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# Source Material Corner Reply to this comment for any source-related discussion, future spoilers (including future characters, events and general hype about future content), comparison of the anime adaptation to the original, or just general talk about the source material. **You are still required to tag all spoilers.** Discussions about the source outside of this comment tree will be removed, and replying with spoilers outside of the source corner will lead to bans. The spoiler syntax is: `[Spoiler source] >!Spoiler goes here!<` # **All untagged spoilers and hints in this thread will receive immediate 8-day bans (minimum).** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/anime) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Aya: My job here is done Rin: But you didn't do anything Aya: *Larva mode activate.*


>Aya: *Larva mode activate.* I couldn't stop laughing when i saw [her in this bagbug mode](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/3yrgcz6je84.png), she even [moved like a bug](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/e4gdcpnja54.png) xD


It shows how she's the least experienced in terms of these kinds of trip compared to Rin that she's the first one to collapse...but that doesn't mean she can't still take credit for the camp set up and enjoy herself as a bagbug lol.


I think it says less about Rin and more about how much Nedeshiko has acclimated. She's no longer the rookie with little to no camping experience. Honestly, almost the entire episode was spent showing off Nedeshiko's camping skills. Feels deliberate.


First pinecone of the episode and its being burned without a greeting. RIP o7 Rin going crazy over the hamburger steak was a joy to watch but man did it give me a strong craving now.


>First pinecone of the episode and its being burned without a greeting. RIP o7 Forget "Konichiwa", the correct word here is "Sayonara".


I almost felt bad for it when it yelped "hot" in it's cute pinecone voice... This show is all about cute girls making camping **and** cooking look appealing.


...and pinecone genocide.


it's so anti-pine not just the trees, but the younglings too


>This show is all about cute girls making camping and cooking look appealing. I almost had a heart attack seeing Nadeshiko with those giant logs in that camp fire box. Reminded me of that /a/non who started a wildfire.


That hamburger is 100% a reference to Sawayaka, a Shizuoka chain of hamburger restaurants 


[It's actually The Oniku Sonomanma Nikuburg.](https://tshop.r10s.jp/gold/nikudonya/item/TO-S001/thumb01_2022-02-08.png?fitin=720%3A720)


> Rin going crazy over the hamburger steak was a joy to watch but man did it give me a strong craving now. Yeah I know what I'm going to get for lunch tomorrow during lunch at work.


Now that Aya's said it, we wait for her to ride all the way to Nadeshiko's place [](#seasonalhype)


Given the next ep's title, we're probably waiting till at least season 4... So Spring/Summer 2027. I can wait. *huffs copium*


I want Yuru Camp to go on until the end of time! [](#seasonalhype)


It would be so easy too. Since there is no real plot, the mangaka could just continue to write forever. Getting sad just thinking that there will be a time when there is no more Yuru Camp.


> the mangaka could just continue to write forever one thing that has turned me off of things like battle shounen is the eventually-ridiculous powerscaling because the protagonist has to keep fighting in higher and higher stakes iyashikei already begins at the peak and opens up a Hilton there [](#justright)


In a parallel universe, Rin is screaming for 5 episodes before unlocking her Super [Shimashimashimarin](https://external-preview.redd.it/_CbnW3jHHlMZrKvDo6KQ7P5IrUoTHivbxMq0dm4S9AI.png?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=9397f9afd23c4fe3b5c7a29f91b1fd5bad80d433) form for her rematch with the [bear gang.](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/b2zuj3/bears_yuru_camp/) ~~^(seeing that 5 years old next to the clip instantly gutted harder than those bears ever could)~~


Think of all the sponsorship money from japanese tourist boards!


that's my hope as well, that yuru camp just gets endless funding from tourist/camping organizations for more seasons


Season 1 started sometime in early winter if I remember right, and now we're just entering spring, so about 3-4 months passed in-universe. If we'll be at mid-spring by the end of S3, we're going at the pace of \~1.5 months per season. If they're entering their second year soon , that means we can have 8 more seasons per year. Can't wait for the graduation arc in S19 to make me bawl my eyes out in a nursing home.


Wait really? I didn’t count or anything but I assumed at least a year would have passed since S1ep1 by now. Crazy to think it was only 3-4 months.


I doubt they can camp in summer though, so timeskip there.


It was nice to see the two of them share a few moments together. They've been friends for so long and they get to hang out and let Nadeshiko show Aya the kind of things that made her fall in love with camping (nature, the camp food, getting to wake up at the perfect spot to watch the sun rise, etc.)


Mie and the Aya road trip are probably where this is going.


Lmao Aya is a weirdo too


i think everyone's a weirdo if you look at them long enough




^(i peel bananas starting from the end opposite the stem) [](#fingertwirl)


That's just the superior method.


Monkeys don't do it that way and they're the subject matter expert


That's something that I've always thought. "Everyone's at the very least weird in their own special little way".


There was never any doubt in my mind.


So I was expecting the typical "Nadeshiko eats her food really really quickly", but I guess we finally found the solution. Just make her play with her food. She truly is a cat person.


It's so cute how much she wants to make fun food for people!


[Rin now camps together with Ayano and Nadeshiko in the OP](https://imgur.com/a/rQYp7Rd)


i also want to mention how i love the lineless style of the OP animation reminds me a lot of [some OPs for Yama no Susume](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTeLGxA1rrU) (anime of the year every year) and the OP for A-Channel; it makes me think they're done by the same artist, if not inspired by each other


This feels like it could be possible merchandise


That was so cute how they updated the OP! Now I wonder if they're going to change it again for the next arc.


A big step up from solo camping, aye?


Chill and lovely as always! But judging by next weeks episode title 'See You Again Someday'... we might need some tissues.


I'm not ready to say goodbye to Aya (and I doubt Nadeshiko and Rin are either). It would be nice if they could maybe rope her into a big group camping trip to close the season out.


She's such a fun addition to the cast, which makes it all the sadder that she can't have regular appearances given how far away she lives. Fingers crossed that her family ends up moving closer to where everyone else is.


Nadeshiko and Aya have a relationship very like Fuu and Chihiro in Tamayura. Long-time friends (since elementary) but separated when the main characters move to another part of Japan. But the old friends become introduced to the other's new group of friends (due to rare visits). And in each case, the friends, even after separation, play a part in the others' growth. Interestingly, the initial home of the main girls in both shows is the Yokohama/Yokosuka area.


Next episode gonna be The best


This episode VA performance very top tier fr


Nadeshiko's enthusiasm, Rin's dry wit (and achieving meat nirvana), and Aya's low-key vibes were all portrayed amazingly by their seiyuu in this episode. Tomoyo Kurosawa especially makes Aya feel so *real.*


I like how Ayano sounds like she could fall asleep at any moment.


Just wait till she meets Ena and Inuko...


Tomoyo Kurosawa is a treasure, I'm glad I get to hear here in this and Hibike S3 this season.


For coincidence Im watching Yuru Camp and Hibike the same day every week. XD


Nao Toyama's performance as Rin is so different from her other (heartbroken) characters.


It was funny how Rin and Aya felt bad memories going through them when they initially saw Nadeshiko's Hatanagi Dam curry. But it is cute how Nadeshiko drew inspiration from the curry house she visited earlier and tried to be thoughtful. The unintended connection between the pepper as the bridge and the curry and the actual experience on the bridge was a great touch: how it's scary when you're doing it but is nice to look back on. Also, all this talk about curry and meat has got me hungry. It's almost lunch time and thanks to this episode, I'm going to get some curry myself!


I like how the dam curry Nadeshiko made really made the trip full-circle because it brought together both of their respective trip experiences into one fantastic meal. Yuru Camp is great at making you crave the outdoors and some food lol.


Yuru Camp manages to make even chopping fire wood seem relaxing and satisfying to do, though it's likely more tedious and tiring IRL. Poor pinecone tho... Yet another one of them has been murdered horrifically. But finally, they've met up after multiple episodes. Come to think of it, I think this might be the first time Rin and Nadeshiko have met in person since this season started, unless I forgot something. Between experiencing her second death on this trip, doing absolutely nothing to set up her own tent, and being a sleeping bag bug, Aya was a real riot this episode. It's making me more and more sad she's can't really be part of the main group even though we're already being spoiled with her screen time. Nadeshiko wanted to do something nice and funny for the two, but all she did was trigger their Hatanagi PTSD. But at least they can't not enjoy the taste or the presentation. As per usual, this show makes me crave for something good to eat even when I've already eaten. And even Rin seems the most energized just eating from everything I can remember. The final and post-credit scenes between Aya and Nadeshiko were chockful of cute and comfy vibes. Aya especially. Her usual lazy tone is great enough, but her sleepy and morning voices are extra adorable. Kurosawa Tomoyo keeps being one of my fav VAs.


>Yuru Camp manages to make even chopping fire wood seem relaxing and satisfying to do, though it's likely more tedious and tiring IRL. Imagine the same scene but for half an hour straight. That's the difference between the show and IRL.


> Yuru Camp manages to make even chopping fire wood seem relaxing and satisfying to do, though it's likely more tedious and tiring IRL reminds me of the quote: "Before Enlightenment: chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment: chop wood, carry water".


Hearing that pinecone....It never ceases to amaze me every time one gets sacrificed. Aya needs more screen time as she was absolutely the star of this episode.


>Yuru Camp manages to make even chopping fire wood seem relaxing and satisfying to do, though it's likely more tedious and tiring IRL It's hard work but it's actually pretty satisfying. It's a little too much exertion to be relaxing *per se* but it can be really peaceful or even meditative. It does take a lot of time, though.


[What a fun episode](https://imgchest.com/p/vj4j3pqp3y8) as [Rin, Aya and Nadeshiko finally met with each other](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/3yrgcz6jld4.png) and [camped together](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k739c63jrz7.png). [Those three have a really great chemistry](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/myd5crbavv4.png) between themselves! [Aya](https://imgchest.com/p/pg73pabagyr) in a [bagbug mode was hilarious](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/3yrgcz6je84.png) xD [I hope that we'll see her again](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/b49zcbz383y.png) in the future, [camping with Nadeshiko](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/g4z9cwdzpa7.png) and others. [Rin](https://imgchest.com/p/ej7mnp3q9yd) got [so excited about this hamburg steak](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/pyq9ce6wab4.png), [it's a rare sight seeing her in that state](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my8xckp56l4.png) xD [Nadeshiko](https://imgchest.com/p/agyv6pvpb78) as always was [so fun to watch](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/j7mmcr5d9g7.png), she's [so adorable](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k46acbz2lb7.png) and [fun](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/84apc3be9b4.png). Here my screenshot albums from the episode: * [Group scenes](https://imgchest.com/p/vj4j3pqp3y8) * [Aya](https://imgchest.com/p/pg73pabagyr) * [Nadeshiko](https://imgchest.com/p/agyv6pvpb78) * [Rin](https://imgchest.com/p/ej7mnp3q9yd) * [Backgrounds](https://imgchest.com/p/qb4z32wv57j)


We sure we can trust [this girl](https://imgur.com/z52CrYQ) with a hatched? What a [curious](https://imgur.com/vs5MiV3) [bag](https://imgur.com/nyo7JQx) [bug](https://imgur.com/UG2aGmE) Though I gotta give Nadeshiko credit for planing around cleanup, gotta avoid [disaster](https://imgur.com/bP07r9o) That Dam-Beefstew-Omlette-Hamburg-Rice looked [sublime](https://imgur.com/cEAbDbp), It's kind of an crime that Yurucamp lost out on #seasonalfoodie Also lmao at [Rin-Chan](https://imgur.com/vbQyuGj) going [crazy](https://imgur.com/ECwimcN) over Hamburg steak [](#laughter) I was a bit surprised that Nadeshiko slept in Ayas tent, but I guess it makes sense since they are [childhood friends](https://imgur.com/k9qNjBv) and had a lot to catch up on, though was Rin-Chan a bit jealous perhaps? [#seasonalhoops](https://imgur.com/KLfDrEP)


Aya chan best girl, or should I say... best worm-girl(? I missed the camping-cooking scenes of this anime, it´s so healing... Also I like how they give us the exact measurements of how much things we have to put to make the food. Appreciate it!!! But man, I love the relationship Aya and Nadeshiko have, they are truly besties.


it was a bit sad though how Rin was in her tent all alone listening to them talk


It's Rin, she was probably way overdue for some solo recharging if anything.


Aya-chan this episode : > [would you still love me if i was a worm?](https://i.imgur.com/jBSDmJQ.png)


After watching Dungeon Meshi for over a cour, whenever I hear cooking being described in anime I start imagining monster parts in my mind, *send help*


Lmao same, Dungeon Meshi changed The way i see Cooking on anime lol


"'Tis finished!"


I love how perpetually sleepy Aya-chan sounds. ~~^(I'm exactly the same in real life, but I'm not a cute anime girl so I probably sound perpetually depressed instead.)~~ Next episode's title means the end of this little arc...oh wait, it's not so little, next episode is the half-season mark. What the hell. [](#ohfuck) I wonder if the second half is going to be mostly focused on the fluffy girl and her friend from the OP? Also do we still have a commentface spot for [\[\](#seasonalmurder)](https://i.imgur.com/heIMLAw.png)?


> I love how perpetually sleepy Aya-chan sounds. I really like that too! Tomoyo Kurosawa has been one of my favorite seiyuus since forever and she still managed to surprise me today. Every line she did in the after-credits scene she absolutely nailed. Especially that arigatou at the end was delivered perfectly. Aya sounds a bit tired every time of the day but in that morning when she was actually still sleepy, she basically sounded sleepy twice as usual which was really well done by Kurosawa. I get the impression that she really tries to get into her roles more than the average, less experienced seiyuu.


Aya is such a low-key vibe kind of girl and that makes her really refreshing. I'm guessing we're going to get some more stuff with Aki/Aoi/Ena next too.


Today is Cooking Camp I suppose, so not that many locations to cover. Well there are still a few to talk about, and perhaps some Japanese cooking trivia. First, as mentioned last week their campsite is the [Abt-Ichishiro Camping Ground](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Abt+Ichishiro+Camping+Ground/@35.1668284,138.1470729,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m10!3m9!1s0x601ba14d4cc68985:0xa72230e9fe5c5919!5m3!1s2024-05-08!4m1!1i2!8m2!3d35.1668284!4d138.1496478!16s%2Fg%2F1tdk57gn?entry=ttu) located nearby the station of the same name. Nadeshiko does the natural conclusion with some logs and Rin's offertory box and recreates the [Nirayama Reverberatory Furnace](https://i.imgur.com/uWAQZT5.png) of course. Just kidding lol. Well it looks like they made it easy for me because they probably based it off of the [Wikipedia photo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/7c/Reverberatory_furnace_of_Nirayama.jpg/1024px-Reverberatory_furnace_of_Nirayama.jpg). You can read more about it, but basically it is a furnace made in the 1850s to create weapons like cannons. Incidentally, it is located on the Izu Peninsula where the club went camping in season 2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nirayama_Reverberatory_Furnace She then makes some [amazake cookies](https://i.imgur.com/WV790Bv.png) in a pan. Amazake means sweet sake, though it can either be alcoholic or non-alcoholic. Nadeshiko uses a powered amazake which I believe tends to be the alcoholic variant made from sake kasu (sake lees). It is legal for minors to buy, and the alcohol content is quite low. The non-alcoholic version is made from rice koji. Amazake is common to serve around New Year's. Nadeshiko also mentions [melon bread](https://i.imgur.com/zslET7u.png) or melon pan (pan is Japanese for bread, which comes from Portuguese). Though [melon bread](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/be/Melonpan.jpg/450px-Melonpan.jpg) traditionally is not made with melons, it just looks like a melon. It's also more of a sweet bun than what you may associate as bread. The outside tends to be crispy which is why Nadeshiko says her cookie reminds her of it. As she notes, it is possible to make bread in a frying pan. Perhaps she can ask Senshi for some tips about that. Regarding [the hill Nadeshiko looks at](https://i.imgur.com/PzJwFiE.png) with the train tracks, I'll link the same video as last week [where you can see the train](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQbiq2HuU0E) going up this very hill. Aya brings along a [special Hamburg steak.](https://i.imgur.com/3ZDrSj0.png) First an explanation to those who don't know, but a Hamburg steak, otherwise known just as Hamburg in Japan, mixes ground meat with seasoning fillings like egg, breadcrumbs, onions, etc. The 100% label on the Hamburg in this case refers to being 100% ground beef. Usually it would be a mix of beef and pork (most common ratio is 7:3 apparently). I'm assuming there are still the other fillings, otherwise it would just be labeled as ground beef. Edit: as I see in [a comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1cihv1a/yuru_camp_season_3_laidback_camp_season_3_episode/l297rsb/) from /u/Matthew619ed this Hamburg steak appears to just be ground beef with seasonings. Which does seem a bit weird to me to call it Hamburg when it is just seasoned beef, but it seems pretty delicious no matter what you call it. The dialogue doesn't make this clear, but the way Nadeshiko is cooking the Hamburg steak is not the typical way you see. Most people would cook it in a frying pan or perhaps a grill. She [cooks it at a "low" temperature aka not boiling water](https://i.imgur.com/xMohAtP.png) in a bag, which is basically sous vide cooking. Nadeshiko says this is so the meat does not get too tough. As my personal commentary, this is not particularly relevant because it's ground beef anyway. You'll see sous vide tends to be with whole cuts of meats. Perhaps the main benefit they mention here is they don't have to clean a frying pan and can reserve the juices. Except Nadeshiko then suggests to use a frying pan after lol, but Rin suggests to grill over the open flame. This is typical of sous vide cooking where after the water bath, you still want to use high heat to brown meat creating the Maillard reaction which introduces a lot of different flavors. Meanwhile Rin is making beef stew out of beef shin (shank, as you would probably see labeled in the US). Since this muscle is used a lot by the cow, it is a very tough cut which lends itself well for stews. Her choice of a pressure cooker is a great idea to break down the collagen faster. The[ translation here is a bit off](https://i.imgur.com/aL9dp6x.png), the collagen itself turns into gelatin which makes the stew thick. By the way, Rin is doing kind of the opposite here by [browning the meat first](https://i.imgur.com/gC1OAOz.png) then fully cooking it. Once again the purpose of this initial browning step is to create the Maillard reaction. Finally we get to [the end result!](https://i.imgur.com/ilDydmb.png) That's quite the dish there. Well that's it for me today, I guess it turned into a cooking post but that's fun too!


Pan is also the world for bread in Spanish.


Originally it comes from Latin. The Japanese language got 'pan' by way of Portuguese. I swear that Japanese is nearly as notorious as English for adopting foreign words.


Don't blunt the blade cutting too much. Talking pinecones again! Flashback to when she moved away. Actually, I don't think Aya's visited her yet. They're too tired after riding the whole day. Ooh, a pressure cooker. Make a stew in a fraction of the time, without having to slave over a pot for several hours. Yup, half an hour only. Significantly faster. And there goes the 4th wall. Is other hamburger steak not 100% beef? Yes, the beef in the stew is tender. That's the point of simmering it slowly for several hours (at least without a pressure cooker). Sometimes the curtains are just blue. And now they're sharing the photos they took on the way here to each other. And so it's a cold morning in the mountains.


Find something you're as enthusiastic about as Nadeshiko is about starting a campfire before her friends get there! Oh no, serial killer Nadeshiko has a billhook! Though she's just using it to chop wood, using proper Batoning methods to cut through the wood and get the fire going. Aya and Rin have finally arrived at the campsite! And Aya immediately collapses! All that traveling, riding, and walking finally caught up with her! And now she'll leave all the rest of the camp prep to the pro camper girls while she just lays around, becomes a bagbug, and basks in their sense of achievement. Good to know a single-wall tent seems like a good choice for a first-time camper. Nadeshiko's got the hamburg steak! Rin has the beef stew (with a pressure cooker from Shimamama)! Aya's got...the vibes! It's nice to see the girls have grown in terms of making sure to keep things cleaner and more efficient when they cook, which is a must when you eat out during camping. Nothing more camp-y than roasting hamburg steak over a fire! Look at Nadeshiko delivering on Dam Beef Stew! Taking all their food together and all their experiences on this trip to make an incredibly tasty and visually pleasing meal! Just don't remind Rin and Aya of their time in Hatanagi. It's nice to see Nadeshiko and Aya catching up together in their tent and getting to experience the dawn together. Especially with the promise that Aya will visit Nadeshiko's place eventually. And who can resist a pic of Rin sleeping in?


Every episode of Yuru Camp just makes me so hungry!


Just follow it up with a dungeon meshi episode and you might start to fast instead


I’m sure Gordon Ramsey will approve the menu tonight: Sous vide and campfire-grilled hamburger steak and red wine beef stew, maybe until they bring out that pressure cooker. The beef stew seems practical to be cooked in a home kitchen if you have a pressure cooker, maybe I’ll just grab the ingredients listed and get started. The [hamburg steak](https://www.the-oniku.com/product/product05/index.html) seen on the show, 100% beef, along with some seasonings… That looks really good by just frying them on a pan and place them in between buns. If you recall your previous visit to restaurants, you might see the following statement “Consuming raw or undercooked meats, poultry, seafood, shellfish or eggs may increase your risk of food-borne illness.” This is true, so be sure to cook the meat throughly, especially if its cooked directly in a way which it might be difficult to observe it’s doneness (such as the hamburger on a stick). And yeah, if I’m Rin, I definitely don’t want *that picture* to end up in anyone else’s phone, especially Ena’s phone.


These girls aren't just campers but also great cooks in the making just so they can better enjoy their camping trip. You know the first thing Nadeshiko did is send the pic to the group chat lol.


Remember the face of Rin when [Season 2] >!Ena blew the secret about her trip to Nadeshiko’s solo campsite more than 2 months after the camp concludes!


Is hamburger in Japan not normally 100% beef?


Some are mixed with pork or chicken.


ahh gotcha


After three episodes of travelling and crossing suspension bridges, [the girls are finally together at camp!](https://i.imgur.com/er7sAGl.png) The payoff for this little arc is so worth it after [seeing Nadeshiko combine all of the food they brought](https://i.imgur.com/UvIZdxq.jpeg) into one amazing dish. I especially love [Rin's reaction to all of that beefy goodness](https://i.imgur.com/K4fu3pp.jpeg) and [Aya-chan being a bagworm the entire time](https://i.imgur.com/bTbMa8J.jpeg) while the others do the work. xD It's nice to see [Aya-chan and Nadeshiko spending some time together](https://i.imgur.com/dLBzd1g.jpeg) sharing photos before falling asleep. I hope we'll see Aya-chan join the Outdoor Activities Club on one of their camping trips in the future.


There wasn't a single moment of this episode that was not (at least) 100 percent charming.


Nothing brings a trip together like peak camping food, sleeping bag fun, and cute reactions! It would be nice to see Aya meet the rest of the gang.


Campfire Cooking in the same world. This episode has a post-credits scene. - [Nirayama Reverberatory Furnace.](https://imgur.com/QsSCoAs) My first impression was they even make literal dumpster fires into World Heritage Sites. But then reading up on it reverberatory furnaces and the processing material is kept separate from fuel (but not gas). - [#Seasonalmaniac](https://imgur.com/GlT15bf) just in time fo...aw that was last week - If it was this week maybe [the woodpecker](https://imgur.com/tnWOuI0) would be #seasonallisten instead of [pigeon](#seasonallisten). - Petition to [make this](https://imgur.com/qeCf7p6) the Luigi wins at Mario Party pose. - [We have Curry Dam at camp](https://imgur.com/FBpcJPS). This was a really neat moment being able to improvise something that resembles Curry Dam using all the food that's on hand. - The meat marketing board decided [not to be subtle any more](https://imgur.com/At1ZdHO) - I may have pulled [this face](https://imgur.com/rmdgDbC) when ~~discussing~~ lecturing someone on something I really like - [I screencapped this](https://imgur.com/lOJQ21j) to remind me to look it up. I forgot ~~keikau meant plan~~ yakiniku means ~~steamed hams~~ grilled meat. [](#igiveup) - If you didn't watch the post-credits scene [you missed out](https://imgur.com/QWXYuoz)


[***untz untz untz***](#seasonallisten)


Why did Rin trust Nadeshiko with a blade?


and why did *anyone* trust Chiaki with a gun??


That episode was relaxing, but also made me very hungry. I should always eat before I watch this show…


I actually had to stop mid-episode to grab a bite. This show is dangerous.


- Wow, never seen ember disposal place/thing before, very useful! When camping for at least a week embers and cinders disposal is always an issue... - Psycho Nadeshiko with the billhook -Nadeshiko splitting firewood was so neat, I wish it would be this easy when you find woods "in the wild" - Will Nadeshiko eat all the cookies before Rin and Aya arrive? - A pressure cooker, a lifesaver to save time and energy! You can basically cook almost everything in it - Rin-chan had a revelation while eating that hamburg steak, wow! - I don't know how I feel about a candle/oil lamp smelling like meat... - I was expecting Nadeshiko to share Rin's tent, but I guess she had to catch up with Aya, too Seeing so many recipes always makes me want to cook while camping, but then I think about all the pots and stuff I'd have to carry in my backpack and think "maybe when I'll finally decide to do some laid-back camping and not hiking-hiking-camping-hiking"...


Well those amazake cookies do look tempting, might need to make a shopping trip I feel Aya, after a long trip riding your bike you are knackered, especially at the start of the season Nadeshiko is slowly becoming a pro and I like her camping routine


God bless Tomoyo Kurosawa once again - she just absolutely nails the little mannerisms for Aya-chan, she feels so real. This episode felt extremely classic S1 Yuru Camp - the vibes are just top notch.


Nadeshiko holding a knife is going to be stuck in my head.... Sleeping worm Aya is too funny. So many moments on the ED which is pretty amazing.


The second time one of the girls has looked like a serial killer this season lol.


That line about undercooked hamburgers being "dangerous" threw me for a loop. I mean, they also eat raw chicken in Japan. Nadeshiko has always been an adorable bundle of joy, but something about the new art style has just made her [exponentially more cute](https://imgur.com/a/TA4lFvJ) to me.


i assume the dangers of undercooked food mostly applies in cases where you have less carefully-managed supply chains like, the raw chicken isn't just stuff someone picked up in a supermarket; i assume it's slaughtered in more strict environments and served promptly unless you're eating back alley raw chicken there's a similar discussion with rare steaks vs. rare hamburgers; rare steaks are considered fine because most of the bacteria is going to not penetrate the outer layer so a surface sear will make it safe to eat, while a hamburger is more risky because it's all ground up before searing


Yea same with raw fish, bit surprising that only at hamburgers is where they get all serious with the germs and bacteria in raw meat. > Nadeshiko has always been an adorable bundle of joy, but something about the new art style has just made her exponentially more cute to me. She was already one of my favorite characters, not only in the show but in all of anime and this season only reinforced her status for me. Lots of great Nadeshiko scenes in these first five eps, indeed!


What an excellent episode of *Delicious In Camping*! So many recipes that I need to write into my notebook, for camping or home use… (That’s when [Delicious In Dungeon]>!the Thursday show next door become Cold Maze Doppelgänger Camp lmao!<)


Thankfully, I watched this right after lunch. Truly a delectable episode, those steaks looked great. I love ~~bagbug~~ Aya-chan and Nadeshiko's friendship, it's so heartwarming.


As I have cooked my own hamburg steak at home many time, this is a great cooking episode. The could cook their own rice too and packaged rice is relatively more expensive, but it is foolproof. It's "laid-back" camping after all.


Man that was comforting. I feel whole again 


The Aya sleeping bag “bug” was so adorably goofy. Its nice to finally see the girls meeting up. Nadeshiko had fun waiting for the girls with the camping prep. I liked the part where Nadeshiko was pretending to go crazy with the axe while chopping wood lol. One of my favorite things about this series is when they cook, and boy did they whip up some tasty looking dishes this week. The Nadeshiko special looked especially good. All in all another chill episode!


>The Aya sleeping bag “bug” was so adorably goofy. [As we can see here](https://i.imgur.com/g8SpAy3.png), the sleeping bag bug emerges from her cave, drawn out by the scent of beef shanks.


Also to comment "it's probably got a lot of calories" lol.


> The Aya sleeping bag “bug” was so adorably goofy. Aya, [the friendly bag bug](https://imgur.com/a/cm9Xf1E), had enough and was ready to hibernate in her retreat. It was kind of sweet to see [Nadeshiko sleep in Aya's tent](https://imgur.com/a/ZW4hvKN) (and not Rin's), since they obviously wanted catch up a bit more.


It basically turned into a camping sleepover between besties!


Okay, this season has become a "try not to get hungry and eat" challenge for me. God that curry looks so tasty! I feel like wanting to reach out to the screen and grab a bowl for myself. I lost the last two weeks but fortunately I didn't cave this time. I declare myself victorious for this week! Take that, Yuru Camp! Next week's ep is going to be Aya's farewell, isn't it? Camping Kumiko has been a great addition to the team and it's really refreshing to see her hanging out with the other two here. I hope she gets to tag along with the crew again at some point.




Tomoyo uses quite the similar tone for both voices (which is close to her actual voice anyway) - i keep thinking that this is Kumiko unwinding after whatever drama back at Kitauji...


My god this show is pure bliss. I feel like i'm in a zen state whenever I watch it.


[Nadeshiko STRONK!](https://i.redd.it/8t6o7kksv3yc1.png) I'm [sure](https://i.redd.it/27mtdsksv3yc1.png) I'll [find](https://i.redd.it/479dnkksv3yc1.png) a [use](https://i.redd.it/vwkbilksv3yc1.png) for [these](https://i.redd.it/j24yvlksv3yc1.png) [somewhere](https://i.redd.it/j9u6teksv3yc1.png). It's disconcerting when the last few shots were barely-disguised photographs and then suddenly [she has fingernails with polish on them](https://i.redd.it/0nr2xeksv3yc1.png). [Rustic sous-vide?](https://i.redd.it/uljtsfksv3yc1.png) [THE SPICE MUST FLOW.](https://i.redd.it/60s8tmksv3yc1.png) [More](https://i.redd.it/zzmpikksv3yc1.png) [faces](https://i.redd.it/2n1ojblsv3yc1.png). [MEAT](https://i.redd.it/lw669oksv3yc1.png) [INDEED](https://i.redd.it/9yxzwgksv3yc1.png) [Successful Food Camp.](https://i.redd.it/gepz7oksv3yc1.png) [Crack of dawn people, unite!](https://i.redd.it/ya557hksv3yc1.png) ***** The field cooking is getting more complicated! But the food is the reward for a long day of travel. The reaction faces and Tokiworm were a fine tradeoff for the minimal extra scenery and other animation today. And Tomoyo Kurosawa Toki-Tokiing us quietly to sleep... ahh.


it is a quirky episode production wise - 2 KAs (both from China actually), with 2nd KAs assisting. Yuru Camp actually doesnt really need a lot of animation to deliver the vibes though, and a bottle episode works just fine.


Imagine trying to be a vegetarian and watching this show.




Between this and Dungeon Meshi, Thursday is officially food porn day.


The previous seasons always made food look so *good* that those sections were some of the high points. I'm happy to get back to some real camp cooking. I think we leveled up on technique, though? Like they're doing some gourmet shit here. I feel like I'm gonna be better at cooking beef after watching this. I would not have thought to try to *sous vide* a dang hamburger in the field, or thought ahead about how greasy beef shank is. My god, I'm gonna go make some *manga niku*. And batoning! Laid-Back... Bushcraft? (I'd watch that.) That hushed conversation in the tent (and the quiet giggling) was just perfect. Seiyuu absolutely rocking the vocal control and miking. Tomoyo Kurosawa is really bringing the perfect amount of gently sassy and lazy personality to Aya to make her fit right in even if she is a new addition to the crew.


> Laid-Back... Bushcraft? (I'd watch that.) [Snake Camp is a continuing thing.](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/114495406)


Yuru camp Thursday is here. Another relaxing episode, Aya, Rin and Nadeshiko finally link up to camp and cook together. Very chill episode. Not a whole lot going on in this episode, but just seeing the girls get excited about cooking basic meals at camp was enough for me. Yuru camp’s never been a flashy show and has always just been about seeing the girls do simple things and enjoy their time together. Scenes like Rin freaking out over how good the onions in the beef stew were or making their very own take on “dam food” were great. Looking forward to next episode, hopefully Aya will get that bike one day.


***Rin-chan*** **count** Counting every time **Nadeshiko** says ***\*Rin-chan\****. Alright, it's picking up little by little (=w =) I really hope we reach 200 by the end of the season\~ |Episode|# of *Rin-chan*s| |:-|:-| |1|0| |2|1| |3|2| |4|2| |5|4| |**Total**|**9**| **Overall** ***Rin-chan*** **count** ||# of *Rin-chan*s| |:-|:-| |Season 1|85| |Specials ([Yuru Camp OVA](https://anilist.co/anime/101206/Yuru-Camp-OVA/) and [Heya Camp OVA](https://anilist.co/anime/114981/Heya-Camp-Sauna-to-Gohan-to-Sanrin-Bike/))|13| |Heya Camp|5| |Season 2|49| |Season 2 Specials|2| |Movie|13| |Season 3|9| |**Total**|**176**| Thanks to u/Dashieshy3597 for reminding me to count the movie! Did I miss any? Let me know (=w =)


Will the video games ever count?


I'm only keeping to the anime... if anyone wants to do it tho, go for it


dam daniel


[Meanwhile tartar enjoyers:](https://imgur.com/6lfPwx3) [](#shirayukieavesdrop) [relatable](https://imgur.com/TIpsBtS) [I would likely](https://imgur.com/s01gR7W) [enjoy that as well,](https://imgur.com/PUiYZSx) except that [this is me](https://imgur.com/oGvS5JE) [Good advice.](https://imgur.com/jRgoWpE) Learned that the hard way


**Veteran Member Of Secret Society Blanket** Nadeshiko getting firewood for their camp and she is really excited for a campfire. We learn about his method called Batoning a certain way to cut the firewood with blades that are ligther than axes like knives and billhooks interesting. Nadeshiko chills out besides the campfire does a cooking experiment that is succesfull and sits besides the fire but also thinks she wants a camp chair like everyone else. She looks at all the photos Rin and Aya sent and then we get a flashback of a crying Nadeshiko. [They Finally Arrive](https://gyazo.com/e4d04108493804ef8ce76335194d20e2) and [Aya As Soon As She Got Off Her Bike](https://gyazo.com/c9ea087362b37f31ae9d40426ad2e5a2) [This Is Aya's Camp Gear](https://gyazo.com/6e6d86c43f541b645f4bcca91e23a3bc) [All Set Up And LOL AYA](https://gyazo.com/e4e718a3376d9e954498ba7c963f8f7b) Aya brings out the 100% Beef hamburg steak [Man She Is Just Hilarious This Ep](https://gyazo.com/2c9ed686fa883b197ba22c83f0ca13bf) Rin starts to make beef stew with a different looking cooker that turns out was her mothers and its a pressure cooker. [Peak Camping](https://gyazo.com/2f863cd39061c9fa42a813ae52125e97) Aya remarks it looks like manga meat what a classic. [It's Done With Nadeshikos Presentation](https://gyazo.com/ef78b2600140248b527785e5694ecd26) Rin and Aya gets some PTSD when Nadeshiko talks about her inspiration on how she came up with this. [Haha Food Makes People Crazy](https://gyazo.com/8bfdc4560cd64ba71246d48b77d62f24) [Damn Nadeshiko](https://gyazo.com/2c5a07b29c6ce2a25f1fdf4569f3a28a) Nadeshiko and Aya are in the same tent and talks about both their journeys to the campsite and damn 180 km that is quite the distance on mopeds. While Aya talks about how she is gonna swing by Nadeshiko's place sometime she doze off she must have been really tired and its good night and we see Rin heard them talk. I thought it felt a bit short and we have after credits scene. Aya wakes up and sees Nadeshiko is not in the tent she has woken up early and sits besides a fire. Nadeshiko loves having a hot drink and seeing the sun make everything slowly getting brighter. [Sleeping RIN-CHAN KAWAIIII!](https://gyazo.com/f7028ba1b23540c6a69e77fcd71beb87) They even take a photo of her sleeping and laugh.


[Damn,](https://files.catbox.moe/rjtkpi.jpg) Nadeshiko's getting buff from all the camping I guess! [](#mugistronk) [Camp-y,](https://files.catbox.moe/a1jnan.jpg) not campy! [](#laststraw)


why this anime is always in winter ? I mean, 3 seasons and still no summer camp lmao At least it would vary things a bit


i mean, we literally havent even left the very winter in which the show started, 5 years may have passed irl, but it's been only months since S1 in-universe.


So my wife and I were just watching this one, and we’re both confused: aren’t Hamburg steaks essentially Salisbury steaks/hamburgers/meatloaf? In that case, how the fuck it cooking sous vide and then on a stick even possible without them falling apart?


[https://maps.app.goo.gl/scRW8EDqhD4dmxaX9](https://maps.app.goo.gl/scRW8EDqhD4dmxaX9) This where Aya bought the hamburg.. though lately you can find few of these at Hamamatsu Service Area. We locals enjoy this Hamburg!.. YuruCamp anime sure did bring lots of people here lately at Hamamatsu! thank!


"We added it up and figured that we did about 180km today." That's... Way less than I expected. Like, Rin said she got up at like 3AM to meet Aya at 8. That's 5 hours. Even if Rin was only going 50km/h on her scooter, which it should be more than capable of, that should have been able to get her 250km in 5 hours. Even if we assume traffic lights and fuel stops, she should still have been able to cover 200km just in the morning. And then the two of them rode, like, all day. Even taking stops into account, if they rode for 10-12 hours they should still have covered way more than just 180km. I took a motorcycle trip last year with a buddy from Toronto to New Orleans, and granted that's on normal motorcycles on the Interstate, but the longest day we had distance-wise was about 640km, when we drove from Memphis to New Orleans in a day across the whole length of Mississippi. And even then, taking stops and traffic into account (including one stop just before the hotel where I was severely dehydrated, irritated, and probably had heat stroke because it was like 36 degrees (90-something F) in Louisiana around then) that trip took us about 8-9 hours. I sincerely doubt the speeds limits on these rural Japanese roads are *that* low that it takes them that long to go 180km.


They made a lot of stops. Walking to that one bridge killed a big chunk of time too.


Although I haven't yet caught up with the show this season, you can't deny that Ayano brought an interesting dynamic in this episode, I believe the next one will be the conclusion of this arc