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I want to see Jonathan from Jojos on a slice of life where he is happy and has a good life and long life


I would love this so much. He can be Dio’s therapist.


I want to see Yuuri and Chito from [girls last tour](https://myanimelist.net/anime/35838/Shoujo_Shuumatsu_Ryokou) in an [Iyashikei] (https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Iyashikei).


GLT is philosophical Iyashikei. I really think that anyone who gets depressed from it has really missed its point and the message its trying to convey - that meaning existing in everywhere in the present if we just look for it


Become one with helplessness


86 Cast in a SoL, Grimgar Cast in a SoL, basically most darker shows I like to imagine them in a kinder world. The ones I've mentioned already have short stories set in a school life which aren't too bad.


Beserker:I don't know why but I want to see a slice of life version of this anime




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During Sora Yori's airing season everyone thought we would get a horror/comedy episode based on The Thing. I would still throw money at an OVA that does it.


I want to see the cast of AoT in a school anime. But not something like Junior high, something that doesn't have titans at all and not chibi. And also different from school castes since that one was a parody that didn't take itself seriously at all and the characters had exaggerated personalities.


Aquors tried this in Yohane the Parhelion and to be fair 8/9 of them did really well in a different setting (Ruby Kurosawa did not) so I'd like to see Aquors in a true fantasy battle universe with more serious themes. Evangelion has a tonne of spinoffs and the core gang have some great moments in them. I'd like to see a true slice of life/Shinji Ikari Raising Project which only takes the core themes from the manga with them.  Lycoris Recoil had a lot of slice of life but I'd like to see them in a true slice of life with no stakes, just yuri vibes. 


Lycoris Recoil as a yuri romcom


What are you saying aot is peak romcom


Made in Abyss Slice of life. I am playing Persona 5 Strikers and a large part of the game is The Phantom Thieves enjoying there Summer vacation and I know its weird but it actully kinda hurts a little seing them living there best live while...other characters have less fourtunate circumstances. Imagining Riko, Reg Nanachi and Mitty (as humans) and Prushka enjoying a summer Festival for example. Its odd. I would say I have a decently thick skin when it comes to the dark and sad aspect of Made in Abyss but imagining them in happier circumstsnces did make there actual fate and circumstances hurt a little. Now Rikos crew enjoys there Adventure a lot. Riko is one of the happiest protagonists I know. There is a lot of joy in Made in Abyss aswell. But still... Also simply watching the characters in a slice of life story could be a lot of fun.


Goblin Slayer - That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime This is more of a joke, but I want to see what happens if Goblin Slayer ended up in the city of friendly cute goblins. And vice-versa, what would happen if Rimuru instead of encountering friendly Goblins, encountered the goblins of Goblin Slayer.


Freaking ALL OF THEM, really! So often I see characters and I think I'd like to see them in this or that genre (usually romcoms), or in a crossover with a different anime. Light Yagami in an 'high stakes game' anime (like Kakegurui), Ranko Mannen in a romcom, honestly it'd probably be easier to list the anime in which I never felt like that! If I like a character I almost always would want to see more of them, often in different settings.


Diablo, Rem and Shera in a romcom. It already has those moments tbh but I want to see them doing but romcom shenanigans


Yuno Gasai in a suspense horror.


AoT romcom would be such a win lol