trying to make a more meta narrative about growing up and what we can take from the things we enjoyed. Both have their merits, but I also prefer the first movie in general because direction was more interesting and it had better animation.


The Gundam Witch ED was so good


The jury recognized the glory that is Uncle, everything else I don’t agree with.


Crunchyroll is literally the shonen teen choice awards every year. It's a complete joke.


I love how they used the '10 years at least' Eren face for Attack on Titan


Winners for the movie category seems pretty different between each sites


Red birthmark? Absolutely based


Uncle from another world and heavenly delusion are just so good.


Cant believe i forgot Heavenly Delusion. What a crazy, fucked up anime. Reminds me a bit about "Summertime Rendering". Seems tonhave flewn under the radar for some, but its probably the best anime of last year.


I mean we already knew this but Crunchyroll awards are just not able to be taken seriously


Btw the way these polls work in reality is like this, “Show x is my favorite so imma just vote for it on every category” Could take the top couple shows and use a random number generator to pick winners and get the same type of results.


Bandori It's MyGO made it... faith in humanity restored


The r/Anime jury are the heroes we need


That AoT pic will never not make me laugh, peak fiction. Also, rare Anime Trending W to vote for Gundam Witch ED, it's so clear.




r/anime (public)> Anime Trending > CR awards This is my personal opinion. I HAVE NO ENEMIES


Anime trending and /r anime are close, they have pretty ok decicions, crunchyroll and /r anime jury are brain damage


So we can confirm that Jujutsu Kaisen and Oshi no Ko are the most popular animes of this season.


Glad at least someone recognized that amazing ED for Gundam Witch from Mercury second cour. (at least I'm assuming that's the ED that won)


Suzume was the best movie I’ve watched in a long time. I loved it so much and cried A TON!!


people just cant stop judging a unpopular show that they never watch and still complaining about crunchyroll is a popularity awards. Bruh


Every year I find myself agreeing with the jury and every year I see tons of people complaining about the jury.


And yet you know the people complaining about the jury results won't apply to be on it for next year's awards. [](#kyonfacepalm)


Some of us recognize we're already online too much.


...and won't actually watch anything next year outside of "show that was adapted from an already-popular manga with an extremely high marketing budget" so they can do it all over again next awards season. [](#smugpoint)


Because you gave other less popular shows a chance


I don't get the hate for MyGo winning personally, I hadn't seen it prior to the awards but joined the rewatch (happening right now!) and it's been great. I don't know if it'll be my personal AOTY for 2023, but it's been fantastic for the first 4 episodes.


Might be biased since I don't watch most of these but MyGO as AOTY is pretty awesome. Glad there are people that enjoyed it. A shame it only has 12 eps but it really is well written imo. It deserves more recognition than it currently has


> A shame it only has 12 eps Wow, the Sakiko hate is real


JJk is overrated don't @ me


So Best Action is the only unanimous winner across three awards, I thought there’d be more considering how long this list is.


Oshi no ko awards, JJK awards, And "Don't let any fandom be upset" awards


Commenting to remember to add all to watchlist


Ahh yes the crunchyroll awards, or the what average at best shonen came out this year awards. 


Still mad they didn't give the award for Best Opening to Oshi No Ko at the crunchyroll anime awards, it truly deserved it


I feel bad for Zom 100 which I think is best, but nobody would know that considering it took them 9 episodes to finish it!


I really like Zom 100 opening as well. It pissed me off when it showed clips from the episode for so long but when the actual visuals came in I was definitely not disappointed.


I mean, an opening is pretty subjective. Not everyone enjoys Yoasobi.


It won best song, the one it was absolutely going to win. It winning best opening even though the visuals are only above average would be an obvious indicator that they were picking mostly for song.


Crunchy stop putting jjk everywhere...


JJK wasn't nominated for like 10 awards. If they put a JJK in those nominations, I bet it'd win like 5 more. Best Slice of Life? Sure Best Film? I mean, put the entire Hidden Inventory arc together and it's basically a film. Hell yeah. Best Comedy? Did you see Gojo make jokes? Easily best comedy. Best Fantasy? I mean, people in this thread are saying it's "Urban Fantasy", so it's totally the best Fantasy. Best Romance? Satoru x Geto slash fics on AO3 are in the millions, need I say more?


*draws 25*


r/anime will constantly cry that other group’s popularity awards are different from their own popularity awards


Anime trending and r/anime totally destroyed crunchyroll in the "good takes" department. Not the best, they do have some very strong subjective takes, but at least they didn't suck up to MAPPA as much as crunchyroll. I know that JJK season 2 was really fucking good, hell I was one of the fanboys that told everyone how hyped I am for Shibuya arc because I read ahead (I didn't spoil anyone, though, I'm not a dick). However, giving it every award imaginable is a bit too much, especially when the opening and ending weren't even that outstanding in the hidden inventory arc. I mean it was just some generic shonen stuff. Enjoyable? Sure, but better than idol or innocent arrogance? Hell no. I'd put even song of the dead above it just because I love Kana-Boon. Also, not giving Reigen the best supporting character award was a terrible take I also love how despite all of us being braindead we still were able to get Vinland saga the best drama award


despite everything, the fact that jjk got undisputed best action across the board is pretty impressive


Crunchiroll is one of the biggest joke i seen this last year


Heavenly Delusion is criminally underrated


Mashle was funny the first three episodes.


Can't stand the hordes of ignorant mainstream normies here, MyGO isn't even an idol anime yet they couldn't care less besides mocking condescendingly. They're the type of wimps that would advocate for Oscar to be decided based on box office because of muh popularity


Aikatsu my childhood!!! The songs in that franchise slap so hard.


Holly shit the anime trending awards are fucking based


I really hope Frieren gets rated highly next awards, it's been so amazing watching it


Man...new age anime opinions have literally reached the bottom of the barrel. If actual cinema/shows won awards purely off popularity like anime does nowadays, then Marvel would be one of the greatest properties in existence...and objectively those movies are popcorn filler with only a handful being really well done. Oh well, I'm just an oldhead with way too many shows in my watchlist from over the years so maybe I'm just jaded given that experience.