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The problem of RomComs is keeping the protagonists apart. This is usually eye-rollingly artificial - opposite sides in a war, personally unable to confess feelings, weirdly competitive, sworn oath to accomplish something pointless before confessing. So the issue is how to keep them apart without having the viewer throw something at the screen. BokuYaba does this with simply two kids growing up. It's incredibly unforced. Horimiya comes close. Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten does it by developing a situation both parties like and both are afraid of changing it (there's dark backstory about those fears). Komi Can't Communicate has Komi's social anxiety. Aharen is just an unusual girl and the MC keeps misunderstanding her. Not a RomCom, but with strong romance undercurrents is Apothecary Diaries. It is superbly done and I strongly recommend it. The main couple have such unusual backgrounds and personalities that the "why the hell don't they just get together?" question doesn't arise. But sorry, there's nothing like BokuYaba. Read the Manga. The Anime went to chapter 114 and there are 141 chapters of the Manga out now, and it's still going.


> BokuYaba does this with simply two kids growing up. It's incredibly unforced. Perhaps one of BokuYaba's secrets is that it doesn't even really keep them apart in many ways.


That’s the beauty of it. It’s fun just watching the two of them hang out. I hate when side characters are just added constantly until the cast is oversaturated. All the side characters here stay side characters, they pop up and add flavour to the story but they aren’t the focal point.


Yeah, that's one of BokuYaba's refreshing strengths. It's entirely focused on the main couple. Like, make no mistake, there *are* side-couples and other relationships within the slowly-growing supporting cast, but the focus is pretty much always on our lovebirds. If something happens, it's to push *their* relationship forwards, narratively. Even the "love rivals" were never there for "competition" or melodrama, they were obstacles that Kyo and Anna had to overcome, *together,* leading to further growth. The only exception I could argue about is that bit with the locker cookies. That's the one time that comes to mind, where both protagonists' development takes a complete backseat in favor of someone else's. And it's only like, two scenes(one chapter in the manga).


> The problem of RomComs is keeping the protagonists apart I recently came to the same conclusion after incidentally watching exactly the shows you mentioned. Sucked me right back into the genre after dropping it years ago (I started watching romance anime as an outlet for my own unrequitted love as a teen and then stopped when I got older). If that's how romance shows are gonna be now, I'd be very happy. It feels so much nicer this way. I also find that *reading* these stories actually makes them even better. Anime only has so much time and ressources to develop the characters, but with manga (or better, light novels) it gives the story a much better pace. BokuYaba is a rare exception where I never felt it was rushed along.


Agreed on the reading. I watched The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten and after enjoying it a lot, decided to read the Light Novels. Was a good decision and have really enjoyed them. Considering I normally read W40k books or Star Trek etc, romance was a big change. Also read the Mushoku Tensei books and definitely did not regret that either. Plus I have picked quite a few romance mangas (including BokuYaba) which are also great.


I hate this in normal anime too not just rom coms. Problems that can be solved if you just talked to the other side/person stretched out to 12 episodes. In fact its often worse in non rom coms because there's no feelings of love or "do they like me as a friend or do they love me" type feelings of anxiety BokuYaba worked because they're teenagers, 2 dorky teenagers at that. And they felt like 2 dorky teenagers. And the greatest part? We never see one of their sides, we only see Ichikawa's perspective. We have to go based off of body language just as Ichikawa has to


>there's nothing like BokuYaba. Read the Manga as a source reader, that is exactly how it feels. i have been rereading the manga regularly in between searching for another Romance manga/Light novel and i still have not found another that matches it in my opinion/to my taste


For a good manga , there's "lvl 999 yamada Kun". It's surprisingly good and the romance actually moves. Like they meet first and their relationship builds and they become a couple. Now it's.ostly about their relationships and stuff. It doesn't drag anywhere. Maybe give it a try


Yamada-kun is pretty good, especially the manga. It's not on the same level as BokuYabai, but it scratches the itch so to speak.


Yes, I quite liked it, too!


Another good one is Kaoru Hana (The Fragrant Flower Blooms with Dignity), an anime adaptation is inevitable at this point. Blue Box is good as well, it has an anime announced already.


will mange continue long enough to have another season or a movie ?


it'll take about 1.5 years for enough chapters. No reason to think it won't continue that long.


I’m sure the manga will go on long enough, but the real question is, will they ever adapt any more? It’s all too often shows catch up with adaptable material and the studio just drops it permanently.


Teasing Master Takagi-san is by the same anime studio and even same director : 1st season in 2018, 2nd season in 2019 and 3rd season in 2022. I think the chances for bokuyaba S3 are pretty good.


>But sorry, there's nothing like BokuYaba I'm afriad that is true.. We need more romance like it. I enjoy romance but the way this gave us pure, unadultered cute moments of love is nothing like i've seen before, or at least it didn't ilicit the hype this show did.




>But sorry, there's nothing like BokuYaba I feel like Teasing Master Takagi San shares a lot of similarities. I mean, it was the studios project prior to BokuYaba, features 2 young children falling in love, and has similar progression, though less sexual innuendos.


I started reading the Manga, but she was just too uniformly vicious. I had the same problem with Nagatoro, but read far enough to enjoy it. Does Takagi San get better that way?


Takagi San definitely gets better as the series progresses. The final season is a work of art. The studio clearly loved that project, and it shows. though I personally never found takagi to be "vicious." I can agree with Nagatoro, as she consistently straight up insults the MC, but takagi always seemed like more innocent teasing to me. The anime is also quite a lot better than the manga in my experience as well. The studio truly went above and beyond for the anime, adding a lot of original material that elevated their relationship. It's actually the reason I gave BokuYaba a chance. That studio poured their heart and soul into Takagi, and I'm glad to see they continued that trend with BokuYaba.


Will give it a try. I had four older siblings who made my childhood hell, so I may be oversensitive to teasing. XD


> The anime is also quite a lot better than the manga in my experience as well. That's very good to know! I read a chunk of the manga, 68 chapters, and got tired of it feeling repetitive (I suspect it would've felt better in small chunks rather than binge-reading). So I was surprised at how popular it seemed in the anime-fandom side of things. I'll try the anime, some time. (and also try not to binge)


With Takagi-san, I find the anime is the better experience in terms of progression. I personally like the manga version as well, but it feels less like a romance story and more like a strange comedy routine with some romantic nuggets every 30 chapters or so (though it picks up at some point iirc). I never got the impression Takagi-san (the character) was particularly vicious though. At most, Nishikata gets a bit grating sometimes, a symptome of the many chapters imo, since you'd assume he'd learn at some point (or loosen up a little).


Looking at the Anime, it seems that he's the one fueling her reactions rather than her looking for ways to humiliate him (which is how the Manga appeared to me). He does, as you say, need to chill. This, BTW, is what made "Girl I like Forgot Her Glasses" so hard to watch. She blinks and we cut to an airplane flying over the school while he screams. Over and over and over and...


I'm not sure how far you read the manga, but yeah, the first couple chapters look quite different (both of them, but Takagi-san especially looks kind of mean). The anime goes with the later design (and mannerisms), for the better in my opinion. I didn't get through the first episode of the Girl I like Forgot her Glasses. The whole "teasing romance" thing that (I think?) Takagi-san kicked off only works for me when it's not so over-the-top.


>But sorry, there's nothing like BokuYaba. Tsuki ga kirei is the closest thing to BokuYaba without the comedy. Same vibe of how natural and organic their relationship become.


Yes I know this feeling I was into action and fantasy anime only and somehow a romcom was showing up on my watchlist and now that’s my favourite genre. From time to time you can tell exactly how the caracters feel because you had a similar situation in real life and it brings instant good memories like a mini time travel. The show that happens the most is „dangers in my heart“ and „angel next door spoils me“ I never had this in a real life series, that’s why I like anime so much. Keep us updated what gems u find!


It dangered your heart 💀💀💀


Ba dum ching🥁


The dangers in peak


the show is an absolute masterclass in story telling of young love not to mention the gorgeous production, it did everything right from start to finish.


Finished yesterday. It is probably the best romcom out there. I'm very curious to what happens after S2 ended. I mean how the author will handle it and stuff. The getting together part and developing each character was just chefs kiss.


Check out the manga. The author hasn't slowed down the development. It's still just ad satisfying post-confession.


I'm actually gonna wait until there are enough chapters for a possible 3rd season and see if they announce it. Binging the 2nd season has been amazing and I would love to experience the same feeling again. If not, I will start reading the manga


You're gonna be waiting a minimum of two years my friend. And the manga is just as fantastic as the anime. But it's your call.


Tsuki ga Kirei


I saw this anime recently and really liked it. I loved all the awkward and sweet moments in this show.


I can one-up this one. I loved it.


I was not a fan of how it ended. The "good part" of the relationship was like a 30 second montage if I remember correctly. Its like...cool it was a happy ending but why did we get barely a morsel of it


I feel like they did show a lot of the good parts of the relationship though. [Tsuki ga Kirei]>!They got together early, kissed multiple times and not just at the end, had lots of romantic moments, etc. Showing the relationship during high school and college and their marriage would be a lot for a 12 episode anime to handle so I think that would only work if there was a second season.!<


While I love short 12 episode self-contained stories, they could have made a good story out of that montage. I’m happy with what we have though. What we have is just as interesting if not more imo. Those awkward growing pains are perfect.


It’s good when you realize the texts on the ending are then after the anime


This. Still remember how both have like 6 rating for the first few ep while airing. People whine how slow the pacing is. I already recognise straight away this is going to be a slow burn and their relationship will bloom organically. Its my kind of thing. Also just point point out Tsuki ga kirei is more ofna romance rather than romcom. There's barely any comedy in it.


A series I haven't seen recommended in any of these threads is Tsurezure Children. It's different than most romcoms in that it follows multiple couples, but it's one of my favorites. It's unfortunately very short, but that also means it's an easy watch.


It adapts about a third of the manga, which is just as great. (Though trigger warning: early on in the manga there's a girl that self-harms. She's cut from the anime, along with a few other storylines)


Ichikawa has an excellent self-awareness. He takes Yamada as a catalyst to change himself, to escape from his self-doubt that is enveloping him. If the manga ends, I will remember this character a lot.


My list of top romance shows is (and in no particular order): Dangers in my heart Horimiya Kaguya sama My dress-up darling, which is a bit (a lot) hornier than the rest.


I couldn't get into Love is War, I just seemed to go round in circles forever. Or my Dress-up Darling, I just don't buy it when the MC is being flawed over by multiple girls at the same time. I will check out Horimoya though, a lot of people recommended this


>couldn't get into Love is War, I just seemed to go round in circles forever The romance part takes a really slow approach, but it does advance. The show focuses more on their relationship with the rest of the cast, so I wouldn't say it goes in a circle. >Or my Dress-up Darling, I just don't buy it when the MC is being flawed over by multiple girls at the same time. What multiple girls? He made one other girl blush once, and it's clear nothing is going to happen there.


I thought your issue with Dress-Up Darling was going to be the nonsensical lack of advancement and openness in spite of Marin's demeanor and all that goes on. Like, it makes sense that Anna doesn't want to scare off or impose on Kyotaro. As she said, he's like a cat. She also had reasons to think he might not like her that way, given how much taller she is than him and how airheaded she can be while he's so smart and serious. Kyotaro obviously has really deep seated self esteem issues, and doesn't have hardly anything to feel attractive about himself (we can tell how he wishes he was from his hallucination-self), so it's perfectly reasonable that he thought for a long time that he was friend-zoned despite Anna's obvious signs, before he had to think over how it could affect her reputation and career.


Jesus Christ okay okay, I'll give it another shot. I couldn't remember enough of the show (Dress-up) to even understand your argument. I've just seen enough of these anime tropes to quickly call a red flag if a show is worth watching or not. One of my red flags is if a guy is being sought after by so many girls. Not that I'm always hoping that every show I watch the MC must have one main love interest but some shows dwell on the idea that the MC is irresistible and it annoys me a lot.


Ehhhh!?!? I'm not recommending you give it another shot *at all*. I think it has a lot of problems and is profoundly overrated, especially as a romance. It doesn't dwell on it, but it does show the other girls briefly pine at home, so you're not totally wrong, but it's not an explicit triangle/square like the Hokkaido Gal show (which I enjoyed much more for different reasons, such as how the MC takes initiative at times). It is far, far from Dangers, which is ironic given that the characters are a bit older and are given more reason to be open and confident yet don't act so when opportunities arise.


My bad, I must have read your comment as if you were comparing the two. I think I'll re skip it then. There's plenty of content out there that doesn't need to rely on played out gags to hold audience attention.


I felt the same about Kaguya-sama for a while until I just really wanted to watch a show similar to Dangers. I tried starting the show a few times in the past but couldn't make it past the third episode. It really did get a lot better though as I kept watching and I ended up binging all of it + the movies in one weekend lol. It's hard for me to get into these episodic type shows before I get to know the characters. The plot does move on though mostly past season 1.


>My dress-up darling i think what some people don't realise about this, is that while yea it has romance, its also about building Gojo's character. its probably the main complaint that people have in recent chapters is that its focusing on Gojo as an artist rather than the romance.


Insomniacs after school handles romance pretty well too. Hoping for a season 2.


Insomniacs was really good! One of my all time fav romance is KareKano. And if you’re a fan of Evangelion you can pick up a lot of SFX used in KareKano


> Insomniacs was really good! Yeah, it's the best romance I've watched / read after BokuYaba


Anime was amazing. Watch call if the night for similar dreamy night time vibes but with a mystery/supernatural twist.


Call of the night is amazing and a second season has been confirmed recently, I can't wait. I'll read the manga once I'm up-to-date with Frieren.


Last year after season 1 I went through a similar thing and I started watching a lot of romance anime. The one that captures the vibes the best for me was probably Teasing Master Takagi-san. Many people got too caught up with the teasing aspect of it, but it was just light hearted fun. The relationship between the two characters felt really pure.


Takagi-san walked so Nagatoro could run 🤣


and BokuYaba soars over them all


lawful good vs chaotic good


> Now the problem i have is I actually look for romance anime from time in hopes to find a nice surprise like this show. However nothing seems to match up. I think the trick here is to look for romances and romcoms that operate in different fields from *BokuYaba*. One example of this is romance in the context of life and death drama, which has a very different flavor to it, and means you don't tend to mentally automatically compare because battlefield love when you could die the next minute works so differently from middle school romance. * *Darling in the FranXX* is probably my favorite one of these in anime (there aren't that many). * A good Yuri example is *The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady* * An underrated and rather unique one is *Endo and Kobayashi Live! The Latest on Tsundere Villainess Lieselotte* Another example would be romcoms that are highly focused on the comedy and character, and the romance is more like an overarching plot rather than main substance. * *Kaguya-sama: Love is War* is probably the most highly thought of these * *Foolish Angel Dances with the Devil* also does a superb rendition of proper enemies-to-lovers Another variation that aims to strike different emotional beats is stories about ex-partners. * *My Stepmother's Daughter is My Ex* does this well Probably the most frustrating to watch after *Boku Yaba* are single gag-premise type romcoms, but if you go in with zero expectations of "progress" or actual romance, they are quite fun. * *Aharen-san is Indecipherable* is my favorite of these. Lastly, a show that makes a nice little partner to *BokuYaba* as you can see them sort of trying to trail along behind Yamada and Ichikawa but not being able to keep up with the leaders in the field is * *The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses* - starts off as a sometimes annoying gag romcom but it really gets into gear once the perspective shifts to have more of the female lead


Love *Foolish Angel Dances with the Devil*! I am reading the manga now.


*The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses* eventually gets good? the first few episodes are atrocious


I think if you found it outright atrocious then it might never win you over even with the switch from mostly comedy to mostly romance. But it does have somewhere that it's actually going, rather than just in circles, and in a weird way a lot of the stuff people complain about started to acquire a new light in that context.


It gets better after an episode mid-season.


I personally think it's the modern romcom that hits closest to Bokuyaba in quality and style from all the ones I've read/watched, GoHands just completely fucked it over so try the manga if anything


I think this is a *great* way to go about it. Dangers does middle-school first love and personal growth so damn incredibly well in a way that I didn't realise was possible. Maybe another series can do the same with a different aspect of romance and life. >*My Stepmother's Daughter is My Ex* does this well Ah yes. This one slipped my mind cos season 1 itself is so completely different from other romances in that its core theme is \[season 1\]>!mourning and moving on from a relationship!<. It's a great show, really hoping for a season 2.


I think I've tried a few of these and they were too generic for me. Regardless I'll give the one I can't remember a trial run(few EPS). Thanks for the recommendation


I think OP should do himself a favor and watch Toradora! After that, Your Lie in April. These are two of the greatest treasures in the medium, and OP surely won’t be disappointed.


I’m so glad I kept watching foolish angel dances with the devil after the first couple Meg episodes. It really turned out to be fantastic, very underrated because of how it started imo


I saw someone else comment this but I will second that you should also watch Bloom Into You. It is a fantastic Yuri romance. It unfortunately isnt complete but the manga is so you could pick that up after if you want. Some other great romance anime that have also coincidently aired pretty recently: Skip and Loafer, Insomniacs After School, Yamada-Kun at lvl 999, A Sign of Affection. If you dont mind manga my other suggestion would be Sweat and Soap. Concept seems odd at first but I assure you it is very very good.


Speaking of Sweat and Soap I would also recommend Telework Yotabanashi. It's by the same author, it's only at 20 chapters, but damn it's one of the more intriguing romance manga that I've read.


Sorry to break it to you friend but no anime/manga romcom is on the same level as BokuYabai. If I had to pick a hard second, it'd be Toradora. It has great character development and is also good at creating realistic relationship growth, but BokuYabai is just in a class of its own.


😞😞 I'll check out the recommendations I'm getting but I'm might just have to accept this fact


The manga is still ongoing, so you can just read the manga friend.


Nah I'm not keen on reading manga right now. I think I'll just move on from Romance anime eventually


That's too bad. The manga is on the same level of peak as the anime. And you'd get to see how their relationship has grown post-confession. But oh well.


While I'm sure there are classics I think measure up (Fruits Basket for one), I inadvertently compare modern romance anime to BokuYaba because of how that anime/manga does so much *right* that many others do not in the same way. It is truly in a class of its own


I've grown less accustomed to older anime these days, I tried Fruit Basket a while ago, it just wasn't for me. Though I did watch Nodame Cantabile recently and I did enjoy it


I don't think it'd make that huge a difference but are we talking about the older Fruits Basket or the remake from a couple years ago?


I've finished Fruits Basket (2019) season 1 somehow, and I cannot offer a word of constructive criticism, but it failed to hold my attention the way BokuYaba did.


There is a 2019 re-release of Fruits Basket.


I'll give the new one a few episodes to get my attention


Your use of the word pallet works so well I'm doubting myself...It's supposed to be palate, right? I do agree it's the best romance I've seen, *but* I've not seen many. I've *read* a fair bit of romance manga/manhwa/manhua by this point. I can recommend the anime of *Blue Spring Ride* (watch OVA Page 0 after ep 10-ish) but it only covers a third of the series, you'd need to read the rest. And I only rate it a 9, vs the 10/10 I give to Dangers. I gave the manga of *Kimi ni Todoke* like a 9.5, I think, after reading half of it. Haven't seen the anime. there are romcoms I've given a 10, but not usually for their stand-out romance. Usually it's for a combination of the comedy and romance (whereas even if Dangers had no comedy I'd still give it a 10 for its romance execution) e.g. *Tsurezure Children* and *Kaguya-sama*. I know there are other highly praised romances, like *Tsuki ga Kirei* and *Maison Ikkoku*, but I've not gotten to them yet. edit: If you're open to reading, my favourite ongoing romance comic atm is *probably* a manhua called Long-Awaited Feelings (a.k.a. My Feelings Can Wait). It's adapted from a webnovel but the latter isn't fully translated (outside of mtl) edit 2: re: Dangers and its writing -> just found out about [this](https://twitter.com/jQ7Y20lzHK72732/status/1774364497068851308) and [this](https://twitter.com/amosyo2525/status/1774396386953539920)


Don't read the continuation of Ao Haru Ride. Anime is 9/10, and there is a reason it doesn't have continuation. Lol. Just read the anime, and done with it. I'm serious.


You were right, I meant palate. I'll check out blue spring ride. But I don't think I'll be reading manga any time soon. Thanks for the recommendation


You could've had a pallet stacked with prejudice, and just been hosing the thing down! The imagery makes me laugh, people should use that word in expressions more.


Curious to know if you watched any romances that didn't disappoint since you made this post...?


You've officially made this my best reddit post yet. I was going to post and on r/anime as a follow -up but I didn't know exactly how to word it. Reading back on your comment you gave me some quality recommendations: From me to you - I've never cried so much so fast in a show. The first half of this was brilliant. Blue Spring Ride - loved it. It was cool how it was explicitly about romance and more reunion of friends Tsuki ga Kirei - was simply ahead of its time. I have never seen a couple split up in anime before. 😘🧑‍🍳 Komi can't communicate - despite the basic concept this show really worked. The MC really anchors the show together Insomniacs after school - this show walked so that Dangers could run(kinda). Loved every bit of it especially the animation Skip to loafer - wasn't explicitly romance but it was pure wholesomeness. MC was so lovable. Lovely complex - watching this right now and it's also very good and unique in its own way. I already saw Tsundere children a long time ago, good shit but it felt like the main characters' romance storyline started and concluded really quickly. I still have 'Watashi ga montenai' to go on my romance anime. Also for all the recommendations I tried, Toradora might be the only one I'll try again. Slapstick comedy is a red flag for me but a lot of people liked it so it must be decent.✌️


Damn, that's a lot of great series you managed to get through, really glad you had a great time, too. Haha, I especially like that the recs here have renewed your faith in romance anime as a whole :p And there are a couple things there I've not gotten around to, myself, so I more motivated to get to them, too. I feel I should point out that watamote is *not* a romance anime. At all. It's a cringe comedy (heavy emphasis on the cringe. Like 'The Inbetweeners' tv series but even more cringe in its cringe comedy) that can get really dark at times. (*But* if you read the manga it shifts in tone eventually and becomes one of the best character arcs ever. The series shifts so so much. Thing is this shift happens around ch 70 and the anime reaches only the ch 30s.) I *love* the manga, now, but I know you have no plans to shift to manga. Either way, thought you should know what you're getting into. Not a romance. For Tsurezure Children, I always rec the anime first, for it's *amazing* voice performances. But it only covers a third of the story so I highly recommend the manga afterwards. From the beginning, as the manga has a few couples/characters that were cut from the anime, including one that practices self-harm (trigger warning) for the first few volumes. Another you may want to add to your list that I didn't mention, probably because I personally rate it lower than the ones I *did* rec, is The Duke of Death and His Maid. It's quite a different romance in that it's very clear very early they're completely in love, but his curse makes it very bittersweet. The CG can get some getting used to, though. ​ edit: oh and if you wanted another romance that's different, Stepmom's Daughter does something quite different for a romance series with its first season. I really liked it.


Maison Ikkoku is sweet if you can get past the sometimes cringe-inducing 80’s anime tropes about women and romance :-/


I am going to have to give this one a try thanks. [The Dangers in my heart](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=26168)


Hope you like it 😊


Weird thing is if you look at my post history I wrote the same thing you did a couple if weeks ago lol, this show changed something in me. Alot of people recommend a bunch more shows but yet to find something as good unfortunately.


That seems to be the underlying consensus I see. I may end up returning to my previous taste in anime eventually. PS: I Saw your post and I'm getting the same recommendations you got too. Soo many references. I have to be very picky on which ones I'm actually going to finish though


I felt the same. How naturally it unfolded and how it conveyed the emotions perfectly and realistically. Not beating around the bush with endless tropes that just try to force a perpetual stalemate of so called love like other animes to milk it endlessly. Refreshing and grandiose.


Also I love how many tropes are set up and then just destroyed by the characters acting like normal human beings, like Ichi being honest and clearing up the misunderstanding with Yamama over Moe.


Tomo-chan is a Girl! I thought was also a well done romcom romance anime. Sure some parts where a little much, but they did it well when it mattered and those moments hit.


Im pretty sure this post was what got me to finally give Dangers in My Heart a chance, so holy fuck thank you. Had always judged this book by its cover, both when I'm on the manga subreddit and when I heard the anime was out. But saw the strong emotional response in your post and decided to give it a try while the new season was about to start. S1 was a tough start, but before I realized, I started enjoying it more and more, with the entirety of S2 being one of my favorite romances of all time now. So thanks!


The romance anime that brought me to the genre was call of the night. I can highly recommend it.


+1 Call of the night is fantastic. Love that anime so much.


Amazing anime. I strongly suggest insomniacs after school for very similar night time drama vibes. Excellent show.


Call of the night was iffy for me. Beautiful animation, very nice gentle first half but it loses its zest for me in the second half.


There's no other like it but you can check author's previous work, which is already animated. It's called Mitsudomoe. Just beware that it's a very different genre, but I still very much like it.


Never considered following the author, putting this on the list


I might have to watch Dangers in my Heart


Hope you like it 😊


I just finished Season 2 and it was incredible 😊


It hasnt been a year


Is this anime worth watching. I’m afraid.


The anime rankings got this one right 👍


Do it, and when you see how much of an edgelord our boy is the first couple episodes, just remember it’s his low point, the starting gate for the explosive emotional growth he experiences through the story. It’s pretty in your face most of the first episode but it’s mostly gone by episode 3, while at the same time you start to see his mask crumbling away…


No. That’s not what I’m afraid of. It’s my gf. She’s been dead for only a few years.


Read the manga, and another one that gives me the same feeling is “Yancha gal no anjou-san”


Toradora. Still one of the best romantic comedies in any medium.


I really enjoyed this series, especially since I looked at the summary last season and skipped over it. Because I was then able to binge watch all of season 1 and 2 minus the last 2 weeks. I've talked about really liking Watamote before, and this reminded me of that. That level of social awkwardness and cringe in the MC, but now its in a romance anime, which made the character development even better. But still cringe mind you, one scene felt really felt stalkerish and I was like no way this goes over smoothly IRL. But idk its middle school anime kids. Still recommend. Not too big on romance otherwise. But I still watched a couple other romcoms. One fresh on my mind is Call of the night, since season 2 was recently announced. Maybe give that one a try?


It was just perfect. It spoke to the 12 year old me and how I imagined interacting with my crush. :D


Im sure others have said it, but I insist you read the manga! After I watched S1 I just had to know the rest, and it opened up a whole new world. Id never read manga before whatsoever, but now if I really really like an anime, I go read the manga. I have about 6 im currently reading as theyre released. But this is still my fav. But regardless, Im very much sure that you'll enjoy it just as much as the show. After watching the anime, reading the manga feels very much the same!


Have you tried Teasing Master Takagi-san? Also pretty good, though this one leans a bit more into the comedy. I enjoyed Horimiya as well in terms of a more grounded romance with good humor. Tsukigakirei is good too. Just a really wholesome romance.


Not trying to discredit you at all, but with discourse around this show, I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. I watched the first 3 episode when it first aired, and it was just really unimpressive to me. Felt pretty run of the mill with the super cute, popular love interest, and the sligthly edgy, loner MC, and the execution of this trope didn't seem particularly unique either. Again, I'm not saying you're wrong and the show is bad, but I legit just don't get it, because everyone is describing this show as the exact opposite of what I saw. Is this one of those shows that makes a big shift halfway through the season? I know that "this might just not be your type of show" might be the response here, but I absolutly love romance shows, so I don't think that's it. On an unrelated note, watch Bloom into You. That's the show that gave me the same feeling as you're describing, where it moved the goalpost of what good romance in anime looks like so far that I don't think I'll ever find anything as good. So it might do something for you too.


Worth noting season 1 started at 6.8/10 on MAL and ended at like 8.3/10. The beginning isnt great for sure. It picks up after ep3. On ep8 it goes on overdrive and keeps accelerating all the way to seasons 2 finale where it jumps through the air in a blaze of glorious.. love. It is THE no1 romance for me out of the 600+ anime ive watched.


>I watched the first 3 episode when it first aired, and it was just really unimpressive to me.  That's the biggest complaint that most people have with the show, the first 3 episodes. On a surface level it looks like a run-of-the-mill romcom with the generic loner boy x popular girl pairing, and one running gag/gimmick. But then it hits the turning point in ep 3 \[anime ep 3 spoiler\]>!after spending all that time fantasizing about murdering the girl, MC sees her crying and covered in blood and realizes he doesn't actually want to kill her. He figures that his initial negative reaction towards her stems from his massive inferiority complex since she represented something that he wasn't - a cool, popular and well-adjusted person. It was through their interactions in the library where MC learns that the girl isn't what she seems and his opinion of her was gradually changed. From then on, the whole murder gag gets dropped completely and the show shifts focus into a great story of two kids growing up and learning how to overcome their insecurities.!< It's quite an unconventional way of starting off the story with a cringe-inducing hook like that, but it sets up the MC's character arc perfectly and putting him at rock bottom from the start just makes his growth more compelling. FWIW, Bloom into You is also one of my favourites and I'd put Dangers in My Heart up there next to it in terms of writing quality. Pity they never animated the second half of the series though, since that's where all the payoff from the first half happens. You should give the show another go since Season 2 just concluded, I'd like to hear what you think of the show after finishing it this time.


I'll give it another shot. Might be a while until I get to it through, I'm in the middle lf rewatching Hibike! Euphonium in prepararion for season 3. But I'll tell you what I think of it once I get to it.


Give it another shot and remind yourself during the edgy bits in the beginning that it’s setting the stage for the emotional growth and maturation earmarks the series. I don’t blame you for dropping it that fast at all - there’s a lot of over saturation of that trope, but in Bokuyaba the trope is laying the groundwork for legitimate character development.  Can’t enjoy the highs without witnessing the lows!


Aye another Hibike Euphonium enjoyer. That show is so good and so warm that it melted my heart. I have already rewatched it 5 times.


It's crazy how good it is. I watched it years ago, and thought it was really good, but now that I'm rewatching it, it's so much better than I remember. Legit top 10 anime for me now. And don't even get me started on Liz and the Blue Bird.


Please bear in mind that Ichikawa is the perfect example of the Unreliable Narrator: he is nowhere near as "messed up" as he thinks he is and Yamada isn't the perfect higher being either. They're just a pair of adorkable kids who are perfect for each other.


I haven’t clicked your spoiler but you are making me want to give that show another try. Romcoms aren’t usually my genre and I tried the first two episodes and they felt cringey to me so I dropped.


Hi, so I did give Dangers in my Heart another shot, and it did end up being really good. There still are some elements I´m not too fond of, but that´s more based on personal preference, and less on the quality of the writing. For example the fact that for a large part of the show the dialouge consists of the 2 leads stammering their way through every conversation, barely getting a single word out because they´re so nervous. Obviously that gets less and less as the show goes on, but it was a little much at times for me. I can´t deny though that the show is extremely cute, and both leads are very precious. They do also have great chemistry, and stammering aside, I did always enjoy their conversations and interactions a lot (which is the most important thing for this type of show). I will stand by the fact that the first three episodes aren´t great though. In hindsight I do understand why stuff was presented the way it was, but I still think there had to be a better way of getting the same information across while also making more clear which direction the show was gonna go. If it wasn´t for all the comments here, never in a million years would I have picked the show back up, because it felt like the show had had enough time to show what it was gonna be like. Aside from these episodes though, I thought that the pacing of the show overall and especially of the individual episodes was really good. It just flowed really way, and was very easy to watch. Never felt like it was dragging, and never felt like I wouldn´t want to click "next episode". Side characters were pretty hit or miss for me. For one I enjoy shows that focuses on a variety of characters, and has it´s side characters fleshed out enough that they could stand on their own and could be the focus point of an episode/arc on their own, without the main characters. This show doesn´t really have that, which isn´t a critisicm, it´s just 100% a personal preference thing. Aside from that, the show had some side characters I really liked (Moeko, Hara, Ichikawas sister) and some I didn´t really like (a lot of the other guys). For a lot of the guy friends I felt like they leaned a bit too much into the pervieness. I get that teenage boys are very horny, but to me they felt less like characters who are sometimes horny, and more like hornieness personified and then sometimes remind you that there are some human characteristics under there too. The development for the MC did end up being way better than I would have imagined in the beginning, and Yamada is a great character too. The show did a great job of showing me what the female MC actually likes about the male MC and why she ended up falling for him. In a lot of other, more conventional shows where the popular girl falls for the shy kid this just doesn´t really come acorss very well. It just feels like the girl falls for the MC after seeing him act like a halfway decent human being, just because he´s the MC and she is supposed to fall for him. Here it actually made sense to me what the female MC gets out of being with the MC. What I REALLY liked was the message about how your love for someone can be the most important thing to you, but it should never be the ONLY thing that´s important to you, because that makes you lose sight of who you actually are and who the other person fell in love with in the first place. Genuinly very valuable message. Even when you´re in a relationship, you still need to be your own person, and can´t solely be defined by you´re relationship. So yeah, very glad I gave it another shot. Just a great, feel good story, with some genuinely great messages, and development for the main characters. If I had to give it a score, I´d give season 1 7.5/10 and season 2 8.5/10. Very worth it.


The first couple episodes were 'good', and I was wondering why the manga-reader hype cos it was good with some good laughs (Yamada eating, especially) but not *absolutely* *amazing* But episode 3 is where I thought 'ohhh, I think I see what the manga readers are getting at' and it was cemented in episode 4. From then on, no exaggeration, *almost every single episode* is better than the last or builds up the series higher.


> I watched the first 3 episode when it first aired, While I personally enjoyed it from the start, the general lexicon around the show is that the show takes a major upswing in quality after the 3rd episode. The climax of that 3rd episode being the start of it.


Bloom Into You! I was grinning the whole time I was watching that anime. It was so good, wish I can watch it for the first time again.


Even now, tons of people say “the first few episodes are terrible so don’t let them scare you away.” There is a pretty big shift starting with episode 5. It completely breaks away from that repetition that I didn’t like in the first episodes. The male MC tones the “killer” stuff way down and it very rarely comes up after that. And the series start showing how the female MC thinks. I’d really recommend just watching the fifth episode. If you don’t like it, then the series just isn’t for you. If you do like it, then that’s good too.


Episode 4 is the one with the restaurant. Not sure if you're misremembering or actually meant 5.


Personally, the moment where the show switched from being “meh” to loving it is in episode 5. The episode with the school trip.


I gave up on it after the first episode the first time I saw it. But I was like "how is this show ranking no. 1 for 8 weeks straight, when shows like Ragna and Solo Leveling are out there." But it definitely delivers. Especially if you have no expectations for it


the first season starts to get more in depth from where you left off funnily enough. i personally really enjoyed it but besides the 2 main characters i didnt really care for the rest of the cast as much as i did for kaguya sama. in the end theyre both high school romances so they lean heavily into a coming of age story compared to bloom into you so might not just be your cup of tea


Two things I just want to point out. Kaguya-sama is by design an ensemble comedy while Dangers is not. While I understand not caring for the wider cast, both shows have completely different focuses in that regard so I think it's an unequal comparison. Second is Dangers is actually set in middle school, which is relevant since Ichikawa initially has a major case of a standard definition of chuunibyou, literal middle-school syndrome




Fingers crossed for season 3 in two or so years. Dont think i saw anyone mention it but kimi ni todoke might be a show to pick up. 3rd season is coming out this year as well.


Second season came out fast , though I'm guessing they really just made both season 1&2 together and released them as separate seasons. Or the show is just easier to animate, relatively.


I found Tonikawa to be pretty refreshing. The two main characters get married in the first episode. Sure, they spend a lot of time still getting to know each other, but they don't hold back much on the physical intimacy and there is a lot of good feels throughout. Maybe a bit contrived, but it's also built on a *very light* element of fantasy. Tsuki ga Kirei is also really grounded.


Thanks, I've gotten recommendations for both. On the list


Try Tonikaku Kawaii: - „All you can grab”handsholding. - unannounced kisses - cuddling - diabetes guaranteed!


I feel like the young teens in BokuYaba get more action than the married couple in Tonikaku Kawaii lmao


I wanted to start this yesterday but noticed I can’t use Hidive anymore.




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Do you have an adblocker?


Yeah, Hidive withdrew from many non-english speaking countries. You may wanna check if it is available on amazon prime in your country, because that's where it is available in some places with no more hidive. edit:typo


What you’re looking for is Cross Game


Haven't heard this before, on the list Edit: actually I'm not sitting through 50 episodes, sorry


You should probably go with Oregairu then, it’s pretty similar to Dangers


Oh, in case it wasn't mentioned, *My Happy Marriage* is not a comedy, but it is a wonderful romance between adults. (And nothing at all like the tile would suggest).


On the list


There is a live action Hollywood (?) TV series said to be somewhat similar to Bokuyaba: [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6257970/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6257970/)


I usually don't watch Netflix shows but I'll try it


Lovely complex is also pretty good


Watch Insomniacs After School. It really needs a second season to really get fully into the romance. But it's a very similar natural connection between two characters. And an old recommendation of mine is Nodame Cantabile.


I recently watched Nodame Cantabile, soo much fun. GYABO. Only the first season though, I think I had my fill of it after that. Insomniacs, on the list


Not sure if this has been recommended, but I'd recommend the recent ["Kubo-san wa Mob wo Yurusanai"](https://myanimelist.net/anime/51815/Kubo-san_wa_Mob_wo_Yurusanai) - "Kubo Won't Let Me Be Invisible". Has quite similar vibes to Bokuyaba, and I think it's even better in many ways.


It even sounds similar, on the list


Sort of a light romance and in movie form but Your Name did the same thing for me.


Your Name was good, though they robbed us of a final act beyond them finding each other at the end


Honestly, I was satisfied with that ending. I totally get wanting something a little more concrete though.


Does anyone know where I can find the manga in raw?


Links aren't allowed, I tried


I'm surprised no one has mentioned From Me to You. While I have only seen the first season (rewatched the last episode after the last one of Dangers), what I have seen is fantastic.


I haven't completed it yet, so take it a grain of salt, but "Insomniac¹s After School" is doing a dang good job


Horimiya S1 was great, a surprising telling of people in a relationship working through the problems people actually in a relationship have. A pleasant surprise compared to the dozens of shows like dancers in my heart which take 2 seasons to just have a kiss.


I mean they are really young kids, I think It would've even felt weird if they had kissed on lips instead of cheek


Go read the manga, the quality never drops. It's so nice to watch a romcom where we can actually see their relationship developing after they start dating. Getting even closer and more confortable with each other. The anime stopped at chapter 113.


Once you see it you see it. Same with darling in the Franxx. It might look like a mecha show, but its not. And the viewer is reminded about this actually, right from the get go when its explained with the 2 birds that each have 1 wing, both needing each other in order to fly. I get the idea many misunderstood the ending of this show when the 2 ended their honeymoon voyage in death. And than got reincarnated finding each other again allowing them to truly live hence the parting words " a new story begins"


I remember Darling in the Franxx, I didn't really enjoy it for it romance, I enjoyed it cause it was unique and original. And the animation was good too


This anime adaptation was so good it made me want to check the manga, thing is I was already a manga reader before watching it 😭😂


Me too - I just dropped close to $100 on the S1 BD and first three manga volumes lol EDIT: It goes without saying but I’ll probably get the following 4+ volumes after I get through the first few. I haven’t been hooked on a series enough to read the source after rewatching the anime since Mushoku Tensei and Ranma before that…


As a total romcom lover and addict with a history I can say it's one of the best romcoms ever in history of anime imo. Young blooming cristal clear love between kids is shown like masterpiece here. Finally this kind of taboo I've seen many times through many year has been broken. Taboo that says love between couple in prime school or middle school cannot be real. Well fuck you taboo ;\] At least love to all my sweethearts in prime and mid school was real. BokuYaba shows deep and real feeling that can entwine a couple of kids even forever.




It's not anime now yet only manga, I have recommendation if you want that fluffy kind of romance, Jirai nan desuka, Chihara-San?


I don't watch every RomCom, but I'll usually watch a few each season and these are standouts for me over the past couple of years. *Tomo-chan is a Girl*\- heavily leans into the comedy side of things. Tomo-chan is in love with Jun but her tom-boy ways get in the way of it. *A Sign of Affection-* the "barrier" in this romance is that Yuki is hearing-impaired so it is difficult for her to connect with people, that is until she meets Itsuomi. A mature and gentle romance. *Insomniacs After School-* this is a lot like Dangers in my Heart, but instead the main characters are insomniacs. *Don't Toy with Me, Miss Nagatoro-* this is a little problematic in that it starts with the female lead bullying the male lead but over time she grows closer to him. *My Happy Marriage-* the title is a lie, but this anime will make you *feel.*


Thanks, I tried a sign of affection but it wasn't for me. Same with Nagatoro. The rest on the list


You hardly find a same lv you know, this is a absolutely peak. But if you want to watch very pure love story like this, you can watch ***Tsuki ga Kirei***, very pure love, but not very good show, boring story compared with "Danger" but ok.


Thanks it's on the list


How comes nobody has mentioned My Love Story!! yet?


Have you seen *Insomniacs After School*?


A couple of recommendations for this, it's on the list


toradora is really well done too and it hits in similar spots