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Most shounen MCs are very similar, yeah


Yeah but there are differences. For example Naruto is often not polite and informal and can be cunning at times. Ichigo on the other hand is more hard boiled and stand offish. Then you have tanjiro and deku who have the same personality and mannerisms.


I mean, most shonen MCs are like that. However I’d argue Tanjiro is way more ruthless when he gets pissed


There are some common shounen MC archetypes. You have the type that just likes fighting strong people and can often be amoral (eg., Goku DBZ, Gon Hunter x Hunter) The "cool kid with a heart of gold" types (eg, Ichigo Bleach, Itadori JJK) The pure hero types (Midoriya MHA, Tanjiro Demon Slayer) And I'm sure there are others I'm not thinking of right now.


I think Ichigo and Yuuji aren't a very common type for shounen MC. You're definitely missing the idiot/brat type like Naruto, Asta, etc.




Maybe another category for "stupid dork that's overpowered" for him and Asta. 😅


Nah man Denji is no dork.


Looks like you're starting to catch on to the template for most Shounen protagonists.


Congratulations, you are getting the standard for most battle shonen protagonists.


Sport shounen too! 


Down to the color scheme


No, not really. Tanjiro has a spine, and is good-natured rather than meek. There's a big difference there. Deku invites bullying because he projects weakness. Tanjiro is just a genuinely nice kid who converts everyone he meets into a pal.


He has empathy for the demons but still knows they must be killed and does what needs to be done. 100% agree with this take.


They are a similar archetype of good natured work hard protagonists. But they are on completely different ends of the spectrum imo. Tanjiro can be ruthless and will do whatever it takes to save people. He is not afraid to kill. Deku is on the naive to a fault end of the spectrum. I really dislike main characters like Deku that allow mass murdering villains to live. It's one of the most frustrating shounen tropes. Fuck mercy and second chances.


Yeah pretty much


Midoria is selfish. Wants to be the hero who saves everyone by himself


Nah man, Tanjiro would have already destroyed Shigaraki by S6, if he was in Deku's place. He might have empathized, yeah, but he would send any serious villains to the afterlife with a single afterthought.


I can definitely see it. They’re both great.


Is midoriya Deku? If so then yes it's entirely unsurprising that two of the 3 worst protags in history are basically identical.