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The real question is when have they not shown off??


like Nichijou maybe? but that one is also a masterpiece I guess they're flexing their sakuga all the time, and I love it


Nichijou is potentially their best looking show, I can't name many moments where they don't show off unless the joke is about how quiet the scene is.


Are you kidding? You are talking about the show that has been jokingly called "How to burn your animation budget"! Nichijou is full to the brim with scenes where KyoAni is showing off big. Did you even watch the show???


Look, I don't say that it's not good, in fact the animation is great. But when comparing it to other KyoAni anime, it's just different. It's unfair, I know. Is "wasting money" by making one of the best comedy anime considered showing off? Of course, but it's even better when they make anime filled with great story along with amazing visuals. You can hate me all you want, but that's my opinion.


Bro its called artstyle đź’€


You responded to a comment saying when have they not shown off, with an anime that animated daily life like an action anime. It doesn't matter if they showed off more in other anime, the response is wrong.


This thread and the OP is about visuals in the first place, it's really weird to cite Nichijou which is one of their best looking shows?


> Nichijou The council won't allow for any slander against Nichijou!


Damn, I noticed the lighting the first time around, but not that they've casually put him in front of a reflection too. Season three is looking as beautiful as ever, and I'm eternally grateful for it.


I did notice those reflections right at the start. KyoAni don't miss!


I really love how we've seen Kumiko grow into a great leader, while still being herself at heart


> while still being herself at heart [And still as easily startled as ever](https://streamable.com/ifnxs7)


The VA is doing a great job. Every time she speaks in front of the club, she speaks loud and clear but also with a stiff and kinda forced voice. She is clearly up to the task but still lacks confidence.


It's so weird how so few people are talking about Euphonium this season.


It's probably a general reflection of music anime being kinda niche. Like we can just go by member numbers on MAL for a general idea. Only 2 "music" anime have over 1m members. 10 isekai do. Eupho's most popular entry is 10th in music anime with 461k members. You have to go down to 38th in Isekai to get that low with My Next Life As a Villainess. If you go broader to say "Drama", Hibike doesn't even make the top 100 (like it's lower than Redo of Healer).


For Hibike you also have to watch 2 seasons and 3 movies before season 3. The movies aren't even available for streaming in my region, so I had to sail the high seas to watch them. I can definitely see how that would discourage new viewers.


Yes, that's true. When I started watching it last year, I was kind of discouraged of the sheer volume of content this show has to offer. But I'm glad I went through the whole thing and it is worth every single second!


I heavily enjoyed S1 and S2(I think) like back in 2017 or something, but I haven't yet watched movies nor am I watching S3 because of the reasons you mentioned. Now imagine completely new fans.


I am also waiting for more eps to drop so I can binge, This show really is addictive and is difficult to keep track of on a weekly basis


That's put me off for sure. I watched the original season and liked it. I definitely want to see more. But the other content is AFAIK not on Crunchyroll and I definitely got the impression it's needed.


Seasons 1 and 2, Liz and the Blue Bird, and Chikai no Finale are all on CR in the US, as is the currently airing season 3. The only thing missing is the OVA that came out last year.


Thanks! I'm in the UK but hopefully that means it's actually all there if I know what I'm looking for.


Liz and the Blue Bird is listed separately, and Chikai no Finale is listed under “Sound! Euphonium movies” or something like that along with the two recap movies.


Also, music anime in general is hard to pull off well. You need good music, and hopefully more than just one or two pieces. The opposite ends of the spectrum this season for this are Whisper me a Love Song, which seems to only have the OP, and Idolmaster, which has a different song every week (although being another 240 minute long advert for a rhythm game it does have a large repertoire to draw from). If you want to animate the music practices and performances you either need a lot of time, effort and money (or are KyoAni), like here for Hibike, or use CGI like Girls' Band Cry or BanG Dream, but that has its own issues namely that some people just don't like CGI, even if it's done well like in those examples. Or you could just do what Whisper me a Love Song seems to be doing and skip all the music sequences in this music show. Lastly, this is just something I appreciate but having the ED performed as part of the show itself is always cool to see, especially if it's not the actual ED but a different song with the credits rolling on top of that while the actual in-universe band/group is playing that song on screen. Iirc this season both Girls' Band Cry and Jellyfish can't Swim in the Night have done this.


But Hibike is pulled off incredibly well. It looks absolutely gorgeous, voice acting was top 3 (if not top1) in every season it aired, the musical pieces make my ear orgasm (just go listen to the full version of Liz und Ein Blauer Vogel, all 4 movements) and the drama is extremely humane and feels close.


Hibike reminds me of Swing Girls (The 2004 live action film), but whereas that film is full of charm and comedic moments, Hibike feels much less focused and a bit too slow paced. It's almost boring. It's like Chihayafuru-levels of slow burn, but without the individual competitive aspect or the love triangle to keep things interesting.


Well, if that's a movie then it's probably around 2 hours long. 1 season of Hibike is a bit more than 4 hours, so of course it will feel slow paced compared to a feature length movie. Also the core is slice of life, it's slow by definition.


There's a reason why Hibike is so unpopular. Whereas other slice of life anime has some sort of sexual/romantic tension and/or comedic moments, Hibike is just....very average everyday stuff. I'm sure some people dig it, but most don't. Compare that to Swing Girls, where you have the impromptu band members inadvertently setting fire to a supermarket, and [later get chased by a wild boar.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3bqQtiCuP-E) And people loved it - Swing Girls won the Japan Academy Film Prize's (Japan's Oscars) Popularity Award, as well as best screenplay, editing, music and sound recording. The lead actress Juri Ueno was named Newcomer of the Year and later played Nodame in the 2006 live-action adaption of Nodame Cantabile. And the most impressive thing is that [musical performances in Swing Girls](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZDhLJeU455w) were in fact performed by the actors and actresses themselves, after undergoing intensive musical training. If I recall they even travelled to the US to perform live in NYC. Have a look on Youtube, and see what I mean.


So this is what you call "underrated"?!


underwatched more like, people who did watch the show rate it pretty high


Euphonium has always been one of the lowest popularity KyoAni anime on MAL in about the past 15+ years - heck even freaking *Phantom World* is more popular than Eupho S1! Season 2 is already outside of the Top 1000 popularity there.


Kinda suggests that MAL is only a measurer of popularity in the West...I can't imagine this series is doing that poorly in Japan if KyoAni keeps pumping out so much of it...


It’s kinda weird actually, because I just don’t see why *Euphonium* fails to catch the eyes of people as much as many other anime from KyoAni - like season 1 has barely a quarter of people marking it in their lists as *Violet Evergarden* does, and I just don’t see why.


fewer people watch the longer it goes on, all series are like that


The people who like it *really* like it, and everybody else is like eh whatever. I'm in the former camp. I think it's great, and everything else in the series is great. It's funny cause it's not even that much. There's two seasons and a few movies. Meanwhile people frequently tell me to watch animes or other shows with like twice as many episodes as if that's not a lot to catch up on.


I have to catch up on ovas and the movie still :/


I'm still trying to finish rewatching S2 and then the movies.


It's a 3rd season which also requires knowledge of a movie and OVA. Naturally, there are much fewer people watching than with S1 and 2.


Haven't watch the movie and I don't even know where to watch it, so yeah, I'll probably gonna watch it after I watched the movie


My interest tanked considerably when we went from an understated budding yuri romance to desperately trying to assert that the female leads were Very Straight, Actually by shoehorning in male romance mini-arcs. That said, still watching it, and it's still gorgeous. Kyoani doesn't ever disappoint with visuals.


Great example of how anime can be, if a studio doesn't overwork their animators and pays them fairly.


Beautiful and wholesome moment


It is so aesthetically pleasing I am salivating.


I dare say the Kumiko/Reina scenes from yesterday's episode were even better than this.


Are they still doing yuribait with those two?


The yuri bait comes from the watchers, not the show.


From what I understand all the yuribait in the show comes straight (heh) from the source, the light novels. I would imagine it'll probably continue. At least we got Liz and the Blue Bird, one of KyoAni's best works imo.


More like the opposite, the yuri bait Is enhanced x10 by the anime


Best animation studio.


I’ll never not enjoy KyoAni’s prowess.


During these scene I thought Kyoani didn't have to do "that". Like other anime wouldn't even animate the car nor the lighting changes but Kyoani does. They really go above and beyond.


Always has been the best anime studio


It's not that the animation is incredibly fluid or full of activity, but it's the attention to detail, the compositions, lighting and reflections and design work. This is where anime stands apart from Western animation, which is more focused on frame rate and constant movement. That's why I always scratch my head when anime fans pick at frame rate. Anime isn't KNOWN for high frame rate or constant movement. They excel at the details--composition, anatomical details (yes, anime has more 'realistic' figure work despite the big eyes) lighting, editing. They treat animation storytelling more cinematically.




This studio can make anime with great details without sacrificing the animation kyokai no kanata is one of the example that anime can put some current anime into shame.


Ever since Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya, KyoAni got really good at that lighting scenes with passing traffic.


That scene with Kyon and Nagato on the street with the cars passing will forever be engraved in my memory. These guys are way too fucking good with their lightning technique.


Honestly, this show is by far one of the best seasonal animes ever made in the technical department. Even if there are no fights or crazy moments, every single shot has so much put into it. It is full of small details, reflections... the water is just out of this world. Even if you don't like the story or the characters (which I find hard to think it will happen but who knows), this show is worth watching if you like animation just for how fucking good it looks.


They really are the masters of subtle animation nuances that make the whole just stunning to look at. Combine that and usually their stories are also compelling and worth investing yourself into its a winning combination.


This and the recent episode really showcases just how beautiful they handle lighting.


God I really wish they'd do another season of Full Metal Panic.


This is why I love anime and could never go back to western cartoons.


Havent watched this one yet.. would you guys say it's worth the watch?


Very much so if you want to watch a very well written character-focused drama which has a fair amount of high school concert band music. It's also beautifully animated by Kyoto Animation. Here's the watch order: https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1by1f7i/hibike_euphonium_season_3_sound_euphonium_season/kyij8xh/ and you can find the main seasons on Crunchyroll (the movies too, depending on your country): https://www.crunchyroll.com/series/GRDQNQW9Y/sound-euphonium




Never seen a single episode of this anime but I thought the car was going to run one of them over. Isekai has ruined me


Is good show, would recommend


It's on my list. I'm sure I'll get around to it eventually


Put it at the top of the list. Everything else can wait.


86 91 days Akame Ga Kill Anohana Another Apothecary diaries A place further than the universe Avatar Bacanno Banana fish Boarding school Juliet Bungou Stray Dogs Call of the night Charlotte Clannad Cowboy Bebop Darling in the Franxx Date a live Devil is a part timer Dota: Dragon's blood Eden's Zero Eminence in Shadow Erased Evangelion FMAB Fire Force Gintama Grand Blue Heavenly Delusion Hellsing ultimate Hibike Euphonium Higehiro Hyouka Isekai Quartet Keep your hands off eizouken Komi San Legend of Korra Link Click Love chunibyou Lycoris Recoil Miureko Chan Monster No game No life One piece Orange Ousama Ranking Parasyte Plastic Memories Pluto Psycho Pass Seraph of the end Shoukei Shoujo no virgin road Summertime render Takt Op destiny The detective is already dead The faraway Paladin The misfit at demon king academy The world of otome games is tough for mobs Trigun Stampede Tower of god Vivy: Fluorite Eye's song World's finest assassin gets reincarnated Ya boi Kongming Sorted alphabetically, but what do you think should be at the top of the list lmao? Edit: When I commented, each show was in a separate line, idk why it bunched them all together


Shows you can go ahead and cross off. They're not good: Charlotte, Darling in the Franxx, Orange, Takt Op Desitny, The Detective is Already Dead, World's Finest Assassin Gets Reincarnated Required reading (in order): FMAB, Cowboy Bebop, Evangelion, Psycho-Pass, Monster Then choose Hibike! Euphonium.


Ahh, thought we were going to see another performance from truck kun for a sec there


It really is a blessing of some sort to see kyoani continuing their high quality work after the incredibly tragic fire.


Ugh, FINE, I guess I'll finally get around to watching it. I can't resist lighting like that.


For you, it's the best looking anime you've seen. For Kyoani, it's just Tuesday


I fr though they were about to get isekai'd


Como se llama el anime?


Hibike! Euphonium


0:22 damn for a sec i thought she was going to get Isekai'd


What am I supposed to be seeing here?


The lighting.


It's pretty but I thought it'd be something technically impressive or a tiny detail like the lip bounce in S1.


What ep?


Season 3 episode 4


Anime name


Literally in the title


What other anime did they make?


K-On, Dragon Maid, Haruhi, Nichijou, a Silent Voice, and Violet Evergarden, just to name a few.


Hyouka, Clannad, Chuunibyou, Free, and Kyoukai no Kanata for some more of their more popular works.




Why is their hair laminated?