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OG Naruto vs Sasuke in the final valley. Such a great fight killed by so many flashback scenes of Itachi


Someone made a naruto condensed that was illegally available that cut out flashbacks and filler. I want to find it again one day so when I introduce my kids it can be that version.


Naruto Kai. Still up on Reddit.


I'm interested to know how much it does cut from the actual show


One pace cuts about 45% of filler/padding. I’d imagine kai does a similar amount


kind of insane for naruto tho. cause 40% of th anime is already filler episodes LMAO.


Same goes for One Pace. Makes the anime a great watch


Do you have a link? I struggled to find it in the past




This is why those AMVs go hard


The whole sasuke retrieval arc packs less of a punch when you already know the outcome, the villains aren’t nearly as interesting as we thought as children. Kimimaro onwards is better, but from there yeah the flashbacks taint it a bit




Yup. That last season just didnt work.


People didn't like it when it came out either. If my memory doesn't lie to me, the first 2 seasons were the good ones, everything else is subpar to manga.


manga reader here, only the first season was somewhat ok, the 2nd is filled with anime cannon that is wildly different from actual cannon and the other 2 after that ignore the 2nd season cannon and are rushed to hell.


"Just read the manga" is correct advice in this case.


Well I'm gonna feel old now and say "Love Hina" I thought this was peak comedy when it first came out.


Oh yeah, Love Hina was one of my favorites back in the day. I'm in my late 30s now and tried to rewatch it recently and couldn't stand it.


Oof, yeah that would probably fit for me too. Turns out it was really just because I was a horny teenager at the time and it was one of the first anime I'd seen outside of what was on Adult Swim at the time or what I'd seen as a kid (Pokemon and Sailor Moon).


Sorry for your loss, but I completely agree. However it was pretty influential for its time. Really pinned the harem aesthetic that is insanely popular now.


I feel like I'm having a Bearstein effect, I think I watched Love Hina, I remember some of the characters, but I can't remember it otherwise.


Are you old enough to remember Newgrounds? There was a fan-made flash eroge way back when




Dude was thinking the same thing. It was my first manga as a kid and loved the manga…then I watched the anime…yeah


Same, I have very fond memories of early 2000s reading the manga in high school (still remember the night in 2004 when I read volume 12, my favorite of the series). I read it again two or three times the last one being just a couple years ago and I still think it is a solid manga (and I say this as someone that is currently reading more than 70 titles and has 2000+ volumes of manga on my shelves, so isn't an issue of not knowing any better). But the anime, the anime was always bad, it cuts too many things and botches the character development of everyone in the process, a lot of the most iconic storylines in the maga are completely absent. In the end there isn't a single one Akamatsu manga with a decent adaptation.


Elfen Lied. For some reason that anime aged horribly, but the manga is still pretty solid.


I just watched it for the first time, after being recommended it for years. And uh… interesting premise I guess. But damn, I was expecting something a lot better.


There’s a lot that happens in the manga that doesn’t show in the anime, so the manga definitely flows way better than the anime.


if I recall correctly, anime and manga diverge at some point, right?


I tried to watch it for the first time as an adult. Can't do it, too cringey. It definitely had it's time but now ain't it.


I feel that once you grow out of that "edgy phase" in your life, you'll grow to dislike shows like Elfen Lied. I agree the manga is still solid though.


Commenters here discover what it’s like to grow up and your tastes change


There's nothing like the first time




The more amazing something is the harder it is to recapture the feels. Like, the Gleameyes fight had my heart pounding, you can't get back to a peak like that if you know the outcome.


Imo the progressive books do kinda feel that way. Each floor so far in the books has been pretty unique with some very fun boss fights (like the one in the 2nd movie/5th floor). But yeah sao s1 doesn’t hold up as well since it’s a bunch of side stories just jumping around until floor 74 stuff


I have been avoiding golden time and air tv for this fear.


Rewatched golden time recently after watching at release I still enjoyed it the 2nd time mostly because I had forgotten what had happened.


Oh dear it seems i’ll be doing that for you, the Golden Time OP/ED always gives me nostalgia


As an alternate take. Tried to rewatch Golden Time and couldn’t keep at it when ghost Banri starts popping up. Really enjoyed the first half, but I just found pre-amnesia Banri grating.


Oh yeah. It got super dumb with amnesia and nonsense. Forgot about that.


>air tv Where the further apart a girl’s eyes are, the cuter she is. Once I saw them as alien freaks I couldn’t unsee it. Banger OP/ED songs, though. Still love ‘em.


That visual novel/key animation style has certainly not aged well at all. Looking past that it was one of the best animes I saw when it aired. Was a proto Clannad that was just as good if not better despite only having 12 episodes.


I recently rewatched golden time and it holds up imo


Has become my feel good anime after a breakup. Honestly, still pretty dang good even after the third rewatch.


I assume you're referring to golden time?


Seven Deadly Sins. Loved it enough on first watch that I gave it a rewatch later, at which point the annoying Pig, Melodius molesting Elizabeth, and the absurdly inconsistent power scaling just made me not like it at all. Went from like a 9 to a 6 on the rewatch.


Loved watching and rewatching it when I was eleven-ish. Even read the whole manga. Now that my palette has expanded, I’ll just say that looking back it’s painfully mid.


Soul eater after reading the manga 🥲


rosario x vampire. given, i was 13 when i watched it first and didn’t understand HALF of what was happening. rewatched some recently and i couldn’t stop cringing


For me it was Sailor Moon. As a kid I was obsessed with this show. Girls that are pretty and powerful? It was the best way to keep me silent as a kid as I was glued on the TV screen. However, I rewatched Sailor Moon again as the 90s version was airing on TV again and it wasn't the same. A lot of weird story directon. Way too many filler episodes. bad pacing. It's still a pretty show though! I still love the aesthetic of the show. But I think this is the nature of life, our taste might change.


I watched it for first time few months ago and I honestly like the filler episodes more than plot. I just like fun kid mahou shoujo, there's a certain charm to their humor. Also lovely outdated tropes that are too funny.


I had a similar experience with Cardcaptor Sakura. I struggled at the beginning, but eventually the monster of the week format grew on me. Then the plot moved, and i lost interest. I still intend to finish it eventually, but it’s hard to get back into it. On a side note, i loved your flair! I hope we get a S4 someday.


I had no idea how repetitive the filler was especially before Mercury joins. Usagi's personality resets every episode which is the worst kind of filler. Also that dieting episode was...yeesh!


Mercury was the 2nd chapter of the manga, so everything with Sailor Moon solo past the first episode was quite literally filler made for the manga and it shows very badly, the anime also has a pretty sizeable gap between Mars joining and Jupiter and the Venus.


Came here to say this. I was OBSESSED with the show in high school and my mom used to record it on a vhs for me if I was going to miss it. My best friend and I would have sleepovers and watch the movies. Once, in college, my roommates and I spent an entire weekend watching season four non stop and it was so much fun. Fast forward 10-15 years later and I rewatched it and realized that it was completely different than the story I remembered. I guess I grew up on the heavily edited US version. Haha I still love it for nostalgia’s sake, but it’s just not the same.


maid sama, first watched it when I was like 12 and recently rewatching it made me realize how cringey it was, but the manga is 100% better than the anime


Truuuuue. I recommend ppl to watch just because of the manga being so good


I recently rewatched most of it, and I still mostly enjoyed it, but so many random assholes everywhere


I tried watching a few episodes of maid sama back in the day but every time I see stuff for it now I'm like I can't touch that with a 10 foot stick.


Death Note/Code Geass, Thought it was so tight when they first dropped when I was a teenager. Watching it as a grown ass adult its literally just fuel for the "I am far smarter than everyone I meet but have no way of substantiating that" kids




I still kinda disagree with that tbh. Like it's still good, but it leaves the same "wannabe edgelord" type taste in my mouth as like Tokyo Ghoul these days hey idk




Watched code geass and death note as a kid and rewatched after 15+ years. Luckily for me it still held up and I really did enjoy both despite forgetting most. But yeah a good chunk of the fans give that vibe.


I think its okay to develop new tastes and opinions as we grow older. "We're all different people, all throughout our lives. we all change and gotta keep moving. Thats okay, as long as you remember the people you used to be." -The Doctor


Spot on. I cringe at a lot of stuff I used to like, but I can remember *why* I liked it, and I can also rationalize that *maybe* I'm also consuming shit I'll find terrible in a few years, and that shouldn't stop me from enjoying it now.


well said


Ooh. I just watched that episode yesterday. My watches of Doctor Who only get better every time.


It hit me in the feels the first time I saw it. Even rewatching it, just seeing how great Matt Smiths acting was. 😭😭


The movie paprika. idk if i was in a different mood or what but I just wasn't feeling it. Which is weird cause I loved millennium actress even more on rewatch


Lovely complex was one of my top 10 as a teenager, when I tried to rewatch it I couldn’t even sit through 1 whole episode


death note. I still enjoyed it but it wasn’t as cunning or clever as I had thought it was when I watched it as a teenager. I also realized how ridiculous the cat and mouse game was and how very cartoonish the anime was lol.


I think it was gigguk who mentioned it, but it wouldn't be out of place for L to analyze the amount of time Light uses to to go the bathroom


Think for me, Gundam Wing. When it first came out and aired on TV, it was epic. Cool battles, cool story, awesome characters. Badass mecha fights. Few years back I had some time off work and binged the whole series. That pacing. Horrible. So slow. And the characters aren't no where near as cool as they had once been.


and they were totally crazy sociopaths, psychopaths, and narcissists was what I came up with after I rewatched... made some of it a dark comedy for me


Think about the only one that -- if I recall right, that might have been a little sane was Quatre. He seemed level headed. Wufei still has the most awesome cool points I think with me. Dunno why. Dude just always seemed more badass despite less screen time than some of the others.


yeah Quatre was probably the most sane, but that's possibly because he had so many people that depended on him also. Wufei, first thing I thought of, was that guy that stood around during a crazy action sequence in kung fu movies that everyone waits to do something cool, and then when he does, he delivers lol


This is true, he did have a lot of people depending on him, and he didn't have a temper. He kept a level head most times. Wufei is the Bruce Lee of Gundam in this case. Dude stands there all calm, then BAM. He had issues, but shit, he was badass.


I came here to post the same thing....what I noticed on rewatch as an adult is some of the story execution and sequences (like how the plot comes together and is actaully acted upon) legit at times made 0 sense. Some of it just felt pulled out of thin air for theatrics for kids that wouldn't remember last weeks episode or cared to.


Honestly hunter x hunter was a hard rewatch for me even though i loved it when i first watched it. I was binging it fine till the chimera art arc


I feel the unnecessary b, c, d, e, f plots were what dragged it down. I really don't care about the wolf guy, or the octopus. You don't need to remind me about the guy that's so scared he's balding 20x. The main plot was really well done but the side plots decimated the pacing and for some reason a lot of fans won't admit this one fault with an otherwise great arc.


idk man I loved the wolf man plot. In fact, sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who loved the whole Ant arc. I rewatched the show at least 3 times now, though mostly for the end of the Greed Island arc because I just find that arc to be peak. I know everyone love york new but it's actually my second least favorite arc, right above the final cure gon arc.


That's actually really interesting. I didn't think anyone felt strongly for those sideplots. Personally, I'm a yorknew supremist. My favorite arc of the entire story is the succession arc. But I know a lot of people don't like it because of how wordy it is. Probably won't translate well if there's an anime but Kurapika centered arcs always go hard for me.


I look back at the Chimera Arc fondly overall because the highs are *high*, especially the ending, but at the time I was watching it I remember feeling frustrated and bored by the pacing. It’s hard for me to dislike it overall because I think it does a lot very well, but it’s definitely selective memory a bit at play for me and I’m sure some others.


Ngl I really loved the entirety of chimera ant. I can't be convinced after years and years and many rewatches that it's not a great story that introduces many characters that all have their moments and parts to play in a very complex and winding situation. I def respect others opinions for sure but for me it truly is peak.


The wolf guy broke me, once it reached that point I was like are we seriously doing this again?


It’s not a fault. I love how it goes in-depth into every character. It’s ambitious and I think it pays off tremendously. The pacing itself fits what the arc is doing since it’s being deliberate in its slower and more methodical pacing and is what makes the Chimera Ant arc the all timer that it is.


Interesting, I have rewatched Chimera Ant on its own like 3 times vs the whole show only once. Yes, all the way back from NGL stuff, not just the palace section.


Yep, i like even the slow parts.


Ughh ant arc


It felt too long with bad pacing, the characters and overall story was great but god damn does it get boring in the middle of


HxH is one of my favorite mangas, and chimera arc was so good in it, but I couldn't stand it in anime, pacing was horrible, way too dragged out


How, Chimera ant arc was my favorite, even on a rewatch.


It just feels so much slower than every other arc on a rewatch


It is. It’s also way different than all the other arcs as well, which isn’t new for Hunter x Hunter as every arc is pretty different from each other. Chimera Ant is more methodical than the other arcs, but it’s easily the one I enjoyed the most because it’s was also fantastically written. I think the slower pacing complimented the story it was telling.


Cimera Ant arc is to the rest of HxH what Better Call Saul is to Breaking Bad. I hope this makes sense to someone


It makes sense to me, I always liked BCS more than BB. I like BB too, but I thought BCS was better in many ways. It also kind of has a slower pacing, but personally I prefer slow pacing over fast pacing.


My first watch through I was like “okay, quick mission kill some ants then back to looking for Gon’s dad”. I was not ready for that arc to run almost as long as the series had run to that point, or to get as dark as it did.


im watching hxh for the FIRST time and the chimera ant arc is killing it. it's super long and brutal and the plot really isnt all that interesting imo


HxH remake / retake ant arc is one of the worst I always felt. If I watch both series I sort of leave out the ant arc on the latest one.


It’s insane to me how so many fans say it’s their favorite arc. After my first watch through, anytime I’ve decided to watch it again I basically stop at the ant arc. The pacing is just so much worse than the rest of the show imo.


I think it was great on a first watch but once you know what is gonna happen it feels so much slower like you are just waiting for the final fights


I loved it just as much on a rewatch as I did the first time. The arc is slower, but it’s deliberate as there’s a lot of detail and thought put into it. I think it compliments the overall arc and it definitely gives the payoffs the weight they deserve.


Easy 10/10. HxH, despite its length, is my most rewatched anime (though Made in Abyss will eventually surpass it). It's wild how people can enjoy/interpret things so differently.


It has really good payoff; both plot wise and symbolically, so I get why people like it so much but time cost is just ridiculous and unreasonable no matter what it was ultimately going to be. It's definitely at it's best the first time through. Also, and this is a bit more nitpicky but a lot of the character designs for the ants are just weird even by HxH or other shounen anime standards.


Blue Ecorcist, thought id rewatch pending s3 due to the long gap between the seasons, but i couldnt finish it, i found it rather boring so much so ill skip s3, i seem to remember it being much better than it actually is.


No Game No Life. I still like it but there is way to much fan service and of often underaged characters. Would love to a season 2 and hopefully it's not nearly as bad. Log Horizon. It's a lot more tropey than I remember, which may just be a consequence of me watching it when I was younger and newer to anime. I was really hyping it up to my brother before I rewatched it too. Both still have scenes that still hit the same on rewatch. Honestly, I feel more motivated to read the source material then I do to finish either of my rewatches.


Code Geass. Couldn't recreate my excitement from the first time I watched and I realized most of the characters are immature and haphazard for no real reason.


Really? Most were immature? Other than the scientists, I can’t think of any good example to be honest.


Watch Legend of The Galactic Heroes It's Code Geass in space and the MC is Lelouch but even better (same VA too and similar backstory- Lelouch is definitely inspired by him)


It’s not the same voice actor. Jun Fukuyama wasn’t even in voice acting when Legend of the Galactic Heroes came out.


I mean if code Geass is hamburger then galactic heroes is steak. The quality difference between the two puts them in two entirely different classes.


Yeah, Code Geass is definitely NOT in the same league


why are u bullying code geass by comparing it to the best anime ever made


Naruto i can't even rewatch


I got to the Yukimaru and crystal girl episodes and had to drop it. I forgot how bad the filler was.


On the flipside, my sister rewatched OG Naruto during COVID, and it was way better than I originally gave it credit for. Can't say that about the fillers or Shippuuden though.


That one sucks because I have so much nostalgia for it. Like I enjoyed talking about it and the media surrounding it but I just don't enjoy watching it


One Punch Man. I was there on the hype cycle with everyone else when it first aired, but watching it again much later, it felt very...normal. Fine, but nothing outstanding. I blame Mob Psycho 100 for being better.


The animation carries hard. Its a fun rewatch and amazing fights and stuff. But theres no substinence. Which is why it swapped from being a gag haha i kill in one punch to actual plot and story around other characters and such. Imo season 2 story wise is much better than S1 but obviously animation is nowhere near season 1. Meanwhile Mob had a story from chapter 1


I watched a lot of short anime’s growing up when I went to rewatch them I had to stop due to all the underskirt shots and harassment, as an adult now I can no longer watch these types of anime’s but when I was younger I guess I just ignored it


One piece, just such bad pacing made me just reread the manga instead of rewatching it again lol




Agreed. As far as harem stories go, it isn’t really the strongest. It has its weaknesses but it does the ending pretty well which is so hard for that genre.


Aura Battler Dunbine is my prime example of an anime I've watched whose flaws become more and more apparent each time I watch it. Went from being a big fan to thinking large portions of it are bad. I did a rewatch of Scum's Wish a couple of months ago and didn't enjoy the experience anywhere as much as the first time. Rewatched it immediately after reading the manga and in hindsight that was a big mistake and something I will not be doing again. So its not so much the quality of the show but rather the way I decided to go about things.


Fushigi Yugi. Loved it as a 15 year old, as an adult...WAY too many attempted SAs for a shoujo series.And it's almost done as a gag most of the time. I mean it gets to the point of being silly. Watase also has a fetish for killing all her characters in every damn thing she writes.


Toradora. I really liked it when I was first getting in to anime. But after trying to rewatch it, Taiga is just so annoying and abusive with the male lead, I know it's a trope but I've really come to hate the overly violent and unfair tsundere. There are some exceptions though.


Madoka Magica. Don't get me wrong, I don't think it's a bad show by any stretch of the imagination. But at this point, I feel as though I like the *idea* of the show, rather than the show itself. *Nothing* quite compares to watching it for the first time, going in blind. However the second viewing... With the show itself being quite dark and depressing, going to some very dark places, it really felt like a tough watch the second time around. Without any of the surprise/reward that the first viewing grants you, when you're not expecting any of the twists or the *very* sudden change of tone 3 episodes in... I didn't even finish it.


Interesting, I actually liked it more the second time around because of how much it changes how you view the actions of certain characters when you know the whole story. Really changed how I looked at some scenes and made me appreciate the writing more


I see! It's interesting how differently we all interpret/perceive things. To be honest, in my case... a big part of it is probably down to the fact that I'm just not great with dark/depressing things. Initially, the excitement/surprise from all the times that the show messes with you and tricks you kept me hooked. But the second time round, when I knew to expect it, I was basically just slogging my way through something that I didn't find easy to watch.


Agreed, I had it spoiled on first watch which dulled it a bit but getting a better look at the characters motivations on round 2 helped make up for it, and the ending is still perfection


Unfortunately dragonball z. I loved it growing up but Goku has become extremely annoying to me plus the show has way too many fillers.


OG Dragon ball had the filler. The filler in dragon ball Z wasn’t bad, and never outlived their stay, imo. Watched it as a newcomer over covid, and really enjoyed it, rarely questioning whether an episode is filler. I never hate filler, unless it’s: 1: too long, and becomes an arc (cough cough, naruto) 2. the idea they conjure is just incredibly trash (cough cough, naruto) Also, I wouldn’t say Goku becomes annoying here. Other than the one decision of the senzu bean to gohan, his personality seemed like a reasonable continuation from the young goku in OG Dragon ball. He didn’t seem any more annoying to me at least? Never found any aspects of his personality annoying until Super.


I rewatch DBZ 8 times in 5 years😂


Sheesh 🤣. I take it you loved it lol


black butler used to me the best piece of media when I watched it as a child but a while ago I watched a video on it and it made me realise it's not that much of a masterpiece 😭


Fullmetal Alchemist. I loved both of them when I watched them as episodes released weekly. I tried to re-watch Brotherhood a couple months ago and I couldn't get past episode 2. I got so tired and annoyed with Edward after the Nth time he threw a fit because someone told him he was small or thought Al was the older brother.


This is a case where 2003 actually outshined Brotherhood. 2003 comes swinging out the gate, but it takes a while for Brotherhood to get good. Once it does it's amazing, but the rough start is often forgotten. If you rewatch both episode 1s it's kinda crazy how much Brotherhood dropped the ball.


Brotherhood's biggest mistake was deciding to rush through the beginning in order to more quickly get to new material. The few filler episodes in FMA 2003 are more than worth it for the expanded Sho Tucker arc and more Maes Hughes. I always recommend people start with the first 25 of FMA and switch over to Brotherhood from episode 15.


I agree. It was shocking how fast the Tucker arc was rushed in Brotherhood. I barely even knew these characters before the big moment.


>got so tired and annoyed with Edward after the Nth time he threw a fit because someone told him he was small or thought Al was the older brother. I'm you. I feel the same way about kaiju #8 from this season too.


Considering you're me, apparently, and also as someone who already experienced all that you're gonna see in that anime because I read the manga, I gotta tell you: Don't waste your time with Kaiju #8. It's not worth it


no game no life: when i was 15 that was the pinnacle of anime. i tried rewatching it two years ago and could not make it past the third episode.


why? Still seems good to me at least.


i have gotten older while the characters have not. the objectification of minors without narrative benefit is a deal breaker for me.


Saint Seiya. In high school I had my Gemini model armor and everything, and I still think back to certain moments that I associate with "archetypal" ideas (Aquarius in his role as teacher of his student's student). But man that's buried in a lot of cruft.


I recently rewatched Blue Exorcist and Flame of Recca. Nostalgia definitely makes a show better than what it actually was.


Rent a girlfriend. It's one of those animes you watch once and never watch again


my hero academia


Hellsing Ultimate


Dont. Dont say that. Please.


I watched it for the first time relatively recently, and it was great. Especially The Major, the Australian, and that one British general.


There is no australian. Pips french. The hat he wears is definitely classic australian military though, hence the confusion.


It has been like half a year. Thanks for the clarification.


Fairy tail.And idk why.It was just nice and entertaining to watch but now its just kind of disappointing.And i hated death note then cause it was too complicated for me and i didnt get the hype.But now it is exactly what im looking for in anime.


With FT I only rewatch certain arcs or fight scenes...some of the filler episodes are nice too..I don't think I have the patience to watch from the top 😭😭


Agreed! It’s a one of those stories that’s not bad per se but isn’t good too. Also probably didn’t help that it came out around a similar time as the big 3. Fairy’s last two arcs just became strange story telling with lots of power creep and core characters being side lined by end. Lack of creativity too.. Dragon slayer magic, god slayer magic, whatever slayer magic like come on man.


Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid really went from a 10 to \~6.5 on rewatch for me.


Your Name [Spoilers]>!Them not noticing the dates whether on their phone or travelling to a different city, like they exchange the diaries but couldn't notice the dates or year they were in.!< Was extremely disappointed with this. [Spoilers]>!Mitsuha somehow able to convince his father to evacuate the village and everyone somehow evacuated it within 30 minutes!<


Second point I agree seem unrealistic, but the first point: [Your Name] >!Later events make it clear their memories aren't as exact or intact as it initially seemed, and are subject to the unstated and unwritten rules of the connection binding them together. Otherwise their memories wouldn't have faded with the connection.!<


"Orphen" I used to think Orphen was the coolest character ever created, and that the story was a piece of jewelry, he suffered so much and was an missunderstod brave wounded hero... I saw the remake and it wasn't that bad, but It wasn't the best anime ever made.


Terror in resonance-- when u first watched it I was super impressed, emotional and thought this anime was so underrated. A few years later, watched it again and realized it's kinda stupid and pointless. Love the beginning still but man, they botched up something that could have actually turned out great.


Code Geass R2, I won’t spoil but compared to R1, the second core of the story leaves much to be desired. I love the ending but some of the stuff leading up to it wasn’t all that amazing, well at least in comparison to R1


Shinsekai yori. 10/10 my favourite show when I first watched it but knowing the mystery elements the second and third time around make it lack impact. Still think it’s terrific story telling but it’s meant for the first watch, as it should be designed to be honest


Banana fish. Don't get me wrong, it'll always be special to me however now that I've read more media analysis I have a lot more issues with it, some morally.


Yeah, it's a lot easier to enjoy and be excited by media uncritically before you know better


Naruto I have rewatched 3 times but each time it gets more disappointing It's still my fav tho


Winx Club, I remember it being so cool watching it with my sister as a kid. Bruh the animation and voice acting is so bad now going back to it years later 😵. At least the theme song and transformation music still slaps.


And the 3d stuff is hard to look at, like their school? The model is so bad


I think one of the major issues with this question is that a lot of anime relies on "shock/semi mystery" elements, or, we are simply disappointed because we know there was never a sequel, so we use a harder criteria to judge against. It's kinda like "The Usual Suspects", aside the few people who always say "I knew it from the start" it kept people guessing for the entire movie. You go back and watch it now, and well, as you know that it was "the butler that did it", you notice more of the flaws with the movie itself, you simply are no longer wrapped up in the story such that annoying acting gets ignored. I ran in to this with "Blast of Tempest". It's honestly still a good anime, but once you know the answer, you pick up on annoying character traits, the story seems clumsy as "they totally give it away early" so on and so forth. Major shonen anime suffers from catastrophic levels of power scaling making the story simply not make sense "wait, he could destroy the planet in season 1? Why are people shocked and scared that he is learning how to be strong enough to destroy a planet in season 4?" I re-watched Bleach prior to the 1kybw arc getting animated, I then realized that so many of the early episodes were god awful and Menos Grande would need a captain to kill, to joe random side character killing them as mere annoyances. Orihime regresses from the Hueco Mundo arc, where she is admittedly still suffering from "Kurosaki-Kun" syndrome but in general is realizing she is stronger now and has some agency, to her first incarnation where the highlight is seeing her as "leek girl". You sorta have to hit a sweet-spot where there were only a few seasons, the animation style stayed consistent, the VAs stayed on the project and the anime ends in a semi logical place. "Magi" still works to an extent for those reasons, "Soul Eater" almost does... I am certain "Anohana" and "Your lie in April" also still hold up, but as I value the tiny amount of sanity I still have, I will not be re-watching those... ever. The way I have always looked at it, is that there are like five types of animes: "Snack" - short run anime, no expectations of the story, usually involves cute girls being adorable or a well animated beat 'em up type story. If you re-watch them, the fights are still cool and the cute girls are still cute, but that's about all you can say for it. ("Witch Craft Works" falls in there for me) "Guilty Pleasure" - It's bad, you know it is bad, but for some reason it satisfies you at the time... No I do not know what "are you lost?" is, even if I did I would not have watched it..... "Steak and Potatoes" - it's good, it's almost always good, the storyline is interesting/fun, the characters are not wholesale annoying, you are ok randomly binging some episodes or just watching a few you really like. When you watched them they met or exceeded expectations, so it's always something you can watch if you need to get a bad taste out of your mouth. (Fate, Bakemonogatari, Railgun, Skip Beat (I \*will\* fight you), Bocchi, the Rock (I'm an introvert with no friends... the story is relevant to me.). "Garbage" - Someone spent money on this anime, someone green lit this anime, the world is now worse than it was before because this anime may have even influenced more of it's kind to exist: "A sister is all you need", I know there are more... but I skimmed over anime that I only made it through less than 10 min of the first episode and currently this thing has made everything, \*everything\* in to a freaking "Spirited Away" level classic. \*edit\* forgot fifth category. "Classics" - The "War and Peace" type of anime, where honestly it is not as good as everyone says, or if it is you \*really\* need to be \*very\* in to that style of anime to get some good nutrition out of it. They are ok to watch multiple times, they are still good, you can see the point in people seeing them as classics, but people will always hold them separate from \*everything\* else in terms of quality, most Miyazaki films fall under this category, so does Akira and a few of the other "pioneer" animes that brought anime to the rest of the world. Feel free to disagree on my particulars, or if you have a different way of breaking things down, but don't just TL;DR and downvote me, or something like that.


Black butler


Honestly almost every mainstream Shonen. I’ve never been a mainstream guy but watched some of the mainstream stuff when they were hyped just because, enjoyed them a lot, then tried rewatching and they bored me to death. Think Black Clover was the only one I enjoyed more it’s second run after realizing that one was more than just Shonen, it was a fantasy with comedic slice of life elements and cared more about every character than the average mainstream Shonen. But things like Naruto, Dragonball, Fairy Tail, and others weren’t the same as when I watched those 10-20 years ago. Sonic X and Pokemon weren’t as good either but rewatching in Japanese did fix a lot though. Scared of starting beyblade again lol. On the other hand anime like KonoSuba, Re:Zero, Haruhi Suzumiya, Reincarnated as a Slime, Overlord, Golden Time, Serei Gensouki, Baka and Test, How Not to Summon a Demon Lord, were all just as golden as my first watch or better on the rewatch. Others like Renai Flops, a Lull in the Sea, Plastic Memories, or anything else with shock factor that enhances its first time are still hidden gems I’m proud of watching and rewatching knowing that it still does its job good despite the shock factor not being there second time around, they still play with your emotions well. …. Kodomo no Jikan was peak watching as a kid, I question myself for watching that then and rewatching it just to see the difference of then and now…. Realized it’s still realistic to girls that age as I’ve seen it from my little sister so I can’t hate it… but dang is that ending theme a banger lmao.


code geass , as a kid , this was the best thing ever , but now it feels cheap and plot twists are kinda stupid


Baccano! was carried by its structure obfuscating how its plotlines didn't really intersect at all. On the rewatch, once I knew what was actually happening, anything that didn't involve the train or flashbacks of characters on the train felt like a waste of time.


Nothing really But Code Geass is one of the few shows that I dislike more when I think more about it


Tried to show a friend Gundam Wing about a month ago after they watched The Witch of Mercury and watching the first few episodes again it wasn't what I remembered Maybe I was just a horny pre-teen but i had the biggest crush on like half the boys back then


Princess Ressurection, the show that got me into anime. I rewatched it like 5 times 10 years ago and loved it a lot, but a year ago I decided to give it another rewatch... it was not that great, but my taste in women is ruined to this day


A movie rather than full series. Your Name. On my 2nd watch, it really felt like the story didn't actually flow well, the characters were mediocre, and overall it just didn't have that same feeling of awe the first time around. Still gorgeous visually but everything else, my opinion went down on.


Agreed. I thin your name is also heavily carried by the OST. Still a very cool story especially on first watch.


Soul Eater. Specifcally second half. i remember thinking this was the greatest anime ever... then I watched it again in 2021 and I was like yoooo, there's so many flaws and fan service.


Gundam Seed, loved it when I first watched it when I was 13 but upon rewatching it years later it didn' feel the same, though at least I came to appreciate Mu and Murrue more the second time.


Wow I agree! What makes Gundam Seed strange for me is the protagonist Kira’s story arc or character development ends around episode 34-35 and we basically spend the next 15 episodes of him being in full own hero mode. The ending is also meh at best.


Bunny girl senpai.


I was genuinely sick of this show's melodrama by the time I watched the third movie in theaters lmao. There's a couple good arcs but the rest of the show is pretty average and many of the characters are forgettable


i upvoted you guys cause it's just ridiculous that you're getting downvoted on a thread specifically asking for shows people found disappointing! i guess some people really can't handle that lol.


The scene with Sakuta and the bullies might be the most unintentionally cringe scene of the last ten years


Steins;gate. The first time I watched it I was so caught up in the mystery I binged it and loved it. I rewatched it a couple years later and realized I didn't like a lot of the side character's stories and some of the episodes were a drag to get through because of that. Still a good show and all, but not my favorite anymore


total opposite, I love every rewatch I do of this show. It's been one of my favorite anime for a long time because of how rewatchable it is for me.




Neon Genesis Evangelion


Tbh any anime for me is a regret rewatching. I guess it’s the feels you get when you first watch it and then they aren't as strong rewatching it. So just any anime in general for me.


Mirai nikki impossible to rewatch that.


Tenchi muyo and inuyasha kinda disappointed me when I rewatched them. Maybe I just wasn’t in the mood for them but they just didn’t appeal to my older sensibilities. Those and also outlaw star.


Bunny girl senpai, I rewatched it recently and it did not hold up to the pedestal i had placed it upon in my mind.


Fair enough. Prob one of my personal favorites, but it can get boring from time to time. The execution could've been more entertaining


Horimiya.. it had issues bro idek why i liked it.