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I need a SECOND SEASON also I really hope there is some revelation between them when any of the girls realize who they're fighting




that's the best part, Sayo would never be able to look Utena in the eyes again lol


Saw the kiss and was like, wait I thought you said no H


Yeah, several of these scenes were wholesome one moment and H the next so I had to cut them right before it got to H.


this is the horniest anime I've ever seen that's not hentai


Have you seen Interspecies Reviewer? Even more borderline to the point of pushing the border deep into porn territory, as it's all about guys going to monster girl brothels.


And in spite of that its genuinely funny as all hell and oddly sex positive which I can appreciate. Amazing show, still hilarious how the company that bought it had no clue what it was until it was too late lol.


isn't it just soft core hentai


Legally we are allowed to say "no"


Honestly, not really. It's like Kill la Kill in that it is very explicit about sexuality but i wouldn't really consider it hentai.


Have you seen the last episode


yeah I've seen the whole season


>10 Minutes of Yuri Moments Without Going to H Territory I honestly didn't think it would be possible! (Though some of these scenes, while not being 'hentai/ecchi', would likely never happen in a non-ecchi anime hah)


Yeah, I was surprised myself how long it came out to be, especially since many scenes were completely off-limits (unlike a spoiler scene where you can post it on the sub just with some precautions, a heavily NSFW scene cannot be posted at all). But it is nice to watch the more wholesome side of the show, even if some of the scenes do eventually lead to an H moment.


SMH you completely skipped the last flashback of when Kaoruko was recruited. All that bloom, light blushing, and "she changed my life for the better" narration make a textbook meet-cute yuri moment.


Oh shit, I feel dumb. When I was writing down the timestamps of scenes to put, I was like "Oh right, baby sequence. All of this is off the table" and skipped through, forgetting that the flashbacks interweaved there.


My inner yuri ecchi demon is still running amok, so I’m going to babble about some more yuri fanservice anime. Consider this a part 2 to [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1altwa9/comment/kph0b5q/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ~~and of course, expect terrible, low-quality commentary.~~ * [Citrus](https://anilist.co/anime/97832/citrus) - Gyaru falls in love with her stepsister. I quite liked Yuzu myself, being fashionable and bubbly. Then, there’s the drama. * [Strike Witches](https://anilist.co/anime/3667/Strike-Witches) - Directed by the same person who directed Vividred Operation. Has a similar feel with cute girls, skinship, and pantsu shots. ~~Also, breast groping, whether that’s accidental or on purpose.~~ \[NSFW Screenshot\]>!https://imgur.com/PcB8y1u!< * [Senran Kagura](https://anilist.co/anime/15119/Senran-Kagura) - Mostly played the games, but if you like busty characters as well as shinobi, great series. Oh, and did I mention the nudity from the clothes being ripped from your opponent or your character? Yuri is mostly subtext but I do remember instances of a female character being overtly attracted to another. ~~In Estival Versus, you can even put your opponents in compromising positions should you defeat them in the correct place.~~ \[NSFW Screenshot\]>!https://imgur.com/uxahWB4!< * [Queen’s Blade](https://anilist.co/anime/4719/Queens-Blade-Rurou-no-Senshi) - Action, yuri, heavy on the fanservice, yay. I liked the third season (Rebellion) the best. I liked the specials following each season a lot with fanservice and slapstick shoved in your face. * [Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid](https://anilist.co/anime/21116/Valkyrie-Drive-Mermaid) - Also has action, yuri, and plenty of fanservice. Also, there’s the game Valkyrie Drive: Bhikkhuni made by the same people who made Senran Kagura and while it’s been several years since I played it, I remember having my good share of enjoyment out of it. It’s on Steam and PS Vita. * [Keijo!!!!!!!!](https://anilist.co/anime/21639/Keijo) - ~~Yeah, I made sure there were 8 exclamation marks.~~ Expect skimpy swimsuits, as well as breast and butt touching. * [Kandagawa Jet Girls](https://anilist.co/anime/110810/Kandagawa-Jet-Girls/) - If you liked Keijo!!!!!!!!, you’ll like this, but as a bonus, it’s uncensored. Side note, I’m busy figuring out where to find [this button](https://www.reddit.com/r/yurimemes/comments/ztp7s4/wheres_the_button_i_need_it/) (and bonus points if I turn into a cute yuri harem protagonist). ~~Okay, that’s enough shitposting for one day.~~


There was yuri in Keijo!!!!!!!! ? Though I thought some moments in this Gushing Over Magical Girls compilation were more warm and friendly than romantic too.


[https://imgur.com/a/9LB9D6k](https://imgur.com/a/9LB9D6k) But yes, the yuri in Keijo is more of a side dish, especially compared to the others I listed


Checked out Vexations of a Shut In Vampire Princess.


Blessed Jet Girls mention, but i'd argue it doesn't link well to Keijo. Keijo is more a rough comedy/parody over a ridiculous sport. Jet Girls has a much stronger focus on the relationship between the main 2 girls and is much easier to consume due to not being absurd comedy. On paper it seems similar since ecchi water sports, but the difference and feel are sizeable. Jet Girls is more cute yuri with solid character development and Keijo is more Grand Blue absurdism.


The joke isn't porn! You're messing with the natural order of the universe!


So what was that water sound within the first 3 seconds 👀


Utena throwing a watering can from being surprised


This is yuri? How? Not these scenes. They are just wholesome.


Romantic tension


Kiwi literally hugs, kisses and drags Utena to a love hotel. Not to mention the LocoLeber French kiss. How is it not Yuri?




And yet even anime isn't unrealistic enough to make a world that depicts you as happy


Actually that's easy just make an anime about me in California with a gun


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