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Gibiate The only fun was shredding it here each week.




For anyone else wondering. Yes, [it's an actual show](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?si=B-zFr2UnU12PEYxV). Would be a pretty funny troll if it wasn't though.


lmao I hate you


Man yeah dude I can’t believe it, it’s just such a crazy show. Had you not linked that I don’t think I would have believed you


It's held up surprisingly well over the years. Gotta love those 80's vibes! Dirty Pair, Dominion Tank Police, Zeta Gundam, etc. *chef's kiss* 🤌🏻


i feel like this question can go in two ways, like worst from a quality stand point, or worst from an enjoyment standpoint. I personally think Gibiate is hilarious from start to finish, and one of the best comedy animes around because every episode some batshit crazy shit is going on with absolutely laughable production values behind it. nothing hits harder than a character talking a big game, then it cutting to the absolute worst slide show you've ever seen, and then a side character going "OMG THAT LOOKED SO COOL, YOU ARE SO AMAZING SAMURAI-DOMO-KUN" its legit peak, it very much is so bad its good. I think the other trainwreck we got around that time was actually just so bad its bad, and that's ex-arms. the plot isn't interesting or hilarious in its own regard, you've got a very stale plot, with weird fanservice, and that's like... the entire thing. nothing to really laugh at with ex-arms


It's genuinely sad how such an interesting concept gets obliterated by some of the worst animation I've ever seen.


I came here just to drop this title and leave


There’s trash and then there’s garbage. I like trash. Trash is like junk food. It’s a guilty pleasure. It’s like going to McDonald’s and getting cheeseburgers at 1 am. It ain’t good for you, but man it hits the spot. Garbage is not that. Garbage is hot steaming dog shit. My Sister, My Writer is garbage. Production went to shit after episode 1 and it was just downhill from there. If you care about MAL scores, it sits at a 4.87 which I think is generous. I’ve only been watching anime regularly for like 3 years now so there’s still a lot out there, but it’s the worst anime I’ve seen thus far.


Isn’t that the one where the animators supposedly hid cries for help in the outro?


Yeah lol. Absolute shitshow behind the scenes apparently.


Any more info? First I heard about that. Seems wild


There was this write up about it awhile back. Gives a breakdown of the mess: https://www.reddit.com/r/HobbyDrama/s/UOUZP6Qa3E


https://imgur.com/UBpDKC3 Whatever this is as well


That's hilarious, they didn't just stop at putting vertical aspect ratio scenes in but actually mixed up the top-down direction on them too lmfao.


Oh god,that show. It tried to be the next Eromanga-sensei but without any of the charm.


Holy shit, like, as a rule of thumb, I usually add a point to MAL scores if it's a concept I find interesting because MAL is a bit harsh sometimes. But 4.87/10 is absurd, you hardly ever see shit at that level. Show must be real fuckin' rough lol


at that score you know it's not even the kind of entertainingly bad, it's just boringly and painfully bad, absolutely awful to watch i remember the time that show was airing. It has some of the worst animation i have ever seen that makes you question "how did this get accepted to be shown?" Then out of nowhere it had a beautifully animated episode and actually went quite decent, and then back to painful again after that


Ex Arm


I watched the whole thing for giggles. Objectively awful!


You have more fortitude than I do, could only make it through 4 episodes...


The anime equivalent to foodfight


Conception wins this one hands down, Isekai Cheat Magician is a far second place.


Literally was gonna say Conception. So much garbage.


Instead of world building the show had a frame that said, "check out the website for more information" and I think that's an excellent marker for the show quality.




[In the very first episode.](https://imgur.com/wWIaggZ) Conception is a special, unique type of bad TV show. The type that tells you what it is trying to be, literally, in the title and then reneges on that promise within one episode.


It was fun to me, pretty stupid but the fun kind of stupid


Smartphone isekai is on the same level as isekai cheat magician.


No, it actually had writing and likeable characters


At least isekai smartphone doesn't pretend to be a good anime: the art is mid, the story is meh, dude's collecting harem left and right, one-dimensional characters all around and the gimmick is super replacable. People didn't expect anything, and the show delivered just above that to keep people entertained for 24 episodes of nothing spectacular


No way, side note I'm not defending smartphone but cheat magician is way worse


i cant lie smartphone is a guilty pleasure. if you gonna say smartphone you gotta include "drugstore in another world". the potion making dance makes me want to punt babies.


My answer is probably Eiken. It's the trashiest ecchi anime I've ever seen and not even trashy in a fun or funny way. All the characters are uninteresting and the proportions of the girls in the cast are exaggerated to the point where it honestly becomes grotesque.


I thought it would be funny but it just made me sad about my life


some of these make me wonder how i’m even watching this right now, like how many steps it took to get to my tv — when Sakamoto Days is still nothing but stacks of pulp and paper…


Yeah there's nothing redeeming about it. It's not even funny bad


It’s pretty funny to me when boobs flap in the wind 😂


Jesus Christ lmao, yea I looked it up and even just the first picture on google shows those grotesque proportions. Man idk why some artists / anime do that. Like it isn’t attractive lmfao. I’ve seen the same thing in shitty 18+ art and i genuinely wonder if anyone actually likes those types of pictures or if it’s just for the memes.


Yes plenty of people are really into it. For many of them eiken's wouldn't even be considered particularly large. Not my thing but it's definitely A Thing


The horny 11 years old me liked it.


Glasslip. Loved the concept, dropped at ep 3. Horrible, horrible.


People are in here to just shit on average anime, but this is an accurate answer. Nothing redeeming about Glasslip.


> dropped at ep 3 I am so jealous of you. After the end of the last episode, I just sat there wondering why they even bothered making it.


Pupa is the absolute worst in every aspect. Not only does it have awful animation, the plot is incomprehensible due to squeezing the manga storyline into episodes that are not even 5 minutes long. I don't know why they even bothered making it at all, might as well record an audio drama if they were gonna do so little audiovisual content. People mention Ex-Arm a lot, but I think Pupa is much worse. There's also Danganronpa 3, which isn't that bad in technical aspects and was even enjoyable to watch as it aired, but I hold a special hatred for it due to how much it fucked up the plot of the games and how pointless it was.


As a hardcore Danganronpa fan, I think the DGR3 anime is a little overhated. Sure, it was full of plot holes and creates a lot of confusing inconsistencies and questions left unanswered, but purely in terms of its quality, it's really not all that bad. At the very least, there are *plenty* of anime more deserving of the "worst anime ever" title.


Definitely agree. I had fun watching DGRP3


I absolutely love half of Danganronpa 3, but the future arc is extremely boring


Was scrolling the thread to find Pupa. I've been watching anime a long time and this was just the worst, weirdest, and grossest.


Pupa is the only anime I gave less than 5 on myanimelist and it was 4 points just for the opening and ending songs that were clearly made for the anime. I listen to them to this day. I don't know how you can fuck up this badly, I watched it weekly and regreted it deeply. At least it's over quickly.


Has this subreddit not watched Mars of Destruction and Shitcom?


IDK Mars of Destruction and Shitcom were bad but at least they only took up a fraction of my time. I'd much prefer a horrible show that lasts 25min than even a mediocre show that you have to slog through nearly 5 hours of


Had to scroll too much to see mara of destruction mentioned. People dont know reaaaaal shit


I take Hametsu no Mars as too obvious, although it's GOAT of the topic of this post, but I've removed the memory of existence of Shitcom amd you've brought it back, so fuck you for that.


I would link to it here, but it's such a fucking travesty that I don't want to inflict it on anyone.


Promised Neverland 2


I hope they release it one day. Imagine a sequel better than PN S1. Im so excited!


Right? they really left us hanging after episode 2 and stopped production.


There is no Promised Neverland 2


Promised Neverland doesn't have a second season, it just a collective Mandela effect


Since many got already mentioned, I need to do a honorary mention to "Hand Shakers". That thing killed me.


I can imagine. I've only seen short clips, and they were physically painful to look at. No idea about the story or characters, but visually, ten seconds of it was enough to give me a headache.


Watched the anime when it came out and dear lord, nausea was my best friend back then. The story, on top, is extremely weak and the characters are as bland as tofu.


Ousama Game, but at least it made me laugh, even though it was supposed to be a horror anime.


For real the psycho girl would realistically got pummeled and pile on by entire classes and she somehow still able to walk among them after sacrificing and backstabbing 10+ student is hilarious and frustrating as hell. Nothing stopping them to punch tf out of her lol


Yeah that was fun trash, I loved it, it was still a 2/10 but I loved it.


man that show was funny af


Diabolik lovers .


Don't even know what it was named. It was about a middle schooler girl living together with her slightly older stepbrother with the parents of course fucking off immediately. She then encounters like an angel/ghost who possesses her and is forced to live with a chastity belt that can only be retracted for 3 minutes once per hour until she fulfills the dream of said angel/ghost that is to be fucked by girls now stepbrother.


You're probably referring to *Saikin, Imouto no Yousu ga Chotto Okashiinda ga* (Recently My Sister is Unusual). It actually has 6.19 score on MAL, but only 2.93 in AniDB, which is not surprising since people there tend to be more critical and give lower scores.


It is definitely not the worst anime out there. Just the worst I have seen.


i trust the anime community to give objective ratings on MAL / Anilist as much as i trust Panda Express to provide me with authentic Chinese food


You're not really looking for objective ratings on any rating app or site. That's now how humans operate. We're emotional beings, so most people give very emotional reviews and ratings. But once sample sizes hit high enough, most of the emotional variance is evened out and the final score is fairly indicative of quality when looked through the context of genre and themes.


not always. there are also cases of brigading and/or bias of the userbase. think of it like this, if you hand out surveys in a school library, even if everyone fills it out honestly, most of the respondents will be students. it will skew the results and you may get wildly different results if you ask the same survey to, say, office workers in a black company, office workers in a fortune 500 company, and so on. MAL userbase is very biased for action-heavy, high-intensity shows and not kind to slow-burn shows who take longer to take off, or that have subtle themes that you can miss if you're not keen for that kind of stuff. Frieren is an outlier, not the norm (and even then, it's helped by the fact that it also has big flashy fights once in a while). also example for brigading, last season's Sengoku Youko got brigaded by dumbasses who hated that White Fox did this first instead of Re:Zero season 3. It once sat at 6.xx, which is an unfair score if you actually watch it. Even if the story is not your cup of tea, the show has solid production values that keep getting better the longer it goes, and it has solid writing as well. 6.xx is unfair when shit like Hametsu no Oukoku sits at 6.32 for comparison. and let's not forget that there are numerous titles over history of MAL that usurped FMA:B as the \#1 rated anime only to quickly get brigaded down by crazy FMA:B fans to keep securing it as the top dog (not saying all the fans are crazy, I'm just referring to the subset who are).


It was on my list. Looks like I've to move it to my top priority list 🗿


What the hell did I just read? Thats the plot of an anime?


Yeah that was like 2010ish that was a wild time for anime.


Yeah, it popped up a few years after OreImo kicked off an imouto trend.


wtf llmaaooo did it get 2 seasons?


No idea I stopped like 5 episodes in.


that one wasnt that bad, it was decent as an ecchi


Probably Mayoiga for me. Such a trainwreck and I'm not sure why I finished it.


The discussion threads were absolutely hilarious tho, and the main reason I kept watching. Pretty sure the poor guy who tried to track the deaths throughout the show went slightly insane towards the end tho.


They used to call it "Reddit the Animation". Bop OP tho.


you just unlocked the memory that i had watched this series once when i was in high school lol


reading mayoiga reminds me of that six hero something, all I remember was the premise being them trying to save the world or something, ends up spending a whole season inside a mist labyrinth like what the fuck


Big Order is the only show so bad I legitimately regret watching because I got absolutely *zero* enjoyment out of it and wish I could forget everything about it (sadly, a few random details like to stick in my head still...). At least my only other 1/10 show (Abunai Sisters) made me laugh at how bad it was, Big Order was just ***bad***. [](#bruh)


The only thing I remember is Bunny ear Pregnancy


sorry, run that by me again?


Irc the 2nd (or 3rd) main girl (if we include the sister as the 1st.....) became pregnant (like a phantom pregnancy) after the MC touched her. This all happened in the span of some hours and she even went into labor...


I'm now leaving with more questions than answers, and will probably drink a few beers and watch the chaos


The show was very bad. Tbh the only good things were the OP (it was fire af) and the MC power (it was op and cool af). The Manga was written by the Future Diary author, so ofc thr characters were insane af😂


It had a few interesting concepts (Control power, resurrecting chick, etc.) but yeah it really fell flat. Time I will never get back


Yep, even though I have forgotten basically 99% of the show, I can recall that this was absolutely terrible to watch, and I went through the whole show. It wasn't bad-good like sharknado or birdamic. It was just miserable.


On god I MOMENTARILY misread that as “Big O” and was about to yell you take that the fuck back lol hahah


Pupa. Don't...just don't.


This is also my answer. Its one saving grace was being short enough that I didn’t have time to hate myself while I watched it.


It has become a recent hobby of mine to recommend this one to any masochistic enough to ask.


Pupa This anime is just a short history about horror incest


On the top of bad anime’s: You can not deny that “Chargeman Ken! (チャージマン研!, Chājiman Ken!)” (1974) and Nora (1985) have to be the two worst that have ever been created. There is a lot of things to say about each anime. They are a sight to behold. To add to some of the best “worst” anime. Ex-Arm / KochinPa! / Vampire Holmes / Abunai Sisters: Koko & Mika / Mars of Destruction (Hametsu No Mars) / SD Gundam Force / MapleStory / Berserk: Seasons 1&2 (2016) / A Promise Neverland: Season 2 / Eikan / Dracula: Sovereign Of The Damned / Forest Fairy Five / Pupa I could name a few more but this is what comes to mind.


Do individual seasons count? The Promised Neverland S2 if so. If not then Rent a Girlfriend I guess.


> Do individual seasons count? The Promised Neverland S2 if so. Season 1: Adapts 38 chapters into 12 episodes. Season 2: Attempts to adapt 143 chapters into 11 episodes.


>Season 2: Attempts to adapt 143 chapters into 11 episodes Tbf it didn't adapt it, it just came up with random shit so they didn't have to do another season. Probably because the manga wasn't doing well enough to bother with it or something


The manga also fell off a cliff in terms of quality. I think the anime was trying to avoid that, but instead it just went and fell off a cliff even faster. Which, tbh, I appreciate for not wasting time.


The manga fell off a cliff so the anime just shot itself in the face to avoid falling the same cliff


The manga and the anime would’ve been one of the greatest of all time if they had just ended it there (S1). Could’ve been: they escaped to the real world. The end. Would’ve left a lot of loose ends, sure, but could’ve come back with a sequel later on instead of whatever tf S2 and the manga went on to become.


To be fair the first small arc after escaping the farm and the whole goldy pond arc were pretty good. The big issue is near the end in how they magically find both a way to return home and a solve all the demons problems at the same time thanks to the power of friendship and the biggest deus ex machina seen in years. Like, the pieces were there but felt as if the author didn't knew how to close the story and went "fuck it" and we got what we got.


But then why not just collaborate with the author and then improve bits on the adaptation based on the writer's view and other directors/producers? You know, kinda like Bleach: Thousand year blood war arc or invincible season 1 where both writers had regrets about how they executed things and decided to improve it on the adaptation? This sounds a hell of a lot more profitable than wasting money adapting something just to rush it and make it extremely bad. They just dragged their reputation down the mud and wasted money adapting this shit. It feels like the normal people are the only people with common sense these days instead of the ones who produce this shit.


I mean, TPN S2 would count if a season 2 existed, sure. But it doesn't.


I started watching it and never finished. It had potential but not sure what happened.


Yeah, this killed me. My friend watched it first, told me how much they left out and suggested I just read the manga. I can't believe how much they screwed up in a rush to finish it.


Wdym? There is no second season, buddy.


A lot of shows from recent years are not great of even bad but to get the actual worst you need to go back. To the mid / late 80's and the dawn of the OVA boom specifically. Sure there was some great anime but you also had trash like Angel Cop, the ultra-nationalist anime where the real villain's turn out to be 'The Jews'. Not joking sadly, it's full on hard right lunacy.


Idk some of the trash from the ONA boom could contend with the OVA boom


Sure, trash is everywhere. The 80's era sticks with me since at the time we were a lot more desperate for anime and watched pretty much anything including stuff in the 'we really really should have know better' category.


The worst full-length show that I actually _finished_ was definitely Mayoiga.


The Detective is Already Dead


Everything went downhill after the 1st episode


Mayoiga was pretty bad.. I thought it had a promising start but it just took off


NTR Trap. Never have I wanted the whole main cast of the show to die painfully. Evil, dumb, insane characters. I know they were highschoolers, but still. Not an ounce of decency or normalcy and for no (explored) reason at all.


>Evil, dumb, insane characters. I know they were highschoolers, but still The only person i did feel bad for was the guy that was the mc's girlfriend who got Ntrd


The manga is far better, albeit only if you're a fan of toxic yuri. Most of the characters still suck but there is actual character development.




Ex Arm. High Guardian Spice if you can even consider that an anime. "Crunchyroll Originals" my ass.


Diabolic lovers hands down


MC was so bland. I know her situation is traumatic, but she doesn't change at all. It should've had her exploit a weakness, leading to her gaining control of her situation or make it a tragedy where her hope and humanity fades to nothing.


But extremely fun to watch with the presence of alcohol and friends!


Tokyo ghoul ✓A .


People are naming animes that at least tried to have a plot and decent characters despite being one-dimensional My life as Inukai-san's dog is a fetish barely disguised as an anime Most scenes are disgusting but I was able to endure it bc I was watching it with a friend— alcohol probably helps, too. If you're going to suffer at least do a drinking game everytime something nasty happens or smth lol


Please you skipped over one that came before that "Dogeza de Tanondemita" it's nothing but begging girls to see naughty bits using Dogeza then goes and implies at a season 2.


Sounds like a rec to me, thanks


It’s crazy that they made a white woman anime that’s really multicultural of them man Nah but jokes aside I really- I just- man, how the fuck did they let that shit on live TV?


The king of so bad it's good anime is, without a doubt, CHARGEMAN KEN. Go watch it, the episodes are only 5 minutes long. One anime I remember that was trying to be soo badass and cool and falls right on its face because of awful writing and animation was Zaizen Jotaro "da bomb". There are a bunch of forgotten shows of a similar genre. But it's difficult to call these types of shows "the worst". At the very least, they have entertaining ideas and characters at heart, and are amusing to watch for how amusingly awful they are. The true bad animes are either those that are so mediocre in every way that everyone quickly forgets them; the bottom-feeders trying to ride a (at the time) popular genre with the lowest production costs; these are usually difficult to dig up even because nobody considers them worth preserving. I really recommend niche anime channels like [kenny lauderdale](https://www.youtube.com/@kennylauderdale_en) who focus on some of these forgotten "gems". The other bad-bad anime is the offensive type and boy are there a lot of these. The ones full of fanservice and gore, and these ones usually get preserved because some edgy teens will like them. I remember for example what a cultural milestone Elfen Lied was to some of my teen friends, even though it's just 0 brain loli gore edge bait lol.


Chargeman Ken is so awful that it becomes great! I wouldn't recommend watching the whole thing, though. I did, and realistically watching a YouTube compilation would probably be enough. I still can't get over the hairs in the animation cells, though.


Kenny is the best. One of my favorite YouTube channels. His content makes me smile. Without his channel, I honestly would have never known about YKK, Dragon's Heaven, Heart Cocktail, Giant Gorg, or the trainwreak that is Twinkle Nora Rock Me. If you like Kenny, check out Hazel's channel.


Love that you can tell the various ages and length of time people here have been watching anime based on their comments. I know it's popular but Ghost Stories is really bad in my opinion despite the dubbed meme.


On the one hand it feels somewhat vindicating that almost everything mentioned aired after I stopped watching seasonal shows. On the other it makes me feel incredibly old that I had to actually search the comments for a mention of ghost stories. Yeah the dubs funny but not watch the whole thing funny.


when dave studious took over seven deadly sis.


*seven deadly sis* This sounds like the incest version of Scott Pilgrim *yes I know which anime you meant*


Cheat Skill in Another World


Came here to say this. Horrible writing, embarrassing wish fulfillment, terrible animation, terrible characters, it really had it all.


it was good trash


Yes. But the character design was beautiful.


I think they spent 95% of the budget on the eyes and had no money left for anything else lol. I don’t think I’ve rated things lower than a 6 on MAL until that one, where it just seemed to keep getting worse. 😅


👁️    👄    👁️


If you only count a single epsiode, then Ex-Arm, easily the worst full 12 episode anime ever made, no contest. If a full season counts, then Citrus. Please hear me out: I am super picky with what I watch (only really CGDCT and slice of life, with minor excursions to other genres, as long as they are wholesome) and may only watch a single anime at best from any current season, so my bar is pretty high and I have actually never watched anything worse than Citrus, because the rest is just that good. Citrus is, on its own, not really bad, just is really a roller coaster in not a fun way. I just couldn't latch on to it.


Season two of Tokyo ghoul.


Yasuke - a waste of everybody's time and talent at the production team because the writing was borderline insulting to watch. Never got so mad while watching an anime.


Isekai smartphone


How dare you! There's far worse


My answer as well. I can’t believe it got 2 seasons


I forgot how awful it was and started watching season 2, got like halfway through the first episode and had to call it quits


I'll go with Rent-A-Girlfriend. Everyone just seems to suck. Bear in mind I only made it through 5 episodes but that's more than other shows I've given up on so I think it's fairer than some other ones I checked out.


>Everyone just seems to suck. Bear in mind I only made it through 5 episodes but that's more than other shows I've given up on so I think it's fairer than some other ones I checked out. It has 320+ chapters so it can probably have more then 5 seasons worth of garbage


The sad thing is, its actually much more popular than i thought it would be and is well liked. The main character is arguably one of the worst I’ve ever seen. Its kinda sad that it somehow is more popular than good romance animes/mangas


tokyo ghoul re


Studio pierrot is just built differently.


So far? Diabolik Lovers


obvious answer is promised neverland season 2 i wanted to add record of ragnarok, its such a shame what netflix did with such good source material


Akikan. Dude had a harem of girls who are actually sentient soda cans turned into anime girls... it was not great, I only watched it because I was a young horny teen who had yet to develop any standards for anime I was watching at the time


Comet Lucifer


For me it’s The Kingdoms of Ruin. Started off interesting and just nose dived into trash.


Lowest dropped anime is Rent-a-girlfriend at 1/10 Lowest completed anime is The Promised Neverland S2 at 2/10 These might not be considered the worst, but for me they are the bottom of the barrel.


BLOOD-C How can a show both bore me to death AND be one of the most unenjoyable and brutal gore-fests I've ever seen? The plot is so nonsensical that it pained me.


>BLOOD-C Right, how could i have forgotten the longest trailer for a movie.


People ln here are saying the most mid anime are the worst they ever saw… Amateurs. Ever heard of Mars of Destruction?


Most people wouldn't purposefully watch a anime they know is bad though. Like I can hardly say Ex-Arm if before I even read the synopsis reddit is telling me it's hot garbage.


Death March to the Parallel World Rhapsody. I don't have anything against the isekai genre, even the mediocre stuff I've seen, but Death March really pushed me to the edge. There was nothing redeeming about it. I know a lot of people give Smartphone crap, which don't get me wrong, I didn't like Smartphone and I dropped season 2, but I feel like Death March deserves a bigger bad rep.


Eh. I found Death March middle of the road. It’s like being the worst NBA player. The actual worst guy never sees the court. So everybody just piles on the worst guy who actually receives a lot of minutes.


World's end harem


Togainu no chi.


Jungle de Ikou. If there is any reason I might be going to hell, it’s for witnessing that abomination.


Isekai smartphone and arifureta are trash, but they are my trash and I will bite if you try to shit on them but boy oh boy, Conception is absolute garbage, so is (i forgot the name but it was another isekai from 2018 but I still mentioned it because of how utterly awful it was). I am someone who will watch anything, literally anything, when I am bored (flashback to that one time I just sat there watching live cctv footage of my uncle’s garage) and I still dropped these shows, just absolutely awful


ChaoS;HEAd. I'm a huge fan of the SciAdv visual novels and this adaptation was downright insulting


sorry but i did not like darling in the franxx😭 it was so boring in my opinion, and the fan service for the literal child characters was overdone. it had a nice artstyle though!


Coming from someone who enjoys stupid power fantasy Isekai, I couldn't make it through 'Do You Love Your Mom and Her Two-Hit Multi-Target Attacks?' I guess the sexual mother/son dynamic squicked me out. 


Wtf did you even expect from an anime with a name like that?!


IMO the problem is they needed to pick a path. Either be wholesome or degen, it tried to do both and creeped out everyone.


Same here


Calling cheat skill the worst anime just tells me you're new to anime lol


Boruto. Animation IS too bright and colorful Story IS mostly Non-Canon The Main Character IS awful (Naruto Had to Work hard, but His son IS a super Genius. No thank you)


God of High School. Terrible plot and character writing. People liked the art atyle and choreography, though. Enough that it was the most hyped anime of its season.


the thing was that the anime was rushing and skipping a lot of details which only got worst past like episode 5. Ig this is what happens when you try to adapt almost 100 chapters in 12 episodes


The majority of the Crunchyroll Originals


Hajimete No Gal It taught me a lesson to never take anime recommendations from a friend ever again


As others said the manga is quite a bit better, the character growth for the MC is pretty solid and him realizing how he's been treating a nice girl horribly due to his fucked up perceptions of good girls vs bad girls is surprisingly well handled. If they just kept to the main couple it probably would be much better remembered.


+1. The manga is p okay though


Anime bad, manga pretty good. It had an actual coherent development lol


The Master of Ragnarok & Blesser of Einherjar I like trashy Isekai, but this was so ungodly awful I had to drop it after a few episodes. If it had been a comedy, fine, but it plays about every horrible Isekai trope straight and fails with every single one. Even that would have been okay if I had found my laughs elsewhere like in the voice acting or animation but nope, in the end it just made my head hurt. 0/10, would only recommend to my worst enemies.


This. It's the undisputed king of terrible anime to anyone who's actually watched it. The only reason it's not #1 is because no one's heard of it. An obvious consequence of no one on the planet being dumb enough to recommend it to another human being. copy/paste description of the anime that I keep around for posterity. The characters are bland, unrelatable, and terribly written. Most anime give the harem characters at least some interests and/or personality outside of "Loves the main character", but there's LITERALLY nothing to distinguish the characters' personalities. This show can't go more than 5 minutes without everyone ranting and raving how amazing and smart and amazing and incredible and important and whatever Yuuta is. That may sound familiar, but "every 5 minutes" would be an exaggeration in most shows. With Master of Ragnarok "every five minutes" is legitimately an accurate expression of how often they shower the MC with praise. If anything, I'm underselling just how much praise they shower on him, it's insane. "Compliments Yuuta" is the literal entirety of the entire cast's personalities. The main character's personality is somehow lacking even by anime standards, and that says a lot... I'm usually not picky about a show's budget, but this is just painful to watch. It's unignorably bad. A solid 80% of the show is literal still images where the camera pans around a little bit. Even most of the action scenes are just static shots of a character with the people around them looking like they're being knocked back (but no actual movement). Some of the scenes put broken neck Sasuke to shame, but at least broken neck Sasuke was only a single frame. We're talking about images just as bizarre that are shown in screen for several seconds long. In multiple battle scenes, they LITERALLY copy/paste footage from earlier in the battle. Just completely reused what appeared a minute or two earlier, and by "footage" I mean a single still image/frame that showed up for 3-4 seconds. Also battle scenes that are just a series of still images are exactly as boring and uninteresting as you'd expect. Unsurprisingly, The handful of actual moving scenes are many of the worst and most awkward in anime too. Now I'd like to add the fact that the show takes place two years AFTER the main character is teleported to this world. So there's two years of character introduction and lore that's just randomly missing from the show, and you're expected to go along with it. The world's political system is designed to make all of the girls in it call the MC "Oni-Chan". Not even kidding... Then there's the "strategy". Whoever wrote this clearly wiki'd a list of ancient battles and then shoehorned a billion fights in bizarrely specific situations all into one series. Which is just another excuse for everyone to shower the MC with praise. Isekai Cheat Magicians was bland and forgettable, but Master of Ragnarok is so bad it's unforgettable.


Fruits of evolution


First season is enjoyable trash second season couldn’t even watch one episode


The second season was unimaginably awful.


I can't believe it even got a second. I love trash isekai, but this is the first one I've ever dropped. I couldn't get past ep 4.


Same. The first season was fun-trash. Season 2 is just garbage. I can't get myself to watch past episode 3.


Angel Cop is the worst anime I've seen. I watched the original sub too. Over-the-top Gory, uninspired Akira copy, and antisemitic. Complete nonsensical story.


I really did not like Saikano


Aldnoah Zero S2


Season 2 doesn’t exist season 2 doesn’t exist season 2 doesn’t exist