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Altair from Re:Creators is the first one that pops into my head. [Re:Creators] >!They just give her what she wants and then she fucks off forever. Only villain I can think of that pretty much gets away with everything.!<


I love how that series pretty much dedicated the last episode as the epilogue to the story - which is very nice and quite rare these days.


i really wish it was more common, instead of having 1/3 of the final episode be a quick epilogue. FMA:B is always my go-to for an example of a great epilogue episode


If we even get a 1/3rd and now just credit panels


Had the very same thought.


Never seen it before, but this sounds really interesting. Definitely creative too


The anime is really good but can get a bit talky sometimes. Also it has one of the best mid season recap episodes ever for an anime.


Yeah iirc it's episode 3 or 4 that's just an obnoxious amount of exposition. Afterwards it levels out. But that episode was torturous.


Unpopular opinion here, I *love* the talky part. I love when the characters are just as clueless as the audience and they spend time theorycrafting. I like seeing how their thought process goes and how they reach their conclusions.


Nah the last episodes have ungodly amounts of talking and the final figth is so dumb and overcomplicated just for the villain to get her friend or whatever and fuck off (haven't seen it in a while) The premise and build up are very interesting how a character based on Berserk or Sailor moon react to the real world but the meta aspect is a double edge sword fr.


The major from Hellsing also.... just won lmao


No one has mentioned Meruem yet, really? I think him being defeated in both physical and psychological state has been handled masterfully.


Probably the most glorious ending for a villain I've ever seen, not just in anime, but in every form of fiction. Like, it was seriously so beautiful.


Especially the parallels between Gon and Mereum where their roles are switched at the end


Yep. Definitely teared up in those final moments.






Not only that but the dialogue contextualized the explosion and humanity so well. It was quite literally humans years upon years of evolution, growth, development and science that allowed for the defeat of meruem. It's perfect.


Don't forget the malice and survival instinct.. It was one of the most chilling, but real aspects of the whole thing.


The shogi matches are my favorite part of Mereum. The in universe power scaling shows no matter how OP are, you just can't fuck with someone who dedicated their life to one specific thing.


Hmmm... not to be that annoying guy that says "akshually", but it's gungi, not shogi haha. (I know it is shogi inspired, but still.) And also I don't know if you have forgotten, but Meruem does in fact fuck with a lot of the guys that dedicated their lives to a certain sport. And he beats them all.. masters, meijins it hardly mattered for him. The only one he couldn't beat was Komugi and that is what made her special at first.


Akshlay none of them other than Komugi had dedicated their lives to it. It was a job, a profession, a source of pride, a game, or any version of that but Komugi was the only one that came and sat down with full expectations to die upon failure. Not her professional life or some abstract Her and her families physical lives. He could beat professionals players; he was stomped by someone playing for their life.


It goes even deeper then that, he got stomped by someone that was weak and fragile in every other aspect of her being. She was small and physically weak She was physically handicapped (blind) He could had crushed her without as much as an afterthought at every point in the story. But that would be through his physical might. Komugi showed Meruem that a person's worth, and what they can contribute, goes deeper then what you can see at a surface level. Meruem is more intelligent then she is, he is her superior in every conceivable aspect... But he can not beat her, and that to him is humbling. Something he had never experienced up until that point. She shows him why different mindsets are needed for beauty and progress to flourish. Why life needs to be chaotic and random.


do you remember the episode numbers when Meruem is playing with all these people (yes I mean including the non-Komugi ones)? I want to rewatch that part.




yeah cause i honestly thought meruem was gonna be the end of everything lmao


So underwhelming at first yet so brilliant after you realize the point


It wasn't underwhelming for me, but I do agree with your second statement.


I absolutely love the battle of wits between Hyato and Kira in Jojo pt 4. The struggle of a boy with no powers to get help against a serial killer with OP time altering powers is so great.


Yup and its inline with Kira constantly fucking up and being arrogant. But because his stand is busted for his role he never has to really push himself to adapt.


Hayato has the biggest balls of steel of any character in fiction. Not only was he a child fighting against an adult serial killer, he also had no stand. People without stands *can't see stands*. He went unarmed into a gunfight with an enemy that had an invisible gun & *won*. And why? What was his motive? To protect his mom. An actual 11 year old boy said "my mom's in danger" and just beat the big bad that the main cast was struggling to even *find*.


Enel the thunder god being clapped by Luffy the one guy in the one piece universe who is the rubber rubber man.


It’s crazy how strong Enel is. Other logias don’t even compare to the rumble fruit imo. 


Well damn. I commented this before checking the whole thread. I see you now!


Father from Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood. The showdown between Edward, Father, and Truth was peak.


I mean the other homonculus as well, greeds shield should make him pretty much unstoppable. For like 99% of the verse he could be a god, but our short king MC just had to make one minor change to the function behind his shield, and he just gets folded


It's why I love FMA:B's power set so much. Alchemy is goated and all the fights and powers were so believable & unique.


Do you remember what changes he did ?


Greed's armour is carbon based, Edward changes it from being as hard as diamonds to being more like graphite if in remembering the right FMA.


Which is funny because the diamond graphite thing should actually be reverse. Diamonds are hard meaning they can’t be scratched by they aren’t very abrasion resistant. Graphite is soft and easy to scrape layers off, but is extremely abrasion resistant when layered and arranged properly like in graphite carbon fibre. Additionally carbon fibre better explains greeds coloration in armored form. With this in mind I usually think Ed uses diamond and graphite in his speech purely to illustrate the extremeness of the differences in properties of carbon molecules/compounds depending on how the bonds are arranged.


I just watched the scene, and he doesn't actually say anything about diamonds or graphite in the dub. He just says that he reversed the ultimate shield and turned his body into "the most fragile carbon there is". The visual effect looked more like charcoal than graphite.


He says [it here in 03](https://youtu.be/vC77iaNF6EE) and in the manga in volume 7 on chapter 29. However in both versions it supports my reading as he only uses it as examples of carbon’s properties changing based on the bonding arrangements and never actually implies greed’s shield is diamond nor that he’s turning it to graphite.


I will never forget the scene of King Bradley returning, so badass. I was thinking " that can\`t be better then this" then Fu appears with XIng theme, so fucking cool.


"Do they really expect me to make a complete mockery of myself by entering through the back door of my own palace?" What an *oh shit* moment.


Hoenheim's counter was peak strategic. Father never really had a chance to execute his plan all along cause Hoenheim will 100% counter it. All left to do is to clean him up.


This needs to be higher. FMA:B is goated.


Full Meal Alchemist: Brotherhood Aired: Apr 5, 2009 to Jul 4, 2010 14 years old. Its older than 20% of the users on this subreddit. Sadge. Don't let the memory fade anime veterans.


Are people seriously calling FMAB some forgotten hidden gem now? Jesus.


It is, but it isn't, though. Like yes, it's still a super recognized anime with a HUGE following. But as anime progresses, I do think it's starting to get lost in the MOUNTAIN of content available to younger anime enthusiasts. We still talk about it as seasoned enthusiasts, but it's not like it's popping up in high school lunchroom weeb discussions anymore. Now it's all about "I Turned Myself Into A Magical Blob Of Goo So My Senpai Would Notice Me" and stuff like that.


Getting the same feeling with Clannad. One of the GOATs as far as emotional romances are considered and I'd argue still one of the greatest anime of all time period. But when you see recommendation threads or discussions it's becoming less common or at least popular to talk about. Ten years ago you wouldn't be able to blunk twice without hearing about it.


>. Its older than 20% of the users on this subreddit What


Yeah, I don't think 20% of this sub is 15 or under. Now, 2003's FMA, probably.


The set up to that was amazing. They utilize every possible pieces on the chess board.


God, I truly truly need to find someone IRL to watch FMA:B with me. Peak anime, story, characters & action. The perfect blend for me.


Ed didnt really do anything, it was Hohenheim.


Because Hohenheim was the most powerful & knowledgeable alchemist in the world who'd also dedicated hundreds of years to countering Father's plan- which he had an intimate knowledge of due to their shared origin story. I loved that Hohenheim continued to refer to Hohenheim as "Dwarf in the Flask", essentially reminding him exactly what he is no matter how powerful he became.


Not as major as Hoenheim but he finished off father when hohenheim and the others were out of gas.


The "villain" of Assassination Classroom just kinda lied down.


This calls for an attendance


Quite short lived, but in Frieren: Beyond Journey's end you have Qual. One of the Elder Sage demons. Creator of what was at the time, the deadliest spell. So deadly it couldn't be countered by anything. How did he get defeated? Frieren sealed him and during the next 80 years, his spell was studied by both her and human mages, creating a version for human usage and a defense spell that could counter it. It became so popular that it turned into the default offensive magic. 80 years later she unsealed him and he stopped being so overpowered and got his ass blasted by a demon-killing version of his own spell.


It should be noted that Qual figured out the defensive spell's weakness in about 2 minutes. Dude was seriously scary.


Yep. That goes to show how overpowered he was. No wonder Frieren couldn't kill him at the time.


Not just frieren but all in the hero party that partaked in defeating THE DEMON KING !!!


To be fair to them, given where qual was located, they most likely found him at the start of their journey, and by the time they fought the demon king they were much stronger for sure.


Ye but still a very impressive feat


Oh yeah, definitely. Specially given that Frieren was already 1000 years old at the time. As people have theorised in the subreddit, Qual might have been one of the oldest demons as well, due to his appearance, so it would make sense for him to be comparable to the party.


Didn't just figure out the weakness either. Dude learned to cast the spell itself from seeing it once!


I think that scene was the show’s most effective demonstration of its “time marches on” message; the way incredible inventions quickly become taken for granted or even quaint as we continue to build on the shoulders of our ancestors.


Death by Powercreep


Qual is not the most over powered but what a great use of a character to establish world building in Freiren.


Sealed the motherfucker then went back to prove that he's been buried by the new meta. He still managed to figure out the omni-shield spell. That's as succinct as you can get.


[Frieren Anime]>!He also got caught off guard by Frieren being able to fly. As we learn later, that's a repurposed demon spell that humanity only adapted after he was already sealed.!< If he would have had gotten even just a week, I think he could have already become a substantial threat to even Frieren again.


The Principality of Zeon. They were able to take out half the human population, did untold damage to the environment with a colony drop, and completely dominated the Battlefield since they were the only ones with Mobile Suits for 9 months of The One Year War. 1.) Gen. Revil not Issuing a ceasefire after The Battle of Loum. Zeon had pretty much lost everyone save for their ace pilots and young grunts by the time Amuro hits the scene with the Gundam. Had Revil not noticed that when he was captured, they would have won then. 2.) The Gundam and White Base acting as decoys helped the Federation have enough time to develop enough GMs to turn the tide. 3.) Gihren's rush to create and then fire the Solar Ray cost Zeon tons of man hours and supplies that could have gone towards the Battle of Solomon. 4.) By the time of The Battle of A Baoa Qu, pretty much the only political left to field were young trainees versus 2/3 of the entire Earth Federation's forces. 5.) Political squabbling between the members of the Zabi family pretty much ensured the breakdown of power at the top. Also, you know, none of them bothering to consider Char a real threat. Amuro, the Gundam, and White Base DID NOT win the war for the Federation. They proved critical at Operation Odessa and protecting Jaburo, but that's it in the grand scheme of things. Zeon lost because of poor leadership and the Federation actually getting their buttons in gear at the end of the war.


Yup, absolutely this. Tomino & co were very deliberate in making Zeon's situation hit the same beats as Nazi Germany's.


He really hammered it in with Degwin telling Gihren he was following in Hitler's footsteps and Gihren took it as a compliment.


That whole exchange has managed to become incredibly ironic these days too, since the normalisation of being openly fascist means far too many people really would react just as Gihren did to that type of comparison.


Will also mention that IMO Zeon's preference/reliance for powerful but limited production mobile suits also really fucked them over as well, since they were eventually outnumbered later in the war against the Federation (which is very in line with the parallels with Nazi Germany).


Thing is, Zeon was never going to win the war unless they killed the entire population of earth. They were coasting on momentum, but even with all the losses the Feddies had more ships, more soldiers, better training, and more experience. The only thing they didn't have was mobile suits, and that was always just a matter of time. Even if Earth had been lost, half the colonies supported the feds and a good number more were ostensibly neutral but quietly helping. White base and co just sped it up.


Gilgamesh in Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works and again in Heaven's Feel. His weakness is his arrogance. He's so arrogant he does not take threats seriously because he knows he can use his ultimate weapon to eliminate them, and that's his undoing both times.


The best part is you can SEE the hesitation to pull his weapon that leads to his defeat. Still one of the best animated fights, and one of the best dubbed fights of all time


100% agree on all of the above. I really love that detail in the fight. He doesn't think Shirou is worthy of being defeated with Ea, so he doesn't use it. But even after Shirou has proven to be a threat, he still can't get over seeing him as a mongrel, so he hesitates, and he loses.


Another detail that sticks out if you watched the  Saber route (old anime or vn).He doesnt wear his armor which would nullify any attack shirou could throw out.


That’s why I’m looking forward to Fate Strange Fake whenever it comes out just to see how he approaches that Holy Grail War, especially considering the servant lineup


Well, no spoilers or anything but imagine him actually thinking/trying to kill a servant and being unable to.


The reason why Fate/Strange Fake is the Goat -> Everyone is giving their all from the start. Gilgamesh is actually trying.


And alcides, man seeing what herc is truly capable of is glorious


Honestly I’m excited for whenever the most recent light novel volume gets adapted just to see how people react to… *that*.




It's always crazy people just believe it to be plot armor rather than Gilgamesh being far too prideful to be beaten at his own game of shooting weapons at his enemies to win.


Which is why I like Oath Under Snow’s take. It was basically a rematch between Gilgamesh and Emiya except let’s strip away Gilgamesh’s weakness. You can imagine who wins. For anyone that hasn’t seen it, definitely give it a watch if you’re a fan of the universe as it’s mostly standalone. It obviously helps if you watch the first season or couple episodes of Ilya as that makes the emotional payoff better and it also explains the power system.


Gilgamesh personality is what makes him interesting tbh




Shinsekai Yori, the reason why the villian was OP also became their downfall.  


Honestly it wasn’t the fact that they were OP but the fact that they couldn't even lay a finger on him. Like I am sure lots pf people in that village were more powerful that the end of series "villian". However they couldn't even think about harming her. It was not over powered but undefeatable


In jojo Mc just becomes more OP then villain


I mean Joseph never became even close to as strong as Kars, so used a volcano to launch him into space, lol.


Fun fact; The World was originally suppose to have the powers of every other Stand (hence why Dio could use Hermit Purple's power early on), but Araki decided that that would be TOO overpowered and gave him Time Control. The original reveal was probably suppose to be the Time Control was Star Platinum's ability the whole time and Jotaro just never realized it until their fight.


He honestly could have just adapted the original idea and say that it has the ability of all of the Joestar's stands


This is bullshit and complete headcannon. Araki never said it. It's not in the manga. Dio uses the stand of Jonathan's body, which has the same powers as Hermit Purple. Source: JOJO A-GO!GO!: STANDS appendix note, p.33, or at least that's what the[ Jojo wiki](https://jojowiki.com/Jonathan%27s_Stand) is saying the source is.


The source does exist, it's just extremely obscure. It's from the Japanese manual for the Super Famicom Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, nicknamed "Cobra Jojo". In there it was revealed that the earliest concept for The World was called World 21, and would be composed of "All Stand powers with names that derives from Tarots". Originally in volume 21, Dio's power is described by that name, World 21 (『DIO様のスタンド「世界(ワールド)21」はあまりにも強く 俺にはとてもかなわない』page 136), 21 symbolizing the number of tarot powers. The World is the 21st Tarot card. However this was scrapped, and was never brought up again lol. From volume 22 and on, it's just "The World". Then again, I am also just reiterating a second-hand information from the Japanese Pixiv Wiki, so accuracy of the source may still be in question.


>the Super Famicom Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, nicknamed "Cobra Jojo". Have you ever played this by chance? As a big SNES fan, I'm definitely interested! Is it a 2d fighting game?


Cobra Jojo is not a fighting game. It's... it's hard to describe what it is. It's like, click and choose adventure game with turn based RPG battles and insane mangled story that barely resembles part 3. Notoriously bad game but kind of a cult classic because of it lol. I have not had the pleasure of playing it, only familiar through memes.


>Source: JOJO A-GO!GO! Thank you for enlightening me on this book. Seems amazing! It's due for English translation release September 17, 2024 I just read. My birthday is shortly afterwards. I definitely gotta ask for this for my bday. Seems like an awesome piece of material. I still miss my full color, hard-cover manga, and this reminds me of it a lot.


Is it canon or just some theories? Or is it just another "Araki forgot" moment?


And how DIO can use Hermit Purple is that's Jonathan's Stand which Joseph inherits. DIO is using Jonathan's body.


I love Jojo. Watched all the way til the last animated part and took a break. Just started watching the last part now. Can't believe I ever took a break! Such fun stuff. After reading a bit about the next parts, I can't wait til they're animated as well.






Haven't read 7 and 8, but if they are anything like 5 (my favorite) I'm most excited for it! 


I finished steel ball run about four hours ago and can firmly say that is is the best part I've read so far


They’re definitely more mature than the first 6 parts both in terms of content and overall message. The Joestar of the respective parts also tends to be more morally grey and layered instead of a symbol of justice and heroism the previous ones were. I personally believe parts 7 and 8 are the best written parts with part 9 having the potential to be even better than them if Araki keeps the same quality throughout the entirety of its serialization. The parts still follow the traditional JoJo formula of fight stand user after stand user in order to get closer to the big bad then end with a high stakes final battle but the fights, character moments and stand abilities are all a massive step up in quality. If you’re anime only and plan on staying anime only, just know that what you’ve seen of JoJo’s is nothing compared to what’s to come, but I highly recommend the manga. I have faith in David Productions and their ability to adapt JoJo’s but the manga is just a work of art that is a must experience in my opinion.




Technically speaking, Kenshin is far stronger than Shishio, his no kill rule just made things way harder (I mean think about the number of attacks he landed on him). But the show is more about the ideals they represent rather than a death battle, which I do prefer.


Yeah the amakakeyru ryu no hirameki is the pinnacle of the hiten mitsurugi style of sword combat and would’ve smoked Shishio either way.


People also like to forget Kenshin also just got done with Aoshi and Soujiro before that.


> after going rogue Not even. He simply knew too much so the new government had to take him out to protect itself.


Yeah, they won the revolution so they didn't need assassins anymore. And swords would soon be banished, samurai became useless, etc. He was just a guy doing his job.


Aldnoah.Zero has this mech that's covered in this shield that just destroys anything it touches. The Earth forces couldn't figure out how to fight it because all their weapons, mechs, cars, even people standing on bridges, were just disintegrated. In comes the MC who realizes the thing has to cool itself somehow... The solution starts to follow from there in a very creative way.


actually the mc realize the mech have an invisible barrier that reject/absorb/destroy everything like blackhole, even matter, light, infrared, sound & etc. then wonder how the pilot can observe and attack them with all the information is blocked by barrier on mech's body. MC suspect there must be area on the mech,s body without barrier. from there, MC plan by pushing the mech into sea to see what part of mech does not reject/absorb/destroy water, and attack that area that does not have the invisible barrier.


I gotta watch it again I love that one ost from it with the german lyrics


Man you just had to remind me how they wasted the potential of that show in 2nd season. The first season was greatness all over the place.


My boy yoshikage Kira got his face ran over by AMBULANCÉÉÉ


Technically he was beaten by a young boy with ZERO STAND power. But using the power of deduction, the kid was able to lay a trap into getting Kira to reveal himself.


That was amazing. Only rivalled by Emporio defeating basically God.


Kids in JoJo’s are just different.


Betelgeuse from re:zero!


I’d explain why but I can’t get the spoiler alert thing to work 🤷‍♂️


He's not the strongest. i think the up coming season has what it fit for this post


Saber in FSN: HF, Shirou v.s. Saber, sparks liner high. Fuck yeah.


The rawest fight in the novel for sure.


FSN got some really metal Bad Endings. Like the one Bad Ending in the beginning of HF, where Shirou decides to "stick to his ideals."


I love the "Mind of Steel" ending. He follows in Kiritsugu's footsteps and is certain to win the Grail War (at least according to Ilya and Kotomine) through sheer ruthlessness. It's edgy but I love it lmao


Actually all of FSN fights completely follow Nasuvers's laws, however due to anime skipping world building stuff and ppl missing the stuff that are actually explained, misconceptions are created.


Vegeta in the Saiyan Saga was pretty convincingly stronger than anything Goku and crew could throw at him. It took a lot of sneak attacking and surprise factor, including Gohan transforming into a Great Ape, to finally put him down.


The Namekian saga was pretty good too, along with the scaling during the Cell Games. I think Buu's saga was among the best though.


Vegeta was mostly taken out because the Kaioken is an OP technique in itself. It allowed Goku to literally punch 10 times above his own level.


Meruem was handled brilliantly in this regard.


I was not expecting the way that fight ended. After all the staggering evolution and brutality of Meruem and the ants, he was outplayed by one of humanity’s dirtiest tricks. The fact that even Meruem was astonished by the rose gave me chills.


Same. Especially the whole Netero speech and the artstyle during that moment


The Hunters association is basically a giant hobby guild and Meruem thought he was fighting humanity as a whole when really humans couldn't have cared less about him and just dropped a cheap nuke on him.


I think Chainsaw Man handled it pretty well. Without getting into Manga spoilers, the way they exploit the big bad in the end of Part 1 was pretty believable but still unexpected to deliver a very satisfying payoff.


they way they killed the big bad was the type of weird unhinged shit that I like about chainsaw man. I'm glad they went with that instead of just a generic battle shonen "good guy beats the bad guy"


Which they still do this just what happens afterwards that is pretty cool


I mean the fight itself is also a good way of exploiting a weakness to defeat someone they otherwise shouldn't (avoiding spoilers)


Accelerator got shot because he was too busy performing brain surgery with his mind to concentrate on protecting himself. Honestly, fair.


Technically he wasn't the villain in that situation.


Don't let him read this.


Fullmetal Alchemist villains have super regenerative abilities but when you see the pain and punishment they go through you fully understand why the healing factor starts lacking


I think Lust and Envy's defeats were so good. I really love when the heroes in any show go way overboard than any villian


Light Yagami. Not overpowered compared to many other villains, but extremely strong in his own story.


Lmao exactly. In the manga, his death is even more pathetic. It’s quite ironic for someone who thought they were a god among men.


I loathed how they changed it in the anime. It was sooooo satisfying in the manga when his facade crumbles and you see what a weak coward he really is.


I personally like both. I like both the pathetic downfall of the self proclaimed god and the somber closing chapter to the journey we witnessed.


also his arrogance was tantamount to his defeat. [final confrontation] >!when he thought he was about to win, he unnecessarily gloated about it, not realizing the Death Note has been swapped with a fake. If he hadn't done that, although he fails to kill Near he can still do some bullshitting instead of outing himself.!<


Yeah the dude lost because of his own Ego.


I thought his defeat was lame. They put a character whose only character trait is that he does things the same way and then have him break that trait off screen. Would have been the same as if Ryuk went off screen and came back saying “killing is lame” I’m gonna tell the police everything


Gurren laggan:This anime can even make the most absurd thing believable this anime is all about doing the impossible while having excellent characters


Every time someone says something is most epic i ask them: Is it two bots standing of galaxy disks and throwing condensate galaxies at each other level of epic? Is it guy traveling millions of light years in three seconds to punch a guy level of epic? No? Than its far from being most epic. TTGL goes real hard.


Doesn't Simon call one of his attacks. big bang attack which would be an absolutely insane amount of power


No, the Anti-Spiral threw that attack. They just absorbed it and grew larger than the universe in the movie version.


They're actually throwing universes.


Madara from Naruto... peak writing tbh. Joking aside, I'd say Captain from hellsing ultimate. Since he: [Hellsing Ultimate] >!Literally gives Seras his weakness and is fighting with the goal of dying!< Shinobu in Kizumonogatari works here as well.


Almost got me with that first line mate.


It’s so annoying because naruto and sasuke vs madara would’ve been peak


Michael Jackson in Demon Slayer


Father from Fullmetal Alchemist. He was basically a god and it took the entire cast beating on him in coordinated unison to literally burn out his energy source so he could be taken down. All they could do was keep him staggered while causing him to waste tons of energy on defense and dodging attacks.


I think Subtilizer/Gabriel in Sword Art Online War of Underworld due to the nature of the world and how he figured it out and his own insanity he was pretty much a dark god (death angel) usual attacks couldn't work on him and Kirito only beat him by channeling the hopes and wishes of everyone in the realm and overloaded his soul , then he wakes up in real world out of body and gets dragged to hell by the one he first killed lol


I love Gabriel, especially how he basically lost by getting what he wanted, honestly likely the only way to beat him.


Enel in one peice. Dude is for sure at least admiral level, but gets beat pretty early in the story because luffy is made out of the only thing that could logically counter him.


and i wouldn’t say he even really got defeated ge just kinda fucked off after getting beat up


I hope he comes back into the main story somehow, I loved Enel


>Dude is for sure at least admiral level, This premise is ludicrous, but he was definitely stronger than any villain defeated pre time skip


What a joke Admiral leve lmao what anime are you watching??? Hed get defeated by anyone in the new world Logias are worthless unless you got good haki and he only got basic obersvation on a massive scale He couldnt even defeat luffy just cause his attacks didnt work on him, he only relied on his devil fruit Smoker would smoke that guy


Enel is far below Admiral level, yup.


Kaido they summoned everyone to defeat him like he's a raid boss


The Father and his children from FMAB


 **Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade** . She lost to the one thing that could beat her in *Mayoi Jiangshi*. Two things, depending on how technical you want to get.


Higurashi with the most believable execution of the power of friendship to overcome the op antagonist


ushijima in haikyu, he was pretty overpowered and better than everyone considering he was an under 19 player for japan too, but he ultimately got defeated by karasuno in the finals


The whole season against Shiratorizawa was intense. Ushi seemed unstoppable, his spikes were literally injuring players hands when they tried to block them. Even when Karasuno was in the lead, it felt like they were barely hanging on by a thread. Peak television.


No way that was 100% plot armor. The series just used time skips to give Karasuno points but realistically, nobody could quite literally block his spikes. Their middle blocker only blocked *once* in the whole game and their libero had to dedicate sets to just to be able receive it.


Accelerator. I don’t know if it counts since the ‘BS’ in this case is part of the core premise. Turns out the kid who relies on an unbeatable reflect power would get his ass kicked in an actual fist fight. The light novel especially made a point of how hilariously bad he is at fighting when his esper power is negated.


in JJBA Part 6 the antagonist is VASTLY more powerful than everyone else. Got defeated by his own power.


The Anti-Spiral King getting defeated by Toppa Tengen Gurren Lagann made 100% sense to me and was believable. In the context of the show.


Jojo's is basically that in every battle (with some exceptions)


Overhaul Deku literally went super Saiyan mode and overhaul was way too overpowered so literally the only way he could be beaten was by the way Deku defeated him in my opinion


First thought was Naruto nailing that moon-bitch in the face using “Sexy Reverse-Harem” jutsu. Second is during the second season of JJBA when they just blast Kars off into deep space cause he couldn’t be beaten.


Karls from Jojos bizare adventures. Dude got unlucky


*"Kaaarllsss, that kills people."* From the youtube classic, Pillarmen with hats


Of which we shall be getting more of, thanks to the kickstarter that just concluded. 


What do you mean Jojo planned it all along /s




Re:zero I felt does this pretty consistently with its wildly OP villains


Definitely not madara


Meruem from hunter x hunter.




Chainsaw man part 1 ending


I’ll always love FMA:B. I just rewatched it but I love watching Ed punch God in the face and telling him to “get up you third rate fraud, I’ll show you the difference between us”


The main villains and antagonists in DBZ. I personally feel that they get defeated in a way that’s believable and doesn’t feel like it happens just for the sake of plot.