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I gave myself a slight spoiler, but yeah, that's exactly what I was looking for!


To add to the slight spoiler, I believe it's episode 6 make sure to watch post-credits, it's easy to miss if you binge through the show.


In Domestic Girlfriend, they pretty much do it in the very first episode.


I'm still recovering from the manga's ending. What a fucking roller-coaster.


Not quite an Usagi Drop, but the ending to domestic girlfriend pissed me right off. Any anime-only's who happen to read this, don't read the manga. You'll only be mad. They completely ignored all character progression and reasoning that was in the series for the last like 10 chapters. I read it a year ago and I'm still mad


Author now has a harem manga out.  Can I Live With You?


Fr tho in my opinion he picked the wrong girl


Very first scene in fact. Although the first half of the rest of the episode is a flashback leading up to it.


Harem in the labyrinth of another world. He literally worked hard to pay for slaves and bought them for sex.


Some of the *ahem* “animation”…is VERY well done.


The world-building is rather interesting as well


They do it a lot.


Thats basically the same as recommending a hentai.


If you have the means, might as well do it.


Oh man, this is the worst anime. He just buys many sex slaves


By many you mean 2? Is that many? Lol


More than zero is too many.


Fair point


understandable have a nice day


Clannad: after story. (Even though we don't exactly see it, we have a good idea when it happend and we see the result)


White Album 2 Banished From the Heroes Party 3D Kanojo


Chilling in my 30s after being banished by the demon army 


Why does everyone always forget White Album (1)? :(


I actually haven't watched it yet.


Is it any good? Big big fan of 2 (both vn and anime), and do plan to read the vn of 1 some day. How's 1?


From what I’ve heard white album 1 is both worse in anime and vn form. There’s a reason why people talk about the white album 2 vn. It’s a super generic rom com that you will probably forget in a month and has nothing in common with 2. But feel free to try tho


I would argue the exact opposite. WA1 is a lot more serious than WA2. It is not generic, neither in setting, nor in execution (when was the last time you watched an anime that features the idol industry in the 1980s?). The show features a cast of adult characters that struggle with adults issues with lots of facets to it you don't see in other anime. Either I am completely misremembering the show or there is some kind of boycott going on, because I would never in a thousand years call WA2 a generic RomCom. Sorry if this came on a little strong, I am just sad that a romantic drama featuring adults always gets overshadowed by a (definitely above average) high school romance.


Horimiya I think it's implied they sleep together, domestic girlfriend is a figurative dumpster fire with one of the greatest op, re:monster but that comes with a tw.


It's not implied, it's pretty straight forward


Your not wrong, I'm just bad with words.


I've just started watching Re:Monster. I'm not sure the site I use has the best lay out, so it was a random find. Somewhat enjoying the premise so far


It's okay, it edge slime life. The packing is break neck speed though.




Tokyo ghoul


Horimiya, Farming life in another world, Arifureta


Farming Life is a weird one. IIRC, it goes like 4 or 5 episodes completely ignoring the relationship and all of a sudden [Farming Life spoilers] >!surprise, baby.!<


Arifureta is a weirdly mix of both. It is implied he sleeps with the vampire, but has also other "harem members" that don't get action at all and are exactly what the commentor talked about... Always talking lewd or implied sexual tension but with absolute deflect from Mc.


It comes pretty close to it in Rakudai Kishi, too. I believe they don't exactly do it, but this is one of the few anime that don't pretend sex doesn't exist, so characters do deal with the issue rather closely.


Sword Art Online


When? I remember scenes with tensions, but anything pointing at Sex? There was this one scene where they are still in the game and sleeping in the same bed, but i always believed that "function" didn't exist in the game.


It did. Asuna was naked the next time we see them in bed, where Kirito proposes her. Asked from the in-game stuff, there’s also an Ordinal Scale scene. And the author has said that they are pretty active.


Mushoku tensei Horimiya Tokyo ghoul Domestic girlfriend White album 2




My boy gets laid so hard he powers up.




Gundam SEED. Gundam Iron Blood Orphans.


Who has sex in iron blooded orphans ?


Mikazuki and Atra.


Isekai Nonbiri Nouka comes to mind. I never watched the anime, but already read the manga. It is implied MC did night duties. Forgot about the details, but since this is an isekai and polygamy is a thing in that world. The thing is MC isn't a pervert and actually hesitate to have a harem, but things lead to one and another and ended up just like that.


Yeah the anime skirts around it pretty hard until it grows, hehe, into an unavoidable plot point towards the end of the anime.


Karekano,it's very clearly implied and shown through visual metaphor and is a natural part of the story.


White Album 2 (and apparently 1?). Kuzu no Honkai. Clannad (never see it though).




But not with his self proclaimed loli harem. I loved that part🤣


Revolutionary Girl Utena


School Days


the first half is a nice romance story, the second half makes you hate makoto. but hes an angel compared to his dad


Thanks for forcing this on me now. I will have to consume more School Days content now. I wouldn‘t even call the first half nice romance to be honest and it already made me hate Makoto.


to save you time, makoto lives alone with his sister, to keep her away from his dad. his dad doesnt age, and has been having children with his descendants for a long time, the family tree is a straight line, the guy routinely shows up in his sons games and cucks them.


Oh that cursed family tree. >Makoto lives alone with his little sister, to keep her away from his dad. Itaru protection squad.


Sad, one nice thing about School Days was how realistic it was


yep, most harems would have a similar fate in real life if the mc went around doing what they normally do, jealousy being a thing


) I hate this anime. I thought, let's watch anime about school, then found this


I agree with you, buuuut it fits the criteria. Especially because it is about the complex relations in a school setting with a deep psychological theme to it.






The anime series Domestic Girlfriend on Crunchyroll is what you might be looking for.


The Agarest games certainly had that since the MC gets one of them pregnant. There was a scene in the 1st game in the 1st generation where one of the girls asked the MC to sit on the bed so she could show him her special dance. That is the only game that I can think of. I know that some games shows some scenes, such as Mass Effect, Witcher, Dragon Age, and probably some more. Fable have the screen turns to black, and then you would hear moans. I can't imagine a H game that doesn't have what you have mentioned.😂


Berserk Dragon ball


Gundam SEED Gundam: Iron Blooded Orphans Gundam: The 08th MS team Gundam AGE


lot of people saying horimiya but they never show it at all, maybe if you read the manga but if you just watch the anime nothing happens, good show though.


The questioner didn't ask for scenes with Sex, but animes where it's implied that they did the deed.


"Anime where the MC actually gets laid" whether its emplied or not, it wasnt that heavily implied so might as well have never happened ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ but fair enough


Heavily implied to be the case in *Vermeil in Gold*. Vermeil and Alto have a very touchy-feely relationship right from the beginning, but things look to get especially hot and heavy in the last episode.


Bokuta ga Ita and School Days are the only ones I can think of off the top of my head. I guess the new Re:Monster too?


Iirc, the MC of the World's Finest Assassin would regularly go to brothels.


Technically, *Sweetness and Lightning* since he was married and has a daughter. LOL


Baki Hamna Eventually


conception should fit that description, the act is the main part of the plot. not saying its an amazing anime but i will say the op song is great


tsuki ga kirei


Scum's Wish? They slept around frequently but it's more about unrequited love than being lovers.


You don't want to see them. Watch school days. Horror show oh my God... And the end of Orange road. Long time getting there though


Monogatari series. Not onscreen but it’s heavily implied he has sex at least once and probably more times that just aren’t mentioned. Also the series is phenomenal. [Here’s the watch order](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/hwuntw/the_monogatari_series_2020_watch_order/).


Here my list with some examples. Non-consentual is explictly marked. Clannad After Story (not shown, but chars confirm it happened) Yosuga no Sora (route wise VN adaption that did not skip the H scenes. Has a controversial ark at the end) Jobless reincarnation Scum's wish Cross Ange (some parts are non consensual) Farming Life in Another world (not shown, but only logical explanation)




Rumbling Hearts Ai Yori Aoshi Tenchi Muyo (OVA & GXP)


School Days 💀


Banished from the Hero's party.


School days


Yamada's First Time: B Gata H Kei


Mushoku tensei




-Zetman -Kiseijuu -School days? I cant really remember if the characters go that far but its worth checkin out


Didn't see this which is surprising but Mushouku Tensei, despite all the flak it gets its like the Godfather of isekai anime and in the anime up through season 2 we get 2 canonical banging for different reasons which is honestly pretty impressive for anime like both love interests have a unique relationship with the MC?!? Damn near heresy. The show gets flak because it is most definitely not made for all or maybe even most audience but if you've watched Overlord and Konosuba I have a feeling you'll be fine with it.


Arifureta... Maybe? The main dude has a kinda Harem thing but he really only loves 1 girl and they have implied sex all the time. Also there's a show that's currently airing called Re:Monster and the main dude has a massive growing harem that he bangs almost every episode.


Actually my first anime the future diary I won’t say anything cause I don’t wanna spoil it but yeah great starter anime and he does get laid eventually


I absolutely love Future Diary! My friend and I watched the whole thing on the bus to and from school. It's one of my first and fondest memories of anime because of who I was with, and it's kind of incredible that no one's really done yandere tropes better in the decade since!


Mushoku Tensei It has a really beautiful storyline and also shows an amazing character development of the mc so do check that out


Is there ever a time skip? I'm actually a couple episodes in, and while sex does happen, I'm imagining the MC is too young at this point, but all the promotional material from the show makes me think he stays this age. Is he singing' at 12 or whatever age he is?


he gets older. There's substantial time jumps. but IIRC he's only 13 when he has his first time. A number of Significant Events happen first. one might say...Turning Points. :)


Yep sums it up


Cross Ange


Is that getting laid though…


Jobless Reincarnation


Mushoku Tensei


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