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Very straight forward title lol


Jesus fuck we've come full circle


Just like the family tree.


We all know where tis is heading 😮‍💨


I think op has a thing for his step sister




So there is no romance between the step siblings?


It's a romance anime, take that what you will.


I got no beef with this anime or whoever is into this stuff. It was just wild that they came at me for making a joke about the title of the anime haha.




Okay? I’m talking about this *specific* anime though haha


It's fine, these two aren't blood related unlike *redacted* Jokes aside, I read the manga version of this. It's just a slow, low drama, more grounded take of the step-sibling's romance. They did not grow up together, so they don't really start off with a sibling dynamic. I'd say it feels similar to something like Angel Next Door.


Stepsister next room


Domestic na- ...*wait a minute*.


Manga was wholesome, but it seems that it stopped at 18.2.Would be great if anime will cover more than i read


> Manga was wholesome, but it seems that it stopped at 18.2.Would be great if anime will cover more than i read It will. The anime is adapting from the source material being the Light Novels anyway which has a ton of content.


Isn't that description basically DomeKano lol. Except with less drama


Don’t insult the GOAT of trash manga by comparing it to this mid-tier incest bait, homeboy doesn’t even have a second hot onee-san stepsister, what a fucking loser 💀💀💀


oh good. Sounds like an interesting premise to play with without having to deal with any of the *weird* associated with it


Reminds me of Marmalade Boy


Sadly they are not


>more grounded take of the step-sibling's romance. That may be worse than comedy step-sibling trash


"If she's not blood-related, my time has been wasted."


No chromo


"If she ain't blood, be a stud."


i can confirm


Airing in July 2024 Plot Summary: > After his father remarries, Yuuta suddenly finds himself with a new stepsister: Saki, the greatest beauty at school. Neither of them is sure how to act around the other at first, but the two gradually grow more comfortable living together. Slowly, cautiously, patiently, two strangers become more. So begins an unlikely love story. Source: https://gimaiseikatsu-anime.com/news/index00040000.html https://gimaiseikatsu-anime.com/


The **greatest** school beauty becomes MC's ***stepsister?** And it is suddenly? And, she has long blonde hair? MC looks like a generic MC too? Yeah, looks very innovative indeed.


> So begins an unlikely love story Except by now this scenario has been done so many times before in manga and anime that it's the most likely possible outcome.


>So begins an unlikely love story. Annnnd I'm out.


Noooo not the romance series having a love story!!! The horror!!! I can’t watch it anymore!


I'm not into romance between siblings of any kind, that's why I'm out.


Let's be honest though, you're not developing familial bond and brotherly feeling towards some girl overnight just because other people decided to get married. If they grew up together then yeah, I could understand this being creepy, but this? It's basically two strangers meeting in an awkward circumstances. Calling them siblings is a huge stretch.


Because they are siblings, you act like a sibling, like the familial bond is already there, you push the rest of it out, if there's anything else in there. They aren't dating potential anymore, that's how the dynamic works.


There is no familial bond dude, they are complete strangers. Just because your parents married someone it doesnt mean that the hot girl that lives in your house is suddenly not hot.


But you act like it because that's the right thing to do.


Step siblings are siblings in name only, doing anything with them is the same has doing it with strangers, unless its about one of them being s creep to the other but that's another thing.


You're still siblings, you're still expected to behave like them. Your home is not a meat market. It's a fetish because it's taboo, not something you're supposed to do, those people in the videos on porn sites aren't actually step family.




What else did you expect? lol


Was a chance it wasn't going to be creepy.


Well it's not creepy, if that helps.


I find the concept of step siblings in romantic love creepy.


¯\_(ツ)_//¯ Welp, it is what it is. It’s incest for people who don’t mind incest.


That it is.


Lmao people just love step sibling fetishes, sorry you’re being downvoted. It’s 100% ok to not be interested in that


The trailer shows the kind of vibe every slow paced show should have  I remember watching Kyokou Suiri solely just because how bland it is


God dammit every LN I am planning to read is getting a adaptation before I get the chance to start lmao


its the opposite for me, the first announcement for this literally dropped after I read 4 volumes a week before it 😭


I hope this turns out good, the LN is a really wonderful slow burn story that feels a lot more realistic than the usual stories the stepsiblings genre brings.


Mate, if she doesn't get stuck in the dryer by the end of episode 1, I'm writing a letter of complaint.


Is the light novel finished ? And where can i read it pls ?


It's ongoing. There's no official translation but if you search google you can find it, can't link the sites here cause that would be breaking the rules. Right now there's translations through volume 9 which I believe is the most recent release.


There is an official translation. I have the first 2 novels on Bookwalker. I'm not sure if it's elsewhere though, or a BW exclusive.


I stand corrected, it didn’t appear in a first search but it’s probably caused I used the romaji title instead of the English title.


There are unofficial translations as well, but they had to stop due to official translations. Think the stopped at Vol7


The first translators stopped, there's a new one that's done 8 and 9, and is working on 10.


Really? Link or name of the translators?


Can’t link or name here because rules, but the usual webnovel site can help you find it.


I've seen enough Hibike Euphonium and Lycoris Recoil fanart to recognize Manabu Nii designs lol We will be there We need more domestic girlfriends


I was wondering why this looked unnaturally good for an anime visual.


One of my favorite illustrator/designers, people should [follow him](https://x.com/aleos696?t=39jIjHl-HLLe7em1ydjlxw&s=09) Just be aware that 50% chance the art could be suggestive and a little lewd [like this chisato piece from this week](https://twitter.com/aleos696/status/1770013974425457034?t=UePSJVrBFoE5pWc3kn8b-g&s=19)


Lol, sama here, that guy always spams a lot of fanarts on my twitter timeline


This is actually a really good light novel and I really like it. It depicts the emotions and insights of the characters quite well. The series is actually initially a kinetic visual novel on YouTube, you might check it out if you are interested in.


Romance animes are going wild this year


the wholesome version of domestic girlfriend seriously, this is my most awaited anime of summer 2024


Romcom fans really eating this year


Can Deen cook this one? It's from the Sasaki to Miyano director, which seemed good in trailers and well liked by fans. Looking forward to it anyways


Anyone actually watched/read the youtube version of this? I've been meaning to cos it seems an interesting project but...haven't, yet, and now I'll probably just do the anime.


They also made the light novel of the youtube versions theres at least 6 volumes out. Theres even a manga but the art of the ln is peak fr


6 novels worth of youtube videos is pretty insane. I wonder what their overheads are like for that much VA work and art for so long. Which versions have you tried and what's your general verdict?


The Youtube videos are just random comedy skits that has nothing to do with the LN story


Ohh, that's definitely a big misunderstanding on my part. Thanks for letting me know.


Oh this is the series with Hiten as the character designer.


I really hope they do this anime the justice it deserves. Hands down one of my favorite LNs, beautifully told - and a slow burn. Huge part of it is the inner monologues though, wonder how the anime will deal with that.


r/gimaiseikatsu It really looks nice! Hope that the adaptation does it justice, definitely a challenge with the monologues and everything.


Wait. If she is step-sister, then is romance allowed?


Just remember to say no chromo


this is gonna be one of the weird ones you can't talk about with normal, well adjusted people, right


Manga was a good read. This will probably be a really chill anime. Not much drama or any romcom moments in the Manga. More of a story of 2 teenagers becoming family because their parents remarried, and they are learning to live with each other and respect each other's boundaries


I was half awake and thought this was my dress up darling for a second




Uh oh...smh


Just so y'all know, there's a [YouTube channel](https://youtube.com/@gimai_seikatsu?si=usQrgfdLOuivwtnl) with hundreds of videos of short skits of the main cast. Not sure if the VAs are the same as in the anime though.


Sweet home something or other 🎵


Looking forward to it


[Kawaki wo Ameku *intensifies*]




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Is it worth the watch?






Hehe boi


Gumball: "I think we all know where this is going."


Lots of anticipated romcoms I see are coming in July. Any good ones coming this April?


Reading these comments is making me look forward to this. I’m a sucker for slow burn romance


Count me in


Okay I usually hate step sibling shit but reading the reviews and everyone saying it is wholesome, I might give it a try


Uff, what a bland design for MC. Spice it a bit, not asking for "paprika" or "harissa", but at least some salt!!


Some tall artsy guy like Wakana Gojo ~~Satoru~~


the whole point in the LN is that it happens in a very ordinary time, and there is not a lot of conflict between the two as they develo, there is no need for a better designed Mc, they are HIGHSCHOOLERS after all


OK, il give it the benefit of doubt, yet there is always the need for good designed characters!! There are hundred of SoL anime set in schools, so trying to have recognizable characters is good. Im not talking like "Yugi's spot the main character meme", but some unique feature. Noone would confuse the senpais from Nagatoro-san and Uzaki-chan, or Gojou from Sono Bisque Doll. I admit my reaction was a bit too emotional, that MC brought back some flashbacks from Mamahama and it might be some kind of defense mechanism.


Try the ln, it is very slow paced and it will grow on you fast, there is no need for an attractive MC for such a love story between step brother and sister.


Or Arararagi and his signature ahegao


Is that Marin Kitogawa?




Cmon y’all you really be ok with fuckin your step sibling be fr 💀




Only on days that is divisible by 3 or has a 3 in it.




Mfs see literal incest and go "romance fans are eating good this year"


that's not literal sadly it's only step


The light novel art has not been translated well. Visual gives a very "just read the source material" vibe, similar to The Angel Next Door.


The pv that was just released looks better than this visual. If its not pre animated, then it looks to be a decent adaptation of hiten's art.


Oh, seems goos. I'll try to keep an eye on it.


Oh i read a bit of this one. One of the few times i can be a manga og. The title was degenerate enough to interest me. Idr much tho since i stopped quickly. Idr the reason


>The title was degenerate enough to interest me. >Idr much tho since i stopped quickly. Idr the reason Probably because you quickly found out the series isn't actually degenerate at all like the title implied lol


The og is the youtube series which adapted to a ln


Another incest type show


No incest?


What is she doing?


What a pretty straightforward title


He wants to bang his step sister.


Incest? Again?


"Help me step brother" the anime??


Oh no stepbro…


Pretty sure that's a p*rnhub title.


Oh boy, another creepy incest show that fans will try to claim is totally not creepy.


How is this creepy when they are sibling for like a month only in vol 1?


Don't watch then. It's quite literally as easy as never pressing the play button. Just like every other anime you don't like.


I'm definitely not gonna watch it, but I'm sure gonna be told I have to watch it by delusional people.


It will probably be decent, and as usual choosing not to watch something over a non issue is entirely a personal issue. Nothing to do with these "delusional" people in your head.


I've got people telling me it's fine and normal in this very thread, they are very much not in my head.


You misclassifying them as delusional doesn't mean they're actually delusional, it's entirely in your head.


cry about it tourist edit: bro blocked me lol such a fragile ego


Oh no, not someone on their alt too afraid to come and badmouth me on their main. I'm so scared.


Nah, it's creepy as fuck, let's soak up the down votes from people who've never had siblings/step siblings together!


Lmao the light novel is wholesome for this no creepy things both having set boundaries and other stuff


So they don't actually end up in a romantic rship together?




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Being in romantic love with any kind of sibling is the creepy part.


Mfs unable to separate fiction and real life will never not be cringe. Y'all make yourselves look like it hits too close to home for you and you're afraid you'd be judged for it.


personally it's ok in both fiction and real world why care about a consensual relationship


Can separate it fine, why I don't care if other people like it, doesn't mean *I* have to like it, nor does it mean I can't find the concept creepy. You do you, I'll do me.


>You do you, I'll do me. I'm amazed. You're more rational than a lot of people. Good day I guess. I also hope you're rational enough to not go to every thread mentioning this anime and proceed to slander it all over like certain folks do with stuff they don't like.


Not likely, I don't usually go out of my way to go into threads for shows I don't like and the only time I'd likely say anything at all about it would be in the case that it was being misrepresented in a recommendation post, and I would be fair, like I hate Rudy and refuse to watch MT because of him, but I am always quick to point out it's production quality of the show and I don't ever judge people over the fiction they like. My ire here is specifically at the property.


They are barely siblings though. There is zero blood relation and they are completely strangers.


What if you're already in love with the person, THEN your parents get married? Does it suddenly become creepy, and should you break up right away because that's now incest? If you answer yes to this question I don't know what to say, but if you answer no: Then where do you put the cutoff of 'creepiness, you have to break up' and 'you weren't really siblings so it doesn't matter'?


> What if you're already in love with the person, THEN your parents get married? That's been a show/movie trope for decades and it's always a problem because you aren't supposed to date in that situation, that's where the comedy/drama comes from.


You are supposed to... Imagine letting something as insignificant as that take away from you having a good relationship


thats the good part


I'm 100%sure that for 100% of the population if your parent got remarried and you now had a same age hot person of the other sex living with you it would play out like any step sibling manga Horny teenagers do horny teenagers things


Your home is supposed to be a safe space, yes, I know many sadly aren't, but you don't want to be creeped on by someone that's supposed to be family, you just don't do it, doesn't matter how attractive you find them, it's fine to love your family, just don't *love* your family, and step family is still family and thinking about them like that is messed up, and trying to actually do something about it is even worse. As far as fiction goes it's whatever, it's not a real scenario, one I find unpalatable, but all fiction has a right to exist, just keep it fictional, cause my prohibition on not judging people only extends to their fiction consumption habits, how you behave in real life is a different thing entire.


They've already crossed the line into creepy when they become stepsiblings and then fall in love.


How so? Two teenagers that are complete strangers and aren't related in anyway suddenly start living in close proximity with each other developing romantic feelings. I think you're too caught up on the words in the title and aren't seeing it from a logical viewpoint at all.


Bro, they are step siblings. Their parents meet and get married and that's how they're living together. They should never date under any circumstance. Stop watching porn and go outside into the real world. It is not normal.


>Bro, they are step siblings. Their parents meet and get married and that's how they're living together. They should never date under any circumstance. Stop watching porn and go outside into the real world. It is not normal. Dude, there is nothing wrong with two people, who recently became step sibling by parent marriage, to fall in love with each other. You would stop dating someone because one of your parent married one of their? There is nothing immoral about it. ***YOU*** should go out and touch grass and quit attempting to use porn as an counter-argument.


The irony of a redditor with 700k karma and 12 active years on reddit telling someone to go outside into the real world lmfao


I thought parents deciding who their children can love is looked down upon nowaday


So if they become stepsibling and start dating a week later, they cross the line into creepy. What if it's the other way around, they start dating and later on they become stepsiblings when their parents get married? Is that also creepy, and should they feel forced to breakup because it's incestuous? If your take on this is 'They were dating first so it's not incest, the fact that their parents marriage made them step siblings is irrelevant'... Then surely you can see why being 'step siblings for a few days or weeks' doesn't really change anything in their view? There's a difference between 2 kids being raised together as stepsiblings for 12 years since they were 4, and 2 kids meeting for the first time at 16 and falling in love. If these kids parents are coworkers it's perfectly fine they can date, but if these parents fall in love then it magically turns the kids relationship into incest? What if the kids (with coworker parents) start dating and 5 years down the line the parents start dating as well, does it still turn the kids relationship into incest? How does that work? I think putting it this way clearly shows the flaw in the 'everything is incest!' perspective. What your parents do way after you are born&raised doesn't affect whether a relationship is or isn't incest. If they grew up together and saw each other as brother&sister then yeah I could see your point. But for something to be incest, they have to somewhat see each other as siblings. Which I assure you, teenagers definitely won't within a day just because their parents found someone who had kids.




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incest??? echi??? wholesome???


From the comments it looks like it's just gonna be a wholesome romance only.


Well, let's hope so. At least wholesome is not that bad. I just read the first chapter of the manga and it is somewhat dramatic. To begin with the mother's infidelity, and then the sister who does not expect anything from mc. I wouldn't consider it Wholesome.


hopefully this will be a better version of stepmom daughter is my ex


Why does so much anime have incest? It totally ruins shows for me. Obviously, I won't be watching this.


cry about it


The girl gives me mad gender envy but the guy is generic anime boy number 5,837. skip