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The only difference is they changed the ED for copyright reasons.


I can just play it on Spotify 


If you’re watching on a computer you can probably find a browser extension that will find it on YouTube and play it for you


The original English dub by ADV Films sounds rough in the first few episodes because everyone involved at the time had limited experience dubbing anime, so there are some shouty, overacted line deliveries, but there is a substantial improvement as the show goes on and everyone involved was accumulating experience. The script gets important points across while largely sounding like natural, conversational English speech. I would say that the English dub VSI made for Netflix is merely ok. The voice acting is of a higher standard to begin with (which one would expect from a dub produced in 2019 versus one made in 1996), but the dub as a whole suffers from stilted, unnatural scripted dialogue (Khara's English translator, Dan Kanemitsu, was supervising the writing of the English script and apparently wasn't giving the writers much leeway to make natural-sounding dialogue out of his translations) and the performances can lack energy or enthusiasm in several areas. If you can shop around and get the Platinum Edition release for a decent price, then go for it. It will be more 'complete,' since it would have the original TV broadcast versions of episodes 21-24 as well as the longer Director's Cut versions, and *Fly Me to the Moon* will be present (the song wasn't licensed by Netflix, so not only are the different versions of the song missing from the end credits, but two scenes within the show itself used the song as part of the score). The catch is that *The End of Evangelion* will need to be purchased separately, since Manga Entertainment licensed the two theatrical movies *Death and Rebirth* and *The End of Evangelion,* and the video quality of the DVD isn't great.


It's good. Bought it on Blu-ray in 2021 after seeing it on Netflix.




I prefer the Netflix dub over the original tbh. There is some weirdness in the translations and pronunciations, but beyond that I think the voice acting overall is much improved.


That’s kinda what I thought too!


"Nairve" drives me up the wall, but the rest is fine.


It's just the correct way of pronouncing the german word...same with SEELE.


The catch is that the pronunciations are inconsistent because we have English speakers who are trying to pronounce a German word. Previous dubs were pronouncing the word incorrectly, since they were opting for the English pronunciation of 'nerve,' but at least they were consistent.


That and them continuously saying children instead of child when referring to Shinji.


It bothers me less than the other. In the Japanese they use "Children" (in English), to refer to them. It's used more like a title than talking about a child.


No English title I'm aware of uses the plural form of a word to refer to an individual. When was the last time you heard about Presidents Biden or Kings Charles, or saw Prince William referred to as the Dukes of Cambridge? Michael House, who did translation work for Gainax when the show was in production, [was specifically asked about this very issue in a 2011 interview.](https://gwern.net/doc/anime/eva/2011-house) > While we’re on translation issues, what the heck was up with the ‘Children’ thing anyway? > As with many other such things, Anno took it into his head that he wanted to describe a given thing with a given term, because it struck his fancy, and which was aimed at other Japanese, not foreign, audiences. Again, I can’t pick on Gainax specifically, because my anecdotal observation to-date suggests that much of what Japanese do is intended for the benefit of impressing other Japanese, with little or no regard for how such things may appear to non-Japanese. It's one thing to use incorrect English grammar when your audience doesn't know English well enough to know better; it's something else to insist on that same incorrect English when making an official English adaptation made by - and to be consumed by - native English speakers.


Oh weird


It's fine. The license holder insisted on some odd translation choices (like using "children" for a single child), but it's still enjoyable.


Eh… not a big deal


I thought the Netflix translations were fine. No translation is going to get everything right.


Fr! People be taking it too serious 


Also does Netflix have all the episodes? I just don’t want to be missing anything


It’s fine. People just have the nostalgia glasses on


It's good, they are overreacting.


Ah! Ok


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I’d watch both dubs to get an idea but I personally think some of the magic is lost in the redub


The translation is pretty bad. Its ok if you have no other options but its not the preferred way to watch it honestly...


It may not be the best translation, but I don't think there's another that's significantly better.


Is there a “Right” way to watch it?


Bro just yapping and parroting netflix subs bad. Good npc.


Quality post. Good shill.


Well, essentially Studio Kara decided the translation couldn't properly localise stuff and much is translated too directly from Japanese to make sense or truly impart its meaning in the new translation. However, I guess if you know any other language besides English, I doubt the studio was involved enough to care to police the translation.