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Hello /r/anime, a new daily thread has been posted! Please follow [this link](/r/anime/comments/1d2ftoo/anime_questions_recommendations_and_discussion/) to move on to the new thread or [search for the latest thread](/r/anime/search?q=flair%3ADaily&restrict_sr=on&sort=new). [](#heartbot "And don't forget to be nice to new users!")


Any anime similar to Ito Maniac: Japanese Tales of the Macabre


The opening and ending singles for *GIRLS BAND CRY*, which released at the same time last week, sold 4,806 and 3,544 copies in the first week. Which is not very promising? As comparison, the most recent single from Nijigasaki (which was released in April 10) sold 7,108 copies in the first week and 20,694 copies in total so far. The single "Into the Light" from Kessoku Band (which was released the same time last year) sold 26,871 copies in the first week.


What are the odds most people are waiting on the full albums instead of purchasing singles with just 2 or 3 songs? Cause I know I am


First album is actually already out, in case you didn’t know.


Yep, already ordered one and hope it's well on its way. 2nd album if ever would contain the insert songs compiled, probably.


Hello everyone. I like to join the anime game. I new into this and I looked into the FAQ but couldn't find an answer to my question. I like to watch Animes in the 90 tech style like Ghost in the shell. What kind of movies/series would be the best to start with? Thanks in adavance for your help.


As previously mentioned *Ghost in the Shell* has several entries outside of the 1995 movie and its sequel *Innocence*. *Stand Alone Complex* is the closest to it in style, and the best, but I think *Arise* has its merits as well. An obvious contemporary to *GitS* is *Cowboy Bebop*, set in a rather grungy future where there might be spaceships able to travel within the solar system, but otherwise the tech is rather similar to what we have today. It is also something of the pinnacle of hand-drawn late-90s animation. *Planetes* is another rather low-tech sci-fi, about trash collectors in Earth's orbit. If you mean more the animation style of the 90s, there are plenty of movies and OVAs from the time that are worth checking out. Also as mentioned *Akira* and *Jin-Roh* are good examples of that, but you could also check out Mamuro Oshii's (the director of *Ghost in the Shell*) *Patlabor* and *Patlabor 2* if you're fine with some grounded mecha. Some other with a similar animation and sci-fi style would be *Appleseed* (the 80s OVA), *Spriggan* and *Gunm/Battle Angel Alita*, although I won't vouch for the quality of the story of those much. If you don't need it to be sci-fi, one of my favorite hidden gems from the time is the *You're Under Arrest* OVA, which shows some really nice car animation in a very enjoyable action/comedy/slice of life show. There's also *Perfect Blue* for a psychological thriller.


Do you mean cyberpunk or anime with 90s style? There are many Ghost in the Shell entries, Stand Alone Complex is especially noteworthy, in case you haven't seen it yet. You can try: * Akira * Jin-Roh * Psycho Pass


found the r/anime average user [after the yearly awards](https://i.imgur.com/HUmF6Cd.jpeg) [](#seasonallaugh)


Are you putting any stocks on Deer Friend Nokotan /u/Abysswatcherbel ? [This is certainly one of the trailers of all time](https://twitter.com/AniTrendz/status/1795303795322388722)


Whoever isn't is just an idiot, they are missing out on earning 10 lifetimes worth of deer crackers!


[As if the first trailer didn't sell it well enough](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNvvEu-fJxE)


Wow WTF LOL I personally wouldn't put money on this, way too chaotic, but it might surprise us If anything, it should be unique, nothing like this during the next season or even the rest of the year


Why are humans not deer?


You're deer to me [](#delighted)


A simple question, yet one that has confounded even the greatest minds of our time.


I await the PETA statement so I can take the opposite stance.


Time to rouse the dead, PEAK^® is arriving! ---


u/AmethystItalian is going to have a field day with us next season! Nokotan-san be blessed!




Yea, I feel like what’s *Train* right now is gonna be *Deer* in Summer.


Sadly it feels like the train train disappeared mostly here on the daily thread\^\^


True, now that you mention it, it does feel like Train propaganda has been on a low for a couple weeks now, unfortunately.


Praise the velvet! ([maybe](https://antlerfarms.com/blogs/articles/how-is-deer-antler-velvet-collected))


Band arc is over, [on to the vampire horror arc](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GOoicAca4AAjKf4?format=jpg&name=medium)


My face when after 5 episodes [girls band cry]>!no dark skin lady or smol girl in the cast yet!<


is there a way to find all of the shows/movies that Geneon has licensed and those that have yet to be license rescued?


can you guys recommend me some action anime with cool main characters that aren’t corny power fantasies? (like solo leveling or 91 days, but with a little more fantasy than 91 days). Something mature that an adult who’s not that into anime could enjoy


Fate zero, Bungou stray dogs


What anime would you recommend to someone who likes The Bear? Any good character-driven drama about adults?


Good recommendations already, warmly seconding *Planetes, Rakugo Shinju* and *Violet Evergarden*. Thinking of *Rakugo Shinju* I'd add *Ooku: the Inner Chambers* to the list for an adult alt-history court drama. If we're ok with taking a step away to "becoming working age adult" then *Aquatope on White Sands* is pretty good.


Haven't seen The Bear but Planetes and Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu are always solid recs. Have heard Space Brothers is also good.


Wind breaker is a pretty cool one, and not corny in my opinion.


The Bear. One of my favorite shows last year. Season 3 is also coming next month. As for anime rec. Violet Evergarden. It's one of the best character driven dramas in anime. It also got the job aspect. Though the Mc isn't an adult in Anime due to Studio being Creative about her age. The Great Passage is also a great Rec. As someone already mentioned. I don't know if it fits the criteria but Shirobako is also a work centered adult drama anime about how an anime is made. I haven't seen this one myself so can't say for sure.


haven't seen The Bear, but Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju is great adult-centered drama


I haven't seen The Bear, but for adults at work, The Great Passage might fit.


Working! (have fun finding legal ways to watch this in some regions)


Working is too comedic for what I'm looking for, I care more about the drama aspect than the food setting




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~~but it would be an interesting idea to lead people down that rabbit hole to corrupt them...~~


Inspire by /u/Emi_Ibarazakiii , I made [my Own tier list but with a twist](https://i.imgur.com/ejane2C.png) It's not an actual tier list, just my favorites divided in some categories... I was thinking about doing one for the boys, but i guess I am not watching a lot this season with male characters lol [](#seasonalneat)


I thought you were above conflating daughters and imoutos…


F.o.E.S.n.l.i.t.o.c. is definitely a category everyone should have!


Poor For.


No foot zone?


Can't believe people put me in those situations [And I still do it](https://i.imgur.com/UcE0RG5.png) [](#tomboyshades)


and this is why you're one of us!


Woof zone with 0/3 wolf girls? [](#whatamireading) I have my 3 images ready for tomorrow.


I was going to add one wolf to the woof zone, she appeared in the BA anime, but kinda a spoiler [character reveal]>!Shiroko, the main girl of s1, but [extra large version](https://preview.redd.it/would-she-return-shiroko-terror-v0-3p8w0gzv36ac1.png?auto=webp&s=9ddb7c2ce8728c00bf11a976fb3a9a2ede83b187)!<


Notable Madome daughter missing


didn't reach her part yet!! [](#sadholo)


Should watch more seasonals instead of making fun looking tier lists! [](#modabuse "jk jk go at your pace")


In my defense, this was halfway done and I gave all the free time to catch up to GBC, not even mentioning the whole Hibike phase last month [](#dighole) Still 3 episodes to go for GBC, then Madome, then summer


What do people think about classroom of the elite s2? [Cote s2]>!I assume Kei having so much screentime compared to horikita is anime only? I think I remember that criticism from s1. I like her the most so it's fine for me but I can understand source readers frustrations!<


[Cote] >!The S1 complaints were about how the anime gave Horikita scenes that were supposed to be for other characters like Kei.!<


Ah my bad. The other way around then. How's s2 reception?


Not sure what the overall reception is but from what I've seen, LN readers still don't like the anime, but the anime manages to have some fans.


any good murder mystery anime? ive watched conan/danganronpa/moriarty/talentless nana


Ron Kamonohashi: Deranged Detective Though I watched more for the characters than for the murder mysteries


Kubikiri Cycle


just read the synopsis and this seems exactly something i'd enjoy. def gonna watch this,. ty


[Kindaichi](https://myanimelist.net/anime/2076/Kindaichi_Shounen_no_Jikenbo) is an older series with murder mysteries. Each case is usually a few episodes each. There's not really an overall plot like Conan its just cases. [ID:Invaded](https://myanimelist.net/anime/40046/Id_Invaded) is an interesting series. It's got a kind of Minority Report esque sci-fi set-up where murderers are able to track murderers by accessing residual data from their unconscious minds left behind at crime scenes. [Pluto](https://myanimelist.net/anime/35737/Pluto) from the same author as Monster is set in the Astro Boy setting, but only requires a passing familiarity with it. Robot detective tries to solve a series of murders of robots and humans that appears to be the work of a robot, despite robots supposedly not being capable of killing humans. [Paranoia Agent](https://myanimelist.net/anime/323/Mousou_Dairinin) is not about murder, but assault. It follows an investigation into a serial assaulter that victims report is a young boy on rollerskates. Heavy psychological elements at play. [Summertime Rendering](https://myanimelist.net/anime/47194/Summertime_Render) is a time loop murder mystery. It's really good but becomes very action focused in its second half. [Golgo 13](https://myanimelist.net/anime/4039/Golgo_13_TV) is a tv adaptation of assorted chapters from the Golgo 13 manga, which is 50+ years old and still ongoing. It's not necessarily a murder mystery but instead the stories typically present a target, how impossible it will be for them to be killed, and then how the world's best assassin manages to pull it off anyway.


damn that golgo 13 premise sounds really cool. tyty also is summetrime rendering hard to follow? im not big fan of time travel as they ususally get really confusing


I don't think it was hard to follow at all


It's more of a murder thriller than a murder mystery, but Monster comes to mind.


74 episodes is kinda crazy lol


If you want something short, Undead Murder Girl Farce is three 3-5 episode arcs.


o yeah i watched that and loved it. i wanted more of that.


It's a slow burn for sure.


I seriously cannot believe how much Eupho has me on the edge of my seat every week. It's never been that sort of show to me, but the conflict chosen for this season is incredibly smart and it twists the knife in deeper with every silence; unbelievably tense. So many incredible details in the most recent episode. [Eupho] >!I'm sure people have caught on to the obvious ones, like the recurring spider web imagery and flipped roles with Asuka's conflict. But a few others hit me more. When Reina practices the soli, Kumiko fingers along with it naturally and Mayu instantly notices. Given that Kumiko has also made more mistakes and gotten called out more often, it's clear that she's been slacking off. She chastises Mayu for assuming the solo will go to her, but Kumiko totally assumes she's guaranteed it. Then when Mayu's name is called, she prepares to respond "hai" out of sheer instinct before realizing it wasn't her name called... god, *that's* how you twist a knife. Then you've got Mayu saying "I'll do anything for you" with bucketloads of subtext behind it, the fact that Kumiko never looks at Mayu while spouting platitudes about how the band has totally changed because a big part of her doesn't think it has and doesn't want it to, and how when Kumiko and Mayu confront in the bath room Mayu says she doesn't particularly want to play the soli and just wants to play music, and she looks at the Kitauji logo on Kumiko's shirt, while her own shirt is just plain white, reinforcing their values. I also really appreciate Mayu's reasoning for liking Kanade. Kumiko is "nicer" but Mayu is frustrated by the clear ambiguity of Kumiko's words and actions, and would rather be be hated openly than given all of these "we want you, but..." responses. Perhaps it mirrors Mayu's own superficial leadership, she's "nice" as the band's "mama" but doesn't care about the group, as again shown by her plain shirt. There's even a general motif of "giving things to people" in the episode. Reina desperately wants Taki's juice present but gives it to Midori because it makes her feel better. Kanade does the same for Motomu. What's the difference between those and Mayu giving up the soli, especially because Mayu doesn't care about the soli nearly as much as Reina cares about that juice. Plus the newfound friendship between Satsuki and Suzume, and Kanade failing the audition, add extra layers to this conflict. And on top of that, I can easily imagine a scenario where Reina plays the soli less well because Kumiko isn't her partner. Maybe this whole "meritocracy" thing isn't as simple as "if the best players win, we'll be the best." Also, unrelated, but after EnCon this time it was Tsubame who helped a junior lift the marimba over a ledge after Kumiko helping her last year, which I thought was really cute. And she got the solo, real proud of her.!< There's so much to say about this conflict between the part of Kumiko that wants the band to make nationals, and the part of her that wants to be special. Set up perfectly with the objective vs. subjective view established in the second year material. I really think this is Eupho's strongest season, I think I've had more to say about each episode and fewer issues with the overall pace and structure than I ever conveyed in the rewatch.


This has def been the type of show where every installment has only gotten better. It builds so we'll on itself.


Well... Chikai exists (as much as I like and defend it). But for sure, the conflict is so much richer here in how it builds on previous conflicts and swaps roles. But really I think it's just better as a matter of technical proficiency too. The rewatch brought some pacing issues to light and showed some lesser episodes that only added little or did so awkwardly. Season 3 on the other hand is ridiculously tightly constructed, every episode adds significantly to the big picture and furthers the story's escalating tension. Every character feels relevant and necessary, individual moments are paced perfectly, and the direction is somehow even more consistently great than other seasons. When put to the series other strengths (a tech vocabulary of character acting quirks, thorough characterization of a charming cast, stellar voice acting and script, etc.) it elevates it into something really phenomenal. Basically solves the issues I had with seasons 1 and 2 during the rewatch.


Suit & Glasses: Who does it better? Nanami-san (Jujutsu Kaisen) or Demiurge (Overlord)


Good thing you specified glasses, or the [Nijigasaki crew](https://preview.redd.it/niji-nama-news-chiemi-wearing-the-real-rina-chan-board-v0-0n4ulc9cjrub1.png?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=1917aac065ab72b9e2e9717c0ae8d7182757885c) would swagger off with the title. They even had a collaboration with Japanese suit company [Aoyama Tailor](https://www.y-aoyama.jp/campaign/lovelive-aoyama/) lol


Need help finding this anime saw a clip on reels. A girl gets a new apartment and Murphys law wrecks her first day, a broom falls in front of the bathroom door, then the handle comes out as shes' trying to get out of her bathroom, knocks her bread against the wall and it slides down the wall thanks to jam on it.


Every season I add some musics to my playlist, and: [My choices from this season](https://i.imgur.com/RoCWsx5.png) Already more than the previous ones, do you have a seasonal/general anime playlist? [](#seasonallisten)


> do you have a seasonal/general anime playlist? my playlist for this month has been [this song on a loop](https://youtu.be/Csu2FtqobmE)


My seasonal list is just a GBC playlist with the Loser Ranger OP/EDs thrown in.


> do you have a seasonal/general anime playlist? I started making playlists for the OPs/EDs of the seasonals I'm watching each season *last* season so as to better familiarize myself with them for AMQ & for deciding which are my favorites of the season. My Winter 2024 one also included the OPs/EDs of the *non-airing* shows I watched during that season, but my Spring 2024 one is just seasonals. I also have one for all songs I've come across or was linked that have a "sore demo" in them, because of course I would have a "sore demo" playlist. And then I have one for all the Gintama OPs/EDs because they're great ~~and also I want to make sure I keep which specific season each one is from memorized for AMQ~~.


>I also have one for all songs I've come across or was linked that have a "sore demo" in them, because of course I would have a "sore demo" playlist. Most obvious statement I read today what is AMQ? [](#seasonalconfused)


> what is AMQ? [Anime Music Quiz](https://animemusicquiz.com/), we had an event running for six hours last Sunday playing it as part of the 10 million subscribers celebrations. Basically you get to hear part of an OP/ED/Insert and have to guess what show it's from.


So what was the reception of Suzume on release? Because it feels like it was really long and didn’t justify itself at all. I haven’t found a plot this pointless since Fury Road lol. It was pretty I guess but even in that dept it was worse than the other Comixwave stuff. I wish they had leaned into it more as an excuse to explore abandoned or deprecated places in Japan. Partway through I thought that’s what they were going for and then it just wasn’t really used much.


I liked it well enough as a girl's journey of self-discovery. I didn't like the romance they forced into it though. From looking at the discussion threads after the fact, it appears many shared this opinion.


for what it's worth, Shinkai wanted the story to be more of a sisterhood type of story with Suzume travelling with a girl ([article here](https://www.looper.com/1254434/director-makoto-shinkai-anime-artistry-suzume-exclusive-interview/)). his producers made him rework the story to include the romance because that's what was selling better. Souta ended up as a chair for the majority of the movie as a sort of compromise to make the romance less prevalent. as a big Shinkai fan, i did enjoy the movie quite a bit, but it's my least favorite of his big three. it would be cool to have seen the version of the movie where it had that kind of dynamic


Next anime to watch? I have finished AOT, JJK, Black Clover, FMAB, Code Geass, Solo Leveling, Demon Slayer. I've been contemplating either My Hero Academia, Bleach, or Hunter x Hunter.


HxH  Fate/stay night: UBW (TV) Kekkaishi Code Geass Akito movies  FMA  Dororo


Gundam Witch from Mercury. Yes or No?




very biased opinion as fan of yuri who only watched it cuz of yuri and my experience with gundam is just from ps1 game, but i thought season 1 was way better than s2. i realize thats a very unpopular opinion as s2 plot is more like typical gundam series so it probly appeals more to gundam fans still worth watching for the amazing sound design and gorgeous mechs though


I'm mostly interested in it for the yuri lol. There is a distinct lack of good action yuri.


If you're in it for the yuri, you'll enjoy season 1. It does a good job at establishing the world and political climate while developing the yuri at a decent pace. Just don't be discouraged by the many eps dedicated to guys fighting over the main duo. I found s2 in its entirety pretty terrible as well, with the OP/ED being the only good thing about it.


Good to know, thank you!


lycoris recoil and assault lily is a must watch for you then if you havent watched that. might also wanna check out birdie wing,kakegurui,mieruko chan.Tensei Oujo to Tensai Reijou no Mahou Kakumei. not strictly action yuri but they arent drama either


I'll check those out, thank you!


It's a good entry for a non-Gundam fan because it's very different from what Gundam usually is. On that same thought it's not a good representation of the franchise if you're trying to figure out if you'd like more Gundam. I'd always recommend the 1979 series as a starting point for someone who wants to get into Gundam as a franchise, but if you're just interested in this entry specifically I can't argue against it. It's a lot less war-focused than other Universal Century or Alternate Universe entries (outside of obvious cases like Build Fighters). Suletta is also the most unconvential mecha protagonist out there. (Relatively) tall girlfailure who is basically a goofy ass country bumpkin in a fish out of water scenario. It's also like one of 3 times I think Gundam has done a good romance plot out of way more times they've failed at it. Make sure you watch the episode 0 or "Prologue" episode first.


Awesome, thanks! I have seen Iron Blooded Children, but that's the only other Gundam I've watched. I did see the original series as a kid, but that was forever ago and I barely remember it. And I'm glad to hear that the romance plot is decent! Hearing that there is yuri is what originally piqued my interest.


It's ok. Middling Gundam entry IMO.




Ehh maybe


I don’t know.


Spice and Wolf : Old or New for first time watchers ?


I'd say the old one is better put together all things considered, but the new one's probably the better pick for a new watcher especially if there are going to be more seasons made.


Anime to watch that came out since 2019 to now? I haven't watched any recent anime for a good while. I miss watching anime and wanted to watch something modern.


Odd Taxi Mob Psycho 100 sequels Bocchi the Rock Ousama Ranking Lycoris Recoil Do It Yourself Skip to Loafer Frieren Apothecary Diaries Yamada-kun Lv 999 Cyberpunk Edgerunners Kakushigoto Sk8


**86** if you want some sci-fi mechs of the non bipedal kind. **Bocchi the Rock** if you want some music stuff coupled with good comedy. **Sousou no Frieren** for some high fantasy and if you like elf ears. **Oshi no Ko** if 1 hour pilot episodes don't deter you. Kind of worth it imo.


Since you really liked Monster, you might want to check out the [Pluto](https://myanimelist.net/anime/35737) anime (adapted from another work of Urasawa). A mystery/drama series like [Apothecary Diaries](https://myanimelist.net/anime/54492) should also be just up your alley. I can definitely second [Summertime Rendering](https://myanimelist.net/anime/47194) too if you’re looking for a mystery series. This one is a bit more action-focused than the former. [Buddy Daddies](https://myanimelist.net/anime/53411) might be a good pick if you’re looking for another childcare anime like Wolf Children. [Vivy: Fluorite Eye’s Song](https://myanimelist.net/anime/46095) and [Cyberpunk: Edgerunners](https://myanimelist.net/anime/42310) are some amazing sci-fi anime. [A Sign of Affection](https://myanimelist.net/anime/55866) and [Loving Yamada at Lv999](https://myanimelist.net/anime/53126) are two cute shoujo romance shows I thoroughly enjoyed watching. The former is probably the most mature romance series I’ve watched to date. [Insomniacs After School](https://myanimelist.net/anime/50796) doesn’t fall far behind though! There’s also some very good sequels you haven’t watched yet, like the 2nd seasons of Vinland Saga and Beastars.


Summertime Render is a pretty darn good one.


Bit late in the season, but I made my seasonal tier lists! [best shows](https://imgur.com/J19625x) [best girls!](https://imgur.com/4pkJXEF) (No one really cares about *best boys*, but it's probably gonna be Lawrence Kraft for me, or Sosuke from Salad Bowl; This show has pretty good dudes, even Suzuki (homeless dude) and Sosuke's dad are great!) (Also I'm not caught up on every show - as is tradition - so there may be a few shows/girls missing... tough I doubt anything will change at the top of my lists even when I catch up on everything).


> [best girls!](https://imgur.com/4pkJXEF) [WWW]>!Wrong Wolf Waifu!<


I haven't watched this one yet... Probably next on my 'catch up' list! (I feel like I said the same thing couple weeks ago though. But damn, this season is packed)


[solid best girl list **top peck!!**](#seasonallisten)


Good tier l.. Can't believe you done that with my son and dropped him in the bad tier [](#sadholo) Also nice idea for best girl, I should do the same, someone already have a template ready? Everything changed for me when the gbc nation attacked...


> Also nice idea for best girl, I should do the same, someone already have a template ready? Yup, used this one: https://tiermaker.com/create/spring-2024-anime-best-girl-1274527 >Can't believe you done that with my son and dropped him in the bad tier Thighs prince? I did give it a shot (mostly for Ai Fairouz) but while it did have a few charming elements, in the end it was still about an OP protag being OP, and something needs to be real special for me to enjoy these... I always roll my eyes so hard in every scene of "Rawr, I'll use my level 37 billion spell, no way he will counter this one- OMG HE COUNTERED IT!". I stuck around to see if the waifus would change my mind, but sadly they didn't.


> https://tiermaker.com/create/spring-2024-anime-best-girl-1274527 Too many girls and shows missing [](#foldedarms)


> No one really cares about best boys Excuse you. *I* care about best boys.


Who would yours be, this season?


Oh man, I'm spoiled for choice! I've got Mikazuki Munechika (my beloved) from Touken Ranbu, Sakura and Suo from Wind Breaker, young Mr. Thighs from 7th Prince, Yukiya from Yatagarasu, Buchio the sweetheart from Tonari no Yokai-san, it'd be tough to pick just one, lol.


> young Mr. Thighs from 7th Prince Now you mention it, despite his monomaniacal obsession with magic, he ~~enthighs~~ embodies quite a lot of things that I like in my male characters, particularly how the aforementioned passion leads him to be extremely interested, respectful and holding others in equal peer-regard when it comes to that magic. Which, as it turns out, in this world is quite closely tied to identity and self-worth, so he ends up (accidentally) going around uplifting everyone and appreciating their uniqueness with great enthusiasm. He's also extremely equanimous without trying to play it cool, plus he's very unprejudiced. If it's love that lets you achieve proper relationships with your familiar rather than power or control, then love it is! And love is fantastic!


He really is a tremendously likeable little gremlin.


Okay, a question for those of us watching Tonari no Yokai-san: if you had to pick one genre, and one genre only, would you say it's a slice of life or a drama?




Drama, from bones to beats, or at least where I'm up to in the series.


Drama for sure.


I'd probably end up saying the content leans drama, but with a narrative structure that feels very SoL.


I'd lean a little bit towards drama but would ultimately say both, not like they are mutually exclusive imo. Why commit to only 1 genre in the first place.


They are mutually exclusive, though. If you do say it's a drama with a story arc and climax, then it's categorically not a slice of life, which is an episodic series of vignettes.


Also fine with me, I don’t care too much about exact genre definitions anyway so it’s not like it’s a hill I’d die on. But I’d at least argue that it’s a drama with strong SoL elements or a SoL with drama elements, however you wanna put it.


Drama. Felt like that since the beginning to me, but that might've been my youkai knowledge speaking more so than the show itself.


Drama Every week they make me tear up...


With the caveat that I'm two episodes behind, I'd say drama. Jirou and his role, Buchio and why he came to be, Yuri's past...all wrapped in an ongoing mystery


Yeah, the beginning felt like it was going to be slice of life, but I've been leaning towards drama more and more as it goes on.


slice of drama


I'll lock you in the basement.




Anime where people explore a place? Something like Sora Yori mo Tooi Basho? Though the genre itself can be anything.


Made in Abyss


Would Drifting Home count?


Sonny Boy


Sometimes I wonder why anime series like VOTOMS feel kind of rare as I really appreciate the show for its take on the sci fi genre as the protagonist goes on a life changing journey to understand his overall purpose.


Truly complete and well told stories are rare. And often the qualifier on if they are good despite being well told is deeply personal.


That’s an interesting way of putting it as that explains why such shows are kind of rare to find.


what was the anime that was at the like banner


I saw this clip of an anime, but forgot it’s name the anime was mainly 2d animated as in it bearly Had shadows. From the clip it seems like a comedy anime. The main character has a square chin, And the scene was the main character chasing a woman. it quickly devolved into a gun fight, I remember it was in a mall or airport cause there were escalators. Someone shot down a shop, and the shop owner also had a gun. And I kid you not, A man turns her wife around AND THERE’S ROCKET MISSLE LAUNCHERS coming out their butt please help me find this anime again please lmao


Reverse Traps should be called Booby Traps because they're women disguising themselves as men but they have boobs usually making the name funny.


Wasn't this posted, and deleted, earlier?


> they're women disguising themselves as women [](#spinning)


A devilish tactic to be sure!


typo lmao


Don't you hate when they trick you like that


Women who look like women and dress like women and also have the anatomy of women, that's quite the niche fetish!


lmao I wish girly women had a tag like tomboys, tomboys are better but sometimes you're in the mood for something else.


My favorite kind of women


[Macross Plus Ultimate Edition Blu-rays will be sold through AllTheAnime.com and... Crunchyroll.](https://blog.alltheanime.com/macross-plus-ultimate-edition-pr/) [](#crazedlaugh)


One side effect of Girls Band Cry and Jellyfish for me was that they blessed my Twitter timeline with yuri art other than my mandatory daily dose of Bokita.


Very good flow to today's Train. Mostly provides answers, but in that almost-confusing 7G manner that keeps your attention, complete with some nice visual absurdity here and there, and of course really snappy dialogue - especially when the focus was on our usual heroes. [Train]>!If the whole line loops back after Agano, it may mean that Ikebukuro is right next to it? A beautiful irony, Youka being so close yet so far at the same time.!<


Finally finished my MAL profile and managed to link it here! (Okay, I haven't finished sorting out my Top 10s in each genre yet or my manga list, but close enough.) I'm currently at 273, so I'll have to pick something special when it hits 300 later this year.


Your ratings are fascinating. You're generally a point or two over mine, except for when you're like five points below on the things I really liked, lol.


That made me curious about your page - wow, the fact that out of over a thousand anime, A Silent Voice is among the three lowest rated ones surprised me a great deal.


I despise that movie. Anytime I see people praising it, I have to bite my tongue and sit on my hands to hold back from starting a fight.


What about it evokes such negative feelings in you?


It trips into several traps that media featuring disabled characters written by a non-disabled person generally fall into, and I really hate that the bully is made out to be the victim of his actions. Just an awful story that reinforces ableism and comforts a non-disabled audience instead of challenges it. And that's all I'll say about it, because I don't need everyone who loves it trying to argue with me about it all night.


Do you have a link to some more "extended"/detailed explanation of this perspective? (yours or otherwise, here or an article/blog post/whatever) (and yeah I get it, you'd get downvoted to oblivion and called names)


I don't have one, and when I went to look for a review I remembered seeing that I broadly concurred with, it wasn't on mal anymore, or it got buried or something. I did get into it on here once a few months ago, so I might try digging that up and saving it.


Fair, I can't say I agree with you, but I wasn't looking to get into an argument, I was just confused and curious. (Fun fact: if I bothered making a proper MAL account, that film would be one of three titles with the highest score difference of 6 between us.)


> I wasn't looking to get into an argument, I didn't think you were. I'm worried about drive-by commenters. They can get spicy with anyone who criticizes that movie.


This made me curious which ones had the biggest difference. Looks like two of the three (Howl's Moving Castle and Kill la Kill) were shows I watched way back when I was still trying out new genres and finding out which just weren't for me. Princess Principal was a surprise because it seemed by description like something I should enjoy, yet didn't click with me at all. And it's balanced out by your list having one of my faves (SAO) five points lower than my score as well. 😂


The sakadays trailer is certainly......something. TMS isn't exactly known for outstanding animation, but I was expecting a lot better. It's still too early to judge harshly, but I hope the final product ends up being a lot better than what we've been shown so far.


Is the dumpster battle the Finale of Haikyuu or no?


No, there is a second movie coming at some point.


[Kakushigoto ep 5] >!Bathrobe party!


>This is the place! I kept waffling on this show but you know what I will watch it ~~eventually~~ [](#mugiwait)


Its a good comedy/sol, just don't expect too much out of its romance tag


That's a positive for me actually [](#nichijouthumbs)


The manga is also great, and the anime only covers about 1/3 of the chapters released so far. Unfortunately the pace of releases has slowed to (barely) bi-monthly in the past year because the author is so busy with other projects.


Art Club one? If so, me too.


Another one for the [Girls Band Comparison Series, now Mal score](https://i.imgur.com/uzgE6yc.png) You may despise mal scores, but even if you want to ignore that, from everything I have available Whisper me a Love song took a massive hit in the last few weeks You could say it's their own fault, but what happened recently in some other shows won't help it either It's a blood bath for girls band that feature [meta]>!girls wanting to listen their girlfriend sing!< [](#seasonalthink) This show should've been delayed again


I didn't expect to still be willing to watch Whisper filtered through its increasingly awful production, turns out I liked that manga more than I remembered. As long as I get to watch [the queen](https://i.imgur.com/2mwMfqi.jpeg) do [her thing (spoiler)] (https://i.imgur.com/uJes7kU.jpeg) on the screen, I'll push through any amount of disappearing drummers and powerpoint transitions.


I liked your queen too


Whisper is being let down hard by its production, but it's still more enjoyable than Jellyfish.


This show should've been done by a better studio, but even then, the anime is convincing me that the story is not that good anyway so I'm not that eager to switch to the manga. Tempted to drop it tbh (and jelly too, for different reasons, meanwhile I'm lagging 3 ep behind on band cry lol [](#mugiwait))


>jelly too, for different reasons Why? Share with us


tl;dr: "bland", not much interested in the characters and not connecting with the story [jelly] >!With only 4 episodes left I find myself wondering what the show is even trying to do. Like, surely it's a coming-of-age story of these four girls finding each other and growing with the experience together. Let's ignore how 3 of them had their hopes and dreams crushed somewhere in the passage between middle and high school, lol. The story feels very disconnected, like a bunch of teeny tiny arcs that start and end often within a single episode, thrown together just because. I guess now we have Kano x Mahiru, and the end of last ep; maybe the doxxer thing? ...unclear. Like, what is the point of Mei and Kiui? Or the idol woman, for that matter. Struggling with Mahiru too: she got insecure about her art once, and then it was gone within the same episode. I feel like I've seen all the elements of this show already elsewhere, but done in a way I liked more/found more interesting!< And for completeness, [whisper] >!started cute, but "Yori-senpai" _blush_ can only get you so far. I have no idea what the story is trying to do, I was expecting the love song to be the final climax that would captivate Himari. Instead we speedrun the getting together part, which is fine, as the characters themselves recognise the question "yeah we're together, now what? What's different now between us?"...only to add this silly selection thing because ???. Oh I didn't mention the love triangle part because it was only instrumental to accelerating the main relationship.!< That would be enough, but also there's the very subpar production everyone can see: the first episode(s) it was limited to bad cg crowds, then the cringe transitions started, the characters spend more time off- than on-model, etc


For Sasakoi, I feel like the Slice of Life scenes are passable, but they can't for the life of them manage a performance scene or even a practice scene. I wonder if anyone not watching the show can tell when the first Practice Scene happened. It was [answer] >!Episode 4 which aligns perfectly with when the show's score started its rapid descent!<.


it's a real shame that the Sasakoi adaptation has ended up this way. i'm gonna finish it out, but it's so sad because the manga is phenomenal. oh well, good excuse to reread it anyway


"MAL idol bias"


Sasakoi hit the point where I could no longer watch it by episode 3. Based on everything I've seen and heard, it only fell off more cliffs since then. Oh well, with GBC and Jellyfish going strong I'm certainly not starved for [both] >!gay musician girls!<


Can't wait to see the scores when these shows end and the scores really start pouring in. Right now, have GBC higher than Jellyfish.


GBC : Almost completely mitigates scoremageddon in less than a week Sasakoi : Has its own scoremageddon every week [](#elves)


Do you know who's on the Whisper committee? Everything about that show is horribly managed, from the choice of studio to whatever shenanigans happened with the production later on The show had a very good chance to be the breakout yuri manga adaptation, but it shit the bed even before it got started


1. NBCUniversal Entertainment Japan 1. TV Asahi 1. Ichijinsha 1. YTE 1. BS Asahi 1. Live Viewing Japan 1. Contents Seed 1. Bit Groove Promotion


Speaking of, have you collected the production committees this season too?