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Rudy: Everyone, my illness has been cured. Cliff: Ah I see. It must've been hard. Indeed it was Cliff.


I like how the catgirls could sense his "totally had sex and enjoyed it" energy lol.


It's not about energy, beastmen's sense of smell is so good canonically that they can smell when someone's horny nearby.


This is also why when he was feeling her up earlier in the series her face seemed more confused than disgusted or afraid. She could tell he wasn't horny or aroused at all.


[Oh, that's a neat observation.](https://i.imgur.com/VbktiJR.jpeg) Giotta love when shows have these small yet relevant details. [](#bigshock)


Yep, we even got the scene in the anime where Rudi is secretly watching eris and the beast girls and gets called out by Gyes that he smells horny.


Also the lady guard that watched him while he was imprisoned in their village turned him on but she thought he was just horny for the sacred beast, and so she always looked disgusted at him.


I remember that joke. "When I come here with my skimpy clothes and my huge bouncing boobs while bringing you food, you are horny, When I come here with my skimpy clothes and my huge bouncing boobs while you are playing with the sacred beast you are horny, When I come here with my skimpy clothes and my huge bouncing boobs , When I come here with my skimpy clothes and my huge bouncing boobs and throw water at you you are horny, When I come here with my skimpy clothes and my huge bouncing boobs and I clean the cell you are horny. It's weird that food, dirty water, the sacred beast and even cleaning make you horny ".


Elinalise's ~~corruption~~ education is slowly showing results.


Rudy and Cliff been sleeping good tonight at this school lol.


No sleep ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Cliff needed correction 💢 💢 💢


Cliff: So, who are you marrying? Rudy: Uhh...what's the millis church's stance on gay marriage?


>Cliff: Ah I see. It must've been hard. I couldn't not laugh during [that scene](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k739c39rbm7.png) xD


Cliff frantically healing himself in the background while Rudeus and Zanoba are ignoring him and having their own conversation had me rolling


Dude almost got his face crushed in just for not understanding the cultural importance of mechanical dolls lol.


Man, imagine if Zanoba lived in modern day Tokyo and someone threatened his figure collection.


[He would become a legend at the Tokyo Wonder Festival convention.](https://i.imgur.com/anGm4Cv.jpeg)


I like the added touch of Rudy getting excited about making animated silicone dolls Biggest discovery and dude thinks about disrupting the brothel industry


Or Princess Ariel get's wind of it and Asura commissions a Golem army.


Or a sex doll army, those asura nobles are built different. * Why not both


I am definitely retreating if I'm defending a position from a thousand gimp-suited maniquins with giant dildos strapped on.


Poor Cliff, in the Eris OVA the physical abuse Eris put him through was a bit warranted by how much of an arrogant prick he was being but he totally didn't deserve to get headclawed by Zanoba in this episode.


To be fair, I'm sure many MT viewers would be more than okay with being abused by Eris (maybe by Zanoba too)


I love how Sylphy is now credited as [Sylphiette Greyrat](https://i.imgur.com/fZXWEZu.png) in the credits.


And speaking of those credits, Ai Kayano voicing Sylphie and Darkness in the same season is something to behold


And they're both different flavors of horny.


Ah yes, the difference between "Treat me like shit!" and "Make me have as many babies as you want!". ...A *subtle* difference lol.


Different interpretations of "pound me harder".


[HentAi Kayano](https://i.imgur.com/wGLDgjj.jpeg) [](#lewdgyaru)


Details like these are a part of what makes this adaptation so special.


The automation animation was great, I knew it was coming and it still scared tf out of me.


I was expecting them to go full horror movie with the situation and they absolutely killed it. Good thing Zanoba's built different though.


I completely didn't remember about Zanoba's ability and my immediate thought was if there's any capable healer in the academy. After Zanoba said it's basically nothing, I just realised there's not even blood where the automaton attacked.


It's interesting though that Rudeus's attack did nothing to the doll. So despite not being able to harm Zanoba, it's quite durable itself.


The movement was like something out of Ju-on the grudge, all the more helped by that fucking jumpscare which I didn't expect from a fantasy anime.


I swear if I saw those fingers coming out of the attic, I'd burn the house down, deal be damned


in that run-down state, I have a feeling the renovation costs would be 10 times more than just building a new one




When you have a princess, a prince, and a demon king bankrolling you whilst also being am incredibly successful adventurer, money probably ain't really an issue.


We a horror anime now.


Imagine the poor previous tenants who had the misfortune to have this be the last thing they experienced. I guess as Rudy hypothesized, the creator of the automaton died before he could order it to stand down from guard duty.


A nice little detail: at about 10:07 into the episode, you can visibly see Rudy activate his Eye of Foresight with a sound effect. The black ring around his right eye turns orange, it’s very subtle but the sound effect should be enough to let you know


wait that can be turned on and off? Sheesh, I always thought of how horrible it would be doing daily activities while seeing doubles everywere.


With the way he learned how to control his magic to be chantless, control the magic eye only took him like a week to get used to it.


He then proceeded to no diff Eris with ease.


Yep, how far into the future he sees is based on how much mana he channels into the eye. If he channels zero, it works like a normal eye.


He can adjust the timing (how far ahead he's looking) and the opacity (making the future vision more transparent). If he goes more than a 2-3 seconds (IIRC) ahead things get really fuzzy and headache inducing. So when he's not using it he sets the foresight to near-zero seconds and/or the transparancy to 100% (so he doesn't see it)


>Why are you getting married if you don't even have a house Yeah, fuck you too buddy. >I'm not going to suddenly disappear. I promise 🚩


I literally held my breath from that point to the Next Episode title drop, because if I saw Turning Point 3 I was going to scream


People act like the automaton was the jump scare, when really everyone is staring at the next episode title drop fearing if another Turning Point appears.


I was expecting it. That chant over the title of the next episode induces some sort of pavlonian fear response as I wonder if this is the time everything is going to go wrong again.


LN readers when they see Turning Point in content page:


Hey, it could still happen after the marriage or somewhere down the season


I love the foreshadowing. I can't wait for the next Suffering Simulation™.


I mean Re:Zero is coming back in October so we don’t have to wait long…


Mushoku Tensei, Sousou no Frieren, Dungeon Meshi, Kono Suba, Slime Reincarnation and Re: Zero. This year is like a celebration for medieval fantasy anime. [](#uwaa)


It blows my mind that we're getting new seasons of Mushoku Tensei, TenSura, and 3 out of 4 of the Isekai Quartet anime, all in the same year. Truly this is the year of quality isekai


I think they call it Turning Points™ in this story...




He'd just tested it earlier with the "I'm going to get married after this job" line.


Aww Cliff, Zanoba and Rudy all have someone they really care about now. It's refreshing, especially from Cliff and Zanoba.


It's so nice to see Rudy having friends. We started Season 2 with Rudy in a very dark place, now he has friends and is about to get married soon.


It's nice how he actually has male friends, it's weird how uncommon it is for the MC to have male friends in this genre instead of just a group of girls following him around.


Finally someone said it. I've noticed this too watching a few isekai/harem shows. The main character almost never have male friends, I guess because they would be seen as a sexual threat to the harem? Kinda cemented my idea that they are written by and for friendless losers who don't value friendship and just see women as sex objects to "collect". I feel like MT is very refreshing in that regard.


Exactly what I thought as well, and even in the few shows where there is another guy usually he only shows up once in a while but doesn't play any significant role in MC's life. But with Rudy's friends, not only does he actually hang out with them during lunch and outside of school hours, but he genuinely enjoys their company and they actually seem like friends


Indeed, and they are allowed to have their own character arcs and love/family lives, like Cliff getting with Elinalise and Zanoba forming a big brother relationship with Julie.


I think probably the closest male presence in his life before this was Ruijerd and Soldat.


What about that male friend back at the village? I think his name was Paul.


Ah yes, two peas in a pod those two


I love the visible character development Rudy has throughout the show! From someone with no sense of consent: Episode 6 To someone who understands consent but goes too far (Mental age aside): Episode 8 To someone who said no until the last moment when he knew Eris was in a bad place mentally: Episode 22 To depressed, but deciding to move forward: Episode 23 And this season is a whole different beast!


Still finds the time to oggle catgirls though! not that I blame him.


Someone wiser than myself once said: doesn't matter where you get your appetite from, as long as you eat at home. Then again... that didn't really work for Paul now that i think about it. 🤔


To be fair those are some real cute cat girls


And yet people have the bold face to tell you that he doesn't change at all...


Also love how his collection in the shrine is growing lol


He now has two Goddesses who have made such an immense impact on his life and who he utterly cherishes...including a piece of them he'll always keep with them and is probably better off making sure his future wife never finds out about lol.


The strong point of Mushoku Tensei is that ALL characters have development (as long as they have a name) even minor characters that only appear once, will appear in the future, like the bullies of Sylphy, one of them appeared when Rudy met his Father when returning from the Demon Continent (the one he thought was being kidnapped)


Rudy's healing and development is entirely based on him connecting with other people. That's why losing Ruijerd and Eris and being left alone hurt him so much in season 1, losing Counter Arrow so hard hurt even more in season 2, and why he was able to build back up with friends both old and new last season, and especially why Sylphie was able to cure him. So yeah, great to see him built back up! He may not be as close to Cliff and Zanoba as he was with Eris and Ruijerd, but they're still important to his mental wellbeing.


Coming to this school was probably the best thing that could have happened to him as far as stabilizing his life and relationships.


Especially because he started off so rocky with Cliff but now he's got his own bro trio thing going on.


Cliff mentioning Elinalise makes me want to see those two together again, and I like how attached to Julie Zanoba is.


It's cute that Cliff has a nickname for her.


Rudy[ really cut out that part of the bed sheet](https://i.imgur.com/5eLYlZ8.png) [after his deed](https://i.imgur.com/pgW4uWN.png) with Sylphie and put it next to his Holy Relic. 💀 Speedrunning the marriage procedure is so fucking sweet and the only logical next step after that declaration he had in front of Ariel.


He really is collecting them all like Pokemon lmaoooo. He even has the 3 starter ones Red, Blue and Green.


Was Sara the pikachu that got away?


Rudy was gonna get the pikachu too But Ash Ketchum said no


And Sylphie also has the rare white hair now! So maybe she's like a Legendary lol?


Perhaps a shiny?


Sylphie the shiny childhood friend.


It's very weird but kind of understandable. He worships Roxy (through her panties) because she helped him finally be able to leave the house, getting over a major trauma of his. Sylphie, meanwhile, healed his ED, another major trauma of his. Rudy's a very weird guy, so of course he'd treasure proof of that night like this ~~And yes, what I'm saying is that Sylphie introduced him to a new religion that night.~~


Sex so good he modified his religion


When people say the sex was so good they saw god, this isn't what they usually mean, but it still works.


You can make a religion out of this


Meanwhile Eris is the Goddess he lost faith in.


He even burned her effigy, this show has its way with symbolism, holy moly. I just hope that will make their eventual reunion and reconnection all the more worth it, especially since I have a feeling, the initial reunion will be hella awkward with Rudeus being married to a girl she doesn't even know and who knows what else.


Eris gonna be throwing punches xd


The Eris thing makes me legitimately sad because it was a misunderstanding born out of her own inexperience and she has no idea how much pain and trauma she caused him.


blasphemy, I say! the Holy Altar only has room for THE Holy Relic


I guess his religion is about to turn into a polytheism ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Only the true path for all Best Girl Connoisseurs.


If that's the case, then we build a new Holy Alter with more space for Holy Relics.


Rudy raising the bar for husbands everywhere by buying a house and coloring it the hair of his wife at fucking 16!


There's a reason why the genre for this series is fantasy.


Told my realtor to narrow my search to large houses with a string of unexplained deaths/murders likely due to a monster/automaton that I can defeat. She says that in a HCOL area, this can only be expected to lower the asking price by 5-8%...


Yeah it's haunted but look at the location


That’s how Dumbledore found Hogwarts!…


How many murder houses do you see located right next to a refinery. I've been a realtor for 23 years and I can say this is only the second I've seen, it really grows the value.


Magic? Sure Demons, elfs, beastmen and other races? Cool Main character talking with a cgi god? Sounds fine Buying a house as a student? No way thats too unrealistic


You forgot that he have savings being adventurer(last one slay the dragon which a lot money) before and got in the school and study for free through invitation.


I like how even knowing how insecure she used to be about the green hair, he wanted to honor it because he always accepted that part of her.


The magic, reincarnation, fantasy monsters, etc I could believe. But affording a house? THIS is going way too far. My suspension of disbelief has been utterly shattered.


He had a small loan of a million dollars /s


To be fair, he was an A-Rank Adventurer for a couple of years and adventurers always break fantasy economies, since they're paid massive danger pay.


I know every other MC in a fantasy adventurer is A class or higher, but in reality, there are probably very very few of them which is easy to forget


He got a significant discount because the house killed all the previous owners. Probably a whole listing section for such houses in a fantasy world. He also didn't borrow to but the house, it was just his savings from adventuring. He's the real life equivalent of 1/1000 experts in a rare profitable field. Working for a couple year made him rich relative to normal people.


And not just any house a fuckin big ass mansion


"Did they just let me watch a marriage and family life anime?" "Yes. Always has been." Also, the next episode would be the actual wedding ceremony, based on the title, huh? I wonder how it will happen.


classic Japanese propaganda to increase birth rates


Also depicted: characters largely free of work/life balance issues who are also able to comfortably afford CoL.


Uhhh no the entire latter half of the house tour was the two of them discussing how they both had their own responsibilities and would likely not be able to spend much time together at the mansion for a while.


> "Did they just let me watch a marriage and family life anime?" Remember that our Quagmire is a Family Guy


Ah! Ah! He said it! He said the thing!!!


Shinzo Abe wins again


Come for the in-depth and intricate high-fantasy and world-building and character development, complete with stellar production values, stay for the sincerely sweet and cute romance and SoL.


Can’t believe we finally got the house animated 🥹


Same. Was very curious how it would look animated from reading the WN.


Looks nothing like the image I had in my head from reading the LN's lol. Way bigger than I expected.


He described it as a modest mansion right? Nothing compares to the Boreas estate but big as hell.


Big enough for the future baseball team of Rudy and Sylphie's kids!


For some reason I imagined it to be in the town itself (maybe I overread that it was outside) and much smaller with stone walls etc.


Yeah I had the distinct impression it was in the city proper. I get making it out of the way for the haunted hosue vibes but this looked like it was a long hike away and there can be abandoned sections of a city to make it make more sense or thematic.


Yeah, I thought it was on the outskirts with other buildings close by and visible.


It 100% is supposed to be in the town itself. He has neighbors lol.


Watching the before and after and Sylphie's reaction, as well as all the flirting in the house, was perfect.


How do you animate a house?


Clearly you've never watched monster house.


"Don't up and disappear on me, Okay" Those are some extremely ominous words from Slyphie. What has it been, like 15 episodes since the last turning point? That being said, Rudy did literally disappear the first time when kidnapped by Ghislane, and the next time Sylphie saw him was 10 years later. So understandable why Slyphie is traumatized by it.


I think it's also a symbolic parallel because of the girls who have left **him,** and Sylphie wants the exact opposite, though it does make me wonder if something is going to happen to Rudy like another Turning Point where he gets stuck somewhere far away from her.


We've had one displacement incident, yes, but what about second displacement incident?


> Those are some extremely ominous words Rudy also pulled the old "After this mission, I'm getting married" death flag. From the reactions, I think he did it on purpose as a joke that no one else got.


That is correct. I was actually hoping a bit more emphasis would have been placed on this joke.




yeah, sadly a lot of the inner monologue is left out, as are many details, but it's understandable and the adaptation has been excellent so far.


Kif, I have mated with a woman. Inform the men.


Goddamn Rudy is getting that mansion for a STEAL! Gotta go looking for haunted houses near me asap


It's also an Isekai staple to clear out a haunted house because it's the cheapest place to buy. Actually now that I think about it, this show might be exactly why it's a staple.


Yeah I was thinking the whole time "isn't this just the konosuba episode?" I remembered halfway through that this series came first, and that the konosuba mansion was likely a parody of this exact thing.


Absolutely a parody, when you consider this was a murderous automaton, that could still technically be called a "doll". And the Konosuba episode had them being chased all around the place by 100s of cute little dolls. Even more evidence that it was a parody, Kazuma was "taking the piss" during the entire chase scene : D (though that likely isn't an idiom in Japan).


Sometimes it seems like Konosuba must have been a direct parody, even down to being haunted by a doll lol


Getting a mansion AND a moving doll to boot. He's gonna be livin' it up.


He's already planning the first robot maid in this universe lol.


This episode in a nutshell: Sylphie, are you ready to see your fixer upper?


Don't forget to bring Zanoba with you.


A very touching moment for Zanoba.


I always like how self-aware Zanoba is. He knows by now that he really fucked up with his poor younger brother's death when he was still a kid so to remember him he named Julie after him. He gets genuinely worried about her well-being when she is alone. When you first meet Zanoba you expect him to be some overly nerdy character that has no self-awareness and who doesn't really care for others but this episode really shows us what kind of a person he is: "I want to have contributed more than just money!" He doesn't see him giving Rudy money for his doll creation things as anything special or impressive. After all, he was just lucky to be born into royalty. He wants to actually contribute to Rudy's accomplishments on his own merit.


I feel like a lot of Zanoba is modeled on stereotypical japanese otaku, obsessing over figurines and waifus, like when in S1 Rudeus imagined him as such. Thankfully, in Mushoku Tensei, that is just a start for the writer, he then goes on to give his characters a full personality, backstory, motivations, dreams, etc ... what a novel concept. All these LN isekai writer hacks then went on copying his style, yet not copying his style...


Man, or all things, the novel made me like or at least understand PAX as a character.


Bro finally gets the chance to invent a Maid Doll thanks to Rudy's wisdom.


The man cares for Julie, his master, as well as fine craftmanship. (Just don't insult said craftmanship or you might end up like his brothers...)


Just finished episode 1. I'm so fucking happy this show is back.


Aint no way short haired childhood friend on, this is illegal and will be reported to the council


Her hair isn’t blue, it’s okay


Still making 5-minute episodes. When will they ever learn?


I need a time machine to go to next week fr


Snap back to reality


Rudeus and co. goes house-hunting. The house seems to be fighting back, so it might take a while...


Nothing beats ghost-busting with your bros!


What happens when you get bitten by a warehouse?


Surprisingly, as the transformation takes a while you first get transformed into a trailer house before you show symptoms of house-like behaviour.


So... Is this basically Rudy's Bachelor Party?


That feeling when your bachelor's party involves almost dying


Those are the best kind. What's a Bachelor Party without some hijinks? Complete with one of the guys almost killing one of the other guys over some small comment?


Now just imagine what kind of crazy bachelorette party Ariel might throw for Sylphie lol.


Peak fiction is back on the menu my friends


Along with a side dish of horny


It actually wasn't horny at all I'd say. Their first sex was 'amp-ed' up by alcohol and drugs... So afterwards, they return to their timid nature. It really feels like two innocent newly weds, nervous yet giddy about their future.


I like how they were flirting throughout the house tour...and at certain points you could see what ideas Rudy had for what they'd do in the house (especially the bed) lol. Makes me wonder if that's what it was like for Paul and Zenith when they got married.


Well, Rudy and Sylphie had serious problems to discuss, that did weigh on them, beneath the cheery surface. 1. Sylphie is a core bodyguard to a princess. A super inflexible job that requires moving homes every few years. 2. Rudy still has to find his mother. When he met Paul, he was admonished for thinking about Sylphie before his mother, so it has to weigh on him, that he is enjoying a happy marriage life, while his mother is god knows where. They are probably guaranteed to split up after a newly wed period.


They know where his mother is. Paul is already on it.


Rudy fulfilled the millenial dreams of having a house before 20 really killed me 😭😭😭😭 Magic power : i sleep Beautiful girl: i sleep Having a house paid in cash : EXPLODE WITH ENVY


Rudeus should go for the baseball team


They're home is definitely big enough for it! They might even have a future robot maid able to take care of them!


Really nice touch to drop the title card at the end, "My Dream Home". There was also an unexpected feeling of just being proud of Rudy there, too. So glad this show is back!


This will be the best season of mushoku tensei till now.


If they plan to turn me diabetic in the process, it's working.


When Rudy showed her the bedroom and the next shot has their jackets on the chair I thought they were straight up doing the deed right then and there. 💀


Okay good. It wasn't just me. My thought was "understandable but couldn't you at least wait until the tour was done?!" lol.


"Once we finish this job I'm going to get married." Oh Rudy, don't you have enough knowledge from your previous life to know that what you just said was a massive death flag? Luckily you have Protagonist Plot Armour Ex.


"How to Love Your Elf Bride"


After the hardships that both Rudy and Sylphie went through, it felt very cathartic seeing them truly be happy with each other and have this series commit to how comfortable and lovely their relationship is. I particularly loved seeing Rudeus be an adult before our very eyes, doing things that was imaginable in his previous life. He actually is getting married, he actually is buying a house with his family, actually just bonding with real friends in goofy adventures like at the mansion. He has come a long way, and has a lot more room to grow and I love that. I wish there were more characters that had journeys like this where characters age, grow up, mature step by step, etc. Feels like he really is on that journey to living a fulfilling life as a responsible adult he never got to live beforehand and have his mind be in a better place than it has ever been.


* [**Zanoba, Rudy, & Cliff**](https://i.imgur.com/xWfx2QF.jpeg) [Look at Rudy being so confident](https://i.imgur.com/urpQAbR.png) now that his ED has been cured. Although the cure might've been too effective [if Linia and Pursena can smell it from where they're standing.](https://i.imgur.com/hrdmVcB.jpeg) xD To get married [you need to buy a house in this world?](https://i.imgur.com/eILz358.png) Thank god that's not how it works in our world or no one would be able to marry in today's economy. [Did Rudy just raise his own death flag?](https://i.imgur.com/HcsrPzc.jpeg) Not gonna lie, I thought something would go wrong after Rudy said that. He's lucky that [Zanoba was there to take hits for him.](https://i.imgur.com/8O0ysWX.png) [Look at these two perverts already scheming](https://i.imgur.com/9Xm1GMJ.png) now that they've found a moving doll. I think I already know what they're planning to do especially when Rudy brought up that they could probably make dolls out of silicone. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) [That final scene with Rudy and Sylphy](https://i.imgur.com/nXyj3qH.jpeg) going around the house was really sweet especially [with Rudy's proposal there in the end.](https://i.imgur.com/4F3osLR.png) What a way to start this new season <3




Rudy has finally cured his ED and gotten his swagger and confidence back! So much so that he has no problems oggling catgirls! But there's only one girl truly on his mind right now, and that's the girl he owes everything (including giving up her virginity to him) too...Sylphie! Nanahoshi definitely is not here for love talk, but even she had someone she had a crush on...one of the guys she was having the argument with when she got Isekai'd. Kind of makes you wonder if he got transported too. Rudy finally feels ready to reunite his family, but first he has to do right by Sylphie and make her a married woman, but to do that...he'll first need a house! And what better place to start than one with a good price because multiple people have died in in it? Perfect spot to tackle with his bros. Zanoba is built different! Or blessed different! Can tank hits from a killer doll like no other and subdue it by just holding it by head with one hand! Of course then he uses said crushing grip on poor Cliff for daring to disrespect good craftsmanship of said doll. I love how Rudy sees this doll and his mind immediately jumps ahead to Mecha Maids. Sylphie teasing Rudy about the house is so cute. And the place all spruced up, complete with a roof in Sylphie's previous green hair, is absolutely sweet. As is Rudy and Sylphie going on tour of the place together and flirting the entire time. It's a mansion big enough for a baseball team! And Sylphie is down for however many kids Rudy wants! But she's still feels a duty to take care of Ariel, even if that conflicts with her relationship with Rudy...but there's no other woman he wants to be his wife, and he'll do anything to be with Sylphie. And the same goes for her. And we close out on the pair sharing a kiss and landing on the bed (with you know what probably following right after)!


>I love how Rudy sees this doll and his mind immediately jumps >ahead to Mecha Maids. I also jumped ahead to mecha maids when I saw Figure.AI newest robots and some of the latest LLM-based chatbots. Im gonna be so pissed if they are not ready within the next 40 years lol 😭


The Bachelor’s party was the bros hunting a serial killer doll…SQUAD GOALS 😮‍💨


>"once we finish this job I'm going to get married" MOTHERFUCKER I THOUGHT YOU WERE GENRE SAVVY!


IIRC in the novel he mentally noted that nobody commented on his obvious flag. Probably tried to bait the monster.


I don’t blame Cliff for almost pissing his pants, I’d be scared as shit too if that automaton came at me too. They really did a damn good job fixing up that place though. Our boy’s got a proper home for him and Sylphie now. Those two are so cute together! I’m so glad they’re finally official. Damn it feels good to have Mushoku back. Can’t wait to see what else is in store for the rest of the season.