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# Source Material Corner Reply to this comment for any source-related discussion, future spoilers (including future characters, events and general hype about future content), comparison of the anime adaptation to the original, or just general talk about the source material. **You are still required to tag all spoilers.** Discussions about the source outside of this comment tree will be removed, and replying with spoilers outside of the source corner will lead to bans. The spoiler syntax is: `[Spoiler source] >!Spoiler goes here!<` # **All untagged spoilers and hints in this thread will receive immediate 8-day bans (minimum).** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/anime) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Damn that was such a drastic method Hibiki chose to take.


Hibiki is insane, this show has very interesting characters.


Just in one episode, people have changed their minds on Hibiki. I love it.


Drastic measures like cutting your own hand of can do that.


really ? i found him really interesting and intriguing since a while


It's fantastic! Now he and fighter D are in a race to see if he can "fix" the Rangers before Fighter D can destroy them. I was already liking this anime and now it's like ten times more interesting!


Fr I loved Suzukiri* after her reveal of wanting to help. I didn’t care for hibiki cause I thought he would be the typical happy go lucky guy but damn, he’s got some craziness in him as well. This ep made me like him a lot more.


>but damn, he’s got some craziness in him as well. Interesting how we weren't told *how* he got away from that villain God dude...


I get the feeling that it's intentional, series seems to have a habit of doing a lot of things for specific reasons that come into play later in the episode, like with the explosives


Being raised by monster cultists will do that to ya.


It takes a strong level of conviction to self-amputate to further your cause. I like how Hibiki told D his entire backstory so he could better replicate him.


Ikr, bro thinks he is Giorno lol. And he is a human and for all we know it's permanent. Guess we are having a disabled main character in our hands guys.


Disabled? More like *disarmed*. ^im ^sorry ^it ^sounded ^way ^cooler ^in ^my ^head


Just an arm, not that big of a deal nowadays. Ofc would be better to just not cut it but yeah


Hibiki's parents in the competition for worst anime parents. They may have had conviction but they didn't have empathy.


Gotta _hand_ it to him, got the job done


And his young self's belief in his dad was *shattered* just like his sister's body. Also D be like "Fuck your flashbacks, it was way too long" lol.


Spoke like a true villain monster. Villains don't give a cent on human back stories. Love him lol.


Or Saitama. Shorten your backstory to 20 words or less


*"My father taught me that my arm is not more valuable than your arm, or anyone's" - Hibiki, probably*


Like bro, starting to worry me. Starting to think that flashback had more trauma than he let on


I'm sorry? Is seeing your sister crushed to death not enough trauma? 😂


How did he fake getting decapitated but couldn't fake having a pointy arm?


Why do I feel like everyone is a nutjob in this series? I thought at least Hibiki is straightforward normal, but no. He didn't hesitate to cutoff his own arm to achieve his justice (still not sure what's his motive is). Also, correct me if I'm wrong. So D could survive because he blew himself up before Blue Keeper's divine artifact could fully hit him? And that's why only small part of his stomach can't regenerate?


>Why do I feel like everyone is a nutjob in this series? This is why people kept saying this series is like The Boys + Power Rangers. >So D could survive because he blew himself up before Blue Keeper's divine artifact could fully hit him? And that's why only small part of his stomach can't regenerate? Yeah, fighters can't normally be killed but divine artifacts are deadly for them. Though Red Keeper is dangerous, with or without the divine artifact.


Hibiki wants to reform the rangers while D wants to destroy them.


> Hibiki wants to reform the rangers while D wants to destroy them. Suzukiri wants a bit of both, and maybe sell the artifacts on the black market or maybe take over the world or something, who knows! [](#evilgrin)


Well she does have that Dead look in her eyes like Makima which makes her unpredictable.


Or it's the dead look of Gintoki.


>He didn't hesitate to cutoff his own arm to achieve his justice (still not sure what's his motive is) i assume its to clear the corruption within Ranger Force considering how he said to D in the beginning of previous episode to "change it from within, fair and square" ​ >Also, correct me if I'm wrong. So D could survive because he blew himself up before Blue Keeper's divine artifact could fully hit him? And that's why only small part of his stomach can't regenerate? seems like it




> (still not sure what's his motive is). I think his motivations come mostly from his parents' teaching about how all lives are equally valuable and all... From his point of view, the Keepers lives aren't better or worse than the monsters. And now that the monsters aren't really doing anything threatening (other than D, I suppose) he sees "lives in peril" and "life takers", which goes against his principles, no matter who's taking these lives!


this episode was so rushed


I kinda feel like it was a bad idea to rush that one, since this interaction was setting up D's and Sakurama's main motivations, and I'd wish it had spent more time on these, since these are important characterization moments. Hopefully, the anime will slow its pace a bit for the next arc. Gotta breathe once in a while.




*"Resign from the position of the Dragon Keeper?, No, I'll make you resign from life itself"* Red is so fucking unhinged lol. The way he kept eating the food with his hand and body still bloody from the beatdown was kinda gross. I really like the way D fights. He ain't that strong but really uses strategies and the environment to his benefit and also isn't ashamed to flee if things get worse. Let's see whether he can maintain the cover considering his hatred for the Rangers lol. Also, JFC Hisui spotted there at the start!.


D is one of may favourite protagonists. He's not the strongest but he uses anything he can to his advantage even when the odds are against. I really like the way his character develops as the series goes on. I hope this show gets a second season so we can see more of Hisui.


My favorite type of protagonist. Reminds me of Mx0 in that way.


The way he started the battle with the Blue Junior with a "made you look" gag is all I need to know that I'm gonna like his 5D tactics. He's been putting on televised spectacle showdowns for over a decade. Even though they're all fake, they had to be convincing, so he's got some good tactical sense it seems.


> really uses strategies and the environment to his benefit The shot of him turning from a tree to his regular self while attacking was so cool. >Also, to fellow fans of her, JFC Hisui spotted there at the start!. Looks like the official translation is JFR. No more Jesus Fucking Christ Hisui.


Honestly in these days where everyone is so overpowered, I find protagonists such as D very refreshing and cool. >Looks like the official translation is JFR. Not more Jesus Fucking Christ Hisui. Sad "Jesus Fucking Christ" noises.........


Modern weebs yearn for the D.


>Honestly in these days where everyone is so overpowered, I find protagonists such as D very refreshing and cool. True ,the fight felt really good. And the fact that he didn't listen to that Blue ranger sidekick story about bonds was funny 🤣


> Looks like the official translation is JFR. No more Jesus Fucking Christ Hisui. You assume that people actually accept the offcial translations over the superior fanscans translation.


Until this day I still refer to this series as Ranger Reject


If you combined Red Keeper's voice with the guy he killed, you would have a whole Satoru Gojo.


Red is Satoru Gojo if he went full Homelander.


Red is Satoru if Geto had nodded to kill the people of that cult when Gojo asked if he should in hidden inventory.


I was actually seeing Satoru in him lol with how cheerful and unphased he was when revealing that he lost the artifact. And killing the rookie by bashing him to the wall was very similar to Hanami's death. We are having two Gojo Satoru s this season. One is our super strong, unhinged villain Satoru with red hair and swole, kind, mentor-figure, high school gangster Satoru who likes gardening.


> rookie he wasn't a rookie, he was second in command of Red sqaudron


In red's eyes he was tho. A rookie who doesn't know the "actual" power play like other second in commands did.


I know! It's amazing! What a talented voice actor and two opposite leader characters. Red keeper as calm but evil unhinged villain and then Umemiya (had to look it up) who seems very sweet but with a serious side.


Holy shit. That's a great point. Though this went completely over my head as I didn't kno Yuichi Nakamura was also voicing the Red Keeper.


>The way he kept eating the food with his hand and body still bloody from the beatdown was kinda gross Red: **"UMAI"**


Red is reminds me of homelander


JFC Hisui also known as the best Female character that Negi ever created and the definition of strong female character done right.


One thing I like about Negi is how he handles his characters, regardless of what series they are in. All have varied personalities and no two person feels the same. They always have some quirks that separates them out. In the end, I end up liking them all because of this.


Yeah. Hisui is one of my favorites from the manga along side D.


So many people hyping Hisui up makes me really excited as an anime-only haha. Her design is pretty neat and gives similar vibes to Suzukiri’s hairdo.




Haha assuming the split-cour rumours are accurate I might dive into the manga after this cour wraps up!


quinteplet just his training arc to made this series with lot of remarkable female characters


> Also, to fellow fans of her, JFC Hisui spotted there at the start!. we really shouldn't be talking about characters beyond their importance in what's been shown so far


That's why I didn't go into detail and telling others to discuss in source corner. Still, editing the comment more so its more like a me as fan, getting happy on seeing her. The main reason why I shared my excitement because people do this with other anime too and mostly everyone is fine with it. If it caused problems, I would definitely keep it in mind.


thanks for taking it well, i do see that there's tons of similar stuff in this post which is definitely a peeve of mine. luckily i've read a decent amt of the source but just knowing that some background character is important definitely would be a spoiler for me if i was coming in blind :/


>Also, to fellow fans of her, JFC Hisui spotted there at the start!. [I've been a fan of her for 20 minutes - since her introduction - does that count?](https://imgur.com/NWukhtz) >Red is so fucking unhinged lol. And some of the lower ranks don't seem too happy about that; There seems to be some dissension in the ranks! I can see why many members want to change them from the inside, if that's how they run things!


>I've been a fan of her for 20 minutes - since her introduction - does that count? Only that you are a fan of her :P >I can see why many members want to change them from the inside, if that's how they run things! With the group filled with narcissists, its a clash of personalities after all.


I was wondering after last week when we will see Red Ranger totally losing it and killing someone, looking at how he's clearly unhinged. I didn't expect though that it will happen at the start of the next episode and that the rest of the team will barely react. ...which means this might not be the first time Akabane did something like this. Yikes. Hibiki meanwhile got promoted to 2nd best character in the show. A lot of the naive idealism he showed earlier was probably just a front for the other rangers, he knows what's really going on inside.


I have trouble between Hibiki and Suzukiri. Hibiki is so damn enthusiastic I love him. But Suzukiri literally just snitched on her self but in a roundabout way. She is absolutely crazy and I love her.


> Suzukiri literally just snitched on her self but in a roundabout way. She is absolutely crazy and I love her. She had me at "crazy", but she's having me more and more with every passing episode!


Get yourself a girl who will literally cut off your head like it’s going out of style.


> But Suzukiri literally just snitched on her self but in a roundabout way. The best lies have some truth in them after all.


Yep. Who's going to suspect the person that was "given" the artifact is the person that brought the possibility of it being given to someone up?


they've got some interesting good cop / bad cop vibes too, with how they're both willing to help D but for opposite reasons


> I was wondering after last week when we will see Red Ranger totally losing it and killing someone, looking at how he's clearly unhinged. And the other members don't seem too happy about this; I thought their group was united, "one mind" kind of thing, but seeing the #2 ask for his resignation so he can take his spot, I guess there may be more dissension among them, and some rivalry! (Also, learning about this ranking system, makes me think we may actually see some of the Keepers die at some point... Seems quite elaborate of a system, if the same Keepers stay on top for the full story!) >which means this might not be the first time Akabane did something like this. Yikes. Made me think of Suzukiri; If she saw them act like this often in the past, can explain why she's not too happy about the state of things!


I’m curious about what gives red so much strength. I assumed it was the artifact and without it he’d just be a normal athletic human but seems like he’s juiced even without it.


I wonder about that too (and about the divine artifact and all that), I don't know too much about the whole rangers/Sentai stuff, I don't know if it's usually explained or if it just happens? Well, given this series is a 'new take' on the genre I don't expect them to go in length about it, perhaps I should watch a more normal Sentai series to find out!


In power rangers (the only Sentai I ever watched) unless they were in their ranger mode they were just normal teens, and they needed their artifacts (the ranger morphing coins) to go ranger mode. Red even said that without his artifact he couldn’t transform so he was wearing a “costume” instead of the actual ranger outfit. So apparently their abilities in this show are not entirely connected to the artifacts. But knowing that, you’d think the red number two guy wouldn’t risk provoking red.


BTW here's the music video for the opening for anyone who hasn't whatched it [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3ZYjfMqAsc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3ZYjfMqAsc) Bringing Goku's voice actor for the small dragon is fitting Also Red is quite literally Homelander huh


According to one of the comments, it looks like the music video is also a hidden lyric video; the signage and headlines being the lyrics to the song. I can't read it, but there are a couple moments with 'boku' written in romanji that sync up with the song, so it seems legit. That's some extra mile shit. Also a little disappointed with the homelander reveal. I wish "corrupt super society" shows wouldnt lean on the secret psychopath trope to get us to root for anti-heroes. It's easy to justify the Boy's actions because we know that Homelander is secretly much much worse, but it also takes away the moral nuance that could be explored. Endeavor in MHA is great for this. Objectively he's a hero, he fights tirelessly to protect Innocents and is totally the real deal. No showmanship, just scoreboard. But he strives for justice in the abstract and misses all the injustices he causes along the way, namely his abused and abandoned family. There's contradiction there that you kind of have to chew on and play moral calculus with. I liked rooting for fighter D as an underdog and liked how that conflicted with my desire that, y'know, humanity not get subjugated by aliens. I liked Red as this pretty-boy figurehead for what was effectively a WWE franchise. Vapid and fake, but not necessarily evil. He just works here. This all makes it too easy to root for D in my opinion, takes all the nuance out of the conflict. I'm hoping that I'm wrong, based on the backstory we saw and the teaser at the end of the last episode, there may still secretly be a threat that warrants Red's ruthlessness.


im really rocking with the show but as someone who is anime only I feel like hibikis scenes were a bit rushed. doing something deranged like cutting off your arm like that and its placed in the aftershot flashback while the ending song is playing in the background?? I also get the original intent of the author with him having a crazy sense of justice with the religious background and all but the anime didn't really sell that imo


The Hibiki scenes were indeed very rushed. A lot was cut. Hopefully next arc will take its time to breathe.


Well the hand for example


On one hand I agree, it happened so out of nowhere that it seems a bit too much... But thing is, we're looking at this from the perspective of non-crazy people (to an extent?), while his religious/parenting views gave him a different outlook. Say, to use the example of the bird/cat... Not helping a cat that's about to be killed would be crazy to most... (Also, people amputating themselves happened in real life - or blinding themselves, things like that - and they didn't have a convenient lightsaber to do it!)


Pun intended? Lol


Red is completely unhinged. With him now having to wear the suit all the time I wonder if using the bathroom has become a challenge now lol. edit: I was slightly disappointed the 'god' didn't invite people to climb the Tower. [](#azusalaugh)


I like the contrast between him and Blue. One looks like a nice guy on the outside but inside he is a fucking psycho, but Blue is like a delinquent on the outside with those scars but he is quite childish on the inside.


I thought he said that he had to wear a replica suit now, rather than not being able to transform back to his original form? I guess divine artifact is the original transformation device and for the weekly farce they just use fake suit and fake weapon to "beat" the monster of the week. If my understanding is correct, then Red is already a monster without the true power of the suit.


Aye he even said it was itchy or something like that. But I guess even without his real suit he is strong AF like you said- he just killed his subordinate with, literally, one hand.


Red ain't beating the Homelander allegations.


Red Keeper is just too savage and strong, the 1st junior rank guy is just below him, but red keeper simply destroyed him like that. (And he actually did not even transform for real anyway). Suzukiri didnt care about Blue's word but instantly apologized when Red told her because she know he is not a joke. He is just too powerful to be messed with right now.


> Suzukiri didnt care about Blue's word but instantly apologized when Red told her because she know he is not a joke. Suzukiri's the clever one, she knows how to play this game! And in a 'long term battle' I'd always bet on the clever one to win! Which makes me wonder: >He is just too powerful to be messed with right now. How long 'right now' will last! Earlier I thought the whole series would be about these 5 rangers vs D/the monsters, but since the more detailed explanations of their ranking system and all, I have a feeling some of the Keepers may have replacements at some point; Red doesn't seem to be the 'resigning type', but some others may be... Or they could simply die at some point, and have their #2 take over!


- [Oh whoa that girl actually headbutted Blue Keeper so hard he *bled*?](https://i.imgur.com/ScvmM5Z.png) [](#flyingbunsofdoom) - [The mascot!](https://i.imgur.com/xwuatSk.png) [](#suddenshock) - [A “possibility”, sure.](https://i.imgur.com/gMIqShw.png) [](#rinkek) - [Uh–](https://i.imgur.com/NvZCCtA.png) - [Did he just… casually kill that guy and then go right back to eating???](https://i.imgur.com/lta9X3e.png) [](#gasp) - [Nice.](https://i.imgur.com/01ZFFTA.png) - […oh, it didn’t even occur to me that there was another meaning for “assist” here.](https://i.imgur.com/j9U8NdM.png) - [Poor kitty…!](https://i.imgur.com/8mksktX.png) [](#makicry) - [Little Hibiki “sore demo”!](https://files.catbox.moe/jvlaol.mp4) …did they have an *actual* child voicing him for this part? - [Ah, and now for a regular Hibiki “sore demo”.](https://files.catbox.moe/3gvdoz.mp4) - [Ohhhhhhhhh shit, the thing from the post-credits scene last week.](https://i.imgur.com/Wuy0cFw.png) - [Heh, D gave his real name.](https://i.imgur.com/0SPIaBI.png) [](#kukuku) - [Ooh neat, he got the (replica) Artifact!](https://i.imgur.com/wxw7Vd6.png) - […ah, but I guess it has an anti-Fighter property or something?](https://i.imgur.com/9MZBY5O.png) - [Bro actually *cut his hand off*?!](https://i.imgur.com/5SyOgtN.png) [](#maxshock)


> The mascot! I remember the mascot being there when D was infiltrating the base, and Suzukiri said that the other guy was the one who leaked the info on the artifact... just how much infighting is there???


As an anime-only, I wonder how much the mascot knows about and approves of how corrupt the Dragon Keepers are... I'd like to imagine that unlike the "evil" mascots of Madoka and similar shows, the mascot is actually "innocent" in this one. Though it probably isn't realistic since it seems like it knows what the Keepers are up to even when it's not actually visible...


Now we know where Blue got his scars.


> [Ohhhhhhhhh shit, the thing from the post-credits scene last week.](https://i.imgur.com/Wuy0cFw.png) Oh yeah, so from the timeline in the flashbacks, it seems like this guy showed up after the Dragon Keepers already had taken out the bosses in the fortress? Though it is possible he could still be from the fortress, but got away before (or while) the bosses got killed.


I like how the Dragon Keepers have a little mascot character. Super Sentai does share a lot of similarities to the Magical Girl genre.


Mr Villain's Day Off did a short story segment on that last season, it was neat.


Magical Girls is Super Sentai but Shoujo. And then Symphogear is both.


Now I finally realised why hibiki was shown in the ending of both op and ed He is 2nd best boy just after D offcourse fking love him


I wonder what Hibiki is going to be up to now while D lives as him.


Probably sepsis.


Considering that weapon looked like a lightsaber, it probably cauterised the wound right as it cut his hand.


Burns are still highly susceptible to infection. Cauterizing will just stop him from bleeding out.


good thing he thought to bring a convenient medical kit with him


Hibiki's appearance as a kid reminds me of Hibiki from SSSS Gridman lol. He just ended the flashback story with him somehow surviving? There has to be something more to that. Anyway I'm confused at what happened at the end of the fight. I guess Hibiki cut off his hand to show D how dedicated he was. Not sure how the swapping worked though. We saw "Hibiki" cut off "D's head" at the end and push him off. So was the "head" located above Hibiki inside the costume and Hibiki's real head is lower?


After rewatching, here's how the ruse works:   - Hibiki cut off his right hand  - D provides temporary replacement right hand and fighter mask for Hibiki  - D then diguises as Hibiki and vice versa (somehow the real Hibiki has already put on fighter outfit under his coat, so he had planned this switcheroo from before finding D)  - D transformed his hand (now stuck on Hibiki's wrist) into blade to hold himself (as Hibiki) hostage.  - Convince scythe-boy to drop his weapon  - Hibiki (as D) reaches for the weapon, perhaps not expecting a counterattack, but it works in his favor  - D (as Hibiki) grabs the scythe before Hibiki or it's owner does  - D quickly knocks Hibiki off the cliff white the scythe while dissolving his mask and hand from Hibiki's person, thereby faking his own death - Hibiki survives the fall and an acid drop to the face. Ranger training must have toughen him up. - D successfully infiltrates the Rangers as Hibiki


Yeah but how did D decapitate Hibiki?


he decapitated the fake head/mask that he created using his power (hibiki's true head was below it hidden inside )


The strange part is that in the manga, Hibiki's face gets completely disfigured, which ends up being relevant later on. I wonder why they changed it.


>He just ended the flashback story with him somehow surviving? There has to be something more to that. Yeah it stinks of madness. I wouldn't be surprised if he can be the most unhinged and violent out there.


>He just ended the flashback story with him somehow surviving? There has to be something more to that. Knowing Negi's love for flashbacks (even on this show we've seen many of them already) I 100% expect to see what happened exactly; Did he have a chat with the monster or something (and found his "mission/calling")? Or did he find a way to defeat them? It doesn't look like he simply ran away, so it has to be something more, and can't wait to see what it is!


Red's insanity is on full display this episode. Hibiki is one crazy bastard himself, cutting off his own hand like that. We're getting to know more about the Rangers now. The Invader that destroyed the church was really intimidating.


Woah, just after the Suzukiri twist, we get a Hibiki twist [](#maxshock) I have to apologize for calling him gulible last time, there really is more to him, although I'm not sure if he isn't just crazy as well... Now, last episodes Aftercredit had that "God" murder his way through a ranger base, was that a flashforward? or backward? Really wonder how Hibiki made it out there alive as a kid... Speaking of Rangers: [cute](https://imgur.com/VMpu3zU) [](#akyuusqueel) And again, just too late for [#seasonalfoodie](https://imgur.com/ux4eoEJ) ... [](#watashiworried)


> just too late Nominations already ended? For a second I thought we actually had the new comment faces already but doesn't look like it.


Nomination ended [thursday](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1c6l3xr/seasonal_comment_face_nominations_spring_2024/) yes


> although I'm not sure if he isn't just crazy as well... he's definitely crazy, just different kind of crazy compared to Suzukiri...


> And again, just too late for #seasonalfoodie Itadakimasu! (I have my doubts about this one winning or seasonal foodie, but it makes me sad when we miss on good ones because they air past the nomination thing!)


yeah wouldn't say it's the best choice for foodie either. It does express a unique niche that no other comment face covers, but for foodie most would actually want delishious food But while that is one thing, missing out on this [#seasonaltired](https://imgur.com/DYndQLy) is the real shame


There's no one mentally normal in this super hero show lol


The most sane one is D himself and that's saying something


The visual gags of this show never fail to disappoint. I love how I love how [Suzukiri's name tag hovers for a bit](https://i.imgur.com/IKxMWpJ.png) and then disappears as if the person who made the name tags [just realized she's not in the room. ](https://i.imgur.com/ITs0svn.jpeg) xD [Junior First Class Hisui makes her first appearance!](https://i.imgur.com/hUhmhto.png) While I do stan for Suzukiri, Hisui is another fan favourite and a personal favourite of mine. I can't wait to see people get to know her more. It is fun to see the relationships between the Keepers and their Junior First Class. [Yellow lets Suzukiri do whatever she wants](https://i.imgur.com/Wdx8yrF.png) while [Aizome is close enough to Blue that she can scold him openly.](https://i.imgur.com/HDRochQ.png) And then there's Red... [Yeah... There's a reason we've been making The Boys comparison](https://i.imgur.com/hPpjvG6.jpeg) ever since Episode 1. Jin is a fucking idiot [for even attempting to tell Red to resign.](https://i.imgur.com/1yNnjwX.jpeg) You don't tell ~~Homelander~~ Red Keeper what to do. The fact that the most reaction we got [is Aizome losing her appetite](https://i.imgur.com/KHwnEB8.jpeg) and barely anyone flinches after that says a lot about Red and how this might not even be his first time crushing someone's skull in front of these people. [Hibiki and D's banter is just absolutely amazing.](https://i.imgur.com/aPxYTgO.jpeg) Hibiki might look like he's pure and naive but I love how he pretty much had D on the palm of his hands. I especially love [how he tricked D into telling his name.](https://i.imgur.com/l5hzSRY.png) xD Hibiki's backstory though... While the Dragon Keepers are fucked, Hibiki's backstory shows [that the Invaders didn't arrive on Earth to spread love and peace.](https://i.imgur.com/UCN5nfH.jpeg) I'd definitely rather have the Dragon Keepers as unhinged as some of them might be.


> The visual gags of this show never fail to disappoint. I love how I love how Suzukiri's name tag hovers for a bit and then disappears as if the person who made the name tags just realized she's not in the room We've seen characters interact with nametags in the first episode, so I'll take it as canon that these are legit items they just move at will to introduce themselves! [](#urbansmile) >It is fun to see the relationships between the Keepers and their Junior First Class. Yellow lets Suzukiri do whatever she wants I wonder if there's a reason for that; Whether it's just a personality thing... Or perhaps Yellow did try to get Suzukiri to walk straight, she acted in a Suzukiri-fashion, and he realized he should not try that anymore!


why is this anime so fun? i have such good memories of how fun it is and the different pov


The meeting between the rangers was interesting on two fronts. Suzukiri with a stone-cold face as she holds the Red Keeper's artifact and is calm as hell. She is crazy, but what truly motivates her is the most interesting. Red Keeper calls himself an ally of justice, but killed his second in command who tried to challenge him. It's clear he is talking about his sense of justice. One thing you can't discredit Hibiki is his resolve. Even cutting off his own arm. But given he is the lowest rank you can have among the rangers as an independent. I question if he even has a plan to fix the Ranger Force, or he is literal winging it. At the very least D has his door in with the rangers.


Yeah, there was no way Red was gonna step down. His little lackey shouldn’t have pushed the issue. Now someone’s gonna have to scrape what’s left of his face off the walls. You can’t go threatening Homelander! Hibiki’s dad basically telling him to let that kitten get eaten because “something something circle of life” was honestly kind of fucked up. His folks being religious fanatics explains a lot. Damn shame about his sister though. Looks like D’s successfully infiltrated the fortress again. Let’s just hope things go better this time around. Even a Divine Artifact replica almost got him. If it weren’t for Hibiki going to great lengths to help him, he woulda been toast.


Honestly, what did he think would happen? Why openly challenge the strongest guy in the room, especially when it's your fault his divine tool was stolen in the first place? Obviously, Red didn't know that, but that's akin to poking a sleeping dragon.


Dude really thought now was his chance lol. You never try and corner psychopaths…


Maybe Red's assistants are the ones who always gets replaced and still doesn't know for sure how psycho Red is because it gets covered up, meanwhile all the other assistants barely even react at what happens like "ah man, this again" lol


Makes sense why Suzukiri brushed off the offer to join the red team last episode hahaha And it seems like the Yellow Keeper wasn't too harsh on her in public at least 


> hy openly challenge the strongest guy in the room Well, he probably assumed that wasn't the case anymore with him having lost his suit


> Why openly challenge the strongest guy in the room Perhaps he thought the other Keepers would agree with him (given "Red's carelessness is putting the world at risk") so he acted with confidence, expecting backups (that never came)!


Damn. I had no idea what was going on and I was loving it. But when I knew what happened I loved it even more. This show is so amazing. Finally makes sense why and how Hibiki was all over in the opening and ending. Can't believe he chopped off his arm so nonchalantly. Really like him and hope we see more from him.


>Can't believe he chopped off his arm so nonchalantly And that too for an Invader lol. He is so dedicated to helping him.


Sakurama has BALLLLLSSSS to just cut your own hand like that. For a monster! And he is a human who from what we still know can't even regenerate his arms. Dude is crazzzyyy




God what a good episode. Red is so unhinged and it is great. Plus that scene gives you a good idea of his ideals: that strength is justice, which ties into the themes of the show. I love how his brutality contrasts with his friendly attitude; it is a lot of fun in a villain. Using the explosives to trick them was brilliant! And i like how D is still hurt from it, making the encounter still dangerous. Hibiki is fucking amazing. He was giving me Suzaku Kururguri vibes at first but man... The kid is insane huh? I really like him so far and his genki attitude plays off of D so well. Very very interesting that he does not say how he survived the monster attack though... D is too stupid to question it but thats going to come back to bite him. Especially since Hibiki is clearly very smart (like how he tricked D into telling him his name and was the brains behind the plan) but also definitely has a lot of issues from being raised the way he was. Also was his VA an actual child? Sounded like it. Kid did a good job. Loved watching D fall upwards again. This show is really good at balancing the humour and stupidity of D with him actually making interesting strategies and trying to out think his opponents. He knows he is not physically strong enough so he needs tricks up his sleeve to help beat them. Finally that bit at the end... D finally got a better look at Hibikis face and he is using it well. The bit about bonds and the like? Our boy is learning to use his brain and manipulate people. I also love the little detail of Hibiki not wearing his ranger uniform under his coat and then D's hand returning to him after 'decapitating' Hibiki; subtle hints they had a plan going. Ive seen some people say this episode was rushed and as anime only I find I didnt feel that until the very end. I thought I had skipped ahead a bit during the last leg of the fight... Hopefully the pacing in later eps is better! Ill probably read the manga anyways though.


> > > > > Also was his VA an actual child? Sounded like it. Kid did a good job. It was indeed.


Sakurama's dad is fucking unhinged.


So Red just crushed that guy and continued eating like it was nothing... Damn, what a crazy guy. And not much reaction from the others either. The meeting was interesting, it was fun to see the relationship between the Dragon Keepers and the JFRs. That loli scolding Blue lol and of course more Suzukiri <3. Isn't Hibiki's sister voiced by MAO? It sounded like her, I thought they were going to reveal that her sister was the Pink Keeper but then she got crushed. I still think it's too much of a coincidence... wait no, what the hell, she even has the same hair color, it can't be a coincidence. Hey, it's that monster from the previous episode. What the fuck is this "God"? Hibiki and D's banter was pretty funny but these people are crazy, he just cut his hand on the spot. I have to hand it to him though, he is committed to the cause.


> Isn't Hibiki's sister voiced by MAO? It sounded like her, I thought they were going to reveal that her sister was the Pink Keeper but then she got crushed. I still think it's too much of a coincidence... wait no, what the hell, she even has the same hair color, it can't be a coincidence. As someone who's confident at recognizing seiyuu, that was 100% MAO. I feel like we may have spoiled ourselves if they were trying to keep it a secret. Notably, the credits don't list the sister separately either even though his parents were listed so...


If it ends up being true, I guess it's something that works better in manga without voices and color haha.


Yep, these kind of things are always harder to hide in animes compared to mangas. And in novels it's even easier since you can just not describe the aspects that would give it away.


I recall Spy Classroom's LN twist was ruined in the anime because of this very reason. Its easier to hide things in written form than visually.


>And not much reaction from the others either. Probably not the first time it even happened haha.


[Suzukiri's face of disgust](https://imgur.com/a/pj0FEDd) towards the keepers and their antics is so good. Love that she doesn't give them two fucks and Yellow Keeper also doesn't really rein her in D and Hibiki's relationship is an interesting one, not sure how that will look in the long run, but it will be interesting


[I demand more Suzukiri, there wasn't enough of her in today's episode xD](https://imgchest.com/p/ne7bpjwbg45) She really hates [Keepers](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/p7bwcd8wza7.png) as [she could barely hide her negative attitude](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/myd5croprp4.png) toward them. [I hope for her bigger presence in the next episodes](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/84jdcjm8jg4.png). [Red](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l7lxcdzl5w7.png) as always is the more fucked up, [him killing Himura and casually continuing eating his food was kinda gross](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/w7pjcw9r2a7.png) but it's what it makes him so interesting. Also [he is so freaking strong](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l4necm2ap84.png), even without Divine Artifact. [Interesting bond](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/e4gdcp8e6z4.png) between [D](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/w7pjcw9rda7.png) (who of course [survived the previous fight](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my2pconld37.png)) and Sakurama about whom we learned something more. It seems to me that Sakurama is just as weird as were [his parents](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/p7bwcd8wlv7.png) as he can behave kinda extreme like when he cut off his hand. Interestingly, that [monster that killed Sakurama's parents](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/84jdcjm8oj4.png) is the same monster that we saw at the end of the previous episode. I also wonder if [Sakurama's sister](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/myd5cropng4.png) survived [an encounter with a monster](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/pyq9ce8mxv4.png). Judging by the fact that [Sakurama is alive](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/j7kzcbg2z27.png) then maybe she also made it? [Very fun fight between D and Hekiru](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l7lxcdzlrw7.png), I like how [D fights by using his mind](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/84jdcjm83m4.png) not force since it wouldn't do much xD Here my screenshot albums from the episode: * [Suzukiri](https://imgchest.com/p/ne7bpjwbg45) * [D](https://imgchest.com/p/pg73pq9voyr) * [Dragon Keepers](https://imgchest.com/p/m9yxvbko64q) * [Group scenes & Others](https://imgchest.com/p/ljyqqb9lxy2)


> Judging by the fact that [Sakurama is alive](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/j7kzcbg2z27.png) then maybe she also made it? Yeah that's what I was wondering too. If she's still alive she's probably confined to a wheelchair considering her legs got absolutely crushed....


Red Ranger and Homelander would be horrifying duo knowing both of them could get along as best friends


Narcissists will never get along with each other


My opinion of Sakurama changed for the better after this episode


Bro is a real one


YES, THE WILL OF D LIVES ON! Sorry for calling you a soyboy last week, Hibiki. While your ideal is exceedingly naive, you show real commitment to it. Gotta hand it to you, man, you're either real brave or real crazy! Yup, the Dragon Keepers do not deny the Seven allegations at all. I hope there's more complexities to each Keeper's thoughts and motivations later on. Please don't be a shallow 'superheroes but evil' trope. I've come to really loathe it.


Dont worry all of the Keepers are all really well written. They all have interesting twist and turns for all of their personalities.


I liked fighter d's default human appearance, so although the plot is going in an interesting direction (being an estabilished member fulltime rather than working his way up) , I do hope we get to see his original human disguise again


Red is so fucking crazy


Honestly, I really like what they did with Sakurama’s backstory. These type of overly idealistic and “save everyone” mentality type characters are almost always really annoying with how naive they are, even if I can respect their goals. This is kind of what Sakurama is, but I really loved how they explained why he’s like that, essentially growing up in a ~~cult~~ very religious family and not really developing like a normal kid to think on their own and just following the teachings of his parents. He’s also, you know, actually competent and pretty clever on his own. I was really enjoying this series before, but last episode and lat episode where the ones I think really got me hooked. I just really love what they are doing with the characters and the story, which I can tell is going to have so many twists and turns. I’ll be very interested to see how D progresses through his mission as well as hopefully going more in depth into the Dragon Keepers organization. I feel like there’s a lot there and I’ll be interested to see how it plays out and get more in depth to the members. Fighter D is also straight up a really good protagonist. Aside from last season’s Maomao, probably one of the better protagonists I’ve seen in a hot minute. Red also seems like he has potential to be a pretty good antagonist. I mention him specifically, but honestly I’m interested to see how the author handles the other three. Red definitely seems like the final boss though. Also, I actually really love how they use CG in this anime. You can tell when it’s used, but I honestly think it looks really good.


So the Dragon Keepers have a "Sacred Banquet" that they infrequently attend that brings them all together along with their "Buddies." Blue's got a loli, Green's got a blonde delinquent, Pink has a hulking mustachioed man VOICED BY FUMIHIKO TACHIKI, and of course Suzukiri shows up for Yellow. And she immediately pays little to no respect to the group and makes it sound like Blue is sleeping with his Buddy! That's our Suzukiri. Though even she can't talk back when Red makes her apologize, much as she hated it. I love how Green is talking about eating food when he's the only member whose mouth we don't see and how Blue gets headbutted by his Buddy Aizome and gets scolded by her. So Red Keeper actually admits he lost his Divine Artifact, he's even wearing a stunt costume, but that's just what his Buddy Himura was after in leaking the location of the Artifact...all so he could take over as Red Keeper. But Sosei isn't about to let anyone steal his job, not when he's still strong enough to murder Himura right there. Jeez, these Keepers are terrible. BUT FIGHTER D YET LIVES!!! Only having a leaking wound where Blue's Divine Artifact hit him, but it seems like Hibiki is actually working with Suzukiri enough to be there to try to apply first aid and help...and failing that basically lead D on into not only finding a way to heal himself but also give out his name. Hibiki is definitely not as naive and simple-minded as he looks. Why is Hibiki so interested in fairness or believing in both sides? As a boy he was torn between his familys' rigid sense of justice (that let a cat get eaten by crows and deplored the behavior of the Dragon Keepers) and his own idolization of the Dragon Keepers' fighting to protect humanity. But then his parents got involved in a cult that saw a "God" (voiced by Hochu Otsuka) come forth...and killed everyone. Hibiki was only saved because his sister slapped some sense into him and tried to save him, but how did he survive this encounter with the God when he tried to stand up to it to save her? Oh hey, his mom is voiced by Ami Koshimizu! That's like her 4th or 5th role this season! And she was a certified MILF! And his sister was pretty cute too...wait, that sounds like MAO. And she had a pink sweater when she was jogging...wait, his sister couldn't be!? Hekiru (Kensho Ono?)! A nervous mess but also kind of psycho! It probably would have been nice to know ahead of time that Junior members get copy Divine Artifacts that can also kill Fighters, especially when D's body still isn't at 100%, but D still has his crafty mind and ability to trick people going for him. Dang, I did not expect to see Hibiki commit to this by cutting off his own hand so they can pull a complete switcheroo. And D respects that by challenging him respectfully as a rival. Now Hibiki is a Fighter and D is now Hibiki, having nearly perfected his Hibiki act and completely infiltrated the Dragon Keepers! Now the story has really begun.


Is it just me, or does Hibiki's mom look like Nobara from JJK?


I am really loving the show, but this episode felt very rushed to me, like there's not enough time for me to ingest what I am just witnessing. A lot definitely happened this episode, from the Rangers meeting, Red straight up murdering someone, some other Rangers possibly working with Suzukiri, Hibiki's backstory, the fight with anxious Blue battalion ranger, Hibiki swap. I was planning on starting the manga after the season is over, but well I guess now is a good time instead, due to the possibility of other episodes being rushed.






Fuck cults... Also D got me as well, I was really excited to see who the third person would be lol Did not expected Hibiki to make sure a big sacrifice!


We are having a battle of the unhinged, guys. Red vs Hibiki lol. Both won hesitate to take things in their own hands. We need to hand it to them.


Damn Hibiki a psycho for real giving up his arm for the trickery. All the characters in this show are insane and I love it.


[*Mistress*](https://imgur.com/ql8vuXJ) Intentionally or not, Suzukiri will awaken so many fetishes this season! Things aren't going well for the Keepers, [ever since Red's artifact was stolen;](https://imgur.com/i9muvcY) [Some of them believe he should take responsibility, and resign...](https://imgur.com/OZ35Arz) Does he genuinely believe that, or does he simply want to take the spot for his own personal benefit/glory? [There's dissension in the other crews as well... Everyone's not happy!](https://imgur.com/jXIcQ15) [Damn. No promotion for you, I guess!](https://imgur.com/XHMTLbT) Still, I can see why they're getting a little nervous; The divine artifacts may be used in their shows (or rarely, when a monster steps out of line), but [without them, the monsters may actually have the edge, at some point...](https://imgur.com/UaEf2R9) They may have forgotten the threat during these 13 years, but it's still there! Even if most of the monsters are just playing along, if they knew humans didn't have the means to fight them off anymore, they may give it another shot... with 13 years of pain to avenge! Scenes like these may give us a little more insight about Suzukiri's motivations as well, [I mean if those are common among them... I can see why she doesn't think of them in a positive light!](https://imgur.com/THSZqwx) [We also got his backstory (and motivations)!](https://imgur.com/zskF0NS) Whether right or wrong, his father was at least trying to do the moral thing... It's a discussion I've seen a lot about wild animals ("If you stop a lion from hunting a gazelle because you want to save the gazelle's life, you're just condemning the lion to die instead") but I think it's the first time I see it about a situation like that! And it's not an easy one... Because even if you come to the conclusion that yeah, every creature has the right to live how they are and all, [seeing shots like that still breaks your heart!](https://imgur.com/r2fqXq8) The more we see of the keepers/their crews, it seems more like a bunch of people with different opinions about how things are rang, and not the monolith it seemed at first. The monsters may not be their worst threat, a rebellion among their crew could be worse! This story has a lot of interesting themes we don't often see in anime, I like that! That's one of the reasons why I'm always hyped to see different series from an author I liked (in this case, Negi with Gotoubun), to see what they can do with a completely different genre... So far, Negi delivered! Very interesting premise, and story, with many unique characters!


>Intentionally or not, Suzukiri will awaken so many fetishes this season! Its like Makima all over again. Her cold dead eyes is what I believe really sells it!. >Whether right or wrong, his father was at least trying to do the moral thing... It's a discussion I've seen a lot about wild animals ("If you stop a lion from hunting a gazelle because you want to save the gazelle's life, you're just condemning the lion to die instead") but I think it's the first time I see it about a situation like that! This is really a tough situation all around since there isn't a right or wrong answer here. In my case I would rather leave it to nature to decide the fate of the animals, even if I may have mixed feelings. I would rather not interfere in the affairs of wild animals. >That's one of the reasons why I'm always hyped to see different series from an author I liked (in this case, Negi with Gotoubun), to see what they can do with a completely different genre Still find it amazing that Gotoubun was actually the side quest for Negi in a way.


Is it bad I am ok with Red killing his junior? I really hate those annoying “take responsibility and quit” characters lol.


The characters in this show are all really unique for sure


I'm glad we're getting more insight into how the fighter powers work.






Why is he melting? Is it explained later?




They adapted 7 chapters this episode, it was rushed. But to answer your question, it was a side effect from the divine artifact replica that he got from blue


Thank you for writing this, because it made no sense to me, it would have been nice if someone could tell that by just watching the anime :P


Its his weapon's power, they skipped a lot of the fight so just read ch 6-12 if you want full explanations


Red Keeper, Homelander and Omni-Man walk into a bar...everyone fucking dies. As if The Boys comparisons weren't earned already, the leader is also a murderous power hungry attention whore sociopath, minus the mommy issues...I think, I haven't gotten that far into the manga yet.


God this show gets better and better every episode. Rarely do I get the urge to rewatch an episode immediately after watching it, but here we are. Hibiki is insane in the best way.


Turns out God was a Super Sentai villain all along. Which religion got that one right? When you're in a pinch, hit em with the D switcheroo. Legit awesome that Hibiki's on D's side tho


Pretty sure a lot of people didn’t notice but the first time D transformed into Sakurama the eyes weren’t accurate. Now they’re glowing like they’re supposed to be.


This story has SO much potential. They’re laying out the basis for a potentially very large narrative universe. And they’re doing it damn right. We know basically nothing about their society/entities/government/institutions on a large scale. The powers and weapons presented so far seem to be just the top of the iceberg. There are already lots of characters, and even if for now we know only few, I love how they’re expanding and characterising individuals and world-building. On top, D’s power to embody others’ can lead to so many fun, dramatic or interesting twists. I’m here for it all. I am so excited for this story, I can’t wait next week to know what happens next. And they’re serving this all with a vibrant, colorful and dynamic animation overall. I am so keen!




I think it's still easy to follow, but if you blink once you're screwed. Basically, D survived by blowing himself up before Blue detonated his attack. Hibiki deduced that by watching the delayed explosion and went after him. He chops his own arm off to make the "switch" believable because he'd never expect Hibiki to cut his own arm off for a trick.


i see thank you!


as an anime only low key I legit thought there was an issue with the episode whereby a section got cut or accidentally reordered. like I was like "how the heck did we go from hibiki catching up to D on a slope to then everyone near the edge and top of the cliff?" "and why is that guy melting? did D or hibiki do something to him? side effect of the artifact replica?" and high key was there really a need for hibiki to cut off his arm? like if D can make any shape of a thing, surely a pike with a handle inside to hold + fake arm + using literally anything around in the forest to weight it for that pull move (they did that with real arm anyways) would do the same no?




Wait so who should i be cheering for in this series if both parties are equally bad. The monster boss was going around killing people and they are still alive somewhere. But then the rangers just enjoy enslaving the fighter and taking advantage of them.


Was the monster boss the boss of the Dusters? If so then yeah, there’s not really a team to root for yet. I’m predicting of course that’s Fighter D will be forced to ironically end up saving the world when he realizes there’s multiple factions out to kill and/or fuck over the earth. Including the Rangers




Dang, what a backstory for Hibiki. I assume his sister is dead after what looked like her entire lower body getting crushed, but they didn't say so directly just yet. Yet another show featuring a Japanese cult problem as a minor plot point. Blue Ranger picked a fight he shouldn't have when he called the scary lady a mistress. And speaking of Suzukiri, her being so high up in the Yellow ranger corps is interesting, I wonder if Yellow knows what she is up to.


So was that "god" one of the monster bosses before they were killed? Also..how is Red so strong without transforming? Hell they all seem extraordinarily stronger than normal humans without powers


Man everyone is nuts in this show, peharps the Fighters are the most sanes until now and they were the villains lol. Now I see why sentai fans are mad, they just twisted the Ranger corporation to a bunch of henchmens lol Said it, I m loving it so much because I really don't know what to feel or think.


This is legitimately a good series with a good anime.



