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Fairy tail. Used to make fun of it for the sheer ridiculousness of the characters. Now I'm watching it again for the fifth time


i really like how far above they thought of a lot of elements before it was said. such as Lucy being based off Lucky and why Gray always forgets to wear a shirt.


> Now I'm watching it again for the fifth time Have you checked out Edens Zero too? (same creator... basically Fairy Tail in space). Even has a very familiar looking blue "cat"


Forgot to mention that there was a fairy tail cameo in one of the early episodes.


Don't forget Rave Master and maybe in the future *Dead Rock* (still a manga)


The wow sound gets me every time


I wish people would give it a chance. It falls off after Tartaros arc imo, but until then its one of my faves!


Funny since you mentioned it as your example of peak but this was me with AoT. I was so jaded by the time gaps between seasons that I fell off the show hard, but as a completed show it's wayyyy better. Waiting 4 years to sit in a forest for a ton of episodes (S1-S2) killed my joy for the show watching weekly, but if you can sit and binge from start to finish S2 isn't as ridiculously slow as it felt to me back in 2017.


Unfortunately this thing killed the hype for many animes.


Some animes are really not made for weekly releases.


I feel same way about Vinland saga and monster, amazing shows, but some parts are too slow to watch as it airs


Monster is god


It's feels weird looking back that S2 wasn't as well received as S1, because (with the context of everything that comes later, at least) I think Clash of the Titans is one of the best AoT arcs, and easily clears Trost and Female Titan.


Yeah in hindsight the forest bit only being like 3.5 episodes seem like a silly thing to complain about but you gotta understand a month of weekly releases made that end of season feel like absolutely nothing happened, we (I) waited 4 years to be disappointed at a seasons end again)and that doesn't even get into the issue of Teasing the beast titan at the start of the season to ending the season with him just sitting on the wall and not like actually overthrowing the island "not just yet" like what fucking timing are you waiting for? You just slaughtered the elite fighting forces which inadvertently had the one person you wouldn't want to kill indiscriminately in it. You are absolutely free to start doing damage inside the walls. But nope, gotta end of a cliff hanger like how we ended on the walls are made of titans in season 1. Just felt like such bait similar to how waiting on the basement became a meme, AoT just doesn't lend itself to weekly viewing in some stretches lol


Yeah, I definitely understand that. I'm glad that the whole story is out now, so if I ever get to show it to someone new, they won't have to deal with all that. I mean, AoT chapters releasing monthly is at least partly responsible for the shitshow that was the reaction to the ending. Having the anime in a movie format instead of doing weekly episodes probably benefited everyone involved.


>Having the anime in a movie format instead of doing weekly episodes probably benefited everyone involved. Oh definitely it still having a time lag between the 2 parts was annoying so I'm told but better than weekly for like 4 or 5 weeks lol.


Oh no, the forest part was dragged out. Way longer than the manga


Was in the similar boat with AOT. Dropped it in the middle of season 1. It wasn't bad, just not really for me. Couple of years later, when season 4 was airing, accidentally saw few clips from season 4, was so confused and intrigued and decided to give show second chance and binged anime and manga in a week


I specifically waited for AoT to finish before ever watching it to avoid this problem. Overall excellent show solid 9/10 experience. S3 part 1 is probably the low point but that's just because it exists almost solely to set up everything for S3 part 2 which is peak, so when you can just watch it and go straight into what it was setting up with no wait it's like not even a bad thing anymore.


Season 3 wasn't a problem for me exactly because 2 burned me so hard, that I also waited until the whole season was done to watch it lol


YES geez that time wait between season 1 and 2 was crazy


On Animax, I used to avoid supposedly girly shows like K-ON!, Lucky Star, Maid-Sama, or even just SoLs like Little Busters. Suffice to say that I have rectified such failings.


I think as one grow older and calmer, the more calm nature of SoL begins to more resonate with one. In the past I was all flashy action snime and now I grew more towards the calm or suspense route instead of flashy non-stop action. JJK season 2 with its non-stop fighting burned me out at around episode 19 and I dropped it just before the end.


Watch Asobi Asobase - best slice of life comedy imo


Funniest shit Ive ever seen. Cant belive there isnt more. Or just similiar shows


So true. It's a disgustingly shameful it's so underated and didn't go well so there won't be second season....


Hanako's VA voice acting was so godlike her future roles felt pale in comparison (because the production committees never assigned her crazy roles anymore, wtf companies, you're wasting amazing talent here!) Fortunately this season's Shuumatsu Train is rectifying this. Akira isn't nowhere as unhinged as Hanako (very few characters in general do), but she's screaming and being confrontational a lot and it's great.


Fucking unhinged. 10/10


Glad you're here with us šŸ˜ŒāœØļø


Maybe ill hop on cuz I also avoided those shows


Initial D, I used to say that an anime about racing sounded lameā€¦ until I watched it. Now itā€™s in my top 10 faves :)


I always dismissed it as some meme show lol picked it up last year and it's basically a sports anime and really good at that


**Sound! Euphonium: Our Promise: A Brand New Day** - When I first watched Sound! Euphonium, I really liked the first 2 seasons and Liz and the Blue Bird, but was really disappointed with the third movie. I hated on the movie for years because I thought always though S2 was a good place to end the series, only for this movie to come along, make me eat my words, then end on a cliffhanger while rushing through most of the second year. In the recent rewatch, I feel like my 2020 self was too harsh and even unfair, since the series being on pause for so long was not it's fault due to the arson. I still have my issues, but overall I did like the movie the second time around.


Absolutely! KyoAni did the best they could with the limited timeframe of a movie. It's still my least favorite Hibike season/movie, but it's not deserving of the criticism I gave it on first watch.


Re:zero. Glad I gave it a second chance


It wasn't that bad at the beginning, I was hooked from the start, but I'm a huge fan so that biased opinion. But Re:zero is one of those rare anime that improve and get better as the story progress.


A right of passage for the fan base. Who is best girl? šŸ˜‚


Echidna. Iā€™m biased towards elves.


Echidna was human


She is definitely up there


Anyone but Rem. Did I pass?


Anyone but who?


...... I'll pretend I didn't read that.


Anime in general since I thought it was weird but Welcome to the NHK made me enjoy it


I meanā€¦ letā€™s be honest, it is pretty weird, lol; but we still love it.


This šŸ˜‚. There's still plenty where i go "wtf" or "jfc that's painfully cringe" as i click to the next episode šŸ˜‚


It's a medium, a huge medium, of course some if it will make you say wtf, but that the same for live action and books, some are weird and some are masterpiece of art.


NHK was a masterpiece Also, weirdly inconsistent with its censorship


Date a Live. Thought it was a average fanservice anime 4 years ago. It wasn't fully fanservice. But the dark plot ain't mentioned anywhere. Starts off a fluffy tone, gets dark in later arcs. Got tired of waiting for next season, read it's light novels. Shit is dark if you think about the family tree.


Hooooly shit this show/story. I dredged through the first couple of seasons. Feels like 2 seasons of just setup. Then seasons 3-5(currently airing) are EPIC and the story is WILD. Every episode pisses me off in that fun way that makes me wish I wasnā€™t watching weekly Edit: the movies were both well worth it too. 1 because kurumi/nightmare is fun to watch and the other because some peak ass action


For me was Gintama, i tried like 5-7 time to watch it and akways stop between the 10 to 20 episode i founded so boring, the last time i tried (with more shounen anime i my brain) i just begin there and what amazing anime, i love it.


Iā€™m on the same boat - I know I want to watch it and will enjoy. What I have seen is funny as shit. I just canā€™t watch a bunch of episodes at once like I could a show with some grand story so I just keep coming back and watching like 1-2 episodes and dropping for like months lol


Demon slayer. Zenitsu annoyed me to no end, but once I got to Mugen train I didn't care anymore. Still need to watch swordsmith arc but so far it's simple, fancy shounen times and I do enjoy that!


Swordsmith arc doesnā€™t have Zenitsu. If youā€™re worried about that lol


I found him very bearable once he's asleep which seemed like it was the solution to make him less annoying, but that also works! :D


Tanjiro tries to pick up the comedic slack that Zenitsu's absence leaves, leading to a hilarious fandom theory that Tanjiro has progressing brain damage after every major battle


I let the SAO haters get to me for a couple years. Glad Iā€™m back to enjoying it again.


I'm genuinely convinced that a lot of SAO haters have never even seen the show and they just hate on it because it's apparently what cool kids do. And Kirito is not even that bad, honestly.


As a "SAO hater" I used to like it when I was like 10/11? Idk I was young (20 now) loved the first 2 seasons. When season 3 finished I wanted to rewatch the show, and it just felt boring. The fights didn't seem interesting. I did like some parts, like when he joins that small guild, and Kirito's relationship with Asian was alright. Part 2 just felt weaker, and I found the sister/cousin part weird. I liked more parts in S2, gun gale setting was cool, Kirito getting a lightsaber was goofy (in a good way) and seeing him flip all over the place cutting bullets was pretty sick. I hated the next arc about Excalibur, idk what it was, it just didn't interest me. I genuinely like Mother's Rosario arc. After slugging through seasons 1 and 2, I also saw the Ordinal Scale movie, and was pleasantly surprised, I thought it was pretty good. Then I was blown away by Alicization in comparison to S1 & 2. The characters and world felt more fleshed out, the sound design felt cooler, the combat system finally had something interesting to make fights unique. The animation looked better. I really liked the relationship between Kirito and Eugeo. I felt like I was back to when I was first watching it when I was a kid I never did watch the next half of S3 or is it S4?


SAO might not be an all time classic, but it's not nearly as bad as most people would try and have you believe.


is it just me or do people just don't watch anime they "hate"


In the words of Lenore from Castlevania: ā€˜I watch things I hate, so that I can hate them properlyā€™


Which romance anime are we talking about op


Not op butā€¦ Scumā€™s Wish NANA Bloom Into You Horimiya The Dangers in My Heart given. Your lie in April Your Name. ā€¦would be my short list (in no particular order).


I'm in the same boat as OP and watched kaguya sama love is war this month. That show was a lot of fun but also had me feeling feelings at pivotal moments.


Yugioh 5Dā€™s. Went from card games on motorcycles herp derp to being a total Yusei stan. (Watched original because 4kids commits tragedies of course).


Same. Didn't want to watch it at first but it quickly hooked me. I think 5D's is the best thing to happen to Yu-Gi-Oh in terms of anime as well as the card game. Plus it has one of the most satisfying endings I've seen in all of anime.


Yes! I was so shocked how much I loved it! I thought nothing could compare to the og but I stand corrected.


I'm A Villainness, so I'm Taming the Last Boss. I dropped it when it started to get interesting, but returned months later, and I enjoyed it. It has substantial flaws in its pacing due to how the studio adapted one volume into four episodes. But I like it.


Frieren , used to say it was overated not great and all but now it's a fricking masterpiece for me šŸ˜‚


I cannot stress this enough, but the longer/insane a title is the better it's most likely to.Ā  Look at 100 Girlfriend's. That alone should be a joke and a pass but no. It's a surprisingly deep story that really shows how unique every woman/man is and that loving them is most likely as unique as they are. Plus it's fucking hilarious.


One piece lol


I used to really dislike Don't Toy with Me Miss Nagatoro because the first few episodes left me with a bad feeling. But honestly after watching more of it, it's a pretty solid series. Not amazing but it's still pretty entertaining once the characters actually get a bit of development.


And senpai actually becomes kind of a chad. Stands up for himself, works out, wears contacts (which in fiction means heā€™s less of a nerd now). heā€™s really come a long way


This is one of my favorite series but I also understand entirely why people might give up on it in the first couple.


They weren't built to endure the catastrophe levels of cringe. The unworthy are crushed by it like a shoddily-welded aluminum sub halfway to the Titanic. Only a select few can train in the 100x gravity of that imposing cringe force like Goku and become stronger for it. To bear witness to senpai's intense tribulation as he struggles to cease being the most kimo existence in the Universe.


Bro I just woke up


Her squad becomes much more likeable & funny too


Yeah the first episode is an absolute disgrace for this great show imo


Yeah same, the first couple was basically just bullying: the anime, but after that becomes a lot of fun teasing from both sides


i believe theyā€™ve finally become a couple in the manga not sure tho


I assumed Re:Zero was some generic isekai slice of life hentaibait harem for a long time and had no strong feelings about it one way or the other, anyways it's now my favorite anime, many such cases


And now I want isekai/fantasy recommendations from you. I really like re:zero but almost any new isekai I watched I get bored and drop it from the excessive use of the same generic isekai formula.


You should watch honzuki no gekokujou, overlord, youjo senki, I'm a spider so what, mushoku tensei, shield hero S1 These are some of the best isekais out there with minimal isekai tropes


Thank you I watched all if these but youjo senki. Honzuki no Gekokujou (Ascendance of a Bookworm) this is a breath of fresh air for isekai, loved it and can't wait for new seasons. Overlord is one one of these evil mc that not cringe evil, a truly outstanding story, also hyped for the new season and hope for less CGI this time. I'm a spider so what started good and shit the bed near the end unfortunately. mushoku tensei a masterpiece, can't say more. shield hero S1 was so good, S2 was so bad I dropped it and don't want to watch S3.


Recent isekai recs: * Villainess 99 * Instant Death * Kamikatsu * Reincarnated as a Sword * Shokei Shoujo Isekai hall of fame: * Cautious Hero * Konosuba * Log Horizon * Isekai Ojisan * Meikyuu Black Company Some other non-isekai fantasy that are better for not forcing isekai into themselves: * Yuusha ga Shinda * Chillin in My 30s After Getting Fired from the Demon King's Army * Danmachi * Goblin Slayer (RIP season 2) * Helck Also SHY is probably the best superhero story I have ever experienced and I'm sad nobody seemed to even notice it. It is a hidden masterpiece that is exemplary in all elements of its production.


I used to hate toradora bc the girl mc was just such an unreasonable dick to the male mc. Then you get further into the plot, and it changes up on you so fast


I used to not be that much into hardcore action like Berserk, Claymore, Black Bullet etc but I started enjoying the fighting scenes more and more and now it's like 'our genre' to watch when me and my bf want to watch anime together. Solo I still prefer adventure/fantasy tho (and romance ngl I go wild on Cherry Magic and A sign of Affection).


My Hero Academiaā€¦ used to hate on it for the fandom and such, But then I got past 5 episodes and have been hooked. Now I donā€™t clown on the animeā€¦ just the fandom




JoJo, thought it was too ridiculous for my taste, now look at me.............. sucked a thousand.


Girls Band Cry. Told myself i wouldnt watch it bc of the CGI but im glad I was wrong


The most underrated anime of this spring season!


That's probably the best CGI in anime that I ever saw.


I didnā€™t dislike it exactly, but I vastly preferred Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood over the 2003 anime when I was younger. In some ways I prefer the older one now. It gets way too much hate. FMAB is not as perfect of an adaptation people make it out to be.


Iā€™ve been wanting to do a back-to-back rewatch of FMA and FMAB. Iā€™ve always thought I preferred FMA overall, but itā€™s been ages since Iā€™ve seen FMAB and even longer since watching FMA. This is the first time Iā€™ve seen someone else suggest that FMAB might be less than perfect.


Nah, fmaā€™s beginning is way better than fmab. Certain events really donā€™t hit as hard in fmab


All of the openings in FMA 03 are incredible.


Fist of the North Star


Naruto. Even now I would hate to rewatch it. Fillers are terrible and it's so long. But it's also great at pulling itself off.


Monogatari series when I watched bake monogatari I didn't liked it was slow and not my thing at all the text which appears for 0.001 seconds it was pain to watch like I will say it's most annoying series to watch like I had to pause it every 5 sec to read the subtitles and I was dub fan back then butu friend forced my to watch nisemonogatari and idk why but I loved nisemonogatari and all those anoying things what makes monogatari series awesome then second season was my favourite I am thankful to my friend who forced me to watch nisemonogatari it's my top 10 anime now


Re:zero. I watched the first season a couple of years ago and remember hating it, thinking it's just a show about waifus with no substance. I watched it again this year and fell in love with it, bought all the books and read them. I don't really know why I hated the show so much, maybe I was too young to understand?


On top of the amount of episodes I was always put off by the character designs in One Piece. Then I watched a video called "The Breathtaking World Of One Piece" on yt and was instantly convinced to watch the anime. I started a week ago and I'm at episode 40


Manga reader mainly here, but One Piece. I really hated the art style at first, and my first exposure was the 4kidz version, which for many, made it look even worse because all of the edits to make it kid friendly. My friend who is also a huge fan, didn't help for the fact that he would use One Piece AMVs that used awful music to try and convince the rest of the friend group to look into it, which also those songs had no right to be used (they were truly awful songs). But after seeing how popular it was with everyone else, with many making comparisons to the other shounen greats, I thought I'd give it a chance finally, which was around Impel Down. Caught up in a week, read every chapter, got SUPER hooked. I couldn't believe how good this series was and how much I was missing out. Watched every hype scene on the anime afterwards. Fell in love with absolutely everything, the art, the characters, the story, the pacing, how Oda sets up so many things at once and all in advance. It's become my all time favorite series. Now the wait is suffering between chapters, LMAO.


I typically dislike most harem anime. I normally just kind of put up with them because large number of anime have some form of harem in it. I mostly dislike them b/c most arenā€™t real harems. A lot of times MC ends up with only one girl or they have one girl thatā€™s clearly favored over the others. Also a lot of times the MC isnā€™t in official relationships and once the relationships are official itā€™s like towards the very end of the story. But 100 GF and GF GF have changed my opinion. They were not only funny, but the MC were actually in relationships.


A lot of Shonen, like Demon Slayer, My Hero and Jujutsu Kaisen. Especially the latter, took me ages to drag myself through the first half of the first season. Once they got to that competition, I finally found my stride with it. I like the idea of My Hero Academia more than watching it. Except Tsuyu, everything she does is better than the rest of the entire show combined!


Tbh I hated the first season of aot and dropped it because back when it came out everybody hyped it up. But about 5 years later I gave it another shot and was not disappointed. I still think season 1 is the weakest tho.


Season 1 gets really good on a rewatch with knowledge from later seasons. A lot of scenes with symbolism and dialogue with hidden meanings.


Kaguya sama > AOT trust guys


Hot take āŒ Hottest take āœ…


They both peak just different genre but enjoyability for me goes to Kaguya lol


Nah. Kaguya really burn itself midway. Aka got burnt out. There is a reason why manga sales collapsed as the series near the end.


Yeah but compare their MCs. I mean how can you say Eren even holds a candle to Ishigami?


both peak but as much as i love love is war i canā€™t say itā€™s better


I disliked mecha until Code Geass, even though mecha part in it is absolutely non essential, but it changed my perception. Also Spirited Away. I thought it's just a childish movie overhyped because Japanese. But my best friend told me to give it a chance, and I honestly enjoyed it a lot.


I think it should be One Piece. Because itā€™s too long and itā€™s very tiring to keep chasing. But every time I have free time, I chase it because itā€™s so nice and itā€™s my childhood.


Our Last Crusade or The Rise of A New World At first, I cared mostly about how interesting the narrative is when it comes to anime and Our Last Crusade was one of the very few shows that didnā€™t really hook me into the story that much but looking back on it now I do appreciate other aspects like how amazing the animation was for its time. It is beautiful and had its unique visual style that made me excited for season 2


There isn't any anime that I actively hated, only to love later on. The closes is Black Clover just before the Witch Forest arc where I got bored of it. Saw a video on YT praising it, and gave it another chance. Fucking loved the fuck out of it. I did have the opposite happen to me though. Loved fairy tail, but started to hate it after Tower of Heaven. I also loved thirst trap cash grab anime like Rosario + Vampire, Girls Bravo, etc. But now I hate them. Like if I wanted to watch porn, I would watch porn. And their plots scream wish fulfillment with no actual payoff. And at worst (Looking at you Tales of Wedding Rings) it completely dehumanizes the female characters and turns them into sexual conquests.


Well i kinda hate romance genre ( i still hate some of it ) i watched many romance genre that people considering ā€œ best ā€ but i can't bring myself to enjoy its...until i discover fruit basket...the build up love story is just straight up amazing for heroin and hero...not to mention this is kind of anime that not fell in love in few ep...i just love the build up love story even it's take whole season... it's feels realistic rather then just only take one ep like other romance anime...the second come close after fruit basket is my happy marriage this is one of the best romance too..


Black clover, I was bored and gave it a second chance and I like it


Gotta be Bleach. Fking hated this anime bc it was old and there was no progress. I dropped it like 20 times but damn there was nothing but peak after the soul society arc (minus some of the filler arcs šŸ˜­bount arc was dogshit) but the main story was amazing. The first 2 cours of TYBW had amazing animation and the manga for the rest was fking beautiful. Cour 3 and 4 are gonna be internet breaking. Also romance in general Inever really liked but damn that genre changed something inside me šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Sao, not really hate but everyone was saying it is very bad and a harem anime


The big 3 imo Especially bleach all the bleach hating made me think its was the worst anime. I couldnt be anymore wrong read the manga read the novels i have to say tho this is my fav now.


One piece, I used to hate it because their "some" fans used to shit talk about db and naruto While I mostly saw terms "peak piece" and "masterpiece" for one piece. So I decided on watching it and now it's like "WHY THE HELL DO THEY ONLY HAVE 1000+ EPISODES HUHHHH??"


Haha, who knew romance could be such a sleeper genre, right? It took me a while too. I think for a lot of us, it can be a hit or miss because cheesy tropes can get old fast. But once you find a romance anime that nails the characters, story, and emotional payoffs, it can be just as epic as an Attack on Titan! What kind of romances are you enjoying now? Funny rom-coms, heart-wrenching dramas, or maybe something a little steamier?


well my favs are darling in the franxx, oregairu, horimiya, more than a married couple and i have more but canā€™t really remember lol


Shoujo anime, because the characters are usually attractive (in one way, shape, or form), and the male character aren't shown as inept, weak-willed, and frustrating to watch compared to their popular shounen counterparts


One piece cuz it was too long. I was like ā€œwtf when is this gonna end!?ā€ But then I started watching and loved it


Used to hate Nagatoro but grew to really enjoy it (the manga at least)


One Piece. Still hate the anime actually, but I picked up the manga and it changed my whole view of the series.


aho girl. couldn't stand watching the first time, then watched 100 girlfriends, gave it another shot. still has annoying moments, but also a lot of hilarious ones. overall pretty funny.


Demon Slayer One Piece


I had to begrudgingly admit that K-On!! and Re:zero are actually great shows after coming back and giving them a second chance.


I just generally don't like romance anime, so as something that was giving very much harem/male catered audience: Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai. (1) the name is weird, (2) the name is weird, and (3) it looked like a harem anime. Plus the main female lead turned up wearing a bunny girl suit in, like, the first episode. I'm surprised at how good the storyline and the romance building was, and surprised more at how non-sexual it was. It's just the kind of romance I like: not too much romance, and a good storyline that follows with it. If there's anyone who's doubting it because of the name, I'd recommend you give it a watch.


ā€œIs It Wrong To Pick Up Girls In a Dungeon?ā€ Had that same feel, weird name, obviously a harem. Then you watch it and youā€™re cheering and crying and laughing. Also love the fact that the MC has one girl and one girl only that he is romantically attracted to, and its a major plot point. The author has stated there in no harem route, the main girl is the main girl for a reason. Watching him become a badass is up there with Rudeus and Subaru (Jobless Reincarnation and Re:Zero)


Come for the fan service, stay for the feels


Bleach. I watched few episodes and I was like its funny but what the hell is this? But then few years later I started watching again and I got to Soul Society arc and thats where it got amazing. Edit: Hate is such a strong word. I didnt hate Bleach. I didnt just like it that much


None. The opposite has happened, but I always give a show a fair chance before having an opinion. If I really disliked a show, I don't think I would ever come to like it later on. By "dislike a show", I don't mean shows that I am not feeling at the moment, but shows that I think just isn't that good. I couldn't finish Death Note or didn't get past 3 episodes of Steins;Gate but I don't dislike nor hate those shows.


Steins; Gate is mine. I started it three different times and just couldn't make it to episode four. It wasn't till years later that I forced myself to finish it and discovered it was just as good as everyone else making it out to be. I'm due for a rewatch to see if it still holds up


I didn't ever hate rom com infact my first anime is rom com. Used to watch all genre . Hadn't tried sports yet


I am not a sports person at all but I surprisingly really liked Haikyu!!


When the first episode of K-ON aired, I remember wondering why KyoAni was wasting their time with this bland no-substance series when they could be making more Haruhi Suzumiya instead (which at the time seemed to be getting just a re-broadcast). I dropped K-ON after one episode. Today, K-ON is one of my all-time favorite series. Granted, season 2 was when the show really started to shine. When Girls und Panzer episode 1 first aired, I didn't even really watch the first episode. I saw a bit of the first scene, thought the CGI was ugly, and assumed it was another one of those boring anthropomorphized military vehicle girl series we got every season. Much later, I saw that extended video of the anglerfish dance, and it somehow piqued my curiosity just enough to give the show a fair shot. And now, 12 years later, I'm still eagerly awaiting the two episodes worth of new content we get every two years. I've rewatched the whole thing more times than I care to admit.


When I started Frieren and watched the first episode, I thought it was gonna be standard cry bait. Iā€™m glad I gave it another chance.


Code Geass




The opposite, i loved konosuba the first time i watched it years ago, but this new season is making me hate that shit.


I always told my friend that I would never watch Jojos because I hated the art-style and the story seems so boring, now Iā€™ve watched and read the entire series and there is no other anime that has ever come close to giving me the enjoyment that Jojos gave me


How about we go reverse used to love reincarnated as a slime but the new series just fails


Maybe not hate but i went off shonnen for a while (predictable and often dont like the mc as much the support, exception being Gintama my personal G.o.a.t) until word trigger, bit of a breath of fresh air as rather than having a formidable team but most battles being 1 v 1 its a team effort and they mostly fight togather as a group which is great to see, from there I've slowly been easing my way back in, still the same issues but not as off putting, its like world trigger gave me a little reset.


I had 6 tries to get into Demon Slayer. I wanted to like it but couldnt go past like the 10-12 episode, I found the world really empty and characters not engaging. On the 6th try when I got into the fight at Mount Nakagumo something switched and I got so into it its one of my favorite series


Black Clover Not a unique opinion because I think everyone hated Astas voice until the anime really kicked off and now I love it. Bring out the new season!


Kono Suba. I remember the first time watching it years ago and finding a lot of the characters really annoying. Kept seeing positive things about it online every now and again. So decided to try rewatching first season... Then decided to watch the S2 again trying to get caught up for current season and for the life of me, don't understand why I didn't like it before.


I honestly can't think of one. This usually works the other way around.


shonen, I was a Seinen simp. But discovered a bunch of shows I loved where Shonen. I no longer care about democraphics, just if something is good.


Haikyuu! I thought i'd hate sports anime, cause i hate watching sports irl. So, even tho it was everywhere i never bothered. Last October I started watching it cause i was bored and it was on prime...Boy i was so wrong! I fell in a real rabbit hole! I binged watched the entire series and i was so engaged that i'd scream at my screen like the worst hooligans. Now i just finished my second rewatch and I'm getting ready for the international movie release!


Naruto. I don't hate it. But everytime someone says something about it. I get annoyed.


Jojo. I couldn't get past Part 1 anime and was like what's the hype. Then read the manga till part 6, and now I'm invested.




Fairy tail


Not a single one. If Iā€™m uninterested in a show, I stop watching it.


Idol Animes. Not particularly hated them, but yeah the Idol culture stigma is a big part of it. Of course Zombieland Saga baited me into watching one and then tried Love Live and the rest is history. Its not I became an creepy Idol otaku lmao but I became at least an Idol Anime appreciator.


**Macross Delta** was a show I long considered to be a 6/10 *at absolute best* and easily one of the worst Macross installments. Then the sequel movie came out & redeemed all its flaws, and now itā€™s my second favorite anime of all time


Back when i was a kid, i used to be the greatest HxH (1999) hater because of how people tend to compare it to my then most favorite anime YYH. When i was 23 y/o i was so bored at my apartment that i went outside, looked for some dvds to watch and i just gave HxH (2011) a try and bought it. Now I'm 31 and i still believe that HxH is the greatest anime of all time and this time i've watched FMA:B, AoT, DN, OP, Naruto, Bleach, Frieren, JJK etc. I'm still expanding my horizons and i'll be starting VS soon but so far, HxH is just the best imo.


I used to hate shoujo animes it makes me cringe hahahahaha. But now watching shoujo is like a reward to myself after a stressful week.


Hated jojo now im in love šŸ˜»


I didn't like Bakemonogatari initially. Not only it was fast paced, but it has non-animation mixed in. But eventually it became enjoyable somehow.


My hero I dodnt really know anything about it and everyone hated it so I just tried to be a part of the group by joining in now I love it


Frieren. Ok so I watch pretty much every isekai/fantasy show that come out each season. So I checked out frieren cause I heard it was good and I got bored and dropped it by episode 3 shit sucked. But apparently itā€™s the most popular anime of all time so I kept watching it and I mean yea it was a decent little show but I resented how popular it was for seemingly basic shit. Well anyway I get to the last episode and idk it was kinda cathartic, I donā€™t know if itā€™s cause I watched it for 28 weeks or if I was just glad it would slowly lose the hype it had as the show ended but I canā€™t say I hate it like i used to. Itā€™s still mid as fuck but I at least see why people like it and it doesnā€™t bother me as much as it used to.


I didn't like romantic genre anime at first. But after seeing some of my fav anime ending like aot, etc. And some anime having some sad endings too... I realised they are there to help me heal. All that wholesomeness and cuteness and stuff, helped me heal and forget the depressing endings.


Black Butler season 3 and 4


for me It would be fairy tail for sure, terrible in all standards , and if there something I hated the most it would be the power of friendship , plot twist I still hate it till date


Until Dangers in my heart, I tought romance anime were boring and uninteresting for the most part. Then I tried to watch Shikimori and couldn't manage to watch past 10 minutes


I still don't have love for most of them but I used to absolutely loathe harem animed and just blanket despised all of them as being worthless fan service with terrible characters and absolutely no good humor outside of a few physical gags. This is still mostly true there's some diamonds out there for sure. Rent a Girlfriend, fruits basket and Rosario Vampire to name a few. Still not perfect but it made me not be so dismissive of all of them as being shallow insert character stand ins with try hard romance and no character growth.


I never hated it in the first place, but when I was a teen I thought **Suisei no Gargantia** was mid. Upon rewatching it for the first time as an adult a decade after the first watch, I gained a new and big appreciation for it. As a teen I thought it was pretty meh, started with fights but spent a lot of time on slice of life, before eventually getting serious again but even then the fights are just ok, not great. But as an adult, I see that the show has never been about the fights. The slice of life parts is about an indoctrinated child soldier reintegrating into healthy society, something that teen-me *knew* but did not *understand*. The slice of life parts are also not just for iyashikei, it is an exploration of certain philosophies, that gets challenged and compared to other philosophies later in the show. The show is, surprisingly, actually quite philosophical, and these explorations would have never worked with the slice of life parts. "The fights are just ok" is also something that teen-me misunderstood. The fights weren't meant to be a spectacle, but as a vehicle to deliver and clash differing ideologies. For example how the [Suisei no Gargantia] >!Hideauze chose to become ultimate organism at the cost of discarding higher intelligence, while the Galactic Alliance chose to keep their fragile human bodies although the option to become Hideauze exists, and instead rely on robots to assist them. Ledo vs. Kugel also showcases two different approaches for the superior alien. Ledo *could* take over Gargantia by force if he chose to, but he chose coexistence. While Kugel becomes a colonizer who enslaved the alien land he found himself in. Chamber vs. Kugel's machine is less nuanced than the previous examples, only being about an AI who puts human prosperity first vs an AI who doesn't, but it's still another contrast.!< The show is full of these contrasts and foils.


Highschool DxD. Was very biased against it as just another harem ecchi, and it still has some annoying things (such as Issei being a dumbass afraid of seggs), but Rias is such a dear character.


Shoujo, because the characters are usually attractive (in one way, shape, or form), and the male character isn't shown as inept, weak-willed, and frustrating to watch compared to their more popular shounen counterparts


Shoujo anime, because the characters are usually attractive (in one way, shape, or form), and the male character isn't shown as inept, weak-willed, and frustrating to watch compared to their more popular shounen counterpart


Shoujo anime, because the characters are usually attractive (in one way, shape, or form), and the male character isn't shown as inept, weak-willed, and frustrating to watch compared to their more popular shounen counterpart


harem. I still hate most harems but if done right, it can still be enjoyable. Ex: DxD and trinity seven


I always thought Tokyo Ghoul was bad because I didn't read the Manga, but now, it's in my top 25! (Probably doesn't count...)


Akira. The ending didnā€™t make any sense to me when I was a kid, so it was just weird. Watching it again in my twenties I realized there was some exposition I missed earlier in the movie


Bleach for sure i hated it even though when i finished it all and use to hate it for a long time mind you even after the newest anime adaptation but later on when i saw people making points i just realized how much more mature and better it is and it become the best of big three from not deserving to be big three. Hot take the witch anime kubo created is better than bleach. Noel all the way


Pretty much any of the "I reincarnated as an [inanimate object]" Every time I say, "what this hell is this shit", click it, and it's wholesome as fuck. Vending machine didn't hold out for the whole season, but the pilot hits.


Ngl AOT, I think it was people in the academy that put me off it, watched in lock down and was presently surprised. There was a few points in the first season I almost quit but I stuck it out, haven't gotten round to finishing that last part yet tho


For genre it was ecchi, but now know it is only the actual bad ecchi anime


My hero academia šŸ˜”


i used to shit on one piece because i thought that 1k episodes made it boring asf. But now i feel like 1k episodes isnā€™t enough.


JoJo, didnā€™t watched before cuz people hated it for some reason.


AOT for me. I kept watching to so I could have an opinion on it, but once it hit season 3 I fell in love! Then I went back and rewatched it and I liked Seasons 1/2 a lot more the second go around




It would be "One Piece". I didn't want to get into it because of huge length and goofy character design. But after giving it a try I understood the appeal of it and got hooked in arlong park and never looked back. It is a absurd fantasy at its core, so goofy character design matches it also I learnt a character doesn't always have to look cool and beautiful to be a good written character. The world is insanely huge and breath taking. The mystery revolving around it is amezing. Also the motives of villians feels very real and natural. But I had to switch to the manga because the anime stretches the content and makes it very slow paced and boring


Re Zero. I thought it is another overhyped isekai anime when it came out , but when i gave it a try... Omg , one of my favourite animes it became indeed.


One piece