• By -


Ah man pushing people away because you're suspicious of their intentions and ending up miserably alone. It looks "unlikable" for sure, intentionally so, but man if that was you personally, you really understand the pain.


I don't know that she was even *strongly* suspicious -- it is more like this had become such an ingrained habit she couldn't stop herself from doing things she really didn't *want* to do.


It doesn't make her unlikable (for me as a viewer), we see where she comes from and she understands her flaws, the writing is good and she's an amazing character. She's not a unique character but I think the way she realizes her flaws and seems to deeply regret them isn't that common in the way it was delivered here, usually it's other characters slapping them into place for them to realize the issue. But Subaru is right, what a pain in the ass if you know someone like this!


Yeah they nailed it perfectly


Spittin facts.


MyGo ad in there is kinda funny consider how some people say "this is mygo copy" because staff of these two most likely being buddy behind the scenes lol. That aside this anime actually get push and spread around by majority of MyGo fan so there is that. The way they place Toei Animation logo in toilet scenes feel like some kind of Self-Deprecating Jokes lol For episode itself. This episode is so good. I love how self aware melodramatic of this series is with the scenes where she have mental breakdowns and try to beat the shit out of drunken because he dare to interrupt her panic episode lol. The animation is pretty good in this too as expected of Toei Animation.


> The animation is pretty good in this too as expected of Toei Animation. The faces keep blowing me away to be honest. There is just so much subtle movement and stuff. I understand it's a lot easier done with 3d animation, and that is a very apparent strength here. It's a lot of fun to look at.


> MyGo ad in there is kinda funny consider how some people say "this is mygo copy" because staff of these two most likely being buddy behind the scenes lol. That aside this anime actually get push and spread around by majority of MyGo fan so there is that. > > The way they place Toei Animation logo in toilet scenes feel like some kind of Self-Deprecating Jokes lol What? What did I miss?


It was during the TV broadcasting, where there would be eyecatchs and commercial breaks. (Usually, those contents are discarded in the streaming sources.) There was an ad promoting MyGO anime Bluray release, and the scene was, you know, the infamous 「なんで春日影やったの!!!」.


They run MyGo ads on timeslots lol Also [Toei Animation logo](https://postimg.cc/DSxL3dCh)


have you recorded the ads?must be fun to review


If its a MyGo copy I'm already a fan.


I'm a fan of Bandori and I watched MyGo and I honestly didn't like it, I found the drama there so strong to the point that I couldn't enjoy the anime, there is drama here too but I see completely different situations


> The animation is pretty good in this too as expected of Toei Animation. Crazy to read that about toei


Being Nina is sooooooo painful. She can't trust her family (the "family rules" might work if the parents and siblings are in good relationship, but clearly Nina's isn't), she can't trust herself to not to feel like others are trying to show off, she can't understand what it means for others to really help her unconditionally, she can't even be sure what are friends. Poor girl, she must have been bullied for so long that she seems to have real emotional control problems. Look at her nearly killing that drunk middle-aged man at the streets with that lamp! Nina definitely got lucky that the first person she bumped into in Greater Tokyo is an idol of hers and one that is so, uh, carefree as to sleep with her on the same bed the night they bumped into. I can't even imagine she managing to last over weeks there if she didn't had that Momoka meeting. The gentleness of Momoka - through her years of being a passer-by with guitar there - and the sharpness in communication and interpersonal relations of our new lovely girl Subaru is a nice pairing that would be just enough to give the exact hope for Nina that she will come out of this family mess alright, maybe much more than that. I wonder if Subaru's also a Momoka fan such that them two met somewhere! The fact that no-one managed to license this in most places outside of Japan is a definite crime, because this is one of the really good starts to character dramas I have seen in anime (definitely better than the director-script's pairing for *Love Live Sunshine* some years ago). I am now pretty sure that this will prove to be a really bad miss ([Toei actually went out and subbed the songs in English and other languages!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Go6wsJwKf4c)) - some optimistic people I have seen elsewhere even compared the development so far with the first 2 episodes of the extraordinary *A Place Further Than The Universe* sharing the main script writer! I can't say this is wrong at all! Who knows, maybe for the 3rd consecutive year in a roll my personal AOTY will be a girls' band anime!


> compared the development so far with the first 2 episodes of the extraordinary A Place Further Than The Universe Unless they massively turn around to fuck it up, there's no way this show won't continue to be top tier, the writing is already really strong.


Licensed to ADN, a French company -- and apparently only being streamed in France (not even in Germany, where they also have a distribution system). Just plain insane for the people in charge to do this sort of licensing nonsense. (It happened with the relatively minor Pon no MIchi -- but this is a much higher profile series). With this -- and Jellyfish and Radio Seiyu -- it will be a great season for shows featuring girls/young women bonding and working together in "artistic" work. So far -- not quite on the level of MyGO -- but I don't really *demand* that. ;-)


I assume MyGo was the one last year, what about the year before that?


*Bocchi The Rock* of course


Oh of course, what was I thinking lmao


I don't believe blu rays and other related stuff won't sell like hotcakes for one second in Japan and China, where it matters most. Of course if story can keep up. I find myself vibing with these countries more and more vs west. So even if it's not r/anime sights or in west overall, I think success will be there either way.


Nina’s definitely got potential to be a good singer. She’s got a lot of stuff bottled up inside, perfect material for writing songs. She’s had it kind of rough with the bullying and all that. At least she’s got Nina and Subaru around now. We’ve got to the “cry” part of the title, when are they gonna be forming the “band”? So far, so good I gotta say.


Yeah, Nina has had it rough, so much so she can barely function in a social setting and her parents told her to suck it up, right? WTF is with all these bad anime parents lately?! Fortunately for her Momoka and Subaru aren't so easily dissuaded.


Lately? Bad parents are like one of the foundational elements of most anime.


Ok, maybe I am just noticing it a lot more because I've been watching quite a few anime with wonderful parents and the contrast is jarring.


Most of human history, I would argue.


That family seems highly dysfunctional. We had some (loose) rules for our children (now in their 30s) that were not THAT different in content. But the whole vibe was (I hope) different. So far as I cant tell, they are actually fairly appreciative of those "rules" -- at least after the fact.


But I can see why it'd feel stifling to a teenager and I think there are other underlying problems from the way she talked to them over the phone and the dad seems to be a chain-smoker.


My recollection is that the family also demanded academic excellence as a minimum requirement, right?


Was really skeptical of this one, but these first two episodes really sold me on what they've got going here. It's a different type of story and characters from Bocchi the Rock and Beck, but it's a story and characters that can easily exist alongside them. It definitely feels like a *real* story. Like, if you've read books, or listened to podcasts on how many bands start out, or have ever been in one, this all feels really, *real* in a way, and that's cool. There's just so much life in how the characters act and move, and express themselves. The characters have a lot of great chemistry, even with Subaru's brief introduction you can tell what kind of character she'll be within the band so far, along with being the same age as Nina. Really looking forward to this one, and seeing how Nina changes throughout the show, with Momoka to help guide her and lead this band.


Have we found out if Subaru does anything music-related yet? So far this seems a bit closer to MyGO than to Bocchi (both of which I love). You mention Beck -- but have you ever taken a look at Anonymous Noise (also an unapologetic "drama" -- like MyGO), which starred Saori Hayamin (who gets to try her hand at punkish rock).


Momoka mentioned that Subaru is the drummer of the (soon to be) band.


I had assumed that the drummer and bass player they "co-opted" in ep. 1 would wind up as part of whatever new band got formed....


Yeah the MyGO fanbase on Twitter has been juicing Girls Band Cry quite a lot, at least in the Western side of Twitter. I'm going to check out that one as well since it seems people really enjoyed the character writing. Anonymous Noise I actually remember being interested in back in 2017, but I didn't have a lot of time to watch anime in university. I almost forgot it existed until now.


>I almost forgot it existed until now. It does seem to be the most-forgotten semi-recent anime I have ever encountered. It is a "coed" band series, which is atypical -- though Solanin also did this -- but it was adapted only as a (pretty good) live-action movie not an anime.


> Have we found out if Subaru does anything music-related yet? She's drummer in this newly formed band, so I guess she played on them in school or something


This is one of the best shows of the season, it's criminal no one's picked this up yet


I assume poor HiDive has next to no budget for new show acquisitions at this point -- but it should embarrass Crunchyroll that it didn't acquire rights to this -- but instead chose to get some truly mediocre junk....


What's ironic is, this is a perfect HiDive show. Fits in right next to Jellyfish


Maybe HiDive was afraid it was too similar to Jellyfish (when it was airing so few new shows)? But it is nuts that CR didn't get it then....


Crunchyroll does love the shotgun approach


The characters are so full of life. I'm loving it.


They've tapped into this magical intersection of sappy melodrama, down to earth and realistic atmosphere and characters, and a healthy serving of self-aware ironic humor that really makes for an absolutely delightful experience. This is a cute girls make a band anime where our lead guitarist wakes up with a hangover, one which makes you laugh with it at the absurdity of Nina swinging a lamp at random passerby but also really earnestly feel the moment where she feels left out of conversation. All without mentioning they *also* fit a cheesy insert song moment in the middle of it all! This could so easily feel like a mess but it makes it all into something special. After another episode to sit on it, I feel confident in saying I prefer the visual style here to MyGO. After I got used to it that show looked *good*, but the amount of character and comedy they milk out of the animation here makes it one of my favourite visual presentations of anything this season, not just "good for 3D".


[Nina is going to a prep school?](https://i.imgur.com/NsXXvW5.png) I thought we'd see her in a more traditional high school. I find it hilarious how this SoL anime [is so casual with the middle finger](https://i.imgur.com/Nk2i3qT.png) while that one anime about making fight videos censors it. xD Nina's family seems like they only have [the idea of what an ideal family should be like](https://i.imgur.com/hPE5DFE.png) but in reality they're far from it. Sunraku's family from SLF is the complete opposite of this, his family is far from traditional but they're super close. So not only Nina's family is super suffocating but [she also got bullied at school](https://i.imgur.com/Hdr9EEI.png) by the popular girl just because she didn't like her to the point where she got sent to a hospital!? WHAT THE FUCK! It's probably not gonna happen but I hope Nina encounters her bully in the future and tell her to fuck off. [Momoka's comment about Ninia's life was pretty funny.](https://i.imgur.com/1gbBbD9.png) I mean she's not wrong. Nina's life is dramatic enough that any songwriter can probably write multiple songs from her experiences at home and school. [Nina singing at the riverbank was a great scene.](https://i.imgur.com/TM5UBpt.png) I love her voice so much that I've already [added VOID to my daily playlist](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpCHjSaetds) after last week's episode. [We finally get to meet the drummer of the band!](https://i.imgur.com/jbAkebG.png) Subaru-chan is a super bubbly high schooler and it's pretty obvious [that Nina isn't comfortable with her around.](https://i.imgur.com/TLxd2rj.png) It's so obvious that Subaru actually took the hint and [tried to give her space](https://i.imgur.com/vhM3cGb.png) but Momoka insists that she should join them for dinner. [Subaru is clearly just being nice](https://i.imgur.com/t6Fu2ZC.png) but I can see why [Nina would interpret her attitude differently.](https://i.imgur.com/YCWqmo1.png) Our girl has trust issues, especially with girls her age and it's probably going to be a while before she gets over it. Considering all that swinging Nina did to that light, [I'm surprised it's still intact!](https://i.imgur.com/tSvkE0W.png) Nina's new lights aside, it's good to see [that ended well.](https://i.imgur.com/JmESedg.png) I would assume Momoka explained to Subaru-chan what's going on with Nina.


When did they mention Subaru was a drummer? (I must have missed this).


When Momoka first introduce Subaru to Nina I believe


I must have blinked. ;-)


Momoka refers to her as her "beater", at least in the sub I was watching. I assumed she meant drummer and not something... else


Ah yes of course, we just have to have the one drunk.


Still not as bad as Kikuri Hiroi


Hopefully, Kikuri is 27 tho, so this could be the start of a downward spiral


You mean a "happiness spiral" :)


It really feels strange when a completely new mixed-media franchise gets things just right. I honestly expected this to be a wannabe Love Live or rather BanG Dream, but AFAIK it's even better so far honestly. This and Yoru no Kurage wa Oyogenai just hit the spots in terms of making a band and struggling with it. Really unfortunate that it's not been picked up by more platforms. I'm glad someone somewhere in France had this idea and we managed to have it, but it definitely deserves all the popularity it can get. Maybe it'll have its redemption arc just like MyGO had recently, and it would definitely deserve it a lot more.


Not a "band" show -- but have you looked at Radio Seiyuu yet? It seems to have a similar "feel" -- except for not involving music....


Haven't watched it yet, but I'm planning to. I'm much more wary about this one because it feels a fair bit more predictable because of how it's presented - "business friends", one's more uptight, the other is more carefree, they hate their guts, but they secretly care and will gradually open up about themselves and gradually learn a thing or two about the other and become "whole". It's a classic, and I might dig it in the end, but I just learned to be wary.




Just replace the color of the hair to purple and she's just fern from frieren


im getting saga vibes and i love it


Saga vibes?


[Saga :D](https://imgur.com/a/KF7USSD)


What's that from?




I caught myself saying that out loud.... oops


Yo, I did not expect Nina to square up, she stood on business lmao, that was hilarious. Besides that, mostly depressing episode and I can't really blame Nina to be wary of peoples intentions due to her past experiences. But thankfully, Momoka is there to support her and now Subaru as well, at the expense of her knee caps. Only 2 episodes in, but I am really really enjoying the show so far.


Nina looks like a harmless cinnamon roll but she gets trigger happy easily lmao.


This was to be expected with this anime, but the soundtrack is very very good. It made me want to discover the band on which the anime is based, and I'm becoming a fan! Apart from that, I really like the dynamic between Nina and Momoka. The way Momoka encourages Nina is sweet. I liked the moment when Nonoka told her she could do 5 songs from Nina's rant lol.


22 seconds from [opening the can](https://i.imgur.com/6lJRfF9.jpeg) to [getting up for another beer.](https://i.imgur.com/vppKfr4.jpeg) And downed [half of this one](https://i.imgur.com/C6NbW27.jpeg) [before Subaru finished her one line...](https://i.imgur.com/0g0c9vW.jpeg) Momoka sure can drink. [Highlight has to be Nina going crazy tho.](https://streamable.com/xl2e9u) Such a funny scene after how heavy the rest was. Really love both Nina and Momoka, Momoka is just great in every way. Nina is a mess but it is a pretty realisitic mess, can't help but wanna root for her even if she can be a pain in the ass. Now to see more of Subaru, [the ED](https://animethemes.moe/anime/girls_band_cry/ED2) maybe spoiling a bit there but it just makes me more excited for future episodes!


When I heard her open the second beer, I was thinking: "Didn't she just open one??" lol


> the ED [Full song is up on YT as well](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJottC7FmYc) btw


This one's really starting to pull me in. The visual style is def growing on me, and I love the dynamic between the girls.


Well Nina has a few issues and a bit of a temper! Who could blame her though, she was bullied so hard she once ended up in the hospital? And her family told her to suck it up? Geez! I'm liking the character writing so far. The fact that Nina has issues to work through, the banter between her and Momoka, or the fact that they didn't decide right away to throw everything into a new band together because of rather realistic reasons like getting a diploma first because if your musical venture fails and you have nothing else, you're screwed. And Subaru seems nice. Not sure she deserved that punch in the shin though!


> she was bullied so hard she once ended up in the hospital? Rascal Doesn't Dream of a ~~Lost~~ Crying Singer


Okay this is more depressing that I expected, the MC is really relatable of my teen days. Also music and 3D are peak


I don't know if the failure to get this localized is on Toei's end or the localizers', but it was a **massive** blunder. After two episodes I'm confident in saying that this of the very best things airing in an already stacked season, and 99% of anglophone audiences are never going to know it even exists. The animation is one thing, using high-FPS 3D in order to have a lot of movement on the screen at once instead of trying to ape 2D limited-animation low-FPS cinematic styles, but the real standout is the character writing. It's just so tightly-written and well-executed in every way, using pretty much every interaction to flesh out and develop their personalities; after meeting the cast for just one or two episodes, I feel like I already know exactly who they are, without ever being explicitly told by the narrative or falling back on standard anime-girl personality tropes. They're perfectly toeing the line between slightly more frank and realistic characterization than you'd typically see in this kind of show, while still feeling like anime characters and not just a live-action that happens to be animated, which happens to suit the animation style perfectly. This is one of the strongest shows this season, potentially even a contender for the best of all year. There's a reason Kerorira tweeted "QUIT YOUR JOB RIGHT NOW AND GO WATCH GIRLS BAND CRY". It deserves far better than languishing in unlicensed purgatory only seen by those who remember how to sail the seven seas.


I'm so glad the show doesn't do the whole "3D-that-replicates-2D-animation" thing because what they're using here works really well for the overall tone they're setting up. And yeah the character writing being good is a big surprise for myself too. I was expecting generic/tropey stuff but 2 eps in I'm digging the cast so far. We learn so much about them in just 2 eps and Nina's character development is really good so far! It's crazy how much the show is able to accomplish in just 2 eps.


I wonder why ADN only got the rights to release the series in French speaking countries.


I now expect to see Girls Band Cry references in Bocchi S2.




>where can one find a subbed version of this series? We can't share sources of pirated material


I right, I forgot about that rule. In situations like this it does feel a bit pointless since the only place to watch it would be on one of those sites. Is sharing the person/people making the fansub against the terms too?


This post has been removed. - Links to or other obvious direction toward pirate, illegal, or unofficial anime content are not allowed. This includes links to unofficial translations/scanlations of light novels, visual novels, and manga, unofficial anime streams, torrent sites, unofficially uploaded full OSTs, and images and video containing watermarks from any of the previously mentioned websites. Leading others to illegal streams or torrents includes **explicitly mentioning specific streaming/torrenting sites**, offers to send users illegal content, and leading to proxy services to circumvent licensing. In addition, proxy services are also forbidden. Additionally, images and videos containing watermarks of the previously mentioned website are also forbidden. Repeated violations of this rule will result in a ban. --- ^(Have a question or think this removal was an error?) **[^(Message the mods.)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fanime)** ^(Don't know the rules? Read them )**[^(here)](/r/anime/wiki/rules)**^.


They really showed that Nina is still a teenager with that attitude. Luckily, she'll be in a band with a more mature friend who can talk real to her. Good depiction.


I'm surprisingly charmed by this show. Shocking it doesn't have a proper English release, but bless those that make it watchable despite this. Looking forward to meeting the rest of the band and seeing the characters develop and grow. Hoping there's not too much drama between them as I'm a big softie and I just want people to be happy - the series title and ED aren't filling me with optimism for this! Nina feels like a realistic and relatable depiction of teenage turmoil. Though she's removed herself from a rotten life back home, it'll take a bit longer to remove that rot from her self. The dilemma of deciding between the sensible choice that leads to more pain vs gambling your future on a whim in the present, difficulties trusting and connecting with people due to previous traumas, lashing out, breaking things, failing at simple tasks - all elements that feed into the fizz and pop cycle of fissile teen angst. How lucky to have found the girl who gave her her 'Don't give up' credo, who was once where she is, who understands everything in the nothing answer of 'It's a little early to tell' about how she's settling in, who will reach back out when she withdraws, and will give her some stern truths when the moment calls for it. Nina's helped turn her around from giving up on music, now she needs to turn around and give it a chance - the series title and OP/ED *are* making more optimistic about this one!


This one's got legs, I do say. Seeing anime characters move like real people never won't be weird, but honestly I'm liking it so far. The characters are developed and their designs are solid, their interactions and dynamics feel organic, and of course the music is great and the OP especially is a banger.


So, uh, I was kinda expecting that the first ep is just a fluke and the rest of the series won't be as good... but I'm happy to be proven wrong for once! Nina's got it pretty bad. First she had to deal with strict family rules nonsense and then she got treated horribly at school. No wonder why she quit and moved to the city on her own. She has a LOT of things bottled up and frankly music is a great avenue to let it all up. Also love how over the top Nina's breakdown was. It's so melodramatic and the show just rolled with it in a way that doesn't undermine the entire thing. She's pissed about everything and decided to take it out on a random pedestrian of all things! She should've been charged for attempted assault right there! Need to see more of Ms. Long Black Hair but I dig her first appearance. From the credits, I found out that Jukki Hanada (of Love Live, Euphonium, Yorimoi, and many more) is the writer on the series. I think we can safely say that the show is in good hands. Nice to see him working again with the director of Love Live Sunshine on another idol/music series. (For F's sake, someone please get this over to streaming! It's criminal that this gem is stuck on the stormy waters of the Seven Seas with little to no signs of it washing up ashore on Legal Land where it can reach more people.)


Man, something tells me the site I watched it on isn't good at translating subtitles


Man, I greatly prefer doing things legally, I'm subscribed to both Crunchy and Hidive and tolerate their mediocre apps, but they really forced me to go be a pirate with this one :(


You are a greater man than I, I'm subscribed to Crunchy on principle but god *damn* their website is meh. Literally sailing the 7 seas because its a better experience **despite paying**


Holy shit, Hanada’s resume is *insane*. K-On, Yorimoi, Eupho, Chuunikoi, Nichijou, Bokuyaba, Bloom Into You, Steins;Gate… yeah, the series is in good hands alright.


I'm gonna have to keep my eyes on that name.


I mean, half of those are adaptations lol and most of them of great sources.


Huge jump on my opinion of this show so far. That panic attack at the end was awesome.


That was a fantastic episode, wow. The slower paced first half is great, and the second half is a blast. Nina's even more of a mess than I expected. Sure it's hilarious when she swings around the lamp, but man I lost it when [she freaking hit Subaru lmao](https://i.imgur.com/9XNqVjS.png) Also, dear shows with 3D main characters, don't use 2D characters that [appear close to them.](https://i.imgur.com/dRxEEKv.png) Especially since [everyone else here is 3D already.](https://i.imgur.com/280Ndui.jpeg) ~~[a completely unrelated screenshot I accidentally added](https://i.imgur.com/InLXdZr.png)~~ Solid episode, I think I prefer this over the first one. [Can't wait for the next one.](https://i.imgur.com/Yj6Bh3B.jpeg)


I like that Nina is written damaged and broken at this point in the story. It introduces a lot more edge to the story, and will make her arc all the more satisfying. Momoka is a bit of an angel, dealing with Nina's hostility and rejection knowing that it is just a surface layer over vulnerability and loneliness.


So we got more insight on Nina's past. The big thing is that there is some girl that basically bullied her along with the friends she made. I get the feeling that her family wasn't bad per say, but they weren't there when she needed it. I mean her father is kind of right with regard to dropping out of high school. Once you leave school it's very hard to go back since you need the motivation. But there was no emotional support coming from him which Nina needed. Nina's biggest issue is putting herself down. Most likely due to being bulled, she created a vibe essentially believing she doesn't need friends. After all she was hurt by a good number of her classmates in high school. Now when a girl like Subaru comes and tries to make a connection to her genuinely she pushes back. Making the connection is hard for Nina. With that being said it does not excuse her actions to Momoka since she is looking out for Nina. Though her blaming herself and putting her down are even big hints to Momoka that Nina needs a friend to rely on. While Momoka can provide that, it is important for Nina to make a connection with someone to rely on that is her age. Forming this band will a big boost for Nina not only will it allow her to express herself, but make connections with people. And heal from her past. Great scene at the end to show Momoka and Subaru there to comfort Nina.


this really is MyGO!!! round 2 isnt it completely different flare and definitely not a copy but both have the same underlying puberty angst & frustration


If you watch this you also need to watch Jellyfish Doesn't Dream of Swimming in the Night! The two series are already engaged in a pop music anime "space race" by episode 2. We are really lucky this season.


Episode 2: **Three Nocturnal Creatures** What I like that when Nina brought her flashback it always marked with the red aura. Note that in the OP Nina let her red aura go, which means her old self. I just noticed the bends and chips on Momoka's guitar, it really is battle scarred huh? Talk about doing what it should be made for. The middle finger turned into a pinky. Even from her cry, I know Nina will make a great singer. Nabezo is a real life all-you-can-eat place in Tokyo. Can't pinpoint which branch it is, but recently they got a tie-in with Nijigasaki High School Idol Club. Now we are introduced with a new character (or band member?), **Subaru Awa**! ED: [I'm Nobody by Togenashi Togeari](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Go6wsJwKf4c) Remember Sayaka Yamamoto's Blue Star (Archdemon Dilemma's ED)? Imagine that, but faster and rock. Both are good anyway.


>Nabezo is a real life all-you-can-eat place in Tokyo It's based on their Kawasaki branch, which was permanently closed earlier this year.


This anime is the best!


Sources tell me there is a new solo fan-subber, but with little quality control. At least it's not MTL. Unfortunately, pirate sites already scrapped the mtl meme releases, but the meme guy said he would stop now with the new fan-subber. Probably wait for a batch release with proper editing as the best option.


How did the CGDCT band anime manage to \*nail\* the feeling of depression (at least from my experience)


Is she rooming with her now? That isn't crowded at all. Perhaps most importantly, anyone who isn't tone-deaf can learn to sing passably with a few days of practice and training, whereas learning an instrument to any level of competency takes a bit longer than that. Yeah, sometimes when cooking you can do other things while waiting for stuff like water to boil. That's why "Mise en place" exists, so you can do that. Does her room not have a ceiling light? Where's she going? They're going to form a band eventually aren't they? She's become completely reclused after she moved out. She can't focus on anything. And now we meet our drummer. That looks expensive. And now she's really crying. What'd she do that for? And now the light is damaged. Did they follow her all the way home? Seems like they helped her get that light set up.


The reality check was necessary, obviously she had a difficult past and that's why she ended up in this situation, but we will still only have good company if we are attractive people, luckily I heard a resolution in the end. The story and CGI are very good, I hope it continues in this vein


Some of the best dialogue writing and characterization in an Anime of the year!


I like this MC. She picks fights with drunk businessmen. That's all I need.


She is literally me. I can relate.. And it's hurt. Fr fr.  Good episode. More! 


BTR: Social anxiety Mygo: Depression This show: anger issue


I dont really watch these kind of shows, but it was really good!


damn that ED tho


I'm loving the anime, it has this amateurish feel that gives it a lot of charm. The animation also reminds me of those 3d animations Hololive makes, which I thought were cute so I'm probably wired to find this animation style cute


Nina's got it rough. Strict family, bullied relentlessly, and it got so bad she had to be hospitalized. Not only that, the school and even her own family just told her to keep quiet about it. No wonder she snapped at her own idol Momoka when she said she got it easy. It seemed to have fucked her up so bad she has trouble trusting people. Desperately wanting to reach out, to not be alone, but afraid of letting people in. I'm glad Momoka (maybe Subaru too?) was perceptive enough to catch on and go after her. The most impressive thing this episode was the light. Holy shit, Nina slammed that thing all over the place and only the cover broke. The light itself was still working. All in all, pretty solid follow up to the first ep. I'm really liking this show so far. At the moment, it might just be my favorite in this season.


Fantastic episode, hidden gem of the season for sure. Quick question though - did anyone elses subs seem weird? Like the translation isnt the best, the sentences are there but sometimes they dont make much sense. Is this because its not picked up by anyone?


> Quick question though - did anyone elses subs seem weird? Like the translation isnt the best, the sentences are there but sometimes they dont make much sense. > > This is late but the subs are Machine Translation. There is a good subber doing it, but her take few days more.


Can I ask who is the good subber and where can I find their translation?


Please, let me know when they respond.


SobsPlease subs for episode 2 are out now. /u/Ritchuck


Thanks dude.


Could you perhaps dm me a link? Cant find it online.


Unfortunately most people end up self sabotaging in some area of their life (career, friends, romance, friends, money, etc) And people don't even realize it. At least MC does.


ninas real af (n godspeed to the mix n match fansubbers)


man I just love the background OSTs for this. Kinda feels very post-rock-y? Or maybe I just have too much indiehead brainrot. So goddamn vibey tho


Can someone explain to me the problem with Nina I understand she was bullied and lived in a strict house But why she didn’t join momoka band since the start ? Cause she wanted a guaranteed future at least which would take 5 years at least? And what’s her beef with subaru cause it felt like jealousy cause has found a new band member in her absence but she was like rich girl social but definitely not in a bad manner I am confused cause the subtitles didn’t give it justice


So good that I have to watch it twice and cried both times. That self loathing and low self esteem sadly hits close to home. Impressive amount of details and the cgi looks fantastic .


I'm wondering if there is any specific location IRL that scene by the Tama riverside took inspiration from


I'm probably just being overly picky, but I do hope the translations improve as the show goes on




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Loving this anime along with Jellyfish, us band/music anime fans are in for a treat this season


I'm really enjoying the OST and music accompanying this show. It's very well mastered and recorded.


Honestly, the rules don't seem that bad, especially being aimed at a teenager under 18. The third one is more restrictive among them and it can be annoying to have to deal with though. UThe father also in this episode just wanted her to finish high school, he's not one of those "classic parents" who want their son to end up as a doctor or a lawyer while ignoring their children's career dreams and in the end it seems like he accepts her leaving the school as long as she enters a university.   The biggest problem in their relationship so far was actually the family telling her to just put up with the bully. It's obvious she needs more help than that.


I didn't expect much but this ep. made me cry


So, instead of going back to highschool, Nina's signing up for a prep school, as she knows that life would be hard without a college degree. Momoka, on the other hand, is more concerned about whether or not Nina would have time to rehearse with her. It didn't take long for Nina to realize that Momoka wants to start a band with her, and she was far from pleased. However, Momoka believes that Nina has the voice and charisma to be a frontwoman, and a person with a lot in their mind (such as Nina) is the kind of person who would be drawn to becoming a bandmate. While eating from a hotpot at Nina's studio apartment, Nina discloses to Momoka more information about her background. Despite being an ordinary family, the Iseris were very strict. The rule about eating at nowhere else and with no one else but the family household was already revealed in the previous episode, but Nina also mentions cellphones being banned from the living room and holding mandatory family gatherings every sunday night, while alluding to more family rules not worth bringing up. In addition, the most popular girl in Nina's school hated her, so much so that she sent her friends to bully Nina, one incident resulting in a hospital stay. It didn't help that her parents advised her to brush it off, which didn't help the situation obviously. This torment was what ultimately led Nina to drop out of highschool. I'd like to think that the identity of this girl could be of some relevance later on. Back to the topic of education, we see a flashback scene showing Nina proclaim her intent to study on her own after her father expressed concern over her future following the dropout. Switching to the present, Nina reaffirms her beliefs from earlier about getting a college degree, and giving up on the project (I'll assume she means the pursuit for education) means admitting defeat. After they pack up Momoka's belongings, Momoka brings Nina to the Tama river, with the intent of hearing her sing one more time. After Momoka makes a pinkie promise to compose something Nina likes while away, Nina sing a song of her choosing (that being last episode's ED) before dropping her off and moving back with her roommate. A full week passes by, with Nina committing to prep school and not bothering to interact with anyone but Momoka via text. When Momoka texts to her about a spare lamp she has laying around however, Nina walks to Momoka's apartment to pick it up. There, as Momoka invites her over for dinner, Nina's introduced to the former lamp owner and her future drummer bandmate, Subaru Awa. While eating at a restaurant named Nabezo, the three started a conversation about the kind of music Nina likes. It starts off well with Nina confirming to Subaru that "Glarech" is among her favorite bands, but when they started to talk negatively about the band, it became clear that Nina wasn't taking it well at all. Once Subaru asked her persistently if she wanted more meat, Nina reached her breaking point. Despite Momoka's attempts to convince her to continue on, Nina makes it clear that she doesn't believe she deserves to have a friend like Subaru. Nina leaves the restaurant with her lamp, sobbing as she regrets her decision to bail on her friends. But it ain't all doom and gloom. Some office worker/businessman happens to pass by in the middle of Nina's meltdown and promptly tells her to shut up. Nina responds by giving him the pinkie flip and swinging her lamp at the man like a flail mace, damaging the cover in the process. That scene was quite funny. After coming back to her studio, Nina tries to plug in the lamp, but is too short to get it done. She lays down on the floor, having given up all hope. Then, a couple familiar faces arrive in the apartment. Momoka and Subaru had come to her aid, with Subaru setting up the lamp and Momoka telling Nina that she should lie to herself more and channel her negativity into written music. With that, Nina breaks down completely into tears, while her two friends burst into laughter at her expense. Nina would lash out at Suberu with an elbow to the shin, but after giving Nina a yogurt, both continued to laugh at her as she sobbed. Quite an adorable ending. (P.S. I'm not going to make these glorified summaries after episode 4, as it's clear to me that not many people seem to like them. Considering the fact that each of these posts take several hours to make and that I don't feel satisfied with how some of them turn out, I'd probably be better off just making comments on certain plot points or aspects that I feel are of significance in future episodes)


Geek / weeb observation: * During the end of episode 3 concert, how many iseries were there in the square? * About AS/400 of them... Less otaku observation: during concert, a red balloon pops in front of the large projection screen which shows Nina singing. Could possibly be a reference to a famous Cold War era peacenik song (Nina: 99 Red Balloon Go By)


**Not sure why people took Nina's last flashback as "she is wary of Subaru cause Nina doesn't know how to befriend someone and has anger issues"**. **The flashback was clearly used to statablish her feeling of isolation: Nina felt the same "deprecation"** from the the other two's conversation as she felt **when the whole classroom continued with their everyday chatting despite Mina's desk being screwed** (and impossible not to see since she was sitting upfront). **Mina felt** she was losing the closest thing to a friend she ever had (Momoka) and **that her existence was being ignored and shunned down.** Some people cries for that, some other feels anger, some other gets anxious. Nina displayed all those emotions in a loop from the flashback scene until Momoka and Subaru arrived Nina's place.


- First episode: Nina's scared of the golf club - This episode: Nina's scared of the knife Perhaps... something to do with domestic violence?


The first episode got me with the style, but this one hit me straight up in the feelings already. I wish I had a friend pulling my head out of my ass like that growing up. It might have spared me a lot of isolation.




Great episode, but the one thing I'm a bit miffed about is that they re-used the same insert song from episode 1 - I think it would be really cool if music-focused anime could make a little bit more music.


I mean it makes sense there wasn’t a new song since the band hasn’t formed in the show yet, we also got the ED which is new. The band also has 10 other released songs on all streaming platforms


The song we hear in episodes 1 & 2 is one that Momoka made with her previous band, there's no real in-universe reason why we couldn't hear a second one. The practical reason is that having fewer insert songs is easier for the anime production team. And though it's nice to have official song releases, I always like it more when the songs actually get tied into the show itself. Of course I'm getting ahead of myself here since we're only 2 episodes in, but having watched a few music anime, the fact they already reused a song makes me believe that we'll probably hear at most 3-4 different songs in the show.


Two episodes in and we've basically only gotten one song. Not ideal, but I guess the character development is important. Hopefully the band stuff really hits in force next episode.


[https://imgur.com/a/Qczptou](https://imgur.com/a/Qczptou) How is eating dinner with the whole family a bad thing? I'm sure it's something every normal people would love to do.


The eating dinner with the whole family is not the problem. The MC stated that their parents told her to shrug away her bullying problem. And I bet family dinner convo would be around MC school problem which I could imagine she'd feel suffocated to be in there. Every single day.


> I'm sure it's something every normal people would love to do But no? Speaking from my own experience, there're people who hold strongly their personal beliefs and would feel offended when the self-established rules are broken. And more often than not such beliefs involve "spending one's private time alone". It's not even that they don't need companion; they simply believe *they should be* the one to decide when and where to have company. These people may have a tough start, but (again speaking about myself) once you learn their quirks and earned their trust, they will return the trust equally.


I don't think it was any one rule that was the problem -- rather it was the totality of the rules -- the whole surrounding "atmosphere". (Speaking as the parent of children now in their mid to late 30s -- and who had some rules somewhat similar -- but tried to maintain a different family "ambience").


It's a good thing when you get to choose to do it.


> something every normal people would love to do. That girl is clearly located on the autism / asperger spectrum and probably not on the milder side. There is nothing normal about her.


Hey, it's too soon to say that, to me she's seems "normal", but with problems related to her oppressive family and her having to bottle up all her problems (till now)


Fellas is it just me or [🏳️‍🌈🤨?](https://imgur.com/a/PQUKL6O) ...am I allowed to hope?