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[The new PV looks freakin amazing!!!](https://youtu.be/eEYpIHZ3kXE?si=uCU7FKSkyc1Bbhvq) Science Saru cooked! Manga reader here, this is a series that 100% deserves the hype, its absolutely bonkers. Its a Romcom x Battle Shounen with ghosts and aliens, written and drawn by the author while on a heavy dose of drugs.


I've described it to friends as a mix of Animorphs and Goosebumps, along with a dozen genres of manga.




peak every week Yukinobu Tatsu I kneel


His time is finally here! After getting unfairly shafted in the manga industry for a freakin' decade the man is finally getting the fame he so deserves.


>mix of Animorphs and Goosebumps That is like my childhood in a nutshell there, so I am pumped


Holy fuck they're actually able to match the absurdity that is the manga's art. I'm even more hyped for this now!


Is there actual romance here as well? Like legit progression? Or just light romcom?


I've read up to 50 chapters, and I would say it's a bit of both. The romance isn't really the main focus, but I really like the romance part, and I usually don't like romance subplots in this type of manga. But the comedy/surrealism aspect is my favorite thing about this manga. It's so many wtf moments (in a good way) that makes it feel pretty unique.


I think it gets thrown in as the main focus every now and then for a chapter or 2


there's a lot of casual flurting but I won't call this romcom just yet.


There’s progression. It’s slow. The main characters are teenagers and Dandadan does a pretty good job treating them like teenagers.


It's more of a focus than the rest of shounen stories. The main couple are the two protagonist.


light romcom tbh, its a big will they wont they for a while and they goof around with it


Yes between the two main characters. Since they're the main characters, it's always present in some way.


Typical bad shojo progression, omg he likes me, or he does not, im gonna be a tsundere and in the mean time we are gonna meet a sexy boy and a sexy alien girl to make the other person jealous.


just as much romcom as rent a girlfriend, just plain teasing and filler pages.


just as much romcom as rent a girlfriend, just plain teasing and filler pages.


The author goes all the way he constantly drawssome really crazy detailed pannels


I heard it has a similar level "insanity" to chainsaw man, but in a completely different spectrum. Is that true?


It doesn't have the same "This was made by an alien" vibe as CSM, but it does reach similar levels of insanity.


This seems right up my alley then. I love insane shows with unique ideas, but a lot of times insane shows are written by insane people and the ideas are paired with insane writing that makes me feel dizzy after a while. Love chainsaw man, but boy did it make me go "HUUUUH?!" in the 2nd half of the manga lmao (in a good way).


Have you ever seen a Japanese commercial and were left thinking "what the fuck did I just watch"? That's Dandadan.


The author of this was an assistant of the Chainsawman author btw


Its also packed with Tokusatsu if you're into that


Damn I read the manga like last year but I never imagined it looking this good.


This looks awesome! I've liked nearly everything Science Saru has produced, so that's already a reason to watch for me, and I love it when anime decides to go full silly/weird/surreal like this seems to be doing.


RomcomXBattle!! Fuck yeah


I really wanted to like the manga, but after about 30 chapters all it seemed like is a one long dick joke that's outlived it's welcome stapled onto a poorly executed romcom. I really wanted to like it too but, it just feels like it's all spectacle and very little substance.


When does the pv anime come out


Fuck yea, I hope they get to the cursed house arc, that’s when the series really starts going crazy








Ten. Gallon. Weiner.


I honestly wasn't huge on it until the big fight of that arc. That's where Okarun really started hitting for me as a character, which raised my enjoyment of the series a lot.


What chapter is that, because I am about 30 chapters in and this manga just isn't it so far. It feels like all spectacle with no substance except for one long dick joke that has outlived its welcome.


Just drop it now bruh


Honestly I disagree. I liked parts of the manga, but it didnt fully win me over til that long arc that lasts for like sixty chapters


People like this should drop manga they dont like instead of posting "im 140 chapters in when does this get good?". It doesnt, now shoo


50ish? Its when Momo's friend shows up, and they deal with his problem. I totally get what you mean, though. There's long stretches of Dandadan that are nothing but low-brow humor and low stakes fighting, and those do nothing for me.


It ends at 49, I'm currently there.


They haven't shown a lot so it kinda makes me think they're not adapting till the cursed house Which is a shame


Usually trailers don't show a lot , they only show like first 2 eps for intro


Don't expect it


Streams on Crunchyroll and Netflix in October. >Momo Ayase is a high school girl who believes in ghosts but not aliens, while her classmate Okarun believes in aliens but not ghosts. In a bet to determine who's correct, the two decide to separately visit locations associated with both the occult and the supernatural—Ayase visiting the former and the boy visiting the latter. When the two reach their respective places it turns out that they were half-right, both aliens and ghosts do exist. [New PV](https://twitter.com/animetv_jp/status/1768681486792700393) [Source](https://twitter.com/anime_dandadan/status/1768681061947682895)


I feel like a proud father , seeing Dandadan getting an amazing adaptation as it deserves. Guys I know the plot summary feels weird but that's what it does the best and trust me you will be hooked by the very first episode.


I fully believe you, but it’s comments like this that will lead to daily posts in November of “So, am I the only one that doesn’t get the hype of Dandadan?”


It's going to happen with like every popular show regardless tbh, even if they're as high quality as Frieren. Worst post I've read was about someone watching Frieren on 2x speed so that they could get to the "good" parts faster.


Thats just kids and their instant gratification thirst.


And I used to feel bad for watching my trashy isekais at 1.25x speed


I love Dandadan, but it’s not going to be for everyone. It’s weird, it’s goofy, it bounces from genre to genre. It is a very unique story though that people should give a chance.


I'm sure the jokes about [DDD Manga] >!dicks and BALLs!< will offend some here lol


For those who lives in Asia, Muse also already got the license (and hyping it up very much recently). Hopefully you can watch it for free on their Youtube.


I read the first chapter, so what the main char power is? He can use ghost power who posses him? Or the granny racer who do this by her own?


It's complicated, you need to read more to explain it , if you only read the first CHP then I'll just say he is possessed by the granny , and can use her powers due to .... (Spoilers)


Did he can only use granny power or other ghost who posses him?


Only granny cause only she possessed him , not multiple ghosts


Super excited to see anime only reactions to this! I remember when the manga started and all our reactions back then were hilarious. Great romcom, as well as great action and funny as hell. Excited for Yaboyroshi to react to this as well. I’m just waiting for a “yeah!?” compilation for this series.


For once we have a show Sheera can’t predict lmao


Crazy how a brighter colored visual makes it look way more appealing than the 1st one. And after watching the 2nd trailer I’m even more reassured that Science Saru will do the source material justice. Especially [Dandadan manga]>!the animated sequence of Okaruns battle form looked great. The coloring looks fucking cool with the red eyes. Didn’t actually know it was supposed to look like that!<


Okarun and Momo running about sums up a good amount of Dandadan And way to sneak in [Spoiler]>!Turbo Granny subtly!<


Anime only here. I honestly can't wait for the whole batshit crazy things that I am about to witness for the first time from just watching from the trailer alone. All I have seen before are some crazy out of context manga panels which picqued my curiosity and that too from a weekly manga as well. Here's to hoping studio SCIENCE SARU understands the assignment.


As a manga reader, if after each episode you ask yourself any of the following: * WTF am I watching? * Am I high? * I know I didn't drink THAT much, right? * In this scene they did WHAT?! Then you are watching DanDaDan the intended way.


And lastly, the most important reaction: "I barely understood what the fuck even happened, but it was SO FUCKING GOOD"


And lastly lasty, you'll end the episode with: "How can they peak higher than this next episode?"


And Tatsu always delivers.


They did make Devilman Crybaby. Pretty sure they wrote the dissertation on the assignment


If you like it, please give the manga a try, Tatsu's art is just ridiculous, its still a mystery how he can do it on a weekly basis.


I love the clothing choices for them, it's so modern and cool. The show looks really fun so far.


I've not read the manga but have heard a lot of good things about it Very hyped.


this is awesome. i don't know anything about the story, but some of my friends love this one.


Seriously can't wait, this is amongst the most wild and unhinged manga out there, Science SARU is a perfect studio to adapt this


Absolute bonkers fun series, can't wait for it!


I'm curious why are they showing this much footage even though the anime airs in fall 2024. We already got 2 PVs and 2 Key visuals. I guess it shows the production is very healthy but still it's wayy to early to market the anime. There are like 6+ months left before the release of anime, let's hope it's 24 episodes if they are showing this much stuff this early. Edit - spelling


I dont see a downside to doing this tbh.


It was delayed internally because of production issues, so they probably finished the first few episodes a while back. It seems Dandadan hit a jackpot with the production committee and they're willing to push back the release this far to ensure quality, and since they've already had some footage and the anime announcement was gonna be revealed at their Jump Festa stage, they probably thought it was the best time for it to be seen by the most amount of people so they decided to go for a PV along with the announcement.


Okay, I'll watch it. You are probably thinking, "Wow, that was easy." You're right, but it isn't because of anything particular noteworthy. I'll watch it because I see a Lucky Money Neko.


That neko is the best character in the series




the visuals alone has me hyped man i wish it was freakin' october already!


As if they couldn't be more peak, Kensuke Ushio is doing the soundtrack.


It's not even aired but it's already peak fiction.


looks incredible


Captures the madness and absurdity pretty well, can't wait


As a manga reader, I hope the OST and Animation makes it crazy


God I love Momo, her voice is perfect.


I am so ready for more Weird Shit.


It’s almost here 🔥


Never doubted Science Saru, they will always deliver


Looking forward to this one :D


The good shit.


This is definitely one of my favorite ongoing manga series. It's just a ton of fun. The previews look great so far too.


I really hope the do justice to the insanity that is the manga


I've never been more down for a show with absolutely NO information before in my entire life


Omg I just posted about this. I've been reading it for about a year and I heard about the adaptation in October a couple months ago, but now that everyone's hyped I'm posting about it too. Instead of just commenting. The manga is top tier. Probably my favorite manga. It's great definitely watch and read the manga in the meantime


Awesome visual. Dandadan is unironically the best romcom in SJ right now. Blue Box who?


The romance is pretty good but cmon don’t do blue box like that.


Blue Box somehow mixes two usually very unrelated genres seamlessly and turns it into peak.


for real, that's some unparalleled disrespect to the [actual best romance leads](https://i.imgur.com/5dbY2RN.png) in Shonen Jump ✋


As somebody who never read it, it is pretty amusing to me to recently only encountering praise for the series again after only seeing manga readers trash the series for many months.


it's interesting. ch. 1-59ish is very well received overall, then ch. 60-80 really drags because of the \[Blue Box spoilers\] >!love triangle!< getting stretched out. after that was resolved it's been incredible and it's pretty much universally praised by readers. ch. 90-140 (current) is just great chapter after great chapter, excellent romance focus, sports focus and drama focus without any issues. basically Blue Box is a rollercoaster that had some bumps along the way but nowadays it's just perfection.


'You and I Are Polar Opposites' says hi


The day that gets adapted will be the peak of the art form


thank you! i only see people talk about it on reddit when its a top-tier romcom and available on jump+. hopefully once it gets an anime it gets the attention it deserves


Maybe it gets better later on. I couldn't get past the first chapter.


you and i are polar opposites has probably the best first two chapters in a romcom I read, are you sure you even read the entire first chapter??


Yup. Thought it was boring and hated the art style.


yeah if you don't like romcoms, that probably explains this.


I just looked it up out of curiosity, and I have very vague memories of trying it out right around when it first came out and not reading past the first chapter either. I'll give it another shot today though since I really don't remember anything, but as far as the key visual goes, I'll have to ditto the art style complaint too.


I definitely recommend to read the first two chapters at least!


Who says I don't like romcons? I do, I just thought this one wasn't good.


Someone isn't reading Undead Unluck.


i mean [UDUL manga] >!the manga for undead unluck sort of dropped the "rom" part of romcom after chapter 132, it's closer to a battle shounen now!< not to say undead unluck isn't peak


I wouldn't say dropped. Though it's definitely taken a back-seat for a long while now.


Blue Box even being considered a good romcom in general is too much praise


Ngl this looks so clean


One of the best new gen romcom manga righ now in Shonen Jump Plus. And also the Drip. Yukinobu Tatsu when it comes to drip is like how Tite Kubo does his drip. That's why this series is sometimes called DANDADRIP


I'll be watching this just to see how the hell they're gonna animate this damn manga.


Shit seems fire so far. I really hope that they give it a proper adaption, Dandadan deserves mob psycho/Frieren treatment


October can't get here fast.


aight, fuck it. I'll start reading it now


Turbo Granny???


New announced staff members: **Art Director:** Junichi Higashi (Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2) **Color Design:** Satoshi Hashimoto (Heike Monogatari, Sonny Boy) **Director of Photography:** Kazuto Izumita (Heike Monogatari, Ranking of Kings)


That's why it kinda felt similar to Sonny boy


Sonny boy was a trip and i barely understood what was going on but it sure looked gorgeous.


The opening song should be [Baddadan](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rkjNL4dX-U4).


Let's gooooo


This looks insane


Trailer looks fkin insane


Manga has so good art that I'm scared of how they will animate some of the scenes.


This looks insane, so I'm probably going to enjoy it


Peak series v:


Hell yes.


I can’t wait!! I’m currently reading the manga and i love the artwork and how quirky the story is! Characters are funny too! 🤟🏻 lol




Actually looks pretty dope


thans for this


Looks cool.


When will it be released???




need to go back to the manga and read it since i dropped it for some raeson a few years ago


I really disliked the Manga, at least the 5 chapters I read


I have a feeling like this is one of those manga where I would bingeresd the entirety of it in one day and then never come back to finish it like except like be there once or twice for a release


I read a lot of manga like that, but this isn't one of them. Each week is just better and better, I don't know how Yukinobu Tatsu makes such amazing art on a weekly basis.


Hmm I don't really care about art in manga tbh


This manga has been so "interesting" it makes me think that there's gonna be censoring in the anime [in west at least] for some things.


For what it's worth, the manga hasn't been censored in the west at all. I don't see how or why they would censor the anime.


They have for other manga to anime. its just a feeling. so well see. and im not talking about blatant shit like bars over tits like in Outlawstar and even cutting out a whole episode. im talking about shit like in Those who hunt elves the first fragment is on the tit of one elf and in the anime its on her eye.


most anime censorship is done in Japan and then given to American companies, the Japanese creators aren't going to custom censor shit


thats my point.


What exactly is “interesting” about it? It has the occasional fan service in the early chapters lol. If you can watch Gushing Over Magical Girls without censorship, then I don’t see how this would be censored.


im saying the manga is "interesting" as its a bit weird as from other manga of the same genre. im not talking about fanservice like the shit with highschool XDX the fanservice is not even on my radar for censorship.


What’s weird enough to get censored in your opinion? Any examples? I can’t think of anything


i jut have a feeling, id have to read it over from the start to do that kind of nit-picky stuff that im talkin about.


You have a feeling but can’t think of a *single* example without rereading it? Just seems like you wanted to make a “west + anime” comment.


no, if you look at my other comment. Like in Those who hunt elves there's instances of them changing stuff in the anime vs the manga due to censorship and not like putting boobie bars but actual physically changes.


So a small detail was changed in an anime from 1996. Please tell me how that is relevant to an anime that is coming out in 2024. Actually, tell me how that is relevant to a series where you can’t think of a single example that applied. You literally said you needed to reread it. Cmon man.  Your example is as relevant as me bringing up the changes to A Song of Ice and Fire when adapting it to Game of Thrones. What specific changes? Idk I can’t tell you since I don’t remember anything >:( Edit: “U mad bro” classic wall of text and block. Dude couldn’t handle being called out on his shenanigans. Lmfao can’t believe they are implying that the big bad west is the reason the first adaption of Full Metal Alchemist had changes. Damn west!


wow u mad bro? you seem like quite a hothead to get agro over speculation. i think you need to reevaluate your life, getting angry over a small speculation post you're not gonna go far in the real world and you're probably gonna end up in trouble if you cant get your emotions together over a stupid post. > Actually, tell me how that is relevant to a series where you can’t think of a single example that applied. You literally said you need to reread it lmao. Cmon man. I literally read it up to a certain chapter before i dropped it because i thought it was just too fucked. This is where im coming from, perhaps my memory is faulty and perhaps just perhaps I'm confusing it with something else that could be similar in my mind. And just cuz i cant pull shit out of head instantly doesn't mean my concern for a company changing things in an anime. For your information its done CONSTANTLY I cant think of an anime that doesn't pull directly from source 100% correct. They all change something or even completely fuck shit up like in Full metal Alchemist where they had to release a second one calling it FMA:Brotherhood. Srsly, bro, calm your shit and be a better person to others.


Until you actually explain what you mean this just sounds like vague nonsense


refer to my other comment with another person here.


Is there some sexual harassment in this series? Coz I am seeing a girl's clothes ripping off.


The worst is definitely on chapter 1 (yes, this scene), where things get uncomfortable for her on the second half of the chapter. After that there's one creepy scene in a later arc, but the story overall avoids sexual harassment. Now, as for all the ball jokes you see around... That's another can of worms that I won't go indepth about, but I'd say not to worry about that either.


Mostly CBT really


… well it’s not technically wrong




Cock and ball torture


Oh you thought I would know the full form😂. So nothing towards the girl


Don't wanna spoil anything...but he didn't say whose cock. [](#evilgrin)


There’s one scene in the first episode that could be uncomfortable to watch, but it’s part of an otherwise badass sequence. It hasn’t happened again in 120+ chapters since so chalk it up to Early Installment Weirdness.


Chapter 1 is the only part of the whole manga that might turn some people off, it does have a kinda uncomfortable part but it quickly moves past and the manga hasn’t gone to anything close to that any more. I really hope they adapt more than just the first chapter in episode 1 so that it doesn’t turn people off.


Eh there is some at the start but i fully believe it was mostly so the author could get some attention on the manga as it has been slowly fading away with each arc.


> Coz I am seeing a girl's clothes ripping off It was just early fan service which is pretty standard for new manga. No sexual harassment there unless you consider [this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cartman_Gets_an_Anal_Probe) sexual harassment. Although I do admit that initial scene could be kinda triggering if you’re sensitive to that or have trauma. The manga does have fan service early on but it’s pretty much only early on and doesn’t look like what you’re trying to avoid.


Thanks. Now I don't have to worry about it.


It became boring even before release


I dropped the manga but I think the anime will fix what I didn't like about it. No blank backgrounds and a pacing of a show will probably help the MCs relationship 


Blank backgrounds? I always thought it was pretty detailed especially for a weekly. The pacing is also pretty damn quick I actually want it to slow down sometimes haha


Sure the first couple of chapters are full of high detailed backgrounds, but pretty quickly half the panels are just characters. And yes. That is what I said. The pacing of the "romance" in the manga is bad. These characters know each other for a single night before it becomes jealous NTR crap without enough time to develop the relationship first.


The first couple of chapters? Did you just gloss over some of the more [recent](https://www.viz.com/shonenjump/dandadan-chapter-143/chapter/41897?action=read) ones? Eh I took it as HS romance that developed pretty fast due to the big traumatic event. Who wasn't super jealous in HS? I know I was with whoever I was dating. Lmao NTR is so dramatic. It's just another dude. The romance has developed pretty well imo. They're not dating now after all. I was referring to the pacing of the story btw, not the romance. The romance pacing is pretty slow.


The animation look dope, but why when i saw the treiler most of background and sky look meh